#I manage to save the convo by shifting it to her incredible ability to tell it was him from the rorschach inkblot-ass mess my printer made
cosmic-navel-gazin · 1 year
My sister just knocked on my bedroom door, she silentely entered and asked with the most earnestly confused face I've ever seen: Is that topless Jeff Bridges in the living room? Wha-why do you have that?
Me (an intellectual): aRhjslalfkjamahdjsk no! Humhmm I mean yeah!
Her: "Do it for him?"
Me: O-oh haha you never seen that? I-It's a famous simpsons meme! It's great I'll show you later. Wait wtf how did you find out it was him ?
(it's important to note here that I forgot my printer didn't have any black so the image that came out was a mishapen mess of pink blobs.)
Her: The curvature of the neck!
This is the og meme
This is what came out:
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norfolkrp · 7 years
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Congratulations Rhianna, you’ve been accepted to play an original character, Nathan Novak! Go ahead and set up your account, be sure to message the main from it.
Also, be sure to:
Make sure your ask and submit are open.
Follow everyone on the masterlist.
Track the tag norfolk: starter for open dash convos.
And tell us your initial reaction to Norfolk in the tag norfolk: talk!
– Lou & Rosh, Norfolk staff.
Name/Alias: Rhi Age: 22 Pronouns: she/her Timezone: PST (GMT-7:00) Personal tumblr: rhianna-jt.tumblr.com Activity level: mostly a 7/8 because I have access to a computer A LOT but on weekends or wednesdays I usually vanish for a bit. Triggers: N/A What’s the secret password?: Removed. How did you find us?: Been there done that sort of deal :3 What character are you applying for? An OC! (Nathan Novak) Anything else?: You guys are amazing and so is this rp okay? okay.
Full name: Nathan Novak
Age: 35
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Witch
Claimed Power: Water Manipulation
Occupation: Owner and Manager of Norfolk Aquarium
Address: 35 Rue Ave, Edgewater
Quote: “Don’t worry so much. No matter what happens you just die at the end.”
Positive traits (3): Adaptable, Forthright, Resourceful
Negative traits (3): Cynical, Airy, Unstable
Face claim: Chris Pine
People would always forget about little Nate, the boy hiding behind his rather tall and bulky older brother, Preston. He wasn’t the star of anything, nor was he quite good at anything that mattered. He skated by in school with low B’s and high C’s, but didn’t make honor roll like Preston did. Nathan never minded living in his brother’s shadow, or the fact that he had two younger and rather obnoxious sisters, the twins, Beatrice and Catherine, to take care of. What he could do for his single mother, Marissa, was give her peace of mind. The last time Nathan had seen his father Howard was a Tuesday morning before he went to work. It was like any other day, until four thirty rolled around and there was no sight of their father. A call came in at around five o’ two stating there’s been a head on collision and Howard Novak had died on sight.
The deaths would not end here. Just when Nathan had settled into their little routine, Marissa sat down with her two eldest children to explain that there would be changes around the home. Unbeknownst to Nate, his brother had quietly been showing signs of something incredible, something neither of the boys knew anything about. Magic. Both their mother and father were skilled ritualistic witches, and had hid their abilities from their children for as long as they could. Death ran in the family, you see, and knowing Howard had died when he could have been saved with magic sent Marissa into a dark place. Preston began to show signs of Fire Manipulation around his eighteenth birthday, worrying the single working mother that the cycle might repeat. She spent all her time with her eldest son, breaking away from Nathan and the twins. This made Nathan resentful of his brother, breaking any bond they once shared. From then on out it was a competition, and though two years apart, they couldn’t be more different.
Be warned, that the deaths as stated before did not end with Howard Novak. It was July twenty-fourth about two months before Nathan’s senior year of high school. He’d spent the night at a friend’s house preparing for track. It was the first thing Nate was actually good at and excelled in, something he felt proud of and could be sought after for. Nathan had been walking home from his friend’s house when neighbors began running to the end of his street screaming, some crying. They pointed up at the old brick cottage on Raven’s Row, now burning to the ground. Some were shouting and pointing to an upstairs window, where Nathan fatefully saw one of his sister’s, Catherine, jump and fall to her untimely death. No one else made it out of that house alive, no one except the person who had caused the fire. Preston Novak. The nineteen year old was immediately arrested after his mumbled confession, later found hanging by his own hand in the Norfolk County Jail.
Fresh out of school and living with family friends, Nathan enlisted into the army not long after. A year of basic training past before he was shipped out to Afghanistan, not a single achievement or any loved ones at home waiting for him. He fought for seven long years before injuring his leg during battle, sending him home with not only a handicap, but  a silver star medal awarded by his commanding officer for his heroism during battle. What his commanding officer and most of his comrades did not know is that Nathan used magic to save his war mates. Without his knowledge, Nathan had always possessed such abilities but suppressed them unknowingly from his grief. Water erupted from the shores of Pakistan and rose above his enemies, drowning them almost instantaneously upon seeing a fallen friend shot in the head by an enemy soldier. When Nathan made it home, he was still in shock from his discovery of untapped potential, so much so he decided to open up a business dedicated to his training. For nine years the Norfolk Aquarium has thrived off of those who inhabit and visit Norfolk. It is known as one of the greatest attractions in town, but none can quite figure out how the owner and manager can tame these sea creatures at will. Some speculated he could speak to them, while others called it good business. Not many know the true secret behind the aquarium, and Nathan would like it to stay that way.
Writing sample:
“Ah! Hey now, that’s not very nice…” Nate scolded a rather feisty jellyfish that nearly stung his ring finger. He’d stuck his hand just a little too far into the tank to try and feed the damn thing some fish eggs, and this is the thanks he got. The jellyfish just stared at his captive, eyeless and puffed itself out largely like a loaf of bread. Though it looked rather irritated at Nathan, it did eat the food. “Yeah, there you go asshole. You’re my least favorite, I hope you know that.” Nathan’s eyes rolled as a single finger submerged into the tank, spinning the water gently. It created a light tornado effect near his least favorite jellyfish, sending it spinning the opposite direction of the fish eggs. Ha, fuck off, Nate thought, a light grin on his lips before he turned around and realized he’d been spotted by an employee.
“Uh…y-yes Nadine, can I help you?” The seventeen year old girl blinked once, then twice, her eyes widening as she looked behind Nathan at the tank. “Nad-”
“Yes, sir! Uh-uh I mean Nathan! I was just coming to tell you that a kid stuck his hand in the hermit crab exhibit and it’s stuck on his thumb.” Nathan’s hand raised to his forehead while the other stayed firmly on his hip. A rather loud and exasperated sigh left his lips almost like a hiss, his brow furrowing deeply. “Shit. Was it that fat one with the round cheeks?”
“Uh…yeah?” The sigh grew louder and sounded more like an infant angry he couldn’t have ice cream by the minute. Another minute passed where Nathan stood like this, making Nadine shift uncomfortably from the silence. Let the kid suffer and risk an angry privileged mother chewing him out while also threatening to sue him, or save him and live another day? Probably the second option. Yeah, the second option was definitely best.
Nadine coughed.  "….Nathan…“
"Alright let’s go get the damn thing off fatso’s thumb.” He concluded with a nod. Nathan was out the door before Nadine could speak, but the look on her face said it all. Do not call a kid fatso in front of an employee. Dully noted.
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