#I managed to play an entire score backwards lol
spademooncake · 8 months
I hate to brag, but...
I can officially play the Song of Unhealing on the piano as of last Monday! This also means that I can legally make the original Song of Healing sound scary as hell by reversing it 😆 y'all are welcome 😉😇👻
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justauthoring · 4 months
your reassurance
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matches could get a little tense, but never this bad.
a/n: i go back to school in two days and im not ready to deal with the stress of everything once again so i wrote this to comfort me :) i promise i'll write for anime soon lol.
pairing: jamie tartt x f!reader
warnings: you literally get a water bottle thrown at you :)
Basically, it had all gone to hell in a matter of seconds.
What had been nothing more than any regular game you’ve gone to hundreds of times, turned into a full out brawl that left your heart racing in fear. You’d been up in the box with Rebecca, Keeley and Higgins as you always were, happily watching Richmond play while your eyes specifically gravitated towards a certain player with the number nine on his back.
Richmond was winning and you’d been very vocal and very loud about your excitement and support (like you always were) the entire game. Jamie seemed to be especially on fire that day after securing one goal himself and assisting with two other ones, which happily placed Richmond in the lead of three to one.
But it wasn’t an at home match, and it seemed like some of the fans who cheered for their home team didn’t appreciate just how loudly you and your friends were cheering.
After Jamie manages to score another goal himself, you’re jumping up to your feet, decked out in red and blue with Jamie’s number happily adorning your back. You scream so loud even though your throat already feels raw from how loud you’d been cheering the entire match, Keeley’s hands tightly clutching your arms as the both of you jump up and down. Jamie is being tackled by his teammates and you watch the celebration with a fond smile, cheeks flushed, skin slightly warm with sweat as the whole match catches up to you.
Then, suddenly, there’s something smacking you right in the forehead.
It’s a surprise enough, not having expected the hit, but it hurts enough to knock you off balance. You stumble backwards on your feet and feel Keeley’s grip tighten on you as she tries to catch you. Your hand falls to your forehead where you’d been heard, winching when it throbs in response, lowering your gaze only to see a water bottle on the ground next to your feet and when your eyes glance ahead of you, you see a pair of blazing eyes staring back at you.
“Babes,” Keeley calls out in shock, pulling your eyes on her as she glances at your forehead. “Are you–”
“Shut your damn whore mouth!”
You’ve hardly processed what’s happening before you realize that the man is trying to climb his way up to your seats, and Keeley is harshly pulling you back to safety. You distantly hear Rebecca calling out for security as Higgins tries to guide everyone else to safety as well. You know you should snap out of it and help Keeley but your vision is blurring and your heart is racing and everything is suddenly too much that you’re stuck staring at the pair of eyes that seem to wish the absolute worst for you.
The man manages to grab your arm before you can fully pull away, digging his nails into your arm as you let out a small cry before Keeley rips his grasp off of you and fully tugging you away. She pulls you to face her, shoving her in front of you when it was clear that you were the man’s target and you see security rushing past you as second later as you’re pulled away from the stadium and down the hall.
Rebecca is rushing to get medics and Keeley is trying to ask you if you’re okay but you can’t think straight. You keep glancing over your shoulder in fear that somehow the man will be there, but of course he isn’t and before you know it you’re being tucked away into a room and sat on a bench where Rebecca returns with some of Richmond’s medics.
Keeley stays there, holding your hand tightly as the medic checks you over. You squeeze her hand without even realizing it, your heart still pounding madly against your chest as the medic cleans the scratches the man had managed to dig into your arm and place a bandage over them. She confirms that you have a very mild concussion from the plastic water bottle hitting your head and she wants you to rest in the room for a bit before heading home, and only if you have someone to drive you home.
Luckily, Keeley is able to assure that you do when you find yourself unable to speak, and then the medic is leaving with one final goodbye and a nod Rebecca’s way.
“Babe,” Keeley calls softly, “are you–”
“Where is she?” A sudden voice booms and you react to something for the first time since everything had happened, back straightening as your eyes fall towards the door in alert. “Oi, where is Y/N? Y/N–”
Whatever Jamie had been about to say promptly falls shut the second he reaches the door and his eyes catch yours. His face falls when he sees you, the wild panic in his eyes morphing to concern when he takes you in and before you realize it you’re jumping off the bench and he’s wrapping his arms around you before you can even take one step.
You wrap your arms around him tightly, burying your head into the crook of his neck as a small sob leaves your lips. Jamie presses a hand to the back of your head in response, worried eyes flickering over to Keeley who’s offering him a small smile and a hand to your back before she steps out with Rebecca, the two of them giving you some privacy.
“I’m so sorry it took me so long to get ‘ere,” Jamie rambles the second he’s sure you’re alone. He pulls back, moving to cup your cheeks as his eyes traces your injuries, frowning deeply when he sees the bruise that’s welling on your forehead. “We were already leaving the pitch when it happened and when I tried to turn around, I couldn’t get through. I tried to get to you as soon as possible, love. Are… what happened?”
It’s like everything finally catches up to you. The tears welling in your eyes finally fall as you clutch onto him tightly, relying on his presence heavily, shaking your head. “I dunno,” you mumble. “One second I’m cheering for your win and then a water bottle is being thrown at my head. Jamie, he was so angry… the man who hit me and then he was trying to get to me and I froze… I… I was so scared.”
Using his thumb to brush away your tears, Jamie shakes his head, shushing you gently. “I’m so sorry, love. I should’ve been there.”
You just shake your head; “you couldn’t have known. Keeley helped get me away and Rebecca got security as soon as possible.”
“Then I owe them the whole world for keeping you safe for me,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your forehead, careful not to put pressure on your injury. “And I’ll personally make sure that that man is never allowed to a single match ever again. And worse.”
Nodding, you reach up and grab his hands in your hand, leaning against him. “I couldn’t think properly until I saw you,” you explain, registering that you hadn’t really listened to the medic when she was trying to help you. And you hadn’t thanked Rebecca or Keeley yet, which you would need to. “I think I was in shock.”
“Of course ya were,” Jamie agrees. “What ya went through… ya never should have had to. I’m so sorry that it even happened in the first place.”
You just shake your head, pressing a kiss to his palm. “I think the medic said I only had a mild concussion. And that you need to drive me home.”
“Done,” Jamie agrees with ease, “you practically already live with me. Will ya be okay takin’ the bus back home with the boys? I don’t really want ya to be alone.”
You nod with ease. “I want to be with you,” you assure, meeting his gaze. “Rebecca’s private jet is lovely but I need you.”
“Then you’ve got me,” Jamie promises, pulling you in for a hug once more, holding you tightly as if afraid you’d disappear from his fingers. “Always.”
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onechicagorpf · 4 years
Not A Stranger - Part 2
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader (Chicago Med intern)
Waking up in bed next to a random naked guy after a drunken night out usually sucks, but eh, whatever. you’ll never see him again, right? Well except this time, random naked guy turns out to be your ED attending’s little brother, so maybe you’re a little bit screwed…
Read Part 1 first here Read Part 3 here Read Part 4 here
Warnings: SMUT. Full-on, R-rated smut! Swearing, the usual cuss words. Dubious medical content, lol, because I don’t know a thing about medicine!
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Your knuckles rap against the wooden door.
“C’mon, c’mon,” You whisper under your breath, your right leg shaking restlessly. Your heart feels like its in your throat, and you honestly feel like you’re about to pass out from either excitement or anxiety or both.
There’s soft footsteps on the other side of the door, and your back snaps straight.
Jay opens the door, a smile on his face, but his eyes quickly go wide once he sees you.
You don’t care.
You surge in, reaching out and cupping the back of his head, pulling him to you. You press your lips to his passionately, your other hand fisting his shirt. Jay’s hands land on your waist, the small of your back, and he’s almost tripping backwards by the force of you. In your head, you laugh at the fact that you’ve caught him off-guard, for the first time today.
You push forwards, moving further into the threshold of his apartment, still kissing him, but he stops. He grabs your arms and pulls away from the kiss, and you’re entirely confused.
Jay looks stunned and horrified, and you frown, opening your mouth to ask if you’ve made a mistake when you hear from further inside his apartment –
“Is that the pizza?”
You almost pass out.
Jay lets go of your arms and the two of you separate, putting a far-more-than-required distance between yourselves.
Jesus fucking Christ! The exact person I was trying to avoid! Does the universe just hate me?! What did I do to piss off God this much?! You’re screaming internally, and you kinda just want to rip your own hair out.
Will comes out of the kitchen, and you almost want to groan because he’s wearing a tee and basketball shorts and honestly, this is not how you want to see your attending. He looks fine, but you just feel like you’re seeing a version of him that you’re not close enough to meet yet, and it’s weird. Almost like this is exactly why the voices of your better angels were screaming at you to not sleep with Jay again?
Oh, and there’s also the fact that you’re really only here to blow his brother’s back out.
“Oh! Y/N?” Will’s brows are furrowed, and he freezes on the spot. “Is everything okay?”
“Uh…well,” You start, but your throat is dry and you’re not even sure what to say and you’re freaking the fuck out and –
“Actually, I invited her over.” Jay jumps in, and you turn to him, eyes wide, but trying to stay calm so you can play along. “We were chatting today at Med and she said she, um, wanted to talk to you and I thought you could…help her.” Jay says looking at Will, who turns back to you, concerned.
“Right, yes. I uh – I just, I keep thinking…about Toby Wilkerson. And his stroke. And about how I was this close to just not saying anything about his symptoms because I wasn’t sure, and he could’ve died.” You manage to get out, and my god do you feel like the worst doctor on the planet right now because the truth is you barely thought about Wilkerson since he got sent up to CT.
“Aw, that sucks. But trust me, every doctor’s been there at some point. Come on, let’s talk.” Kind Will, sweet Will, gestures to the couch and you throw your hands up, vigorously waving him off. “No, no, it’s fine I didn’t realise you guys were doing a thing and I don’t want to interrupt – ”
“Nah, don’t worry about that; we were just going to watch the Hawks game but – hey!” Will says suddenly, and you and Jay both look at him expectantly, immensely confused. “You’re a huge Hawks fan, right?”
Jay turns to you slowly, and you can see him begging you to say no, to just back out. Unfortunately, what he doesn’t know is that on your first day at Med, you came in wearing a Hawks scarf that Will pointed out, so you know there’s no way you’re getting out of this one.
“I…am, yes.” You manage to say without sighing deeply, which you very much want to do. Every second of this feels like divine punishment, perfectly crafted to suit your many transgressions in life.
“Alright, come on, let’s watch the game and then we can chat about Wilkerson during the intermissions.” Reluctantly, you and Jay make your way over to the couch and sit down. Right as the thought that this couldn’t possibly get worse passes in your head, Will obliviously plops down right between the two of you. At this point, you’re just pressing your lips against each other so that you don’t burst out laughing like a maniac at how perfectly ridiculous this all is.
Will leans forward to grab the remote and find the channel showing the Hawks game. You look over at Jay, on the other side. The younger Halstead looks back at you.
His eyes scan every inch of your body, from top to bottom, painfully slow like as if he’s mentally undressing you. Heat coils in your core and you swallow hard. Jay leans back against the couch and adjusts the crotch of his jeans subtly, but you notice. A small smile is on your lips, and you feel daring all of a sudden. Holding eye contact with Jay, you run your tongue over your bottom lip, getting it wet and glossy, before sucking it into your mouth.
“Okay!” Jay gets up suddenly, his voice loud. “I’m gonna – gonna go call the pizza guy and see where he’s at!” He goes straight to the kitchen, grabbing his phone on the way. You hold your laughter in.
“There we go,” Will says as he finds the right channel. “Hey, I’m gonna grab a cup of water, you want anything?” You ask and Will requests a beer.
Slipping into the kitchen, you see Jay’s got his back to you, and his arms are shoulder width apart, bracing the edges of the kitchen sink. His knuckles are ghost white, fingers clenching the sink like he’s trying to put a dent in it.
You line up right behind him, getting on your tip-toes so you can press a soft kiss to the back of his neck. Jay shudders, groaning, and you shush him.
“Keep it down,” You warn in a quiet whisper.
“How the fuck am I supposed to keep it down when you’re – fucking – ” Jay struggles, and you chuckle.
“When I’m what? Doing this?” You snake your right hand to the front of his body, letting your fingers softly – too softly – brush the front of his jeans. Jay bucks backwards into you involuntarily, swearing under his breath. His left hand grabs your wandering fingers and holds them as he struggles to get his breathing to settle.
“Y/N…I can’t – ” You turn him around so he’s facing you, and you can see him, see what you’re doing to him. Jay’s pupils are blown, his face is flushed, he’s sweating, and his brows are furrowed. His chest is rising and falling rapidly, and you place your hand over his sternum.
“Breathe, okay? Breathe. I want you to sit down, get through this hockey game, and once Will’s gone – ”
“Once he’s gone I’m going to fuck your brains out, you understand? Y/N, seriously,” Jay holds your chin, tilting your face up, and leans in, brushing his lips against your ear. “I’m gonna make you come all night long. You’re gonna be screaming my name, all night long. You’ll never want to fuck anyone else again after tonight. I’m going to make you mine, you hear me?” You want to nod, or say yes, but your thoughts are just so far gone you can’t. You suddenly feel Jay’s fingers pinching your right nipple through your shirt, and you can’t help letting out a throaty moan that Jay immediately stifles by sliding his thumb into your mouth. You wrap your lips around his thumb and start sucking fervently, closing your eyes but Jay grabs your jaw and pulls you off.
He’s got the dirtiest smirk on his face, after watching you so desperate for him in your mouth. “Easy babygirl, you’re the one that said we got a game to watch, yeah?” He murmurs, low. You begrudgingly nod.
The doorbell goes off, and Jay slides away from you. “I’ll get that!” He announces, and you take a deep breath, adjusting your clothes, before grabbing a beer from the fridge and heading back to the living room.
Thankfully, the one thing you haven’t lied about today is that you are genuinely a huge Hawks fan, so the game manages to keep your mind off of your…other preoccupations for the most part. It’s actually pretty fun, watching another side of Jay – the little brother who’s always ribbing at Will, who leans all the way forward when the Hawks get a powerplay, who tries to hold a whole pizza slice in his mouth so he can throw his hands in the air when they score.
The goal buzzer is going off obnoxiously, and Chelsea Dagger just starts to play. Jay grabs the pizza right before it slides out of his mouth and you just laugh. Will shakes his head. “Excuse my little brother – I promise our mother taught us manners and how to behave in front of women but he’s hit his head a lot over the years, so.” Will shrugs and Jay retaliates by punching his shoulder. “Can you please try and keep it together in front of my student and colleague, please?”
Jay rolls his eyes. “She’s not just yours.” Your eyes flash dangerously at Jay, who winks at you. Luckily, Will doesn’t spot either reaction, because he’s busy looking down at his phone that’s beeping. “She can be my friend too.” Jay adds.
“Yeah…maybe…” Will trails off, and you see his eyebrows drawn together as he stares at his phone.
“Everything good?” You ask.
Will slowly shakes his head. “Brittany Norwalk? The – ”
“- Peds vs auto that you looked at after lunch?” You interject.
“Yeah, they just tried to take her up for a thoracotomy and she couldn’t take the anesthetic so we’re going to have to go non-surgical…but apparently Lanik’s trying to get her shipped off to Lakeshore so we don’t have to keep a bed filled all night til I get back there tomorrow.” Will scoffs, and you just shake your head.
“No offense, and I know he’s your boss, but Lanik’s a complete dick.”
“Trust me, I’m with you on that.” Will replies, sighing. “So what now?” Jay asks and Will thinks about it for a moment. He turns to you. “You okay with it if we talk about Wilkerson tomorrow?”
Before you can say anything, Jay cuts in. “You’re going to Med? Now?”
Will throws his hands up in the air. “It’s the best course of action; I go down there, I can start the non-surgical procedure now, and frankly I’d rather do it myself because I’ve done it before.”
Jay’s eyes connect with you and you look away immediately. You know what he’s thinking. You also know he’s probably thinking the same thing as you – that there’s a patient whose welfare is on the line, so everything else needs to take a backseat now.
“You want me to come with?” You offer, and Will thinks about it.
“It’s fine, you should get some rest anyway. Wilkerson – ”
“Honestly Will, I feel okay already. I think I just needed to get my mind off of him somehow and – ” you gesture to the TV, where the Hawks have just scored another goal, “hockey and pizza’s done the trick.”
“And surely, the amazing company of yours truly?” Jay asks, leaning back against the couch with his hands behind his head, eyes practically twinkling. Both you and Will just stare at him, before you look at each other. “I’m scared to leave you alone with him.” Will says as he starts to grab his stuff.
“Calm down, I’ll give her back to you tomorrow in one piece.” Jay shoots back – which you highly doubt, by the way – and Will says that he better, before going into the bedroom to change.
There’s just silence, and a huge gap between you and Jay on the couch. Never having been one to be able to sit still for long, you fidget, bring your feet up onto the couch and hugging your knees. Jay doesn’t move at all, his eyes on the TV and it’s starting to unnerve you. What if he’s changed his mind?
Will comes back out, in pants and a proper shirt, and picks up his belongings before bidding his goodbyes and leaving. Once the front door closes, you turn the inside latch, locking it shut.
“So,” You start, shoving your hands in your back pockets as you stare at Jay, standing in the middle of his living room.
“So.” Jay parrots back, arms crossed over his chest. His face is neutral, and you can’t read it at all and it bugs you.
“You kinda talked a big game before.”
Jay shrugs, his green eyes fixed directly on you. “Just givin’ you an out if you’ve changed your mind. I wasn’t kidding about what I said before.” His voice is hoarse, deeper than it was before when it was you and him and Will all having fun. His eyes – they’re still, so fucking green but there’s a change. There’s something dark in them, and the thought of that only excites you.
“Make me scream your name, Jay Halstead.” You say, your voice sultry, and Jay comes undone.
He drops his arms and swiftly crosses the room to you, his hand grabbing your jaw as he crushes your lips with his. The two of you slam into a nearby wall, never separating, as you continue to kiss, stronger, deeper, more desperate. Jay expertly parts your lips with his tongue and you moan into the kiss. Running your hands down his body, you feel the lines of his abs through his thin cotton tee, and you catch the hem of it in your hands. Yanking it up, you and Jay part ways to get it off him completely.
Your eyes graze over the expanse of his body – his chest, his abs, his arms. You spot the little freckles dusted over his body, and you also spot the faint scars here and there, from a lifetime of fighting. You look up, and Jay’s watching you watch him.
Maintaining eye contact, you lean forward and start kissing his chest. Light, soft kisses, but as you travel downward, you increase the pressure of your lips on his skin, gripping his hips for support. Eventually, you’re down on your knees, your mouth right under his navel. Jay makes quick work of his jeans and you yank them down unceremoniously, along with his boxers. Jay’s thick cock bounces up, resting against his stomach. You look up from where you are, and you see Jay’s face – his furrowed brows, his open mouth – and you just smile.
You gently press your lips to the tip of his cock, adding pressure slowly. You lick the slit of his cock and Jay sucks in a sharp breath. His fingers run through your hair, still gentle but you suspect not for long.
You take his cock in your mouth, and you start bobbing up and down. With your right hand, you pump whatever your mouth can’t reach of his shaft, and quickly you get into a rhythm. You make sinful noises around his cock, your hand using whatever saliva is dripping down his cock as lube to stroke the base of his shaft. “Fuck, fuck…baby – ” Jay digs his fingers into your hair, grabbing all of it in his hand. You put your left hand over his, pushing, and he gets the message.
“Are you…sure?” Jay asks, out of breath, and you hum while your lips are still wrapped around his cock. The vibrations must have felt good, because Jay swears and involuntarily bucks into your mouth, and you can taste precum starting to leak from the head of his cock.
Jay grabs your hair, and your head, and slowly starts fucking your mouth. Thankfully, he quickly picks up the pace, and starts thrusting vigorously into your mouth. You gag on his cock, just like you wanted to, and every time his thick cock hits the back of your throat, you eyes tear up, but you fucking love it. Jay pauses when he’s fully in your mouth, letting you feel the massiveness of his cock possess what feels like the entirety of your mouth, before fully pulling out.
You gasp for air, breathing heavily, as saliva dribbles down your chin. Jay runs his thumb across your lips. “You look so good with my cock in your mouth, baby.” 
“I want…I want more…” You whisper, wrapping your lips around the head of his cock once again. “I don’t want to hurt you, Y/N – FUCK!” Jay starts and you cut him off by swiftly deep-throating his cock. “Fuck fuck fuck – fuck!” Jay repeats, grabbing your hair and fucking up into your mouth. You feel him tense up, as he slams his cock in and out of your mouth, and you hear him shout, and he stops, your nose touching the base of his shaft, his cock entirely in your mouth, and you feel hot spurts of cum down your throat. When he finally releases you, his cock is red and wet, glossy all over from your saliva and his cum.
Jay lifts you up and aggressively kisses you. You grab and pull on his hair, and he retaliates by squeezing your ass hard enough that you know there’s going to be bruises tomorrow. You pull apart, and he tosses you on to the couch. He surges forward, and together you two quickly remove all of your clothing as well. He pushes you so you lay down on his couch, and Jay quickly makes himself at home between your thighs.
Keeping your legs spread with his arms, Jay starts by peppering kisses from the back of your knee to your inner thigh on one leg, before switching to the next and starting all over again. You whine, fisting his hair in your hands to try and get him to touch you where you really want him, but Jay's working his plan the way he wants to.
"God, I love the fucking sounds you make." Jay murmurs, looking up at you. Your eyelashes flutter as he softly blows at your clit, and you can hear him smirking.
"C'mon, c'mon," You beg running your fingers through his hair. Your suddenly feel the forceful pressure of a tongue against your clit, and it's so sudden and so hard that you immediately jerk, hips bucking upwards. “Oh!” You shout, and Jay grabs your hips, holds them down, and starts assaulting your clit with his mouth.
"Oh, fuck, yes, yes - please - uhhnnhh ahhh! Fuck - !" You moan, eyes squeezed shut as Jay softly sucks on your clit. You feel his fingers enter you, curling, stretching you out and you groan. With your free hand, you grab your right breast and squeeze yourself. You start getting lightheaded, and you know what's happening.
"I'm gonna...I'm gonna come..." You whisper, and Jay immediately stops what he's doing.
"No, no, no no Jay please please fuck - " You whimper, trying to grab his hair to push his face back between your legs where he's certainly an expert.
He pulls himself up, bracketing you with his arms as he's face to face with you now. Bracing himself on one arm, he uses his right hand to brush away the hair on your face. "Shhh baby, I've got you, yeah? You're mine, and I'm gonna take good care of you."
With his hand around his cock, Jay slowly rubs your opening with the head of his cock. You moan, grabbing his face with your hands, begging him to fuck you. “Say you want me,” Jay’s pupils are so dilated, and he’s breathing heavy.
“I want you, I want you so bad, please, please – ” You whine, and he leans down and presses his lips to yours, soft and gentle. Your kiss is slow, and sweet – Jay runs his tongue over your lips and you almost want to start crying because of how good everything feels. You start feeling pressure between your legs, and you grab Jay’s shoulders to try and shift yourself down to bring his cock up into you. Jay just laughs at your desperation – “I’ve got you, Y/N...easy now,” – and slides his tip into you.
You let out a loud, dragged out moan, your back arching off the couch. “You’re so fucking wet, you’re so fucking wet for me,” Jay groans, sliding his entire cock into you easily. He’s buried to the hilt inside of you, and he starts thrusting gently. So slowly, that you can feel every inch of him against your muscles, your core. You rock back against him, your pussy clenching around his cock with every thrust. “You take me…so good baby…its like your body...was made to get fucked by me,” Jay whispers into your ear, before quickening the pace, harshly slamming his cock into you with every rapid thrust. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh god – ” You whimper, your voice breaking off into a high pitched whine as you throw your head back. Your whole body is bouncing with every of Jay’s thrusts, and you know you’re so close, so close, when Jay suddenly halts his movements.
You’re going to kill him.
“You – fucking – fuck!” You breath, trying to rock yourself on his cock, trying to build up the heat in your core again, but Jay pulls out of you entirely. “Fu – Halstead!” You shout, eyes flashing but the intense look in Jay’s eyes silences you immediately. 
“I’m not letting you cum until you’re screaming my name so loud all of Chicago can hear you, okay?” Jay’s voice is rough, deep and almost threatening, and you swallow hard. Eyelashes fluttering, you nod, your breasts softly bouncing as your chest rises and falls heavily. Jay grabs your arms and turns you over, so that you’re laying on your stomach. He presses his front to your back and moves your hair to the side. His lips roughly lay kisses over the back of you neck, between your shoulder blades, down your spine. You close your eyes, relaxing against his gentle movements. Eventually, his hands grip your hips and pull up, so that you’re on your knees, ass in the air, face pressed against the couch.
You feel the couch dip behind you, and you try to see what he’s doing, but you can’t, not from your angle. The suspense of it just makes everything so much more heated. You feel Jay’s left hand dig in to your left hip, and before you can even process it, you feel his cock thrust roughly into your cunt.
“Oh!” You shout, and Jay’s fingers dig into both your hips, and that’s the only warning you get before he starts pounding his thick cock into you. Obscene noises escape your mouth, and you squeeze your eyes shut as the sound of Jay’s thighs slapping against your ass resonate loudly in the room. You’re not going to be walking straight tomorrow, you know it, but it’s so fucking worth it because this feels so good, so amazing, so hot and it’s what you want and it’s what you need. Tears start spilling out of your eyes as you feel the orgasm you’ve been denied for about an hour now building again, stronger, heavier, deeper, and you start whining, whimpering, mewling.
Jay grabs your arms and lifts you a few inches off the couch, and you almost pass out because this new position gives him all the room he needs and more. Jay’s cock slams right where you need it to, and you feel like he’s fucking rearranging your guts at this point. Jay’s guttural moans are like music to your ears, and you feel your toes start curling, clenching around his thick cock.
“J – Jay, Jay, Jay! I’m coming, I’m com – JAY!” You scream, refusing to let his name part from your lips. Your vision whites out as you go over the edge, your body shuddering and twitching, and your orgasm slams into you so hard you feel like you’ve passed out. Jay slowly pulls out and gently releases your arms. He has to help flip you over because every part of you feels sorely fucked out and jelly-like.
Your eyes stay closed, and you’re drowsy, like you’ve been given every painkiller in the world. You vaguely hear Jay’s voice, and it feels like its in the distance, or as if your head is underwater.
“Hey. Hey,” Jay repeats, and you slowly open your eyes and you see him over you, watching your face with concern in his eyes. “Did I go too hard?” He’s worried, and you just slowly shake your head.
“Y/N, I – ”
You say something so soft Jay can’t make it out. “What is it, Y/N?” He leans closer. You just reach down between the two of you, and wrap your hand around his still erect cock that’s now leaking precum again.
Jay stiffens, but he grabs your hand. “It’s okay, I’m okay, let’s just make sure you’re fine – ” and he shifts to get up, but you stop him. Your eyes are wide open now, and while your head is still spinning, you’re a little more focused than you were 5 minutes ago. You send your right hand downwards, touching yourself and covering your fingers in your wetness. One of your fingers accidentally swipes against your sensitive clit and you twitch sharply, crying out, and Jay’s immediately holding you, worried. 
“It’s fine, I’m fine,” You murmur, and bring your slick hand up, wrapping it around Jay’s cock. Jay settles his forearms on either side of your head, bracketing you, and he presses a soft, chaste kiss to your lips. Smiling against him, you start working his cock, your hand rubbing against his stomach and yours. Jay’s so close already, so it doesn’t take too long before he starts moaning. He dips his head into your neck, swearing under his breath. “Hey, no, I want to see you Jay. Look at me now,” You say, and Jay wordlessly complies, lifting his head back up. You see how absolutely wrecked he looks – brows drawn together, sweat all over his face, and body, breathing like he’s running out of air – and you reach up with your other hand and brush your thumb against his check. “You’re so good Jay, you’re so good, you’re almost there baby,” You encourage him, and he nods. “I’m clo – close, Y/N, I’m so – I’m almost – I – uhn, fuck – I’m so close baby – ” Jay babbles softly, eyes screwed shut. You almost come again, just watching how gone he is. Jay sucks in a sharp breath when you run your thumb over his slit, and then he’s over the edge.
“Oh fuck – fuck, fuck – Y/N, Y/N!” Jay shouts, shooting hot cum over your stomach, your breasts. You press kisses to his neck, letting him settle down and regain his senses as he sags down against you. The both of you are slick with sweat, and half unconscious, so it’s a while before anyone moves or says anything. Eventually, the two of you decide you need to get in the shower, so you do.
The two of you stand under the shower water, and you run your hands over each other’s bodies, cleaning away the messes of Jay’s orgasm. Well, at least you do. Jay’s fingers keep peeling off to thumb your nipples, or squeeze your breasts, and you have to grab his fingers to stop him from being so handsy. He laughs –  a cheeky, I’m-not-sorry-at-all look on his face.
“So,” You start, looking at him.
“So,” Jay repeats, his lips curving into a smile.
“You kept your promise, I’ll say. Made me scream your name, fucked me so hard and so good I think you might have ruined everyone else for me,” You say, and Jay frowns. “Might have?” You just laugh softly, as does Jay, before his face drops the smile. “Seriously, though, are you okay? I went really hard on you – I swear, I didn’t mean to – I don’t know what happened – I just saw you there under me and I just – I lost my mind and you just looked so fucking good and I wanted to – ”
“Shh – Jay, look at me.”
His green eyes connect with yours, and your hearts warms with how full of concern and worry they are.
“I can take it. When it’s from you, I can take it,” You say, and then your heart’s beating like crazy in your chest because that right there? That sounds like its more than just sex. You’re not sure what this is, you’re not even sure if you should be doing this at all – Will’s still his brother and still your attending and having sex with Jay already screws stuff up but something more than sex? 
That’s just a recipe for disaster, right?
Thankfully, Jay doesn’t seem to realise that you’re starting to panic, and he just leans in, and holds your face in his hands as he kisses you softly. You relax, Jay’s lips moving against yours, with yours, in a delicate dance that has you forgetting all your worries and feeling safe and comfortable.
A/N: Thanks for reading! I do have ideas for a part 3, but I’ve also kinda left it so that this can be the end of this series, so I’m probably not continuing it unless y’all want me to! If you want to see part 3, please leave comments saying so! Thanks :)
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stitching-in-time · 7 years
In which I finally fall in love with ‘My Fair Lady’
I went to see the Lyric Opera production of My Fair Lady last night, and I was absolutely blown away! I cannot imagine a more perfect production of this show could ever exist, just ahhh!!!! SO GOOD!!!! (Spoilers and rampant squeeing ahead!)
Despite the fact that it’s one of the established classic musicals, and I’m an Old Skool Musical Theatre Nerd, I’ve never been especially into My Fair Lady. I like it, it’s got a great score obviously, but I never loved it, because Henry Higgins is such an awful character that I’ve never felt it made any sense for Eliza to come back to him at the end. Until yesterday. 
The show was perfectly cast, and made the characters really come alive for me in a way they never have before. Richard E. Grant is the number one reason I bought a ticket, since he’s been one of my favorite actors for years, and he’s the absolute best Henry Higgins I’ve ever seen. It takes an unbelievable amount of charm and humor to make a character likable who spends the entire show singing about how much he dislikes women and how the lower classes offend his ears, and I’ve never seen anyone manage it before, but Grant does. Unlike the stodgy Rex Harrison, who actually seemed to believe all the nonsense Higgins espouses, Grant seems to understand that it *is* nonsense, and that for all his academic knowledge, Higgins is not a great authority figure, but essentially a very childish character who’s actually clueless about how the real world works, and can’t see anything beyond himself. Thus, his growing realization that having another person in his life with a different point of view -namely Eliza- has actually enriched his life, becomes quite poignant. Both Grant and Lisa O’Hare as Eliza brought a considerable amount of humor and physicality to their roles, which, in addition to making the show funnier, made the friendship that builds up between them feel believable. You could clearly see that they were both having fun, which makes a world of difference in the characters’ relationship. There’s a line in one of the later scenes about Higgins and Eliza having gone to Brighton at one point, presumably for a seaside holiday from their elocution lessons, where Higgins buys Eliza a ring as a souvenir. For the life of me, I could never imagine a curmudgeon like Higgins having done anything of the sort, fun or kindness seeming entirely foreign to such a character, let alone Eliza actually enjoying spending her free time with him, but I could absolutely picture this Higgins and Eliza having done that, and having had a happy day that Eliza would look back on fondly, which makes Eliza giving back the ring after the ball a heart-wrenching moment. Their head-butting was played more as a teasing back-and-forth between them, and it felt genuine when he was kind to her, rather than a momentary lapse in nastiness, so for once I could understand why Eliza would start to fall for him. The fact that Richard E. Grant is hella sexy doesn’t hurt either!
The production surrounding them was gorgeous as well. All very light, airy and open, in keeping with the Art Deco aesthetic of the 1930s setting. The predominant color for all the sets was white, so it was lovely blank canvas for the costumes and the lighting to paint moods onto with different colors. I especially loved the scenes that took place in the morning, with a gorgeous golden yellow light from the side to recreate the rising sun. The beginning of the Ascot scene was breathtaking with all the lords and ladies in their finery silhouetted against a glowing back-lit curtain, which then revealed the rainbow of pastel colors in the ladies gowns when the light shifted. It was spectacular. All the costumes for the ensemble were quite colorful, even the Cockney characters, which gave the production a particularly vibrant quality.
Higgins study was a huge, gorgeous set, two stories high with book shelves all around and art deco railings. *sigh* It moved backward and forward as needed for scene changes, and I’m impressed with the actors who had to actually stand on the upper level while it was moving! Richard E. Grant was actually on a ladder on the upper level for one scene change, and while it looked really cool, I imagine it must be nerve wracking to do!
Moving the action from the 1910s to the 1930s is actually a brilliant idea story-wise, since the social structure of the society is the same, but the role of women in society had changed a great deal from Edwardian times. The idea of Eliza becoming a modern, sophisticated woman of the world who smokes, wears red, and decides what she wants to do with her life (and possibly works alongside Higgins in a very interesting twist to the staging of the final scene) feels like a perfect fit, rather than a disappointment at taming the dynamic cockney girl she was into a prim, proper Edwardian lady. (There was more than a hint of sexual tension when Eliza gives Higgins a fiery rebuff to his appeals to come back to him, and he looks at her standing there, staring him down like a queen in her red dress, and he exclaims ‘I like you like this!’ LOL I’ll bet he does!)
Nicholas le Prevost was very good as Colonel Pickering also. Colonel Pickering is usually a lovable character, and he definitely fulfilled that function here, to the point where, when he says he would miss Eliza if she doesn’t come back, the entire audience went ‘awww!’
I’m not generally a big fan of the scenes with Eliza’s father, since they’re kind of just filler scenes that pause the forward motion of the plot, but they were well done here with energetic dance numbers, so they were entertaining rather than annoying.
The one quibble I have was that the blocking wasn’t as mindful of the audience on the main floor as it should have been. For the Embassy ball, which is usually my favorite scene, they completely ruined it for me by placing a giant bench downstage center, on which the character of the Queen of Whatever-it-is sat, in a giant balloon sleeved dress- completely obscuring the view of the rest of the cast dancing further upstage for those of us in the front section of the main floor seats. Which would have been just inconvenient if we didn’t get to see the pretty dancing, but it also meant we could barely see the actual scene that goes on in pantomime on the dance floor, with Higgins & Eliza dancing, then the Hungarian cutting in, and Eliza being disappointed, Pickering being worried that she’ll be found out, and Higgins watching the whole thing confidently - which is all important character stuff that the audience needs to see to understand the plot! Luckily, I’ve seen the movie so many times that I knew what was going on, but anyone that didn’t would have had a hard time following it, and I’m extremely disappointed that the director never thought to actually consider the sight lines for the audience in this crucial scene. Any idiot can tell you that you put dancers and leading characters downstage, while characters who are watching the scene go upstage, where they can be seen, but not obstruct the main action. I’m really angry about that mess, because it’s the only flaw in an otherwise perfect show. 
And I would have loved to see Eliza and Higgins dance the Embassy Waltz, because it’s my favorite piece of music in the score, and I ship them now (never thought I’d say that..), and also Eliza’s dress was drop dead gorgeous and I wanted to see more of it. All the costumes were lovely, but that one takes the cake. The audience gasped when she walked out in that white Greek goddess dress with that laurel tiara- it was just breathtaking. I like it just as much, and maybe even a little more, than Julie Andrews’ dress in the original Broadway production, which has always been my favorite version of the ball dress. I wish they would release more photos of the production, since I’d love to see that dress up close!
But the acting was really the best thing, even more than the costumes. I’ve never rooted for Eliza to go back to Higgins in my life before, but I couldn’t help it here. Grant didn’t shy away from showing Higgins emotions when he thinks he’s lost Eliza, actually letting him cry when he goes back to his study without her- it was heartbreaking. I loved that when she came back they didn’t just end with the ‘where the devil are my slippers’ line, but had a little extra bit where she has the maids bring in some flowers for his desk, which she happily perches on with pen and notebook in hand, as he sits at the desk and beams at her. I could really picture them working together and being happy together, and it makes me so happy to finally feel like this story has an ending that feels right. I just have so many feels over this production and I wish I could see it again! It’s such a shame they won’t film it or record it for posterity, because I feel like Richard E. Grant is the best Henry Higgins there will ever be, and though Julie Andrews is obviously the quintessential Eliza, Lisa O’Hare gives her a humorous, scrappy, bold quality that’s just as effective, and Grant and O’Hare together are a perfect combination. A slightly softer Higgins and a slightly stronger Eliza make them, finally, a well-matched pair. This production made me fall in love with them, and with My Fair Lady, at last.<3
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yujachachacha · 7 years
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Part 3/3 of my trip to Akihabara! See Part 1 and Part 2 for my visit to the LLS x Sega Collab Cafe~
(1) I played a few rounds of SIFAC at the Club Sega arcade! I still can’t read Japanese kanji very well so I just kinda messed around on the selection screen without really knowing exactly what I was doing. I did get to play Snow halation, Shunjou Romantic, and Mermaid festa vol.2 ~passionate~ on Hard and Extreme (unlocked after scoring well enough on Hard, I think?) though! However, I didn’t take any pictures while I was playing since there was a line behind me and the place was kinda too dark to take good pics anyway.
I actually haven’t watched the Jan 13 niconama yet so this explanation might be kinda useless, but…here I go anyway, lol. How it works is that you need to purchase a card for 300 yen (at a vending machine right next to the SIFAC booths) - this is kinda like your membership card, and it’ll save your player data. You scan this card at the appropriate sensor when you play, and you can track your collected members, scores, and more. There are two different booths for SIFAC btw - one for playing the game itself, and one for managing your player data/scouting, and printing out cards (like the Rin card pictured here - you can see my player name, “Yujacha”, in the bottom left corner!). I think you can also earn members for performing well in your lives. Not sure. Again, my JP is shit.
Both booths cost 100 yen to use. For playing the game, you can perform 2 lives for that 100 yen. I think in the 3-person co-op mode, you can perform 3 songs? So yeah, you can equip members and skills by configuring your options before the live starts (I kinda button-mashed and managed to achieve this somehow). The play itself can get pretty intense - since you’re using large arcade buttons rather than the touchscreen of a phone or tablet, the game isn’t shy about sending complicated notes your way. I saw a guy next to me on Extreme mode with notes that required him to hold four buttons at once before going into a spray across the screen, wtf.
As for my own results…I didn’t manage a single FC, ahaha. I did rack up combos of like 140~200ish notes for each play. To be fair, tapping notes on a screen with your fingers is a hell of a lot different from smacking buttons with your entire hand. Also, I got really distracted by the Shunjou Romantic dance scenes and missed like a solid 20 notes at one point lmao.
(2) The UDX building, AKA UTX! The cafeteria inside is indeed pretty nice, and it’s where I ate lunch. It’s also home to the Tokyo Anime Center - but for some reason, it was closed today. </3
(3) While walking around Akihabara, I passed by this ad, did a double-take, and actually walked backwards to gape at it. That’s MC Kubo Yurika, AKA Shikaco (or Hanayo’s seiyuu, for those of you unfamiliar with the RL cast)!
(4) The Taito Game Station in Akihabara! There are SIFAC machines here as well, but I decided to go for the UFO catchers (claw games) instead since I already had my fill at Sega. Although they’re cheaper in Akiba than in Shinjuku (100 yen per play or 500 yen for 6 plays, rather than 200 yen per play or 500 yen for 3 plays wtf), the claws are still nigh impossible to overcome unless you’re either a pro at these machines or willing to shell out 2k+ yen. Although it was a dream of mine to win something in Japan, my wallet unfortunately disagreed with me. </3
(5) Collectible cards! I saw cards for Magic: The Gathering, and for Yu-Gi-Oh (pictured here).
(6) Warning: you will find R-18 stuff at Mandarake. This BL section is the safest picture I’m willing to post.
….like, there are uncensored boobs smack dab on the cover of books that are openly displayed on shelves. Front-facing covers on display cabinets. With, like…fluids…and, uh…you know what, I’ll just stop talking about that now. I just found it odd that I could just walk right into the store and see NSFW stuff in the open. Guess that explains some of the things I saw at a Don Quijote in Shinjuku…
The funny thing is, I couldn’t find a yuri section. It might have been just me and my terrible JP comprehension, but I seriously didn’t see a section that was specifically marked GL or whatever. Meanwhile, I saw BL everywhere I went lol.
(7) LL BDs galore! There was also the BD for the fifth live, I think? I’m pretty sure that’s what the 2015 Go Go Dreamin’ live was. Anyways, I think I might have also seen cards for SIC, but I’m not too sure.
(8) There are seiyuu CDs in Mandarake as well! Ucchi had a small collection, though nothing from her newer albums. I also saw sets from the Milky Holmes cast (Mimorin + Soramaru), Sphere (unit of four seiyuu, two of which are from K-On! - Yui’s and Mugi’s), Mizuki Nana, Chihara Minori, YuiKaori, and more.
(9) The LL/LLS doujins were waaay up at the top…and since I’m shorter than Nico, I had to tiptoe and stretch like hell in order to pull a doujin out and see what was there, wtf. There are sections dedicated to niches like NicoMaki, A-RISE, and the third-years, haha.
(10) After tiptoeing like my life depended on it, I managed to dig through the doujins enough to find Mushiyaki’s ChikaYou LLS doujin in the LLS stack! I caved and bought this because I’m complete trash for both Mushiyaki and any pairings involving You-chan.
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