#I mean idc about the prophecy AT ALL. but I HAVE to laugh at the LAYERS of irony that's present through the entire miscommunication.
alicent-archive · 2 months
Hey there, whenever you feel down or feel like a failure, just remember that Viserys Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, couldn't even die correctly.
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Writers Have You Ever
Oh, this one was interesting! Thanks @evanesdust for the tag <3<3 
Rules: Tag the person who tagged you, then bold the things in the list which you have written, and tag some people.
First Person
Second Person
Third Person
Omniscient POV
Past Tense
Present Tense
Future Tense
A complete story
A story longer than 1K
A story longer than 5K
A story longer than 10K
A story longer than 50K
A story longer than 100K
A story longer than 150K
A story shorter than 1K
A story shorter than 500 words
Original Fiction
Science Fiction
Historical Fiction
A story in the Romance Genre
A Story With No Speculative Elements At All
A children’s story
A story about vampires
A story about werewolves
A story about robots
A story with a non-human protagonist
A story with a main character based on yourself
A story with a character based on somebody you know
Male POV
Female POV
A POV character a different gender from yourself
Animal’s POV (I mean, technically? Does it count if they were cursed?)
Multiple Viewpoints
POV character under age 15 (Does it count if I was also under 15 at the time? I’ma say it counts. LOOK GAIZ, I BEEN DOIN THIS A WHILE OKAY!)
POV character over age 30
A story told in non-chronological order
Story with a happy ending
Story with a sad ending
Death of a minor character
Death of a major character
Death (offscreen)
Death (onscreen)
Antagonist death
Protagonist death
Villain gets redemption arc
Kissing scene
Sex scene (offscreen)
Sex scene (onscreen)
Swears (Mild)
Swears (Heavy)
Violence (PG or under)
Violence (PG-13 or over)
Fight scene
Torture scene
A flashback
A dream sequence
A scene that made you cry actual tears
A scene that made you laugh at your own joke (@tanekore doesn’t think I’m funny, but I’ll have you know, I am HILARIOUS. “Rome is in Italy” is still the funniest thing I’ve ever written okay! IDC WHAT YOU SAY IT WAS FUNNY AND I STAND BY IT!)
A prologue
An epilogue
A story with more than 30 chapters
A chapter with fewer than 100 words
A poem
A prophecy
Story that takes place in the future
Story that takes place in the past
Story that takes place in a world that is not Earth
An anti-hero
An anti-villain
A parody
Description of male character’s scent
Description of female character’s boobs
Character with eyes of a non-natural color
Okay, so what I’m getting from this... is I write too much and need more hobbies... Oops? 
Feel free to do this if you want -throws confetti- It was actually informative and fun!
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