#I popped off bitch 😌💅
erwinsmissing-arm · 3 years
This randomly popped into my head so here, also this is modern AU??? Idk, you can choose. It's a textfic/crackfic where Y/N (you) are a Hashira so yh, hope you enjoy! <3
Genre: crack
Warnings: swearing, no real plot
Context: the Hashira’s wake up after a night they don't remember very well but they slowly find more and more photos from the previous night
Last Night~~~~~~
Y/N The Baddie🥵: @everyone lmao
look what I found from last
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Butterfly👀💜🦋 is online
✨💅Flamboyant💅✨ is online
Stronk 🙏Prayer🙏 Man is online
Kaburamaru’s Side Hoe🐍 is online
Wind bITCH💨💨💨 is online
Simp💗💗💗 is online
Cloud Stalker😬☁️👀 is online
uMAI🍱🍙🔥 is online
Butterfly👀💜🦋: I wish I remembered last night😭😔
Kaburamaru’s Side Hoe🐍: Y/N, what's with the names?
Y/N The Baddie🥵: why not
Kaburamaru’s Side Hoe🐍: why tho
Y/N The Baddie🥵: why not
Cloud Stalker😬☁️👀: why am I called ‘Cloud Stalker😬☁️👀’
Y/N The Baddie🥵: bc you pretty
much stare at them all day. I
remember you told me their
names once, their NAMES.
would change ur name bc you are
child and precious🥺
Cloud Stalker😬☁️👀:...I hate you
uMAI🍱🍙🔥: I think they're fun
Y/N The Baddie🥵: see, Kyō gets me
Stronk 🙏Prayer🙏 Man: are we just gonna forget the photo Y/N sent us?
Wind bITCH💨💨💨: shit, forgot about that
Y/N The Baddie🥵: gASP- Sanemi
forgetting something?!🤭🧐
Wind bITCH💨💨💨: STFU I will end you
The Water Man Himself🌊 is online
Stronk 🙏Prayer🙏 Man:...
Kaburamaru’s Side Hoe🐍:...
Wind bITCH💨💨💨:...
Y/N The Baddie🥵:...
Cloud Stalker😬☁️👀:...
Butterfly👀💜🦋: good morning Tomioka-San! How are you feeling? Is your head okay?:)
The Water Man Himself🌊:...why are you being so nice?
✨💅Flamboyant💅✨: back read
The Water Man Himself🌊: okay?
The Water Man Himself🌊: @Butterfly👀💜🦋 @Y/N The Baddie🥵 🖕
Y/N The Baddie🥵: WHAT YOU
Y/N The Baddie🥵: if I was
sober I probs would've
come save you😭 sorry
Wind bITCH💨💨💨: that's a big ass fat ass lie
Y/N The Baddie🥵: that's not
true!! You're just mad😌🖕
✨💅Flamboyant💅✨: hoe’s mad
Wind bITCH💨💨💨 is offline
Y/N The Baddie🥵: real mad
Cloud Stalker😬☁️👀: look what I found
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Simp💗💗💗: so THAT'S how we got back
Butterfly👀💜🦋: how did you even take a pic of us
Kaburamaru’s Side Hoe🐍: everyone else took a cart while we wanted to do...this
Butterfly👀💜🦋: you remember last night?
Kaburamaru’s Side Hoe🐍: I only remember drinking loads and getting on the bike
The Water Man Himself🌊: why am I on there even tho I probably have like a major concussion
Y/N The Baddie🥵: idk but I found
something else
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Stronk 🙏Prayer🙏 Man: is that...a weird drawing...of me?
Y/N The Baddie🥵: I think so, yh
uMAI🍱🍙🔥: I have a vague memory of Giyuu drawing it then all of us slowly coming forth to hail this drawing of Gyomei
The Water Man Himself🌊: I drew that?
uMAI🍱🍙🔥: I think so
Wind bITCH💨💨💨 is online
Y/N The Baddie🥵: welcome back
Wind bITCH💨💨💨: what did I miss?
✨💅Flamboyant💅✨: it's easier just to back read at this point
Simp💗💗💗: I'm going through my camera roll now to see if there's any photos from last night
uMAI🍱🍙🔥: same
Wind bITCH💨💨💨: wtf. Why?
✨💅Flamboyant💅✨: I think I can speak for everyone when I say this, we don't even know at this point
Kaburamaru’s Side Hoe🐍: mans just wanted a selfie
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Y/N The Baddie🥵: Giyuu being
a complete mood as always
Stronk 🙏Prayer🙏 Man: where is he? I can't see him
Butterfly👀💜🦋: by Tengen’s hand
Stronk 🙏Prayer🙏 Man: thank you Shinobu!
Butterfly👀💜🦋: np!!😊
Cloud Stalker😬☁️👀: I just wanted a selfie! Why did ya’ll have to ruin it?! Assholes🖕
Butterfly👀💜🦋: someones moody
Cloud Stalker😬☁️👀: of course I'm moody, that was gonna be a good selfie, the EMOTION in that selfie at the start, did you not see how happy I was
The Water Man Himself🌊: you were happy?
Cloud Stalker😬☁️👀: uh, yh, can't you tell?
Wind bITCH💨💨💨: looks like ur normal neutral expression to me :/
Cloud Stalker😬☁️👀: seriously?
Y/N The Baddie🥵: don't worry
that you were happy, until
Cloud Stalker😬☁️👀: idk if you're just saying that or not
Simp💗💗💗: this is so funny to me
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Y/N The Baddie🥵: lmao Giyuu why
are you always in the background
of the photos looking sad and
Butterfly👀💜🦋: it's bc nobody wants him in the photos bc he has no friends
The Water Man Himself🌊:...
✨💅Flamboyant💅✨: honestly Gyomei looks fabulous and fits his part well
Simp💗💗💗: he does! But I think you all do! Even Giyuu
Y/N The Baddie🥵: what as a lost
depressed man?😏
The Water Man Himself🌊: 🖕
Simp💗💗💗: no that's not what I meant!!!
Kaburamaru’s Side Hoe🐍: don't worry we all know, Y/N’s just joking, right Y/N🔫😊
Y/N The Baddie🥵: sure
Y/N The Baddie🥵: alright ya’ll
imma go die on the inside now
and sleep, bye
✨💅Flamboyant💅✨: bye
Simp💗💗💗: have a good sleep Y/N-San!
Wind bITCH💨💨💨: I would come over and annoy you but I'm bedridden so I can't😔
Y/N The Baddie🥵: oh no, how sad
CloudStalker😬☁️👀: you dying on the inside brings me joy
Y/N The Baddie🥵: fuck you
Stronk 🙏Prayer🙏 Man: have a good sleep and hope you feel better soon Y/N:)
Y/N The Baddie🥵: thank you
Butterfly👀💜🦋: bye Y/N-San
The Water Man Himself🌊: bye
uMAI🍱🍙🔥: make sure you have water! Hydration is important!
Y/N The Baddie🥵: thanks for the
reminder Kyō!
Kaburamaru’s Side Hoe🐍: bye
Y/N The Baddie🥵 is offline
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lovely-keii · 4 years
Lev Liking the Nekoma Manager
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Meeting the Team:
so you were a first year
you were pretty focused on your studies 
but you needed a club
inuoka happened to be your seatmate in english
he needed a little help
bc wow i hc him like that dont @ me
he started to approach you more
one day, you decided to rant to him
“i hate that i need a club”
“you need a club??”
“uh yeah,,ANYWAYS its annoying bc-”
this mf practically dragged u to the gym 😭
“im sorry y/n but plese do it as a favor”
bitch?? you don’t owe him anything but ok
“i’ll buy you <you favorite food>”
“fuckin deal”
so when you stepped into the gym
btw inuoka told coach nekomata beforehand
dont worry u aint interrupting anything
ok so when u stepped in the gym
yamamoto screamed
this man has never seen a lady in his life  😌✌
when lev saw u
he short circuited
his brain just went bzzzzz  💀
mans just fully stopped responding
so being the queen u r
u introduced urself
“hey, i’m y/n. i’m training to be the manager.”
pls u just killed lev
he was like
he was pale asf
mans was dying
Managing the Team
okay so its a bit better
yamamoto practically worships the ground u step on 
lev learned how to keep his shit together
but istg his brain is like
“hdgdhdghdg y/n y/N Y/N Y/N”
help this man pls
u treated the team amazingly
even kenma warmed up to you
u would make sure that the team got enough rest
and that inuoka got the food that he promised 🙃💅
and when ppl would gossip abt them
queen pls
u ✨eradicated✨ them
one day, u were walking w lev to the gym
and ur heart was doing backflips
ma’am, u developed a crush on him i-
“oh my god, did you see the grey haired guy in the vb team”
“he’s so fucking stupid and weird.”
your head went ✨zoom✨ 
“excuse me, what did you say? mind repeating that? okay, no. look at me, both you bitches. i don’t know what you guys are doing here, but the team has actual work to do. so if you don’t mind, you two rats can scamper off to the basketball team and do whatever shit your half braincell can actually do, because it seems that decent human morals are too much of a stretch for you idiots.”
ma’am pop off ig
and you grabbed lev’s hand and dragged him away.
u were internally screaming bc
yeah he was thinking the same
at this point everyone in the team knew u liked him
it was just a matter of how to confess
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luvervinyl · 4 years
Can you prove that you made your pre made your wallpaper before posting them because your spencer and one of your morcia wallpapers looks ridiculously close to prentisslove
i honestly don't have to prove or say anything to you because without evidence on your side all of what you say is invalid. but because it 6:45 am and I feel like wasting my time on someone who's going off of things by looks. let's play it this way. 
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I put the lockscreens together rq to prove this. the ones marked in purple are mine. 
so okay okay I get where you see the resemblance because the background colors ? but frankly it not that hard to go on google and find a color pallet to use ?? because I did exactly that and maybe ryann did too. these colors aren't impossible to find. obviously. 
listen I use my own content. and I make my own original content I decide what I want to do and I do it. I don't need inspiration or the need to copy anyone because I'm just not like that. obviously you don't know me that well then. and this is a game to you so let's play, shall we? 
I take screen caps of my. own. I edit them and I use those. incase you can't tell hers aren't original. she uses the content that other content creators make. honestly I couldn't care enough what she does. good for her then. personally I'm not for it, but we don't need to get into that. but I made and edit my own shit. because if you'd notice I also posted and icon pack with those exact icons. 
if you knew what you were talking about, you'd know that doing your own edits, etc. take a ridiculous amount of time. your accusations are invalid because frankly I don't care what you say. and where is the proof lmao. 
now on the pre-making these. yes I did make these ones yesterday. but I had the idea for them before ryann posted hers. of course you can choose to ignore that and the fact that I make lists of things that I want to make and post. 
if anything "looks ridiculously close to prentisslove" it's probably because she uses picsart just like me and those stickers that I chose to use are some of the easiest to find in search results to I'm not surprised that they look alike. and neither should you. 
it's honestly a stylist choice to have photos lined up a certain way for the affect of it looking better and making use of the space I had there. so I could hit you with the great minds think alike if that'll maybe sway you. and better yet I could go on a whole rant about chosing image positions for better affects because I know. 
and I don't see how you think these look alike. the fonts are different, the images, added stickers, etc. all different. there is a lot I could be saying about what she makes and the way that she makes some of her content as well as previous ones. but keep in mind that that's still there and the resemblance between earlier wallpapers of hers and mine are uncanny. and yes. mine were both made and posted before hers. but I'm not here to shit on anyone so I just I'd throw that out.
till you have cold hard evidence that I'm copying her, that I would need to copy her. then I don't want to hear from you again. obviously you're not a content creator because if you were I don't think you'd appreciate someone accusing you for copying another person without evidence, now would you? probably not. now go find something better to do and someone who actually cares to bother. 
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