#I probably shouldn't properly tag this like the last post huh?
demispark · 2 years
You probably didn't want an actual answer to your disliking of Nagito post so sorry that I'm providing it, but I did have to see that in the tag so here you go: People like Nagito because of the complexity revealed in his free time events, and personally I also like him for the fact that he kept saving everyone's lives multiple times in the trials and nobody seems to notice. He also arguably has not actually accomplished much terrible stuff (relative to, you know, if you know the games), and his intentions are to accomplish absolute good even if he clearly is not mentally stable enough to realize he's going about it horribly wrong. There's all of the luck cycle stuff and how that would understandably affect a person, with his examples again provided in the free time events. They also made an OVA that revealed a lot of stuff about his thought processes and the fact that Hajime in fact does not hate him. So I mean, those are some of the reasons why people like him? He's interesting. All of this comes from the source material and canon stuff meant to elaborate on it. Sorry if you don't care, but logically people who care will see it if they look in the character tag and all
It may have been a little rash of me to actually tag the post in a way that people who do love and enjoy the character would see it, especially having worded it the way I did. Nevertheless, I did want people to tell me what I was missing, or to just admit that they're into... *Gesturing at Nagito* ... That...
[Edit - Looking over your ask again, you may have misunderstood me, or maybe I've misunderstood you. Nagito is an undeniably fascinating character, and I completely understand liking him. My point of contention were people who were/are attracted to him, as well as shipping him with Hajime and/or Chiaki, who I perceived as not wanting anything to do with him. This was especially prompted by Nagito's (personally agitating) change of attitude partway through Chap. 4, where my negative views of him as a person really began to take hold.]
Although, I will be honest, I wasn't expecting an ask at all, but I appreciate your willingness to engage, and also be pretty civil. I did realize that I might've been too... I dunno, harsh, or something? Too judgemental might be closer to what I'm trying to say here...
Anyway, I suppose that without Free Time Events, and other canon supplemental information and insights, everyone would come to my fault conclusion, right? From what I've experienced in the last week or so of playing DR2 (Which has taken me up to the beginning of the investigation in Chapter 5, for context), Nagito has never been painted in a positive light. I can't say that anything I can remember from Ultra Despair Girls does him any favors, either.
Nagito's contributions to the class trials don't really go unnoticed, and at the beginning of the investigation in Chap. 5, Hajime directly states this. However, Nagito tends to be very obtuse with how he helps lead the others to the truth, and especially given the situation they're in, I can't blame anyone for considering Nagito more of a hindrance to their trials and general continued survival.
There's little else for me to say, since I have essentially no knowledge of the Free Time Events and OVAs. I moreso agree about Nagito being mentally unstable than the notion that his intentions are to accomplish the absolute good. Nagito is definitely interested in creating "absolute hope than can overcome any despair", but I'm not sure I can call that "good". However, I'm sure you'll agree that arguing over what is "good" in this context would be a matter of personal ideology and how you interpret the information given in-game, so we'd best not dwell on it.
I apologize for the long answer to your ask, but I do genuinely want to thank you for your response. Ultimately, I was thinking "What am I missing here? What do people see in this guy that I'm seemingly blind to?", and you told me that I was absolutely missing something. You also made me realize that I did just about everything wrong with that post, and frankly, I'm lucky that I didn't raise the ire of someone who is far more passionate in their love for this man.
In case I have been unclear at any point, I am not being sarcastic in any part of this post, and I appreciate your efforts to expose the flaws in my reasoning, as it were.
Whether it be morning, afternoon, or night for you, I hope you have a good one.
0 notes
ibelieveinturtles · 3 years
Chapter 6 - An Explanation Is In Order
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Title: The Quantum Cat
Collaborator(s): ibelieveinturtles
Square (letter, number, and prompt): SWB: G1 - Humour
Pairing/Main Ship: N/A
Rating: T for swearing
Major tags: Sam Wilson, Goose the Cat, The Multiverse, The Quantum Tunnel, Not Endgame compliant, Everybody Lives (Eventually), Sam to the rescue
Warnings/Triggers: a little swearing here and there
Summary: Back on home soil, Sam and Ian bring Nick up to speed.
Word Count: Ch 6 - 547
A/N: This is *mostly* unbeta'd but I hope to have it properly edited before I post it on AO3. I'll be posting all 7 chapters on Tumblr for as long as September 1st lasts around the world and on AO3 later. The reason it's going up on Sept 1st is because it is the only day that the Sam Wilson Bingo overlaps with Samtember :-)
Chapter 6
Staggering down from the Quantum Tunnel platform, Sam turned and held his hand out to help Fury down.
"What the hell makes you think I need your help?" Fury demanded, half falling down the stairs.
"Just trying to keep you in one piece, Sir." Satisfied that Fury was okay, Sam turned to Boothby.
"What's the news on Goose?"
"Still sleeping it off in the kitchen. Lieutenant Torres says it hasn't stirred-"
"She," Fury interjected. "Goose is female. And what's this got to do with my cat, anyway?"
Boothby coughed. "Er, were you aware that your cat probably isn't, in fact, a cat?"
Fury scowled. "Of course I know she's not a cat, but how do you know?"
"Wait - you don't know how you ended up at Hogwarts?" Sam asked.
Fury scowled harder. "No, I don't. One minute I was ordering a margarita at the bar, next thing I knew I was a goddamn ghost."
"Your Not-A-Cat ate something it shouldn't have and then it ate a lot of people, including you," Boothby said.
"Huh," said Fury, and it looked to Sam like he was turning something over in his mind. "I always did wonder what happened to the people she ate."
Sam boggled at Fury.
"Are you saying that this has happened before?"
"Only to bad guys. Only to bad guys! Wonder what set her off?"
"Show him the tape," Sam ordered.
"Shouldn't we secure Goose first?" Boothby asked.
"She'll be fine," Fury said, waving a hand in the air. "Show me what happened."
They showed him. He boggled, then looked a little contrite.
"I swear, she's never attacked people on our side before. I guess those hors d'oeuvres didn't agree with her."
"Mmmhmm," Sam said, wisely.
"Okay then." Fury heaved a huge sigh. "So have you guys got a plan? You must have a plan, right? You did come and get me, after all."
"That was the plan," Sam said.
"The first part of the plan," Boothby corrected him. "Now, you secure Goose, so she doesn't er, eat anyone else, and the Captain keeps retrieving lost souls."
Fury nodded. "Who are you going after next?
Boothby's face fell. "Haven't worked that out yet, sir. We're still getting organised."
"How'd you find me?" Fury asked.
"Friday was able to detect your cell phone, along with several others. She also spoke briefly with Mr. Stark but that line of communication has deteriorated beyond use."
"So, we've got a list of coordinates and a list of missing people, yes?"
Sam and Boothby nodded in unison.
"I think Friday was able to identify the people whose cell phones she found."
"Good. So pick one and go get 'em. I'm gonna go retrieve my cat and then I'm gonna get shit organised."
"S.W.O.R.D. is here," Sam said, belatedly realising that Fury probably wasn't aware of their sister organisation's presence.
The scowl returned to Fury’s face, scowlier than ever, then it relaxed. Slightly.
"Is Rambeau here?"
"Their director. You haven't met yet?"
"No, sir."
Fury nodded and headed for the exit. "In that case, I'm gonna retrieve Goose, then I'm gonna go put S.W.O.R.D. in their place. You two - keep rescuing people."
Before Sam could muster an objection, Fury disappeared through the door.
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houseisekai · 3 years
House Isekai: A Realm Reborn - Part 2, Through the Maelstrom (2 of 3)
House Isekai ARR Masterlist Here
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Client: Hilda Valentin Goneril
Refusing to work with the newly reformed House Isekai due to Class VII, Duvalie takes her orders and storms off to Goneril territory, trying to get home faster. Not wanting to leave Duvalie completely alone, Raelyn and Fireteam Alpha-Nine accompany her.
Reports indicate of a giant serpent-like beast terrorizing the ocean trade routes near Goneril territory, and an unknown entity accompanying it…
(Raelyn) “I will accompany her to ensure their survival. Until then, House Isekai.”
Raelyn turned to the portal and walked through it.
After getting the minimum knowledge required about the Abyss Mages, Buck and his squad followed her through the portal.
(Kazuma) “…Wait a second, none of them knows anything about Fodlan. Why did we let them go anywhere alone?”
(Sitri) “…That’s a good question.”
When Duvalie stepped through the portal, she was still muttering to herself angrily.
(Duvalie) "Ugh, the nerve of those people! As if we can work hand in hand like nothing's ever happened!"
Her ranting continued, even when Raelyn stepped in behind her, looking around his environment.
(Raelyn) "...Duvalie, was it?"
(Duvalie) "And that jackass, Rean! What on EARTH ever made him think we were friends?! I ought to-"
Raelyn sighed and holstered his bolter. Even his footsteps didn't alert her.
(Raelyn) "Cease your complaints."
Duvalie spun around and opened her mouth about to continue until she realized she was only up to his lower chest. Her head tilted all the way up for her to even see Raelyn's helmet.
(Duvalie) "Listen you giant yellow tin can, you don't know what they're like!"
(Raelyn) "They seem calmer than you."
(Duvalie) "Tch, whatever. Why are you even here anyway? I can handle this on my own!"
(Raelyn) "Ah, then I assume you know the layout of the land? The person we're supposed to meet? What the state of the world even is?"
(Duvalie) "...I-I...I can just figure it out myself!"
(Raelyn) "Indeed."
Raelyn turned to the portal and saw the ODST squad walk in.
(Buck) "Right, we got the information we need. As for lay of the land, think one of the locals is about to tag along."
Aigis and Kazuma were on the other side nodding about to say something before the portal suddenly closed.
(Mickey) "...Or not."
Everyone was confused on why the portal closed.
Sitri made sure no one was looking at her as she whispered.
(Sitri) "Sothis?"
(Sothis) "Uh, don't look at me. I wasn't even the one who opened it."
(Sitri) "Wait, then where did...?"
(Romeo) "Great. Now we gotta wander around and pray to god it's the right way."
(Dutch) "Not even sure the good lord would poke his head out in wherever this is."
(Raelyn) "You were the one who wanted to do this alone."
(Buck) "Enough of the shouting already! Complaining isn't going to do us any good. Besides, we got the data we need, we'll be fine...probably."
(Duvalie) "Fine, whatever."
Duvalie had her hand on the sword sheathe as she stormed off.
(Duvalie) "Let's get going then."
(Mickey) "Wrong way. It's behind us."
Duvalie quickly marched towards the direction Mickey pointed to, muttering something.
Raelyn slowly walked up to the squad.
(Raelyn) "I cannot speak for her, but it is a pleasure to fight alongside you."
(Buck) "Feeling's mutual. Come on, we should hurry before she pops a vein."
The five walked casually behind Duvalie who stayed in the front.
Fodlan, Goneril Territory, Evening...
[Stilness of Night - Trails of Cold Steel 3 OST]
The group eventually found a path leading towards a town inside Goneril territory, and continued on it until the sun began setting.
(Buck) "Huh. Place doesn't look half bad with a sunset."
(Dutch) "Yeah, somethin' you'd see from a storybook."
(Raelyn) "I have not had the pleasure of experiencing a world as quiet as this before."
(Duvalie) "Hm. My world was something kind of like this, but not as primitive to not have lamp posts at least."
(Romeo) "Think you're the most primitive out of all of us here, lady."
(Duvalie) "Excuse me?!"
(Mickey) "Changing the subject, just how far is this place?"
(Buck) "Shouldn't be more than a few minutes. The town according to that Sitri lady is about to come into view right about...Ah, there we go."
They eventually reached the top of a hill and saw a small fishing town with the sunset directly shining on top of it.
(Raelyn) "Excellent. We should reach the town by nightfall."
They all continued walking silently until Dutch spoke up.
(Dutch) "So uh, any idea what that creature is like?"
Everyone had read the report given to them by Sitri, but no one actually knew what they were in for.
(Romeo) "It said a serpent, so maybe an underwater snake or something."
(Mickey) "We aren't strangers to alien life, but I doubt it'd be simple to kill. This place seems to have magic after all."
(Raelyn) "It matters not. If our guns can work, then we can kill it."
(Duvalie) "I'm more concerned about those weird floating chubby things the Knights of Favonius mentioned."
(Buck) "What did they call them...Abyss mages?"
(Dutch) "Think that's it. They don't seem that tough to beat."
(Romeo) "Especially when we can put a round between their eyes from a hundred yards away."
(Duvalie) "If that's the case, then why are they so dangerous?"
(Mickey) "Guess we'll find out soon. Until we actually fight one, don't think we can properly assess the situation."
Finally, they reached the town's entrance. The concrete path shook beneath their equipment, gathering strange looks from the townsfolk.
Some mothers hid their children behind them while some of the men passing by whispered to each other.
(Romeo) "Think we might be standing out a little."
(Duvalie) "You all maybe, I look perfectly fine. Might be mustard bottle over here that's getting all the looks."
(Raelyn) "...You are referring to me?"
(Duvalie) "Duh! Who did you think I meant?"
(Raelyn) "What is 'mustard'?"
(Buck) "Good lord man, just how far in the future are you?"
(Raelyn) "It is the 42nd millennium."
(Dutch) "...Damn. That explains why you don't really seem to lighten up."
They made their way to the center of town, where multiple people kept staring at them.
(Romeo) "Any particular reason why we're standing out in the open like this? Not exactly doing us any favors with the people here."
(Duvalie) "Shut it, trying to find a tavern or something. There's gotta be one here."
Mickey and Buck helped Duvalie look around their surroundings to try and find a tavern. Romeo and Dutch shrugged and made sure the townspeople weren't going to try anything.
Raelyn was about to help when he heard small footsteps approaching.
It was two children who were chasing each other, most likely playing. They had failed to notice the offworlders they were running towards until a girl hit her head on Raelyn's leg.
(Girl) "Ow...! What in-"
Her eyes went wide when she stared up at the 8 foot tall Space Marine looking down on her.
Both the kids look terrified until Raelyn knelt down, trying to get on their eye level the best he could while taking off his helmet. He made sure his Bolter was strapped to his back.
(Raelyn) "My apologies. Are you hurt?"
(Girl) "N-...No sir."
Raelyn offered a hand to the girl. His hand was massive compared to the child, he could effortlessly crush her head with one hand.
Yet, he was extremely gentle in making sure not to harm or intimidate the children, the girl grabbing his hand and standing up.
(Raelyn) "If I can bother you for a moment more, do you know where the Tavern is?"
(Boy) "Um...It's to your right, mister. The building next to the docks."
Raelyn nodded and motioned away from them.
(Raelyn) "Thank you. Get home safe, now."
(Girl) "Thank you, mister."
The two kids appeared to be put at ease despite the size difference, and continued playing as if nothing happened. Something that shocked the adults watching.
The ODST's and Duvalie watched the exchange and were surprised that this walking ton of armor managed not to utterly terrify the two kids.
(Raelyn) "You have your tavern. Let us get to it."
(Duvalie) "...Right."
They continued off to the Tavern, still noticing all the adults watching them, albeit slightly more at ease.
(Romeo) "Now that sweet moment's over, time to see how well you work with a bar full of drunkards, big guy."
(Dutch) "Come on, I'm great with people."
(Mickey) "Sure, you are. How about Raelyn? Actually can he even get through the door?"
Duvalie was the first to enter, followed by the ODST's with Raelyn the last one.
He stared awkwardly at the doorframe, and back to his armor.
Even if he tried to crouch, he would break the doorframe.
(Raelyn) "I...will keep watch out here."
(Romeo) "Put those people skills to work."
(Buck) "Think you should be worried about doing that yourself."
[Another Round - Final Fantasy XIV OST]
Everyone inside the bar stopped talking when they saw Duvalie march in with the ODST's.
Duvalie saw the bartender and sat down on a stool.
The bartender was a bald middle aged man who had clearly seen better days. He had a scar over his left eye and a beard that was barely kept clean.
(Bartender) "...Can I help you with something missie?"
(Duvalie) "We're here on request of...what was her name?"
Buck stood next to Duvalie, making his visor visible so the bartender could see his mouth.
(Buck) "Hilda. Ring a bell?"
(Bartender) "Ah, Lord Holst's sister. And who exactly do I owe the pleasure of speaking to?"
(Duvalie) "I'm Duvalie."
(Buck) "Call me Buck, and this is my Squad. Fella outside is with us too."
(Bartender) "I see. And another question, who exactly ya workin' for? Don't see people dressed like yer group at all."
The people in the nearby tables began whispering. Mickey was the furthest from the group but he was only able to hear snippets of conversations.
(Man) "Hey, you think those are those House Isekai freaks? The ones from the calamity?"
(Man 2) "They sure as hell don't belong here, that's for sure!"
(Man 3) "Worse, they could be spies for the seppies'!"
(Mickey) "Think we might got a problem..."
Duvalie was clearly getting impatient, and before she could open her mouth and start a bar brawl, Buck butted in.
(Buck) "Mercenaries. We work for money."
The bartender raised an eyebrow as he eyed them up and down. Finally shrugging, he dropped the question.
(Bartender) "Fair enough. We'll send a letter to let 'em know people have arrived to take care of the problem. Shouldn't be more than a day or so. Now, ya buying something or am I going to have ta' throw your asses out?"
(Duvalie) "Hmph. Thought bartenders were supposed to be friendly."
(Bartender) "And I thought customers were supposed to be paying."
Now Dutch decided to intervene.
(Dutch) "Apologies for the lady. She's got a temper on her. Surprise us."
(Bartender) "Can do. You got gold?"
Everyone looked at each other awkwardly.
(Romeo) "Oh you have got to be kidding..."
(Buck) "Think we can get this one on the house?"
(Bartender) "This isn't a charity. And you're mercenaries, right? Surely you got some gold on you to get all the equipment on yourselves."
This got more people talking, and it was clear some of them were getting riled up.
Raelyn could hear the conversation from outside, and saw some of the adults from earlier getting a closer look at him.
(Raelyn) "..."
Raelyn's visor picked up more signatures. Some of them were armed. He used one hand to knock on the doorframe, alerting Romeo and Mickey.
(Romeo) "Hey, Gunny. Think things are about to get real ugly."
One of the customers stood up from his table and shouted with an ale cup in hand.
(Man) "Come on, pay the damn drink and quit causing a scene! Mercs always got coin on them! You one of those damn offworlders?!"
(Man 2) "Nah, worse than one, he's a seppie!"
More and more people riled up, making the ODST's keep a finger on their triggers.
Duvalie kept her cool on the outside, ready to lash out if someone dared make a move.
Raelyn grabbed his Bolter and calmly held it in his hands, watching everyone suddenly stiffen up.
(Bartender) "...Well?"
(Woman's voice) "Sorry, sorry. We'll pay, they're with us."
Everyone suddenly turned to a girl who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, putting gold onto the table.
Duvalie made a noise that no one could decipher if it was a swear or a gasp.
Buck turned to the girl who had just saved them from a potential firefight.
[End Song]
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(White-haired girl) "They just forgot to bring their gold with them...Again."
(Bartender) "Hmph. Aren't you a little young to be the boss of a mercenary team, kid?"
(White-haired girl) "Could say the same for the second Blade Breaker."
(Bartender) "Hah, got me there."
(Duvalie) "I...You...!?"
(White-haired girl) "If you wanna complain, do it later and not in front of customers. Gives us a bad rep."
(Buck) "...Thanks boss."
Everyone quickly played along.
As Raelyn was about to point the Bolter at everyone, two more people got in front of him, motioning to the left.
(Blue haired girl) "Hey, got our room. Quit standing around all scary-like."
(Orange haired boy) "Come on, it's this way!"
The orange haired boy winked at Raelyn, and having no better idea, he played along.
The blue haired girl looked at Fie and nodded.
The white haired girl slid the gold to the Bartender and sighed.
(White-haired girl) "We'll take it to go. Keep the change."
The white haired girl turned to the group and pointed at the blue haired girl.
(White-haired girl) "Follow her and don't cause a scene again."
Duvalie looked like she was about to scream when she saw the blue haired girl. Not wanting to deal with this mob, Buck shoved her along.
(Duvalie) "H-Hey, what the?!"
(Buck) "Shut the hell up and move it, the last thing we want to do is start a fight!"
The ODST's, Raelyn, and Duvalie followed the orange haired boy to what appeared to be a rented out building. Amazingly, Raelyn could actually fit through the door.
When everyone was situated, the blue haired girl put a device on the door and window, and with a little static noise, she nodded in satisfaction.
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(Elliot) "Whew, man! Things looked SUPER bad there..."
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(Laura) "Oh...It's you. That would explain how the townspeople became aggravated so quickly."
(Duvalie) "Believe me, you lot are doing the same to me...!"
(Elliot) "Wait...Duvalie?!"
(Romeo) "Jesus lady, just who DON'T you know?"
(Raelyn) "More friends like Rean, I presume?"
(Buck) "Clearly. Anyways, thanks for pulling our asses out the fire. Where's that white haired one?"
The door opened, and she was carrying some mugs of ale in her hand.
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(Fie) "...Hey."
She casually gave most of the group their mugs, leaving Duvalie without one.
(Duvalie) "...Really?"
(Fie) "Figured you didn't want one...Actually, we didn't figure you'd be here at all."
(Romeo) "That's great and all, but mind explaining just who you people are?"
(Elliot) "I'm Elliot! That's Fie and Laura, and we were part of the original House Isekai. Class VII, to be specific."
(Dutch) "And clearly you know Duvalie."
(Laura) "For better or worse..."
(Raelyn) "Seeing the situation we are in, I would rather not alienate the only help at talking to the locals here."
Despite the fact he had a helmet, she could feel a piercing gaze shoot straight through her.
(Buck) "Agreed. So, what brings people such as yourselves here?"
(Fie) "Hm. Long story short-..."
Doomguy's Base, 1 Day Earlier...
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[Briefing Time - Trails of Cold Steel 3 OST]
(VEGA) "All attempts of establishing a secure line has failed. It appears something is blocking our ability to respond."
Doomguy frowned as he checked the screens. Nothing was damaged on anyone's end, yet he was only able to receive Sitri's distress call.
He said nothing as he turned to the teleporter. It appears someone was finally arriving.
(VEGA) "Signatures detected. Class VII members: Elliot, Laura, and Fie. Authorize access?"
Doomguy nodded as he put his helmet on, letting the three former House Isekai members materialize onto the pad.
The first one was Laura, quickly followed by Elliot and Fie. Elliot appeared to be staggered while the other two were barely fazed.
(Elliot) "Oh man, still not used to that!"
(Fie) "Doubt we ever will."
(Laura) "Instructor. It's been quite some time."
They turned their attention to Doomguy who gave them a nod.
(VEGA) "It is a pleasure to see you all well."
(Laura) "Likewise. I only wish the circumstances were better."
(Fie) "Tried contacting everyone else we could, but they were either busy or didn't respond at all, so for now we're all you're getting.
(Elliot) "We received a distress call from Sitri. Is everything alright in Fodlan?"
Doomguy shrugged and motioned for them to follow him out the room.
(VEGA) "A distress signal was sent out, and normally we would have been able to respond, but an unknown variable has been preventing us from doing so. However, we are still able to keep track of any movement via teleportation of former House Isekai members."
(Fie) "If it has the ability to block dimensional calling, that's pretty strong, whatever it is."
(Laura) "Has anyone else been able to respond this entire time?
(VEGA) "Yes. Rean Schwarzer, Towa Herschel, Satou Kazuma, and Aigis have been the only four to do so."
(Elliot) "That explains why we couldn't call Rean and Towa."
(Laura) "Aigis I can understand, but for Kazuma to show up? That surprises me."
(Fie) "Guessing you haven't been able to ask them what's going on either?"
(VEGA) "Your assumption is correct."
(Fie) "Guess that means we gotta get our hands dirty."
Fie checked her gunblades and stretched her arms.
(Laura) "Hopefully combat won't be necessary."
(Elliot) "Buuut that doesn't really seem possible, if I'm being honest. Trouble tends to follow us no matter where we go."
Doomguy checked his shotgun's ammo as he opened up the door to another teleportation chamber.
(VEGA) "We thank you for responding regardless, but we will ask if you may investigate this phenomenon on our behalf."
(Fie) "Sure. Things are pretty stable back home."
(Elliot) "So, if we're going into Fodlan, how are we going to keep in contact?"
(VEGA) "We are assuming there will be a total communications blackout. If you do not respond within a week in Fodlan's time, we will directly intervene."
(Laura) "All right then. Looks like our goals are to find former House Isekai members and find out what's going on."
(VEGA) "Affirmative."
(Fie) "Mission parameters established then. Let's begin."
(VEGA) "...Strange. There appears to be a teleportation to the Goneril territory."
(Elliot) "What's so weird about it?"
(VEGA) "It was not activated by Sothis, but rather the tower itself."
(Everyone) ?
(Laura) "But there is no one there. Right? Instructor Byleth made sure of that."
(Fie) "Guess that's another thing we gotta investigate. First let's head to where that teleportation took place.."
(Elliot) "That's Hilda's last name, isn't it?"
(VEGA) "Hilda Valentine Goneril. Unofficial retainer to Claude Von Riegan."
Doomguy stood behind a console and pressed several buttons and looked at the members of Class VII.
(Elliot) "So three things to do, got it! We'll see you soon!"
(VEGA) "Good luck, Class VII."
Doomguy gave them a thumbs up before he pulled the lever.
They were absorbed into a beam of light and were taken to the location VEGA reported...
(Buck) "So...that portal wasn't theirs?"
(Fie) "No. Something else pulled you here, and we came to find out why, among other things."
(Elliot) "On top of that, we have to find out specifically why you all were brought here. Our group didn't have much reason other than it being chance but yours it seems almost deliberate."
(Raelyn) "I fail to think of anything unique happening to where I'd be brought into a world like this."
(Dutch) "Same with us."
(Duvalie) "Agreed..."
(Laura) "Well, despite the unusual circumstances that has brought us here, the former members of House Isekai ask to join forces with your group."
(Raelyn) "No objections here."
(Romeo) "It's either work together or be stuck in this place forever, so we might as well."
(Mickey) "You got our support."
The ODST's and Raelyn turned to Duvalie.
She crossed her arms, barely able to keep her anger down.
(Buck) "How old are you, exactly?"
(Elliot) "Hah...g-glad to see she hasn't...changed?"
(Raelyn) "There is nothing about her personality that I have seen thus far that you should be glad about, Elliot."
(Duvalie) "EXCUSE ME?!-"
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