#yaay first playthrough
prototypelq · 1 year
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Yesterday I finally beat my first survivor save (30 hours or smh) yay, so I wanted to make the tierlist (I did cheat and unlock the Outer Expanse without completing Gourmand, but that just because I don`t like the ascension ending)
The Tier List:
S:Slugkitty (obviously, they are wonderful, the pups especially), Scavs (love how expressive they are, I always collected and gave them pearls so had no troubles with them ever (apparently my world rep was 100, which I learned at the very end because I discovered the dev tools)), White and Green lizords (had great experience with both, greens are too dumb to be troube after the first couple of hours and are adorably lazy, Whites were a huge help to me, I accidentaly tamed one in Chimney (best region) after saving it from a vulture and it was dilligently following me around, he was only trouble when there were scavs in the room (he tried to eat them), I farmed karma to go into Sky Islands (second best region) with his help, and at the Wall I fed a white once (....I had a very bad absolutely no good miserable time climbing up and was about to quit the game, so I decided to make life a little easier and cheat to countinue playing for the good parts of it, so I held a dropwig in place with dev tools to kill it and feed a white, I wanted to at least have a companion around for this horrible climb, but it was not enough to tame him and the dropwig never respawned) and all the other whites up the Wall became friendly and ignored me (right untill I found a slugpup, then they tried to eat us once again). Wormy worms are very fun, they are self-explanatory.
Okay list:..pretty self-explanatory. The pop bugs are annoying but in an endearing way, vulture grubs are very multi-purposed so they are always useful, pole plants are just great design of both environment and enemy deisgn, deer... the less said about them, the better, they are majestic when they actually work though. Never met a Black liz in my playthrough, but I love their whiskers, and I had an okay time with Oranges because, on one hand I somehow gained a 80 rep with lizords in Sky Islands so they all ignored me and were my friends, on the other hand I tried to climb up the Wall and that one room in the Fields through their nests and that was a horrible, very bad absolutely miserable time, partially because of the camera movement around the rooms
(BTW both nests are easily avoidable - there are climby worms a couple of rooms down and to the right from the shelter in the Wall so you don`t need to go trough the nest to climb higher, and in the Fields there are a lot of small centipedes you can kill, attract the lizord attention and throw centipedes as bait)
Caramel lizards thought be here too, I mostly avoided them, but ther jumping kept me on my toes, I love their 6 legs)
Kill on sight: I freakin hate squidcadas, they are horrible and all deserve to be fed to lizords (...probably this is the mentality that got me the 90 liz rep in the Islands and an outlaw passage). Same with the vultures - the bastards deserve each and every embarassing death ever (one died to the grass in the Fields, it was very satisfying to see;
the first time I climbed the Chimney I had Somehow unmasked two vultures, but had absolutely no skill to kill them, the bastards dove down on me each chance they got, I never managed to kill them)
I mostly avoided the regions with centipedes so never had much trouble with them, if anything the flying ones were extremely easy to kill even with my combat-avoiding playstyle. Hate the dropwigs because I met exactly (1) up the Wall and couldn`t reach and kill it to feed to lizord, and I had no skill to lure and kill it on the ground.
Go away: pretty self-explanatory I think, somehow pink and blue lizards gave me the most trouble. Saw spiders only twice on thrice and they never aggroed on me which, thank you game.
I am not a coward and never met these horrors and hopefully never will: oh boy, here are the horrors I have heard about but thankfully never encountered myself (except safari/sandbox shenanigans). Here are all the Reds, King Vulture, Leviathans (never went to the Shoreline), Long Legs (never went through the Garbage or the Rot), Miros chickens (never went to the Citadel, by looking throught the videos I thought the bastards have auto-rifles for legs, I`m still not convinced they dont), haven not encountered the Strawberry lizs
and that`s my first Survivor playthrough to the Outer Expanse ending (unlocked through cheats) with a slugpup I picked up at the Wall and showed to Pebbles.
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I adore how you can see the actual wall barricading the Fields, Outskirts and the looming Wall, and I believe the massive structures in the background are Pebbles and Moon`s cities? Magnificent shot in either way.
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doujincel · 3 months
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old photo (june 21 2023) this is like the photo that made me get into digital photography? I took it in my first playthrough of Fallout New Vegas and then after i was like “i should lock in”☝️ chuunibyo courier you know how it is yaay
the like anime fnv mods are so like old in the nostalgic way big fan
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wigglepiggle · 7 months
artificer is a slugcat like uh these guys
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Okay well I couldn't get the normal slugcat image to work but there's arti. They were formerly a parent of two little slugpups (baby slugcats), however, the slugpups were killed by Scavengers because they messed with the Scav's stuff (scavengers are a creature in rainworld which love shiny things like pearls and are quite intelligent). As a result, Arti just fucking hates them all and goes to kill them. It's unclear how Artificer got their scar, but it likely resulted from a fight with scavs. Arti is able to fight scavengers so well because they're just explosive, they can do a bomb jump midair which propels them a good distance and knocks back nearby things. They can also spend food in order to turn rocks into bombs or spears into explosive spears.
In artificers campaign, you start out in the normal areas where you meet a citizen ID drone that's damaged, and it starts following you around. If you take it to Five Pebbles, one of the iterators (idk how much you know about them but they're enormous supercomputers with entire cities on top), he tells you that it used to belong to one of his citizens, but they are all gone now. He also reveals that his city is infested with scavengers in great numbers and they're tearing it up for scrap metal. So, because you have mutual interests, he grants you access to his city. The rest of the campaign involves you charging through the city wiping out scavengers to clear a path to scavenger Chieftan. The Chieftan is a boss fight of sorts, and once it's killed Arti's campaign ends.
One note about artificer is that you begin with a max of only 1 karma- normally, it's 5. The first karma level is generally believed to represent Wrath, because arti is so angry at the scavs and consumed with revenge they cannot go past this. There is a way to increase max karma, by visiting echoes (explaining those is a whole other thing), but if you visit most of them, you can get down to the void and ascend, like you would at the end of most normal playthroughs of rainworld, at least on survivor and monk. However, when you ascend, you're presented with a vision of meeting your kids once again...
Before they're ripped away forever and you fail to properly ascend, instead becoming an echo cursed to wander the world forever because of attachment to the world, or something like that
Anyways yeah funny dad explosive scug :thumbs up:
i read this went you sent it but I forgot to respond YAAY SCUG THATS SO COOL
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