#I need to read the wreckers comics and see my beloved Percy (I started with Mtmte)
catcake24 · 5 months
I am obsessed with the idea of G1 and IDW Perceptor interacting.
Like… G1 Perceptor specifically takes pride in being a scientist who doesn’t need to fight to be useful. He helps the Autobots out of countless binds, and everyone knows he doesn’t fight if he can help it. He’s a scientist down to his bones, and he’s the happiest version of Perceptor we’ve seen
And IDW Perceptor literally abandoned who he once was. He nearly died and saw himself as a weakness, and decided to model himself after a Decepticon. He also seems to not be very happy, from all the trauma as a wrecker.
Would IDW see this version of himself and hate it? Pity it? Try to force G1 to change because he needs to, like he did? … Or was he always able to stay his G1 self? (Of course not, but it’s still interesting to think about)
And how does G1 see him?? I can imagine it’s less “fuck off” and more “what the heck happened??! Are you okay- oh you’re a dick now.”
Also I’ve even rotating a no-specific-continuity-version of Percy where his arc was basically the opposite of IDW - he went from a sniper and wrecker to a pacifist scientist. How would a meeting of Perceptors go with THAT version???
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