#I may do display instead of weaver I don’t know yet
emeraldcreeper · 2 months
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I’ve only had agate for one full day but I already love him dearly
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This is tentatively how his match is gonna look, (her name is sediment I like to do themed names with the first few ancients of a breed that I get) with display/weaver/stained she was my egg hatch she got shamrock. shadow/cottoncandy/shamrock, I love her primary and secondary colors so I’m grateful they got access to stained day 1 because I wanted to match her with agate so badly
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meanautisticenbian · 3 years
Lilith Clawthorne has Borderline Personality Disorder: an essay
Content warnings: mentions of abuse, cults, and self harm
I don't have much of an intro but I need to get some things out of the way. 
First off, this is an essay that I made mostly for fun and because I feel like more people need to hear about this. I am not excusing Lilith's actions in any way, though hopefully this may explain some of them. 
Secondly, as you might know I have BPD myself. I'm self diagnosed yes, but I still have enough symptoms. I see a lot of myself in Lilith, as well as several traits, and I hope that this essay will be informative.
With all that being said, let's get into the analysis starting with the symptoms that are only hinted at. One of the hallmarks of Borderline Personality Disorder is an intense fear of abandonment, which Lilith seems to display disgusted as her desire to cure Eda's curse. If it's not clear enough, Eda's really the only thing Lilith cares about, which makes sense since she's clearly the only thing she has. We know that she isn't super close to Amity, despite what fans want to believe, we don't know if she's formed any positive relationships with anyone in the Emperor's Coven and it would say a lot of she didn't. With all that in mind, she is clearly very close to Eda and whenever she tries to get away from her, Lilith is always either pissed off or saddened. Sure, this could just be because she wants to heal Eda's curse and is most likely being punished by Belos, and that's why this is listed as something that's hinted at. Then again, Catra from She Ra is BPD coded as well and she mostly wanted to bring Adora back to the Horde because Shadow Weaver wanted her and was an abusive piece of shit, but it was pretty obvious that she also just wanted her crush and only friend back, so I don't see how this can't be applied to Lilith as well.
Lilith seems to have a black–and–white view on the people around her and maybe even herself. Whenever Eda escapes her, she suddenly flips from being loving and caring to her and really acting like she cares about her to treating her like she just pissed on her waffles. Her way of viewing other people (mostly Eda) is another symptom of BPD, being a black–and–white view on everything and rapid changes in self image and views of everyone else. One moment she views Eda as a beautiful and loving sister, the next she's just an old woman slowing her down. One moment Belos is a trustworthy leader, next he's a monstrous tyrant. One moment Luz is an annoying child she can use as bait, next she's her only hope in saving Eda.
She seems to harbor some of these feelings to herself as well. One moment she acts like she's fully aware of the baddie she is, and next she seems to hate herself. Another valid explanation is that this could also be viewed as her hiding her insecurities since she is clearly one to hold back those emotions and she only ever seems to let Eda see this side of her (save for Luz in the season 1 finale) but this is still a common BPD trait that seems to fit her so it would make sense.
Now let's move on to the more explicit symptoms. If it's not obvious enough, Lilith has some major anger issues. She was ready to kill Eda after she did as much as annoy her in Covention and tell her how worthless her life is after she (actually Luz) escapes her in Once Upon a Swamp. It was certainly reasonable for her to be upset about Luz accidentally blowing up the side of a building, but she had a worse outburst over her sister rhyming.
Now we move on to what I think is her most obvious trait: her impulsiveness. Like I said before, Lilith tends to have sudden violent outbursts and act without thinking. It doesn't excuse anything she's done but it certainly does explain a LOT.
It could be a possible explanation for why her first instinct was to use Luz as a human shield while she was fighting Eda and threw Luz off a cliff in order to get Eda to use all her magic instead of making a new bubble for Luz or doing literally anything that WOULDN'T harm Luz. This could maybe (key word) also provide an explanation for why she cursed Eda instead of going and talking to her (assuming she didn't), but her disorder seems to stem more from trauma than it does genetics, both of which are ways BPD can manifest.
Mood swings are another symptom she definitely has, but that can easily be paired with the point about her changes in self image and how she views others, as well as the points about her anger and impulsivity, so I won't go into detail about that.
Depression, guilt, and ongoing feelings of emptiness are obvious traits that don't need much explaining.
The last major trait wanna bring up is self harm and self destructive and suicidal behavior. I couldn't really find any point in which she showed any suicidal tendencies or urges to hurt herself and it is most likely that she won't be showing those traits at any point in the future, though I do believe it is possible that the show may depict self destructive behaviors in her. Obviously, she wouldn't be shown cutting or burning herself, but maybe it could be displayed in a more PG fashion such as her not taking proper care of herself or having risky behaviors.
There are nine main traits of BPD and one needs to have at least five of them to get a diagnosis. Lilith seems to exhibit six and possibly seven of these traits. I could end it here by saying that Lilith definitely has BPD and needs a hug, but we're not done yet.
Despite what most people might say about borderline people and how we're depicted, we're more likely to be victims of abuse than we are abusers. Most of the time the trauma from the abuse is the cause of the disorder, for those who don't inherit it. Many people with the disorder have claimed to have been physically, sexually, psychologically or emotionally abused or neglected during their lifetime. We don't know the exact details of Lilith's time in the coven or what it was like for her, all we know is that it was basically a cult and she definitely experienced some form of abuse. We know that emotional and psychological abuse were definitely present in her and Belos's relationship, and there is definitely a possibility that there was some physical abuse as well. As for neglect, there isn't really anything that can support the claim even if it seems plausible, and logically speaking, she most likely wasn't sexually abused simply just because this is a family show, so unless Disney is ok with Dana going THERE, that one's a little too far out of the realm of possibility.
So, where does that leave us? Well if I'm being honest, she definitely seems to have a case of untreated and probably undiagnosed BPD caused by a series of traumatic events. And the thing is, she's only in 6/19 episodes in the series so far, and we've probably only really seen the tip of the iceberg. She could have a lot more going on with her that we will definitely see in season 2, I highly doubt she won't.
Lilith is definitely BPD coded, and whether the rep is intentional or not, it's still something I can consider good rep. It's super rare that you find borderline characters in the media that are not abusers, manipulators, or terrible, irredeemable people in general. Lilith is not a bad person whatsoever, and even if she's not much of a good person either, she's not irredeemable. She certainly has a long way to go, but with proper guidance and psychological help, she will get there eventually.
I would like to finish this off by saying I'm not trying to excuse or condone her actions, I am simply addressing how it's possible for her to be borderline, based on what screen time she has and my own experiences. I just want to express my appreciation for what rep we have, as well as analyzing her character a bit.
Thank you all for reading
- Sunny
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 135
I think y’all are in for a treat with this one. I won’t spoil it, though, other than to say that @baelpenrose and @charlylimph-blog thought this chapter was hilarious.
Think about that, please. Charly and Arthur think this chapter is hilarious.
Eyeah. That’s all I’ve got to say about that. I do not take responsibility for any injuries sustained.
As always, please don’t forget to check out the podcast! I will plug it shamelessly, so you may as well.
“Where are they?” Alistair murmured while he searched our shared office thoroughly.  Had it been anyone else, I would say he was being calm, but the fact that he was searching for anything, at all, tagged it in my head as a downright frantic pace.
“Where are what?”
“Nothing,” he dismissed, despite continuing his search.
I furrowed my brows. “You haven’t even had your tea yet. Or your breakfast?”
A pale hand waved me off. “I am aware.”
Shrugging, I gave it up as a lost cause and went back to the list of evacuees that Tyche and I had drafted up. After whipping up a preliminary list of who was assigned where, we were doing a more thorough second pass to ensure no conflicts of personality.  Deep in thought, I paid Alistair no attention until Parvati and Hannah arrived fifteen minutes later.
“Alistair, they aren’t here, so you can stop looking,” Hannah grinned as she took her accustomed seat.
“I am sure I don’t know what you mean.”
“Surrrrre you don’t. Just like I’m sure you don’t know why several of the paint pens ran out of pigment,” Parvati assured him in the most sincere tone I had ever heard. My former therapist would have been proud.
I fought back a smile as he straightened and finally stopped his search, even going so far as to tug his shirt to get any wrinkles out. “I know no such thing.”  With that, he turned his back to all three of our snickering faces, requesting his usual tea and scone from the food console.
Composing my face, I tried to be serious for a minute. “You should eat fast, because our appointment with Arthur Farro is in about fi - “
My door whooshed open. Speak of the devil.
“ - ve minutes early, apparently,” I finished.
Unperturbed as usual, the subject of my previous suggestion strolled in with his usual air of confidence.  Just as he was going to take a seat beside Parvati, he leaned across the table. “Aww, no kiwi or pomegranate on your clotted cream this morning? Poor fing,” he said with a mocking pout.
“I am baffled why everyone believes such things of me,” Alistair grumbled into his tea with a scowl.
I sputtered. “You were using the pens on your breakfast?”
He didn’t even bother denying the chorus of confirmations from those around him, taking the higher road of sudden deafness. “Farro, I am still not entirely sure why a former warlord is necessary for discussions of an evacuation plan.”
“Warlords are generally just berserkers if they don’t have anyone to be ‘lord’ of.” Farro shot a dazzling smile as I supressed a groan. “But then again, being British, I’m sure you got confused, what with all the lords that were there in the last century without even land to their names.”
It really was easier sometimes to do things without either of them. Time to step in. “Gentlemen,” I purred in my most annoyingly ‘motivational’ tone possible, “the bathroom is right through that door, if you would like to continue your pissing contest.  However, some of us have actual work to do, so whether you fuck it out or fight it out, please do so on your own time.”
Both mouths shut with an audible click, and both men looked away from me. But at least they were quiet. Sophia: 1, Whatever-the-hell-this-was: 0.
I forged ahead while I had the chance. “Arthur, thank you for taking time to meet with us regarding the plans for fortifying the safety points. I’m sorry that Tyche couldn’t be here, however she scheduled her stay-cation several months ago and frankly deserves it.” By which I meant I had bribed Derek with a nauseating amount of bao to disable any communications to or from this office from going to her data pad until the start of her first shift post-vacation, and threatened my entire family within an inch of their lives to keep them from bringing up work around her for the next week. “However, I do have her concerns and suggestions ready, I assure you.”
With a scowl, he glanced at me and stood, calling up the emitter-map of the Ark. Quickly, he sketch circles around each of the ‘bunkers’ we had designated. “Xiomara had very sound judgement in the locations she chose for safe-zones, and I honestly expected it. Between her and Evania, there is a frankly terrifying amount of strategic prowess in what is theoretically our Health and Safety office.”
“You can’t be healthy or safe if you’re dead,” Hannah pointed out.
He tossed her a wink and grin. “Touche. However, none of them are perfect. This location,” he leaned to tap and zoom on a mess hall, “is fortified, has access to food and drink, even if you have to furiously call up non-perishables and potable water, and only has one entrance/egress.  A huge entry/egress, unfortunately: the door is ten meters wide.”
Parvati tapped a couple times on her datapad before chiming in. “It does close, however. And it locks.”
Arthur shook his head. “In two panels, each five meters wide. If even one is blown, the gap is indefensible. Both, everyone in there is free for the taking.”
“You are suggesting we ask Miys to narrow the aperture of the door?” I groaned when I heard Alistair leverage his overly-formal language.
It didn’t get any better when Arthur nodded. “Worst they can say is no, but the size of the door is simply for ease of access and to assuage anyone with proximity issues. Now that we all have these handy alerts - “ he tapped his temple for emphasis “ - it isn’t nearly as necessary. Noah? Bud? What do you think?”
The buzz from the ceiling was clearly amused. “I am amenable if this is a solution. As Arthur pointed out, the width of that door is no longer necessary.”
“Annnd there we go,” Arthur shrugged. “The boatwright said yes, if that’s what we want.”
My jaw nearly hit the floor when Alistair nodded firmly and stood. Swiftly, he highlighted three more areas. “These have the same potential concern. We should include those in the proposal.”
‘We’? ‘We’ whomst??? Since when were they on the same side?
“I agree,” Arthur continued enthusiastically, causing my head to start twinging in pain. “According to the engineers and the chemisists on board, the material of the Ark is remarkably fire-retardant despite it’s organic nature - let’s hear it for advanced civilizations - so there is no additional need for fire doors. There is however a possibility of concussive damage to the actual doors in any area, despite how thick the actual walls are.”
“Tyche recommended shock-absorbent material on the exteriors of each door, dropped via internal trigger and held taught by wires rather than any sort of scaffolding,” I suggested, recovering my focus. I flicked the concept at the emitter, where it was displayed alongside the schematic of the Ark. “Using wires would allow us to also store it in a roll at the top of the door, and allow pulleys to draw the wires embedded in the bulkhead down to cover the entire door.”
Hannah nodded thoughtfully. “The materials she suggests are a good idea - definitely maximizes shock absorption as much as possible. My only concern is that we can probably double the flame resistance of the materials for only a ten-percent loss of effectiveness.”
Calling up my datapad, I smiled as I quoted. “ ‘However, Hannah is a professional weaver and seamstress, and therefore I defer to her on any suggestions regarding materials used, provided there is no more than twenty-percent loss of efficacy’. Apparently she did the calculations and had Charly and Conor both check behind her - anything below twenty percent loss, and the blast would blow the doors.”
“And when did the more sensible Miss Reid learn engineering?” Alistair asked in what sounded like genuine curiosity.
“Tuesdays - I think?” I scrunched my face and searched my memory. “It was something very important when we were cosplaying.”
Arthur snorted, but gestured an apology when Alistair affixed him with a downright lethal glare.
Hannah ignored them both. “Wool… We should be able to synthesize raw wool, instead of the plant based materials here. Best of both worlds - fluffy, incredibly flame resistant, and disperses concussive force like nothing else. Line it with silk for shrapnel? We should be good.”
“Fortress defense via quilts. I like it,” Arthur grinned savagely.
“There is a reason tapestries were so important in the Middle Ages,” Alistair snarked at him. “Both flame resistant and insulating, both very good qualities when you see by torches and candles in a drafty residence that echoes like a cathedral.”
Arthur held his hands up in surrender. “Not arguing, no worries… Genuine respect, swear.”
“Annnnd forging on from whatever-the-fuck-that-was,” I interjected, trying to focus on the topic at hand rather than… well, whatever the fuck that was, “That’s overlarge entries and concussive force taken care of. What other concerns did you have, Arthur?”
“Frankly? Camouflage,” he told us sternly. “The best way to protect against an invading enemy is to make it so hard to find you that it isn’t worth the effort.  All these defenses are good an all, but… they’ll stick out like a sore thumb and practically scream ‘Hey! We’re in HERE!’ “ I stifled a laugh when he hopped and waved his arms furiously.
“Very dignified, Farro,” Alistair sniffed as he stood to get more tea.
“I know, right? I’m so classy…”
Rolling my eyes and still regretting having them both in my office at the same time, “We actually have the camouflage solved for.” You could have heard a pin drop, all four of them frozen, mouths open. “It came through this morning from Zach.” I swiped the fortress-quilt specs down, and popped up the plans for the camouflage. “We’re thinking on the visible spectrum, since humans are sight animals. Zach went with a ‘most common denominator’ approach - scent, infrared, acoustic, everything but electromagnetic vision.  The quilts cover the infrared and the majority of the acoustic issues: if any body-heat shows through fifteen inches of fluffed wool and a bulkhead door, we’re doomed no matter what.” I highlighted a line of data. “Scent, likewise: Zach is suggesting aeresolized, low concentration sulfur throughout the majority of the Ark, excluding the safe-zones. The safe-zones will also have one of Miys stationed in each one, acting essentially as an air scrubber. This will minimize acoustics from active air filtration, while also adhering to Miys being a non-participant: they will be present to ensure our comfort due to minimizing body odor, nothing more.  This was already planned, the fact that it will protect us from being detected by scent is just a lagniappe.”
I waited for the thoughtful nods to pass and decided I did not see the glance that Arthur and Alistair exchanged. As long as they didn’t draw blood during the meeting, I would let it slide. “Where it gets sticky is neuroelectric. Zach, it seems, took a page out of Charly’s manual-of-mischief.” I zoomed in on the specific line of the prospectus and waited.
“He wants to what?” Hannah asked, incredulous. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh I like this,” came the ‘devil’ in ‘devil’s advocate’.
“How would it even work?” Parvati asked, genuinely curious.
I chose that one to respond to. “Just like the microfilament wires that will support the quilts, he wants to cover the walls inside several false locations with a mesh and electrify it to mimic human synaptic energy. Needle in a haystack theory.”
“Wait,” Alistair held up a hand to interrupt. “Are you also proposing that the doors to these false locations will be covered in the quilts?”
“Absolutely,” I confirmed. “Given how far from prospective entry points all of the safe-zones are located, they would run into several false locations before they encounter a real one.”
“And if they decide to tear into all the locations, even the false-positives?” Arthur poked, trying to find a hole in the idea. Which, I had to concede, was why he was even here instead of sending me messages for this.
“What if they decide to tear into every mess hall? Or every door? We can’t plan for everything.” I shook my head. “However, we can factor in a few things that seem pretty consistent despite species - Beings who don’t have legitimate work and take slaves are generally prone to laziness, despite somehow working harder to avoid work than I have ever actually worked a day in my life.  Point being, give them enough false positives on the way, they won’t actually search everything no matter what they say.”
“Speculation and hearsay, not admissible in court.”
“Au contraire, mon frère. Charly did the sociological analysis on all the species most likely to be pirates in the region of the galaxy where we will exit relativistic space, and her estimates are that the plan has a sixty-to-eighty-percent chance of success in the event that all human combatants fail. And I, personally, agree.” 
He conceded a low whistle. “Damn. If I didn’t like Evan so much, I would say Charly is being wasted with Huynh. Objection withdrawn.”
“Quite,” Alistair agreed smugly. “Miss Harper’s plan is a sound one. The Archives, however - “
I interrupted, still irritated about the topic. “You will be stationed immediately inside the doors to defend against any intruders who make it that far, while Tyche will be defending the y-junction between the speculative fiction and historical fiction categories to prevent intruders from reaching the actual people.”
“But the religious studies section - “
“Has already been scanned down to a molecular level to preserve the information, even if we can’t restore any actual artifacts,” Parvati advised in a profoundly bored tone. “You do realize that anyone who reaches that section will not be able to reach the actual people from there without doubling back, right?”
“Miss Fletcher, there is a Gutenberg Bible on this Ark, potentially the last one in existence.” The tone was icy enough to send a shiver down my spine.
“Phee,” Arthur threw out, guaranteeing my irate attention, “Is there any issue with moving the Gutenberg to the Speculative Fiction section until we meet with the Ekomari fleet?”
“Are you seri - “
“Not to placate the Monarchist, I swear. Just - that is a profoundly important historical artifact, even if I agree with nearly none of the contents. The start of the Information age! Literature in the hands of the vulgar masses! Your field of study would have never existed in the form it was without that achievement. Who cares if the first use was to print the frickin’ Bible?”
Before I could object, Parvati added her prodigious two cents. “I do not have to be Christian to appreciate the illuminations in a manuscript, any more than I have to be a Muslim to be brought to my knees by the beauty of a mosque. We can appreciate the significance of something regardless of whether we agree with it or not.”
“This is probably where Charly or Tyche would point out that I am a huge fan of laws against animal abuse, despite firmly believing that Hitler was evil incarnate,” I sighed. “Yeah, we can move the Gutenberg Bible, provided - hang on, stop cheering - PROVIDED - “ I paused to make sure they were all paying attention, “that any other works of significant cultural or historical significance are moved as well. Any first additions, significant religious texts - or in lack of ‘significant’ religious texts, just a copy of each that is agreed to be acceptable by all who follow that religion. A copy of Frankenstein, The Tale of Genji, et cetera.”
I knew my request brooked exactly zero argument from Alistair, as his eyes visibly shone when I added more books to the list. What I waited for were any objections from the other three.
Sure enough, Hannah tentatively raised her hand. When I nodded, she spoke up. “I think we should do a kind of Voyager-plate: a copy, even just digital, of all our texts around music, crafts, technology, mathematics… Art, fermentation, food preparation and the history of it. Not just for this scenario!” she insisted urgently, “For any worst-case scenario. Keep a copy, or several. And put those copies, along with all the relevant artifacts that we have on board, and keep them with the people in the Archives, in the safest part of the ship.”
“Where it would take a black hole to destroy it,” Parvati whispered.
Just as the tears were threatening my eyes, Arthur flopped back in his seat and kicked his boots up onto the table. “Jesus fuck, you guys are depressing. Right, but depressing. It’s doable, though. We just transcribe it into the most common language for each version of ‘language’ in the Galaxy…”
Alistair snorted. “You warlords and your short-sightedness. Clearly, the resolution is to transcribe it into the most common language in the Galaxy with instructions on how to translate it further down.”
“No, you limey-ass bastard,” Arthur growled. “Too much is lost in translation - there is a reason the Qur’an and the Sefer Torah should never be translated to be considered valid.”
Nope. I wasn’t dealing with it. We had covered all the necessary topics, I could message the rest. I twitch my head at both Vati and Hannah, at which point they both rose from their seats. Neither was noticed by the arguing men.
Arthur was mid-sentence when a quick strike from Vati to the top of his spinal cord rendered all his words gibberish. Rather than realizing this, he glanced down at his suddenly-tingling fingertips in confusion. Hannah simply hauled Alistair out of his seat and ignored his squawked objections, her shorter but sturdier frame more than a match for his tall, slender frame and brain that was very much against violence towards women but undecided about how to stop them from chauffeuring you out of a room.
With exactly zero ceremony, both men were deposited in the corridor, to the satisfaction of all three of us. I waggled my fingers in a farewell. “Fuck it out or fight it out, I don’t care. But not in my office. Ta!”
I could not hold back the smile anymore when both started pounding on the door for entry, not realizing I had disabled their permissions right after the first volley had been thrown.  It was almost habit, at this point, to disable their permissions to my office when they started bickering, only to restore them when they decided to act like adults.
Clearly that wasn’t the case this time. Oh well, maybe in a couple hours. I would need to ask Xiomara to do a ‘sensor test’ of the gym and med bays to be sure.
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Catra’s refusal to admit mistakes
Something that seems to baffle much of the SPOP fandom is why Catra can’t just admit her mistakes and try to do better instead of continuing to dig herself a deeper and deeper hole. To be fair, the situation is very baffling. It’s complex. There are a ton of psychological issues in play, and when they interact things can get very messy. I’m going to do my best to explain Catra’s thought processes and hang ups and hopefully not write a fucking novel in the process. (But if you do want a novel that analyzes these concepts in a lot of depth, go check out my fanfic Demons. Shameless self-promotion, whaaaaat?)
I have already gone into how Catra’s external locus of control comes into play, so I’m not going to break it down in as much detail here. To sum it up, though, Catra has an internalized belief that she can’t really control anything and isn’t responsible for her behavior since it’s not her fault she was put in a shitty situation in the first place. She doesn’t believe she had any choice but to be the villain. This is deeply rooted in her fearful and abusive upbringing where she had little to no control over what happened to her. A large part of that is how consequences didn’t match behavior, i.e. she wasn’t rewarded for being good and her punishments were overly harsh as well as inconsistent, affected by external factors.
There’s also the sunk cost fallacy to consider. That’s the idea that you have to get something out of your investments (of time, money, effort, etc.), even if the costs keep piling up. (In terms of money, think of people who gamble larger and larger sums of money out of determination to win back their initial bet.) For Catra, this fallacy has convinced her that if she changes course and gives up on her goals, then everything she suffered in the Horde and all the effort she put into moving up in the ranks would be for nothing. She thinks getting to the top and proving her worth/winning respect would be the ulitmate triumph. Of course, we see her struggle with disillusionment over this in season 4, which helps set the table for what we hope will be a redemption arc.
These are only two examples of the ways Catra’s abusive upbringing affected her ability to admit her mistakes. The effects of abuse (especially in one’s childhood) are pervasive, affecting your thought processes and perception of the world in a million little ways that are hard to undo. I’m going to dig deeper now into some of the other reasons Catra struggles with this. They include an authoritarian environment, scapegoating, toxic leadership, poor behavioral modelling, an exaggerated fear of punishment, and the resentment of injustice.
(Please note: in this meta I’m not trying to make excuses for Catra and say she should not have to accept responsibility for her mistakes because she was abused. My aim here is to explain why it’s so difficult for her to shoulder blame in hopes that people will better understand her.)
Also under the cut, I’m going to finish this meta by examining how Angella and Glimmer are foils to Shadow Weaver and Catra, how Glimmer had a better example set for her and has now set an example for Catra.
Authoritarianism, injustice, and fear
It’s important to understand that Catra was raised to believe that apologizing or changing course makes someone a weak person or, worse, a bad leader. As Adora says, displays of weakness are strongly discouraged in the Horde. And in an authoritarian, militarized environment like the Horde, admitting mistakes is seen as a sign of weakness. You will very rarely, if ever, see authority figures admit they were wrong, let alone try to make amends for it. And since rank/pecking order is so important in these environments, that behavior filters down because no one wants to be at the bottom.
Fact is, no one who was raised in the Horde is good at admitting they were wrong (except maybe Scorpia, but she’s Scorpia). Even Adora is bad at this. She takes on responsibility for everything and blames herself when things go wrong, but that self-flaggellating catastrophizing is not the same as critically evaluating one’s actions and their effects on other people. That in particular is something she struggles with.
This may be a problem in the Horde at large, but it’s even harder for Catra to admit her mistakes because she has been blamed for a lot of things unjustly, as well as bullied by her peers and abused by her superiors. Accepting blame for anything feels unfair because she has already suffered the consequences of many things she did not do. In her mind, hasn’t the world punished her enough already without humiliating her over the mistakes she has made? Her defensiveness makes sense, in this regard.
Not only do abuse survivors tend to be defensive and angry at the world for the unfair lot it gave us, we have a very hard time being vulnerable with anyone. Because what if they hurt us too? Admitting mistakes and accepting their consequences puts you in a very vulnerable position, and when you are used to being punished unnecessarily harshly and/or undeservingly, submitting yourself to someone else’s judgment is terrifying. These experiences (especially when they occur at a young age) wire people a certain way, make you constantly afraid even when there is no need.
Toxic leadership and poor behavioral modelling
Returning to the environment factor, where do you think Catra learned this behavior of shirking responsibility for her actions? Fact is, Catra never had anyone model to her how to say, “I was wrong, I’m sorry, and I will try to fix it.” Militarized environment or not, Shadow Weaver and Hordak aren’t the type of people who are willing to admit their own mistakes and failures. They come up with excuses or pass the blame off to other people, usually Catra. Whenever something goes wrong, Hordak blames it on Catra and all her “failings.” Whenever Adora disappointed, Shadow Weaver assumed it was because Catra was holding her back. Catra is their scapegoat. They do not apologize to her, acknowledge any harm they’ve done to her, or make any attempt to fix it.
This is especially true of Shadow Weaver, who raised Catra and was the main adult in her life throughout her childhood. Even when confronted with the damage she has done to Catra, she refuses to accept responsibility or acknowledge any wrongdoing. We have seen this in literally every season in which they interact. Catra is rightfully salty about her unjust treatment but Shadow Weaver brushes off her anger, making excuses or sidestepping the accusations.
In 1x10, Catra throws Shadow Weaver a bit of shade while comforting her after Hordak gives her a scathing lecture. Shadow Weaver immediately deflects with an insult before acknowledging her own behavior but not its detrimental effects or her responsibility for it.
Catra: Don’t worry about that thing with Hordak. I've got loads of experience being yelled at. Mostly by you, actually. You get used to it.
SW: I will not get used to mediocrity like you, and I certainly don’t need your pity! ...I was hard on you, I won't deny it, and I won't apologize. I just wanted to prepare you for the world. I wanted you to be strong.
In 2x06, Catra flat out confronts her about it, and she offers a justification for her behavior, still refusing to show any remorse. When Catra persists, she sidesteps it by responding to another part of her outburst.
Catra: Why did you treat me the way you did? Why was I never good enough for you? Really, I wanna know.
SW: Because you remind me of myself. You always have. Nothing was ever easy for me, either. I wasn’t born to power like Adora and... others. I had to earn my power, fight for it. Why should it be any different for you?
Catra: I was a child when you took me in! What could I have possibly done to deserve the way you treated me? I am nothing like you! You are old, and bitter, and weak!
SW: Ah, but you are like me. And just like me, you’re losing your position with Hordak, I can see that even from my cell.
In 3x04, Catra has all but lost hope, throwing shade and heavy accusations at Shadow Weaver. But she does make one last desperate plea for acknowledgment of the harm done to her, right before she’s hit by the crushing realization that she has once again been pushed aside for Adora. Here, Shadow Weaver doesn’t even react to the emotional content of Catra’s statement.
SW: Catra, there’s no need for us to be enemies. I can help you. I can offer you a way out.
Catra: So, what? You’re on the side of good now? You made me this way, and you get to be the good guy? Do you know what happened to me after you escaped? Do you even care? You couldn’t wait to get away from here, from me! ...But you came back for Adora.
SW: I came back to stop Hordak. I will make sure he’s destroyed. Don’t make me destroy you too.
Saying she came back to stop Hordak is sort of an excuse, but Shadow Weaver doesn’t say it like she’s trying to appeal to Catra, unlike the two earlier conversations. Once Catra rejects her offer (which we know is disengenuous, to boot) she doesn’t even bother pretending to care. Catra’s resisting her manipulation and is no longer someone she can use, so why bother?
Notably, this is right before Catra learns about the dangers of the portal (i.e. that she made a mistake when she resolved to open it) and tasers Entrapta for trying to stop her, then immediately doubles down on that mistake by sending her to Beast Island. She got one more example of refusing to acknowledge her mistakes or accept accountability right before she does it herself. The statement “Adora was right” definitely gets to her too, but she was already in an unhinged state after being tortured by Shadow Weaver, once again with no apologies. Just something to consider.
So, Catra came from this environment where she got blamed unfairly all the time yet never got any sign of remorse from the people who hurt her. As I alluded to above, in this kind of situation it’s really easy to slip into the mindset of “why should I apologize when no one ever apologized to me?” (Especially if you’ve been through a lot of forced apologies, which are always humiliating, but particularly so when you are being unfairly blamed.) This is not an easy cycle to break. When you have this constant sense of injustice weighing on you, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking the world owes you something as payback and therefore you shouldn’t have to try to better yourself or move past it.
This also ties into Catra’s obsession with getting a win when she is someone who seems fated to always lose, no matter what she does. It’s not just about getting back at Adora, it’s about settling her score with an unjust universe that has always given her the short end of the stick. It’s pride and indignation and pain all mixed up in one toxic soup that pollutes the minds of the abused, and it is not easy to get over. Watching Catra hopefully start to do that in the final 13 episodes is going to be incredibly cathartic.
Glimmer and Angella as foils and examples
Full disclosure, I am writing this meta partly in response to people shitting on Catra and acting like Glimmer is so much better than her after I made a gifset contrasting their reactions to realizing their mistakes. So, I want to finish by comparing all of these observations about Catra’s upbringing with Glimmer’s upbringing. Angella is by no means a perfect parent, but she loves her daughter and tries to do what’s best for her. Most relevant to this discussion, she’s willing to admit her mistakes or change her mind when presented with new information.
For instance, Angella flips at Glimmer over the invasion by the Horde soldier in 1x03, but once she learns said soldier is She-Ra she listens and puts faith in Glimmer’s judgment, despite her misgivings. In 1x10 (in a great parallel scene to the Catra/SW one mentioned above), Angella surprises Glimmer by caring more about her well-being than her mistakes, and she admits some of her own: she ordered the battle that got Micah ‘killed’, and she gave up on the first alliance. She literally says, “I am the one who failed.” And in 3x06, she sacrifices herself in an attempt to make up for all the times she failed to act and protect people she loves.
Angella has enough humility to admit her own flaws and consider other viewpoints, and she’s not afraid to change her mind or say she’s sorry. That set a much better example for Glimmer growing up than Shadow Weaver did for Catra and Adora. And now, Glimmer has set an example for Catra. When Catra is at her lowest in 4x13, drowning in her mistakes and self-hatred and wanting to die, Glimmer shows her that she too can change course and try to correct her mistakes.
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Like, did you all see the look on Catra’s face when Glimmer says she can’t use the weapon and needs to try and stop it? When Glimmer gets up Catra follows her, because this is such a compelling sight to her, something she’s never seen before. It was almost like she was thinking, “Wait, you can do that? You don’t have to double down on your mistakes?”
This is something Catra has to see, not only for its novelty but because it could give her guidance, and hope. If Glimmer can change course and atone, maybe she can too.
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virovac · 5 years
Colleagues and Nothing More
(This hurt to write)
Context: After her coup, Shadow Weaver demotes Hordak to being Entrapta’s lab assistant. Entrapta thinks this is what is upsetting him. She is wrong, this is not some macho thing...
Hordak was working diligently when Entrapta came in.  
"Good." Entrapta thought. That meant she didn't need to worry about keeping him on task. It meant that even though she was now his supervisor, things could hopefully stay as they had been.
"Hey...Lab buddy. Great to see you hard at work!" Entrapta was terrible at this he noted. She was trying to be a superior and best friend at the same time and failing miserably.
Despite himself, though Hordak found himself straightening up instinctively at praise from Entrapta.
"I notice you're less talkative lately, that could be a potential issue. Hurts the flow of ideas."
Still no response.
"And... uh Shadow Weaver wanted me to make notes about your performance and talk about any possible issues."
With her hair, Entrapta quickly brought herself to the other side of his work table, bringing her face to face with him.
Hordak ignored her and focused on prying open a piece of tech from the crashed saucer-shaped ship from its casing to examine the internals.
"She didn't say to talk to her, though." Entrapta said with a twinkle in her eye, as if sharing a private joke.
"So maybe we could talk about your feelings instead, about this whole deposal thing".
Hordak halted his work.  
"You think I am upset merely from wounded pride at that witch dethroning me?" Hordak asked incredulously.
Hordaky placed down the device he was examining. While working with Entrapta, he had gotten better at controlling his temper and laying items aside before raging.
"A chain of my mistakes has now created the greatest threat the Horde has possibly ever seen! Hundreds of Worlds may be ravaged before we are stopped and all brought to justice!"
His tone was getting more frantic with each sentence.
"I swore an oath to the Horde, to Horde Prime!  An oath I am now betraying to save my own hide, however temporarily! The honorable thing would be to destroy myself to deny Shadow Weaver and her blasted hydra my assistance, but..."
His voice turned lower and contemptful.
"I thought I might be more than a defect, but now I know there is something far more wrong with me than my decaying form.
I am a coward."
Entrapta's frown would have been adorable if not for her piercing gaze.  
She refused to let this go uncontested.  
"There is nothing illogical in self-preservation. Your organic body may be genetically engineered and vat grown,  but you still have instincts from the natural templates used. There's no shame in following them! They are part of who you are!"
The glare Hordak gave her was more piercing than any he ever gave Shadow Weaver, but it of course it had no effect. Entrapta was near fearless to body language. It was one of her most intriguing qualities.
"Horde Prime threw you away! You don't owe anything to someone like that!"  
Hordak sneered."I don't  expect a mercenary scientist as yourself to understand loyalty. I am below worthless now; I am a traitor."
"And I went back on my promise to provide the Rebellion tech when they left me! You don't have to stay with people who treat you poorly!"  
Hordak's face turned to a grimace. Normally he couldn't care less about the past loyalties of people as long as they were firmly with the Horde in the present. But Entrapta comparing her own defection to his betrayal…
He was suddenly disgusted how easily she had tossed her allies aside for power and knowledge.
"I just don't understand why you are so upset" Entrapta continued.
"If anything your chances of survival have increased!  
If you had called Horde Prime here, based on your previous descriptions of his past behavior, there's no reason to not expect him to terminate you.This way we still get a portal, and Shadow Weaver's plan means you are more likely to live!"
Hordak turned away. At first, Entrapta though he was trembling.
"Then why did you assist me? If you suspected it would mean my end?"
The resulting silence swallowed the room like a void.
Entrapta froze. Her hair for a moment reached out pleadingly before falling to her side.
"I..I hadn't fully made the connections until now. I... was just thinking how amazing it would be to walk on other planets, to see stars. All there would be to explore..."
Hordak still did not turn around.
"Am I just a means to an end to you, Entrapta?"
There was no anger in his voice.
"Hordak, no. You're my lab partner. The first one I ever had!" The princess pleaded, what she was pleading for she didn't know. This dynamic, this conflict… it was all new to her.
"No. Now I am merely your assistant. Shadow Weaver decreed it."
Both expected another period of silence. But a clattering and cry of "ouch" brought sudden awareness of their surroundings.
They turned to the source of the sound. Kyle had brought them food and tripped over a cable.
Hordak growled and made his way over toward over the boy. Emily herself also came out of her corner and followed, possibly suffering an emergent equivalent anxious at her mistress and her associate fighting and being unable to intervene. An intruder at least she could be useful in dealing with.
"How much did you witness?" Hordak questioned, as Emily also beeped threateningly.  
"Na- Na-, Nothing I would say anything about sir! You're still my superior, I think, since Entrapta is my superior. I guess? I never really knew where she was on the chain of command."
Entrapta came over, softly pushing the robot and ex-warlord aside.
"Kyle, for some reason it appears Hordak nothing about this to anyone; can you keep quiet about all this? "
Hordak looked at her quizzically. "Do you know this cadet?"
"I'm actually a trooper, sir! ...but for some reason there's a problem with inventory and we haven't gotten armor yet."
Entrapta looked at the tray; while jostled none of its contents had fallen off.
"Wow, barely a mark on any of them."
'Yeah I think I hurt myself saving it though." The boy groaned and clutched his shoulder.
Entrapta hummed to herself.
Soon Kyle found himself snatched up in her tendrils.
"Hordak, could you help me move him to the examination table?"
It was safe to say Kyle never imagined himself being carried by a princess and Hordak.  
Surreal would be an understatement for what he's feeling.
Kyle found himself sitting on the cold table, his legs dangled from it.
"Kyle, you are a friend of a friend right?"
"Huh?" Kyle asked in bafflement.
"You're one of Catra's old squadmates?" Entrapta clarified.
"Um, Catra never really talked to the rest of the squad. Only Adora, really."
"Ok, so the associate of a friend!"
Kyle tentatively nodded at that evaluation.
"So it's socially acceptable for us to ask favors of eachother, correct?"
"So... I'd like to ask you on behalf of Hordak: don't tell anyone what you heard or saw here. Not even to Shadow Weaver."
Kyle looked at the smiling woman, feeling more confused than he had in a long time.
"Please?" Entrapta added after a brief silence.
Kyle was terrified at the idea of hiding something from Shadow Weaver, but his need for an emotional connection to anyone, no matter how slight, made it clear there was only one course.
"Okay, I promise."
"Thank you Kyle.
Here, you can have one of my cupcakes."
Entrapta looked over Kyle a bit before sending him on his way.
Hordak was baffled. He knew exploiting gratitude could obtain results; but that whole display had come off as counterintuitive.
Yet...for now it appeared to have worked.
He turned to Entrapta for an explanation, but she flipped down her mask at his gaze.
"We... really should get back to work."
Hordak's felt his fist clench.
Fine. If she wanted to suddenly keep their relationship professional, he would oblige.
They talked only when needed for the rest of the day.
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levaire · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://levaire.com/cultivate-wonder/
Cultivate Wonder
The “Seven Wonders” of the world are God’s handiwork; the intrigue and complexity stretches our imagination. The potential of each moment can be realized through Wonder. In this spirit of amazement, there is such beauty; simple pleasures, fragrances and a “unique recognition” can trigger a fresh illumination.
One thing I appreciate about children is their capacity and expression of wonder. Total enjoyment by fascination, captivating them by a unique recognition of something they have never seen before.
I remember my son in the garden looking at flowers with me. We were looking at the different colors and he was wanting to touch everything. Then we saw a colorful butterfly land on one of the flowers. He watched it intently, it was as if he held his breath so he could concentrate on every detail not wanting to miss a second. His eyes were the size of saucers. The butterfly flew away, and the moment of amazement ended, and he was off to the next thing. We had captured a moment together and something inside me said, “Don’t lose your amazement! Life can get very busy and we can lose sight of the simple beauties of everyday life.”
Inner Fascination
This “inner fascination” can be cultivated by appreciating everything as a gift. Handling and looking at things as though we have never seen it before. We can glance at something familiar and think we have seen it all, but as we gaze and give attention to detail the beauty is unlocked. The gaze, instead of a glance, opens our mind and heart to a “unique recognition”. Be ready to be amazed!
God’s grace is designed to amaze us. Our earthly bodies would be consumed if we saw the Lord in all His glory. It is so far beyond what we can comprehend. It is a mystery. We see it only in a glimpse. Even in this age of grace, we see through a glass darkly.
In Heaven, we will be awe-struck with a full revelation of God’s goodness; we will be speechless with wonder. We will no longer need faith, for all will be visible.  As we seek His face, we are in humble amazement, eternal gratefulness revealed in a heart attitude of worship. His magnificence subdues our imaginations within, and all is in a holy silence before Him, no flesh can glory in His presence. We bow in adoration and we pray in His name, the name above all others. Our prayer is this: “Lord, may all see the display of your magnificence!”
In the Grand Weaver, Ravi Zacharias writes about wonder:
“Wonder is that possession of the mind that enchants the emotions while never surrendering reason. It is a grasp on reality that does not need constant high points in order to be maintained, nor is it made vulnerable by the low points of life’s struggle. It sees in the ordinary the extraordinary, and it finds in the extraordinary the reaffirmation for what it already knows. Wonder clasps the soul (the spiritual) and is felt in the body (the material). Wonder interprets life through the eyes of eternity while enjoying the moment, but never lets the momentary vision exhaust the eternal. Wonder makes life’s enchantment real and knows when and where enchantment must lie. Wonder knows how to read the shadows because it knows the nature of light. Wonder knows that while you cannot look at the light you cannot look at anything else without it. It is not exhausted by childhood but finds its key there. It is a journey like a walk through the woods, over the usual obstacles, and around the common distractions while the voice of direction leads, saying, ‘This is the way, walk ye in it’ (Isaiah 30:21).
Live life in the innocence of a child, leave all complications of trying to figure it all out or trying to control each component. Take the time and enjoy with an “inner fascination” and reverential worship the beauty of God. In the moment, let things penetrate you rather than skip over you. Discover your life through wonder.
His Presence
Being in awe over the right things is paramount. It is easy to give authority to the wrong things in our lives and get overwhelmed. Human reason seems so rational and pragmatic at times, but when we use it as a lens to understand God, we miss everything. Since when is God explainable for us to totally understand Him? Often, we are left to trust Him for the unexplained. Human reason shrinks God into our own image, our unbelief and fear dwarf him in our experience. But the true reality is that His fullness and power is realized by His presence, and not by evidence alone.
God is infinite yet knowable, our God is so personal because he has walked where we have walked, and he himself is our provision. In our crises we see Christ, and often in our messes, we discover a message from our Savior. He fully knows us and completely loves us.
The prophet Isaiah says “Lord, thou wilt ordain peace for us: for thou also hast wrought all our works in us,” in Isaiah 26:12. His perfect Peace that passes all understanding is promised to guard our hearts and minds in Philippians 4:6. Be aware and dwell on God’s greatness, and you will discover that He is mighty in your midst!
When Moses saw the burning bush in Exodus, he recognized this was not a normal sight. When fire consumes something it usually burns away to nothing; this bush didn’t.
Rather than walking by and dismissing it as an anomaly Moses stopped and “turned aside” to get a closer look. What Moses saw changed his direction and caught his attention. When God spoke from inside the bush it changed Moses life forever. The presence of God has unimaginable power. We enter His awesome presence and we are changed into His likeness. His presence can be manifested in a word, a place, a song, He can overtake you when you alone thinking on Him. As we are inclining our ears, we become more spiritually sensitive to what the Spirit is saying and doing. Brother Lawrence writes in his book “Practicing His Presence” about developing awareness and expectation of God and live as though He is real and present every moment of your days. In this divine discipline, we live a life of worship.
I love to walk on the beach. My feet hit the sand and the slimy plant life, and I can feel all kinds of sensations. The heat from the sun radiates to my feet and at first it is painful. The sensation is more than I can bear, because my feet have been safely protected and covered for a long time; they are not use to the sensation. As time goes on and callouses grow, we lose the acute awareness of the elements.
Does this describe your Christian life?
In time, we can have numbness and lose the sense of feeling and enjoyment. Insensitivity can creep in because we have forgotten the value of it. The beauty and the newness become familiar and predictable and the innocent connection is seemly lost.
God can bring back the newness to our tired souls. He can refresh us by showing how He thinks and feels about the things we are struggling with or thinking about.
Some ways to this newness are:
What does the bible say about what you are thinking about?
Will I submit to what the bible is saying?
Purpose to examine things in your life as though you have never seen them before.
Listen, as though you have never heard before.
Purpose to be thankful and appreciate people and things as though it was your last day with them.
Enjoy what you have in your life, rather than trying to change it.
Cultivating wonder is a spiritual secret. Prayerfully, God will bring us back to the way that He thinks about things.
When we are second, and God is first, we become as a child. Christ makes all things new and cultivates wonder and innocence, which brings back our sensitivity. Be ready to be amazed!
Passionate about reaching people from all walks of life, Jason Moore has been involved in worldwide mission work and discipleship since the age of sixteen. While living in Ukraine, he completed his internship in church planting, resulting in three new churches that continue to thrive today. As a graduate of Maryland Bible College and Seminary with a Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies, he leads the Pastoral Care team of Greater Grace Church in Baltimore, MD. He serves as a guest speaker in churches throughout the United States and overseas. With his wife, Leah, and son, Carson, he is dedicated to guiding people in discovering the riches of God’s grace. He may be reached through www.jasonfmoore.com.
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auburnfamilynews · 5 years
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Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images
This ain’t the main course here, because we’ll have picks for the Auburn-Florida game coming up around lunchtime, and that’s the biggest game of the day!
Instead, we make you start your morning by reading us picking B1G games.
Iowa @ Michigan (-4.5) (O/U 46)
So wait....Michigan is actually favored?! HOW?! Sure they are at home but....REALLY?! Has anyone watched this team? Well, this makes it a complete no brainer for me. Hawkeyes outright and the under. Iowa 17-14 . Hawkeyes 17-14. - Drew Mac
Is Michigan actually bad? Is Iowa actually good? This line has plummeted this week, and I don’t like when a lot of money goes one direction. Still I like Iowa to keep this close. Michigan wins but misses the cover on the hook. Michigan 24, Iowa 20 (Michigan wins, Iowa covers, UNDER) - James Jones
Michigan is favored? I don’t think Michigan is very good. Prove me wrong, Harbaugh. Iowa 28, Michigan 14 - Josh Dub
SP+, FPI & Sagarin all slightly favor Michigan in this one. A lot of folks have left the Wolverines for dead after that thrashing they took from Wisconsin. Iowa is doing Iowa things. Winning but not necessarily looking super dominant in the process. I don’t have a great feel for this game either way but I do think Michigan pulls it out in spite of their coaching staff because they have the better athletes on the field. In an ugly affair... Michigan 21 Iowa 17 - AU Nerd
My first reaction says take Iowa outright here, but that be an overreaction to Michigan’s loss to Wisconsin. Most analytical rankings give Michigan a one or two point edge, and add a 2 point adjustment for home field and 4.5 points sounds more reasonable. I’m going to be the conservative guy here and say surely the Michigan offense with Shea Patterson won’t continue to be awful. Michigan leans on their productive special teams and wins 24-20. - Ryan Sterritt
gross. Jack is trying to make us mad and it is working. Michigan shouldn’t be favored in this game. It is probably going to be the closest matchup of the week, or at least on this pick-em, but a close game isn’t the same as a good game. If football was pizza, this is a microwaved totino’s. You should feel greasy and bad for watching it. Iowa 21, Mich 19 - Son of Crow
It’s hard to trust Michigan after the beatdown in Madison but this game is in Ann Arbor. Iowa though continues to fly under the radar as they tend to do. It’s a tossup for me but I’ll go with Iowa TO COVER but Michigan to win. Michigan 26 Iowa 23 - Will McLaughlin
Moving on. Logans 26, Hawkeyes 22 - AU Chief
This is such a B1G game that there isn’t enough room here for my takes…other than Michigan is once again an underachiever. Iowa 17 Michigan 16 - Josh Black
Back in like 1985 I think Iowa beat Michigan on a last second field goal in a #1 vs #2 matchup.
This game won’t be that. Iowa gums Michigan to death like they’re gnawing on an old ear of corn. Hawkeyes 19-16 - Jack Condon
Michigan State @ Ohio State (-20) (O/U 48)
The talking heads love tOSU and they have every right to after crushing the teams that are in front of them. Meanwhile, Michigan State is still trying to figure things out, but has a nice 4-1 record that includes a head scratching loss to Arizona State a few weeks back. Hate to say this, cause I like MSU, but Ohio State wins this in a rout. Gimme Ohio State to cover and the over. Buckeyes 38-13. - Drew Mac
The Spartans won a game 40-31 last week. Is their offense actually good? Probably not. Is their defense actually bad? It could be. Does that create a problem against an absolute buzzsaw in Columbus? In the words of the poet Dorrough, “yeah buddy”. Ohio State 41, Michigan State 15 (OSU covers, OVER) - James Jones
Ohio State is probably the best team in the country right now. They haven’t played elite opposition yet, but Fields is rolling up there. Michigan State is good, with a few decent wins already, but this game margin will completely be dictated by when Ohio State takes the foot off the gas. Michigan State 14, Ohio State 42 - Josh Dub
Sparty always does a good job mucking this game up. This is by far the best defense Ohio State has seen to date & it wouldn’t surprise me if they struggle some early. But Michigan State’s offense is very bad per usual. My guess is this game looks like an upset alert at half before Buckeyes turn it into a route in 2nd half. Ohio State 35, Michigan State 13 - AU Nerd
Most years I would say this is when Michigan State drags the Buckeyes down to their level and fights them in the mud, but not this Ohio State team. Justin Fields is electric, and I also just don’t think Sparty is very good, even for their standards. 41-14 Ohio State. - Ryan Sterritt
Ohio State might be the most complete football team in America and I love that it’s Justin Fields who is doing it. Could you imagine thinking Jake Fromm State Farm is better than THAT GUY?! Justin Fields is a revelation and might be the heisman winner. YOU GUYS if Jalen and Justin are 1,2 in the heisman voting after transferring from UGA and Bama I will be Antonio Banderas leaning back after looking at a computer screen dot gif. - Son of Crow
ESPN loves them some Buckeyes. This is the first week we’ll see them actually face a decent team and we know the history of this series. Ohio State’s offense though is on another level and after seeing how Sparty lost to Arizona State, I’m just not seeing this turning into a weird game but wouldn’t mind to see Sparty keep it close. Ohio State 48 Michigan State 21 - Will McLaughlin
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Suckeyes 33, Spartans 16 - AU Chief
Man that Georgia transfer may be bad at fake punts but he sure looks like the best Ohio State quarterback in at least a generation. Good thing Georgia knows how to fully maximize the talents of Jake Fromm by having such versatility as handing the ball off, tossing the ball off, and throwing dinks and dunks all over the field. Just a real group of geniuses in Athens who definitely know how to set folks up for success when they are going to be on a huge stage on say… November 16th. Ohio State 52, Michigan State 17 - Josh Black
Remember when Michigan State made the Playoff and promptly got boned by Alabama? Remember when they scored 3 points against Oregon in the Red Box Bowl (I think?) last season? Grow up, Mark Dantonio. You can’t B1G your way out of this one. Here’s your penance. Buckeyes 42-13 - Jack Condon
Cal @ Oregon (-17.5) (O/U 47)
Cal has been a fun team to follow this year. First they get a nice road win over a top 15 Washington team, then they go across the country and beat Ole Miss in one of the better games so far this season, only to tun around last weekend and have that Arizona State team get the better of them on their home field. WHATSUPWITHTHAT?! On the other side, Oregon has been quietly murdering folks since giving up 21 points in the last 20 minutes of the Auburn game. Sure, they haven’t played much of anyone with a heartbeat (yes, I will include Stanford in that sentence) but only giving up a total of 15 points since Seth Williams caught that pass is impressive no matter who you are. I think they continue that this weekend at home. Oregon Covers and take that over. Ducks 38 - 14. - Drew Mac
Cal finally played a defense that was on their level last week. Not only did they lose, but they lost their quarterback. Now they have to play an even better defense. I think Oregon displays why they’re the PAC-12 North favorite in this one. Oregon 31, Cal 6 (Oregon covers, UNDER) - James Jones
Once again, Auburn’s early season victory over a PAC-12 contender is looking better and better. This time, Auburn is backing up that early season win with results. Oregon is probably the best team west of Oklahoma. Their defense looks better each week (4th in SP+!!). I really need them to keep winning, so I will absolutely let it influence my picks. Oregon 35, Cal 9 - Josh Dub
An undefeated Cal with a healthy QB could have made this game VERY interesting. The Ducks have been dominant defensively since losing to Auburn & are coming off a bye week. The Golden Bears got Herm’d last weekend & are down Garbers. I expect Cal’s defense stifles an inconsistent Oregon offense but can’t do anything against what’s turning out to be one of the best defenses in the country in Oregon’s. Kinda like their win over Stanford, it won’t be pretty but it will be effective. Oregon 27, Cal 9 - AU Nerd
I, for one, would love to see Oregon continue to bash through their schedule with no more losses. Funnily enough, the vaunted offense we were all so scared of now sits #46 in SP+, while the defense that Bo Nix stunted on at the end of the game is #4 in the country. Cal, meanwhile is even more extreme. Led by tackling machine Evan Weaver (he’s got 77 through five games!), Cal has the #25 defense and #98 offense. I think Herbert is going to have a good game in this one, and Oregon wins 34-14. Luckily this is a 3:00 local kickoff, we should avoid any Pac12 after dark hijinks. - Ryan Sterritt
Cal has a ridiculous defense. Oregon is really good. This game might be borderline fun to watch. I think the Oregon win will look better and better each week. I don’t there is any team in the PAC12 that can stand in their way right now. I actually wouldn’t be shocked if they made the playoff. Oregon 32, Cal 14 - Son of Crow
The more Oregon wins, the better Auburn looks. Ducks Fly Together! Oregon 38 Cal 17 - Will McLaughlin
So I think everyone is off the Cal hype train after last week right? This week even the stragglers will jump off. Oregon, who are pretty good on both sides of the ball is gonna run away with this one. Ducks 31, Bears 13 - AU Chief
It’s the Pac-12, it doesn’t matter, and Oregon is probably the better team despite not beating anyone worth a flip on their schedule yet. Oregon 38, Cal 20 - Josh Black
All in on the Oregon train. Give me 12-1, Duckies. They have Washington coming up soon, so that’ll probably be the only game that really tests them the rest of the way. Cal might make it fun for a bit, though. Ducks 31-14 - Jack Condon
Georgia (-25) @ Tennessee (O/U 52.5)
This is just mean. Why on earth do you make me say positive things about that team. Tennessee is bad. Not Kentucky bad, or perhaps Vandy bad, but bad. And now a good team coming off an off week strolls in to town. This won’t be fun...and Vol fans will not enjoy this.
The team not in Orange 48-10 (they cover and the over) - Drew Mac
25 is a big number on the road, but I just don’t see Tennessee doing anything to slow down UGA. Dwags minus whatever pick here. Georgia 42, Tennessee 14 (Georgia covers, OVER) - James Jones
Tennessee looks like a program that is drowning. They have yet to put together a win over an FBS opponent and have had their program in the news for all the wrong reasons this week. If Georgia wanted to, they could come out and beat them 100-0. However, I believe this is a game that Georgia just wants to get through. Let the clock hit 0’s as quick as possible. The result will never be in doubt here – Georgia will be in total control – but the final score will not reflect the dominance. Georgia 31, Tennessee 17 - Josh Dub
The hilarity if UGA lost this game could end up being more than I could bear. Auburn lost inexplicably to the Vols last year thanks to turnovers & some wild 3rd down magic by UT. Could ya’ll repeat that this week Tennessee please? No?
Well screw you guys anyway. Dawgs do what they do which means ignore all the elite WR talent & run it 50+ times but it works out fine against a bad Tennessee team. UGA 41 UT 16 - AU Nerd
H8 FEEDS THE DAWG. 45-17. NEXT. - Ryan Sterritt
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Georgia 48, Tennessee 2 - Son of Crow
Oh man..... it will be an interesting next few weeks in Knoxville as I will not be shocked to see Phillip Fulmer take over very soon. Just a feeling I’ve had for awhile. I don’t expect things to get any prettier this weekend with Georgia in town. Dawgs will roll. Georgia 42 Tennessee 14 - Will McLaughlin
Kirby worked with Jeremy Pruitt for several years. There is no way he doesn’t want to embarrass him, and boy oh boy is he gonna do it. Dwags 55, Vols 10 - AU Chief
I was in Neyland Stadium two years ago when Georgia came to town. Tennessee checkerboarded the stadium. Peyton Manning was there and threw a touchdown pass to Marcus Nash at halftime. Didn’t matter. A freshman Jake Fromm led the Dawgs to a 41-0 shutout. Phil Fulmer’s gonna be dropping Nick Saban “I guess I have to say it, I’m not gonna be the Tennessee coach” quotes like crazy after this one. Kirby makes Jeremy eat his asparagus, without liquid cheese. Let’s roll it back. Georgia 41-0 - Jack Condon
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/10/4/20898401/staff-picks-cfb-week-6
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itsworn · 6 years
The Last 1967 Chevrolet Camaro Converted to 427 Power by Don Yenko is Uncovered
Doug Perry is polite, but not shy. He knocked on the door of a stranger, John L. Weaver, on a Saturday afternoon in 2009 and said, “I understand you have a unique car, and I’d love to see it. Would there be any chance whatsoever it would be for sale?”
To own a 1967 Yenko Camaro would be a dream come true for Perry, who revels in the history of Yenko Chevrolet, that small dealership in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, that has become legendary today. Just standing face-to-face with the original owner of a 1967 Yenko Camaro would be spellbinding for a person with Yenko Camaro fever. Most people would have phoned. Instead, Perry drove 188 miles from his home in Pataskala, Ohio, to Greensburg, Pennsylvania.
Weaver wasn’t ready to sell and wouldn’t take a stranger into his garage to see the Camaro. The men exchanged phone numbers and agreed to talk, which they’ve done for the last nine years.
As much as Perry knew about Yenko history, Weaver, as an original owner, had information that no historian has ever chronicled, until now.
Weaver was a teenager in March 1968 when his dad offered to “buy me something new.” They lived in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, and first visited Grabiak Chevrolet “down the road,” where the 19-year-old spotted a black 427 Corvette coupe that he “was interested in getting.” Except, “My God, the insurance was over $1,000 a year,” which was “a fortune” in those days.
“So we went up to Yenko [Chevrolet] to see about getting a Camaro.” They entered a candy land of “at least 50 Z/28s, different colors, different gear ratios—4.10s, 4.56s, 4.88s.” Weaver recalled it like it was yesterday. “I had a 1965 Chevelle with a 327/four-speed, and it was a pretty hot car for the day.”
Yenko advertised 427 conversions in the local newspaper, but to Weaver’s dismay the salesman said they were not “prepping them yet,” referring to 1968 models. “They tried to sell me a Z/28. I had my mind set on a big-block, so Don came out and showed me to the back lot.”
There, parked under a tarp, was a “leftover” but brand-new 1967 Camaro SS396 that Yenko had not converted. “He said, ‘I’ll do the conversion for you and I’ll give you a good price.’”
Weaver favored a red Camaro, but this car was stunning in Nantucket Blue with red deluxe interior, a combination Doug Perry would later dub Superman. The hood and air cleaner were missing, parts they could easily replace. Weaver wanted a 1968 SS hood, which Don said he could supply at no extra cost.
“He said, ‘We have a fiberglass hood that is like one of those Corvette Stinger hoods.’ He said they were ‘making those things.’ He said ‘You can have this for another $150.’ He said ‘We can put a spoiler on the trunk lid. We have one that’s all one piece, so it’s molded, and that will be another $150.’”
The price to buy and convert this loaded, Rally Sport 1967 Camaro SS396 was already more than $5,000, so Weaver opted out of the fiberglass hood and spoiler. With the Chevelle as a trade-in, the difference to purchase this Yenko Camaro was $3,192.08.
Don told the Weavers to give him “about three weeks” to “get this thing converted and we’ll call you.”
Twelve days later, on Saturday, March 16, 1968, an “older gentleman” named Ron Lane phoned the Weavers to come and sign the papers and get their car. When they met Lane he was wearing an I.D. badge that read “High Performance Salesman.”
“It wasn’t there at the dealership. We drove down the road about a mile or so. They had farmed this thing out. I don’t know who did all the work, but I picked this thing up at a Sunoco station, just right outside Interstate 79.”
I-79 was not complete, so the highway was not yet open, but Ron Lane explained they could get the Camaro up on the pavement. Lane was first behind the wheel.
“He says, ‘Yeah, this thing has pretty good pickup.’ Next thing we’re going 120 miles per hour. Poor dad’s in the back seat.”
After a few miles, Weaver got behind the wheel. He had “never driven a car with that much power. You couldn’t pull out without squealing the tires a little bit. That’s just the way it was geared.”
Back at the dealership signing papers, Weaver remembers his dad asking, obviously concerned, “Well, you don’t have to drive it fast like that, do you?” Although Weaver assured his dad the answer was no, he admits today that “the first month I had the car, I was scared of it. If you didn’t watch what you were doing, the thing would fishtail out on you.”
That very first night, on Lloyd Avenue leading to the airport outside Latrobe, with a friend in the passenger seat, Weaver found the police “taking exception” to him “laying rubber,” at which time he “opened up” the 427 and “went away” from the officer like his big Ford Galaxie four-door sedan “was standing still.”
Weaver did not know what top speed he hit in his new 427 Yenko Camaro because “the speedometer only went to 120 miles per hour, and it wound the whole way around and went back to zero.” Weaver “hid the car for a few days.”
That summer of 1968 was a wild time. Keystone Raceway Park had just opened for business. Weaver was a spectator for a few weeks, and then began drag racing his Camaro every weekend, running mid 13s through the mufflers and in the “high 12s” with the headers open.
In the winter of 1968, Weaver met a “fellow where I got my gas that did painting. He said he could paint the car red for me.” Weaver got his red Camaro, but it’s a decision he regrets. Likewise, he regrets removing the engine to install a bigger cam and heads, improving his e.t. at the strip to a best time of 12.12, but which proved “a little too much for the street.”
He did put the car back to stock. In 1973, after his move to Greensburg, Weaver blew the automatic transmission. With a girlfriend occupying most of his time, the Camaro got parked. Years passed. Life got in the way. The red paint started peeling. Weaver pulled the seats and began disassembling the car, but just never had the time to put it back together.
In 2009, he still wanted to hang onto his Yenko Camaro. Doug Perry wasn’t the first collector who had tried to buy the car. The two became friends.
Perry says, “We would exchange phone calls and emails, and when I was driving through the area I would always stop and we’d have lunch.”
Perry honored his friend’s request not to talk about the Yenko Camaro, which was not for sale, anyway. After about four years, Weaver brought up the Camaro and showed Perry the car for the first time.
Finally, in 2018, Weaver decided it was time to sell, and the only person he would consider was Perry. Weaver remembers that day. “Frank Arone came over, too. I kept saying, ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this.’ But, I’m at peace because I know Doug is going to take care of it. I think he likes that car more than I do.”
Arone Restoration in Homer City, Pennsylvania, will do the restoration. Arone, in fact, had told his friend Doug Perry about this Yenko in 2009.
Weaver had two preconditions for the sale. The first was to restore the car within two years. The second was for “one last drive.”
Perry agreed to the first, but not the second. He told Weaver, “John, I can’t do that.”
“Because you’re going to have a lot more than one ride. When you come to Ohio, you get your own set of keys. We nicknamed the car Superman. You are Superman. It will always be your car. I’m just a caretaker.”
At a Glance 1967 Yenko Camaro Owned by: Doug Perry Restored by: Arone Restoration, Homer City, PA; engine work by Dave McGaffee Engine: 427ci/410hp V-8 Transmission: Turbo 400 3-speed automatic Rearend: 12-bolt with 3.73 gears and Positraction Interior: Original red Deluxe vinyl Wheels: 15×6 Rallye Tires: G70-15 whitewall Special parts: Cowl plenum BB air cleaner, power windows, rear defrost, Rally Sport equipment; Yenko Conversion stock number YS 760
The garage where John Weaver kept his 1967 Yenko Camaro was cluttered but heated, keeping the historic car rust-free and secure for 45 years.
Weaver is seen here helping clean out his garage to retrieve the Yenko Camaro and parts on June 2, 2018. New caretaker Doug Perry wants to thank Lane Dailey, Dave McGaffee, Matt Barzak, and Frank Arone for “all going with me and working tirelessly for the day to get the car.”
This Yenko Camaro retains its original drivetrain: the 427 conversion engine, automatic transmission, and rearend. Yenko converted this Camaro from a 396 to a 427 in March 1968. This car (YS 760) is the one and only documented 1967 big-block cowl-plenum Yenko Camaro.
The entire car is rust free due to excellent storage conditions in a heated garage. Just 7,257 miles show on the odometer.
The original walnut steering wheel is in excellent condition.
This is the original Stewart-Warner pedestal tach, found in this box
The 1967 Yenko was loaded with documentation, which Perry laid out on the decklid of his 1969 Yenko Camaro (featured in the Barn Finds display at MCACN 2017; see “Lost and Found,” May 2018; https://www.hotrod.com/articles/yenko-copo-hemi-savage-gt-and-more-rarities-fill-the-barn-finds-hidden-gems-display-at-the-muscle-car-and-corvette-nationals/). Among the paperwork was the original Protect-O-Plate and a handwritten letter on Yenko Chevrolet stationary from Ron Lane to John Weaver. Five pages of Chevrolet order forms list the complete components of the Yenko supercar conversion as well as the options and accessories that add up to $5,242.08, a huge sum for a 1967 Camaro.
Other 1967 Yenko Camaros came with 14-inch wheels. This Camaro was unique, mounted new with G70-15 whitewall tires, as verified on original paperwork. This is the original spare from the trunk.
Perry and his crew unloaded the car at Arone Restoration, where the car will be restored to perfection. In addition to the original Yenko drivetrain, YS 760 also retains the original sheetmetal, interior, and glass. Weaver regretted repainting his Camaro red, and was in the process of returning the body to its original Nantucket Blue.
Arone and Perry solved the riddle of the bronze SS hood. Weaver asked for a 1968 SS hood for the Camaro, as it was without a hood for reasons unknown (maybe theft). Apparently this hood was the stock hood from the prototype 1968 Yenko Camaro, which was Corvette Bronze. Don Yenko put an optional fiberglass hood on that car, which, incredibly, is (as of this writing) in Arone Restoration and will be side-by-side with this last 1967 Yenko Camaro produced, just as they were together in the winter of 1968 at Yenko Chevrolet. The date on the hood is the third week of January 1968. Perry has determined that his 1967 Yenko Camaro and the 1968 Yenko prototype were together at the dealership for four to five weeks.
A Ride With Don Yenko
Because it had headers (part of the Yenko conversion), John Weaver had trouble getting a state inspection for his new 427 Camaro, except at Yenko Chevrolet. On his first visit for an inspection he ran into Don Yenko.
“Don had seen me there and he said, ‘How do you like the car? Can we go for a ride?’ And I said, ‘Sure.’ And he said, ‘Well, do you mind if I drive?’ I said, ‘No, I don’t mind if you drive.’
“So we pull out of the dealership. The dealership is on a two-lane street, just on the outskirts of town, and he is going through the gears, squealing tires through every gear. We’re up over 100 miles per hour, and [I thought], Jiminy Christmas, what are we getting into?
“He said, ‘You know, you’re lucky. This is the last car that we can make that’s not going to have all this emissions equipment.’ He added, ‘I just love these cars.’”
The post The Last 1967 Chevrolet Camaro Converted to 427 Power by Don Yenko is Uncovered appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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musiccosmosru · 6 years
July 21, 2018 4:12 pm
By Nadia Vella
The tarantula is a spellbinding and powerful spider. Its presence is one that is known to inspire fear and danger. This is due partly in exchange of an unknown understanding of the species. Perhaps it’s through simple appearance, or the myths, which causes this hysteria. The truth is that more people die a year from bee stings than from a tarantula bite and those who do, have allergies.
Tarantulas are part of the family of spiders called Hairy Mygalomorphs. This means it is of various large hairy spiders mostly of the family Theraphosidae. Like other Arachnida, a tarantula’s body comprises two main parts; the prosoma (or cephalothorax) and the opisthosoma (or abdomen). The prosoma and opisthosoma are connected by the pedicel, or pregenital somite. This waist-like connecting piece is actually part of the prosoma and gives the opisthosoma a wide range of motion relative to the prosoma.
A large wolf spider (Lycosa tarentula) of southern Europe,was once thought to cause tarantism. Taranto is also the origin of the common name of the Tarantula spider family, Theraphosidae, … Taranto (Italian pronunciation: [ˈtaːranto] and Italian: Tarento from Latin: Tarentum;Tarantino: Tarde; Ancient Greek: Τάρᾱς, translit. Tárās; Modern Greek: Τάραντας, translit. Tárantas) is a coastal city in Apulia, Southern Italy. This folklore arose in the 14th century around the Lycosid spider, Lycosa tarantula, in the area of Taranto in Southern Italy.
Old Mother Tarantula
The Navajo used to live in what is now known as the Canyon de Chelly National Park, this contains an amazing monolith of rock 800 feet high known as ‘Spider Rock’. This rock according to Navajo legends was the home of ‘Old Mother Tarantula’ or ‘Spider Woman’.
The spider is a fascinating beauty, which has captivated humankind for many years. There are the new world species and the old world ones, (differing by the place of origin, not age) which are mainly of what the legends seem to have been written about. Tarantula is known in many cultural circles to speak on the cycles of life and death and its glorious resurrection in their art and weaving, their walk and graceful style.
Perhaps to many, the truth is too much to handle. For the power of the tarantula is widely recognized as a fragile gift. For the tarantula is a vulnerable creature, with a lot to lose. With reports of over 800 different species, there is much to learn. Let us listen to the movement of the past…
Most will find themselves in fear of this creature. It may be the way they are portrayed, as symbols of the unknown and pure times. Is the ancient D.N.A. lagging behind so bad that we cannot evolve to realize the harmless nature of the spider? Instead of appreciating the night dancers, we reach out and instinctively we want to kill it. Maybe millennia ago, our genes had not the immunities to withstand the bites. Yet, no one will die from its bites, unless they have allergies.
Perhaps these allergies signal a clue to the past that the genes are not changing like we thought they would or maybe you will find yourself like me; an arachnophile. I love and respect this angelic being like common sense tells me too.
I reach out into the soul of the spider and I receive a reply. My dreams and emotions are filled with an awakening of information, which summons the goddess within me, who finds power in every moment. I envision a safe exchange of energy, where we can meet as one being, called life and connect in a balance of magic.
Arachne the Weaver
Arachne is a skilled seamstress in ancient Greek legends. She becomes so great at her craft that she is often found bragging and boasting about her accomplishments and talent. She becomes so arrogant that she spites the God’s themselves by weaving an intricate tapestry depicting them in the worst light. They were corrupted, drunk and useless in the scenes.
Athena, a highly praised goddess was widely known as a master at weaving and pottery. Arachne herself had closely studied her, in order to learn her techniques. She did her best to compete with this immortal. Unfortunately, Athena is a very powerful and clever deity not to be surpassed. She humbled Arachne by destroying everything she had worked for.
In her pride, Arachne wove a rope, with which to hang herself. She could not bear the humiliation that the goddess had publicly put on display. As she hung herself, Athena turned her into a spider and the rope into a web. Therefore, she could forever weave in her dishonor…
The dream tarantula may also symbolize the “dark” side of your personality or predict poor health or a disappointing love affair. A spider (tarantula) dream usually symbolizes someone in your waking life who is sneaky and cruel. It could also represent someone who is smothering you.
Below, I want to share with you my dream that came to me before I acquired tarantulas of my own. It is a beautiful dream and one which left me feeling very connected with this creature. If you have any tarantula dreams, it could mean many things!
Tarantulas are an omen of bad luck. Usually they foretell a betrayal, an enemy, or a misfortune. However, this all depends on what it represents to you. For example, they have inspired me with their beauty and mystery.
A couch covered in a metallic gold paint, sprawls flat and wide alongside the walls of a redone basement. It has pillows on it which are covered in chainmail and rectangular shaped. The wall is painted a creamy coppery white tone. There is a table built into the wall that is slim. It sits across the top of the couch. The board is copper painted wood. On this lays a few books, green and silver tones. Then at the top is a red painted vase shaped basket with tiny holes in the design.
My feet are in the air and I have on white socks and black silk pajama pants. My head is resting in the arm of the couch but, I can feel how my feet are entwined with another person with a male energy on the other side. I do not see this person. It does not seem to be someone that I know.
As I start to peek open my eyes I sit silently in fear as I see a tarantula’s leg wiggling out slowly from the holes in the basket. The bottoms of its feet are dipped in gold and a bright red color patterns in between a tone of deep brown. I can smell forest everywhere in my dream like wet pine and Earth mixed with cedar when it emerges.
I study for a moment and then I start to lightly kick my partner. I don’t wake him up too much but, just enough for him to start becoming aware. By then, the spider has completely escaped and it is very large. Its body is chocolate colored. It is at least a foot wide and tall. It is so beautiful and powerful and we stare at each other until it backs away and disappears into the house somewhere.
Spirit Animals
As a spirit animal, the tarantula symbolizes feminine energy and creativity. In Ancient Egypt, the spider was used as a symbol to represent the goddess of the Divine Mother, Neith. She was the patroness of the city of Sais, in the Nile River delta. Neith was worshipped as early as predynastic times (c. 3000 bce), and several queens of the 1st dynasty (c. 2925–2775 bce) were named in her honor.
Her principal emblem was a pair of crossed arrows shown against the background of a leather shield. Another was a bow case, which she was depicted wearing on her head, in place of a crown. She is an archetype for female empowerment. A tarantula is a force to be reckoned with.
Many representations are found throughout the world. However, because of the poor connection between people and spiders, the descriptions are often vague, misrepresented or misunderstood. The spider has long been feared because of the unknown qualities of the many species.
Myth & Art
The legendary Nazca lines in the desert of southern Peru contain arachnid imagery. The series of geoglyphs depict straight lines and giant creatures and were created between 400 and 650 AD. The largest image spans over 660 feeet across. One of the geoglyph creatures is a giant, symmetrical, eight-legged spider.
Patti Wigington writes in About Religion, “In several cultures, spiders are credited with saving the lives of great leaders. In the Torah, there is a story of David, who would later become King of Israel, being pursued by soldiers sent by King Saul. David hid in a cave, and a spider crawled in and built a huge web across the entrance. When the soldiers saw the cave, they didn’t bother to search it – after all, no one could be hiding inside it if the spider web was undisturbed. A parallel story appears in the life of the prophet Mohammed, who hid in a cave when fleeing his enemies. A giant tree sprouted in front of the cave, and a spider built a web between the cave and the tree, with similar results.”
In Japan the Spider Princess, a mythological spider figure called Jorōgumo, is able to transform into a seductive woman who entraps travelling samurai. The Spider Princess has many names, such as “binding bride” or “prostitute spider”. Jorōgumo morphs into a beautiful woman to beguile warriors into marrying her. Sometimes the Spider Princess appears to carry a baby, which turns out to be her egg-sack.
In Germany and Ukraine, it is tradition to include spiders and webs in Christmas tree decorations, due to the association between tinsel decorations and the spider web strands. The spider is a secret and hidden force, which drives many spiritual ideas.
Rock art and bark paintings in Australia reveal that the indigenous cultures created spider symbols. Spiders in their webs are linked with a sacred rock and ceremony for the Rembarrnga people in central Arnhem Land. Several regional clans use spider totems in rituals.
Spiderwebs & History
Uttu, the ancient Sumerian goddess of weaving, was envisioned as a spider spinning her web. According to the myth of Enki and Ninsikila, she was the daughter of the water god Enki. After being warned by Enki’s wife Ninhursag that he would attempt to seduce her, Uttu ensconced herself inside her web and agreed to let Enki in after he promised to marry her and give her fresh produce as a marriage gift. After giving Uttu the produce, Enki intoxicated her with beer and raped her.
Ninhursag heard Uttu’s screams and rescued her, removing Enki’s seed from her and planting it in the ground to produce eight previously-nonexistent plants.[Wikipedia] Spider tales are stories that were brought over from Africa and told to children of Maroon people.A spider is depicted on a shell gorget by the Stone Grave people, from a mound on Fain’s Island, Tennessee. Ancient Moche people of Peru depict spiders in their art, such as this Larco Museum ceramic, ca. 300 CE.
North American cultures have traditionally depicted spiders. The Native American Lakota people’s oral tradition also includes a spider-trickster figure, which is known by several names. As chronicled in the legend of The “Wasna” (Pemmican) Man and the Unktomi (Spider).
The evolution of spiders has been going on for at least 380 million years, since the first true spiders (thin-waisted arachnids) evolved from crab-like chelicerate ancestors. They will continue to evolve and surprise us in the future as well. Many times over, they have shared this world with other creatures, before humankind and beyond time.
Legends of the Tarantula
The tarantula is a supernatural force to believe in. A misguided world has taught us to fear that which we do not understand. Perhaps we can rise to the occasion and respect our Earth by treating the spiders how they should be. They resided on this planet first, anyhow.
Let the Legends of the tarantula guide you in soul and soil. Do not be afraid to acknowledge their existence and love. They do not seek to destroy anyone. They only wish to survive and be with us on this planet.
Let your heart turn to the secrets of the other world and be freshly renewed with divine resonance and circumstance of a truer condition which exists in nature; perseverance and concordance with the world and all her power.
May you never be forsaken by the darkness of a stigma. I hope that your days fill up with the lessons of spider and that in the night; your dreams carry you to a place where you can be one with this magical animal. I hope all that care for this being are blessed eternally and with great fortune. An intelligent subject, you who holds the gift of fire from primordial times in your hands. You who seeks out the purity of knowledge forever. May we become connected together, entwined in the mighty web of new technology…
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