#I mostly sneak around or feed things so they don`t eat me
prototypelq · 1 year
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Yesterday I finally beat my first survivor save (30 hours or smh) yay, so I wanted to make the tierlist (I did cheat and unlock the Outer Expanse without completing Gourmand, but that just because I don`t like the ascension ending)
The Tier List:
S:Slugkitty (obviously, they are wonderful, the pups especially), Scavs (love how expressive they are, I always collected and gave them pearls so had no troubles with them ever (apparently my world rep was 100, which I learned at the very end because I discovered the dev tools)), White and Green lizords (had great experience with both, greens are too dumb to be troube after the first couple of hours and are adorably lazy, Whites were a huge help to me, I accidentaly tamed one in Chimney (best region) after saving it from a vulture and it was dilligently following me around, he was only trouble when there were scavs in the room (he tried to eat them), I farmed karma to go into Sky Islands (second best region) with his help, and at the Wall I fed a white once (....I had a very bad absolutely no good miserable time climbing up and was about to quit the game, so I decided to make life a little easier and cheat to countinue playing for the good parts of it, so I held a dropwig in place with dev tools to kill it and feed a white, I wanted to at least have a companion around for this horrible climb, but it was not enough to tame him and the dropwig never respawned) and all the other whites up the Wall became friendly and ignored me (right untill I found a slugpup, then they tried to eat us once again). Wormy worms are very fun, they are self-explanatory.
Okay list:..pretty self-explanatory. The pop bugs are annoying but in an endearing way, vulture grubs are very multi-purposed so they are always useful, pole plants are just great design of both environment and enemy deisgn, deer... the less said about them, the better, they are majestic when they actually work though. Never met a Black liz in my playthrough, but I love their whiskers, and I had an okay time with Oranges because, on one hand I somehow gained a 80 rep with lizords in Sky Islands so they all ignored me and were my friends, on the other hand I tried to climb up the Wall and that one room in the Fields through their nests and that was a horrible, very bad absolutely miserable time, partially because of the camera movement around the rooms
(BTW both nests are easily avoidable - there are climby worms a couple of rooms down and to the right from the shelter in the Wall so you don`t need to go trough the nest to climb higher, and in the Fields there are a lot of small centipedes you can kill, attract the lizord attention and throw centipedes as bait)
Caramel lizards thought be here too, I mostly avoided them, but ther jumping kept me on my toes, I love their 6 legs)
Kill on sight: I freakin hate squidcadas, they are horrible and all deserve to be fed to lizords (...probably this is the mentality that got me the 90 liz rep in the Islands and an outlaw passage). Same with the vultures - the bastards deserve each and every embarassing death ever (one died to the grass in the Fields, it was very satisfying to see;
the first time I climbed the Chimney I had Somehow unmasked two vultures, but had absolutely no skill to kill them, the bastards dove down on me each chance they got, I never managed to kill them)
I mostly avoided the regions with centipedes so never had much trouble with them, if anything the flying ones were extremely easy to kill even with my combat-avoiding playstyle. Hate the dropwigs because I met exactly (1) up the Wall and couldn`t reach and kill it to feed to lizord, and I had no skill to lure and kill it on the ground.
Go away: pretty self-explanatory I think, somehow pink and blue lizards gave me the most trouble. Saw spiders only twice on thrice and they never aggroed on me which, thank you game.
I am not a coward and never met these horrors and hopefully never will: oh boy, here are the horrors I have heard about but thankfully never encountered myself (except safari/sandbox shenanigans). Here are all the Reds, King Vulture, Leviathans (never went to the Shoreline), Long Legs (never went through the Garbage or the Rot), Miros chickens (never went to the Citadel, by looking throught the videos I thought the bastards have auto-rifles for legs, I`m still not convinced they dont), haven not encountered the Strawberry lizs
and that`s my first Survivor playthrough to the Outer Expanse ending (unlocked through cheats) with a slugpup I picked up at the Wall and showed to Pebbles.
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I adore how you can see the actual wall barricading the Fields, Outskirts and the looming Wall, and I believe the massive structures in the background are Pebbles and Moon`s cities? Magnificent shot in either way.
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fallenesspoetry · 6 years
As Hot As You Can Go (full text)
Rating: Explicit/NC-17
Pairing: Donald Ressler/Jessie Brooks (OFC)
Warnings: Nudity, Swearing.
Summary: Donald Ressler doesn’t expect someone to take care of him.
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"Who's there?" Donald asked as someone knocked in his door outside.
It was a sheer luck he decided to check if the door was locked otherwise he wouldn't have even heard the tap. His doorbell was dead, and, frankly speaking, he had no desire or time to fix it. He wasn't expecting anyone to come over, anyway.
Even if someone was interested in stopping by, it wasn't the best time to visit—Donald had been recovering from a nasty shot in the leg for almost two weeks and he wasn't in the mood of welcoming any late night guests.
The cane and painkillers were his best pals, because the slightest movement echoed with excruciating pain.
In spite of his condition, Donald insisted on coming back to work, agreeing to the desk duty. His job had been everything for him, whatever grunt and dangerous it sometimes might have been.
He heard a muffled voice outside.
"It's me, Jessie."
It was his colleague, Jessie Brooks.
Quietly cursing, Donald hung his black coat back on the rack. He also put his car keys and the badge which said Special Agent Donald Ressler in the drawer underneath the rack, and hurried to open the door. It took him a minute longer than usual.
"Hey, Don, sorry to drop by like this," Jessie blurted as if someone was after her.
Agent Brooks had been recently transferred from New York to Washington, and at first Donald saw her as a younger sister who needed to be looked after.
At the office she was a disaster: always late with the reports, almost as stressed as the suspect when it came down to the interrogation, and nearly dozed at briefings.
Donald tried hard to look for an explanation, but since Jessie was great in the field and had had his back so many times he'd lost count, he helped her with the paperwork. Unexpectedly for them both, but mostly for Ressler, they became best friends. They covered each other if needed, and hang out till dawn in bars.
At first it seemed odd for Donald his partner wasn't eager to go home (he thought Jessie was seeing someone). It turned out she'd rather spend time with him scolding at their boss, drinking and talking than coming back to an empty apartment.
It was out of question for them both to fool around to blow some steam off since they could get their asses in a big trouble. Not mentioning the overall morning after awkwardness.
Three weeks ago the blacksite they operated from was under siege, resulted in the worst nightmare of any operative: a clash in a closed area, outnumbered, communications jammed. Somehow the terrorists had learned about the blacksite's location, infiltrated it and took its personnel hostage.
Jessie was late at work on that day, but managed to sneak in unnoticed. She disabled the jammers, and slipped out to come back with the cavalry later. But Donald hadn't been that lucky: he caught a bullet in his leg, trying not to give up the warehouse with explosives.
However, when it was over, Jessie was back to her usual absent-minded self, and Don tried his best to help her.
That's what friends do, right?
Now Jessie, a short, strongly built woman, nervously tugged the zipper of her rain-soaked leather jacket. When Donald first met her he thought she looked, at best, eighteen. She was almost the same age as him, though. Few years younger, give or take.
A couple of curly dark-brown strands broke out of her red cap. She had a shy look on her almost childish, round face. There was a pair of bags from the supermarket.
"I thought, you know, you're here, all alone… Damn, it's not what I meant," she stammered, her cheeks blushing.
Donald didn't get where it was all coming from given the countless times they would talk about occasional one-night stands or cracked dirty jokes.
It was the first time they met like this, since Don had never been at Jessie's. They both preferred not to mix their private life and work.
And, to be honest, Donald didn't think of himself as a charmer. Of course, there were some lucky nights here and there, with no names or calls after, but that was it.
"Yeah, of course," he curved his lips in a sly smile. "Come on in already."
The bags looked heavy, but in his condition…
"I wish I could—"
"Nah, I'm cool," Jessie interrupted him, sounding less tense. She lift the bags and sauntered inside.
Donald locked the door, his eyes kept on Jessie's back. It was kinda unexpected that someone had actually bothered to check on him... Unlike those "friends" at Quantico who hadn't even called over these years.
Meanwhile, Jessie hung her leather jacket and a cap on the rack, and took off her sneakers. She was wearing jeans, a T-shirt and a plaid shirt, almost matching his own home outfit, except the shirt. That seemed odd, since she must be just from work. You couldn't walk into the office like that unless you were going undercover.
"I thought you're free at ten," Donald wondered as they walked to the kitchen, passing a small living room where the faded wall paint asked to be refreshed, and it'd be nice to replace a sofa, too.
There was a neat pile of The Washington Post on the table. A just opened bottle of Heineken loomed lonely on the scratched surface.
"I left earlier. You should see Cooper's face when I told him that," Jessie giggled. "He couldn't forbid me to use my overtime, so here I am. Oh, and if he asks, I had some "family matters", alright? My nephew or what-not… What's so funny?" she broke off, seeing Ressler slyly crinkling his eyes and grinning widely.
"'Family matters', huh? You prefer what, 'sweetie' or 'honey'?"
"Shut up or I'll feed you this carrot. And not in the mouth."
Jessie washed her hands, dried them with the towel and started going through the groceries, putting them either on table or in the fridge.
Suddenly a very strange thought, given their relationship with Jessie, appeared in Donald's mind.
What if every evening could be like that?
Hadn't he wanted at times to leave the job, sell the apartment, empty all the savings and buy some nice house far away from here? Somewhere near the lake or river. To have a life, a family of his own, and a kid or two.
He forced his thoughts back to the present.
"Don't get me wrong, but how do you expect me to eat all that?" Donald sighed, pretending to sound annoyed. He placed himself comfortably in the chair, putting his cane away.
"Who knows, Don, maybe 'honey' will stay here till morning."
Their looks met.
Donald couldn't read anything in her hazel eyes, resembling now spilled amber ink.
Couldn't one just screw all these rules and do what they want?
On one hand, he didn't want to ruin their friendship with a short moment of weakness. On the other hand…
Actually, if she brought this thing up, could that mean she also wanted it?
…Or maybe, it was just another joke.
"So, how you want it?" Jessie asked, looking him straight in the eye, her voice calm and crisp.
"Want what?"
He completely lost the direction this conversation was going to.
"The steak, Ressler. Rare, medium-rare, medium, well done?"
Jessie grinned and took a massive cut of beef from the fridge, and laid it on the chopping board. A moment later she opened the exact drawer where he kept the knives.
"I guess, medium is okay… Listen, you need a hand or something?"
Jessie put away the knife she was sharpening and opened the cupboard. She took a few plates, two glasses, two forks and two butter knives.
"Here," Jessie gave him a dish towel, and went back on to cutting the meat. Finished, she soaked it with oil, seasoned it with salt, pepper and also added a few other spices he had no slightest idea of.
Donald didn't remember having anything else than salt and pepper.
Jessie noticed his confused look.
"These are mine. I wasn't sure you had something."
"You don't live in here, right?” Donald joked, drying the dishes, as he watched Jessie seasoning already peeled potatoes in salt and flour.
"Sorry, what?" Jessie asked, turning the stove on, and leaving the potatoes to roast.
"I said, you look like you've lived here forever."
"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"
She licked a drop of the barbecue sauce from her finger.
"It's just I remembered something," Donald said, trying to ignore a totally inappropriate thought crossing his mind. He blamed the painkillers for it.
"Ah, I see. Who knows Don, who knows…"
Jessie resisted an urge to laugh, seeing how Donald's features changed: his green eyes widened, and it seemed that even his bright ginger hair had lost a shade or two.
She chuckled. "For the record, you did nothing inappropriate." The look on his face told her he didn't believe it, so she added, "Relax, Don, we were off the minute we got into your bed."
She put the steaks in the pan, and leaned to do a raincheck on the potatoes.
Donald was staring at her back, thinking. She seemed different. Not her straightforward, arrogant, sharp-tongued self.
She was… cozy. It's a weird comparison, but that's the closest one he could find to express what he felt right now.
"Stop staring at me like that, Ressler."
She kept grilling the steaks, flipping them.
"I'm not staring, I'm watching. Just in case."
"Just in case?" Jessie wondered, serving the hot steaks on the plate and covering them with foil. Next, she turned the potatoes off.
Turning her face to Donald, she caught a sliding dish towel from her shoulder, and tucked a loose curly strand behind her ear.
Something had changed in her as she approached him.
Her T-shirt clung to her body and her tight jeans embraced the curves of her hips. She came so close her knees were touching his.
At this moment Donald deeply regretted that first of all, Jessie was his friend, and only then—a very attractive woman.
"Maybe, that night I couldn't help but…" Jessie whispered into his ear. She almost breathed the words out, her voice low and deep.
He knew that voice—she occasionally used it over the phone when they needed to smoke the guy out.
Jessie took a long pause. Her uneven breath tickled his ear. Her body was in a very dangerous proximity to his.
"…grab a beer from your fridge."
Damn it!
He got played like some fucking teenager.
You won't get away with it.
"I found your bra in the morning."
Jessie froze, baffled, like a typical straight-A college girl, caught off guard with a question she had no answer to.
Donald struggled to hide a winning smile, watching her.
She hadn't noticed him grinning, her thoughts back to that particular night at Ressler's place.
Both of them were so hammered, that even if something did happen, it wouldn't really matter. She hoped it hadn't. She really liked her job.
And then it came down to her. 
The smile Donald had right now on his face would make Cheshire cat green with envy.
"Ressler! You sly ginger ass!"
Donald acted on instinct: he ducked from the blow and clenched her wrist, pulling Jessie closer.
Her wrist was still damp from water. She had firm, strong hands, but one wouldn't tell that at once. Donald had seen quite often the marks her punches left. No, he wouldn't want to piss her off.
Well, this steak is definitely a turn-on.
This thought had almost made him laugh.
Or was it something else?
At this job you couldn't even remember when it was the last time someone took care of you. The FBI had been everything for him—his wife and his mistress.
And there was that night. Donald's rational self preferred to think nothing happened, but the irrational—wished it woud.
It was super easy with Jessie. She was a great listener and would always find a joke to lighten the mood. However, when you gave her a headstart, she'd talk you to death.
For a moment Donald felt sorry for all those times she had to listen to him bragging about this or that girl he'd got laid.
Suddenly, his left hand acted on its own, sliding a few inches down Jessie's waist.
Totally shocked by his own audacity, Donald yanked it away and loosened his grip.
But Jessie wasn't rushing to step back.
Donald couldn't even say a word, when the dish towel slightly swatted him.
"Sit down and eat."
Her calm and a bit tired voice gave him hope she wasn't angry.
Jessie turned her back from him, grabbing beer from the fridge.
Sure, she must be thinking what a jerk he was.
Or worse.
Things were complicated, because Donald was in charge of the taskforce. And that meant he was her boss. They would always laugh at Jessie, who ignored any kind of subordination. It constantly got her into a lot of trouble. On top of that, her rank was lower than Donald's, and she had been also granted only level two clearance, while Don had level four. Jessie had to wait for half a year to take an exam to upgrade her rank.
Donald, on the other hand, did his best to keep both of them out of trouble.
He and Jessie were very different: she could spark with anger faster than one could lit a match, but she cooled off fast; Don was cold-blooded and reasonable, not letting his emotions to stand in his way.
"Jess, listen..."
Jessie silently cut the roasted potatoes in half, adding a small piece of butter inside, and put them on his plate.
A card player couldn't do a better poker face she was having right now.
Of course, she was ignoring him.
Who wouldn't?
"Jessie..." Donald was almost pleading.
Not uttering a word, Jessie opened the beer, pouring first a glass for him, then for herself.
"Let's blame it on painkillers," she said, her voice flat.
Donald wanted to apologize, yet all the excuses seemed so dumb and lousy...
"Just eat already. Or I'll change my mind."
How come he had never noticed what a radiating smile she had?
"…and he choked on his joint when you told him that."
Donald laughed almost to tears. It was one of their night shifts—they were surveilling some junkie whose drug dealer was a subject of their murder investigation.
Jessie, chuckling, opened another beer. Pouring Donald a glass, she suddenly frowned her face.
"You had your meds today?"
"I think I did. Or not. Not sure, really. Actually, it's on you."
"We can always refresh your memory," Jessie pointed at the dish towel behind her back on the chair. "When?"
"In the afternoon, I guess."
Donald noticed that the strange mix of anger and worry made her face even more attractive.
"No, it's okay, really. For the first time in days."
He wasn't lying, because for the past few hours the leg indeed didn't hurt at all. And he completely forgot about taking his meds throughout the day.
Jessie's gaze faded a bit. She looked anxious. And sad.
"You okay?" Donald wished he could stand up quickly and hug her. "Thank you," he gently squeezed her hand.
If this gesture confused her somehow, she hadn't shown it.
"No big deal. I don't have anyone to cook for anyway."
Jessie sounded cheerful, but one could hear a trace of longing in her voice.
Don knew that feeling too well. He hadn't gotten to say a word to comfort her, as the phone rang somewhere in the hall.
"It's mine," Jessie blurted, rising herself from the seat. A moment later, she disappeared in the hall.
Don, pouring himself another glass, was thinking what a great evening it had been. It was actually the first time he ate something home-cooked, because usually he picked some Chinese to save time.
His apartment wasn't spacious, so one could hear everything, even if one talked quietly. However, quiet was not Jessie's style. She swore loud and dirty, like a sailor on the ship.
Don didn't care about swearing as he would do the same once or twice. In the end, everyone blew their steam off any way they could, right?
"…No, I fucking can't!"
Jessie came back looking like she could choke anyone who's going to ask her if she's okay. Donald had no intention to see it come true, so he refilled her glass and prepared to listen.
"You wouldn't believe it!"
"Try me."
"Apparently some jerk decided it's a good idea to cook meth in the building I'm fucking living. Of course, a moron he is, this idiot screwed up." She gulped her beer. "The police asked everyone to crash someplace else for the night."
Not thinking twice, Donald suggested, "You can stay here."
Jessie studied him for a moment with her eyes. They grew few shades darker, now resembling a strongly brewed coffee.
"You won't hit on me, right?"
"You want me to?" Donald raised his brow. "I can take the couch," he added.
Well, he couldn't blame her for the remark—she had her reasons. It made him upset somehow. He couldn't get why, though.
"And kill me the next morning? First, your leg, then your back." Jessie took the last bite of the steak. "The couch is okay, thanks."
Don went to look for the quilt and a spare pillow. When he came back, Jessie was doing dishes.
"Go and rest, now," she scolded him like a mother.
He put away his cane, took a dish towel and leaned against the table.
She gave him another angry look.
"I'm not a kid, Jess..."
He didn't finish because in an instant sharp, unbearable pain pierced his leg. It was as if someone tied a knot with his muscles and nerves, tying it tighter and tighter, twisting and pulling, the pain resonating all over his body.
He would have fallen but for Jessie's instant reaction. She caught him in a field nurse manner, placing his hand across her shoulder, embracing his waist with her other.
As Donald was taller than her, he occasionally buried his face in her hair, smelling the scent of spices she used cooking.
"Can you walk?"
Don shook his head. He wished he could have cut his leg, if only it would stop aching.
"No offense, but my shoulders getting numb. Where are the pills?"
"My pocket." But as Jessie's hand reached the side pocket, he added, "No, at the back. You have to—"
"I got it," Jessie hissed, trying not to think that he actually had quite an ass. She sometimes checked it out when he, acting bossy, ran here and there in the office. More than she cared to admit it became the reason of misspelled words and missing chunks in her reports.
Muttering, Jessie slid her hand into Donald's back pocket. "And here I thought this couldn't get any more awkward."
"You say like you've never seen my… Ouch!"
Boy, that hurts. Why would she pinch him?.. Yeah. Right. The bra joke.
"Keep quiet, Ressler... It's empty."
Don wanted to joke but another round of pain got the best of him. Burying his face again in Jessie's hair, he groaned through his clenched teeth.
Jessie gently stroked his back, embracing him tighter. A lot of thoughts were drumming in her mind now.
What could possibly ease his pain? An abrupt change of sensation?
Okay. Let's assume it could work. But what exactly?
Suddenly she got an idea. The most crazy and worst idea ever, but if it could help…
"Try to lean against the table with your back."
He didn't really believe it would make any difference.
"Don, just trust me, okay?"
And he did as she asked.
"Close your eyes," Jessie's surreal voice coated him in warmth.
His mind, exhausted from the pain, didn't even bother to pose a question 'what for'.
In less than a second Donald felt her small, slightly wet, warm lips pressed against his own.
It indeed felt much better.
Unexpectedly for himself Donald answered her gentle and unsure kiss with aggressive persistence. His hands slid under her T-shirt. She shuddered, but hadn't broke the kiss.
But he did.
"You sure?" Donald asked, his voice resembling an aroused cat in heat purring.
"Yes," Jessie breathed out, kissing him again, this time much harder, running her fingers through his hair, tugging on it.
She wanted to learn each inch of his lips by heart, as those were changing their mood—gentle at first, yet demanding, and then—as hungry as her own.
Donald's hands possessively slid under her T-shirt again. Jessie, taking the hint, freed herself from both shirt and the tee. A moment later her bra joined the rest on the floor.
Kissing Donald again, she pressed her body against his.
Don, gently breaking the kiss, ran his fingers over her breasts. When he lightly grazed her nipples, unsure of how she wanted it, rough or gentle, Jessie, catching her breath, wondered, what for to have such experienced hands if not using them with proper pressure?
Grinning at this remark, Donald complied. His touches got harder. Jessie groaned. She kissed him again, this time impatiently, digging her nails into his cheekbones.
Donald got his finger wet with saliva and caressed her hardened nipples, watching her body grow more and more supple. She melted into his lightest touch, breathing out something incoherent.
He slid his right hand down to her jeans.
Out of sudden, her thighs slammed his hand shut like a trap.
Well, this was unexpected.
"I need this hand, Jessie," he purred almost in a cat-like manner, kissing her in the neck.
Jessie, still not sure how she felt about what was happening, tried to ignore how quickly his soothing voice turned her on.
It turned out Donald wasn't to give up that easily: the things he was doing with his lips on her neck made her feel like a horny college girl. Her thighs had treacherously opened.
At some point he had hungrily sucked on her neck, almost biting it.
"Jeez, Don, it's not a steak."
Ressler softly nibbled her neck with small, light kisses. She wrapped her arms around him, clinging her body against his. He wasn't overly fit or too lean, just somewhere in between.
"Feeling… better?" Jessie wondered, catching her breath again.
It should have been one fucking kiss!
"I'm not sure," Donald grinned. Now he reminded her of a well-fed ginger cat, content and sly. "It's much better than the pills."
"Don't get too comfortable. It's a one-time offer."
"Don't you like it?" Donald reached to the fly of Jessie's jeans, pretending to be hurt by her words. Unzipping it, he stripped them down a little.
"No, not even—"
The words got lost a halfway through her throat, when Jessie felt his left hand roaming her breasts, this time grazing them harder than before. His right hand slid down beneath her jeans and he pushed aside her underwear with his finger.
Her jeans didn't actually prevented her from getting high on his touches. Yet without them it would be a thousand times better. With this thought in mind, Jessie hastily pushed them down along with the underwear.
"You still don't like it?" Donald wondered, his voice suave and lower then before.
Not giving a damn he could lose his balance, he licked Jessie's hardened nipple with the tip of his tongue, simultaneously caressing her damp, warm flesh with his fingers. He wasn't in a hurry to slip them inside, taking pleasure in driving her crazy.
"R-ressler… we... will… fall..." Jessie was almost growling, aggressively tugging on his hair, breathing unsteadily.
When his fingers caressed her clit, her bizarre, dirty whisper turned into a pleading moan.
His touches were knowing and precise.
He rubbed. Circled. Stoked. Pressed.
Rough. Light. Rough. Light. Up-and-down. Less rough. Lighter. Almost weightless. A bit harder. Harder. Rougher. Slow. Slower. Almost idle. Quick. Quicker.
And then he would start over again.
Jessie's body shuddered, and he knew her release was close.
Unfortunately, given his condition, multitasking was difficult: it became harder to keep his balance and caress Jessie, so her orgasm had to be delayed till better times.
The tip of his tongue toyed with her nipples one last time, and he leaned back against the table.
"I know it, I'm not an idiot," Donald whispered huskily, struggling to keep his balance.
"I highly d—" Jessie didn't finish, because he pressed his lips against hers.
The kiss turned out to be a lot more intense than he expected to. Jessie answered him, digging her fingers fiercely into his jaw. Her tongue delved into his mouth.
"We… can't… keep it… like this," Jessie said, panting, like she had just run a marathon.
But for his leg he was guaranteed to have fucked her right here fifteen minutes ago. And thinking about it had turned her on even more.
Where the fuck those damn painkillers are?
"Something's on your mind?" Donald asked, keeping himself cool as if they were discussing another ongoing case.
Jessie was looking unthinkably hot at this moment: her dark curls, coiled in a snake-like manner, fell loosely on her shoulders; red cheeks resembled two ripe apples, skin reddened from his touches.
Acting like she hadn't heard his question, Jessie turned, kicking her piled clothes aside with her foot. She left the room, not even bothering the neighbors might see her naked shape in the window.
Five minutes passed. Though it felt like forever.
Donald carefully stretched his numb back.
"I'm still here, Jess."
"Listen, I get it if you're on your own. But at least let me watch."
What was she thinking, leaving him all hard up like this? To put it mildly, it's at least not fair. Well, she must be feeling not that great too, given the fact he...
And then it occured to him: she must be looking for his painkillers.
"Shut up, Ressler, if you don't want to be up like that all night," Jessie hissed angrily from the bathroom, going through his meds in the drawer.
What a fucking mess!
Jeez, one could jack up half a block with these. Well, it was the same way at her place. Stress relievers, antidepressants… You name it.
"I'm up anyway."
"Yeah, I can see that," Jessie smirked, coming back in the kitchen.
She gave him one snow-white pill and a glass of water.
The minutes had never dragged for so long.
Don was devouring Jessie with his eyes, contemplating.
What for to look for something far and unreachable, if everything you ever needed was right by your side?
"Better?" she asked, her crisp voice filled with sincere worry and something else he couldn't make yet.
Donald nodded.
Jessie hadn't gotten a chance to say something else. In an instant she found herself sitting on the dinner table.
"I hate to be a buzzkill..." Donald approached her. His hands stroke her thighs, and those spread at his touch.
Jessie grabbed him by his belt and pulled him closer to her. Rapidly undoing it, she hastily unzipped his fly.
"Woah, easy there. I'm gonna need it."
"Shut up already and fuck, Ressler."
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xaela-siblings · 6 years
Meet the Character: Goya&Amaeris
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► Name ➔ "Goya`s my name. And my sister here is Amaeris.” She stood back a bit, clearly disinterested
► Are you single? ➔ “No, I`ve got quite the fluffy cat at home.” There was a hint of pink in his cheeks. “But Ama`s still single.” ► Are you happy? ➔ A somber look. “Despite everything that`s happened, especially recently, yes. I`m happy. Ama wouldn`t say it, but I know she`s happy, too.” ► Are you angry? ➔ “I do lose my temper more than I care to admit. But my sister...” He glanced back at her with a soft smile. “She is so cool-headed and calm at all times. She keeps me rooted.” ► Are your parents still married? ➔ “Our parents were married up until the days they died. Ama`s foster parents are still married. But my foster father never married.”
► Birth Place ➔ “I was born in Yanxia, over near the Yuzuka Manor. Ama was... er...” “Sirensong.” “That`s right, on a ship headed toward Eorzea.” ► Hair Color ➔  “We both have a lovely soft pink. I remember mother had a much darker shade, while dad had white hair. So I guess we got something in between.” ► Eye Color ➔  “White. Though people usually notice the bright pink limbal rings first.” ► Birthday ➔ “I was early spring. Exact date, not telling. I don`t like making a big deal about my nameday. Ama...” He turned back to where she stood, earning a shrug. “Don`t know. Too much going on at the time,” she said, truthfully. With the murder of their father, the fleeing of their mother, and her own birth in the middle of the ocean, dates kind of blurred together. “Spring, I think.” ► Mood ➔  A bright smile was on his lips, clearly cheerful. Though the blank look on Amaeris`s face was answer enough. ► Gender ➔ “I`m a man. And Amaeris is a lovely young lady~” ► Summer or winter ➔  “I`m quite fond of winter. Back in my days as a soldier, wearing those stuffy uniforms in the Thanalan heat was torture. Winter was so much nicer. As for my sister, well, I know she`s fond of Coerthas, so I guess that answers that.” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Morning, for both of us. We both rise pretty early, mostly out of habit for me. We like getting things done before it gets too hot or too many people are out and about. Though lately I`ve been more fond of just laying in bed for a while after I wake, spending time with Kit.”
► Are you in love ➔ “Yes, absolutely. I wasn`t certain at first, because I`d never... felt like this before, but I definitely am.” “... No.” “Oh, come on, that`s a lie.” He nudged his sister with his elbow, a shit-eating grin on his face. “You`ve got your eye on you-know-who.” “Quiet.” She turned away, cheeks clearly pink. ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Not really. For a while I thought maybe, but those relationships ended poorly because I confused lust with love. Ama, did you like him at fir--” A hand in his face ended up silencing him, Amaeris shoving his head backward. “I couldn`t stand that pretentious--” She silenced herself quickly. ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “I did. Maybe it was the soldier life, or maybe it was because I realized I only wanted him for the sex. Don`t really remember.” “Never been in one.” ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Probably. Never meant to. There was this one girl once who was romantically interested in me. But, not really my type.” Ama shrugged. She never paid much attention to that sort of thing. ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ Goya rubbed the back of his neck. “Maybe a bit. That`s probably why it took me so long to realize how I feel about Kit. Though I`m getting better about it. I think.” “I`m not afraid of commitments.” ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Kit, of course. And Gogo. The poor boy went through so much while I was away... It hurt to see him so scared.” He lowered his eyes for a brief moment. “Oh, but Ama... she doesn`t hug people.” ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔  A laugh. “I dunno. Probably. I admittedly slept around a lot while I was a soldier. Probably had someone here and there who was interested in me.” Amaeris shrugged. ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “Mmm, a few times. Back when I was a teenager still, thinking I was in love. Then I realized what scum those people were.” His sister glanced away, crossing her arms over her chest, an uncertain look on her face.
► Love or lust ➔ “Love. It`s a much better feeling than lust.” “Love.” ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Lemonade, definitely. The tart and coolness is so nice on a hot day.” “Tea.” ► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Cats, obviously,” he said with a wink. “Okay, besides Kit. I did find a stray kitten that was so cute, and brought her home. Now she and Kit snuggle. I think she likes him more than me. Ama has a dog, though.” “It`s not mine. It just follows me.” “And you feed and pet it. That makes it yours.” ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “Many regular friends! Maybe I`m just too friendly a person, though, and perceive people as friends when they think otherwise...” “A few best friends.” ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Oh man, that`s a tough choice. A wild night out is great every once in a while, but I also like spending some quiet, alone time with Kit at home. Candles, a nice dinner, maybe some music and dancing.” “Romantic night in,” came his sister`s answer after giving Goya a look. ► Day or night ➔ “Night. The stars in a clear sky. A campfire crackling. A gentle breeze through the trees.” “Night.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Many, many times. Being a dog of the Empire was stressful. Sometimes I wanted to get out and relax. But my commanding officers tended to figure out my patterns and caught me a few times.” “... Once.” “Wait, really?” “... When I was little I tried to sneak out to play with my parents` cattle one night.” ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “I... don`t think so?” “No.” ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Oh, definitely. But that`s a normal thing, isn`t it?” A shrug from Ama. ► Wanted to disappear ➔ Goya lowered his gaze, glancing away slightly. “A few times, yeah. Back when I was a kid, after watching dad die and being taken away to Garlemald. Then not too long ago, when I got caught in Ala Mhigo...” A hand on his shoulder brought a soft smile to his lips. “I have, once, when you vanished in Ala Mhigo...”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Smile. I love seeing a face light up. So long as it`s a genuine smile, anyway.” “Eyes. They`re... more expressive.” ► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Shorter. Though a lot of people I`ve been interested in have been shorter than me, anyway. Being an au ra and all.” “Taller.” ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “Attraction.” “Intelligence.” ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “If you`d asked me a couple of years ago, I would`ve said hook-up. Quick, no commitment, come and go. But now... definitely relationship.” “Relationship.”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “I like to think we do. Ama?” She gave him a shrug, but refused to look at him. She definitely thinks they get along. ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “Absolutely. But I don`t let that define me.” Another shrug from Amaeris. (She`s really not interested in answering these.) ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “I tried to, many times, back when I first went to Garlemald. And... once, more recently. But I eventually came back, even if it was a couple months later.” Ama shook her head. ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Does getting transferred to a different legion because my former commanders didn`t want me count?” “No.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “No. If I hate them, I wouldn`t consider them a friend, or even try to be friendly.” “No.” ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “I do.” Amaeris shrugged. “I suppose so.” ► Who is your best friend ➔ “Best friend, huh? I guess that would be Nobu.” “Unsure.” ► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Ama and Kit. And Seles, which... is kinda worrying.” “Goya.” “Wait, just me?”
tagged by: @sunlitpeony
tagging: @seascrapes, @tinkercat, @nai-matsugen, and anyone else who wants to!
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alunasky-blog · 6 years
Scene story sneak peek...
Alunasky, Memories from a Twin Soul Mission in the Universe...
“Galactis, a Twin Souls ship & Galactic Council Of Unity CosmosShip orbiting the dessert moon of Neblanos...”
“Cazuki was flying this time & docked their small, classic, vintage, modern & futuristic ship in perfect alignment in the docking bay of Galactis with the landing grip. Their ship was a combination of order & chaos, with Akira´s tools laying about & off world trinkets she would collect on their travels & small toys for Zax & Aemi lying about, as much as this annoyed Cazuki, at least half of the ship was in order he thought, but he still had a habit of organising her mess which she would tell him it´s her organised mess, because somehow she knew where everything was in the chaos she created. After they finished getting into their uniforms in the colours of their choice, his was green, hers was blue, they looked smart, neat, classy & respectable. She might of kept half the ship a mess & she was not always dressed to be in perfect order as she was now, because her outfits were mostly free spirited, bohemian, classy & wild which he loved too, but he loved how good she looked in uniform. She would remind him every time he would get annoyed with the chaos she created, because he needed order, he couldn´t help it & she loved that about him, because it was in his soul & it was definitely a Twin Soul thing, where one is order & the other is chaos or organised chaos, but she reminded him the Universe is both order & chaos, take nature for example, did he ever see a tidy forest? Life is both order & chaos & the Universe created Twin Souls to be the way they are for good reason. Cazuki couldn´t continue to challenge Akira when he knew she was right, but still loved to challenge her. It drove him wild hearing her talk so passionately about anything & everything & Akira loved to challenge Cazuki too.
“Do you think we still have 5 minutes!” Cazuki said with his cheeky smile & naughtiness which she couldn’t get enough of.
“5 minutes really!”
“With any longer I could come twice & you know how much you turn me on!”
“Whatever happened to self control?”
“Hey you know I have no problem with that, as I recall, you were the one who had trouble keeping up with me!”
“That happened one time Cazuki & besides you are the one who has trouble keeping up with me remember!”
“While we spend our time left talking this out, we could be making out!” Cazuki teasingly said while wanting her even more than he did before.
“We have now only 3 minutes! We´ll have to light speed our way to highlights!”
“3 minutes of heaven heading our way!” Both laughing & smiling, but their passion was endless & everyday was heaven for them.
45 minutes & several highlights later…
Their fast passion turned into taking it slow & enjoying every second & minute, every touch, every breath, every smile & laugh, every feeling & sound & every moment together, not wanting to miss a thing. Twin Souls not only connect everyday, but it can even be several times a day, last long or fast & it was endless. The only time they wouldn´t connect was if they were on separate missions, but even then they could connect spiritually. In their other missions on world together, the only reason why Twin Souls would not be able to connect everyday physically was if they were targeted by lost in the dark family souls messing with their energies, codes & minds, pulling them apart & keeping them from being close & tainting them with their negative energies like family souls spewing their negative sexual energies/codes onto Cazuki when they expressed interest in him & if he didn´t do anything about it, but let it happen, Akira would of sensed it in him & be pulled away from him without her knowing why that was, but her soul did. Twin Souls do this to protect themselves, their energies & don´t want ti be impacted by negative energies from anyone. If Twin Souls understood this, the impact of negative energies can have on bodies, they would ignore those attacking & would stay far away from those trying to impact them with their negative energies. If Twin Souls are programmed to be with lost in the dark family souls, the Twin Souls can develop problems performing sexually & become soft which is completely normal & understandable, because they are with their brothers or sisters of the Universe. They can even make excuses to not want to be intimate with the lost in the dark family soul, again completely normal & understandable. Cazuki & Akira never had trouble being intimate & their True Love Twin Soul Connection was extreme, intense, passionate & wild. He even told her right in the beginning, only she could get him that hard & that fast, which they would both laugh at how fast he was turned on by her. She didn´t understand why he would say that, but over 12 years later of being together on that Twin soul mission on world, then breaking up, she found out why he said that after waking up.
The mystical & powerful connection Twin Souls shared would reveal their inner powers even in the most mundane things you wouldn´t even think about, but it was there for all to see & proved the dynamic of light & dark, chaos & order between them. Cazuki thought back to their garden in the hologram deck on their small ship & Akira would get all upset when Cazuki would cut the grass during a time when life was out having adventures of their own & feeding. During the evening & when the grass was dry & the alien slugs/bugs/life retreated would be the time to bring his machine to destroy the grass. He could have used his eyes too to see if any life was crawling all over the place in the garden. Akira thought if family souls have automatic lawnmower machines cutting their grass on worlds, so much life would be destroyed. Today it´s lawnmower machines, tomorrow it could be world ending machines. Her eyes saw the horrors of so many small mystical colourful alien sluggers cut up into pieces & felt the pains in her heart from not being able to protect them. She would tell Cazuki there are times during the day that life would come out & times they would retreat, when life was safe, that would be the best time to bring his destruction to the grass. Although she knew, if they had rescued alien herbi pheep, the alien pheeps could of eaten the grass in a non destructive way. When looking into his eyes, it was almost like he felt nothing for the aliens he just butchered. His look reminded her when on a mission trying to help lost in the dark family souls on planet Yoviin wake up & she was vegan, but Cazuki was not. She tried for 2 years to wake him up & break down the wall prisons, programmings & dark side trainings on his mind that was disconnecting him from his heart & soul with information, videos, pictures, her challenging mind, but he had the same look on his face, like he didn´t care of the darkness that was happening to the aliens he was eating, their brothers & sisters of the Universe. The prisons on his mind did come down & he did wake up, but not how she would of wanted him to. She wanted him to wake up, because he cared about them, about his health & the environment. Back in their garden, she knew it was only a hologram, but life is energy & energy is life, energy is in all things, it´s still real, even thou he didn´t believe it was. It made him laugh when she went around the garden to place warning sticks next to ant hills, protecting them from being slaughtered by the machine he would use, because he wanted order. He would look confused & would laugh again when she was in their hologram house walking all over the place picking up ants all over the floor that made a home in their house plants one by one or two by two & freeing them outside. His favourite ones were when she unpredictably would just hug trees out of the blue. She did this, because even trees need love she thought. Another example she thought about, was when he wanted to bring order to their garden & make a pathway over the grass up to their greenhouse that was filled with their organic fruits, herbs & vegetables. She told him why would he want to change nature, the wild & beauty of what she is? Why would he wish to bring the cold, detached, order that was in the city to their mountain home & garden? Why would he wish to imprison her, change her, why not work together with her, not against her? Akira would show him ways how they could build upon nature without impacting her in any negative way that would imprison, control, poison, destroy or change her. When Cazuki saw their garden that was wild & free, he thought the long grass was a mess in his mind & he needed order & he liked structure that was in the city, but Akira saw chaos in their garden & even chaos has a purpose. Chaos brings life, food, medicine, hiding & protection ground & shelter to life on the ground. She would ask him, did he ever see a tidy forrest? The mess on the ground can be both food, medicine, hiding ground & shelter for life. Life is both order & chaos, as is Twin Souls, the dark & the light, together they are balance, but forced to be apart from each other they are unbalance. They saw this with other worlds when Twin Souls were kept apart & were without their other half of the balance. What would happen is that the world becomes actually more dark than light, not because the dark is stronger, but because they are more efficient, effective, organised like a war machine order & having no light from their Twin Soul to challenge them & bring balance back, this would then lead to darkness & unbalance repeating. If however those who bring light would be as equally efficient, effective & organised as those who wage wars, they would light speed change everywhere, but there would still be that unbalance of light & dark divided & at war with each other if Twin Souls around the world remained kept apart. Akira loved Cazuki was order & she was chaos or what she called organised chaos & would wonder, any rooms in their house could be considered places to bring “order” to, but she thought outside was her place, her chaos & where she always felt at home with everything, being connected to life, the spirit of the planet & the Universe. It made her feel like he wanted to bring order to everything which did bring a sadness to her heart, because it made her feel like what if he wanted to bring order to her, like what if she wasen´t good enough for him anymore & needed replacing to be in “order” so to speak. These were just the deeper levels of her thoughts, her soul, her everything. So whenever Akira heard him say he wanted to bring order to their wild, free garden like a pathway, this made her sad & cry a waterfall in her soul. In her heart & soul she knew what happens to planets when the dark takes over, when order takers over & rules, when unbalance consumes & Twin Souls are kept apart & controlled/programmed to be with family souls, it leads the planet to turn into A.I. Her favourite place in their hologram house a part from their heavenly sanctuary, although their heavens could be anywhere & everywhere, both being wild as they are, another favourite was the kitchen where they made their tasty vegan meals, but then there was her library & the books were so many, a magical & mystical small book shelf that was filled with all the knowledge obtained in their life times, planets they have lived on, places they have been to, aliens they have met & life they have encountered, a gift from Cazuki to Akira.”
Story Scene Sneak Peek...
Alunasky, Memories from a Twin Soul Mission in the Universe...
“Galactis, a Twin Souls ship & Galactic Council Of Unity CosmosShip orbiting the dessert moon of Neblanos...”
Later on…Akira & Cazuki are playing 21U chess on board their small ship & as always Akira takes her time & Cazuki admiring how her beautiful & mystical mind & soul works. She didn´t always win, but most times she did & this was one of them. If only something could interrupt them so it would be a tie between them he thought & within seconds Zax jumps up on their game & disrupts the signal. Cazuki smiled, arms crossed behind his head, feeling like he won in a way & thanking Zax through telepathy. 
“Smart, but nice try Cazuki, you can´t avoid it forever. We will finish this my Love!” The 21U chess allowed them to win on either side, but the main goal was to be able to win together, meaning they came into union & balance. Akira always aimed for the union & balanced goal. Akira then walked over to Cazuki, smiled & kissed him, then kissed Zax on his head & she walked over to the control panel pushing some buttons, typing in some codes, talking to A.I. in their space dining/kitchen/control room. Cazuki´s smiles turned to be serious thinking about the Alunasky mission. His anger came flaring to the surface expressing his pains over what the lost in the dark family souls might end up doing to him & Akira over & over.
“How can you be so calm about all this? What they could end up doing to us both should fire you up with emotions!” He said feeling like he wants to destroy something for what they might end up doing to him & Akira & all life. 
“I feel sadness for them, they´re all lost in the dark Cazuki, we are all they have to wake up. I am angry, but mostly sad. You know me, I get back up & fight, adapt, survive another day until the wars are over as you do to.” She felt his energies & emotions, looking at him with loving concern she drifted in her thoughts. 
“Cazuki, are you up for the Trinity?” She said smiling thinking that would help him unleash his emotions & energies in a balanced way & it would help her too. His serious look turned back into smiles, a Trinity hasen´t been done in a long time, because of their mission on world.
In the training spa room, Akira in her white/grey flowing outfit, her wild hair flowing freely & Cazuki in his black/grey outfit. Both carrying lightswords of their colours of choice & their passionate, intense & extreme sparring against each other commenced. This was chess & sex in action & of course Cazuki was always the one to strike first & Akira would always defend. He was the attacker, she was the defender, he was the destroyer & she the protector, dark & light trying to find the balance again between them. They were equally matched, but he was able to get out his aggression, his anger, his pain, his sadness out on Akira & she did the same with him, but in a balanced way between them. Her light to his darkness & then her darkness to his light. Every time they sparred against each other it was always sexual, intense, extreme & it drove them crazy for each other. Everything heightened & their energies became balanced the more they came into union, being One. Akira & Cazuki never fought with each other verbally, but they would light sword battle each other intelligently & in a balanced way in communication & when they sparred together. On world mission however, if they were both targeted by lost in the dark family souls with negative energies & mind/energy attacks from the lost in the dark family souls, Akira & Cazuki would be impacted by them all & could end up expressing their scars & battle wounds in a negative & unbalanced way, feeling lost & energy depleted. Especially if they had no idea what was going on & didn´t remember how to protect their Twin Soul union from the lost in the dark family souls from past lives. After their battle, she would run from him & he would chase her through the halls of the CosmosShip running past other Twin Soul volunteers on the ship. 
“Trinity?” Natsumi asked her Twin Soul husband.
“Good for them!” Isamu said feeling the energies from Akira & Cazuki when they ran past them & dodging people which ignited every Twin Soul couple they ran past which resulted in them wanting the Trinity. Natsumi & Isamu smiled at each other & ran towards the sparring hall.
Out in space Akira is flying their ship & Cazuki is flying their other ship that was a lot smaller which he designed & built himself & was attached to their main small ship. He chased her in space & firing plasma at her, the plasma was created to disable the ships it got in contact with, but it had to penetrate the shield first. Akira diving & flying crazily & unpredictably, was able to dodge all his attacks with precession & chaotically would fly in a way that even he couldn´t reach her. This just made him try even harder to reach her, because he was not a quitter, he never gave up & he was equally as stubborn as she was. Their fire & inferno for each other was endless & infinite, they are after all Twin Flames. He had to try something that he´s never done before he thought, to be unpredictable & block his thoughts from her so she wouldn´t see it coming. Akira noticed he wasen´t chasing anymore, but his ship was drifting in silence & lights were off on his ship. She couldn´t read his thoughts or sense his energies, was he in trouble, was it a trick she thought? She then saw smoke signals coming out of his ship & now she was worried, what if he was lying unconscious, what if something happened. Her mind was going crazy & called to him trough telepathy, but no answer, she tried the coms, but still no answer, she then proceeded to slowly head towards him still on alert, carefully at the same time she wanted to rush in. When her ship was close enough & in reach, Cazuki fired upon her so many times it did weaken her shield & she then flew off again & he chased her again. 
“That was new! Thanks for making me worry for you!” She said feeling relieved he was ok.
“Thought you´d like that one. I Love you too!” He said knowing what she felt when she worried for him. Cazuki feeling extremely confident that her ship will be his this time. She continued to fly all over the place, but this time she went on the defence & defended. She was chasing him & would fire her new installed defence weapon that he didn´t know about. She only had to fire once, so she waited until she could fire it, but in the mean time she would shoot plasma at him, but he always evaded her shots as he was one of the best pilots in the galaxy too. They both were, they are literally the same, One soul, split in two, equally matched. She had to try something, she dived below, twirling & then coming up underneath his ship, had him in sight & fired her new defence. The new defence attached to his ship, it broke apart & a little robot Zuli78 made it´s way to Cazuki´s weapon & started to disable it manually. He was surprised, but enjoying Akira´s inventive new ideas.
“Surrender?” Akira said feeling like there is no way Cazuki will reach her now, but also knowing he never surrenders & she loved it.
“I´m just getting started!” He said while uploading his new defence weapon that he also installed on his ship. They do think alike & are One and the same. The little robot flew off & holding steady in mid space watching the Twin Souls try to come into Union with each other amongst the stars. The defence weapon opened up out of his ship & was now aiming at Akira, a 360 fire canon on top & underneath his ship. Firing from both canons, she then proceeded to fly away from him & he chased her again. Now she had to avoid two canons, while firing behind to reach him & disable his shots, at the same time twirling her ship so the plasma never reached her, but flew by her, but extremely close to her thou. They were flying their sexual star dance in the heavenly skies of the Universe. He kept firing & flying faster towards her, but his shots never reached her. She was still twirling to avoid his plasma, which was making her dizzy, but she kept her focus on not letting him reach her ship. What she didn´t know was that he had already reached her, but not in the way she had imagined. His ship was twirling with her underneath. They were flying & twirling their Twin Soul dance amongst the stars. His ship connected to hers & they came to a standstill, floating peacefully & in balance, being One again! Akira smiled & ran out the flight control room & met Cazuki who slid down the ladder from above. They embraced in a heated passion from the longest tantalising & sensual intense foreplay between Twin Souls. Their connection was electric, magnetic, chemistry overload & their Twin Soul Union connection ignited massive powerful positive energy waves through out the entire Universe awakening more Twin Souls & leading them into unions. 
“We´re unstoppable!” Cazuki said looking deep into her beautiful ocean blue eyes holding her close & feeling invincible with her by his side. The Twin Soul energies between them was intense, extreme, wild passion & they felt every cell in their bodies & souls light up the Universe with their endless & infinite True Love powerful positive, mystical, Sacred & Divine connection. 
“We´re powerful Universe beings Cazuki, we are meant to shine, evolve, teach, fly, create & be free!” Akira said looking into his deep forrest green eyes & feeling One again, Balanced again & Home again. Her lips romantically & gracefully kissed his & then their wildness was unleashed all over again, feeling freedom, unity, equality, balanced & their eternal True Love that was always a fiery flame inside their souls for each other.
To be continued...
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wttp · 7 years
Good luck with your new blog!❤ Can I request imagine where the new Fem Blackwatch agent gets bullied a lot bc she is emotionless and doesn't react, everyone thinks she is weird, and then mccree notice her one night sneaking out doing something super sweet like feeding homeless puppies or helping some orphans?? I need more fluff in my life Also if you make the reader so short I will appreciate it! Sorry if this is too complicated and Thank you ❤
(POV: You)
You were told beforehand that the base was a lot colder than your previous assignment at this time of year and that you should bring some warmer equipment. Now that you are sitting in the small cold room you have been provided for the duration of your stay, you are starting to regret that you didn´t heed the advice your superiors gave you. As you have now frozen for several hours, you decide that it would be better to go and tie up a few loose ends, than to simply sit in your tiny quarters the entire night. You grab your regular clothes and your coat and begin making your way out of the HQ.
You are not especially worried about anybody questioning your absence, as it is already too late for anyone to be awake. On the other hand, most people never really pay much attention to you, mostly due to your emotionless exterior. The fact that you often remain indifferent, when faced with shocking or terrifying situations, has garnered you a fair bit of ridicule from your “comrades”, who you often find talking behind your back or overlooking you as if they didn´t see you at all. Even with the scorn on your mind, you remained silent to their idiocy. Due to your short stature, you learned early in your life that there are other ways to win fights than with the fist, although you are pretty good with that approach as well.
Unbeknownst to you, however, somebody else has noticed what was going on around you. He is also a member of Blackwatch, and quite possibly the only one (except yourself of course) who is still awake. His name is Jesse McCree, and speaking of him:
(POV: Jesse)
Jesse is sitting in the boardroom, wide awake. It isn´t often that he, or anyone for that matter, get to relax, so everybody makes sure to enjoy it. Jesse had, long ago, learned that there can be far between a good night of sleep, so he always tries to make the most of it. This night was different though. This night is one of those nights, where he just can´t stop the flood of memories for his past. Everything, from his childhood to Deadlock to now just flows together and churns around in his head, making him unable to sleep. So here he is. Up and about at 3 am with no end in sight.
That is until he hears a sudden ruckus, somewhere nearby though. He is surprised by the sudden noise, and also confused as to why anybody but him would be up at this hour of the night. He stands up and goes to investigate. As he turns around the corridor, he spots you on your way out of HQ, with a backpack on your shoulders. As he is a relatively high-ranking member of Blackwatch, he knows that there are no mission details or assignments left to do, that could explain your sudden departure, which leads him to follow after you. 
He mainly follows to understand why you are leaving at night, but also to know more about you. Most people with the same rank as you are simple goons with next to no recognizable features, while you, on the other hand, excel in both combat and strength, despite you being noticeably shorter than the other members (he has caught himself smiling at the thought of you, small as you are, beating some sense into people twice your size, more than he´d like to admit). You also remain remarkably calm, almost emotionless, during stressful situations, which has in fact also earned you the silent approval of Gabriel Reyes. The other low-level members didn´t see your positive sides, however, and routinely mocked your stoic appearance.
As the cowboy has now tailed you for several minutes, you suddenly come to a stop in an alleyway, sparsely lit with a small lamp on the wall. As he discretely peers into the alley, he notices you sitting down on one knee, shuffling around with the contents of a large cardboard box. As you move to pull something out of the box, he silently readies his Peacekeeper, in case it is a weapon (If you wanted to shoot a few of the people that have mocked you, he would honestly wouldn´t blame you, although he hopes that he isn´t one of the people on your list).
His thoughts are quickly halted, however, as he suddenly hears the thing you picked up begin to meow. He stretches his neck a little more and now sees you holding a very small and quite frankly malnourished orange kitten in your hand. As you put it down on the ground, he sees you do the same with two other kittens (One black, the other brown). He is a little confused as to what you are doing but decides to not intervene. When all the kittens are sitting safely on the ground, cuddling up to you, you open your backpack and pick up water bottles and small packets of food and place them on the ground.
You pour a little of the water into your cupped hand, and the kittens happily drink it all up. After they are done drinking, you pour a little bit of food onto the ground, and gently pet the kittens on their backs as they eat, before standing back up and rummaging through your backpack one more time. This time you pull out a blanket and fit it into one of the dry cardboard boxes so that the kittens can keep warm in the cold weather.  As the kittens appear to be satisfied you gently pick them up, one-by-one, and place them into their new home. You pour out some more food for them and begin putting the now empty water bottles and food packs back in your bag.
As you are packing up your stuff, McCree is shocked by your complete change in demeanour, as you go from your normal stoic self to being smiling and affectionate as you help the poor creatures. As you are ready to leave, Jesse decides to talk with you and begins to approach you.
(POV: You)
As you finish packing the now empty materials, you can´t help but feel like you are being watched. As you crane your head and look behind you, your heart immediately begins pounding as you see Jesse McCree walking towards you. As he is almost right in front of you, you lower your eyes to the ground, scared that he might think that you are weird, like the others. As you mentally prepare for the normal barrage of mockery and weird looks, you’re shocked to instead her Jesse chuckle as he says, “So there is a heart beating in that chest of yours after all darlin´”
You quickly raise your head, both surprised and confused by the friendly cowboy. Jesse notices you shock and quickly reassures you. “Don´t worry about your little thing back there. I know enough about people to know that you´d like me to keep silent about your soft side” he promises while smiling at you. You return his smile (Maybe the overconfident cowboy isn´t as bad as you first thought).
As you are focused mostly on your own thoughts and happiness, the gunslinger interjects once more “Say darlin´ it´s getting pretty cold outside and I don´t know a lot about pets, but I know that staying out in the cold isn´t got for anybody”. He takes a look at his watch and looks up at you “Well, it seems it´s almost morning again. I´m sure there´s a shelter somewhere in a town like this, so how about we find these little fellas a nice home eh?”
You stand completely still for a second, completely unable to understand the sudden friendliness and helpfulness you are being shown. As you look at Jesse, your eyes almost tear up from happiness, but you steel yourself, having more important things to worry about. After regaining your composure, you answer his question “Yeah, I think that’s a really good idea. Wouldn’t want them to freeze to death out here”. Jesse simply nods his head and walks over to the box, lifting it up before walking back over to you. “Well,” he says, “Shall we?”. You nod your head “Yes, I think we shall”.
As the two of you walk out of the alley and into the centre of the town to look for an animal shelter, you begin to feel warm inside, knowing that you´ve found some who understands who you are and likes who you are. You´ve found a friend. You turn your head towards your companion and quietly say “Jesse?”. “Yeah Shortstack?” He replies, with such a teasing smile that you can´t help but chuckle, as you answer, “Thank you”. He turns his head back forward, saying “No problem darlin´”. The rest of the trip you two walk in comfortable silence, the only noise coming from the kittens who purr and snore the whole time.
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