#I need to fix this blog's tagging system... urgh.
ensemblesongs · 10 months
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⟟ TRIP album directory.
🐝 NA NA NA SUMMER NIGHT BeeAT | -Corner- | Noisy:Beep | Crazy Roulette | RISKY VENUS | Honeycomb Summer | Ariadne At My Fingertips | PARANOIA STREET | Helter-spider | Crazy Anthem | Be the Party Bee! | -Exit- | Thrill Addict | Eyes on me, Hold me tight | Petal's Resolution | Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!!
🐇 *Dream Opening* | Light Spectrum | うさぎの森の音楽会 | Parallel Maze | Love it Love it | FALLIN' LOVE=IT'S WONDERLAND | Sunny Day Sugar Wave | *Happy Closing* | Centre of the theatre | Hopping on the music notes! | SUPER SPACE STAR☆ | Sketch of Me
🎭 Nebula | Foggy Night | Sleeper Mystery Train | =EYE= | Stippling | Secret of Metropolis | Bye-Bye Buddy | No Name Yet | Handcraft | HELLO, NEW YEAR! | CROSS SHINE
🕊 Angelic Grace | Sunlight | Never-ending Stage!!! | Love is Primavera! | The Tempest Night | Ghostic Treat House | Dreaming Ocean | Gloaming | Dawning Angels | Feathers of Ark | Crystal Heart | Wandering Clown | Treasure Memories | Welcome back, dear moment
🌹 -Open the cover- | Library of Blessings | Eternal Weaving | Turn a page | Acanthe | Electronic Labyrinth | Le temps des fleurs | Beautiful Nightingale | -Close the book- | Amor Vincit Omnia | Dreaming Architecture
🃏 DiZZineSs | Black Out See Saw | Kiss of Life | Living on the edge | Distorted Heart | You're speculation | VERMILION | Hysteric Humanoid | Believe 4 leaves | UNDYING HOLY LOVE | Tsubasa Moratorium | SOLID SOUL | I LOVE "LOVE" ♡ | Raise the Velvet | Starlight of Faith
🎧 J△MMinG☆ | Twinkle Aerial Battle | Fighting Dreamer | Love×me⇄monsteR | Turbulent Storm | POLYPHONIC WORLD | Swee2wink Love Letter | ∞AB+DUCT+I→ON∞ | GO-AHEAD SIGNAL | A WAY OF LIGHT
🦇 Tsumi no Soko | Resurrection of Soul | Nightless World | Savage Love Affair | No one knows... | FORBIDDEN RAIN | Sustain Memories | Fiery Scream | SURF ON SMILE | ENGRAVE LIVES | BURNING BODY
🍁 (Yet to release) Fuuga | Ito | Akatsuki Iroha Uta | Natsudori no Uta -Summer Bird- | Gekkou Kitan | Konjiki Senya Yumebutai | Yozora, Saritote Kasasagi wa | ROCK ROAR | Unpredictable Reincarnation | Kurenai Henrei | Uta Seishin Keppuroku
Post will actively be updated...🖋 low quality of certain older uploads to be fixed in due time!
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tendertenebrosity · 5 years
Previous: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Tagging: @quirkykayleetam, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog, @burtlederp
Everet returned to camp from his scouting mission and found the mage wasn’t tied up by the wagon.
Cursing under his breath, he went on a walk around camp. He’d thought it through, over and over, even once the certainty and decisiveness of lyrium had worn off, and his conviction hadn’t wavered. The mage might even be able to help him, but even if he couldn’t, Everet wasn’t leaving him here.
He eventually located the mage, unbound, on his hands and knees and spitting up blood into the dirt behind one of the tents, watched by a single templar.
“Hey, Everet,” the templar greeted him with a grin. Ser Renard. “What are you after? Tough day, need some stress relief?”
Everet nearly turned away in disgust. No, this was the plan, wasn’t it? It was good that it was Renard who was here, somebody else with even a scrap of morals might have objected. This was playing right into his hands.
The mage, sprawled on his knees in the dirt, flinched and drew himself into a huddle.
Everet let his head tilt to one side as if he was considering the idea, drawing his lower lip over his teeth.
“Well….” he said thoughtfully. “Maybe…”
The mage looked up with a start. His eyes fixed on Everet’s face, and Everet saw shock and recognition and blinding hope in them. Fuck, stop looking at me like that, don’t ruin it. He looked up, breaking the eye contact. I just need to get you alone to talk to you.
Renard laughed. “Maybe? Fuck, man, you’re never any fun. What’s stopping you?”
“Well, maybe if I could have him to myself,” Everet said slowly, hoping he wasn’t laying it on too thick, hoping his act wasn’t too obvious. He grinned, hiding the queasiness. “Why don’t you leave me to talk to him alone? I know you’re on guard but you could find something else to go and do, right?”
Renard looked surprised for a moment, and Everet held the grin, feeling sick, certain that Renard had seen through his act.
Then the other templar threw his head back with a great crow of laughter. The mage cringed into the ground.
“Hah! So that’s what your deal is, Everet, I was wondering! Finally got sick of sniffing around playing nursey and decided to just take it, did you? Well, this explains a lot!” He gave another snort of laughter, shaking his head. “Fucking hell. About time, man.”
Everet forced a laugh, his stomach twisting. He’d thought that was the interpretation Renard might jump to. He’d even been prepared with lines in case he was confronted about it. But this - this was the opposite of a confrontation! Maybe Everet was naïve, but he still had enough illusions left to be surprised, apparently. Urgh. How does the Maker not smite you where you stand for daring to wear the uniform of His soldiers?
“Didn’t realise it was that obvious,” he said, pushing a hand through his hair in what he hoped looked like a sheepish gesture. “But I don’t want you mangy lot around to watch, do I? Not into that. So are you gonna let me have him alone for a while, or not?”
“Fuck, sure,” Renard said, shrugging. “Long as you don’t kill him or break any bones, he’s all yours, do whatever.”
Everet let his breath out. “Thanks, Renard, I’ll owe you one,” he said lightly. “I’m gonna take him down the hill a bit, that all right?”
“Yeah, sure, Bryce is on watch, just give him a wave.”
“No!” the mage gasped, from near Everet’s feet.
Everet forgot himself and looked down. The mage was looking up, straight at him. Filthy hair falling into his face, eyes wide and filled with disbelief shining behind it. What parts of the face that weren’t bruised or swollen were smeared with days-old blood.
“Oh, hello, he speaks,” Renard chuckled. He grabbed the mage by the hair and yanked him upright, choking for breath with his head pulled back and his throat bared.  
“No,” the mage wheezed. “No, you wouldn’t – you wouldn’t – S-ser, please, you can’t mean - ”
“Hasn’t done that in a while. Likes you, eh, doesn’t he?” Renard said, giving Everet a slow, dirty grin.  He let go of the mage’s hair and shoving him forward to land in the dirt at Everet’s feet. “You gonna be able to handle him by yourself?”
Everet rolled his eyes and made a gagging noise. “If I can’t handle one little mage, fuck it, just bury me already,” he said dismissively.
He bent over, grabbed the mage by a handful of his torn clothing, and hauled him to his feet as Renard laughed.
“No,” the mage wept. “No. This can’t be happening. No!”
“Go on, get him out of your system,” Renard said, punching Everet in the shoulder. “Have fun!”
“Will do,” Everet promised, giving Renard a strained smile and trying to bundle the mage up into his arms. It was working, he was so close.
The mage struggled in his grip, kicking, trying to drop to the ground, putting up more of a fight than Everet had seen him do in days. He yanked the mage’s arms up behind his back and shoved the mage forward with a silent apology in his head.
Pushing the mage ahead of him, Everet made his way out from among the tents and headed for the edge of camp. A few people glanced up, and then away, disinterested.
“Don’t, don’t, no, please, you can’t! You can’t!”
Trying to be firm but not cruel wasn’t working. Everet was trained in restraining people, obviously, but he’d never tried to hold someone thrashing this desperately, and guilt was probably making him indecisive. He gritted his teeth, twisted the arms.
The mage gave a choking cry of pain and stumbled forwards. Everet remembered, too late and with a pang of remorse, that he’d said he had a bad shoulder.
“Maker damn you, hold still,” he hissed in the mage’s ear. He still had to get past the perimeter guard, he couldn’t let the act slip yet. “You’re – ouch, damn it, you’re making this worse.”
“Ple-ease,” the mage sobbed. “Don’t. Please. No! No!”
Everet gave Ser Bryce a terse nod on his way out of camp, prepared with more sickening lines in case he was challenged. He wasn’t. Then he just had to drag and haul and manhandle the sobbing mage down the slope, booted feet slipping in the leaf litter and turning on stones, arms aching with the tension of pulling his captive.
About halfway there, the mage… gave up was the wrong word, probably, but he tired. He stopped resisting, and let Everet drag him, no more words and pleading, just hoarse, desperate breathing.
Everet felt dirty. He wanted to take a hundred baths, scrub Renard’s dirty laugh and go on, have fun and will do out of his skin and his hands and his hair. He knew nothing like that would help. Andraste, Maker’s holy bride, forgive me, it will be worth it, if I can just talk to him and get us both out of here, he won’t mind once he knows what I’m doing, Andraste let it be worth it!
Finally he found a dip in the ground with trees above it that would shield them from view of the camp, while still giving Everet warning of people approaching. Everet bodily picked the silent mage up, carried him the last few steps, and despite his attempt to be careful, dropped him like a sack of grain into the hollow.
The mage lay on the ground, limbs sprawling, hair trailing in the dirt, and made the most horrible noise that Everet had ever heard in his life. A long, low, uneven sound from the back of his throat, complete helplessness and despair, as he pressed himself into the ground.
Everet was jolted into action by the need to get him to stop making that sound.
“Hey, hey!” he said, dropping to his knees. He looked up anxiously, scanning the horizon. Nobody in sight. None of the others could see him. “Listen – listen to me, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Hey. Hey, can you hear me? I’m not going to hurt you, I would never. Andraste, I’m sorry.”
The mage stirred, head shifting and lifting up. The noise stopped, and there was just hitching breath, and a frozen gaze fixed on his.  
Everet held his hands up, palms out, fingers spread, a wordless promise. I’m not touching you, I won’t hurt you. “Hey,” he said, trying to sound as gentle as he could. “I’m sorry. I wanted to talk to you alone so I had to pretend. It’s okay, you’re – ” He choked on the words you’re safe. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
The mage’s expression shifted, became radiant with understanding. “Oh!” he exclaimed, his voice shaky and very quiet. “You – you brought me here – to talk? Without them hearing?”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Everet said, dizzy with relief. “Keep your voice down, all right?”
The mage sat up in a flurry of limbs, pushing his hair out of his face, covering his eyes with bloodstained hands. “I should have known!” he gasped into his hands. “I should have known you wouldn’t – not you. Oh, Maker!”
And then he folded over, almost double, and burst into tears.  
Everet flinched back, startled – but the tears were quiet ones, the mage nothing but a ball shaking with almost silent sobs. He eased himself down to sit in the leaf litter, not too close. Time to see if this plan of his actually had a chance of working.
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uesugi-miu · 6 years
This was translated from "Love Scramble".
I actually didn't play it myself but...got to read this, Thanks to certain someone...😘
It's quite long and I can't seems to post it as one whole post.
I will tag this as "love scramble" so anyone who wanna read it and find it incomplete, click or find this tag in my blog...
It's Kenshin's story after all...
:: Part 1/2 ::
That day, I was summoned by Subaru-san so I hurriedly went to the instruction room and he was already there waited for me.
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Subaru : 「At the town of Kasugayama castle in Sengoku period, I found a suspicious signal which I think it's a monster and the possibility that it really is a monster is very high so your mission is to go there and investigate it.」
Miu : 「Umm. Am I going there alone......?」
Subaru : 「Yes. Other members have their hands full of other cases. Noone but you are free.....Can you go?」
Miu : 「O...Okay. Understood.」
Subaru : 「You're just a rookie tho so basic investigation is enough. Don't be too rash.」
Next day...I warped to Sengoku period.
But why of all places...I've arrived in the middle of the forest!
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It is that in the middle of dense and overgrown forest, everywhere covered in moss. I can only blink blankly in puzzlement.
( It's strange tho...I'm sure I set the destination as the tip of the castle town...so why I appear in a place such like this. )
Miu : 「F...First of all, I need to contact the base and verify my current location.」
However, when I tried operating the communication device, it seems to be in a bad shape and was not connected.
So from here, I decided to head forwards to see if I can reach to the town...but no matter how far I walk, there's nothing resemble a town comes in sight.
( May be it's actually in an opposite direction? Even if I'm not sure of it but just then, I'm turning my back on........ )
Caught in my thought, I stumbled upon a tree root and fell over.
Miu : 「Kyaaa......」
??? : 「Are you alright?」
Just when I heard that clear voice, a hand straights out before my eyes. When I look up to the source of that unexpected voice, pair of beautiful eyes in lapis lazuli color smile gently for me...
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Miu : 「eh...Kenshin-san!?」
Kenshin : 「Hmm...you are......」
I accept the extended hand and rise up to my feet trying to study Kenshin-san's expression.
But in that very moment...sweet fragrance...steals all my attentions away.
( Wow, what a sweet elegant smell. )
When that scent's starting to get on my nerves, Kenshin-san smile charmingly.
Kenshin : 「That's right, I know. You're Miu of the shield, right? Why are you here at this place?」
Miu : 「Yeah. Well, actually we found suspicious signal from the town near Kasugayama castle so that's why I've come to investigate.」
Kenshin : 「Town near Kasugayama castle......?」
Kenshin-san's eyebrows remain in a normal shape just until I told him the situation.
Kenshin : 「......I see. Being alone in this forest was hard.」
Kenshin-san console me while gently brushing off fallen leaves on my hair.
Kenshin : 「Right. If you wanna go into town. I'll show you the way.」
Miu : 「......eh?」
Kenshin : 「Umm. That's fine.」
Although I was touched by Kenshin-san's kindness but I hurriedly shake my head refusing.
( I'm glad he offered to be my guide tho but...Kenshin-san surely is a feudal lord. I...just feel too guity to accept. )
Miu : 「Well...If you will only tell me which way, I think I can manage it...」
Kenshin : 「You must not, Miu.」
Miu : 「!?」
Despite his tender voice. For a short while, his beautiful transparent eyes shine grimly. I was taken aback and swallowed down my word reflexively.
Kenshin : 「It's too dangerous for a girl to walk through mountain path alone. I can't let that happen.」
Miu : 「Ah...」
( You somehow now worried me. )
Kenshin : 「I rule over this land so leave it to me, yes? and besides I think fate has brought me to you right here.」
Miu : 「F...Fate?」
Kenshin : 「Right, fate.」
He beams me an attractive smile then takes my hands in his.
Miu : 「Ah...urgh...Kenshin-san, hands...」
Kenshin : 「...Sorry. I didn't mean to.」
Miu : 「A...Alright.」
Kenshin : 「Huhu. Your cheeks are red, Miu. You are so cute.」
Miu : 「Ple...ase do not tease me.」
( He talked about fate, isn't that too romantic for the Kenshin-san who is a military commander? )
( Umm well, since I was in troubled being thrown out in the middle of the forest like this so perhaps letting him help me is not that bad after all. )
Miu : 「So...can you please guide me?」
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Kenshin : 「Yes. Come.」
Kenshin-san walks off. His hair flutter smoothly in the wind. I can feel sweet scent lingering softly in the air and it's calling for me...after a while, I found myself follow after him...
With Kenshin-san's help, I've managed to arrive safely at the town.
Miu : 「Kenshin-san, thank you for kindly bring me along. If I was alone, maybe now I still wander inside the mountain.」
Kenshin : 「You're welcome. To have a lovely young girl like Miu as a company is also a pleasure.」
Miu : 「L...Lovely young girl...」
That unexpected comment bring blush to my cheeks.
Kenshin : 「Ok then. We have to collect informations, right.」
Miu : 「Right......eh?」
Leaving me dumbfounded, Kenshin-san started to walk off again.
( Now that he talk about collecting informations. Does that mean he will help me with my mission......? )
While I'm still in bewilderment, Kenshin-san looks over his shoulder.
Kenshin : 「What's wrong? Will you not investigate?」
Miu : 「Ah. Yes. I will......」
Kenshin : 「So then......start with that shop hmm.」
Kenshin-san has taken a turn at the crossroad to wherever he has in mind.
( As I suspected, he's really going to help me. )
( What a kind person he is...since he actually guided me to the town already... )
Where Kenshin-san headed appears to be a big kimono shop.
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Just when we pass through the shop's curtain. The owner greets us cheerfully.
Owner : 「Isn't that Kenshin-sama!」
Kenshin : 「Hi. How's it going?」
Owner : 「Thanks to you. I'm prosperous...Right right...A few days ago, new textiles came. Please come and take a look......」
Kenshin : 「Wow, these textiles are wonderful.」
Many textiles were spread through out tatami mat. Kenshin-san smiles brightly having fun talking to the owner while picking at them.
The owner seems not nervous at all. Plenty of topics were brought up since business talk until neighborhood's cat.
( They are really familiar with each other. Seems like Kenshin-san comes here quite often. )
( Also while we were walking before, people around town greet us along the way. Wow. It is the fact that everyone here adores Kenshin-san. )
Kenshin : 「Miu, what are you doing over there. Come here.」
Miu : 「Y...Yes!」
Kenshin-san introduce me to the shop owner and then we have a friendly chat for a while...
Kenshin : 「Don't worry. The owner must go out to stock up textiles but if we visit other shop, we surely can collect more informations.」
Miu : 「Right...」
Kenshin : 「Huhu. Let's go then.」
After that, We visit other of Kenshin-san's familiar shops to collect informations.
The owner of the tea house where we stop by to take a break said that he saw an unfamiliar object...
Miu : 「At the back alley near the braiding shop...seems like many people have witnessed something at the same location.」
Kenshin : 「You got some informations now hmm so does that mean Miu's mission was completed?」
Miu : 「Eh......? Umm...I was told to investigate it lightly tho...」
( But until now, we only collect informations by asking around so I wanna investigate it some more. )
( Although I'm a bit scared but it maybe better to go there at the actual spot to confirm the information we've collected so far...... )
Sucking in deep breath, I decided to head towards that back alley.
Kenshin : 「It's very much ordinary back alley, I wonder, Is there such things as rumor say?」
Miu : 「It may be hidden...in the gutter or at the other side of the wooden door......」
Although I'm shivering, I somehow muster my courage trying to confirm the information I got.
Right then, something fly out from the place hidden from view!
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Miu : 「Kyaaaaaaa!」
I'm surprised and unintentionally fall back.
When I look up, what I see is a monster...
Soon after I adjusted my posture. The monster's aiming its attack at me.
( That's bad...! )
I can't seems to avoid the attack so brace myself for the worst.
But in that very second, I saw a flash of shining blade and the monster has vanished right then and there...leaving only sweet scent drifting in the refreshing blowing wind.
( T...That blade is......? )
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Kenshin : 「......You are not hurt?」
Returning his sword silently to its scabbard, Kenshin-san looks over his shoulder and gives me a gentle smile.
As we return to the main street, we leisurely walk along in town.
( To be able to knock down the monster like this, doesn't that mean my mission was completed? )
Miu : 「.........」
( I wonder, this time I must say goodbye to kenshin-san. )
While feeling a bit lonely staring at Kenshin-san's back. Suddenly, I got contact from Kota-san.
Miu : 「Ah...the communication device...!?」
Kenshin : 「Miu......?」
Miu : 「Sorry. I got contact from Kota-san. Please excuse me for a moment.」
I gave Kenshin'san a few words before stepping away.
Kota : 「Great, finally connected.」
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Miu : 「The communication device is back to normal!」
Kota : 「No. This is just temporary. There's a system problem here so it's difficult to connect.」
Miu : 「And there's problem with the warp too? It's strange that I arrived in the forest.」
Kota : 「Yes. That's also the problem. The warp will teleport you to the wrong location so until it will be fixed. Do not use it.」
Miu : 「Eh...does that mean I can't return...?」
Kota : 「It will be fixed tomorrow so whatever...manage it until then.」
Miu : 「Eh...whatever......Kota-san!?」
Kota : 「S......o......L...a...t......e...r.......」
The screen distorted and the voice was cut off.
...beep beep beep...
Miu : 「!!! Are you kidding me !!! and if it will never again connected......!」
( Even if you said do whatever to survive a day but how can I manage to find where to stay a night? )
( Even though I can find a hostel but I don't know how can I manage to pay......I'm in trouble now... )
Miu : 「.........」
Kenshin : 「Is something the matter?」
Kenshin-san was surprised and now study my face with worry.
Miu : 「Sorry for being vague before. Well...actually there's a system problem. The communication device and the warp do not function properly.」
Kenshin : 「So you're in trouble. Can you return there?」
Miu : 「About that...Kota-san said it will be fixed tomorrow so doing whatever it takes...today......」
Kenshin : 「Then...you can come to my home.」
Miu : 「Kenshin-san's home?」
Kenshin : 「My home is big and there's so many rooms. Today Miu was working very hard. You must be tired yes? You can rest there.」
Miu : 「............」
( Urgh...Kenshin-san's home...in other words...the castle...right... )
Kenshin-san grin at me and I take a good look behind him.
What lies ahead is a big castle risen up to the mountain top.
( What a castle! ... I wonder if it's ok for a common people like me to go there. )
( But he offer me with kindness. Will he think I'm rude if I refuse? )
Miu : 「Umm...well...」
Still not sure what to do. I hesitate to say anything but Kenshin-san takes my hand just like that.
Miu : 「Kenshin-san...?」
Kenshin : 「Huhu...Let's go.」
Miu : 「Ah...wait...!?」
Kenshin : 「It's fine. It's fine.」
Beaming me a cheerful friendly smile, Kenshin-san pull me by my arm until we reach the castle.
Continued in Part 2
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