#I pulled swimsuit Kuroe- I love her so much and I couldn’t help but notice that the flower she wears looks very much like an anemone flower-
dawnlotus-draws · 2 years
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Drowning in guilt
- A doomsday omen, Violet/blue Anemone represent anticipation, usually of impending evils and are often used to try to ward it off before it happens
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pocket-luv101 · 6 years
What do you think about Machi knowing the sea? and also what would Mahiru look like in a bathing suit?Kuro would be protective because of the looks he might have? I really like your stories, keep it up^^
KuroMahi {Family Beach Trip}
“Look, Machi, it’s the ocean! Isn’tit beautiful?” Mahiru lightly shook her daughter who was still half asleepagainst her shoulder. The long car ride to the beach made Machi drowsy. She wasa year old now and this would be her first trip to the beach. Behind them, Kurowas carrying their bags. They found a place to put down their things. As he setup the umbrella, Mahiru applied sunscreen on their daughter.  
“Cold!” Machi fidgeted away from thesunscreen.
Once she was finished, Mahiru placedher on the sand. The texture of the sand was strange to her and she curiouslypatted the ground. Kuro adjusted the umbrella so the shadow would fall overher. Machi was surprised by the sudden change in lighting and looked around,wide eyed. She toddled towards the bright sand thinking it was gold glitter.
Kuro chuckled and continued to movethe umbrella over her. When it seemed like it was impossible for her to reachthe gold sand, Machi sat on the ground and cried: “Mama!”
“Stop teasing her, Kuro.” Mahirulightly hit his arm and then lifted their daughter into a hug. Tenderly, shepatted Machi’s back and said: “There, there. We’re going to have a fun day atthe beach and play in the sand later so no more tears. Do you want to go intothe ocean first? It’s like a giant bathtub so you’ll love it. It’s even betterbecause we can make splashes in the water. You can’t do that in the bathtub.”
“I’ll get the floatie ready so youtwo can collect sea shells while I do that.” Kuro offered and patted Machi’shead. She stopped crying and gave him a toothless grin. She was always quick tosmile and laugh which he was grateful for that. He wanted to give her everything hedidn’t have as a child, especially happiness and support. “Papa will join youand Mama after I get this floatie ready for you.”
Mahiru carried her a short distanceaway where there were a lot of seashells. She made sure there weren’t any sharpshells in the sand before she placed her daughter on the ground. Many wouldcall her overprotective but she didn’t know what she would do if anythinghappened to Machi. She smiled as she watched her daughter discover new thingsin the world.
Machi dug through the sand andpulled out a flat seashell. She showed it off to her mother and Mahiruexaggerated her reaction to the simple shell. “That’s so pretty, Machi! Mamawill wash this for you and make it super shiny for you. Then, we can take ithome and display it on our cabinet and everyone can see your treasure. Wouldyou like that?”
“Shiny shell!” She nodded and Mahiruwashed the sand off the shell in the ocean. Machi followed her mother and feltthe waves pool around her ankles. She squealed and stomped on the water to makesmall splashed. As the water receded into the ocean, Machi’s felt it pull onher lightly. She hugged her mother’s leg so she wouldn’t be dragged into the ocean.
She quickly forgot the uneasyfeeling of the ocean when her mother picked her up. Mahiru cradled her in onearm and held out the shell to her. It was smooth and shined brightly now thatMahiru washed away the sand. Machi turned it in her hand and her eyes sparkled.Then she waved towards the sand and said, “Treasure hunt. Find more prettyshells and show Papa?”
“That’s a wonderful idea, Machi.Mama brought a pail we can hold a lot of shells in. Let’s also make asandcastle and decorate it with the shells we find.” They happily talked aboutthe different colours they would collect. From the corner of her eyes, Mahirusaw that Kuro was almost finished. “We’re going to swim soon so let’s change.Your dress is wet anyways.”
Mahiru waved to Kuro and gestured tothe changing room so he would know where she went. She knew that Kuro wouldpanic if he thought they suddenly disappeared. He nodded to her briefly beforehe sat back on the giant beach blanket. He already changed so he decided towatch their things while he waited for them to return.
They had been busy since Machi wasborn. She was an active kid and it was difficult to keep up with her wasdifficult at times. He loved the family he made though. They were more thanworth the effort and he didn’t mind the tiring days if he could hold them atnight.
He stopped musing when he heardMahiru call his name. She was struggling to balance a tray of drinks as she walkedbecause Machi was holding onto her leg. Their daughter only learned how to walkrecently and she still needed something to help her, especially since the sandwas shifting beneath her feet. Kuro pushed himself off the ground and went toher rescue.
“Thank you, Kuro.” She beamed whenhe took the tray from her. She took a cup and knelt down in front of Machi. “Wepassed a shop on our way back and I bought us some drinks. I brought you ice tea and the juice is mine.It’s pretty hot and it’s important to drink water. Isn’t that right. Machi? Ihope we didn’t make you wait too long though. ”
Mahiru didn’t notice Kuro watchingher in wonder. No matter how much time passed, he would find her beautiful. Hewas a little awestruck to see Mahiru in a swimsuit after so long. He needed toask her to wear it again later that night. But she didn’t have to wear anythingspecial to make his heart quicken. He thought she was simply stunning.
“Kuro?” She glanced up at him andpointed to the tray. “Aren’t you going to drink yours?”
“Oh,” He sipped his drink to hidehis blush. He had to tell her, “You look beautiful, Mahiru.”
“Really?” She wasn’t expecting thecompliment and it made her smile. She felt Machi pat her knee and they knewthat she wanted a compliment as well. Kuro chuckled and pinched her chubbycheeks. Mahiru gave her a kind smile and told her. “You’re the most adorablelittle girl in Japan, Machi. Once you finish your juice, we can go swimming.”
“Swimming!” Machi cheered eventhough she didn’t know what that word meant. She chugged her juice andthen showed it to her after she was finished. Mahiru nodded and she carried herinto the ocean until the water reached her knee. She didn’t want to take herinto the deep water. She knelt down and let Machi enjoy the ocean. Cautiously,she kicked the water and giggled at the ripples she made.
Kuro knelt next to them and held thebaby floatie still so Mahiru could place their daughter in the seat. He didn’tlet go of the floatie until he was certain that she wouldn’t sink. Then headjusted the canopy over her so the sun wouldn’t burn her. “Do you like it,Machi?”
She didn’t answer him immediatelyand tested the strange, new environment she found herself in. Her mother let goof her arms and Machi couldn’t feel anything beneath her feet. She tried tohold onto the floatie but her hands continued to slip on the wet plastic.Mahiru immediately noticed when her face scrunched up in discomfort. “What’swrong, Machi? Does your tummy hurt?”
“Wan hold!” She began to cry andKuro immediately lifted her out of the floatie. Machi clung to his shoulderonce she was safe in his arms. He patted her back and then splashed water ontoher. Again, she quickly forgot her fear and played with the water. He bouncedher slightly to help become more comfortable in the water. “Water splash!Rubber ducky?”
“We didn’t bring your bath toys butwe can bring them the next time we go to the beach.” Mahiru told her but Machididn’t seem to be disappointed because she continued to play in the water. Shesmiled as she watched the two play together. “I guess the ocean makes her feela little uneasy but she’s not scared with you. But we should buy her armfloaties for her at least. Just to be safe.”
Does anyoneelse know the song “Fresh Eyes” by Andy Grammer? I had that song on repeat whenwriting this and it influenced Kuro’s reaction to Mahiru.
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