#I mean his hair is soft and pc love to ruffle him too
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I tend to turn every character I like into bunnies. Can't help it, they fit so well. Guess I'm a bunny person
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
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p — HUENINGKAI × FEM!READER | g — fluffy <3 boyf!hyuka, hyuka's a shy boy 🛐🛐 , slight gamer!hyuka, domestic!au | w — kisses, mentions of food
a/n — kinda inspired by (nct)hyuck's old 24 hr relay cam ,,,,, enjoy !!!!
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after taking a nice shower, hyuka loves to have you sit in his lap and watch him play games on his pc <3 you've known hyuka to not be that fond of physical affection, usually asking him if he wants to receive a kiss from you or not? he never tells your pretty eyes no, asking him where you want him to kiss you, his big eyes staring at you so so so fondly— but that's besides the point, right?
burying his face in your neck, your t-shirt— now loose around the neckline from how many times you've worn it— exposing your shoulder skin so nicely for hueningkai to kiss !!! oh my, how he loves feeling your fresh scent waft around him, dumbing him, numbing his fingers and clogging his senses <3 and he asks you so nicely, “can I kiss you?” and you nod, a hand going over to ruffle his hair up j right while he presses shy kisses to your skin, cheeks burning because of how intimate he feels. hueningkai, who only loves to savor your love alone, never in public or around people. hell, just the mere mention of his girlfriend around people has him scrambling to hide a blush !!!
but moments like this, where the only sounds audible are his soft whimpers and sleepy kisses being pressed to your skin, is when hyuka feels so safe. just obsessed with you around him, increasing heartbeat pressing to your back when he hears you speak, and feeling the shape of his nose in your neck <3
and you tug on his hair occasionally, telling him, “hyuka, your game?” and he mumbles an “oh,” pulling his lips off you and resting his chin on your shoulder as he plays— & the stupid boy loves it when you ask him if you could play too, and that watching him was getting so boring..... and he's all, woah!!! she's into the same interests as I am!!!
and then hyuka teaches you how to play, focused fingers and a (bigger) hand on yours on the mouse— he doesn't really care if you're losing or winning, but just the mere idea of you wanting to spend your time with him, you wanting to love him and you just being all of HIS— just had him all dumb for you, didn't you? and your face when you'd finally win a game, telling you you're his fav girl & if you kept this up, you'd even be better than him !!! and he loves watching the way you get all shy at his praise, hand reaching over to playfully punch his shoulder, telling him to “shut up,” and “you don't acc mean that, you're just saying that cuz u love me.”
and he doesn't know what to admit, if he actually means it, or if he loves you— and the truth may tend to steer towards the latter, but you didn't mind that. not when hyuka would blush when he'd have to admit it, telling you to “shut up,” and just play the game. and you'd mumble a soft "I love you,” with a giggle, turning around to continue playing with his grip (subtly turning softer because it's you) on your own. and because you had your back turned, you didn't see how off guard you caught your boyfriend, him pressing his lips together at the sudden confession, feeling the heat rise in the room.
and when the two of you would be so tired of the same repetitive game— he'd ask if you wanted to order food? and you'd smirk slyly, asking him if he wanted to play a small game...winner gets the loser's tempura? and he'd nod a yes with a giggle, a finger playing with the hem of your shirt mindlessly <3 and you'd continue to explain how he'd have to order in a normal voice on call while you'd pepper his skin, only if he wanted to. and you'd see him go so red in the face, shyly nodding because of how exciting it sounded. he's played games like this with you before, but nothing sounded as exhilarating as this.
and during the call, you didn't hold back— nibbling softly on his earlobe and a hand playing with his hair, watching from the corner of your eyes how he bit his tongue, trying to stay focused and respond to the restaurant with a stable voice. and he'd be so red & stupidly burying his giggles the way you were kissing him just so nice on his neck, almost stumbling on his words on the call.
and he'd glance at you triumphant when the call ended, successfully keeping a stable voice and asking you to kiss him cuz he won, it's not like you're gonna say no to those lips, right? and he'd giggle at your sulking expression while he ate his your tempura, sliding them over to you and watching the confusion turn into a soft smile, telling you he loved it when you scowled so pretty— but he can't let you stay upset like that.
and eventually, he'd catch you falling asleep in his arms while he played, “just one more round,” neck weak and head jerking from the waves of sleep hitting you. and he'd softly push your head to rest on his chest while he placed a soft kiss to your forehead, feeling your cheeks stretch into a smile against his skin, telling you, “just a little longer, hm?”
and you'd fall asleep to the sounds of the soft clicks his equipment would make, creamy keys echoing at the back of your mind as you drifted closer to sleep— your eyelashes fluttered shut, warmth from hyuka's skin covering your body as your breathing slowed. cuddling up to him as his voice vibrated in his chest, cooing at how pretty you looked, all huddled up next to him <3 and he'd softly snap a pic, setting it his lockscreen, & making a mental note he'd show you your pretty face hidden in his chest tomorrow morning ,,,
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txt — masterlist
main taglist (hmu to get added!) — @koishua @navyhyuck @allegxdly @daystiny  @kdyism  @neotism  @bluejaem  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @sicluvz @abhirami20 @tyongishs @emvrd @brxght-world @1921choi @bangchansbae
I’d appreciate if you’d give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it’s an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 280: I Am Red Riot
Previously on BnHA: The pro heroes over at Gunga Mountain struggled against Gigantomachia and the League until finally Midnight was all, “fuck it, let’s just put the kids in charge.” Momo immediately got to work organizing a sophisticated counteroffensive involving an exploding swamp, a bunch of sedative cans, and a massive coordinated team attack. I gotta tell you guys, it’s really something to watch a large-scale group attack in which all of the team members are actually competent. I don’t know what Japan put in the water when all these sixteen-year-olds were growing up, but that shit has paid off big time, and basically the only reason Machia hasn’t gone down yet is because he cheated and was all “sneeze” and the kids all got blown away because they are little and because he is really, really big. Anyway so then Dabi set the forest on fire because he loves doing that, and the chapter ended with Mina using her Acid Man attack to make herself FUCKIN’ FIREPROOF so she could charge through the woods ready to save the day and stuff!
Today on BnHA: Mina launches herself straight at Machia like the beautiful corrosive wild child she is, but then everything goes to shit when she recognizes him from that one time she almost got murdered while giving a strange man directions. Just when it’s looking like she might get killed for real this time, KIRISHIMA SHOWS UP TO SAVE THE DAY AND SHOVES HER TO SAFETY AND IS ALL “BOTTOMS UP” AND HEAVES A LITERAL CAN OF WHOOPASS RIGHT IN MACHIA’S MOUTH. At this point the grown-ups are all “oh wow look at that, time for us to take over for you kids now, don’t worry we’ve got it all under control” because Oh Those Wacky Pros and all that, but at least Majestic finally deigns to show his face so that’s a plus! The chapter ends with us cutting back to the Jakku battle, where Tomura is curled up in a little ball all “curse you heroes, how dare you [checks notes] save people all the time”, which is a real take and a half. Anyway so things are looking up, which can only mean everyone is about to die. That’s how it works, right. Shit.
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THIS IS MINA. SHE’S REALLY COOL AND SHE CAN MELT PEOPLE. um, the hell kind of tagline is that?? holy fucking shit?? “melt and succumb”?? IS THE SUCCUMB PART REALLY NECESSARY. IS THAT NOT ALREADY IMPLIED. it’s like saying “die and then perish”, which actually sounds really badass and I’m about to make it my new go-to threat actually so you know what never mind. where the fuck were we anyway
“IS EVERYONE SAFE” some absurdly bad-at-gauging-situations kid from class B is yelling while the forest is on fire and all the kids are recovering from having been catapulted fifty miles by King Dodongo’s windy yeet breath. of course they are safe, sweet child. of course everyone is absolutely fine, why the fuck would they possibly not be safe after something like that
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AT LEAST HE’S STILL CONSCIOUS ENOUGH TO MAKE STUPID JOKES. holy shit this baby got concussed to hell and back and then Machia turned him and the others into precipitation and he wasn’t in any kind of state to even try to land safely, I hope to god someone caught him
Sero is all “is there anyone still in range!” and damn, I like that he’s taking charge and trying to regain their momentum. he is so criminally underrated. I feel like he’s in the top six or seven of class 1-A kids who I would most trust to take charge. which is very high praise because that class has a lot of charge-taking kids
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it “probably” can’t get through her acid, she says. my god. sometimes the spirit of Plus Ultra just takes ahold of these kids and it’s like, I want to ruffle their hair proudly and then grab them by the shoulders and shake them vigorously because WHERE EVEN IS YOUR SELF-PRESERVATION WHY DO NONE OF YOU HAVE IT GODDAMMIT AIZAWA REALLY SHOULD HAVE EXPELLED YOU GUYS AFTER ALL
man. and yet I really do love this “be the one who can do it” stuff. what a heroic fucking attitude dfjfklks. I’ll just go put on my humongous sandwich board that reads GIANT FUCKING HYPOCRITE and go stand in the corner
damn it this week’s scan is annoyingly dark, it’s really hard to tell what’s going on but it looks like the pros are attacking Machia and the League at long last. way to go guys it only took you seven years but you finally hopped to it
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okay what the hell is up with these weird zen proverbs though
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“your fear stricken heart”, “the shortest path”, what the fuck even is this. whose thoughts are these. normally these translations are honestly decent enough but I gotta say this time around I’m totally being thrown for a loop lmao
(ETA: FYI I’m only just now realizing that he was saying the shortest path to Master, as in Tomura, not “master” as in to master something fjkldjskf lol some delayed reading comprehension there. so basically he’s just bitching about how annoying these little “flies” are proving to be.)
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okay is it just me, or is Gigantomachia suddenly showing intelligence in his eyes instead of mindless animal instinct the single most pants-shitting thing you’ve ever seen?!! holy shit. the way he just LOOKS at her out of nowhere all of a sudden?? holy fucking shit DO NOT HURT MT. LADY OH MY GOD I’M FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. AND DON’T YOU DARE HURT MINA EITHER!! JUST FUCKING DIE AND PERISH
but also though, is that recognition in Mina’s eyes?? because even though this dude is 80 feet tall now, her encounter with him a couple years back had to have been one of the more memorable experiences of her young life. damn I was wondering when this would finally come into play
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this has nothing to do with anything but Mina just has the prettiest hair, btw, and this “just woke up covered in acid” look is a particularly good one on her. it looks so soft and fluffy, like damn. this is like Shouto-hair-billowing-in-the-wind levels of pretty here
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oh my god holy shit?! putting her back in the school uniform to show the slip in her mentality is a PUNK MOVE, HORIKOSHI, and I respect the shit out of you for it you manipulative bastard. goddammit. bracing myself for the incoming wave of Mina feels... here they come... they’re a lot... let’s see if I can latch on to anything I can actually figure out how to describe in words
okay well here’s one, my respect for Mina’s bravery just went up like a thousand percent in this instant, because now we know this was actually such a traumatizing event for her that hearing Machia’s voice again years later immediately sent her into a full-blown flashback. she was that scared and yet she still stood up to him and didn’t hesitate. and now I’m remembering how her knees just buckled right afterwards, and just...
and this visual, though!! what a brutally effective way to show that in her mind she went right back to being that scared middle schooler again for a moment. god fucking damn. holy shit you guys is Kirishima fireproof because if he comes waltzing out of the woods next I don’t even know what I’m gonna do. lolo kids getting traumatized left and right this arc is fucking merciless
um eXCUSE ME!?!?!
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holy shit he could have fucking snapped her neck like that??! I don’t like this at ALL WHAT THE FUCK
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holy fucking shit y’all. I mean, it’s not like it came out of nowhere, like the setup could not have been more obvious, but let me assure you that none of the predictability lessened the actual impact of this moment in the SLIGHTEST. Horikoshi really wrote a flashback scene one hundred and thirty five chapters ago and planted it, watered it once a day, and patiently waited for THREE LONG YEARS until he could finally harvest the badass fruits of his labor in the midst of his most epic arc to date. I’m so fucking hyped I’ll even forgive him for sacrificing Mina’s big moment and having her get rescued, because it’s such a good reversal. he didn’t freeze up this time. he promised himself he’d never freeze again and he didn’t and he saved her and god fucking damn. anyways so now Machia is going to treat him like a fucking action figure though but he’s a solid little dude he can take it hopefully
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well we know he’s fireproof. another callback at the least expected of times lmao
so Tetsu’s all “yeah Kirishima’s not really all that fireproof but he totally ran over here anyway to save you. oh wait that probably wasn’t very comforting of me to say.” maybe that’s why it seems like he might not have actually said it out loud, now that I’m reading this over again. good call Tetsu
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lmao he’s just dropping this random hero person and letting him fall to his doom wheeeeee
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remind me to leave all of the League of Villains’ texts on read for the foreseeable future. goddamn. I still love you guys but also, fuck you so damn hard
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real talk, just between you and me, I’ll lower my voice so that Kirishima can’t hear. so uh. we all agree that even if Kiri is fireproof and squishproof, that little can of tranquilizer juice technically shouldn’t have been, right? but we’re all going to hush and pretend like it was anyway for the sake of not spoiling his big moment. even though I am crossing my arms and tapping my chin with my finger while doubtfully glancing to the side
anyway here he goes!
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YEAH KIRI GO GETTIM [stage whisper] there it is, in his pocket. should’ve burned. we won’t discuss it
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Shouji standing there trying to be useful any way he can. are eyeballs really that much more effective if you make them the size of tennis balls and hold them up above your head. legit question, I don’t really know how eyes work
okay after 45 seconds of googling this my impression is that no, they are not. well good on you for giving it the old college try anyway though Shouji
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oh my god he really is the Magic Man dude??? TIME TO DUST OFF MY INVENTORY OF ADVENTURE TIME QUOTES
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“that’s enough depending on some interns” oh, okay. now that they’ve done all your work for you. I see, I see
so now Gigantomachia is LITERALLY UNHINGING HIS JAW I can’t fucking believe this dude you guys. everything he does is just like, ARE YOU SERIOUS
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please go to sleep already. thanks to you I have my keyboard set to capslock as the default for the duration of this chapter
oh my god you guys they really fucking did it
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I guess that Howitzer slash fire punch combo really was that potent huh
anyway so now Endeavor is standing there making a big speech instead of reaching into Tomura’s pocket and taking the bullets that he doesn’t know about and shooting him with one asap. dammit Endeavor
aaaaand Tomura is firing back with the wisdom of Shimura Fucking Kotaro of all people
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well you sure convinced me. damn I don’t know what I was thinking. heroes suck you guys. how dare they help other people all the time
so now he’s all “PERIOD, EXCLAMATION POINT!!”
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take that Endeavor. you heard the man. it’s not destruction without conviction, as god as his witness he will have you know it is destruction WITH conviction. something something the great sage Shimura “I hurt my family for absolutely no reason at all, fuck this ‘helping others’ bullshit” Kotaro. I hope you packed your textbooks because you just got SCHOOLED. I hope the person who ordered you signed up for delivery notifications because you just got SENT. I HOPE YOU LIKE CAPITALISM BECAUSE YOU JUST GOT OWNED. I HOPE YOU CHOSE PAPER AND NOT SCISSORS BECAUSE YOU JUST GOT ROCKED
what an absolutely, unreservedly bizarre place to end the chapter lol. we’re really just done with this week, just like that. Majestic showed up and Gigantomachia opened his chin like a garage door and Tomura is all “you may have won the battle but you suck” while he buys time for Aizawa to suddenly sneeze or something so he can make his terrible comeback and continue Horikoshi’s Traumatize Every Kid in Class 1-A 2020 campaign. what an arc this is my friends. what an arc
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luv4fandoms · 4 years
Johnny Cade x Reader- Love.
Please do not report this, this is a reupload of my own story since it was on an account that I'm not sure how to get into anymore. (I need to get on my old pc and see if things are saved on there). It was on my other account @switchblades-and-cherries as well as on my wattpad TheLemonAlchemist. I am the original author of this story! Thank you.
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(This is seriously a dream I had one night...The first outsiders dream I had was about Johnny, was not expecting it but I'm gonna roll with it cause he is a total cutie ^_^)
Warnings: Fluff
Pairing: Johnny Cade x Reader
Word Count: 1,201
Tip Jar
Love, a four letter word that can stump even the smartest of people, what is love? How do we know when we are in love? How do we know when someone loves us back? Most people would simply say that love is just...Something, it cannot be described by logic or any words that are known to man...It just is, it's just there. You cannot understand love fully, and yet we yearn to.
You yourself were one of these people, even if you were a tuff greaser girl, you still wanted love. You read about it all the time in books, saw it on movies, but had never experienced it. Sure you had dated a few times, but you wouldn't say that you had been in love. You sighed as you rolled onto your back, the hot Florida sun beating down on you, that's right, you were in Florida. The boys had wanted to visit your hometown, and after a little bit of persuasion with Johnny's parents and Darry, here you all are. Currently you were all at the beach, they had pretty much begged you to go, though you were pretty sure Dally just wanted to see you in a bikini. You could hear them still, all goofing around in the water, it brought a smile to your face. So what if you never fell in love, you had six boys right here that you couldn't get enough of.
"Minnie! You comin' in or are you just gonna sit out there all day?!" You heard Two-Bit call, you sat up and looked at them, they were all waiting for your response, shaking your head while laughing, you stood up and joined them.
Night fell fast, and the boys still didn't want to leave. You had finally givin in and said you could all stay, and you would build a campfire like you used to when you were little. As you walked around to gather wood, your mind wandered back to a conversation you had with your mother a couple of years ago.
"Mom...Can I ask you something?" You asked your mother as she looked up from her book.
"Sure sweety what is it?"
"What is love?"
"It's an emotion" she laughed, giving you her "stupid answer for a stupid question" You rolled your eyes at her laughter.
"You know what I meant"
"It's not something that can be explained sweety" she told you
"What does it feel like then? How do you know that you are in love?" You asked, she thought for a moment, no doubt her mind rushing back to memories of when she was in love.
"It's a wonderful feeling, it feels like nothing in the world can hurt you, or make you sad. If a feeling you get when you know you can't live without someone, when someone else is your everything, and you want to live your whole life with that person" she told you, a sincere smile on her face.
"But how do you know you are in love with someone?" You asked
"This is what you do, you close your eyes, take three deep breaths, and then open them. If you see someone in front of you that makes you lose your breath for even a second. That's who you love"
Your mother always had a funny way of explaining things, but you loved her nonetheless. Sighing, you heaved the sticks you had gathered back to the camp. Looking around though, you saw no one.
"Must be looking for sticks too" you shrugged, as you began layering up the sticks.
'close your eyes, take three deep breaths, and then open them. If you see someone in front of you that makes lose your breath for even a second. That's who you love'
You looked over to where the road was beyond the woods, making sure no one was around. Nodding, you closed your eyes and faced the water. You took a deep breath...Then another...And another. You were a little afraid to open your eyes, but you pushed away the fear, and did so. When you did, your breath caught in your throat as you looked at the boy in front of you. The moon danced across his raven locks and tanned skin as he smiled at you.
"You ok {y/n}?" He asked as you simply stared into his dark brown eyes, getting lost for a moment. Had he always been this attractive? How come you never noticed before?
"Y-Ya...I'm fine" You stuttered as you quickly turned around and went back to the fire you were building, successfully getting it build and started. You sat down on a nearby log, and Johnny sat next to you.
"Here" he said shrugging off his jacket and draping it over your shoulders when he saw you shiver.
"T-Thanks" You said, smiling at him. All was quiet for a moment, it was peaceful, yet you were anxious as you wrestled with your rapid heartbeat, what had gotten into you? This was just Johnnycakes, you two hung out all the time.
"Hey {y/n}" you heard his shy voice speak.
"Ya?" You asked looking over at him, you couldn't quite tell with how dark it was, but it looked like he was blushing.
"There's...Somethin' I need to tell ya" he said, taking a deep breath while you waited for him to continue.
"We've been friends for a while now and...What I mean is...I guess what I'm trying to say is..."
"Johnny" you giggled at his flustered state.
"{y/n} I...I love you" He finally finished--Now it was your turn to be flustered as you stared at the boy. It was true that Johnny could always cheer you up when you were sad, and sometimes you didn't know what you would do without him, he was one of your best friends...But could you feel more for him? It was as if your eyes saw him for the first time tonight and your heartbeat was in overdrive at this point, and from the look on his face, so was his.
"I...I love you too Johnny" you smiled, his eyebrows shot up as he looked at you, a smile gracing his own lips.
"Really?" he asked hopefully, to which you just gigged and nodded.
"Really" you replied as you leaned in and captured his lips, they were soft and warm, with a slight taste of salt water from earlier. When you pulled away you heard the hoots and hollers of the boys as they came from the woods.
"Way to go Johnny!" Two-Bit smiled, ruffling Johnny's hair.
"Knew ya had it in ya kid" Dallas said sitting down on a nearby log and winking at Johnny while he lit a cigarette. Johnny was bright red at the point and you couldn't help but giggle as you leaned in and kissed his cheek, he smiled at you before giving you a quick peck on the lips.
"So this means you're my girl right?" he asked wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
"Yup, and you're my guy" you told him as you snuggled into his side..Finally, you knew what love was.
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There it is! This is the first of my Outsiders stories I'll be bringing over so I hope you all enjoy these old fics I wrote lol.
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2-player-game · 4 years
Kenma, Hinata, Tsukishima, Oikawa, and Tanaka relationship HC!!
• He's kinda hard to talk to, but super sweet if you try hard.
• Loves to game with you, if he truly loves you and knows your the one he'll lose a game of smash bros for you.
• Kuroo loves to tease you two, he's a good friend though.
• Sometimes he's a Tsundere if you squint really hard, but it's not common nor noticeable.
• Very rarely will he take you out on a date in public, expect a bunch of indoor and stay at home dates.
• Sometimes he'll be gaming at his PC and you'll want attention, if you try to sit on his lap he will tHROW YOU OFF HIM.
• No hesitation, you're just thrown onto the floor. With love though, he didn't mean to hurt you, he's just busy.
• Very sweet, kinda clingy some days but distant the other, he gets anxious sometimes, especially when you watch him during a game.
• He's!!! So sweet!!! And great!!! Energy 100%!!!
• He gifts you a lot of things, and always wants you to watch his games.
• Very clingy, but in a good way. Like he's also wanting a lot of affection from you.
• If you don't pay attention to him he gets all pouty
• Cuddles are always nice, he tries to be big spoon but he's so small(unless you're somehow shorter than him) he's still little spoon most of the time
• He's very passionate about volleyball, so you better believe he wants to train with you!!!!
• Wonderful boyfriend 10/10. So sweet. Such Ginger.
• You probably had to ask him out since he's so cold and mean.
• He likes to pick on you a lot, but he knows when he's going too far with you.
• Actually very soft, like so sweet and caring(sometimes) if you're sad or hurt.
• Museum dates? Sign me up. He loves to go over to the dinosaur section and tell you all about the bones and these giant reptiles. He's pretty cute when he's excited, but gets and blushy and like a Tsundere if you point it out.
• If you're up to it, make fun of his teammates with him after a game.
• Please watch his games, it plays so much better than he would normally, it's like when your there adrenalin is injected in his veins. It's wonderful.
• He loves it when you play with his hair. There isn't much of it, but massage his scalp with your nails and he just melts in your arms, free for you to play with.
• He's fuckin blind without his glasses and he squints a lot and he looks really dumb and it's so funny pleas steal his glasses.
• That's all I have to say, he's great.
• Very very annoying sometimes.
• Pretty boy doesn't know when to shut up, but he's still loveable either way.
• He's pretty fun to be around, but he tends to be kinda cocky sometimes
• He loves it when you watch him play, through a crowd of screaming people, he can always spot you out of the crowd.
• Please cheer loud for him, he loves the encouragement.
• Repeat after me: Wear. His. Clothes.
• Whether it's his hoodies, jerseys, or tshirt, he thinks you look stunning in all of his clothes.
• He puts a lot of product in his hair, but when it's not in it his hair is super soft, play with it gently because his scalp is very sensitive.
• Very supportive about everything!
• Will beat the shit out of anyone who wrongs you!
• Very strong, so he easily picks you up, ride on his shoulders, it's super fun.
• He loves to brag about you, you're the light of his life and everyone needs to know that.
• He loves when you laugh at his jokes, it fills him with more pride than it should.
• He often needs help shaving his head since it's pretty difficult and his hair grows fast, so if his sister can't do it for him he really appreciates if you help him out.
• He gives REALLY good hugs, like too good for him, his hugs are very warm and strong and he ruffles your hair because he thinks you look cute with messy hair.
• Best boyfriend in Kurasuno, so proud of you, loves you so much, he treats you like a queen.
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lordsicheng · 6 years
A Different Tomorrow: Pt. 3
Hwang Minhyun x OC
g: angst, slice of life
summary: being someone who only went home twice a month as a teen until your early 20s, you never fully believed in a second chance at life, nor did you even believe in love. once you meet a young man near the park, your whole life could possibly turn into 180
w!: prostitution (only mentioned, not shown/written in action), profanity, mildly suggestive
A/n: again i am sosososo sorry this took so long. i rewrote this three times already and i wasn’t satisfied with the first two drafts, and once i was satisfied with the third my pc broke down and deleted over 10 of the others stories i had already premade so i am trying my best to get to a lot of others up within the next days ;; for those who haven’t read this yet, i suggest reading part 1 and part 2 first before continuing with this one. will make sure to get back on track very soon! <3
You slowly opened your eyes, having enjoyed your sleep as you sat up and noticed Minhyun wasn’t around anymore. You got off the bed slowly, walking towards the kitchen to see a bowl. You opened the rice cooker and saw that there was a new batch of rice made by Minhyun earlier, untouched. You smiled as you saw the note on the refrigerator, grabbing it as you read it
“Made rice because I finished the extra from yesterday, sorry. Just reheat the food if you want, but use a plate and the microwave. Be back at 10. Don’t forget to clean up and get ready!”
You chuckled as you looked at the clock, mortified as it was already almost past 9am, and you hurriedly grabbed the bowl and a plate to get some rice to eat breakfast. You remembered that you both were planning on going shopping, mostly just for him since you already bought so much stuff. You hurriedly ate on the dining table, noticing you made a bit of a mess, but you were really in a rush since it was already 9:30. You put all the plates on the sink right after and grabbed a towel to get to the bathroom, hurriedly taking a shower before it turns 10
“Why am I so slow” you complained, rushing while washing your hair
Minhyun arrived just exactly a few minutes after 10, looking around to see if you were already ready
“Y/n?” he called out
“Hold on!” you replied as you walked out of the bathroom already ready, wearing something more decent compared to your almost worn out outfit from the first day. You sat on the sofa and grabbed a small bag on the side and brought out a lipstick you bought, using your phone as a mirror while applying it
Minhyun couldn’t help but smile as he looked at you while he was by the sink washing his hands, checking if you had cleaned up the plates you had used that were put to the side. He nodded in approval as he noticed you did, and walked over to you, still finishing up your makeup
“Red looks good on you.” he commented as he walked over, making you feel heat from your cheeks
“T-thanks… but I think it’s too much.” you pressed your lips together in hesitance
“No, really. Red seems like a timeless color. Everyone looks good wearing it.” he nodded as he sat next to you
“So do you want to wear red lipstick, then?” you looked at him in curiosity, making him chuckle
“Thanks, but I don’t want to.” he shook his head
“Where were you, anyway?” you asked as you raised a brow
“I had to get my paycheck at work since I forgot to get it yesterday.” he smiled as he looked at his phone, making you suddenly feel guilty again for selling his keyboard
“A-are you thinking about getting a new keyboard?” you asked, almost becoming hesitant
“Nah, maybe next time. I’m not in a rush to get a new one.” he shrugged
“I swear, I’ll find a part time job to pay you back.” you clasped your hands together, pleading
“Y/n, it’s fine. I’ll wait downstairs, okay? I have to check the mail. Just bring the key since we’re both heading out.” he smiled as he pat your shoulder and walked out of the apartment, leaving you in the apartment again, sighing as you knew you really messed up
Minhyun was able to find good deals on some new clothes while you both were walking around the streets of Myeongdong, often trying to find clothes for you as well. But you politely declined, telling him over and over that you are fine with the clothes you bought for yourself yesterday and didn’t want to be a burden for him to spend more money on
“Here, try this pink sweater.” he said as he eyed it and tried to examine if it would fit you
“No, please. I’m good with the other sweaters I bought.” you waved your hand in decline
“Are you sure?” he chuckled
“Yes.” you beamed
He ended up buying only a few clothes here and there and you looked at him as he brought only two bags with a few clothing pieces, wondering if he did it on purpose or if he was just picky for his own clothing
“Are you on a budget or something?” you snickered while looking at the bags he brought
“I don’t think there are a lot of good clothes out at the moment. Or maybe I was too late on finding ones I like?” he smiled while looking at you
“What are you talking about? There’s tons lot of clothes here that would look really good on you!” you put your hands on your hips and stopped walking, making him turn to look at you with a smile still plastered on his face
“Soooo are you saying I would look good in basically anything?” he grinned
“W-well yeah? I mean-“
“So is that a refined version of you saying I am good looking?” he crossed his arms and smirked, and you opened your mouth in shock
“You… you’re just…” you couldn’t complete your sentence, and he laughed a bit while he thought you were cute while stuttering
“Fine! You’re handsome!” you raised your hands and walked away as he kept looking at you while laughing, shaking his head a bit and following you shortly
Minhyun looked at you chomping down on the bibimbap you ordered, which was bigger than you expected. You were already hungry from all the walking and you definitely needed something that had a bigger serving than how much you usually ate. Minhyun, on the other hand, couldn’t help but grin and chuckle to himself often times when he glanced at you, wondering why you became so hungry all of the sudden
“You don’t eat this much at home.” Minhyun said while taking a pause from eating
“I got really hungry from following you around.” you said while chewing on your food, not even looking at Minhyun
“If you want more we can order some others.” he chuckled as he started going back to eating
“Minhyun I don’t want to be a burden to you when it comes to money so it’s fine.” you smiled and waved off
“You’re not a burden to me.” he opposed
“But I feel like I am and it makes me even more guilty because of the fact I sold a precious belonging of yours without your consent.” you stopped eating, raising your head to look at Minhyun. He could only look at you back blankly, but he eventually burst into a soft chuckle and reached out his hand to wipe off a grain of rice from the side of your lip, then pulled back his hand as he rested his elbows on the table
“I won’t bother you with anything money related, then. I don’t want to make you even more upset.” he let out a sigh, smiling as he continued to eat
You looked at him, both mixed with a bit of fault and confusion because you couldn’t understand why he treated you like this. You felt like nothing but a nuisance to his already organized life and you didn’t want to end up being the one who would mess it up. Was he just holding back his anger towards you? Was he just being nice in the beginning? Was he restraining himself from kicking you out of his place? Something inside you, though, is telling that he’s just really good-willed. But you wanted to find out why he was like this, despite the fact that you’ve developed some sort of liking.
After eating and doing a bit more of window shopping, you both decided to head home early. You stood by the subway as it was close to sunset and you waited for Minhyun since he excused himself to go to the restroom. He came back in a hurry, seeing the crowd become bigger as he realized it was already close to rush hour
“We need to go.” he said as he grabbed the bags beside you and pulled you by your wrist, running down the stairs to get to the next train that was to arrive
“Hold on! I can’t find my card!” you said as you rummaged through your small purse with your free hand, finally seeing your card and yanking it out of the pocket
After scanning your travel cards, you both waited for the train that was announced to arrive in two minutes. You stood next to Minhyun and raised your head a bit to look at him, slowly noticing a pair of eyes was staring at him and eventually looking back at you
“Yes?” Minhyun asked with a smile
“T-thank you.” you slowly smiled back
“For what?”
“For… everything…” you shyly said and looked down. He snickered a bit and ruffled your hair, then brushed it back once the train had arrived at a full stop
A couple of days had passed and it was filled with much joy to you, since Minhyun literally treated you as if you both were just roommates together. Somehow, it did make you feel giddy inside whenever you were able to see him even when he was almost not around due to his work. He’d properly say goodbye to you when he was to leave and whenever you were still asleep, he’d leave a small note in case he was able to cook and so. This somehow made you feel special as a person, as if you were cared so much that it made your heart skip a beat.
While in the middle of cleaning, you looked at Minhyun reading a book at the sofa and just stared at him for a while. Minhyun began to notice your eyes glued to him, and he just gave a slight smile without looking at you
“What’s the matter?” he asked, still looking at his book
“Sorry.” you mumbled, about to turn to the side
“No, really. What’s up?” he said as he put the book he was reading to the side and finally looked at you
“Well.” you sighed, turning to look back at him
“I’m just wondering why you aren’t dating anyone. I mean… you’re really sweet and easygoing. You would make a good boyfriend—no, a husband! You’re really handsome too.” you admitted, to which Minhyun just widened his eyes a bit and slowly looked down, becoming quiet
“Oh, wait… Did I say something w-“
“I’m not in a hurry when it comes to dating. I just want to have proper feelings with someone before committing.” he sighed, nodding
“But… don’t you have experience?” you raised a brow in question
“I do. I just don’t show it.” he stood up and walked over to the other side of the room to check on his laundry, and you just turned to wash your hands and walk back to your side of the place before Minhyun could come back to check up on you
“I might as well be staying home tomorrow, by the way. I’m taking a day off and I have no class since the school is having an event.” he said as he walked over to you, smiling
“Aren’t you gonna attend?” you asked, turning to look at him
“Nope. Attendance isn’t needed.” he shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets
“Alright. Good night.” you nodded
“Good night.”
You both looked at each other, you often pursing your lips as Minhyun just waited for you to go to your bed and sleep as he were to finish cleaning the rest of the place. Somehow, you took a few steps forward to walk up to him, and Minhyun also took only a step to go to you as if you both were magnets. You suddenly tiptoed a bit and kissed him on the lips as you close your eyes, him not even refraining you from doing so. The kiss wasn’t over the top, nor was it somehow like those romance novels and shows—it was rather sweet and innocent. His lips, pillowy and soft as a cloud you would describe in your mind as if you were in contact with a sweet bubblegum cotton candy piece. You finally broke the kiss yourself and stood back straight, looking at Minhyun who slowly opened his eyes from what just happened and appearing to be a little bit dazed.
“Um…” Minhyun scratched the back of his head, looking to the side
“I’m gonna go ahead.” you said, taking a few steps back and then walking to the bed where you usually slept
Minhyun couldn’t speak much and instead walked out, going to the balcony of the apartment complex  level where he often frequented and looked around.
You laid down on the bed and tried to get a grip on what just happened. You kissed Minhyun; a stranger, just some random guy who let you stay over because of his caring heart, and finally, in your admittance, someone whom you have fallen for. Sure, it had only been days, almost a week, since you both met. But he was different—he took care of you, made sure you felt right at home, and definitely made you feel safe. 
You touched your lips, trying to remember how his lips felt like on yours. It was beautiful and pure of a feeling, it wasn’t like any other person you’ve kissed before. It was like you were in your earlier years again where you had supposedly found your first love, a rather innocent kind of love.
“Love?” you thought loudly, hoping it was something that you were open enough to admit to. You had never fallen in love before, you always hoped for a happy ending and you always wanted to find the right one. You grinned, biting your bottom lip as you closed your eyes in hopes that you could fall asleep in such a pleasant mood
Minhyun, on the other hand, stood at the balcony of the apartment level and just looked at the Namsan Tower that was from far away, sighing as the cold wind seemed to rush past his jacket and into his body. But what made it extra chilly was the feeling of what just happened moments earlier.
He had kissed you, even though he wasn’t the one who initiated it. He was feeling confused but also mellow, afraid of hurting you since he didn’t want to either. He couldn’t admit to himself, and to you, that he wasn’t ready to find someone to love yet. But he knew he was close to being ready, only finding the right time on when he can find that certain someone he can call his own.
Like what you had done earlier, he also touched his lips and tried to reminisce what just happened—and it made him slightly elated. He felt at ease and it somehow didn’t feel awkward to him. No particular feelings were in the moment, but it was as if it was about to rise up as time passed. 
Chuckling to himself, he thought of what had happened again and couldn’t stop from chuckling lightly to himself as he took a couple of deep breaths before turning to walk back to the apartment, hoping you were finally asleep before you could notice from his expression on what he actually felt from the kiss.
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superpotatesme00 · 7 years
(Pidgance Fanfic) by AIR
Sorry for the wait :(
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Becoming Aware
Chapter 4/5: 
A Shocking Realization.
Can you pinpoint the exact moment you fell in love? What is it that makes you fall for someone? Is it their grandiose gestures, like showering you in flowers, money or beautiful words? Or is it the little things? The random yet sincere smiles, the immediate understanding through just one glance, the encouraging shoulder bumps, the stupid inside jokes that only you two understand, or is it their eager ears intently listening to whatever nonsense you have to tell? Such a seemingly insignificant gesture causes you chest to tighten.
Pidge continued to shriek with laughter. So much so, that her cheeks felt sore from their overworked smiling. She suddenly hesitated as a pain in her chest ached slightly.
Heart burn?
She looked at the over enthusiastic boy next to her. He laughed loud enough to shake the walls as he violently pressed the buttons to the controller. Her eyes scanned his features and she instantly formed a smile. Lance’s blue eyes fell to meet her’s and she felt an uncontrollable squeeze in her chest once more.
You can’t always control who you fall in love with. It happens when you least expect it-.
No! no… I don’t- for Lance?!…Nope!
Not that any of this mattered to Pidge. Since Pidge wasn’t “in love”, and Pidge just had “heart burn.”
His cheeks were beginning to stiffen and make it difficult to do anything but smile. His eyes were watery and hot from his uncontrollable laughter on top of his stomach feeling sore from it all. Not that that was a bad thing, since Lance firmly believed laughing would eventually earn him a six pack.
“No no you gotta go left Lance! Watch the flank, watch the flank!” Pidge’s eyebrows were knit together and her glances held the reflection of their intense gaming.
“HOLD ON! WAI-NO! SHIT! I’m down…” Lance slumped over his knees in defeat.
“GYAHHAHAHAHHA SERVES YOU RIGHT?! IT’S ALL ABOUT STRATEGY MY MAN~”  Pidge’s hands continued to press the buttons at amazing speeds. Her eyes glimmered as she bit her bottom lip with determination.
Lance felt an unexpected thump in his chest at the sound of her words, “my man.”
She said “MY man.” What does that mean??? I like how that sounds~
Lance lifted his gaze to catch a glimpse of the concentrated paladin. He couldn’t help but stare. She had very long eyelashes… and seeing her smile so widely while around him made him feel ridiculously giddy.
“What? Upset that your various so-called “skills” don’t include gaming?” She met his eyes with a smug lift of a brow.
The unexpected eye contact caught Lance off guard as he felt his face flush slightly.
No…Pidge gets along with everyone…this doesn't mean anything…I’m just over thinking it… …Why do I care anyway?
“RUDE! You know I’m amazing at pretty much anything! It-it was just an OFF day! Yeah!” Pidge almost spilled her soda in attempt to contain her laughter.
“HA HA HA~ I ain’t just good at console gaming, but I’m basically unbeatable on PC too~” Pidge straightened her back and rubbed her knuckles on her collar mimicking a polish.
“Yeah. I bet…” Lance frowned and threw his body back to sprawl over the couch.
The whole day had felt like a montage of cliche moments from a slice of life film. Everything was overwhelmingly fun and she would have never expected that she and Lance would click so well. Even back when Lance had so willingly dug around in the fountain to help her buy this console, she felt an unexpected connection…or potential connection between the two of them. Lance and Hunk ALWAYS had a blast with each other…But, she was different…She’s antisocial, almost standoffish…never wanting or needing anyone’s help or company. But most of all, she had never dreamed that should could actually get along with such an outgoing and extroverted guy.
Speaking of Hunk…
Coming back from the mall Hunk had seen how depressed the blue and green paladins were for not being able to play the new game, so he took up the task of figuring out how to make an adapter. He never told them, but Keith had seen him occasionally working on it. Staying up later than he usually would, tinkering around with some of the screens he had found in the storage units of the castle ship, then finally, just the day prior he had finally figured it out! He had told Lance first and even offered it as a persuasion for Lance to get Pidge to spend more time together. It was pretty much the cherry on top to the whole “Operation: Pidge x Lance Bonding.” Yet even prior to Hunks secret reveal, the two paladins had been spending the day as inseparable pees in a pod. It was awkward at first, mostly because of Pidge’s inability to be to physically close to Lance, but as they went on from talking, to running around singing makeshift concerts to each other, Pidge had found herself sitting butt-to-butt and shoulder-to-shoulder ( or in Pidge’s case: Head-to-shoulder) with Lance. Now, it was hard to go a second without any physical contact. Nothing weird though! Just nudges with the shoulders, pats on the back, and the occasional hair ruffling that was mostly done by Lance to tease Pidge. She didn’t mind though…It reminded her of her brother…yet…made her chest flutter.
Pidge reminisced as Lance updated the console. Little did she know that Lance was also swirling with thoughts of her.
Woah! I NEVER would’ve guessed that Pidge was so cool to hang out with! “He” was such a buzzkill back in the Garrison…but I guess she just needed a little warming up to! Makes me a little sad though, it would’ve been awesome to have been able to hang out sooner. Even if she was a “he.” …Who cares any way? “She” or “He?” No matter which: Pidge is smart, unexpectedly hilarious when she let’s loose and…well…pretty…
Both subconsciously raised their eyes to meet each other’s. Pidge flinched a bit, hoping to look away quickly but her eyes felt glued to his, unable escape. Lance felt the same but rather than internally panic, he enjoyed their moment. He could see every detail of her face down to her flawless complexion and basically nonexistent pores. She wasn’t kidding when she said her skin was pale, it seemed almost translucent and delicate to touch. There was a soft pink glow that could be seen underneath in her cheeks and ears. Part of him wanted to take her glasses off, but the other part wanted to keep them on since he was afraid he’d get too lost without the barrier dividing his eyes from her’s. Pidge was no different. She couldn’t help but notice just how nice his complexion was. It was no surprise though, since she was fully aware of his “spa days” and just how well he took care of himself. She wouldn’t mind if he had some blemishes though…Occasionally she would get them but luckily that dip in the castle baths had done some magical treatment to her occasionally puberty stricken face. A 15 year-old girl facing raging hormones causes her more breakouts than attempt to salvage this nonexistent figure of her’s. She couldn’t help but want to reach out and poke his soft cheeks, and she really envied how his blue eyes stood out from his sun kissed skin.
Without noticing both had been slowly inching closer to one another, almost close enough for their finger tips to touch, but safe enough to keep a reasonable distance. Lance smelled of peppermint and a hint of tropical shampoo. Pidge gave off the slightest sent of lavender from her fluffy hair, but most of all had the pleasant smell of bubblegum on her breath from her incessant gum chewing.
Pidge parted her lips to speak and Lance couldn’t help but be drawn in by the sweet scent and sight of her small pink lips.
“Lance…Um-So-!” Without notice the door behind them slid open, sending them both into a frenzied panic. The perpetrator was non-other than Hunk.
“hh-Hey…Guys!” He was panting, barley lifting his head to speak. Both blue and green shared equally confused expressions.
“i-I..Came…to get…You…”
“What’s with that buddy? You’re actin’ like ya ran a marathon!” Lance sat up taller and hopped over the back of the couch closer to Hunk. Pidge had sat up as well but stayed and watched.
“You okay Hunk???” She was worried something had happened.
“Oh…Yeah! Sorry! I just ran over to ask you guys if you heard Allura’s-”
“Attention Paladins! Could I have you ALL come to the common room please? I have quite a fun surprise!”
Yellow, blue and green all looked up simultaneously in the direction of the voice. Meanwhile, down a couple corridors the rushing of a shower head was shut off abruptly. Having heard the request the paladin quickly ruffled his hair with his towel and retreated to his room (wearing only a thin towel) to get dressed.
In the opposite wing of the castle could be heard the huffing and strenuous grunts of a young paladin striking down a single gladiator right on time to hear the intercom. The gladiator hit the floor with a loud thud and instantly pixelated away. The young paladin had kept his hair tied up a bit, since it would itch the nape of his neck. He wiped the sweat off his forehead, grabbed his jacket, and nonchalantly headed for the door.
“Oh! There you all are! That was quick!” Coran smiled widely, flaring his elegant mustache.
“Of course! The paladins must ALWAYS be ready! No matter the reason- Wait, there is only two of you…” Allura had turned to face the approaching subjects to realize that not only were both Lance and Pidge missing, but so was Hunk.
“Sorry Princess. We were all off on our own, so they are probably just out in the Lion’s landing decks.” Shiro brushed his hair out of the way as it began to drip onto his scarred nose bridge.
Allura couldn’t help but keep her eyes fixated on Shiro, even as he spoke with Keith. All of the paladins were adolescents but Shiro, was a full fledged, unbearably attractive adult…at least that explained Allura's clearly uncontrollable infatuation.
Hunk had managed to retrieve his two friends from the landing deck. They all realized they were running a bit late but had decided they would just take their time since the common room was quite far and this wasn’t an emergency.
Pidge was the smallest and out of habit the two boys walked on either side of her. Almost like an escort. Pidge never said anything but she always thought it was bit funny. Back at the Garrison she felt that maybe it was their subconscious brotherly instinct since they were tall and she was a bit…vertically challenged. She and Lance were excitedly telling Hunk about all the random shit they had been doing and Hunk was having a blast hearing his two best friends talk non-stop. Pidge began to imitate Lance and the way he had sung, resulting in Hunk ripping a massive fart from his uncontrollable laughter. It was sudden and Hunk couldn’t help but blush, only for the two to burst out in laughter and almost hit the floor from their now weak knees.
“So, how do you think it’s going buddy?” Hunk had taken the opportunity to ask Lance as both their paces fell a bit behind Pidge’s.
“Huh? Oh! Hmmmm…It’s gonna sound crazy but like way better than expec-!”
“Move along slow pokes, we have a mission!” Pidge had suddenly backtracked and playfully nudged Lance in the side.
“Roger that commander!” Without second thought, Lance saluted in sync with the small paladin as they marched ahead.
Hunk, a bit dumbfounded, observed the two of them for a split second, before smiling as he noticed how his two buddies were desperately containing their giggles.
It seemed that “Operation: Pidge x Lance Bonding” was nothing but smooth sailing.
“-yes, well. Now, that ALL of you are accounted for-” Allura shot a piercing glare at Lance specifically.
“Hey! Why ya giving me the stink eye!? Shorty and Hunk are culprits too!” Hunk gave Allura an apologetic smile, but Pidge pinched Lance’s arm.
“The reason I had you all gather here was because Coran, Hunk and I all thought it would a brilliant idea to have another go at our team bonding exercises!”
“The rules are simple my colorful warriors! This game is called Filhae S’qire. It consists of 5-10 players and in essence it similar to your human game of hide-and-seek.”
Keith shifted his weight as his thick eyebrows knit together in confusion: “We aren’t seriously going to play a kid’s game are we?”
Lance scoffed and his shoulders trembled causing Kieth’s eye to twitch in annoyance.
“WHAT?” It didn’t sound like a question.
“(*attempting to calm down*) What’s wrong Keith, you scared you and that mullet of your’s are gonna loose to this gorgeous specimen? I mean- Cuz’ if you are I don’t blame ya~”
“I’m not scared!” Keith took a step towards Lance.
“Yeah? Prove it~” Lance leaned his weight nonchalantly onto his left leg, giving Keith a sideways smirk.
Shiro could feel the heat radiating off the already hotheaded Keith and decided to step in.
“All right you too.” He placed a reaffirming hand on Keith’s shoulder. “Actually Princess, I’m a bit lost…why is it you think that playing a game will get us to work better as a team?”
“a-uh…Well, I never said it was a teamwork exercise, but a team bonding exercise. You will need to understand each other to find where each is hiding…” Allura trailed off, unable to look Shiro in the eyes. They felt like they could see right through her ruse and the fact this was just a poor excuse to play a game. She didn’t want him to think she was childish.
“I see, well I’m not against it. It’s good to have fun once in a while too.” Shiro smiled causing everyone else’s faces to light up.
The dynamic of the game was simple. Much like the Earthling game, the players would each take turns being the finder (or the person who’s “It”) while the remaining players had about 100 tics to hide. The game lasted as many rounds as there were players, in this case 7. But…There was a twist to it. The first round gave the person who was “it” about 10 minutes to find all the players…round by round the time limit would reduce progressively giving the person who was “it” less and less time to find ALL the players. All participants had to wear sensors and in the last 30 seconds of each round the finder’s sensor would start giving a warning signal, and once time was up he or her would be…electrocuted. Just how the rounds each more more intense…so would their electrocutions. And…if that wasn’t the worst part…the people doing the hiding would also get an increasingly more painful zap each time they were found.
Obviously, by this point no one wanted to play anymore. Especially not Hunk, who had so eagerly agreed to this “fun” game. But that didn't matter anymore, since Allura had already stuck the sensors onto each of their foreheads before Coran could finish explaining the rules…
“Heh…heh…No biggie…” Lance had been the master at hiding from his little nieces and nephews back home but currently his confidence was withering away.
“Guys…I’m going to die.” Hunk trembled as all the paladins kept their eyes on the ground. Even Shiro, who was at this moment regretting all his life decisions.
“…the sensors don’t come off until the game ends…and I’m sure they shock you if you try to tamper with them.” Pidge didn’t expect a response but Allura nodded anyway.
Allura’s ears were slightly drooped. She kept her eyes on the sad circle of paladins as she leaned in closer to Coran: “Coran…Did I say something wrong?”
“No Princess, just that…we Alteans have always been infamous for our extreme forms of…entertainment.”
The situation was awkward…to say the least. But, unfortunately the events prior had forced this predicament.
The game, as you may have thought was not going well, more so for the unlucky few. Of those few was Hunk, who had been the first and and only person found in the first round. Coran had been “it” and was able to catch a glimpse of what looked like someone’s ass sticking up from under the dinner table. Hunk felt the shock in between his eyes before being able see Coran’s always majestic mustache. Next from Hunk was the unfortunate Lance. It’s not that Lance was miserable at hiding. Allura was just ridiculously good at the game…he never stood a chance. He had managed to climb into a vent that was up so high he had to climb Shiro’s lion to reach it. And, just before he could celebrate the last 30 seconds of the 3rd round, Allura's sudden appearance had scared Lance shitless while simultaneously being electrocuted in the head.  The high pitched scream could be heard by all the terrified and sweating paladins. No one was safe that round…And if you are wondering about the second round just prior…Let’s just say that Lance was unsuccessful in finding ANYONE. The next three rounds continued the intense game of what seemed like life or death. Round 4 ended in the zapping of both the poorly hidden Coran (who was posing as a plant), and the slow finder, Hunk. Shiro was “it” for the following round (5) and by this point he was sure no one could take much more. He especially did’t want Katie nor Allura being shocked. So, he chivalrously gave up the round to be solely electrocuted. Round 6 was Pidge’s turn and a genius like her actually put Allura’s words into practice, “You will need to understand each other to find where each is hiding.” Pidge knew her teammates all too well, and although she regarded them as family, she preferred to save herself from the suffering. So, she paced herself to one-by-one pick off the the Alteans and paladins before her 30 second warning signal even went off.
Round 7 left everyone’s fates in Keith’s hands, and currently he was stalking his prey. Everyone, especially Hunk and Lance, were panicking by this point. Lance couldn’t help feel that Keith had it out for him. Amidst the panic, Lance had squished himself into an uncomfortable situation. Yet, not entirely undesirable for both parties.
It was completely coincidence and having realized his time to hide was up, took to the closest door he could find. But, someone had already chosen that spot, and that spot fit them well. It was a tiny squished storage unit and ironically held the cleaning utensils of the ship. It was pitch black in the closet and Lance never expected to feel his body slam into something other than a wall. That “something” being the small, fluffy Pidgeon.
They couldn’t see a thing and were chest-and-chest to each other. Well…more like head-and-chest. They were both quiet and Lance debated saying some sort of apology to Pidge. But, decided otherwise when he figured it would give them away to Keith; the last person he wanted to be seen by in such a questionable situation, or shocked by. His mind was a clusterfuck of panicked thoughts and attempted to calm himself down by focusing on one thing. Originally, he attempted to focus on Hunk’s previous farting but was completely overshadowed by the warm pressure of Pidge’s head on his chest. He looked down, to no avail, and was begging to become overwhelmed by the smell of her sweet shampoo. He closed his eyes and took in her scent.
HOLY CROW! FOCUS LANCE. Now you’re just acting like a fucking pervert.
He shook his head violently which made Pidge stir a bit. She was silent and he could barley hear her breathing.
Pidge couldn’t begin to fathom the situation. It happened so quick and she was completed flabbergasted when she saw the Cuban boy shove himself into the already tight closet. It was so small that their legs were shoved in between each other’s and something hanging on the wall forced her head onto his chest. He smelled as good as he did earlier, like peppermint and tropical shampoo. She could feel his breath on her hair and was too nervous to move. It wasn’t until he shook his head that she squirmed a bit. She figured that he was uncomfortable and maybe a bit disturbed to squished with the far-from-feminine Pidge.
That couldn’t have been farther from the truth though. Both their chest’s felt like they were going to explode, and their hearts beat so hard in their heads that they were afraid the other would hear. They both had tried to scoot away, only barley adding a couple inches of space between them. Lance’s head was leaned back and he stared into the darkness, feeling a tight knot in his throat and fluttering in his stomach.
Pidge was tired of this feeling that inevitably Lance had been causing her for a while. She wanted to solve it all in her head like an equation, she wanted to make sense of Lance and her. But, the talk she had had with Allura in the baths had made her realize something she had been denying herself. Lance meant a lot to her. He was always there for her. He was always there for everyone. He was amazing at all the things she felt she lacked, like empathy, charisma, outgoing, a big heart and a good listener. He always put people before himself, even if it wasn’t obvious: at the Garrison when he took the blame for her snide remark and the failed simulation or the time he risked his injured self to save her form Sendek. She never forgot those things…or the many other things he had done for her and the others. Sure he was a flirt, and a big idiot…But being this close to him, now, made her realize she never wanted him to be out of reach again.
Lance couldn’t read Pidge’s mind and he wasn't exactly as calculating as she was.
My chest is beating so loud she’ll probably hear it…Aw quizznack…I feel like I’m gonna fart under all this pressure!
Lance scrunched his face in resistance and once it was safe, felt his mind wandering back to Pidge, whose small legs were currently and inevitably intertwined with his own. His face was still burning and he couldn’t help but imagine her legs from that time he had seen her. They were so small and dainty, much like the rest of her. And, they held a pink undertone at the knees and ankles. Or her flushed cheeks and piercingly golden eyes…He wanted to feel just how soft she was…
NO NO NO LANCE! This is getting weird…I mean…I just…She’s just so goddamn cute. Like SHIT! I wanna squish her!
Lance hated that his own mind kept wandering to Pidge. She wasn't like other girls to him. She wasn't just a pretty think to look at. She was one of his best friends and he wanted to protect her. She was just a genius girl looking for her family and he wanted to help her accomplish that. He couldn't quite form what it was that he felt for her but it was almost as though she was too good for him to tarnish or touch. His dangerously low self-esteem was already covered by the idiotic mask he wore, he didn't want Pidge to deal with any of him. She needed someone reliable…someone better than him…
“Shit! I only got 2 minutes left!”
The sudden voice startled both the blue and green paladins, causing Lance to abruptly grab hold of Pidge’s shoulders. They held their breath as a black mullet passed by in front of the closed closet. Lance let out a small sigh and Pidge didn’t want the warmth of his hands to leave her. It was comforting even though he himself caused the painful squeezing in her chest.
The words almost formed in her head. It was on the tip of her tongue.
Lance was still lost in thought and little did he know that Pidge felt the bold desire to move closer to him, even if he was just some kid from Cuba. Something clicked in her head and she reached up on her toes closer and closer to Lance. She could feel his peppermint breath mix with her own. She knew she was close, she knew that even by accident she could reach his lips.
Her lips trembled as she opened her mouth to speak.
She was stopped short by excruciatingly loud zapping of the red paladin. Her face cringed in sympathy to his pain. The noise had startled Lance as well.
“Hey Pidge-!” Since Pidge had still been up on her toes Lance’s head met hers with full force. He lost his footing, resulting in the two of them toppling out of the sliding closet door.
“Urgh…” Lance groaned in pain as Pidge lifted herself up and dusted off her shorts.
She watched his slightly flushed face as she offered a helping hand. His hands were big and his fingers slender. She wanted to know what it would feel like to intertwine her small hands with his.
Allura quickly announced the end of the game and offered they all eat a well prepared meal. Pidge and Lance were just down the hall of the dinning hall and as Lance excitedly ran over to eat, Katie couldn’t help but smile…
Love huh? I could get used to that.
As promised, the three cadets (Lance, Hunk and Pidge) attempted to pull an all-nighter. Unfortunately, Allura’s ploy had left them all exhausted and unable to even finish the first half of Jaws. The rest had long gone to bed but “Space Dad” advised the 3 teenagers to not force themselves to stay awake.
At around 1AM Hunk’s stomach pleaded for a late night snack. Hunk was usually a heavy sleeper, but when it came to food he was quick to rise. He sat up and scratched his belly before slowly opening his heavy eyes to see where he was. Just as he was yawning he turned to see the unexpected: Lance and Pidge were snuggled up on the couch with their head rested on each other’s. Pidge’s glasses were folded next to her and only her toes poked out slightly from under the blanket that shielded them. Hunk was speechless and could barely believe his eyes. Then, his stomach’s beckoning directed him to the door. Once it slid open he couldn't help but look back. He noticed that Lance’s face was deeply rested into Pidge’s fluffy hair, almost lost. Hunk couldn’t help but giggle and it caught the attention of a passerby.
“Hunk?” Keith said quieter than usual.
Hunk motioned him to keep silent and smiled towards the couch. Keith observed the seen as well…only to look back and meet the goofy grin of the yellow paladin. Keith sighed and gave a relieved smile.
They both left without saying a word, heading towards the kitchen for a little late night snack.
THANKS FOR READING! Stay tuned for Chapter 5/6! :D
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cno-inbminor · 8 years
A/N: This was very random, in a way. But it’s also based off a true experience, so this is very special to me, and I used Jeongguk. Good luck to everyone on midterms!! I love you all.
WARNINGS: Mentions of weed, kind of angsty but uplifting in a sense, and unedited. It’s 3AM.
Word Count: 3.9k
From: #1 Son (8:23 PM) “Noona I’m bored can we hang out”
To: #1 Son (8:24 PM) yeah sure
Since Jeongguk can remember, you’ve always been there.
From the dawn of middle school to the dusk of high school, you have always been somewhat of his sanctuary from home. To him, home was weird. Sure, he was relatively close to his older brother, but the distance didn’t hold true with his parents. Sooner than later, he realized that he never talked to his parents about feelings and mainly did just for guidance on things he wanted to learn about. They worked most of the time, got him a car as soon as he had his license, and for most days, he was on his own.
But before the memories started fading into snippets and flashes, he just knows that you have been the staple in his life.
It begins with your parents being acquainted with his, him sitting quietly to the side just a few feet from you who was watching the quiet television but eyes entirely glossed over and mind evidently disengaged from the drama that was happening. The silence had been sitting between you two for so long now, Jeongguk thinks that he would find it weird if conversation actually occurred at this point. Soon enough, he know longer needs to ponder on whether or not to break the silence because the chairs are scraping against the floor and the parents are giving their good wishes to each other.
Both of you turn your heads and you practically glide past him as you stand by your mother, his own bending down a little to let you know that if you needed any help in school, you could find Jeongguk. And when his mother directs her gaze to ask him if he would help, he finds himself finding your eyes that seem to be staring straight into his soul and nodding without a word. But it’s like you know, you know, that there’s something else going on with the small smile that is shot towards him and he can’t help but blink because his chest just feels funny.
You are magical of sorts, his eleven-year old mind believes. Screw science.
Because you’re a year older, you enter high school earlier than he does, and soon, it’s you telling his parents that if he needed anything, he could find you. Of course, by now, you two are friends to say the least. Not close enough to be good friends, but closer than just regular acquaintances. Even since the seventh grade when he ended up in one of your hagwon classes, you had taken him under your wing, jokingly telling your friends that he was your son. At first, he would just take it and look sheepish when inside he was bubbling in mirth, but now he just takes it and smiles meaningfully at you when you’re not looking.
“Teacher Byun is a dick sometimes in grading, but don’t worry, if you present a good argument, he’ll give points back. And if anyone is giving you trouble, let me know immediately, okay?”
Jeongguk had nodded, merely thinking that he would never really need your help for anything, much less guidance. By now, he knows that you think the same way, but your caring personality and endearing mother complex lets him know that you mean it, that if somehow he did really need you, you’d be there. At this time, you’ve taken many “daughters” and “sons” under your wing, but while he might have just been the tiniest bit jealous, he knows that he’s technically your favorite “son”.
“You’re my number one son, Jeongguk,” you chuckle and ruffle his hair, causing him to shy away and fix his hair before continuing to slurp on his convenience store ramen.
It’s not like he doesn’t have other friends in school. There’s a boy named Yugyeom and another boy named Jimin, but they’re much more social than he is. Sometimes, he wonders if they stick around because he has good grades in every subject, but he quickly learns that that’s definitely not the case and somehow ends up in PC room’s more and more often towards the end of middle school.
Much to his delight, he gets to go to the same school as you, trying to not show that he loved it when he saw you bounding down the hall, sweatpants underneath your skirt and sneakers squeaking across the tiles, just to wrap him in a tight hug on the first day of school, your name slipping from your lips in the most excited tone he’s heard you ever use.
The two of you end up on the math and science team, another thing to add to the list of places your two lives overlap in this space of time, and even though he still doesn’t speak to you ever often, you never let him forget that you’re there. It’s you that’s beaming the brightest when he takes first place at competitions, the one that stays by the bus exit until he gets off so you guys can walk home together, and even though much isn’t said, Jeongguk is so, so thankful for your companionship.
But then there’s Jihye.
Kim Jihye, one of the girls on the school dance team and known for her subtly captivating smile yet slightly awkward attitude, manages to grab him under her claws. It’s not that she’s evil, but Jeongguk melts into the cracks of her existence, somehow only managing to view her from below and never eye-to-eye. She doesn’t even show that she’s interested in her, but he’s ultimately whipped for her, and you would be blind to miss it.
You may not speak to Jeongguk as often as you do your other friends, but you are a keen observer. You notice the little things about people, the casual glances they send towards others, the way they stand in a crowd, the things they say around others, the validity of their smiles. As a friend of Jihye’s, it doesn’t take you long to realize that Jeongguk looks at her with a fondness that is dissimilar to the one he has with his friends. When Jeongguk is with friends and not really engaging in the conversation, he always has this soft admiring look in his eyes and you admire the purity that has shrouded his soul.
A few boys are smitten by Jihye, but you silently root for Jeongguk because the other boys seem to just be after her body. Somehow, he manages to always have that small smile of his around her, gently eager to help her with any homework problems she might have, and it’s not long before you hear that Jeongguk has managed to ask her to the school dance their junior year, and therefore your senior year.
“You like Jihye, don’t you?”
Jeongguk snaps his eyes towards her and away from the bus window that he had been peering out of. It’s a little late at night, both grasping an ice-cream cone they gave into on the way back from hagwon, and Jeongguk nearly drops his in surprise from the sudden conversation topic.
He’s ready to lie, ready to defend his heart, but when he sees the tiny, all-knowing-motherly smile on your face, he knows he can’t hide. You’re not Yugyeom, who nudges him whenever they walk past Jihye, or Jimin, who’s always pushing to ask Jihye out. You are you, his noona, pseudo-mother, and most of all, his longtime friend.
“You could tell?” He asks with a sheepish grin on his face and you can’t help but laugh because he looks like he’s been caught red-handed with the candy jar.
“Sweetie, you have a crush, not committed a crime. Of course I can tell. I’m mom, remember?”
“Yeah yeah, so that means you know I asked her to the dance?”
“Mhmm,” you hum as you take a lick of your vanilla ice-cream.
“She told me her dad wouldn’t let her go,” he mumbles, dejection laced in his tone and not long after feels your comforting hand rubbing his shoulder.
“I know this is going to sound cliche, but it’s better to have tried and fail than not to have tried at all.”
“Isn’t that quote usually used for success and school?”
“Yes, but who says it can’t apply to romance either?”
“You’ve been watching too much dramas, haven’t you?”
“Yah, only the really good ones, okay? But back to my point, I’m glad you stepped out of your comfort zone and did that. Even if you got a no, it’s an experience of sorts.”
But little did he know that while it was true Jihye’s dad wouldn’t let her go to the dance at all, she had told you that she probably would’ve said no anyways, and that...that is something you’ll be taking to the grave.
Your eyebrows raise at the honorific, one that he hasn’t used in forever, if ever.
“Is this what rejection is like, when even the ice-cream tastes bitter?” Jeongguk asks quietly and looks at you with shining eyes, but the kind of shining that could only signify the welling of tears.
The sight itself tugs at your heart so painfully that you can’t help but wrap an arm around his shoulder and stroke his hair, mumbling comforting words as Jeongguk bites his lip and fights to finish his ice-cream and not shake in sobs on the bus.
Jeongguk sometimes wishes rankings weren’t so openly displayed in the school, that because the competition is so prevalent, it is necessary to know everyone’s place in their class, and therefore, in life. In his last year of school, he’s placed in the top 2% of the nation, at the top of his class, and essentially, placed on a pedestal by the most envious.
His parents are proud, but not the kind of proud to brag to others. If anything, he’s the most humble about it. If he had any say, he would request that rankings were kept private, that only people would know through inquiries, and that schools wouldn’t place such high importance in rankings. Jeongguk has seen friendships be quietly torn apart, lives cast aside and instead dedicated to black ink printed mechanically on ivory pages.
Hagwon is different without you--he rides the bus alone, eats ice-cream alone, slurps on convenience-store ramen alone, and wanders alone. There is no longer anyone struggling to wrap an arm around his shoulder and call him their son in the most proud-mom voice they can muster, one that exceeds his own mother’s proud tone. You are no longer waiting at the exit for him and sometimes running ahead of him, eager to take in the moment and a breath of fresh air.
Jeongguk remembers congratulating you at your graduation and then hugging you goodbye as you left for college hours away from home. Time leaps forward and soon he’s in his own graduation gown and cap, accepting his diploma and taking photos with his parents. Girls and classmates flicker toward him in hopes for pictures as well, and soon enough, he thinks his face might rip from all the smiles he’s tried to muster on his face.
But sure enough, the last smile of the afternoon is caused by a congratulatory and heartfelt text from you and suddenly, Jeongguk realizes that the loneliness all this time has been a mask for how much he’s missed you.
By some stroke of fate, he ends up attending a prestigious university an hour away from you, and soon enough, you’re driving back with him to school after the winter holidays.
“Let Gukkie know if you need anything!” His mother exclaims through your open passenger window and you laugh wholeheartedly.
“I’m older, I should be telling you that if he needs anything, he can come find me!”
“Let me know when you’re back at school!”
“Will do!”
The two of you are engaged in light conversation for the first half of the ride, letting Jeongguk realize that there is so much about you he doesn’t know. He almost feels bad because you know so much about him, but he doesn’t voice it. Somehow, the conversation has delved into deeper topics, and you reveal something he hadn’t expected at all.
“Wait...you had a crush on Namjoon?”
“He was...my first love, you could say. A lot of things happened between us, but all in all, I liked him for about seven years.”
“...how did you stop?” He asks, voice full of pure innocence and curiosity.
“We had a really big falling out during the last year of high school. Not the relationship kind, but the friendship kind. He refused to see that he was wrong, and I was done trying to tell him that he needed to get his head out of his ass for once. But towards the end of the school year, he tried talking to me again. I later saw he really matured during our first year of college, and eventually he apologized and we’re back to being best friends. You remember Jackson, right? I had a total crush on him and we dated a little before college.”
“I see...sometimes Jihye calls me and we’ll talk on the phone for about an hour. I can be logical, I know I can,” Jeongguk says frustratingly, one hand shaking off the wheel before gripping it again. “But one call and everything is just fucked up and I’m back to being this lovesick idiot.”
“Oh, Jeongguk…” You sigh and rub his shoulder while still watching out for the road.
“Do you think it’d be rude to cut her off without any warning? I just...I just feel like there’s no other choice.”
“I know you, Jeongguk, and I know you’re too nice to do that. Maybe you can start answering her calls less or finding excuses to cut the calls earlier but honey, if you truly feel there is no other choice...then cut her off. Do what’s good for you. You can be selfish in these situations.”
“I’ve never been able to talk about this so...thank you, noona.”
Even without glancing at him, you can feel the sincerity pour from his very soul, the kind of emotion that makes your heart ache deliciously yet stomach growing warm with love and mirth. A blind person could tell just by his tone and you soon realize that this must have been eating at him for a while now.
“I’ve always got your back, love,” you remind him softly. “Always.”
From: #1 Son (8:23 PM) “Noona I’m bored can we hang out”
To: #1 son (8:24 PM) yeah sure
“You must’ve been really bored to ask me to hang out this late on a Thursday night,” you chuckle as you slide into the passenger seat of Jeongguk’s car. The responding laugh that protrudes from Jeongguk’s lungs is lifeless and airy.
“Yeah, I just--I just had nothing to do.”
“And you drove out for an hour to meet me at 10PM?”
“It’s called being bored, noona.”
“Fair enough. To the park?”
“Yeah let’s go.”
Conversation is light and easy as it’s always been between you two, but you’re done with the pleasantries. With each passing highway light, you can see the subtle frustration that sits upon his complexion and hear the exhaustion in his voice. The seconds tick by, but your worry grows by the millisecond.
“Jeongguk...why did you really call me out? What’s on your mind?”
When he doesn’t respond, you think he hasn’t heard you. But really, it’s just him formulating a response in his brain that doesn’t make it sound like he’s going crazy.
“I’m tired.”
And he’s not done.
“I’m so tired, noona,” he lets out like there’s been a boulder sitting on his chest, peeking towards you for a split second before returning his attention to the road. There was a bit of shine there along with some desperation, for what, you can’t really tell. But the kid’s got it bad and you’re nearly jumping to get to the park as soon as possible.
At the park, there’s a stone fixture that the older kids are allowed to climb up. A small flat area is smoothed out on the peak, enough for the both of you to sit and take in the fresh air. Jeongguk goes first and helps you up with a hand tightly grasping onto yours, following as you plant yourself on the peak.
“Tell me everything, Jeongguk.”
And tell you he does. He spills about how he’s been eating weed brownies every couple of weeks, looking for some way to get dopamine in his system. He spills about how he’s burnt himself out and has no motivation to study, how he’s been called in by his advisor to see why he’s suddenly failing physics. But most importantly, he spills about the loneliness he feels, the gaping hole in his gut that seems to never be able to be filled.
“I probably have a couple of close friends on campus and it’s easy with them because they’re both single. Everybody else I know is going on dates and being with their boyfriend or girlfriend so there’s no chance to hang out. I got set up on a blind date, and maybe she was too nice to say no, and I was too lonely to say no as well, but then I realized it wasn’t worth trying to continue something that didn’t even begin. You know what the worst thing is? A large part of me is okay with being lonely for forever. It’ll suck, but I’m at peace with the fact it might happen.”
“Sometimes, I find loneliness to be a blessing in disguise. Even though we both have a bad habit of overthinking things when we’re not busy and therefore overload ourselves with work, it forces us to face our problems. It forces us to look into ourselves and figure something out--a bit of a self-discovery adventure really. But you’re just starting out. You’ll have someone to keep you company, too, and then your friends will be complaining about how you go out all the time with your girlfriend.”
“I guess so...right now, my mind is blank. And it feels really nice just taking in the moment.”
“Do you wanna stay over tonight?”
Jeongguk nearly chokes on his spit, coughing a few times before looking back into your wide innocent eyes.
“Do I wanna what?”
“Stay for the night. You’re really tired and I don’t trust you driving back so late,” you frown as you tap your phone awake to catch the time.
“W-where would I sleep?”
“My bed,” you reply nonchalantly. “It’s big enough for two people. We’ll watch the new season of Sherlock, too.”
Jeongguk refuses your offer of extra clothes, turning around to face the wall when you tell him to so you can change into something more comfortable. It’s bordering 1AM now and the two of you have three episodes of Sherlock to get through.
Not used to the contact, Jeongguk stiffens when you lay your head against shoulder. You’ve already watched the season twice through, and your own sleepiness pricks at your eyelids, begging your body to give in and sleep. Throughout the next couple of hours, you find yourself opening your eyes to a whole different scene multiple times, groggily re-adjusting yourself but still comfortable with Jeongguk’s body next to you.
With fragmented power naps, you pull through the entirety of the last episode, eyes occasionally flipping between your laptop screen and Jeongguk’s face. Even though he’s tired, he’s completely immersed in the events flashing through the frames and you smile to yourself, hoping that this would help Jeongguk cope for the meantime before going home. The last episode finishes and just like every episode of Sherlock, it leaves him mindblown and struggling to wrap his mind around all the events that happened in the past four and a half hours.
Just on the brink of 5AM, the both of you slide under your comforter facing the ceiling. You’re used to sleeping on your side, the side that ultimately ends up facing Jeongguk, and because you’re begging for some kip, you turn on your side and keep your eyes closed. Jeongguk must have been too exhausted to take hold of the situation he’s in, falling asleep in four minutes flat, light snores sounding from his side of the bed.
But nonetheless, it adds to your drowsiness, and you slip into dreamland with him.
When Jeongguk wakes up, it takes him a while to realize that your face is rather close to his, a little too close than what he’s used to. His eyes then snap open at the realization and his body is ready to bolt up, but the peaceful look on your face stops him.
Jeongguk has always thought you were pretty. He thought a lot of girls were pretty, but knowing your personality and generosity, those made you even more beautiful in his eyes. You always smelled clean to him, your light perfume and scent tangling together in the most pleasing way possible. Your breathing is steady and slow, your lips slightly parted, hair strands fanned out underneath your head. For minutes, he watches your hands furl and unfurl, eyelashes fluttering against your cheeks like wings on a butterfly.
There is a blooming affection growing in his heart, and perhaps you did too good of a job at curbing his solitariness for the time being because he doesn’t want to leave. He wants to stay in this bed with you, underneath the green and gold patterned comforter with the sheet folded over the edge, watching you reside longer and longer in the world of dreams.
All that goes to waste when your eyes flutter open and he sits up as fast as possible, making it look like he had just woken up as well. You’re surprised to see that only five hours had passed, neither of you having classes until later in the afternoon. Jeongguk clumsily makes his way out as you struggle to wake up, but you force yourself to sit up and watch Jeongguk navigate himself to find his things.
“I’m going to head back now,” he says while awkwardly gesturing towards your door. You tiredly nod before hopping down and wrapping him in a big hug.
“You’re not alone, Jeongguk. I know what it’s like to be lonely, and if there is absolutely no one else you can go to, you can always come to me. You’re important and I’m always willing to help you, okay?” You say quietly, relaxing when Jeongguk’s arms reach up to wrap around you.
“Thank you, noona,” he murmurs into your neck and you stroke the back of his hair.
Soon, you’re waving at Jeongguk as he steps out of your room, receiving a sheepish wave back with a promise to text you once he’s back on his campus. He departs feeling slightly renewed and a little less empty.
From: Gukkie (5:02 PM) Let’s go to that ramen place. Pick you up at 7?
To: Gukkie (5:10 PM) Yes. Can’t wait!
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