#I need to get better at art/crafting/marketing myself/whatever so I can make an income
ragingdumpsterfire · 2 years
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
Not ship related... I admire you so much, the way you talk about writing is so beautiful. It’s my passion and dream, I feel like I can change my whole world with my writing. But my parents keep telling me that I won’t get money doing that, that I’m not talented enough and already too old at 24. Should I give up on this? Maybe my talent is in my head and I’m leading myself to disappointment? Light me up Rosy! :c
:D this is so sweet. I am glad that I could help you be inspired, that is my calling, I think.
Listen honey. I don’t make money off my writing. I’ve made money off my blog and social media and art and tarot and teaching and curriculum planning. If you’re expecting writing to support you or make you rich, you should PROBABLY adjust your thinking. Most writers make some small amount of money like 10k a year or something. Being a writer is a SMALL BUSINESS. This is not something I realized when I started out a bright eyed and bushy tailed kid. Some do manage to make a living just off of writing novels or something, but most have to supplement their income with other things, whether that’s a full time job, family support, a rich mate, teaching, editing, freelancing or what have you. 
BUT that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. I’m kind of starting over with my writing career, not because I ever stopped WRITING. Writing I’ve done continuously since I was 15, and I write to stay sane, to have fun, to connect with people, to think, and because I am actually compelled to write. I can’t stop writing. Whether it is novels and stories, poems, meta, blogs, a journal or whatever. I write because I must. And I’ve spent YEARS learning about the craft and practicing. Drafting, revising, editing, reading, workshopping, discussing, etc. When I decided to become a teacher, I thought I was giving up writing, but it only deepened my commitment to writing and actually gave me a better platform as a writer, more authority, more options, more experience. It turns out nothing teaches you how to do a thing better than teaching others how to do it. And now I can use what I learned as a teacher to improve my career as a writer, and improve my writing, too. 
Writing is NOT just writing. And the business of writing is something entirely different. I ignored the business aspect for years, and instead focused on the craft, education, psychology, spirituality and ART of writing. Now I’m WAY older than you and am trying to get back into the business side. It feels very intimidating, but because I’ve done all that work in other areas, I find I am farther along than I thought I was. 
Because I am not economically privileged and never have been, I’ve always had to support myself doing something else, whether that was scholarships, or waiting tables, or teaching, or freelance marketing, or even being a stay at home mom (which worked for a few years for writing but was not sustainable due to economics and life.) It’s PART of the the economic reality for almost everyone who takes on writing. But, because I’ve always had the focus of wanting to be a writer, it turns out that everything I’ve done while supporting myself has fed into my career as a writer. I can now pull on my background as a teacher, in a service industry, as a curriculum designer, as a blogger, as an artist, as a marketer, to create a career with many moving parts.
This is what I learned about this gig economy. Don’t expect to hit it big in one area. Going viral is HARD. When I DID go viral, it actually took me AWAY from my writing. I spent years working on that instead of my writing career, although I was still writing. And you can’t predict it and you can’t depend on one platform to be stable and not collapse in on itself. So, learn MULTIPLE fields, so that you can have MULTIPLE streams of income. If you don’t have a partner or family money supporting you, and you don’t want to work a day job, and you don’t want to be poor, and you don’t hit it big out of the gate, try to diversify, so you can still do what you love and have money coming in from various places.
It is work to do this, but it offers you more freedom, and can also support your writing career. 
Oh. I forgot. Are you too late to have a writing career? Lol. No. You’re a journeyman still. Still learning. Writing is not like being a dancer, where your body has to be young to be at its best. As a writer, you just get better as you age, so you have time. Keep going.  When you’re older, you’ll look back at your writing now and see how much growth you’ve had. It’s not that you’re not talented now, it’s that your writing is a journey and a process, and it won’t stop growing.
Are you fooling yourself about your talent? I can’t know that. I’m guessing not. But here’s another secret about writing. TALENT is not how you succeed. WORK and COMMITMENT is how you succeed. (and success is relative.) It doesn’t matter how talented a person is, if they don’t commit to the work, they won’t finish a book. If they don’t commit despite the struggle, because it IS hard, then they won’t continue to write. They’ll give up and become, idk, an editor or car salesman or something. If they don’t keep working, they won’t have a writing career. 
So if you want it. Keep doing it. Be realistic about the struggles, about the financial realities, about your needs in life, about commitments and sacrifices. Because you WILL have to sacrifice things in order to be a writer. Even if it’s just time and energy, you have to give it to the writing. And the less support you have, the more you have to give up in order to keep writing. 
I hope this isn’t disheartening. I’m trying to be real here. This is an un-romanticized version of a romanticized bohemian writer’s life style. It might look lovely and problem free from the outside, but it is NOT. It’s just as hard as a more traditional life. No. It’s harder, because you’re swimming against the stream. It would be easier to get a corporate job and just do what your bosses told you.
But if you want to be a writer, as an artist and a small business person, you aren’t choosing the easy way out. So be aware. Your parents are right about it being a struggle. But they are wrong about it being impossible, or not worth the struggle. You get to choose the work you want and the sacrifices you make. I’d rather struggle like this than sacrifice my creativity to a career I don’t want to do.
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blogwritetheworld · 7 years
The Write Place: The Everywriter’s Desk
by Lisa Hiton
Looking for the right advice on pursuing the writer’s life? You’ve come to the write place!
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The summer before my junior year in high school, my soon-to-be teacher, Ms. Tanimoto, assigned two books to incoming AP students: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White. The Scarlet Letter was forgotten as soon as it was finished; I instantly detested Hawthorne’s penchant for moral allegories surrounding evil and sin, finding it all a bit too on-the-nose and heavy-handed. The Elements of Style, however, became an instant mainstay to my writerly temperament.
It seemed strange to be assigned a reference book to read cover to cover. I’d only ever used reference books like dictionaries, thesauruses, and encyclopedias as touchstones during reading and writing assignments—brief interruptions to expand my knowledge and/or revise my work.Upon reading Strunk and White’s masterpiece, however, my understanding of reference books changed entirely. Though the book is a mere 87 pages, my peers seemed to begrudge the assignment or blow it off entirely. I, on the other hand, found my attention rapt.
The Elements of Style is a reference book on the rules of English rhetoric, yes, but the attitude and dogma of its writers, Strunk and White, make it as much a manifesto as a convincing collection of laws governing the way we (ought to) speak and (must) write. The seriousness of tone and voice in these pages presents us with far more than a reference for grammar and usage, but rather, a true understanding of style in and of itself—that rhetoric is more than grammar and syntax, but a true translation of our consciousness into clear, material words. Such gravitas became most apparent to me when I arrived to page 52. Amid the section on misused words and expression, Strunk and White lay out the difference between nauseous and nauseated as follows:
Nauseous. Nauseated. The first means “sickening to contemplate”; the second means “sick to the stomach.” Do not, therefore, say, “I feel nauseous,” unless you are sure you have that effect on others.
Besides thinking of the many times I had misused “nauseous”, I actually laughed out loud. Amidst the seriousness in the rule there was a deep sense of snark. From the seriousness came a great deal of humor.
Since that first reading encounter with The Elements of Style, my well worn copy has remained with me. Whether I’m writing an academic paper, a cover letter, an author’s bio, a poem, a book review, or anything else, Strunk and White are there reminding me to be as clear as possible.
As I continued to grow in my writing life, I found that other books became constant sources of aid and knowledge, so much so that my desk had its own section of books at the ready, for whatever obstacles befell a given blank page. And over the years, the kinds of references have grown to fit my own writerly needs. And as I visit my friends who are writers, I notice some trends from desk to desk.
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Here’s my working writing desk, fit with all I need! I’ve got my laptop, notebooks, pens, reference books, books to review, and some of my favorite books that I keep near me for inspiration. In the drawer of my desk, I keep mailing materials for my stack of chapbooks to sign and send to those who request it.  
Regarding reference books, every writer’s desk seems to contain The Elements of Style by Strunk and White, a dictionary, and a well-worn thesaurus. My desk currently has my hardcover copy of The Elements of Style, The New Roget’s Thesaurus in Dictionary Form, and Soule’s Dictionary of English Synonyms. Especially for those of you dreaming up holiday wish-lists, Maira Kalman’s illustrated version of The Elements of Style may be just the special book to add to the collection for you.
While I used to keep a desk-sized Merriam-Webster Dictionary on hand, I find the synonyms and thesaurus more useful these days, perhaps especially as I revise my first book of poems. When I find myself overusing the same verbs and adjectives, I can quickly reach for one of these books and get some inspiration. I’ve converted, these days, to using apps for dictionary and etymology. I especially like the free dictionary.com app, which allows you to click on a word three times and open up its dictionary page. The app also offers audio pronunciation.
Dictionaries are important resources, ones which can’t quite be replicated online. Each nation has its favorite, from the Oxford English Dictionary, to Merriam-Webster’s, to the Macquarie. While I don’t keep Merriam-Webster on my desk at this moment, I do keep it at my fingertips, using their online resources when I’m in need. Further, I’ve found the Merriam-Webster twitter to be a source of great comfort and comedy amidst America’s dire political landscape. While it is easy to look up a word online, the physical books—dictionaries, thesauruses, etc.—encourage more meandering through the worlds of words. Without the instant gratification that comes from looking up a word, you may stumble upon an etymological note that takes you to another page, and so on, until you’ve learned new things about words and perhaps found an even better way to say whatever it is you set out to put on the page.
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These are my three most used reference books right now. I’m really excited about this new, hardcover copy of The Elements of Style, especially!
Another particularity of a writer’s desk seems to be a given writer’s tools. Do you do most of your writing on a computer? In a notebook? With an old refurbished typewriter? I personally use multiple tools to get my writing done. Certain parts of my writing process involve pen and paper, while others are done on my laptop. Many writers have a kind of obsession with their objects. For example, I only write with fine point uniball pens in black or purple ink. I use fine point, black sharpie markers for my writing to-do lists. And, as you'll see from a glimpse at my desk, I'm as particular about notebooks as I am about pens!
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I keep a few different notebooks with different purposes going at a time. Here you’ll see two Shinola notebooks, which I love because they engrave your name for free—a great holiday gift, indeed!—my Moleskine planner, my to-do list pad, and a grey notebook where I keep notes on books as I read them. 
Another important element of a writer’s desk is its proximity to field guides. In my dream writing room, this might include specific maps, atlases, and encyclopedias. Currently, I’m working on poems and essays about my time spent in Greece on the island of Thassos and in the city of Thessaloniki. To that end, I have acquired field guides that can help me re-orient myself to that location. Names of trees, fish, flora, fauna, and foods are different in other places. I’ve also become a collector of field guides, including one that has images and names of specific kinds of lighthouses. What field guides might help you with a particular piece you’re working on right now?
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As a field guide collector, these are some of my favorite possessions, found in random parts of the world, flea markets, and antique stores. Right now, I’m revising poems about my time in Greece on the island of Thassos. These field guides help inspire precision in describing water, fish, beaches, shells, and the like. 
Besides reference books and field guides, it seems that craft books or books about writing and reading are a mainstay on my desk too. Some of my absolute favorites are:
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
The Writing Life by Annie Dillard
Reading Like a Writer by Francine Prose
Blue Pastures by Mary Oliver
Having these books on my desk is a reminder of my own intellectual inheritance as a writer, as well as a great source of guidance and inspiration to me.
There are of course many other must-have books, tools, and resources that writers need to have at the ready. A comparative study of writers’ desks would be ideal. In the absence of access to the likes of desks by Dr. Seuss, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, Stephen King, JK Rowling, and the rest, here are some starter ideas by genre that you might consider as you expand your own writer’s desk. And of course, send us picture of your own desks and favorite desk necessities on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter by tagging us or using the hashtags: #everywritersdesk.
A Poet’s Guide to Poetry
Poetry has its own rules and vernacular that may give writers pause. From reference books, to prompting books, there are many craft resources for poets looking to understand lines, stanzas, and the soul of poetry as they grow their own volumes of poetry. Here’s a wishlist of some of my most beloved/ragged/well-loved books on poetry:
A Poetry Handbook by Mary Oliver
The Triggering Town by Richard Hugo
Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke
A Poet’s Guide to Poetry by Mary Kinzie
A Poet’s Glossary by Edward Hirsch
The Art of the Poetic Line by James Longenbach
A Little Book on Form: An Exploration Into the Formal Imagination of Poetry by Robert Hass
Rules for the Dance by Mary Oliver
The Sounds of Poetry: A Brief Guide by Robert Pinsky
ABC of Reading by Ezra Pound
Keeping Things Novel
For all you novelists, there are also a whole host of books to guide you in the writing of fiction.. Here are a few additions you might want to make to your #everywritersdesk:
How Fiction Works by James Wood
Brevity: A Flash Fiction Handbook by David Galef
The Art of Fiction: Notes on Craft for Young Writers by John Gardener
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King
Reading Like a Writer by Francine Prose
Mastering Suspense, Structure, and Plot: How to Write Gripping Stories that Keep Readers on the Edge of Their Seat by Jane K. Cleland
If creative nonfiction is where your writing practice is focused, there are all kinds of books available for your #everywritersdesk too! Nonfiction is a huge category, which could include journalism, biography, autobiography, and more. This list is focused on the literary spirit of creative nonfiction:
Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg
To Show and to Tell by Phillip Lopate
On Writing Well by William Zinsser
You Can’t Make This Stuff Up: The Complete Guide to Writing Creative Nonfiction by Lee Gutkind
Writing True: The Art and Craft of Creative Nonfiction by Sondra Perl and Mimi Schwartz
Inside Story: Everyone’s Guide to Reporting and Writing Creative Nonfiction by Julia Goldberg
Crafting the Personal Essay: A Guide for Writing and Publishing Creative Nonfiction by Dinty W. Moore
As these books serve the writing life, there are also those books that are so well-loved that they seem to live on our desks. Right now, the collected works of Sylvia Plath and Frank Bidart have been near me at all times, just like a security blanket for my authorial heart. What books do you find stay off the shelf? Tag them in your #everywritersdesk photos.
Of course, there are many other books that may guide you on your journey. Many craft books and writers’ resources can also be found on my series blog, “Reading Like a Writer” where I recommend specific craft books in conjunction with the genre of Write the World’s monthly writing contests. We can’t wait to see your additions to #everywritersdesk by tagging us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!
About Lisa
Lisa Hiton is an editorial associate at Write the World. She writes two series on our blog: The Write Place where she comments on life as a writer, and Reading like a Writer where she recommends books about writing in different genres. She’s also the interviews editor of Cosmonauts Avenue and the poetry editor of the Adroit Journal.
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marcopanzone20 · 5 years
bligh's bid to rescue jobs But when it does happen
bligh's bid to rescue jobs But when it does happen, we tell them don cave, and continue to bend but don break. But love it or loathe it, the Mission is still the Mission, and it's good to have something to celebrate about Valencia. It's Cheap Fake Yeezys up to companies to provide this information to consumers in an easy to digest format. Mario World Released for Android and iOS a Day Early by Aman Rashid, Jul, 10, 2019YouTube App Now Back on Fire TV, Amazon Prime Video Debuts on Chromecast and Android TV by Jagmeet Singh, Jul, 10, 2019Thousands of Android Apps Are Tracking You, With or Without Your Permission: Study by Gaurav Shukla, Jul, 9, 2019Apple Re Releases Classic Texas Hold'em iOS Game on the App Store by Harpreet Singh, Jul, 9, 2019Over 10 Million Users Have Downloaded a Fake, Money Grabbing 'Updates for Samsung' App: Report by Jagmeet Singh, Jul, 5, 2019Apple Reveals Government Requests to Remove 'Unlawful' Apps by Indo Asian News Service, Jul, 3, 2019Chandrayaan 2 Will Have No Impact on Gaganyaan Mission: ISRO Official Zomato Lays Off 541 Employees, Points to Automation Chandrayaan 2: ISRO Says 95 Percent of Mission Objectives Accomplished Huawei P30 Pro Colour Variants With Dual Tone Finish Unveiled at IFA Nintendo Switch Teased to Get Mysterious New Accessory on September 12 NASA Data Shows Less Than 60 Percent Lunar Missions Have Been Successful Google Bans Ads for 'Unproven' Therapies, Including Stem Cells OnePlus 7T Pro Protective Cases Leak, Tipping Its Design Parts of Wikipedia Offline After 'Malicious' Attack BSNL Unveils Rs. 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There are even bars operating out of large tents such as the Black Pearl and Hippie Chic.What's OnallMost ReadMost RecentFusion Festival79 pictures from a brilliant weekend at Fusion Presents and Fusion Festival 2019Kings of Leon, Little Mix and Rudimental where among acts to take to the stageMusic NightlifeTake a look back at Fusion Presents and Fusion Festival 2019Fusion Festival19 pictures as excited fans arrive at Fusion Festival 2019 ahead of Little Mix's headline showThe band are set to take to the take stage at around 8.40pm. The good news is that cloudy weather can actually act as a filter to diffuse the light and create soft, cool, and even light.
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vetthings-blog1 · 6 years
Final Project: Business Plan
My “Mastery Journey” with Full Sail University has come to an end as I have mastered the Entertainment Business.  This is week 4 of Final Project: Business Plan and graduation is next week.  This past year has been a challenging, exciting, and fulfilling one; but it has helped me learn so much about my vision and career path.  Each course involved in the program was designed to help us focus on the key aspects of starting, funding, and running a successful business in our chosen industry.  
In the 1stcourse, Mastery… I set out the goals that I had for each course, as well as a few ways to reach those goals.  As the program went on I had to look back at my Mastery Journal to discuss whether or not those goals were achieved.  The next course was Executive Leadership.  This is where I compared the different leadership styles of Robert Greene (Author ofThe 48 Laws of Power, etc) and John C. Maxwell (Author of Developing the Leader Within) and realized that I can use elements of both styles, as it relates to the situation at hand.  Project Management was next in line and in this course I created a project plan; which included knowledge of the work breakdown structure and creating a project definition mind map.  My festival idea is still an idea that I plan to incorporate into my marketing strategy.
Brand Development and Storytelling was the course that showed me how to brand myself through the art of storytelling.  In this course, I figured out who my target audience was; how to differentiate my brand from my competitors; how to conduct market research; as well as which archetypes best fit my brand.  I also created my brand story video; which was an inspiration for my campaign strategy in a latter course.  Business Finance wasn’t as bad as I first imagined it would be.  I learned about the different costs associated with starting a business.  I was introduced to the Pro Forma Financial Statements –the balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash flows; these statements itemized start-up costs, projected revenues, sales, etc. I also learned about the time value of money, opportunity costs, and the different types of investments available.
The Digital Marketingcourse is where I was able to develop an effective digital marketing plan.  I learned that the use of strong, precise keywords and phrases help consumers to find my brand more easily and quickly.  I also figured out which marketing channels would work best for whatever campaign or project my brand is working on.   I learned about the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and how analytics both play integral roles in my brand’s presence, both online and offline. The next course I was fortunate enough to partake in was the Negotiating and Deal Making course.  In this course, I learned about deal memos, ADRs (Alternative Dispute Resolution), and problem solving.  The key takeaway from this course was to research all parties involved in a negotiation, as this will set you up for a win/win outcome.  
There was a LOT of research involved in the Product and Artist Management course.  One assignment called for me to conduct research on an Artist Manager; My choice was Usher Raymond’s “momager” Jonetta Jones.  This course gave helped me to identify credible sites for industry news and introduced me to Nielson.com; which I will be using quite often to research industry statistics.  I conducted a cross-analysis between two major talent agencies: United Talent Agency and Creative Arts Agency; and concluded that the CAA would be a better fit for my brand.  I also learned about pricing strategies; revisited leadership styles; and learned how to find and keep my target audience.
I think that my most dreaded course was Advanced Entertainment Law. I thought that it would be a challenge; which it was, but also interesting.  I researched actual cases related to my industry; which I think is a great way to avoid similar legal situations.  I received instructions on properly filling out trademark, copyright, and similar forms. I was also introduced to a great resource: FindLaw.com.  I have to say that Entertainment Media Publishing and Distributionwas one of my favorite courses.  Professor Craft’s informative publication is such a valuable asset and I am thankful that she took time out to write it for her students. This course gave insight on how to acquire an agent and what type of agent is best for my needs.  I learned how to write a query letter, as well as what is needed for a digital press kit.  My major takeaway from this course is the learned tools needed to get my content published, marketed, and distributed.
Business Plan Development was one of the courses that took everything I learned in the program and bottled it up into a business plan. I was required to do a 1-minute pitch and we revisited the mission statement.  This is where I out most of the components of my business plan together: company description, competition, market size and trends, financials, and a few more.  As I write this last journal entry in my Master’s degree program, I am in week four of my last course - Final Project: Business Plan. This course helped me to fine tune my financial statements, tighten up my 1-minute pitch (aka elevator pitch), organize and present my business plan.  I was surprised that my completed business plan received such good feedback, because I was more than nervous submitting my assignments. But, (huge sigh) this is my final assignment and I have completed the goal that I set out to complete; I’ve attained a Master’s degree in a field that I love.  
There is no greater feeling than to accomplish your goals.  I hope this post serves as a inspiration to, at least, one person to finish what you set out to do and make sure that whatever you do has been planned out and thoroughly researched.  I am grateful for the instructors that Full Sail put in place and am ready to begin my outward journey into entrepreneurship.  
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3dscatterplot-blog · 7 years
3D Scatter Plot
How to Sell and Design Custom Sketches
Online money making choices typically require you to have some form of web site, and have some sort of skill in advertising and on-line enterprise to begin with. However, what if I instructed you that there was a technique to generate profits on-line utilizing your existing arts and crafts skills? For those who're involved, read on, as a result of we're going to check out Etsy, and how you can use your current arts and crafts abilities to realize money on-line. What Is Etsy? Etsy, and different websites like it, is a web-based portal that permits members of the positioning to list their original arts and crafts creations on the positioning, add a worth and shipping costs, and promote them to individuals around the globe. It is a little bit like eBay, besides that everything on it's handmade by the people who use the positioning. What Can You Promote On Etsy? Almost anything that's handmade. Individuals promote every little thing from full sized oil paintings handy beaded jewellery, hand knitted baby clothes and handmade candles. From leatherwork to portray, sculpting to sketching, if it's arts and crafts, you may promote it on the positioning. How Do You Make Cash? In contrast to some websites, Etsy does not take a fee off your sale. As a substitute, they permit customers to put up their arts and crafts on the site, in their own 'store' for a small fee per posting. You advertise your products, put a worth on them and embody transport prices, and you get publicity to the 1000's of people that use the site. It is like an internet craft market, with much more visitors! Is It a Good 3D Scatter Plot Concept? You probably have a pastime that you already do, and that you'd wish to become profitable on-line with, then Etsy is a great thought! It can provide you a lot more publicity to much more individuals, and will even lead to you being able to pursue your pastime full time, quite than solely on weekends and at night time! As you'll be able to see, in terms of getting cash online, and on-line business, it's not solely the technically gifted and the enterprise minded that can profit. Everybody, even people who prefer to work with their hands, can earn cash on-line, and either start or expand on an present money making concept. Sketches are nothing however free hand drawings that consists of many overlapping traces. Generally sketches are useful to record something for later use. Sketches will assist artist to increase his imagination power and give him a chance to develop one thing worthwhile within the subject of artwork. Attributable to advanced software, nowadays on-line sketches are also potential. This is very terrific that folks can specific their thoughts by creating sketches utilizing these software tools. Top-of-the-line digital packages for this type of art is Adobe Photoshop. In early days individuals have been utilizing MS paint software program, however it has very less options compared to Adobe Photoshop. You have to have laptop if you wish to create digital sketches. It's a very distinctive technique to create all the sketches amazingly using latest software and hardware on the pc. It also gives a better picture quality then you've ever anticipated. It makes very simple for the artists who needs to create pictures for commercial function like product posters, guide covers, video games and many more. Also the most effective characteristic of digital painting is that you may send it to anybody by way of electronic mail. Let me tell you one thing essential in regards to the adobe photoshop software. This software is the most advanced software program ever researched for portray, pictures and doodles. It offers high quality photographs and provides effective print quality. It is very straightforward to create sketches utilizing adobe photoshop. In case you are going through issue to create sketches utilizing mouse, then you will get digital pads or cordless pen to make it smoother. The cordless pen will act like a mouse and it transfers image on the computer drawn by the artist. From this software program even photographers can develop some special results in their images and may give them an attractive look. This is the superb revolution launched on the planet of painting and sketches. When you have just began attempting at hand on sketching, it's best to learn the valuable suggestions given right here. These will aid you in sketch making. It is best to first perceive that sketching cannot be learnt in a day. It's an artwork. To change into proficient in this field, it is advisable to work onerous and apply quite a bit. The more you follow, the simpler it is going to be to attract. Sketching is a free hand drawing made with pencil on paper. For making good sketches, you must have correct supplies like sketch pencils and paper. The standard of provides can affect the top results. Sketchers maintain pencils in different kinds like tripod grip, overhand grip and underhand grip. Nonetheless, there isn't a best model. You need to choose the type that you are most snug with. You should begin practising with simple figures like straight traces, curves, circles, ellipses, squares and triangles. Although, most individuals suppose that it is simple to draw such figures and they don't have to work exhausting, but it's not so. Many people cannot even draw easy figures with free hand. Mastering simple figures will enable you to to regulate your hand movement, which is step one to drawing a superb sketch. When you turn out to be proficient in drawing geometric figures, it's best to start drawing figures of landscapes, properties, and pets. Gradually transfer to the type of sketches that you just need to draw. For example, if you want to get into style designing, it is best to begin making free hand drawings of mannequins draped in numerous outfits. Equally, if you wish to grow to be a panorama artist, it's best to spend quality time in natural settings capturing its magnificence in your sketchbook. If you wish to become a cartoonist, it is best to draw caricatures of people and scenes. Proportion is a critical part of drawing good sketches. For instance, in case you are making a portrait, it's good to have a correct thought of distance between eyes, measurement of eyes and size of nostril. Even a mere change within the angle of face modifications these proportions. Due to this fact, a sketcher should be able to properly estimate the measurements. While making a sketch, it is best to first focus only on the outline. At all times work on detailing afterwards. Shading helps to offer a three-dimensional look to a drawing. It also helps a person to visualize whether the thing is shut or far away, whether or not it is stationary or moving, what is the texture of the thing, what time of day it is and so forth. Therefore, it is best to pay particular consideration to shading. Learn different styles of texturing. Put money into good quality comfortable pencils of different grades for shading your sketches. Throughout the initial learning course of, do not be too crucial of what you might have sketched. Study out of your mistakes and enhance with each drawing. Final however not the least, get training from an expert. You possibly can join a drawing class or study some expertise and tricks from a non-public tutor. You can too take the help of online drawing tutorials for studying easy methods to sketch. It's no secret that we're going by means of some significantly trying financial instances. Recession, melancholy, double dip recession, regardless of the consultants and analysts are calling it for the time being, instances are difficult and the unemployment price is one of the worst within the historical past of our nation. Whereas one of the things which I do is train folks how you can make cash with developing a website by affiliate internet marketing and advertising, admittedly it takes some time to develop a worthwhile web site which you'll be able to stay off of. Due to this fact at present we will talk about what to do once you're determined and canopy the way to make money on-line quickly. Extra importantly it will only discuss the right way to generate income quick online without cost particularly. Micro Job Sites Offering your companies is kind of possibly the quickest method to generate profits on-line quickly. Micro job websites like Fiverr.com are how a lot of people make a guaranteed fast buck by promoting their companies to interested purchasers. These are web sites which you'll be able to go to and earn money from just about anything which you'll think of. Take your abilities and promote them on these websites and involved clients will contact you about doing your advertised job for them. You receives a commission instantly for doing what you're keen on or have a ability for whether that is writing articles/content material, doing work in Photoshop for someone, doing a drawing or sketch, doing voiceover work; actually anything you can think of. GigHour, Gigbucks, Fittytown pay out at much larger tiers than Fiverr so think about how much whatever you're promoting is price and get to it. I've put together an entire resource on how you can earn money with Fiverr to face out from the crowd, discover clients, and get paid; this data might be utilized to any micro job web site, as well. Craigslist Craigslist is still an incredible place for locating quick one off jobs which pay in addition to full time employment. A number of years ago after I was simply starting in affiliate marketing and didn't know a lot to something about what labored and what did not work and was consequently nonetheless struggling to assist myself, I took to Craigslist and located a couple of jobs which stored me going in the quick term while I bought my footing. One job had me writing descriptions for a whole lot of economic products on an financial website stuffed with affiliate presents (which I did not even notice until later). I used to be paid $one thousand for only a few days of labor. Check out the "And so forth." part, half time section, or search "telecommuting" in your city or any variety of massive cities for gigs which you are able to do from your own dwelling. Just make certain to exercise your due diligence to just remember to're working with a good one that won't stiff you on fee. You must get a contract worked out to determine the parameters of your exchange with your contractual employer when it's a relatively massive sum of money like $1000. There are plenty of free contract sites on the market which you'll grab free documentation from and might easily edit on your functions. eBay eBay is an effective place to earn money online shortly by itemizing and promoting off your potential valuables to involved events for a fast payday. You can also check out what is promoting on eBay then pop in to your local thrift stores and pawn shops to search out these gadgets then resell them on eBay at a better charge for a pleasant profit. On-line Advertising and marketing Okay so I stated in opening that online/internet online affiliate marketing takes time to essentially take off. That doesn't imply that you would be able to't earn money on-line quickly by it, as properly. You will get a site registered for $7.49 with my GoDaddy Dot Com Low cost and hosting for $2.ninety nine a month via my GoDaddy Dot Com Discount, then you may get a website arrange in 10 minutes. Make that website into mini web site to advertise the perfect affiliate product in your area of interest by looking out OfferVault, ClickBank, Fee Junction, PayDotCom, LinkShare, ShareASale, and many others.. Then ship some traffic to that site and make some money in the brief time period whereas growing that mini site right into a content site within the background. You may also get a free weblog on WordPress.com but the issue with that is that it is not yours and also you're really benefiting and developing someone else's enterprise rather than your personal which isn't a good idea. Create Your Own Product Creating your personal product isn't as tough as you'd think. I'll have a complete useful resource devoted to educating methods to create your own online product and promoting it to make some huge cash. Affiliate marketing is one thing, but when you develop your individual product and monitor down your personal associates, that's when the actual money begins to return in and that is how the net entrepreneurs making 7 figures a yr make most of their money. At the very least you can make an info product inside a distinct segment which you may have experience and knowledge in. Individuals like digital merchandise as a result of it is an immediate obtain and informational products have traditionally all the time offered very effectively online, therefore the popularity of Clickbank. Get Artistic Go to your native mom and pop stores and ask them if they've a website for their enterprise and if not then offer to construct them a web site for a few hundred dollars. If the reply is no then start the haggling recreation. As I present in my movies on easy methods to set up a web site free of charge step-by-step once more and methods to use WordPress, you can set up a totally practical and attractive website in 10 minutes with no need any expertise. The point is to be inventive. There are lots of providers which you'll be able to supply which appear out of your reach however are easy to execute and there are lots of people who find themselves either lazy or daunted at something like the idea of establishing a web site. A creative thoughts plus advertising and marketing equals success in this case. When You're Determined Bear in mind When you're actually up towards the wall, be sure to contact agency like the Salvation Army, meals banks, or metropolis human service departments to ensure that you keep the lights on and meals on the table.  
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Make Money With Bitcoin Faucet
Can I Generate Income With Bitcoin
While there is a great chance you could make a revenue over the expense of the holding, success is not assured. Your profits will certainly rely on both the value of the coins themselves and also on the modifications in mining difficulty with time.
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Now, you're possibly accustomed to on the internet gambling establishments. They're very straightforward. You play a game of good luck, or skill-based video game like texas hold'em, and if you win, you gain some cash. Bitcoin makes it easy to gamble and also you can gain some massive quantities of bitcoins if you score a major pot. Certainly, when it concerns wagering your home always wins in the future, so dangers are high.
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You'll should recognize the principles of technological evaluation to be able to forecast when the price will certainly go down for hedging. This short guide isn't really to instruct you regarding technological evaluation, however just what is hedging and also how you can apply it with trading bitcoin. There's bunches of free info around on Youtube and Google. Simply be an enthusiastic viewers as well as you must locate whatever you require. I honestly don't recommend spending for trading programs. I've been trading bitcoin for over a year now, and the very best suggestions I can provide you is to watch the price graph as well as news on a daily basis. Coindesk has the most recent news for you to stay up to date with. They also have the live cost rate in the header area of the site. Whenever I get on my phone, I simply have a tab open and eye the price to understand the behavior.
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The danger in doing this, naturally, is that the cost will change in between when you purchase when you offer. This makes arbitrage very reliant on the rate at which you are able to make deals. This sort of trading likewise requires you to rest in front of a screen watching cost feeds constantly, waiting for the appropriate moment.
The divergence of prices in between various exchanges implies that you can get associated with arbitrage on your own just by having accounts on numerous systems, with a balance in multiple money in each one. When the chance-- a distinction in costs-- emerges you can easy buy and also market instantly without having to move funds in between accounts.
If you are clever then you can earn money dealing Bitcoin depending upon whether you assume the price will increase or fall. You can also trade Bitcoin versus other cryptocurrencies. Popular alternatives to Bitcoin consist of:
Can You Earn Money With Bitcoin Faucet
If you happen to be an excellent online marketer, or excel with arts and crafts (amongst numerous various other points), you can sell your services as well as merchandises, as well as approve bitcoin in exchange. Just like other type of business you will need to obtain out there and also market yourself as well as your product and services.
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financial investments are made in the hope that the value will raise in time. However, if you are among the substantial variety of individuals who think that Bitcoin is over-valued and also inflated by speculators, then you could try your hand at short selling Bitcoins. Brief marketing permits you to make money from decrease in the worth of an asset similarly that you would certainly make money from rising prices if you acquired it.
Just what is essential is comprehending time. I utilized to hurry my professions, yet I ultimately found out that the cost recovers slower than I believed. When Bitcoin's cost rises a whole lot it'll at some point decrease, but you want to see clear indications of a reversal before making a profession. From time and also method, I at some point began to wait on those reversal indicators making a trade, as opposed to hurrying myself due to the fact that I really did not wish to miss out on out on a chance. There's always possibilities for you to come. It's better you lost out on a possibility then to have actually lost loan due to your feelings. You might assume that would not use to you, however emotions are something that'll take place so don't let it control your professions.
Earn Money With Bitcoin Mining
Hedging is apparently referred to as an advanced trading approach, but the principles like I stated are really easy. It's just the procedure of offering high as well as redeeming reduced. You could claim it's too difficult to hedge or simply not worth it. That kind of response is just a limiting idea, so don't be blinded. It's actually quite basic. You may ask, "Exactly how do you recognize when to market after that?". With trading, basic & technical evaluation that is the result of making great professions. These are the things like checking out the candles, or signs such as an EMA (exponential moving average).
If major Net stores were to start approving the money as payments, they would own boosted fostering and also financier confidence. We could conveniently see some significant overnight cost surges on the back of such merchant news. Overstock began approving Bitcoin in 2014, as well as there was certainly a little surge therefore. Larger merchants like ebay.com are currently considering it as a payment choice, which would have a a lot more dramatic impact.
Earn Money With Bitcoin Miner
By running your personal Bitcoin faucet you will certainly be paying out percentages of Bitcoins to your users (immediately) but will certainly be gaining far more revenue through advertisements you place on your site. Right here's ways to get going with your very own Bitcoin tap.
There are a large range of websites that will certainly pay you tiny quantities of loan in exchange for completing particular jobs. A lot of the moment these supposed "faucets" entail considering advertisements in one method or various other.
Generate Income Online With Bitcoin
In order to engage the public and also shift from niche rate of interest to mass use, there has to be a killer application. A straightforward methods of trading coins would boost need and send the price of the coins rocketing, potentially raising their value also more substantially than we saw in 2013.
Can You Generate Income With Bitcoin Mining
The mechanisms of short marketing vary somewhat by market and also regional policies, but it's typically carried out similarly. Usually, the speculator borrows stock or currency from a broker as well as markets it on the market with the hope that the price will drop after she or he markets the obtained shares. If the rate does decrease after a particular quantity of time, the investor gets the amount of shares owed to the broker at the reduced rate and returns them. The capitalist's revenue is the distinction in between the quantity the obtained shares sold for and the cost of getting them at the decreased rate factor.
Other sites will pay you in bitcoin to write short articles and blog site articles. You might additionally establish your very own blog site, location advertisements on it, and make money in bitcoin. If you take place to understand an additional language you might additionally do some translation benefit bitcoin.
Earn Money With Bitcoin Tap
If you're currently offering something, you should consider accepting bitcoin as settlement, if you haven't done so already. If you typically aren't marketing anything, now is a blast to take a look at the market to recognize requirements, and to discover methods to fulfill those demands. Bitcoin supplies a wide variety of entrepreneurial opportunities for the strong and also ambitious, and also the all-digital currency makes performing business around the globe less expensive and also easier.
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Purchasing Bitcoin is a quite risky business, so you need to only utilize a fairly percentage of funding that you could pay for to lose totally if points go badly. However these high risks might additionally come with high incentives.
Generate Income With Bitcoin Trading
Loaning is possibly the earliest method to utilize cash to make loan. Essentially, you lend out loan to an appropriate party as well as they pay you back, with passion. Interest prices will vary with the danger involved. If you get collateral in exchange for your loan, rate of interest prices will certainly be low. No collateral indicates greater dangers, yet it also suggests greater rates of interest.
Generate Income With Bitcoin Exchange
Bitcoin mining is perhaps the oldest method to develop wide range through bitcoin. Bitcoins are created with addressing complex formulas that create blocks that are included to the general public ledger. The public journal is the background of all deals carried out through bitcoin.
Remember, bitcoin is a currency. This implies you can make money off of offering nearly every sort of services and product merely by approving bitcoin as repayment. Even significant websites, like Overstock.com, now accept bitcoin as payment.
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topicprinter · 7 years
Yesterday, I was interviewed for episode #33 of the Indie Hackers podcast. This was the first time I was ever interviewed about my work... a little stressed I was.Just seconds after we finished recording, Courtland went on and said:Really different interview ...At that point, I'm like... hmmm... yes of course it was different, for an hour I couldn't articulate one coherent tip or lesson learned over 15 years of hacking around ideas and projects... given that every other Indie Hackers podcast episode I've listen to finishes with that climactic moment where the interviewee throws an amazing lesson learned (🎶). Yes, mine was different... mine finished with a long silence where I'm liked "...hmmmm, I don't know... what did I learn? hmm... probably something right?"But Courtland went on and added:different... but in a good way.I reflected on that and what he probably meant was that the interview will be perceived as authentic, because I mostly talked about my journey. So I warn you, do not expect to learn crazy tips to create and grow your business.If I could redo the interview here is what I would probably end up with:Entrepreneurship is a really really long journey, you need to pace yourself if you want to do it for the long term. It's never too late to learn something new. It's never too late to start something new. You should find joy in the process. Don't risk everything. You should be resolute (stubborn in a positive way)... success will come... in ways you never expected.Here are the notes I sent Courtland before the interview to help him prepare, read this as a teaser to the episode which should be released in 2 weeks.I hope you enjoy my humble journey. :)I started playing with HTML at around 14 in '98. Funny story: I actually got into HTML when my mother started coding a website about our family genealogy and as a pretentious kid I laughed at her skills... Of course I said I could do better. She challenged me, and it worked. I got hooked.The first website I built was hosted at multimania.fr, the GeoCities of the French world. It was a collection of free games for PC. Because there was no such website in french it instantly started to pick up some traffic, up to hundreds of visitors a day. For a kid like me it was pretty exciting. I became obsessed by it, wanted to grow the website.I slowly built it from HTML to ASP/HTML then to PHP/HTML. And pickup my first domain name jeuxgratuits.net. (I don't own that website anymore, it was sold couple of years ago)That’s when I started putting some ads up, at the time they were paying $0.25 CPC per click. It was crazy. Of course, I did what every kids would have done, I just started clicking on the ads myself! Of course I was kicked out and never saw any penny. :)I slowly moved to other interests, games and sport, but the website was always growing. At one point I was the first result for ‘jeux’ in Google (‘games’ in French). And was receiving like 40 000 visitors a day.Google Adsense got released. Wow. That’s when I started to make some real money, around 100-200$/day (sometimes more). At this point I was studying business management at university and I wasn’t really considering myself as a programmer. Given the money I was making, I thought about scaling the website to other languages and verticals. I wanted to create the youtube of online games. Not really knowing how to code all of this I hired someone from my university studying computer engineering. The deal was he would code it for cheap, but at the same time develop his own-vanilla-django-rails-a-like-framework in PHP.At 40k visitors a day the new version was a total disaster. You can’t query the database thousands of times on every single page hit…. :) The code was not created with scale in mind, and scale the website had. As soon as the new version launched, everything crashed… and it crashed for weeks and months. Google penalized the ranking, and I lost 70% of my traffic. All of this was pretty enlightening, I realized that if I wanted to work in technology I should be able to speak the language. It should be my craft. You can’t delegate this to someone else.So I bought an O'Reilly book about MySQL… and got to work. That was around 2004/5…. That’s when I really got hooked to coding for real.Problem solving was so rewarding, it was in big contrast to school, which I found really boring.Another lesson I learned was that when something works, you don't necessarily need to change it. You might cause more harm. Of course this is all relative, it’s not always the case. But this still stick with me today, I'm always weary of changing a winning recipe. It's kind of my Digg.com like story... you really can kill a successful product yourself.I then finished university, jeuxgratuits.net was still good steady income. But I was not satisfied with my degree… I didn’t really want to work for a company like Procter & Gamble. I wanted to start my own thing, keep in mind that for me jeuxgratuits.net wasn’t a business. It was a project, and I wasn’t really that proud about it (for whatever stupid reason, right?). I wanted to work on something more noble. A big project. I wanted to start a game studio.Not really knowing how to code games… I was thinking that I needed to meet game developers. So I started to lurk indie game forums and blogs. I became fascinated by the creativity of that space. It’s there I found out about game jams. Game jams is a concept where couple of people will in a given amount of time create games on a common theme. That’s where it clicked, I could create a game jam in my hometown where I could meet potential partners for my game studio.I created the Bivouac Urbain game jam, which can be translated to “Urban campfire game jam”. The idea was that it would be held outside in big tops in downtown Quebec City. We decided to host it outside to WOW people not normally interested in things like a games and tech… that way it would promote Quebec tech culture in a cool way and we could get noticed by the city and Quebec province gov. So they would want to fund the event. It worked.We did the Bivouac for 4 years, and the last year our budget was around $CAD 250 000. We had the game jam, live music shows, art displays, game companies exposing their games to the public… it was pretty cool.Second edition’s trailerParticipant Juicy Beast studio presenting their game to the judges here (last edition).After 3 successful editions, the only problem was that my main goal was never achieved… I never really got to meet fellow game developers. I was just too damn busy organizing and managing the event.During those first 3 years I was more and more interested by creating experiments and coding, check some of them still online: (Open in Chrome… code might be broken in other browsers)FontBombA strange take on flowersThe enemy of my enemy is my friendBefore the fourth edition I thought… wait a minute… I could participate in the next edition instead of just organizing it… this would give me the motivation to go through all the pain of organizing it (raising money, finding partners, dealing with media, dealing with governments, etc.). I could finally experiment my own creation.I asked people working at my co-working space (I opened the first co-working space in Quebec city, we can talk about this too) to join me and create a team for the next edition. As they were web developers we decided to go with web technology for our game.You can see me being interviewed by famed indie developer Adam Atomic (judge at the event) after 30 hours of game development.Although really fun, this would be the last edition of the Bivouac, since I realized it was taking too much of my time.Managing is not something I enjoyed that much, what I liked and still like the most is the process of creating.This is not the end of the story though… when I wrapped up the last edition, I decided that I wanted to launch a web business. I really enjoy coding small experiments but I wasn’t seeing how it could pay the bills. Based on my experience managing and organizing the Bivouac… I though really hard about some of my pains… one was a simple universal problem faced by all event organizers…. printing the name badges. The process, the tools, everything sucked. But most importantly it sucks exactly at the time where you have no time for it… few hours before the start of your events.THERE… that was it. I would create the Vista Print of name badges. I did not do any market research, I was my market research. I just started coding.After 3 months I realized that I needed some help for the visuals, and the guys with whom I created my game at the Bivouac and worked at my co-working space were all brilliant front end engineers. I offered them to partner with me before launch. Which they did enthusiastically.Then…. the luck, just few weeks before we launch, we received an email from Mitch Colleran at Eventbrite asking us if we were developing a name badge tool, he saw our requests to the dev mode version of their API, our app was named “Name Badges”. He was really excited about it…. because name badges was one of their users’ biggest pain. He told us that at launch he would promote us through Eventbrite’s newsletter, Twitter account and blog.It took 2 weeks to get our first order, 4 weeks to reach 1k$ monthly revenue. At this point we applied to Y Combinator, got invited to the interview. And…. got totally destroyed. At the interview they cleverly brought the person responsible for printing name badges at YC events, and they asked us to convince her to use our product…. easy, right? Well she started by saying she uses mail merge to print the name badges. The problem is that we had absolutely no idea what mail merge was. From that moment the interview went downhill. We were not selected.After a few more months I asked my partners if they wanted to go full time with me? They all said yes! But we would not only work on Conference Badge. We would also try to experiment with other ideas and projects.Remember above when I said one lesson I learned with Jeuxgratuits.net was that you don’t need to change a winning recipe. That was our mantra with ConferenceBadge. We would give stellar customer support and fix the problems as they show up… but we wouldn’t try to expand in other verticals of the event business. It was just a damn great tool to create name badges.At some point Etienne (one of my partners) came with the idea of a tool to help us draft emails has a team like a Google doc. We were all excited by the idea.The more we built it, the more we used it, the more we realized first-hand the incredible impact a tool like Missive could have on our business. At that point, there was no coming back, Missive was our main mission.Fast forward 3 years…. we now have good growth for Conference Badge, and Missive's customer base is growing at 25% month over month.It took a really long time get to a point where Missive was competitive… but now after 3 years of labor… we are receiving amazing reviews and are really confident of the product future.Don't hesitate to follow me on twitter if you found the above interesting. Make sure to give Missive a try... it's the best email/chat client you can use to manage your business! And if you ever need name badges, you know where to get them! ✌️I will hang around if you have questions for me.
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sublimedeal · 7 years
Doberman Dan and Terry Dean – 60 Minute Copy Cure
Doberman Dan and Terry Dean – 60 Minute Copy Cure
Announcing… Doberman Dan and Terry Dean’s proprietary new “fill-in-the-blanks” instant sales copy system…
The Lazy Person’s Way To Moneymaking Sales Copy… Even If You’re Not A Copywriter!
How to craft “overnight copy” your customers, clients or patients will be POWERLESS to resist… Even if you haven’t written a single word since high school!
Dear Friend, If you want to create a huge and immediate surge in cash flow… for yourself, your business or a client’s business… this is going to be the most exciting message you’ve ever read. Here’s why… After more than 30 years as a serial entrepreneur, direct response copywriter and bestselling author, I’ve discovered some secrets you can start using IMMEDIATELY to make huge wads of cash. It’s the fastest and most effective way to get a FLOOD of new customers, generate a massive surge in sales and make MAXIMUM PROFITS in record time. But first I gotta tell ya… The secrets I’m going to reveal in this letter are something “they” don’t want you to know. I’m talking about all the “hired gun” copywriters who make their living writing sales copy for clients. They’re going to be madder than a nest of wet hornets on crystal meth when they see what I’m about to reveal. Because this is a secret you can use to… Get More NEW CUSTOMERS… And SELL MORE PRODUCTS In The Next 30 Days… Than You Have In The Past 12 Months! Even more exciting… You can do it by creating all of your advertising and sales copy yourself. AND do it far better than almost anyone you could ever hire. How can I say that? Because The Copy Has Already Been Written FOR You! By two of the most successful grizzled veteran copywriters/online marketers working in the trenches today. With a combined experience of 44 years creating high-converting, moneymaking sales copy. Just for a minute, imagine this: You wake up in the morning… grab a cup of coffee and your trusty laptop… You kick your feet up in your favorite comfy chair… Then you open a Microsoft Word document… already completely written with proven, tested, high converting copy… You make a few simple changes… and in 60 minutes or less… you have a brand new kick ass sales letter you can use to… Start Making Money IMMEDIATELY! That’s it! You’re done for the day. You close your laptop and leisurely enjoy the rest of your coffee… lounging around like a financially independent multimillionaire. Because the rest of the day is yours to do as you please. Wanna play a round of golf while all the working stiffs are crammed into suffocating cubicles slaving away for “the man?” Have at it. The day is yours. Maybe you’ll take your wife out shopping in the middle of the day. So you can watch the look of surprise and delight on her face when you tell her to buy that fancy overpriced Louis Vuitton purse she’s been drooling over for years. Or maybe you’ll finally take up that hobby or passion you’ve been putting off since you were young. The one you’ve always said you’d get to “one day.” Whatever you want to do… YOU are in control of your time. Every day is yours to do as you please. Finally… you can relax and enjoy your life. Because you know that money is flooding into your account while you’re off doing whatever makes you happy. Listen, I can tell you from decades of experience… YES! That Dream Life CAN Be Yours! I know. Because I’ve done it. And I’ve helped hundreds of others do it, too. When you know the secrets I’m about to reveal, it’s like having a license to print money. But before I get into all the exciting details, allow me to introduce myself: I’m Doberman Dan…
I’ve been a serial entrepreneur for over 30 years. And a direct response marketer and A-list copywriter for more than two decades. I’ve started businesses and written copy in a whole slew of different markets. Just a few of the countless publications my work has appeared in are…. Entrepreneur… Car & Driver… Investors Business Daily… Penthouse… Popular Mechanics… MuscleMag International… Popular Science… Flex… Success… Muscle & Fitness… Men’s Edge… IronMan… Black Belt Magazine… Muscular Development… Reps! Exercise For Men Only… Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness… Martial Arts Professional Magazine… Small Business Opportunities… Home Business Magazine… The National Enquirer… Weekly World News… And THOUSANDS of high circulation newspapers. As a serial direct response “bootstrap” entrepreneur, I’ve started a plethora of businesses on my kitchen table. With nothing more than a yellow pad, a blue pen and the squishy gray matter between my ears. Many of these “kitchen table businesses” have supported me with a lifestyle that would be envied by the most successful CEOs in the country. Several were created under great financial duress… with nothing but spit, grit and duct tape. I was broke, my back was against the wall and the wolf was at the door. So I was FORCED to run my idea up the flagpole to see how many people would salute it with their wallets. Sure I’ve had my share of failures. That’s par for the course in the life of a serial entrepreneur. But several of these “ready-fire-aim” businesses have gone on to make millions. I’ve sold a couple of my info businesses for big paydays. I’ve also sold three nutritional supplement businesses I started from my kitchen table. That allowed me to enjoy several multi-year stints of “mini retirement.” I’ve also been hired by some of the most successful entrepreneurs and marketers in the country. Most recently, a $1 BILLION a year “800 lb. gorilla” direct marketing company — one the biggest and most successful in the world — hired me to launch their new nutritional supplement business. But believe me… I didn’t have any advantages getting started as an entrepreneur. I’m an average guy who barely made it through Barberton High School in Ohio. I picked the wrong parents so there was no million-dollar trust fund or rich uncle to help fund my entrepreneurial pursuits. In fact, to describe my upbringing as “lower middle class” is being overly generous. Like I said… the ONLY things I had available to start all these businesses were a yellow notepad, blue pen and my somewhat eccentric brain. My first 10 years as an entrepreneur… I Had To “Bootstrap” Every Business I Started… And it was NOT easy. Every single business was started on a shoestring budget. And for the first few years things were extremely lean. Most of the time I was so broke I went out on a limb and financed all my start-up costs on multiple credit cards. I worked around the clock. (Because I had a MORE than full time job as a police officer in Dayton, Ohio.) I sold most of my personal belongings, cancelled my cable TV and drove a 15-year-old “bucket of bolts” car… just so I could invest every possible penny in getting the business going. I even skipped meals so I could invest my grocery money into testing marketing ideas. And like so many other entrepreneurs, I hit my share of roadblocks. (Actually “roadblocks” doesn’t even come close to describing the disasters, disappointments and difficulties I endured.) During the first nine long years of my serial entrepreneurial journey — before I discovered direct response marketing — every single one of my businesses crashed and burned. Leaving me defeated, depressed and in neck-deep in debt. I felt like the biggest loser in the world. That was until I discovered some little known secrets of the “ole skool” mail order/direct marketing masters. I studied that classic marketing material like a 15-year-old boy studies online porn. Then I adapted and applied these secrets to one of my struggling and “on life support” businesses at the time and… It Grew My Sales 1,407% In Only Five Months! It was an amazing time. “Life changing” would be the understatement of the decade. An astonishing “before and after.” BEFORE: I was broke, drowning in debt… and for a while actually homeless and living in my car with my Doberman… skipping meals so I’d have the money to run test ads. AFTER: A mere five months later… I Was Putting 6-Figures A MONTH Into My Pocket! Since then I’ve been on a mission. A mission to share these successful tactics, strategies and secrets for building an online business FAST. You see, growing your business as quickly as possible and making a lot of money are great. But the way most entrepreneurs go about it makes you a slave to your business. Sure, you may make an above average income… but you have no life. Your business is an all-consuming mistress. And you’re not the only one who pays the price. It takes a HUGE toll on your family, too. Instead… what I have to share with you is a unique way of building your business that gives you incredible time and lifestyle freedom.
Because when money doesn’t control you… and you have time freedom… life becomes pretty darn spectacular. First of all, you just plain FEEL better… because you no longer have that always-present weight on your shoulders. The weight you feel from others controlling your life. And the ever-present FEAR you feel… deep in your solar plexus. From lack of money… From your boss always yanking your chain… And being forced to jump when he says “jump.” Because you need the money. When you do what I’m about to show you, you can be… FREE From Your Financial Slavery! Finally… you can do with your life what you could have been doing… and should do now… LIVE it! If you’re already in business but your business isn’t producing the income you desire… …and is growing slower than you want… What I’m about to share with you is the solution for all that. The BEST solution. The FASTEST solution. Because what you’re about to discover is the final piece of the puzzle you’ve been missing. The master key to growing your business (and your income) as fast — and as BIG — as you desire. It’s the most important skillset you can possibly have in business. I’m talking about the ability to get your customers… Spending Money Like Drunken Politicians In A Las Vegas Strip Club! And how do you do that? A couple ways actually. First, by developing the skill of creating perfect “can’t miss” offers that trigger a buying frenzy. Second and equally important… by developing the ability to… Consistently Craft Colossal Converting Copy! Without those two abilities your business will always remain a constant struggle. However… when you DO have those two abilities… you can build your business (and your personal income) as BIG and FAST as you desire. Listen, you’re one smart cookie to want those abilities. Because with those skills… and ONLY those two skills… you can be free from money worries the rest of your life. And, should you choose, you can… Make More Money Than Any Sane Person Ever Needs! I’m not just talkin’ “millionaire next door” rich either. (Although that IS nice.) If you’re willing to work for it… I’m talkin’ Rolls Royce-driving… diamond-encrusted Rolex-wearing… private jet-flying… 155 meter yacht, “cruising-with-a-bevy-of-busty-supermodels” rich. If that’s what you’re into, it can be yours. (I’ve even helped a few entrepreneurs who have done it.) Or maybe you’re like me… less flamboyant and more lifestyle driven. Even though you COULD have all the toys, you prefer a more under-the-radar financial freedom… The freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want… with whomever you want. I know that what I just shared might seem a little over the top. But look, after more than 22 years of in-the-trenches experience honing my chops to become a veritable virtuoso of these valuable and virtuous skills… I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt… Once you discover what I’m about to share with you… Any Life You Imagine Can Be Yours! And that’s exactly what I’m going to show you… with help from online marketer extraordinaire, Terry Dean.
Terry’s one of the very, very few online marketers I trust to give me the straight scoop on what’s working RIGHT NOW in online marketing.
And he should know. He’s a PIONEER in online marketing. Terry has been selling REAL products in REAL consumer markets online (not scammy biz-op crap) since 1996… the Wild West days of the Internet. Also Terry has worked as a coach and consultant to business owners in hundreds of different markets and niches. He and his clients have sold everything from tennis products…to scrapbooking…to weight loss…to chiropractic services…to automobiles…and just about everything in between. He was broke and in debt…stumbling from one dead-end job to another…when he discovered the Internet way back in 1996. He went from delivering pizzas for Little Caesar’s for 8 measly bucks an hour to creating a multi-million-dollar online business. After a couple of years of doing things on his own and under the radar, his brilliance was discovered by the marketing community. Terry was invited to be a keynote speaker at some of the earliest Internet marketing conferences…where he shocked attendees by demonstrating how much money flowed through his shopping cart and into his bank accounts… during the actual conference! He founded one of the first membership sites for online marketers…which read like a Who’s Who of today’s top marketing gurus. He has even been called one of the “grandfathers of internet marketing.” He sold that first business in 2004, eliminated the travel, and took his first 18-month mini-retirement at 30 years old. Terry is not one for the limelight. That’s why he has been privately consulting with a limited number of clients behind the scenes in hundreds of different markets. His waiting list for coaching clients currently has 415 names on it… and any open slots usually sell out in less than an hour. Over the past 11 years he has helped more people create successful online businesses one-on-one than anyone I know. In addition to Terry’s decades of experience inside the inner workings of both his own business and hundreds of others… he has another interesting skill. He’s not just a great DOER of this online marketing thang… he’s a great TEACHER of this stuff. One of the best I know. In fact, that’s one of the biggest reasons we teamed up on this new project. Terry is a master of explaining the “what” of what I do in my copywriting. The stuff I do by pure gut intuition. He’s also able to teach the “why” of why I do what I do. You see, in my more than two decades and 20,000+ hours of writing sales copy and doing the serial entrepreneurial thang… entirely driven by my own sales copy… I’ve internalized an enormous amount of uber valuable lessons. However… many of those lessons are imprinted so deep into my nutty noggin and neural network… it’s as if I’m guided by them without conscious knowledge. In other words, I DO what I do. And I’m damn good at it. But I rarely TEACH what I do. So what Terry has done is pure brilliance. He has studied my “do what I do” copywriting thang… and is able to explain all the reasons for what I subconsciously do to create super successful high converting copy. Copy that sometimes breaks all the rules… yet accomplishes what many experts say is impossible to do with sales copy alone. Heck, many times even I don’t understand why I do what I do. But Terry is able to articulate and teach my super effective (but admittedly eccentric) methods. And more importantly, Terry makes it… Understandable And DOABLE… Even For A Complete Copywriting Rookie! It’s all based on a breakthrough brain & nervous system “hack” discovered by a master jazz musician and educator. And it leads to EXPONENTIALLY accelerated progress in your copywriting skills… and darn near IMMEDIATE higher sales and conversions. Almost every day I have people asking me about how to get good at copywriting. Or how to crank out a moneymaking promotion FAST when the “wolf is at the door”… you need money NOW… but don’t have much (or ANY) experience writing moneymaking copy. The only solutions I’ve been able to offer in the past involved spending months or YEARS writing out successful copy by hand. And paying your dues for years on end. Writing copy, “running it up the flagpole” and watching it bomb 9 times out of 10. It’s a BRUTAL process. (I know. It’s how I learned.) And it’s a process that discourages and blows out lots of potentially great future multi-million dollar copywriters. Until now. After decades of study… often searching in the strangest of places… Terry and I have come up with something better. Actually… Exponentially Better! And… I’ve never seen ANYBODY reveal it. (Probably because very, very few are able to understand the science and psychology behind it.) Terry and I are using some new stuff we’ve discovered about brain and nervous system biology (and a few other tricks up our sleeves) that will let you “upload” our copywriting abilities into your brain… really fast. How fast? You should see a HUGE improvement in only 30 days. However… it gets even better… You can start making money with it even FASTER. If you have a website, email list, snail mail list or followers on social media that have been limping along… and you haven’t been able to monetize those assets… You can start making money — in some cases a significant amount of money — the very DAY you get your hands on this! That’s why Terry and I have teamed up. We want to show you how to create sales copy that resonates so deeply with your prospect’s “buying emotions”… and paints such meticulously detailed and impassioned word pictures in their minds… It Makes Your Offers IRRESISTIBLE! If you’re starting to get excited about this opportunity, that’s great. I hope you ARE excited. But before you get TOO excited I have to tell you this: The reason you’re not enjoying an income and lifestyle like I’ve described in this letter is simple. Actually, there are two reasons: First, if you want to build your business as fast as possible… and make as much money as possible… you have to send out a LOT of offers. And send them frequently. But that’s a problem. Because most business owners wayyy underestimate how many new offers they need… and how frequently they need to promote those offers to their customers. That’s why most are always stuck in a frustrating “pull your hair out” plateau. You see… sending out a lot of offers… and sending them frequently… requires sales copy. A LOT of sales copy. And the “skull sweat” and time required to do that is a substantial investment. More than most business owners have time for. So unless you have the financial means to hire a top-notch copywriter, your growth and income will always be limited. Because YOU are the kink in the hose. Why? It’s simple. In addition to the 1,001 plates you’re spinning while struggling to run your business… you simply don’t have the time to produce all the sales copy needed to fuel the engine of your business. There’s a second reason you’re not enjoying the income and lifestyle I’ve described in this letter. It’s also the #1 reason why your sales copy has been limping along and under-performing… or not performing at all. But I want you to know something. It’s not your fault. Because… Almost Everything You’ve Been Taught About Copywriting Is WRONG! The Internet is crawling with wet-behind-the-ears rookies who have hung out their shingle promoting themselves as a “copywriting expert.” Truth be told, the only experience most of those posers have is taking an online course that ALLEGEDLY certified them as a copywriter. Look, maybe they’re good writers. That doesn’t matter. Because if they don’t have actual in-the-trenches experience… If they’ve never had their back to the wall, FORCED to make sales or risk going broke, getting evicted and eating out of dumpsters… …then you simply can’t trust these guys. And you most DEFINITELY can’t trust the most important aspect of your business — your marketing — to these “fake experts.” Listen, being a “good writer” (whatever that means) doesn’t mean jack crap. Hardly any of those posers have the guts to put their money where their mouth is. I’m talking about investing their OWN money to prove that their copy works. But… they’re MORE than happy to use YOUR money to test their unproven rookie copywriting abilities. And many will gladly take your money in exchange for their “expert” advice… even though they’ve never successfully done what it is they’re claiming as their expertise. If you’ve been getting your copywriting advice from those guys, THAT is why I say it’s not your fault. Because… You’ve Been Deceived! And Terry and I are gonna set the record straight. Once and for all. You’re going to get the REAL scoop on how to create order-generating copy. And how to crank it out as fast as possible. From two “bootstrap entrepreneurs” who have been doing this week in and week out… month after month… for more than two decades. Often with nothing more than our brain, a notepad, a pen… and a couple hundred bucks credit left on the Visa card to invest in advertising. And in my case, I’ve used this system to crank out sales copy at the last minute. In the final hour. When I was so desperate for money, I was packing my suitcases getting ready for the impending eviction order. (Sadly, that’s NOT a joke or exaggeration.) You see, I’ve had some EXTREME financial ups and downs in my first 20 years as an entrepreneur. Yet time after time… this system has always brought in the cash I needed. Predictably, dependably and unfailingly. Like clockwork. In some cases… in as few as 24 hours. In fact, this system works so FAST… Terry even used it to create $96,250 out of thin air… in just a couple hours… IN FRONT OF A LIVE AUDIENCE! The copy he used to do that was assembled by the very process you’re about to discover in our newest release… “The 60-Minute Copy Cure!” You’re going to get our combined 44 years experience creating winning sales copy. But this isn’t a boring “study ‘til you’re blue in the face/hand write classic copy controls for months on end” course. I’ll leave that to the legion of other people hawking copywriting courses. In fact, this isn’t really a “learn copywriting” course at all. (Although it WILL help you do that if that’s your ultimate goal.) What it is REALLY… is… A Shortcut To Creating Cash Generating Sales Copy… FAST! In some cases IMMEDIATELY. Because we’re not going to complicate things. (Although many in our weird wee world do that so they can drive up their prices.) But not us. Because really, making money online is pretty simple. So we’ve cut out all the fluff and made it as simple as possible. In fact, I’ve personally made a SYSTEM out of simple. (Remember, I barely made it out of Barberton High School… so it HAS to be simple for me.) You see, I don’t just teach regular copywriting. I teach what I like to call JSTDT™ copywriting. Which is so powerful… and so effective… It Almost FORCES People To Buy What You’re Selling! JSTDT™ is my proprietary marketing and copywriting system. It’s the exact same system I’ve used the past 22 years to live a lifestyle better than most Fortune 500 CEOs… while only working a fraction of the time. It’s also the very same system I’ve used to get paid as much as $2.3 million from writing one single ad. (To be 100% transparent, this was NOT a copywriting client gig. It was a print ad for one of my own businesses. And in every magazine and newspaper where it ran… in EVERY insertion… it brought in a 3-to-1 and as much as a 6-to-1 return on investment… for three straight years… with not so much as one single comma changed during that entire time.) JSTDT™ stands for “Just Sell The Damn Thing™”… and here’s what it’s all about: Do you have the time and patience to spends months or years of your life creating content to “build a relationship” with people who have never bought anything from you? People who come to you with their hands out, asking you to give them free stuff? If you do, I hope you have a sizeable stashola of cashola. Because that approach requires a LOT of money. And a lot of time waiting until you FINALLY make a little money. (If you EVER make any money.) In fact, one of my clients, Agora — one of the best direct marketers in the world, earning more than $1 BILLION a year in sales — told me that even they don’t have enough cash to make that model work anymore. Sure, it worked for them in the past. But it required millions of dollars and 12 months without making any money from each new customer to keep that model going. That’s why they abandoned it back in 2007. And if it isn’t working for THEM, what makes you think it will work for YOU? Here’s the bottom line: You Need More Customers And More Business, Right? Then there’s no need to screw around with all those complicated, convoluted and confusing multistep funnels… 4,001 question surveys… 7,007-step “if/then” auto responder sequences… Content marketing… writing blog posts for months or years on end without even one single sale to show for all your blood sweat and tears… Search engine optimization… YouTube videos… social media… And all the other things you’ve tried that have never worked for you. If you want to make money and get new customers RIGHT NOW… you simply need to… Just Sell The Damn Thing™! And that’s exactly what Terry and I are going to show you. It’s the simplest way to start making more money FAST. Now here’s the most exciting part: And why I say that this is a shortcut to moneymaking copy. A shortcut that can get you making money the very same day you get the product… literally. When you join us in The 60-Minute Copy Cure… You Get The Rights To “Steal” Our Most Successful Copy! Not word-for-word. That just doesn’t work. However, you’re going to have the ability to “synthesize” new sales generating copy by using our system of modeling our proven copy. Terry and I have done all of the heavy lifting for you. All YOU have to do is follow our simple instructions and “fill in the blanks” to adapt the copy to your product, your offer and your business. In fact, we even give you “fill in the blanks” templates that show you every single word, detail and phrase you need to insert about your product and business. It’s As Close To “Done-For-You” As We Can Possibly Make It! This is the exact same system I used in my supplement business that allowed me to take a two-year “mini retirement.” While the business chugged along bringing in cash like an automatic money machine. Picture it… You wake up each morning feeling optimistic and excited. Because you know that your short working day consists of about 60 minutes adapting and “synthesizing” new copy based on the proven templates we provide. Then all you have to do is queue up an email. That’s it for the whole day! You can go do whatever it is you want for the rest of the day. Because you know that your new sales copy will be working for you… generating sales and profits while you live your life doing whatever you want to do. And more importantly, NOT doing any of the things you DON’T want to do. The things you’ve had to do in the past because you needed the paycheck. When you have a system like this working for you, yes you have money. But you have something much more important than just material wealth. You have…
Doberman Dan and Terry Dean – 60 Minute Copy Cure published first on http://ift.tt/2qxBbOD
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davidpires578 · 8 years
My Journey As A Creative Designer - Woodworking and Beyond #1820: Evolving
We all work for certain goals in our lives. Be it personal or professional, there always seems to be something to strive for and give out lives purpose.  I began my own business many, many years ago. I was in my 20's then and looking for a way to earn some extra income for my young family while doing something that I enjoyed. I had always loved 'making things' and thought that would be somewhat of a utopia for me. Justifying doing something that I love and being paid for it as well. It would be the perfect answer.  Things didn't come easy. There were many times that I made decisions that cost more money than I earned. There were no clear-cut rules as to how to succeed. Only trial and error, which sometimes came at a great cost.  But eventually, I began to figure things out. One thing that I feel is the most important is the ability to be flexible. To change as things around us change. They do, you know. Whatever works for us one year or season comes with no set guarantee that it would be successful the next. That is because the world is also changing every single day. If I learned anything, it is that the quicker I allow myself to adapt to these changes, the more successful I will be. It keeps me on my toes and always in search of new ideas and products to offer our customers. It makes what I do exciting and fun and doesn't allow for me to become stagnant. To me, it is part of the joy.  With that said, I noticed that lately, our little business has taken on a somewhat different look. We are still offering scroll sawing and woodworking patterns (as a matter of fact, Keith has recently created some of his best designs to date!) but I have noticed that the painting and wood surface production portion has been taking up more and more of my own time.  It seems that my wood surfaces are catching on with decorative painters and I am just thrilled about that. It makes things rather fun.  This doesn't mean that I am not designing anymore. It only means that I am not able to focus solely on designing and need to allow myself time for production work. Since I really enjoy working in my shop, I think that is a good thing. It is nice that others appreciate the time and care I put into cutting the wood pieces I offer and I am happy to be able to do so. I remember back to when I began painting and finding good sources for wood was difficult. That was in part what introduced me to scroll sawing in the first place. So for most of my creative life, woodworking and painting have gone hand in hand. I am glad to see it continuing in that manner.  Not only does it allow me the chance to work directly with customers, but I have been able to get to know some of my favorite designers and meet new and upcoming designers in the craft industry. I like this personal contact with people and to me, it makes the end products so much more meaningful. It is a wonderful way to do business. I have really been enjoying myself lately.  I suppose the downside of that (if any) is that it will limit my own design time. But I think that as I settle into this new role in my company, I will be doing a bit better on that part. I have always been a believer of "quality over quantity" and I would rather put out fewer designs that are of a higher quality than more that are not. I believe that with a little dedication and some good time management, I will be able to make it work. In the meantime, Keith is always coming up with some of the nicest scroll saw designs on the market. I feel so fortunate to have such a talented partner. Without him, I am sure our business wouldn't be in the place it is. I am so grateful.  As always, I have several new ideas in the works. I have ideas in both the painting area and I am working on some new woodworking and scroll saw designs as well. I hope to be able to offer them soon and I will certainly keep blogging here when I have some new things to show you.  I mention this all because the frequency of my blogs may decline a bit while I get things settled into this role. For over six years now I had blogged nearly every day. But lately, I have found that it didn't seem appropriate to do so. If I spend a day working in the shop cutting out pieces, I don't feel that is of much interest to you, my readers. I used to show piles of wood pieces from time to time so you would all see what I was up to, but I feel that lately, one pile looks much like the next as far as blogging is concerned and I once again feel that I want my posts here to be "quality over quantity" and post only when I have something that I feel will truly interest you to talk about. I think you all will agree.  So things may be a bit spotty while I am settling in, but I hope when I do post, you all feel that the posts I offer are helpful and inspiring. I never want that to change.  I spent the last week doing lots in my shop. I had an unusually large amount of wood orders and instead of my usual one to two days per week up there, I spent probably five. The quantity of work that I accomplished was good though and it gave me a good sense of satisfaction. I was even able to get ahead a bit and cut some pieces to have in stock. That is pretty cool.  Keith was busy designing, as usual, and I have a couple of new things that will interest my scrolling readers. First off, he made this new plaque:
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His SLDK706 Simplify Your Life plaque is a beautiful addition to Keith's word art plaques. I think it will be something that many of you will enjoy, as we all need to take some time to take a breath and enjoy just 'living.' Keith also created a great new offer for our customers:
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This SPECIAL OFFER allows our customers to get all 20 of his Self-Framing, Leaf-Bordered wildlife patterns at half price. We hope that those of you who are looking to collect this handsome set of patterns will take advantage of it. It is a great opportunity to have the entire collection.  Today I am going to be writing a newsletter and we will be updating a few things on the site. I am also finishing up my new scroll saw pattern and I need to take the photos and finish writing out the pattern for it. I think it will be something that scrollers of any level can enjoy creating and will have lots of uses.  I appreciate you all who keep following us through our newsletters and my blog here. I realize that I have been spending a bit less time here and on social media than previously. However, as our business demands more of my time, I have had to adjust my schedule and do what is necessary to keep the business healthy and growing. I still enjoy hearing from you and seeing your projects. So many of you who began as customers or readers have become dear and valued friends.  I hope you keep coming back to read as well as commenting and sharing my posts. My goal of sharing creativity has not changed and if anything, has strengthened over these past years. Without you all, I wouldn't be able to achieve it. Thank you so much.  I wish you all a wonderful Monday! Have fun today and do something that makes your heart happy! 
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