#I mean Kataang can be deranged if you want them to be
shifuaang · 2 months
I feel that my taste in ships has only gotten more deranged as I have gotten older, idk what that says about me
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“I don’t even ship zutara but moral authority …..”
1) Sounds like you do ship zutara if you’re getting this mad.
2) No one is questioning Zutara’s morality. We’re complaining about how y’all can’t mind your own fucking business and constantly shove Zutara down everyone’s throats, even when others have stated that it’s not their cup of tea. Every time an anon DOES complain about Zutara’s morality, however, op always calls that anon out (as you should).
3) There’s Zutara shippers who enjoy all kinds of questionable things in your camp. Your smut week had rape despite the rules stating that rape isn’t allowed and despite those very same people loudly declaring that anyone who ships Kataang supports SA. Worry about that first.
4) If I were you, anon, I’d be embarrassed. People who tend to enjoy incest are pretty open to all shipping dynamics in general. This means that your fandom is so deranged that you’ve managed to piss off people that otherwise would be completely fine with Zutara. That’s the part you’re really upset about - the part you’re disguising as “you ship incest but you’re dictating what I can or cannot ship!!!”
Yeah, I got the feeling that the "I don't even ship Zutara" argument was hollow since everytime I criticized the ship - or rather, the bad apples among the shippers - I'd get some angry zutarians "calling me out" for shipping Zucest (because apparently they assume the thing I do very openly is some kind of dirty secret I don't want anyone to find out about)
"Every time an anon DOES complain about Zutara’s morality, however, op always calls that anon out (as you should)" Awn, I'm glad me going "it's not that deep, bro" has become a praise-worthy aspect of this blog.
Ah, Zutarians criticizing any ship for having any problematic elements (and making them up when they can't find any) only to then take said elements up to eleven in their own fics will never not be amusing to me. Like, buddy, if you want the right to explore any kind of topic/dynamic on your fics without having people assume you authomatically endorse everything you make the characters do, the very least you gotta do is respect that other fans have as much right to do it as you do, and admit that they're not "abuse apologists" just because their pairings had low points.
"People who tend to enjoy incest are pretty open to all shipping dynamics in general. This means that your fandom is so deranged that you’ve managed to piss off people that otherwise would be completely fine with Zutara" You are 100% correct about that, my friend.
I used to be completely neutral on Zutara. I could only see them as friends, and quite liked that dynamic, but I had no problem with the ship. Until the shippers started harassing me, the only "criticism" it'd get from me was this:
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To me, the ship was bland and only existed because people like the Good Girl X Bad Guy thing - but that was not my fucking problem, and I wouldn't have liked to get unsolicited opinions on why the ships I did like were bad in other people's eyes, so I minded my business.
But after three years of getting asks saying everything from "You should stop writting Zucest and write Zutara instead because I said so" all the way to "Kill yourself since you don't like what I like", seeing my friends be treated the same way, seeing Zutara fans be treated like shit their fellow shippers because they liked Aang and Mai as characters or thought the ship war was pointless and immature, and seeing nearly every fic and meta written by zutarians be wildly out of character and clearly focusing on just praising their own ship while demonizing everything else, I realized that while the ship itself was not a problem, the toxic, spoiled fans sure as hell were.
These people really dig their own graves and then get mad when no one is feeling sorry for them (and in fact side with a "creep" like me instead).
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