#I promise I'll work on my Eustass fic
May or may not be working on an Earthspark Optimus Prime fic...
Here's a sneak peek:
“A lot happens when you go missing for fourteen years. So, spill it, what made you disappear?” Dots hands landed on her hips and her smile vanished, replaced by the serious expression she often wore as a lieutenant. Y/n casts their gaze toward the ground, an ounce of shame wiggling into their brain over just suddenly disappearing all those years ago.
               The relationship between Optimus and Y/n had been kept somewhat under wraps, as the fear of being used against each other and just the distraction of being in and at the end of a war were enough to keep everything quiet, but there were a few who had more of an idea of what was going on, like Dorothy and some of the other bots. But Y/n never let anyone know they were leaving- they didn’t want to be followed and convinced to come back. They couldn’t face him.               
“Y/n?” And just like that, they are snapped out of their thoughts. Y/n’s arms going around their torso, an attempt to comfort themself that just didn’t seem to be doing the job.
Guys, I already have 800 words, and I'm not even close to being done. Send help
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turtletaubwrites · 7 months
✨800 Followers Celebration!!✨
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I have no idea how to thank you for all the love, this is insane! I am so grateful for all of your support and interactions. I feel so welcomed, and happy to be here sharing my words with you!! 🖤✨ Here's a few updates for what I've got going on:
I've put together another Fic Rec Masterlist! I've been reading some awesome fics lately. I hope you check them out, and show the writers some love!
My current goal is to finish up the Enies Lobby arc for We've All Got Needs since I've been slacking. I apologize for the wait, the ADHD brain has been hard to wrangle. I'm planning to get us through the arc, and then back on the seas to find a good place for a pause. I also have a character x character spinoff miniseries planned for that little poly world, as well as some extra scenes. But I'm going to find a place to pause the main storyline because I'd like to only focus on one long fic at a time so there won't be too much wait in between updates while I work on shorter fics. WAGN is my priority right now, and I've got a few requests lined up. I've added a poll below, so let me know which request you'd like me to start on next! Then I promise, NUMBERS GAME will be back!
Requests are still closed for my birthday month while I catch up, because every time I open them I end up passing out, and waking up a week later with a new 20,000+ word miniseries that was supposed to be a smutty one shot. 😅 Once I catch up on these goals, I'll open up requests, and put out another poll for a new character for an x Reader fic. I love your ideas so much, and I'm excited to share the ones I have on my list with you. 🥰🥰
I can't thank you all enough! Writing was something I always wanted to be doing, and now that I've gotten started, I don't want to stop. Lately I've been feeling more confident in my work, and all of the encouragement, and the screaming in my comments means the world to me!
I hope your day is SUPER!! ✨🙏🏼
~ Lynna 🖤
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