#I know this isn’t her actual outfit I wasn’t really looking at it and just doing whatever I wanted XD
cokoweee · 2 days
Whoops my hand slipped
She’d made Alfredo for dinner that night, with a side of garlic bread. He’d come crawling out of his cave when the smell of the garlic wafted through the air, eaten three bowls (and at least half a loaf of the bread )before giving a thumbs up and slinking off to some dark corner of the house. Which left her to sit in the living room alone. Lovely.
She’d sat on her phone for a bit before growing bored and turning on the tv, shoving an old disk into the cd player and pressing play. The room filled with the sound of Lou Jitsu’s cry of “Hot Soouuup!” as a menu popped up. Definitely wasn’t the thing she’d watch normally, but she was bored.
The movie had played for a grand total of two seconds before Othello reappeared, his hair tied into a messy bun, pajama pants plastered with Lou Jitsu’s face. She looked him up and down, taking in the outfit in all its glory before rolling her eyes and patting the couch next to her.
“ Ya know, I was just staring to get used to you and all your little quirks.” She monotonously, her eyes locked on the screen purposefully avoiding his watchful gaze, “ And sometimes I even begin to think that you are not as weird as I make you out to be.”
He stares at her, waiting patiently for the rest before the silence grew um comfortably and raises a brow.
“ And?”
“ And then you go to extravagant lengths to prove that you are exactly what I make you out to be.” Her eyes are still focused on the screen, but her peripherals give her a glimpse of a strained face.
“ Which is?” He presses, leaning slightly forward.
“ A total looser.”
He falls back immediately, all tension in his body gone. He slumps into the couch, head hanging over the back as he starts to smile.
“ And yet you still haven’t found somewhere else to live.” He says, eyes finding hers as he grins.
A hum is all that manages to escape her lips as she rips her attention from his eyes to the movie. They don’t talk after that, which is nice she supposes.
The movie is lame if she’s being honest, but Othello is clearly enjoying it. He’s mouthing along to the script and occasionally flailing his arms in the same motions as the actors. It’s kind of cute actually. The movie is long though, and after a bit her mouth becomes uncomfortably dry.
She gets up to walk to the kitchen, excepting even a slight reaction from Don. But he doesn’t move. He doesn’t seem to know she left, too entranced in the movie. How hurtful. She fills an extra glass, even though he probably won’t drink it, and makes her way back to the living room.
The drinks are placed on the side table as she scowls in disbelief. He’s managed to spread himself over the couch, his head resting where she used to be sitting. Ugh.
“ You’re sitting in my spot.” She spits at him, hands on hips.
He doesn’t say a word, merely lifting his torso in order her to slip back into her spot. So she does, and is mildly surprised when he lays his head back down. In her lap. She stiffens slightly before accepting her fate and resting her arm over him. He practically melts against her as she runs her fingers though his hair. The movie continues to play and her eyes droop. Her head falls to the side as she drifts, Othello mindlessly running his thumb over the arm she has draped over him. It’s nice.
She blinks awake, slightly startled to find that he’s still pressed against her. His face is nestled into her stomach, arm still wrapped around hers. A subtle churr escaping his chest as he breathes against her. He shifts as she tries to grab her water from the side table.
Eyes lazily flicking open, he looks up at her. She looks back, unsure of what to do. The churring has stopped, so he’s definitely lucid now. His head turns into her stomach again as he gets comfortable.
“ Do you mind if we stay like this a bit longer?” He mumbles against her.
“ Why?” She asks, not really caring, because this really isn’t half bad, and maybe she likes it. Just a little.
“ Warm.” He breathes, looping an arm around her waist.
Too tired to care - and definitely absolutely not because she likes it- she hums in agreement, moving her arm to cradle his head. He melts impossibly closer, before saying something again, his words lost against her shirt.
“What?” She frowns slightly, looking down at him again.
“Smell nice.” He murmurs, tightening his grip around her waist slightly. “ Like Lavender.” He manages, voice trailing off as he drifts back to sleep.
Then he is silent once more and resumes his nap, soft churring filling the room as he sleeps.
This is definitely not based off that doodle. Nope. Nuh uh.
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dawnlotus-draws · 2 years
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Drowning in guilt
- A doomsday omen, Violet/blue Anemone represent anticipation, usually of impending evils and are often used to try to ward it off before it happens
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everyonewooeverywhere · 4 months
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MDNI 18+ BLOG -> ageless blogs and minors WILL BE BLOCKED
pairing ✭ fuckboy!mingi x party girl!reader (feat. best friends/roomates!woosan)
synopsis ✭ you like to party but that doesn’t mean you’re always down to fuck, so, when notorious fuck boy song mingi takes an interest in you, you’re certainly wary of him. but something about his insistence and willingness to go the extra mile is incredibly attractive. when they see you start to play into him, though, your best friends wooyoung and san do everything in their power to keep you away from him. so mingi has no choice but to fly under their radar.
content/genre ✭ smut MDNI 18+, fwb/situationship to ???, undefined relationship, secret relationship
word count ✭ 5.3k
warnings ✭ alcohol consumption (not during/before sex), protected sex, slight dirty talk, fingering, sex is pretty vanilla
The scene was very familiar to you. A packed bar on a Friday night. A skimpy outfit that made you feel good. Loud music that shook through your body, lyrics drowned out by the heavy bass and mass of people. All of that on top of a drink in your hand paid for by a guy you knew full well you were not going home with. It was the recipe for a perfect night.
You certainly weren’t a stranger to a good party. And this one wasn’t any different from the others. The drink in your hand was free, paid for by the pretty stranger you were talking to. His name completely slipped your mind, but you didn’t really need to remember it because, moments after catching your eyes from across the bar, your friend slipped his arm over your shoulder.
When you looked up at him in mock surprise, he kissed your forehead. He turned to look at the guy you were talking to, one who was mildly surprised to find out you had a boyfriend.
Despite his surprise, though, he piped up anyway, “Can I help you? We were kinda talking here.”
Wooyoung shook his head and laughed, “I don’t really appreciate guys buying drinks for my girl and trying to hook up with her.”
“We’ll be on our way actually,” Wooyoung cut off the nameless man, leading you away with his arm still around your shoulder. 
It wasn’t until the two of you made it to the tall table where your friend San was standing that he dropped his arm from your shoulder.
Immediately, though, Wooyoung glared at you, “Was the drink worth it?”
“Honestly, not really,” you laughed, “His taste kinda sucked.”
Wooyoung rolled his eyes. You playfully nudged his arm with your elbow, “You’re just mad you can’t anyone to pay for your alcohol that isn’t San.”
“I only pay because he never stops whining,” he glared at your friend. “And it’s not like I’m gonna drink tonight either,” he said, taking a sip of the Coke in his hand.
“You don’t have to be the designated driver every weekend, San,” you told him, “Wooyoung knows how to drive, too.”
Wooyoung scoffed, “You bitch. You know how to drive. Why don’t you ever offer?”
“Because you are a gentleman, and you would never make me drive you home after a long night.”
“That’s some bullshit logic.”
You shrugged, “It works on San.”
“You know I don’t mind,” San chimed in, trying to break up this completely unnecessary argument.
You knew, but pushing Wooyoung’s buttons was always fun, especially when he was tipsy. Turning away from the table, scanning the bar. It was relatively early, only around ten, but the bar was packed with mostly students from your university. They hung around the bar and danced on the floor. It was a typical Friday night for a lot of students at your university. Since the bar was only half a mile from campus, you’d be hard-pressed to find a body in here who didn’t attend your school or know someone who did. Despite that, most of these people you had never seen before in your life. 
Song Mingi was not one of those people. 
Personally, you had only ever interacted with him in passing. Mostly with his friends. When they bought you a drink hoping you’d come back to their place. The majority of them had failed (in fact, only one of them had ever succeeded). But you knew his name at least, and you were pretty confident he knew yours.
He had never really tried. Probably because you had a reputation for rejections. Most guys, fortunately for your wallet, saw this as a challenge, and you were never gonna turn down free stuff.
From where he stood across the bar you could tell he was staring at you. Even with his stupid sunglasses on. He was staring at you with complete disregard for the fact that there was already a girl on his arm. You saw his eyebrows raise above the glasses as if he was greeting you without tipping off the girl with him. You rolled your eyes a looked back over at San who was sliding around the table to your side. 
“He’s been watching you all night.”
“Really?” you titled your head, minorly intrigued. Maybe “minorly” was a lie because you could hardly ignore the butterflies in your stomach at knowing that fact.
You side-eyed him, “What?” 
You knew “what.” Of course, you did. That much was obvious from the girl on his arm who he was pretending to pay attention to. Mingi went through girls like they were busy work. Checking them off like boxes and moving on to the next. As far as you know, he hadn’t had a girlfriend in your four years of attending the university, and you weren’t delusional enough to believe that the attention he was giving you was anything special.
As much as you despised a fuckboy, though, you would be a fool to deny that Song Mingi was the epitome of your type. Tall, dark hair, great style. Dressed in all black and adorned with carefully chosen silver jewelry. Sometimes you wondered why all the hottest guys you knew were the ones who were almost certainly never going to settle down. San would be the one to tell you to reassess your type, but listening to San was something you didn’t do very often (even though he was always right).
“I know you, and you do not want to mess around with him.”
“Correction, I don’t want to date him. I would very much like to mess around with him.”
San looked at you disapprovingly, “You and I both know that you don’t go home with guys because you know you’ll catch feelings for a one-night-stand. Tell me how the fuck you’re going to mess around with him and keep it purely casual.”
He was right, as per usual. You weren’t really the type to be able to separate romantic feelings from your sex life. God, you had surely tried, but each attempt had ended in disastrous heartbreak. And you had no reason to believe that this would be any different.
“One drink couldn’t hurt.” You were desperately trying to reason with him. Well, you were more trying to reason with yourself, but San was there to be of assistance.
“Ask him why the fuck he’s wearing sunglasses inside at night,” Wooyoung chimed in from behind you.
“Stop encouraging her.”
“Ok, dad,” Wooyoung rolled his eyes and took a sip of the Coke San had left on the table.
“It’s fine, Sannie, I’m not gonna fuck him. I’ll just talk to him, and maybe dance with him. That’s it. I’ll still come back here, and we’ll all go home together. Ok?”
Despite San’s major disapproval, you made your way back up to the bar. If he wanted you that bad, he’d come to you. You certainly weren’t going to make the first move here. If he wanted to get closer than just checking you out.
Inevitably, your phone buzzed in your pocket. It was Wooyoung, and he was letting you know that Mingi was making his way toward the bar. 
In order to avoid another mediocre drink, you started ordering a drink for yourself. When the bartender asked for your card at the end of your order, you started digging around in your clutch. Mingi knew your game. He knew full well, as he approached you, that that clutch held absolutely nothing of monetary value. And he was right of course, you had brought it for the sole purpose of holding your phone and a tube of lip gloss. 
“Go ahead and make two of those,” Mingi reached over your shoulder and handed the bartender his card.
You looked up at him, eyes wide, faking your surprise, “Oh! Thank you.”
“Of course, anything for a pretty girl who goes to bars without a wallet” he smiled down at you. Leaning against the bartop.
Laughing, you shrugged, “I don’t need to why pretty boys are willing to pay for my drinks.”
“So you knew I would pay before you even got up here?”
“Please, I could practically feel you staring at me all night,” that was fully a lie, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Couldn’t help myself. You look great it black,” He gestured to the minidress you wore. It was one of your favorites, so it felt good that he seemed to like it, too.
You grabbed at the jacket he was wearing, running your thumb over the fabric, “So do you.”
The bartender slid your drinks to you, and Mingi picked both of them up. His fingers brushed your own as he handed it to you. 
The two of you chatted and flirted for the better part of an hour. The time honestly flew by. You looked over at your friends to see that some more people had gathered around their table. Great. That meant you had time. San chatting away with people meant he wasn’t ready to leave. And you wanted to dance with Mingi. So you for sure weren’t ready to leave. You looked out over the dance floor, it was still super lively. Just crowded enough for you to have fun. 
When you set your empty glass down on the bar, Mingi grabbed your hand. He nodded toward the dance floor you were looking at so longingly, “You wanna dance?”
You shrugged nonchalantly, “sure.”
Dancing with Mingi was incredible. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the fact that he looked so fucking good under the low lights of the bar, but holy shit. 
The rings on his hand dug into your waist where his hands were holding you against him. With your head leaned back against his chest, you could feel his breath on your neck. He groan slightly ever time you gripped his hair. It was such a subtle groan that you could only really feel it reverbrate of hiss body. 
When he turned you around in his arms, you where quick to place yours over his shoulders, pushing your chest into his. He smirked down at you with both of his hands resting on the lowest part of your back, any lower and he fully would have been groping you.
You danced with him for an indecerable amount of time. You were sweating from the amount of bodies in the room, and you can tell Mingi is too from the sheen on his forehead. 
Moving a hand from his shoulder you grabbed the sunglasses, his stupid fucking sunglasses, and lifted them up onto his head. Looking into his eyes for the first time, he winked at you. You laughed and rolled your eyes.
He pulled you closer to him, as if it were even possible. You tangled your hands in his hair as the two of you danced together. Communicating with nothing but body movements. Everything was hot, from the air in the room, to his hands on your back. You felt nothing but pure dopamine infused ecstasy. 
Most of the time, the men who bought you drinks spent their time with you bragging about themselves and telling you how good you looked in whatever outfit you had opted for that night.
It was rare that you actually had fun with them. That was usually reserved for your friends.
Maybe it was the fact that you had already decided on not going home with him, though that decision was sounding more and more unappealing as the night went on, or maybe it was because you were dancing with a man who just knew how to have fun. 
There were no thoughts in you head other than the utter giddiness you felt when his hands squeezed your waist or when his head dipped to your neck as he breathed something in your ear.
Nothing could take you out of this moment. Well maybe except your phone buzzing in your bag. You had felt it buzz around six times before you reached into your bag to see what it was. 
Of course, as you suspected it might be, it was Wooyoung. Telling you that he was tired and wanted to go home. You huffed and thought about ignoring it when you saw San approaching you.
Quickly, and without much thought at all, you reached into Mingi’s back pocket. He looked a bit taken aback by the action. When you pulled out his phone, he looked down at you, intrigued. 
“Open it,” you told him. He did what you asked, unlocking the device and handing it back to you. You were quick to type in your number with your name. Simple. No emojis. No petnames. He could change it up later if he really wanted. 
By the time San had grabbed your shoulder, you had already given him his phone back. And that was it. You let San pull you away. Left him with nothing but your phone number. Not a kiss. Not a promise to meet up. Not a “call me” with a wink. Nothing.
You left him with the hope that, if he really wanted you, he would chase you. At least just a little bit.
Mingi had really pulled through. He had texted you that next night. It was nothing special. He told you that he had had a good time. That he thought you were beautiful, and he’d love to see you again. You texted a bit through the week, too. Casually flirting with each other. Well, it was more of him flirting, and you responding calmly. A completely false persona, because every time he mentioned anything suggestive you were a total wreck. Kicking your feet, giggling with red ears.
Even when he texted you at work.
Working the closing shift was always such a bore. Working until the late hours of the night, cleaning up messes that you had no part in making. It was the perfect storm for a less-than-perfect evening. 
Having a friend to join you in that suffering, though, made it just a little more bearable. You had to beg your manager to keep scheduling you with San in the evenings, but it certainly paid off. The restaurant was small, so it was just the two of you at night. Left to your own devices to clean up and close down. 
Being alone with him, though, unfortunately, gave him time to lecture you.
You’d just finished mopping the floors in the back kitchen when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You smiled a little when you saw who it was.
“Oh god,” you heard San grumble from where he was next to you, also mopping the floors.
You looked up at him, “what?”
“You know what,” he rolled his eyes, “are you actually talking to that douchebag?”
You shrugged, “it’s nothing serious. It’s all just fun.”
“Yeah, it’s all just fun until you actually start catching feelings for him, and then he dumps you like he has so many other girls.”
His words stung quite a bit, but mostly because you knew there was more than a small layer of truth to them. You knew this was far from the first time that Mingi had given a girl this much attention, but you’d be fully lying to yourself if you said that you didn’t like it. His sweet words and constant pet names were something you looked forward to every day.
Which is why you looked back down at your phone despite San’s obvious disapproval.
| mingi: you work at arriba’s right?
| you: uhh…yeah? who told that? and why?
| mingi: no one told me. ive just seen you there a lot 
| mingi: and you said you were working tonight so i wanted to know if i could pick you up after your shift
| mingi: my roommate’s gone tonight. thought maybe we could watch a movie or whatever. we’ll have the place to ourselves
Holy shit. He was inviting you over. You’d only been talking to him for a week, but you were starting to wonder if texting back and forth was going to be the extent of this…thing…the two of you had going on.
| you: riiiight… watch a movie…
| mingi: we can do whatever you want baby
| mingi: i don’t give a shit about the movie. i just wanna see your pretty face
You glanced over at San, who was still vigorously mopping the floors in the kitchen. There’s no way you could have Mingi pick you up without him noticing. He was your ride home anyway. You didn’t want to lie to him either though. Which meant you’d have to face the humiliation of telling him you were going over to “watch movies” with the guy he was desperately trying to get you to avoid.
But you’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t want to see Mingi. And you’d be lying even more if you said you just wanted to watch a movie with him. You were trying so hard, though, to make him keep playing this game. To see how far he was willing to go. How much he was willing to chase you. 
You couldn’t help it, though, that every time he texted you thought back to him dancing with you at the bar. His hands on your waist and your back. His lips brushed up against your ear. The strands of his dark hair between your fingers.
Noticing your silence, Mingi messaged you again:
| mingi: please baby? i really want to see you
| mingi: i’ll even pick up some takeout on my way to get you
| mingi: and i’ll drive you home tomorrow i promise
Tommorow? Well fuck. You really weren’t sure at first if he wanted you to spend the night, but that much was clear now. Sure, you probably wouldn’t get done at Arriba’s until midnight, but you thought maybe he’d just drive you home super late. But spending the night? Well, that just added a whole new level of intrigue.
| you: fine, i get off at 12. don’t be late
| mingi: wouldnt dream of it 
San was still mildly upset at you as the night went on. Well, upset wasn’t really the word, he was more worried you were gonna get your heart broken which you assured him wouldn’t happen because there were no feelings really involved here. Hell, you hadn’t even met up outside the bar yet.
But San’s poor attitude made it significantly harder to bring up this evening’s plan.
“Hey, um,” you started, not looking at him as you wiped down the table in front of you, “I, uh, don’t need a ride home tonight.” 
You glanced up to see that he’d stopped wiping down his table. 
“Ok,” he responded, resuming his cleaning.
You cringed, that response was almost worse than a lecture, and you told him that. 
He shrugged in response, “You’re an adult. I’m not going to tell you what to do. I can strongly advise you against certain things, but I’m not going to stop you,” he met your eyes, “If he makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, though, please call me, ok?”
You nodded.
“I won’t lecture you at all. I’ll just come get you.”
"Thank you, Sannie,"
After counting down the cash and setting the alarm, you were both ready to go for the evening. You checked your phone for the time. 12:14. Below it, of course, was a message from Mingi:
| mingi: im here
[attachment: 1 image]
| mingi: and ive got food
You bid your friend farewell with a hug. When you stepped out into the parking lot, you saw Mingi leaning up against the hood of his car, food in hand. San’s eyes burned into the back of your head as you made your way over to him. Actually, you had more reason to believe he was staring at Mingi rather than at you.
He pushed himself off his car when he saw you coming. He held the food out to you, grinning. 
“What’d you get?” you asked, taking the bag from him.
He shrugged, “Just some chicken. I wasn’t sure what you liked. There’s fries in there too, and I’ve got a Coke in the car if you want it.”
“Thank you.” “Not a problem, baby,” he glanced over your shoulder, “Although…is your friend gonna be alright? He won’t stop staring.”
The butterflies you got seeing him call you “baby” over text were nothing compared to the pure giddiness that came from hearing it out loud. 
Of course, though, you had to remind yourself that you were far from the only girl whom he’d called “baby” with that voice you’d come to obsess over. This wasn’t about the use of a pet name, it was about how his voice really got you going. But just maybe you did enjoy him calling you “baby.”
“Don’t worry about him. He just doesn’t like you very much.”
“Oh, how refreshing,” Mingi rolled his eyes, but his smirk didn’t go unnoticed by you.
After pulling his car into the parking lot and leading you up four flights of stairs (apparently, the elevator has been broken for months), you arrived at the door of Mingi’s apartment. He pulled the key from his pocket, unlocking the door and pushing it open. He turned around to usher you through the door.
“Here she is,” he mumbled.
You laughed a little, “You refer to your apartment as a ‘she.’”
He shrugged and laughed a little with you, not providing any explanation at all. 
You took a glance around the apartment, other than the bedrooms, you could see the whole thing from where you stood in the doorway. It was small, but it definitely was an adequate living situation for two college students on a budget. You walked through the kitchen, setting the leftover food on his counter since you had eaten most of it on the drive here. 
When Mingi disappeared into his bedroom, you froze just a bit. He’d seemed super casual over the phone. It was obvious that he definitely wanted to have sex with you but not at all like he’d try to force it out of you. You were kind of under the impression that the ball was in your court on that one. Maybe you had misread the situation.
Despite your confusion, you made a couple of steps toward his room only to see him emerge from the room moments later with some clothes in his.
“I figured you might want to change out of your work clothes,” he says, pushing the change of clothes into your arms. It was nothing special, a black tee and some gray basketball shorts. “If you want you can use the shower too. I cleaned it yesterday, too, so you don’t have to worry about anything.” He laughed, scratching the back of his head.
You were a little thrown off by his demeanor. Maybe the flirty Mingi you had previously been interacting with had an on-and-off switch, because, right now, he was just treating you like a friend who was crashing at his place for the evening. Not at all like the Mingi who you’d been talking to all week who was desperately trying to get into your pants.
“Thank you,” you smiled. “I actually wouldn’t mind taking a shower.”
After you had finished your shower and, mostly, dried your hair, you and Mingi sat together on the couch. His arm rested behind your shoulders as he scrolled through different shows on the TV. 
Holy hell he smelt good. You couldn’t tell if it was just good hygiene or cologne or maybe even just fabric softener, but, nonetheless, you couldn’t help but breathe in and lean closer into his side. When he felt you lean closer, the arm around your shoulder pulled you in just a bit closer. You glanced up at his face which was still focused on the screen in front of you. Illuminated solely by the television screen and the faint light in the kitchen behind you. Your eyes traced his profile watching how his eyelashes fluttered and his tongue absentmindedly played with his lips. They looked soft. Really soft. 
Forcing yourself to stop looking at his lips, halting the dirty thoughts that began clouding your mind, you looked back up at his eyes which were focused on the screen ahead of you. Light from the TV reflected off the glassy surface of his eyes. He truly was beautiful. 
In all honesty, you felt yourself falling into dangerous territory here. Everything about this situation, him buying you dinner, letting you wear his clothes and use his shower, cuddling on his couch while his roommate was out of town. All of it screamed couple. Right? Why was he treating you like a girlfriend? You knew for a fact that wasn’t his angle here. Or at least you thought. God this was so frustrating. Why couldn’t you just relax and enjoy yourself in the arms of a beautiful man? This is why you never went home with guys. You would spend the entirety of your night micromanaging your thoughts and overanalyzing the situation. 
Subconsciously, in the midst of your chronic overthinking, you had pulled away from Mingi just a little, but it was enough for him to notice and look down at you.
“You good?” he asked. Setting the remote down on the couch next to him.
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out. Maybe I should kiss him. You thought. That would make it clear what you wanted. Give him some indication. No that’s a terrible idea. And an impulsive one, too.
He found your speechlessness endearing. He laughed softly and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, brushing your jaw with his fingers and swiping his thumb softly across your cheek.
Well, fuck. You lost all restraint over yourself in that moment. 
Holding his hand against your face with your own, you leaned into him and kissed him. He hummed into the kiss, smirking slightly as his moved with your own. His lips were just as soft as you imagined. Like velvet when they passed over yours. And fuck he tasted good, you could tell he had definitely freshened up while you were in the shower. 
You sighed even further into the kiss when his hand moved down to your neck. Throwing one leg over his lap, you straddled his waist. He kissed you even harder now. Playfully biting your bottom lip. Pulling at it before kissing your chin. Then your jaw. Down your neck. All the way to your collarbone.
His hands dug into your hips much like they had when you had danced together the weekend prior. Your hands gripped his t-shirt. Failing to contain your anticipation.
“Baby,” he whispered, the depth of his voice shot straight to your core, “how far do you wanna take this?”
You whined, grateful he was defining boundaries but overwhelmed with the fact you had to tell him how you wanted it, “Please, Mingi.” You breathed out a heavy breath, “I need you.”
He smirked, his demeanor changed ever so slightly. Noted. You thought. He liked it when you begged. “Come on, baby. Tell me what you want.”
Burring your face in his neck and gripping his shirt tight, you rolled your hips. Grinding your core into him, “Mingi,” you moaned softly, “You’ll make me feel good, right?”
“Of course,” and apparently that was enough for him because, in the next moment, he pulled the shirt you were wearing over your head. Leaving your bare chest exposed to him.
He shifted you slightly. Motioning for you to lay back on the couch. You did, and he was quick to start kissing at your chest. His lips brushed over you collar bone. He kissed down your sternum and reached your belly button before coming back up to kiss your breasts.
You gripped his hair as he pulled a nipple into his mouth. Biting at it as he massaged the other one with his hand. He wasn’t wearing his rings right now, but you could only imagine how it would feel. The cold metal against your skin.
With his mouth occupied, you felt a hand slip under the waistband of your shorts and past your panties. You gasped, loudly, when he slid his finger through your folds. He hummed contently when you arched your back into him as he slid the finger into you. Adding another soon after you. 
His thumb played with your clit. Slowly. You could tell he wasn’t trying to make you cum right now. He was doing his do-diligence and prepping you. You had no doubt that he could make you cum if he wanted to or else he wouldn’t be so popular with women. You had heard stories about nights with Mingi, and everyone was always overwhelmingly positive about his skills in bed.
Your eyes rolled back slightly when he slipped a third finger into you. Mouth open in a silent moan that came out as nothing more than a little whine, you threw back your head. 
Shortly after though, he pulled his fingers out of you. He pulled off your shorts and panties together before ridding himself of his own pants and underwear too. Fuck, he was big. He smirked when he saw you looking, “You can take it. Right baby?”
You nodded breathlessly, “Mhm.”
When he hovered back over you, you gripped at his shirt. Trying to pull it over his head. He helped you out. Reaching behind his back to pull the tee over his head. You would have spent more time admiring his build but he was back to kissing you in an instant. His kisses made you so dizzy. You probably could have just kissed him for hours if you weren’t so undeniably horny. 
You were so focused on his lips that you didn’t even notice when he’d slipped on a condom. You whined when he slid his length between your folds. He held down your hips when you started to roll them. Begging for something to touch your clit that was almost throbbing for attention. 
“Don’t be so greedy, baby. I’ll take care of you.” 
And that he did. The moment he slid into you, you lost all control of yourself. Your nails dug into his back as he thrust into you. Painfully slow at first.
“Please,” you begged, “faster…” You wrapped a leg around his waist, pulling him closer.
His thumb furiously rubbed at your clit as he thrust into you. Faster and deeper with every movement of his hips. You gripped at anything you could, his shoulders, his hair, his back. 
You were so undeniably lost in your own pleasure. Your mind was foggy. All you could think about was this beautiful man, furiously fucking you, grunting in your ear, and breathing on your neck. 
Even though you thought it was impossible, his thumb moved fasted on your clit. When he hit just the right angle you cried out, and he could feel you tighten around him. 
“Oh?” he asked between pants, “Right there?”
“Fuck! Yes, right there!” your head lolled to the side as you felt your orgasm approaching. Your legs shook as they wrapped around his waist, holding him close. With one final movement of his thumb, you came around him. Your walls fluttered as you reached that incredible high. “Oh god!” You cried out. 
“Shit,” he grunted, “I’m close, baby. Hold on.” With a couple more thrusts into your sensitive pussy, he came into the condom. 
He fell forward on top of you. His arms or either side of your head held him up so he wasn’t crushing you. Your chests both heaved. 
“Wow,” you said, breathlessly.
He laughed and kissed you softly, “Was it good?”
You nodded, “Great.”
When you looked into his eyes, his beautiful eyes, you momentarily forgot that you were not supposed to get your feelings wrapped up in this. Sirens rang in your head as he kissed you again, but, if he was gonna fuck you this good, you could ignore them for just a little longer.
note ✭ ayyeeee it's done!! i honestly don't know how considering i have midtrems this week 😅 anyways, this has been in the drafts for about two months, and i'm glad i finally decided to start it!
if you enjoyed, please let me know! i absolutely LOVE hearing feedback whether it be through my inbox, comments or reblogs.
not sure when the next chapter will be released, but if you want to join the taglist you can lmk here or sign up here :)
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
also guess who’s back can i ask for a athena!daugter reader where it’s kinda like Annabeth trying to tell the reader that “hey clarisse is bad she tried to fucking kill percy she’s evil” and the reader us kinda tries to convince her that Clarisse really isn’t that bad😔
(i love your work girl and your end memes please do more 🔥‼️)
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She’s the only one I got
Pairings - Clarisse La rue x daughter of Athena reader
An- fun-fact clarisse loves Dr Pepper It’s cannon Go read the sea of monsters. She’s literally perfect I can’t
An pt 2 - I Hope this is ok i wasn’t really sure what to write but it’s ok bc I’m just a girl
Pt 1 — Pt 2
Palestine aid link
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“Are you serious?!” Annabeth yelled, a few of your other siblings backing her up.
You however were standing infront of the full length mirror inside your cabin fixing your outfit which was a pair of bellebottoms and a camp sweater. “Look Annie i get your our counselor and your the smartest out of us all but your not the smartest when it comes to relationships”
“And now she’s starting to sound like an Aphrodite kid” Malcom your brother rolled his eyes before returning to his book. You shot him a hateful look. “All right fine Your right I don’t get relationships like you but I do know clarisse”
“Really?” You sarcastically spoke just wanting the argument to be over. Grabbing some hoops you were deciding between the two different pairs. “Yeah, Clarisse is a hateful arrogant and rude person. She makes fun of our cabin with her siblings and didn’t she use to make fun of you to”
Deciding on the star shape hoop you put the earring in. “Fine! Fine ok I get it but I promise you clarisse is not like that ok she’s sweet, she loves me Annie why don’t you get that” you sighed facing your sister.
The shorter girl crossed her arms, leaning against a desk inside the studious cabin. “Because she’s a bitch”
“I’m 12 why are you giving me shit for cussing you cuss”
“Because I’m 16 you’ve still got two years before you morally can curse now stop.. damn about to make me get Luke” you sighed shaking your head. Facing back to the mirror you analyzed your look.
Annabeth rolled her eyes looking away for some time before facing you once again. “I still don’t trust you being alone with her..”
After finally having enough you turned towards the wiser girl. “Know what fine you can spy on us during our date today, then you’ll see she’s not such a terrible person and you’ll finally get off my ass… deal” you crossed your arms looking down at annabeth.
Your younger sister looked around for a moment feeling somewhat threatened by you before nodding in defeat. “Great” you sighed stepping back, grabbing a small drawstring bag and a book on the stars, you threw on your shoes before leaving.
You were sitting in a clearing in the woods, a blanket set out with some strawberries and a pack of Dr Pepper you bought from the Hermes cabin. Annabeth was positioned behind a tree with her cap of invisibility on.
Eventually clarisse showed up. “Five minutes late” you jokingly chastised her.
“Shut up I’m on time” she scoffed sitting down beside you on the blanket. Pulling you into her some she kissed you softly. Her hands finding themselves on your waist
Bringing yourself back you leaned over grabbing a soda, handing it over to the curly haired girl. “Mmhm so how was running around like a fool for the entire morning?”
Clarisse rolled her eyes taking the drink In a harsh joking manner. “First of all its called training and secondly it was actually alot of fun, how was staying up all night to just watch some stupid dots in the sky”
Scrunching your nose at the girl you gave her a sarcastic look. “Yeah you think your so funny huh”
“Yeah I do”
“Mmhm” you knew clarisse was looking at your lips— she wasn’t subtle about it. Tired of her just imagining it you leaned in kissing her again. The playful banter between you two faded away while clarisse deepened the kiss
As much as you wanted to makeout with your girlfriend you weren’t doing it infront of your sister. Pulling back you placed a hand on clarisses arm while darting your eyes to some trees around you with a smile.
The girl furrowed her eyebrows but made a signal to her head almost mimicking a hat. Nodding you knew clarisse understood annabeth was spying on you two.
“Whatever this is stupid” clarisse gave you a teasing look. “What being on a date with your girlfriend? Yeah it’s so stupid” you responded in the same tone.
Clarisse rolled her eyes. “You know that’s not. What I meant” shaking her head you watched as clarisse reached over to her spear grabbing a plastic bag.
Handing it over to you you looked inside. “No way clarisse did you”
“Yeah I did. Your not gonna embarrass me about it if I own up to it” she continued to mess with you. Opening the bag you smiled as your girlfriend made you chocolate chip cookies with the nymphs in the kitchen. “Your the sweetest you know” you becoming flustered while you looked at the treats.
She just rolled her eyes with a smile, laying down clarisse moved around to lay her head in your lap. “Woah careful clarisse you might admit you actually like me a boring Athena kid remember”
“Mmhm Same can be said about you what was that about me being a bitchy ares kid?” She bit back. Flicking her forehead lightly just to get back at her.
You smiled while playing with one of the girls curls. You loved clarisse, wanting to proudly say it but worried you’d scare the girl off so for now you’d settle on just this.. cute dates with her, sneaking into her cabin to spend the night with her and just enjoying the silence with her.
After some time you knew annabeth had left after all she had gotten all the proof she needed. Clarisse knew it to.
“I love you” it finally left your lips. You noticed clarisses body tense making you regret the decision immediately. Clarisse however grabbed your hand kissing your knuckles. “I guess I love you to”
“Shut up”
“Why You Said you loved me”
Annabeth - Fine she’s not a bitch
Clarisse - *having a Stare off with annabeth*
Clarisse - do we have a Problem
Y/n - dude..
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pixiesfz · 5 months
hi!! love your writing! i was wondering if you could do a fic where leah is just absolutely obsessed with the readers ass🍑, it could include multiple flashbacks or instances where leah just needs to be touching her or squeezing her there, as well as maybe some teasing from friends and family about it - maybe smut if you write it if not all good :)
as an ass girl myself I will gladly write this 🤭
this isn’t really that good
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ass girl l.w
plot: your girlfriend Leah can’t help the fact that she loves the way your ass looks all the time (especially in shorts)
warning: suggestive
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“Leah” you groaned as your girlfriends hands roamed around your bum “but-“
“No butts”
“Well actually…” Leah trailed off and you rolled your eyes and sat up “we have training” you told her “we can call in sick” she suggested and you scoffed “Leah you are one of the captains” you said strictly and she shrugged.
“You just look so good today” she simply said and you blushed “oh yes because the way you’ve been playing with my ass like it’s pizza dough hasn’t said anything” you joked and turned around to your girlfriend and kissed her cheek.
“We have to get ready” you told her and left the bed, your girlfriend loudly groaning as you left the room.
Leah couldn’t help herself but watch as you walked out the room, she wasn’t afraid to say that one of her favourite attributes about her was your ass, you slapped her shoulder every time but she was proud to say it.
As you were leaving out of the door you felt the slap of your girlfriends hand on your backside and turned to her “this is not going to be one of those trainings is it?” You asked and your girlfriend smirked “I have no idea what your talking about”
You rolled your eyes “yes you do Leah, you put me in all your groups at training so that when we’re lining up you can press your hands up against me, you are not that subtle about it” you said and Leah laughed
“Who said I was trying to be subtle” she smirked and you couldn’t help but smile at her words “I don’t want you to corrupt our new signings” you told Leah “oh please those girls have seen enough with Caitlin and Katie” she said and you laughed.
When you arrived at training Leah suggested you walked in front of her “yeah yeah” you tutted as you obliged to her request.
Leah quickly whistled as you walked and you rolled your eyes.
During training your expectations were met as you were put into Leah’s group once again as she placed herself behind you.
Katie turned around to you as she was in front of you in the line “one of those days?” She asked with a smirk as Leah placed her hands on your behind “you can say that” you said and she squeezed.
As Katie tan you turned to your girlfriend “stop being a tease” you told her and she smiled cheekily “I don’t know how I’m being a tease” she said and rose her brows.
Steph had suggested a team dinner after training during a drink break which you all agreed to “Leah refrain yourself from touching y/n’s ass in public please” Kyra popped out and Caitlin slapped her arm with a laugh.
“Kyra!” You said as you had grown an older sister bond with her “I can’t have been the only person who has noticed this?” She said and others noticed.
“You’re all pervs” Leah called out as you went into a different group activity which obviously you were picked into Leah’s.
When you went home to get changed you only had a short amount of time as you were asked to stay back for media duties.
“Leah I’m home” you called out and the girl ran towards you from your shared room “finally she exaggerated and pulled you into a kiss which she deepened but you pulled away “team dinner remember?” You said with a teasing grin and she rolled her eyes like a child who had been denied ice cream.
“I just want you” she protested and you smiled up to the girl “we promised Steph” you told her and she closed her eyes out of annoyance “fine”
You walked to your room to get changed as Leah picked out an outfit for you “this dress” Leah said as she threw it at you.
You caught it and looked at it “Leah this is not a team dinner dress, this is a I want my girlfriend to fuck me in the bathroom type of dress” you said and Leah shrugged “I don’t see the problem there”.
You ended up choosing your favourite pair of jeans and singlet top instead. “All though I would’ve fathered the dress, these jeans so fit your ass perfectly” your girlfriend teased as she slapped your ass.
“Leah” you warned the girl and she shrugged as you got into the car.
The dinner was fun as you all ate but you felt Leah’s eyes on you the whole time, so as soon as you moved your plate forward signalling that you had finished Leah was quick to grab your hand say goodbye and pay for your food.
“Sorry babe” Leah started as she closed the car door “I honestly can’t handle how I haven’t had you yet today”
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janeyseymour · 3 months
Personal and Professional- pt 3
Part 1. Part 2.
An anon asked for this! There's a backyard barbecue being held, and you're a bit hesitant because no one has seen you as the alternative woman that you are outside of school. They also don't know about you and Melissa.
WC: ~2.3k
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Janine is organizing a backyard barbecue at Barbara’s house for the Abbott crew- and you are less than thrilled to be excited. It’s not that you don’t like your work crew, because that isn’t true; you’re dating one of them. It’s that you really would rather not have everyone commenting on your body and your… tasteful markings.
“C’mon, hun,” Melissa says softly as she lays with you that night. “I think it’ll be fun to let our hair down.”
“I really would rather not,” you sigh. “No one knows about my tattoos, and no one knows about us.”
“The tattoos aren’t a big deal- I think they’ll like to see that you aren’t as buttoned up as you like to play. And they don’t have to find out about us,” she smirks. “I can keep my eyes and my hands to myself when I want to- just like I do at school.”
“You came into my room today and ate me out during prep because you were too horny to focus on grading your kids’ last assignments,” you tell her.
“It takes two to tango,” she shrugs. “It was good though, wasn’t it?”
You push her off of you. “Shut up.”
“All I’m saying is, I can control myself if that’s what you’re worried about for this barbecue,” your girlfriend tells you.
So begrudgingly, you find yourself at this barbecue for the fourth of July. The redhead and you drive separately so as not to give anything away, and you arrive there far too quickly. When you pull up to the kindergarten teacher’s house, you’re impressed. You can smell the food cooking, you hear the music playing from the backyard, and you can hear your boisterous girlfriend already laughing it up with her work wife. You head into the fenced area after taking a deep breath.
“About damn time!” Melissa teases you as she winks from the pool. “I was starting to think you weren’t gonna show!”
She’s saying this to you playfully, but she really was worried you weren’t going to pull up to the party, especially since you’re arriving an hour later than her.
“I’m here, I’m here,” you chuckle nervously as you wrap your thin cardigan around your body subconsciously.
“Well what are you waiting for?” the redhead heckles you. “Grab a drink, and come on in!”
You know she absolutely loves to see you in your bathing suit, and she’s going to drool when she sees the tattoos that dance around your hips and ribcage. She won’t be able to contain herself.
“I’m actually good right now,” you chuckle. “But I’ll grab a drink. Mel, you want anything?”
“Just another beer,” she tells you.
Everyone else looks at you like you’re crazy for only asking the redhead. “Uh… anyone else?”
And that’s how you essentially become beer girl for the day. Finally, Barb has had enough.
“For the love of all things holy, Y/N,” she throws her arms in the air. “Let loose a little and show some skin! You have to dying in all those clothes!”
“I’m really okay,” you say softly as you wipe a bit of sweat from your brow.
“Sweetheart, if this is about body insecurities,” the kindergarten teacher tells you, although her words are a bit slurred at this point. “No one is going to care what you look like in a swimsuit.”
“I bet yo’ tasty ass looks a lot better in a bikini than it does in all your buttoned up outfits that match Barbara’s energy,” Ava comments.
“I’m not always buttoned up,” you roll your eyes. “I just like to maintain some sense of professionalism when I’m with coworkers.”
“You think we give a shit about professionalism?” your boss smirks. “I go out clubbin’ every weekend and see half the Abbott parents out too. Janine and Greg were out at a hookah bar and were grinding up on each other. I’ve seen Barb and Melissa get absolutely hammered at PECSA!”
“And I am known to have a few too many aperol spritzes from time to time!” Jacob cuts in.
“Come on, baby boo, show us what youse made of!” Ava goads you.
You take a deep breath before opening your eyes again. “You really wanna see what I look like outside of school?”
Melissa’s eyes widen and her brows creep up her face. You don’t shed any clothing, not yet- but you do open your bag and pull out your different jewelry. You expertly take out the clear stud in your nose to exchange it for a hoop. Your earrings are all put in. Even though it’s just a small change, you look like an entirely different person to them- all except Melissa, who loves seeing you like this. She licks her lips subconsciously.
“Damn!” Ava grins. “We got ourselves a hot little alt girl!”
You roll your eyes at that comment. “Give me a few minutes to go change, and I’ll come in the pool.”
The hostess gives you directions as to where the bathroom is, and you thank her before heading inside to change. You do before throwing your big ripped up band t-shirt overtop of your figure. If you’re going to stun them all, you might as well go all out. You tie your hair up into one of your messier buns before making sure that your ‘slut strands’ (because that’s apparently what the baby hairs that don’t make it into the bun are called) look as though they’re supposed to be there before heading back outside.
Your secret girlfriend’s eyes go wide as you make your way into the fenced in area. You swear you see the smallest droplet of drool escape her mouth as her eyes stay trained on you. 
“Happy?” you ask your work friends.
“We’d be happier if you took off the hot t-shirt,” the principal smirks as she sips her seltzer. 
With a roll of your eyes, you peel off the shirt, revealing all of the tattoos that you have.
“You have tattoos?” Janine is mesmerized.
You shrug as you slowly start to make your way into the pool. “Young Y/N mistakes.”
“They look amazing though! I’ve always wanted a tattoo, but I’m too scared that it’ll hurt or get infected or that I’ll-”
“You just have to find something that means something to you and brace yourself. And then it’s just simple aftercare. Not too bad at all.”
“Are we really gonna ignore the fact that our good little teacher is secretly an alternative hottie with a body?” Ava gestures to you wildly. “Like, damn girl. I knew you were fit, but I didn’t know you was gonna look like-”
“Enough,” you cut her off as you grab a float and situate yourself on it. You push yourself so that you’re close to Melissa, and she hangs off of your raft. “I don’t need my boss objectifying me.”
But she doesn’t get the hint- she never really does. And you can see the way that your girlfriend is getting more and more aggravated. Silently, you nudge her with your foot and shoot her a look, telling her to cool it.
You spend the afternoon in the pool before it’s time to start cooking some more food. Gerald comes out to take everyone’s orders, but you absolutely insist on helping to cook with him. It only seems right since they’re hosting, and you quite like to barbecue.
So you climb out of the pool. You can practically feel Ava’s eyes on you as your sun kissed skin glows. You wrap your towel around your body, and she’s immediately booing.
“Show that body, girl!” she tells you.
“I’m going to be grilling,” you roll your eyes. “I ain’t trying to barbecue myself.”
When you’ve deemed that you’re dry enough thanks to the sun still out and your closeness to the grill, you unwrap yourself from the towel. Ava cheers. Why is she always around? Her applause quickly dies though when you reach for your t-shirt and pull it over your head.
You continue to help Barbara’s husband, making small talk with him, when he asks you something that entirely throws you for a loop.
“So, you and Melissa?”
You look at him as though he has four heads. “What about it?”
“The two of you together or what?”
“What are you talking about?” you feign shock.
“I see the way she stares at you,” he shrugs. “And not the way that Ava is… there’s something there, even if you don’t know it yet.”
“I think you’re crazy,” you lie through your teeth.
“Barb thinks there’s something there too,” he tuts. “And that was before you revealed yourself to be little miss alt girl. Funnily enough, that’s exactly Melissa’s type.”
You roll your eyes. “We’re coworkers.”
“That ain’t stopping your boss from flirting with you,” he chuckles. “All I’m sayin is-”
“Is the food almost ready yet?” Melissa calls from her place in the pool. “And will you grab me another beer, hun?”
You don’t make a move, and Gerald laughs. “She ain’t callin’ me ‘hun’. That one’s all you.”
“Almost,” you call back. “And you just want another Yuengling?”
You grab the beverage, opening it up for her before making your way back towards the pool. She’s in the middle though, so you peel your shirt off again and make your way in to deliver it her.
“Body-ody-ody-ody-” the principal starts dancing, making quite a few splashes in the water.
“Ava!” Barbara tuts.
You roll your eyes as you climb back out of the pool and make your way back over to the grill, not wanting to hear how your boss will respond to being scolded. 
Dinner is wonderful, it’s cleaned up, and then you find yourself back in the pool as the sun starts to go down and the moon starts to rise. Gerald comes out to light up the tikis that they have around the outside, and he waves.
“Alrighty, I’m heading in for the night, but it was wonderful to see you all again.”
“Thank you, dear,” Barbara blows him a kiss.
That leaves you and the rest of the Abbott crew to spend some time in the moonlight together. Somehow, the conversation leads to you and the less professional side that you’ve now shown them.
“So, when did you get your first tattoo?” Janine asks you.
“Three days after I turned eighteen,” you laugh as you float alongside your girlfriend. “Got my nose pierced the first weekend I went to college. My mom was so pissed.”
“Why?” Barbara of all people asks. “It’s an expression.”
“She hates them,” you roll your eyes. “Told me if I got tattoos and a nose ring, she’d kick me out of the house… she never did.”
Melissa chuckles. “Sounds like-”
“Sounds like what, Melissa?” Barb cuts her off with a raised eyebrow.
“Sounds like our generation,” your girlfriend states quickly. She’s thankful it’s dim, or everyone would’ve seen the panicked look on her face.
“Who carees?” Ava asks. “It’s fuckin’ hot. If I had known that you were hiding all of that under your stuffy attire, damn… I would’ve been hitting on you way more.”
“Which is why I wear what I wear at school,” you deadpan.
“I mean, really… my boyfriend and I would love to-”
“Enough,” your girlfriend practically hisses.
The entire crew looks to the redhead. “What’s got your panties in such a twist?”
“Just shut up. Stop talking about her like that,” Melissa tells your group. “Or else.”
“Or else what, Melissa?” Ava presses. 
“Or else you’re gonna have to deal with Y/N’s girlfriend,” the redhead snaps. “Who just so happens to be me.”
You press your lips together in a fine line as you look anywhere but where your friends are floating around the pool.
They all immediately start questioning both you and the second grade teacher.
“What do you mean she’s your girlfriend?” a chorus of voices ask.
Only Barbara smirks. “I knew it.”
Melissa looks to you as she pulls you and your float in tight. “That’s right. Y/N is my girl, and y’all better stop ogling her before I throw youse in with the wolves at the zoo.”
“Mel,” you roll your eyes at her threat.
“I’m serious!” she hisses as she points a finger at Ava. “I know a guy who can make it happen, and I won’t hesitate to use him if you don’t stop drooling over my girl!”
“Since when has this been a thing?” Jacob asks. “If I had known you swung that way, Mel Mel… we would’ve been at Woody’s this whole time!”
“And that is why no one knew,” she rolls her eyes. “I’m past my days at Woody’s.”
“Well what about you, Y/N?” the middle school teacher asks. “You and me? Woody’s?”
“In your dreams, Hill,” you tease. “Maybe a more low key gay bar though.”
“So, when did this come about?” Barbara asks, quite interested. “I’ve been telling Melissa to go after you since you sauntered your way in- and that was before I knew you were a little alt girl- exactly her type.”
“Caught her at the grocery store one day,” Melissa shrugs. “We went out the next Monday… been together since.”
“It’s been, what? Four months?”
“Four months, two weeks, six days,” the redhead says casually. “And enjoying every moment of it.”
“Good on you,” Barbara cheers as she holds her drink in the air.
“So stop all your flirting with my girl, or there will be hell to pay, and I’ll make it look like it was an accident,” Melissa pointedly tells the group.
Ava puts her hands in the air in surrender before pursing her lips together. “What if both of you-”
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halleyscomet14 · 22 days
Heyy! I'm absolutely loving your account at the moment. If it's okay, would you mind writing a fem reader fic with billie. We convinced her to mske a funny tiktik with us. And we just have fun and goof around! Alot of fluff.
Thank you so much!! ❤️
relationship: billie eilish x female reader
warnings: none! just fluff
word count: 1494
summary: you insist to film a tik tok with billie, yet she doesn’t seem to budge. but one day, she comes home with a surprise…
it was no secret that billie wasn’t exactly the fan of timeless activities. this involved texting people, when you could just meet up with them and have a real conversation. or scrolling on social media apps such as tik tok and instagram. she thought it was a waste of time, yet she could never deny that it wasn’t a good distraction aside. so, when you asked her to film a little tik tok with her, there was no way of her accepting your offer.
“i won’t do it, y/n” she said rushing around the house. she was about to go out, and you had asked her to make a cute short video. mainly because you wanted to make it for a long time, but with her being in fancy attire to go out, you had a better chance on it, and could say tthat it was just a ‘outfit of the day’ video that would be posted on your account. “c’mon, billie. its just a three second video where we’ll show off our fits! isn’t that cute?” you ask, trying to push her. she kept running around the house as you followed her. dramatically, she stopped in her place and turned around to you sharply, “no, actually. people inspecting my outfits? not cute.” she said. “oh, please. nobody’s gonna care!” you say, trying to make your point reasonable.
she turned back, rolling her eyes. “look, y/n we can talk about this later. i have to head out. you sure you don’t want to come?” she asks you in a serious manner. you frown, “you know i can’t. i’d never miss an event but i have to join this meeting. sorry, babe.” you said. billie very slightly smiled at you, sighing knowing you can’t be there beside her. “yeah.” she said walking towards the door, as you once more followed her. “it’s okay.” she continued as she got her boots on. “i’ll read the interview though, i promise. text me when you get there?” you ask. “always, mama” she says smiling at you while she places a kiss on your cheek. you exchange the smile, “love you, bils.” you say as she heads out, car key in hand. “love you too mamas!” she yells back at you, to make herself hearable.
you watch billie get into the car as you lean on the door frame. before closing the door, you flash one last glance at the moving vehicle. you went inside, making sure the door was closed shut.
time had passed and it was nearly nine now. all you did today was go into your important meeting which lasted around an hour, and after that scrolled on tik tok, watching other cute women loving women relationships do trends online. you were now laying in bed with the accompaniment of your book, as your eyes kept getting heavier as time passed. you had been tired from the other day. it wasn’t long before you heard the familiar lock into your house though.
from the comfort of your warm covers, you could hear billie stepping into your house and could hear her footsteps to your bedroom. “love?” she called into the room. love was your favorite pet name. her steps got louder with the escort of shark’s paws tapping against the wood floor. she entered the room as she left her stuff on the mantle. “hey, babe” she said moved towards you to softly leave a kiss on your lips, which you responded moments before she pulled away. “how was today?” you asked as you slid your book next to the table beside you. “i actually really enjoyed it this time. you know, how this is a new channel? finneas really seemed to like the interviews. it’s not that common for me to enjoy interviews as much.” she said, taking her rings off and placing them onto a little bowl on top of the mantle.
“i’m glad. when will it be up, i wanna watch it!” you said almost excitedly, even though you were so sleepy you didn’t catch half of what billie said. billie turned towards her bag as she rummaged around looking for something. “that’s a long time from now, but i did get you something.” she said, a smile grew on your face. you loved receiving gifts from billie. “here” she said as she handed a clipboard to you. “the interview released in around three weeks so, i know how much you like reading these.” she said, as you glazed offer the paper in your hands. “it’s the transcript from today.” she said as she let go of her bag, sitting next to you down on the bed, while holding a shopping bad in her hand.
“how did you even get this so fast? i’m glad though, i’m gonna read it first thing tomorrow. my brain is collapsing, i’m so fucking tired.” you said lengthening the ‘e’ as you flipped through the pages. you looked back up to billie to see that she was staring into the bag. “i got you something else too.” she said as she handed you the bag. you curiously digged around the paper. you pulled you hand up from the bag as you stared in confusion. “batman pajamas? oh, cute!” you said as you examined the pair of clothes. “there’s something else in there too.” she said, as you drifted your eyes back to the paper bag.
you went hand first into the bag before pulling out… another batman pajama? “two batman pajamas? what’s this on about?” you looked confused, not adding the pieces together. “they’re matching pajamas for us.” she said. you let out an understanding ‘ohh’. “makes sense now.” you said nodding along. “they’re for the tik tok we’re gonna film.” she said grinning. your eyes widened as you turned to look at billie. “wait, what?” you said.
“i don’t know about you but those couples are cute as fuck. i wanna be a part of that!” she said, jokingly before both of you let out a synchronized laugh. “oh, no way! how did you come around to that!” you said excitedly before standing up on the bed to hug billie. she pulled you closer as she patted your back slightly. “i don’t know, it might just be cute to rewatch, right?” she asked. you pulled away from the hug a bit as you looked into billie’s ocean blues. “fuck yeah it will be!” you said as you closed the gap between the both of you by leaning in close to kiss her.
you deepened the kiss by pulling her closer by the neck before billie pulled apart. “so, we filming this shit or not?” she said. you chuckled. without giving a response, you took the pajamas as you hastily stood up to start getting undressed. billie also stood up before leaving a small kiss on your cheek.
now both of you were in your matching pajamas. you looked cuter than ever, and the outfit fit both of you perfectly. you got out your phone to lean it against an object on the mantle as you set up the timer. the audio ringed between your ears as both of you tried to do what the couples do in the videos. spoiler, it didn’t go accordingly. billie would either start laughing at your childish manner while filming, or you would get to caught up into billie’s eyes. after that, it was milliseconds away from you slamming you red lips onto hers.
you did get one proper take though, the one where you almost got it right, just before the video cuts of perfectly exactly before billie slips on the carpet, almost making her fall. of course, you saved the day by holding her in your dear arms. yeah, it’s extortion to say that you got anything right. one video is just both of you making out slowly on the bed, the other is billie absurdly making fun of that one couple you saw doing the trend. another is just both of you being bozos.
but what about the one you decide to post? it was a short twelve second video that starts of by you lip syncing to the audio while billie twirls around in her very spot. you start laughing at her childish behavior and intimidate her, completely forgetting about the trend you were once doing. you trip and almost fall on the ground but billie holds you tight, saving you from your drop. both of you start laughing before giving billie a deep kiss.
“yeah, no wonder you didn’t want to do that in the first place.” you say while you lay onto billie’s chest as she holds you close. she plays with your strands of hair to soothe you into sleep. “moral of the story: i’m always right.” she says, cocky. “oh, please.” you say but get shushed off by billie, signaling for you to drift off to sleep in her very arms.
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general-fanfiction · 1 month
Foreign Exchanges. (Anthony Vaughn x Reader.)
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Summary: Moving school in the middle of the year is never easy. Let alone from an entirely different country. Despite Y/N trying to garner the least amount of attention possible, she still manages to catch the eye of a certain brunette.
Word Count: 1.5k
Gif Not Mine . Requests are open!
Warnings: Mature language.
A/N: My first Ant fic and I’m debating making this a series but you’ll have to let me know what you think! Anyway just a short one to start us off but there’ll be more soon. Don’t forget requests are open!
“I’d like you all to offer a warm welcome to our new student Y/N Y/L/N, she’s moved here all the way from the UK! So let’s show her some of that Hartley spirit.” The teacher, who introduced herself as Jojo, announces to the class. All of them staring at me with blank stares. “Go ahead and say a few words.”
She nudges my shoulder gently before I can decline the offer. Encouraging smile on her face. There are no smiles from my classmates however, only bored faces who couldn’t be less interested in my arrival. For which I’m grateful. I’d seen this school on the news prior to my enrolment, I know these students are brutal. I mean, a sex map? Dad wasn’t too happy about sending me here though he didn’t really have a choice, no other schools were admitting students this late into the term.
“Um hi, I’m Y/N. It’s good to be here I guess.”
“Does anybody have any questions for Y/N?” Jojo offers, attempting to find a way for the class to get to me.
Numerous hands raise and I let out a groan internally. It’s bad enough that I’m stood at the front of the classroom like a new shiny toy but to now be subject to whatever ridiculous questions these teens can come up with is a new form of torture. One that I am really not looking forward to.
Jojo points to her first student, allowing them to be the first to ask. “Why don’t you have a proper British accent?” The girl seems genuinely curious, eyes focused on me as she combs her fingers through her orange hair. Stickers adorn her face along with colourful eyeshadow to match her bright outfit. She has a gentle aura surrounding her, which makes me relieved as I realise her question wasn’t meant in malice and more so pure interest. Maybe these kids won’t be so bad?
“Um, I think the accent you’re think of is the Queen’s English. There isn’t many people that talk like that really, maybe a few down south but I grew up in the North East. None of us talk posh.” I tell her, watching as she seems to take notes as I speak.
“Thank you Quinni, Spider what about you?” Jojo asks, pointing to the tall blonde that is hunched over at the back of the class.
His eyes flicker up to me, giving me the once over though he doesn’t seem too impressed by my presence.
“Yeah, what is it with you and all the other poms having bad teeth?” The boy pipes up, I notice the two boys next to him laugh. Though the one in the baggy outfit makes eye contact with me and a flash of guilt appears on his face.
“I don’t have bad teeth actually. Nobody I know does and to be perfectly honest, that stereotype is deeply rooted in classism and while the UK faces a major cost of living and wealth gap crisis, I don’t think it’s funny to joke about things like that. Do you?” I retort, causing h the pink haired girl and her friend to applaud my mini speech. Both offering cheers.
“Okay any more questions that aren’t going to cause arguments?” Jojo asks, a few hands lowering as they don’t want to get in trouble. “Yes, Amerie?”
“Do you miss home?”
“Yeah, yeah I really miss it.” I start, thinking of everything that I had to leave behind. I know this was the best decision for my family, but I do hold a slight resentment towards being here. “Don’t get me wrong, Sydney’s great and all, but I miss my friends, my house, my pets, I even miss the shitty pub from down the street.”
“Thank you Y/N, I feel like we’ve got to know you a little bit more now, so feel free to take a seat and we’ll get started.”
The only open seat is next to the girl that Jojo called Amerie. Smiling as I take my place, I open my notebook and begin to doodle swirls and other patterns across the page. Focusing on that rather than the subject being taught. It’s some form of sex education by the sounds of it. However, it seems very outdated and heteronormative. Nothing worth listening to anyway.
Upon hearing the bell ring, I begin to pack away my things and watch as a few students mutter things towards Amerie. “Map bitch.” “Cunt.” and “Crazy bitch.” Just to name a few. I realise that may be the reason she had nobody sat next to her and figure it may be best to avoid her if I want to stay under everybody’s radar.
Finding my locker, I begin to turn the lock with great difficulty. Back home, the numbers simply connect and the door clicks open, that doesn’t seem to be the case here though. Fiddling with the dial, I hear the bell signal the beginning of the next class and I huff, annoyed that I’m having this much trouble with a stupid locker.
As the hallways clears out, I continue to twist and pull at the lock. Bag dumped on the floor as I try with all my strength to pry the door open. With no such luck, I throw a quick kick to the locker beneath mine, leaving a dent in the door slightly. Slumping with my back again the metal, I find myself face to face with the boy in the baggy outfit.
Not previously noticing how cute he was, dark hair hidden beneath a beanie, a couple of curls escaping. Boyish grin plastered across his face and piercing brown eyes staring directly at me. I won’t even try to deny that Australia has one up on the Uk in terms of boys, they’re just so much cuter over here.
“What did the locker do to you?” He jokes, taking the slip of paper with the locker code out of my hand.
“Bloody thing won’t open.” I mumble, stepping out of the way as he demonstrates how to open it with ease. My cheeks tinged pink as I fear my outburst may have been unnecessary.
“I thought you Brits were supposed to be good at containing your emotions anyway.” He leans against the locker beside mine, watching me as I stuff countless books into the small space. Normally this would make me uncomfortable, yet there’s there’s something about him that makes me feel warm and calm.
“Nah we love our fair share of violence.” I tell him, smiling as I do so, remembering the amount of fights that used to take place on my estate daily. Providing free entertainment for all the neighbours. “We’re polite, but piss us off and we’ll knock you into next week.”
He laughs, folding his arms across his chest as I close the locker door. His eyes gaze over me as I turn to face him properly. Noticing the small cross necklace hanging from his neck, I can’t help but imagine what it would look like against his bare skin.
“You religious?” I ask, nodding towards the chain.
“Nah, I’m Ant.” He brushes off my question and tucks the necklace beneath his shirt. Clearly a touchy subject that perhaps I shouldn’t have brought up. So instead I attempt to lighten the mood.
“Ant?” The word escapes my mouth as a slight giggle, unable to hide the amusement his name brings. “And your mate’s called Spider?”
“Yeah, stupid right?” He chuckles, playing with the straps of his bag. Almost as if he’s nervous. “We’ve been best mates our entire lives. My real name’s Anthony but nobody calls me that. Same with Spider, his name’s Spencer. Kids started to call us Ant and Spider when we were like six, guess it just stuck.”
“That’s cute.”
Picking up my bag, I throw it over my shoulder. Figuring I should probably head to my next class despite being extremely late already.
“Hey, about Spider.” Ant reaches for my arm, clearly sensing that I’m about to leave. “I just wanted to apologise, he can be a bit of a dick but he’s a nice guy deep down.”
My arm tingles where he’s touching it, feeling the slightest of move of his fingers. As though my nerves are on fire. Suddenly hypersensitive to any little movement he makes. I know I shouldn’t be feeling things this intensely, hell, I’ve just met the guy. Yet he sparks an excitement in me that I haven’t felt in a while.
“Honestly it’s sound. You don’t need to apologise.” I assure him, offering a smile, I see his shoulders relax. “I can handle a prick like him any day.”
“Yeah you certainly shot him down quick.”
As he removes his hand from my arm, I’m quick to begin walking away. Cheesy grin on my face as I recall the interaction in my head despite it only happening seconds ago. I feel dizzy with excitement, my feet feel like they’re walking on clouds and I almost miss the shout from behind me as I go to turn the corner.
“Hey, do you wanna get high?”
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rileyglas · 3 months
The List ~Pt. 2 - Catalyst~
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) x Reader
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Summary: You make your way to the Hazbin Hotel and quickly realize keeping to your list and helping the sinners might be more difficult than planned.
Themes: The usual angst, mystery (Alastor), sassiness, cursing, fluff, eventual smut (it's coming, pun intended), actual plot, slow burn, and of course 18+, keeping these chapters shorter for easier reading
1.3k Words
Part 1 Part 2 (You're on it!) Part 3 Part 4 Part 5  Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.A Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
**sentences in italics are internal thoughts of the reader
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"Please Carmilla, I really don't think you understand what this hotel could mean for--"
Carmilla raises her hand to cut you off. "I have too much going on - to PREPARE for - to entertain this 'redemption hotel'. If you wish to leave my safety so be it but I will not waste my time on such ludicrous ideas." Her words were sharp and concise. She was right. With extermination day coming sooner than expected she had plans to make and orders to fill. After some silence she looks up from her desk, softening when she sees the slight hurt in your eyes.
Taking a deep breath she walks over to you, grabbing your shoulders with a light squeeze. “You’ve learned so much and are so much wiser beyond your years here. I know how much this ‘redemption arc’ means to you even if I don’t fully support or understand it myself.” Her grip tightened as she sighed, carefully choosing her next words. “I need you to realize that I won’t be able to help you…to protect you…if you choose to go to that hotel. Are you ready to close our deal over the slightest possibility that little Morningstar girl is right?” Carmilla would never admit that she took a liking to you. If anyone asked, you were just there out of convenience as you never gave her much hassle. This gentle warning was her way of saying she cared about you - though neither of you would ever say such things out loud. Rule #3 Never bring anyone too close.
The lump in your throat grew as you fought off the tears trying to pool in your eyes. She knew the answer already. Just the idea of a hotel to redeem sinners went hand in hand with what you did for the souls you collected. Helping lost souls? Who knew you shared the same hopes and dreams as the Princess of Hell itself.
“I will always be grateful for what you’ve done for me Ms. Carmine. I believe our deal is done.” A bright light flashes between you and Carmilla. The thin pink thread tying the two of you together by the wrist fades in, snaps, then fades out of existence. “Good luck out there…you’re going to need it Ms. ‘Saving Grace’.” Carmilla jabs. You share a small smile with each other before she sees you out of her office.
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Walking up to the hotel you were a bundle of nerves. Not out of worry ok maybe a little but pure excitement, mentally rehearsing what you were going to say. “Hey you know that Saving Grace Overlord everyone is curious about? Welp that’s me and I’m here to help!” Rule #2 Never tell a soul what (or how much) power you have. You laugh to yourself knowing damn well that isn’t the way to go. No, you’ll need to play the part of a sinner looking for redemption. But you are a sinner looking for redemption!
You shake your head at the thought. You’re here to help Lucifer’s daughter not seek your own salvation. Taking a deep breath, you make the last few strides to the font of the hotel. The window in the door was clean enough for you to catch sight of your reflection. The walk from Carmilla’s slightly disheveled your usual cleanly pressed outfit. You adjust your black button-down shirt, fixing the sleeves so they're nicely rolled to the elbow and the shirt tail is gently tucked into your slacks. Hair slicked back into a high bun - damn these fly aways, let me just ----
The front door flies open and you’re suddenly nose to nose – or rather nose to chest – with the Princess of Hell.
"Oh shit! Wasn’t expecting someone to be standing there! Hi hello -welcome!! Are you here to check in?!" she says quickly recovering from the surprise.
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You spend the next few hours with Charlie on a tour. The hotel was run down but just listening to her speak so passionately made you see all the extraordinary potential. You meet the other residents - the bartender, the maid, some snake, and the...uh spider angel thing? Fuck names are hard. There was so much information flying at you, everything was blurring together. With this being your new home you were sure to get a better understanding of who's who and names. Nothing to worry yourself with tonight.
Charlie and her girlfriend - Valley? No, Maggie? - lead you to your room. "And here is your new hopefully temporary home! Let us know if you need anything." Charlie wraps you into a hug that knocks the breath out of you. "Thanks so much" is about all you can get out as you try to regain the air you lost. You place your hand on the doorknob when a high pitch ringing and static hit your ears. Freezing in place you try to pinpoint where the noise is coming from. Something (or someone) has materialized behind you with a familiar voice booming through the hall -
"Ahhh a new resident. Apologies I wasn't available for the initial introductions. The name’s Alastor, quite the pleasure!"
In turning abruptly to face the demon you not so gracefully fall against your door. Jesus H Christ – Get your shit together!
"No need to be so jumpy here my dear. This hotel is protected QUITE well if I do say so myself. You don't have to worry about any dangerous sinners here." There’s that unhinged smile. It registers that this is the same charming Overlord who tried to stare into your soul from the last meeting. Ironic how such ominous creature is trying to convince you of safety.
Does he recognize me? He has such a way of looking right into my --- “Ah yes...sorry! Bad habit from being in the streets for so long. Nice to meet you, Alastor. I'm [Y/N]. Are you also here for redemption?" You already knew the answer but best to play stupid. No use in stirring suspicion less than a day into your stay.
"Oh my no. I'm just here for my own amusement and to help Charlie as needed." He hummed shifting his (is that a microphone?) cane from one hand to the other. The static continued in your ears as his half-lidded eyes studied your face. You were far from intimidated, but it was clear he was hiding more power than you initially thought.
"Well, that's very kind of you and it has been such a delight, but it is getting late. I will see you around Mr. Alastor." The sooner this transaction is over, the better. His eyes were starting to bore into you as if he was trying to find any possible flaw he could prey on.
He breaks his gaze to lean into your ear, lips practically grazing your skin. His ever so subtle cologne floods your senses, making little butterflies form in your stomach. Of course such a devious man would be so enticing. Trying not to flinch, you hold your ground. You feared no one or so you told yourself. Rule #4 Never let your weaknesses show.
“Yes, you will be seeing quite a bit of me my dear. And please....just Alastor……for now." he purred into your ear before melting into a shadow - gone as quickly as he appeared. A cool breeze taking over where his hot breath was.
You finally released the air you didn’t realize you were holding in as the static faded from your ears. Quickly getting inside your room you melt to your knees as your head whirls. What the fuck was that about? Was I ATTRACTED to that? Six years in hell and a DEMON OVERLORD makes me weak? That cannot happen again.
Things may be a lot harder than expected with Alastor making his mark on the hotel, but you’re not going to let him stop you. Rule #1 Never trust another Overlord.
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prettypinkprincessa · 3 months
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Rafe meeting puppy!reader
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The whole island is aware of your signature look. The little pout and the big doe eyes. It gets you whatever you want, whenever you want.
You walk around in your cute little outfit and little purse hanging over your shoulder as if you own the place. Rafe watches from a distance. He isn’t finna let some little spoiled brat wrap him around her finger. That was until he officially met you.
“Rafe cmon’ man. Just talk to her.” Topper begged.
“Im not talking to some stuck up bitch.” Rafe scoffed while taking a sip out of his drink. Looking away from Topper.
“Whatever man.” Topper said, walking away towards Sarah.
Rafe was curious about you. No matter how much he put on the act that he hated you he was actually intrigued. He wanted to know your trick. How all these people were suddenly so fucking obsessed with some new bitch.
He finished his drink and headed towards the beach away from all the loud music. Thats when he saw you. You were sitting on the sand. Dress covered in sand and hands on your face covering your eyes. You were crying. He was going to walk back until you called to him.
“Wait!” You yelled.
“Fuck. No.” He turned around quickly and started to speed walk away. You caught up quickly. Grabbing his hand and yanking it towards you.
“What the fuck-”
“Please stay with me.” You cut him off. And he noticed the way you looked. Cheeks flushed and eyes puffy. He groaned loudly throwing his head up and looked back down at you.
“What is it?” He scowled.
“I lost my ring…it was really important to me.”
“…oh” he said, mostly to himself. “I mean…I’m sorry? The fuck am I supposed to say I don’t know you-”
“Please just—just help me find it.” You said while looking up at him. Giving him those eyes. You pouted your lips slightly. And batted your eyelashes. At that very moment he understood. He understood what the fuck everyone was talking about.
The moon glistened in your pretty eyes and the lights from the party shined against your face. You looked ethereal.
what the fuck.
He stared at you for a while. Taking in the sight before he caught himself.
“Ahem. Whatever kid.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you to some beach chairs. “Where were you when you lost it?” He spoke softly. Waiting for your response.
“I lost it here! In the sand.” You sobbed. The realization hitting you once again.
“Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. Calm down. We’re gonna find your little ring. Then you’re gonna leave me the fuck alone, alright?”
You nod quietly and you both began to look. He couldn’t help but continue to glance at you. The way your eyebrows scrunched up in worry was too cute. He actually felt sympathy for you. Which is rare.
He knew deep down that this wasn’t gonna be the last time you bothered him. And he was okay with that.
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babysukiii · 4 months
fallingforyou (1)
lottie x fem!reader enemies to lovers au <3
// lottie matthew’s does not like you. you’re annoying, preppy, and way too nice. lottie doesn’t fail to show you time after time just how much she hates you. you finally get the message and steer clear of her, until senior year, when you both get paired up for a science project. //
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i’ll never make it right (if you don’t want me ‘round)
you don’t really know why lottie matthews hates you, but she does. she has since freshman year, and up until senior year, nothing changes. lottie isn’t known for being a mean person… in fact, she’s actually very nice. but for some reason, she just hates you. you don’t really know what you did, or why she treats you like you’re absolute garbage… but she does. you aren’t really the type to beg or try to make someone like you, especially someone popular and rich like charlotte isobel matthews.
you’ve never really been popular at all. your best friend is natalie mary scatorccio, and you’re mostly friends with the ‘nerds’ and ‘dorks’. you’re even friends with a few theater kids. everyone at school knows who you are, but you aren’t really interested in your social status. in fact, sometimes in lottie’s opinion it was almost like you didn’t care at all. you walked around so carefree and unapologetically yourself… lottie for some reason hated that. she hated that while she had to take her meds, and act like someone she’s not; you get to be whoever the hell you want.
today though, everyone around lottie matthews was feeling her wrath. it wasn’t unusual for lottie to be catty, or snappy when someone deserved it, but today it seemed as if the yellowjackets sweeper was angry at everyone and everything. you were steering clear of her since this morning and natalie noticed the way you had been avoiding her as well. it wasn’t unlike you to try and avoid lottie; she was unnecessarily mean and always had a sardonic response to whatever you had to say, but you never avoided natalie.
“jesus christ, what the fuck is wrong with you today, matthews?” mari asks in frustration after falling right on her ass. lottie had just knocked her out of the way in order to get the ball during practice. mari was currently glaring up at lottie from the grass she had landed on. “get your head in the game, and maybe this wouldn’t be a problem.” lottie responds in a way that everyone recognizes. she’s clearly in a mood and it causes the girls to exchange looks of uncertainty. coach scott blows his whistle as soon as mari stands up.
“alright, that’s enough practice for today. everyone get changed and go home.” he dismisses the girls who all sigh in a bit of relief. as everyone begins to get off the field, tai makes her way up to natalie; jackie not too far behind. “hey, what’s wrong with lot?” tai asks in a whisper, as they all rush into the locker room. “she’s just being an ass because ms. weinstein paired her up with y/n for a chemistry project.” natalie says, and mari groans. “what does that have to do with us??” the raven haired girl complains.
“why can’t she just ask ms. weinstein for a new partner?” jackie asks and natalie smirks, “y/n already tried. i think that’s why lottie’s pissed.” natalie states, and jackie throws her head back and lets out a laugh. “oh wow, that’s a new one. y/n wanting to switch partners? she’s gonna get lottie an easy ‘A’ and lottie’s being a di—“ jackie cuts herself off as soon as lottie begins to walk up to them; a scowl etched onto her face. “you assholes do realize that my locker is right on the other side of yours right? i can hear everything.” the taller girl points out.
you used to always try to talk to her. you’d smile at her, and compliment her outfits. yet she’d always scowl at you or have a clear expression of annoyance, and say something harsh. she noticed you stopped smiling at her in the middle of junior year. this year, you’ve barely even spared her a glance. lottie didn’t even think you realized you were both in ms. weinstein’s class together, but apparently you did. “you’re not the only person who’s unhappy about who you got paired up with. it’s just a few weeks. try not to be such a cunt about it.” natalie says seriously, and lottie rolls her eyes in response.
“i can’t help it if she’s insufferable.” the taller girl mumbles under her breath, causing mari to shake her head and make a face. “she’s insufferable?” mari asks sarcastically as she finishes getting dressed. “i think y/n is nice. she let me copy off all her notes in trig last month.” shauna shrugs as she brushes her in the mirror inside of her locker. “yeah, she remembered my dog had surgery during the summer and she brought me a bag of treats for him when the year started.” akilah pipes up, causing lottie to scoff.
“okay, so she remembered a few things you said, and she let you cheat off her work. who cares? she’s still annoying.” lottie states before swinging her duffle bag over her shoulder and walking out. natalie shakes her head, slamming her locker shut. “i swear if she so much as makes y/n shed a single tear, i’m kicking her ass.” natalie says in a tone so serious, nobody dares question it. though, most of the girls knew how sensitive you were; everyone did. it was only a matter of time before lottie actually did hurt your feelings.
the next day at school, you and lottie have yet to discuss anything about the project. you two haven’t even decided on a topic, and you’ve never been unprepared for a school assignment before. but right now, your pride was too important to you. you didn’t want to be the bigger person and cordially talk to lottie. you’ve tried that; you’ve done nothing but try and be polite or nice. yet all of your efforts have been rewarded with rude comments or bratty behavior. so you were done trying.
“okay i want you all to get into your pairs and talk about the project you should’ve gotten started on yesterday.” ms. weinstein announces, causing you to nearly sink into your chair. you can feel a pair of dark eyes on you, and you look over in lottie’s direction to see her already staring at you. as if she’s waiting for you to make the first move. you internally sigh, realizing that you’re probably going to have to be the bigger person again.
finally, you get up and hesitantly make your way over to the empty seat beside lottie. “hi.” you greet her a bit quietly, and she nods, “hey.” she retorts in a low, uncaring manner. you take a breath, “maybe we could do a study of saponification reactions. it’s just an option, i honestly don’t care what topic we do.” you admit and she nods, thankfully not saying anything rude yet. “we can do that. i don’t care either.” her voice is curt and the answers are short. you nod slowly as you open your notebook to the next blank page, and label it.
lottie notices you use a blue color pen to label it, and then a black one to take actual notes with. you have a whole bunch of colored pens in different colors for your notes, and how prim and proper your writing was seemed to irk her too. then her eyes seem to dance up to your face; the way your brows creased together in slight concentration. your hair was a bit frizzy during this time of day because school was almost over, and lottie could smell your overwhelmingly girly perfume. it smells like vanilla.
“did you want to work on this at your place or mine?” you wonder out loud, the pen never leaving the paper. “yours.” lottie answers way too quickly, but thankfully you don’t say anything about it. you nod, “okay. here’s my address and the number to my landline in my room.” you say as you turn to a new page, and write your phone number and home address down. you tear the page out when your done, and hand it to lottie who says nothing as she takes it.
lottie pauses for a moment, thinking about how much she hates her house. she wonders if maybe you hate yours too. “we could work in the library if you don’t want to work at your place.” the noirette actually sounds considerate as she says this, and you look surprised for just a second, before offering this shy smile that she hadn’t seen directed at her for nearly a year and half now. “it’s okay! i don’t mind working at my place. my little sister practices the violin after school sometimes… but she’ll be quiet if i ask.” you assure her and lottie only nods in response.
“anything else you wanna warn me about?” she inquires a bit sarcastically, and you nod. “my older sister is kind of a bitch.” you say bluntly, taking lottie by surprise. she’s never once heard you curse. at all. you can’t help but laugh lightly at her reaction, “she’s not that bad though…” you trail off before the bell rings, and you immediately start putting your things into your backpack. “wait, when did you wanna start?” lottie questions, and you shrug. “whenever your free after school just come over.” you assure her and she furrows her brows as she stands up.
“but your debate club—” she starts and you cut her off, “i quit last month. i’ll see you later!” you rush out of the room before lottie can say another word. she huffs; this was going to be a horrid few weeks.
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filmbyjy · 9 months
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SYNOPSIS > being the new CEO to the ‘Sim Corp’ was hard and stressful. jake didn’t have much time to spend with layla and so he decides to get a dogsitter, you. though, you were originally already his secretary. how will dog sitting bring you two closer?
EIGHTEEN - jake’s rizz
WARNING: uh. idk if there is any? let me know I’ll edit this chapter to add it in
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you couldn’t lie, your heart dropped the moment jake sent those very mysterious and ominous texts. it scared you and you did not look forward to the final results. what if he was going to scold you again? no, what if he was gonna cut your pay? you needed to buy a new outfit for your sister’s wedding soon. actually, you didn’t have to buy a new one, you have plenty of outfits that would look nice if you just figured out a combination to put together. however, where is the fun in that? new clothes always made everyone look fresh!
as a wise man (named park jongseong) would say. either ways, you shouldn’t worry about this. you looked straight down your phone and shot a quick ‘okay, sir’ text to jake. which you realised, why are you even putting effort to the man who was blatantly being mean to you? right, he has the authority and the source of your income. now, imagine jake being your sugar daddy-
wait. where did that come from? god, you were long gone.
you had quickly put on your shirt and pants, threw your hair in a ponytail (or if you have short hair, just a half ponytail) then left your home with your valuables. the drive to jake’s house wasn’t that far, he lived in a gated community with a really sweet security guard guarding the gates. his neighbours were a sweet elderly couple who lived with their cat and dog. very cute. they were super adorable too. when you started working from home at jake’s house, the elderly couple actually thought you were jake’s girlfriend.
they meant no harm but it still got your heart tugging a little. they apologised for the slight mistake and kept complimenting you and jake about how sweet he was and that you and him would definitely look like a cute couple. either ways, you made it and parked at the street outside of his home. a two-storey home that not only looked cozy but was cozy inside too. well, until you enter his office and room. that place is completely so cold in some way. maybe it was the way the furnitures were just industrial and his bed was a huge king sized bed where he was alone.
“oh, (name) sweetie.” the elderly lady smiles. you smiled and bowed at her.
“hello Mrs.Matilda, are you out here to view the outside and just chill?” you asked her.
she laughs, “oh dear, it’s as per usual. my husband is currently sleeping so i don’t want to disturb him. you look different in a casual outfit, you look so sweet and innocent. are you here to babysit layla again? i am sure, jaeyun is home today though?”
“ah, umm he asked me to see him so i am here for him today.”
“oh? you youngsters have a very different way asking people out for dates. back in my day, my husband just surprises me with a bouquet of flowers and asks me out.” she laughs heartily.
“oh, umm. he isn’t asking me out-”
“Mrs.Matilda, you’re awake.” jake says. you turned to look at him. he smiles at Mrs.Matilda. his outer appearance looks way different than how he is normally at work. in fact, he really looked like a puppy. his hair down with bangs covering his forehead. the way he tilted his head in curiosity and the pout he had, god he was so adorable.
“oh, jaeyun dear.” Mrs.Matilda smiles at jake. jake goes over to hand her some biscuits.
“my mom came over yesterday and made these. she wanted to give it to you yesterday but you weren’t around when she wanted to pass it you.”
“oh my, thank your mom for these. my husband will definitely love this even more.”
“any time.” jake turns to you. “let’s go in.” he grabs your hand and pulls you in gently. your eyes widened because he literally intertwined your hand with his. hands clasped and everything. not a single warning???
Mrs.Matilda smiles as she watches this and you could only look at her confused as jake pulls you inside his home.
jake brings you inside his home and you were instantly greeted by Layla. She wags her tail happily once she sees you, she also barks happily and tries to jump on you. it makes your heart burst at how adorable she was.
“aww, what good girl~” you cooed at layla as you gave her a bunch scratches and pats seemingly forgetting jake was there.
jake on the other hand, seemed to have just watched you. it gets his heart racing a little. seeing his two favourite girls-
ehem, his favourite girl and uhh. okay, who was he lying to? his favourite girl and the girl he likes interacting.
“oh, right. why did you call me here?” you asked jake.
jake’s brain short-circuits. he just realised you weren’t in your normal secretary smart outfit that you usually wore. instead you were in something casual. you looked so domestic. very wifey material.
“uh. right.” jake points to heaps of papers. “I need help clearing that. I-I know this is your day off but-”
“don’t worry. I’ll help. I understand it’s hard being a CEO and clearing all this approval letters and stuff.”
“right. I also need help with this project i’m working on with umm jay. he said he placed the research in the file so like I just need some help reviewing it. since it’s better to have two pairs of eyes to like get opinions.” jake says.
“mmm, alright. let’s get to work, I guess.” you say.
just as you scanned the many files and papers on jake’s desk, you can’t help but feel him stare into your soul. it was obvious he was staring at you but for what? you didn’t know.
“mr.sim, are you okay? is there something wrong with my face?”
jake’s eyes widened, “no not at all. I just umm…can you not call me mr.sim when we’re alone like this?”
it went dead silent after he said that.
“umm but you’re my boss?”
“we aren’t technically in the office right now and we’re the same age?”
“yeah, but you’re still my boss.”
jake sighs, “okay then. as your boss, I want you to just call me jake when we’re outside of the office.”
you wanted to say something but jake cuts you off, “I will cut your pay if you call me mr.sim or sir when it’s just us.”
you quickly shut your mouth after. you knew was joking about cutting your pay but like in some way, it sounded really real.
“okay, s- jake.”
“mmm, good girl.”
you froze.
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a/n: OHOHOHO >:) sim jaeyun you naughty naughty 😈
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bunnivez · 8 days
Modern! Zoya…
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Her first job was as a tattoo artist. Most of her costumers were women, they would specifically ask for her to do their tattoos; both because of her amazing work and the other… to get a close look at her. Whats better? Zoya is aware of the many women she is pulling (๑>؂•̀๑)
Imagine you two meet randomly bumping against each other and turns out you work at the shop right next to the one she works at!
Or you got recomendad by your friend to go to a certain shop to get your tattoo done, telling you to specifically ask for a woman named Zoya since her work is more professional and she is more trusted to give you great results.
She used to live in an apartment until she got a husky… I mean she it wasn’t like she couldn’t afford an average house but damn, she now has to pay more…
Has a love-hate relationship with her dog TRUST. Often complains of their sudden howling and the amount of hair they shed.
“It’s 1:30AM why the fuck are you howling like that!? You sound like you’re dying!” “Oh my f… You know i’m tempted in leaving you bald so I don’t have to deal with having your hair on the couch.”
At the same time however, they are also her best buddy and friend. There are times where she even lets them sleep with her on bed… For at least an hour before Zoya falls asleep and accidentally pushes s them off the bed in the middle of the night.
Yes she is a messy sleeper, god knows how the heck she ends up with on leg on the headboard and the other hanging on the bed. She snores like a dad…
Like even her huskey got scared for a second and kept barking until she woke up.
Listen, when going out she has this whole badass outfit, rings on her fingers, chains, unbuttoned blouse, a whole ass fit that screams “DADDY”
And then there are times where she just pulls up to the grocery store with an “Idgaf” outfit… Yet somehow she still looks hot. Jorts, a black baggy shirt, socks with the damn sandals or crocs combo (ಠ_ಠ)
Has a tongue piercing and you cannot tell me otherwise. If not, it is definitely her nipples.
Dark or alcohol filled chocolates girly. She isn’t a fan of overly sweet stuff.
Once choked on boba balls.
Honestly she can be romantic at times. She takes you to dates often— if not she plans something you two can do at home. Like cook, watch movies, play games or something.
Motorcycle rides with her are very common, more so with the fact that she doesn’t really own a car… Which she did confess that she may or may not be the best at driving.
Who knows how the heck she managed to stay alive with the many incidents she’s had while driving.. I guess she’s immortal.
Has an electric guitar, she posts videos on TikTok playing it and they get pretty high views! Like 406.1k views or something.
Her reposts mainly contain of two things; brain rots, lesbian.
Takes the most silly pictures of you and posts them on her story.
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Source ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
Holds you like a stuffed animal when sleeping. It’s actually so cute but it’s kinda hard to break free from her hold.
Her cooking is actually pretty damn good! I feel like she is especially a specialist when it comes to cooking meat.
If you are too shy to order your food whenever you two are out, or pay, DO NOT WORRY, SHE LITERALLY IS YOUR SAVIOR, NO KIDDING. This woman gives no fucks at all, too shy to order? She’ll do it, hot your order wrong? She’ll go up and tell them.
Have I mentioned she gets up at 5AM just to do pushups?…
The type to randomly smack or grab your ass, she doesn’t care about the size.
I don’t recommend watching romance movies with her… she will cringe at any kissing scenes acting like she wouldn’t or doesn’t do that with you 24/7.
Not the best at dancing… Girl is STIFF.
I have the feeling she is the type to not admit that she is in pain during her period. She will act all tough and all until she can’t anymore.
(We need more comforting the ptn women on their period instead of the other way around, they also need comfort 😔)
Oh yeah did I also mention she was close to breaking your phone once? It all happened when you were scrolling through TikTok and saw a thirst trap (*cough* Rhea Ripley *cough*) and when I tell you grabbed your phone and threw it… IT HAPPENED.
Says she hates kids but has a soft spot for them actually. They remind her of Horo when she was wayyy younger.
Randomly sends you weird TikToks…. Like it’s so random and she says nothing about it.
She isn’t a fan of dresses, but she once tried it for you and it was a sight. It hugged her curves right and she kept flexing her muscles. If you take any pictures she seriously will kill you. (Especially if you send them to her friends).
If you are out she WILL text and call you every 36 minutes if she can’t come with you. And if she is too busy to pick you up she will face time you on your way home.
Has like so many posters of her favorite bands, korn, kiss, Deftones, ect.
Randomly gives you kisses when you least expect it. They are so random, you could be distracted and she will kiss your cheek, or your forehead, or the top of your head.
If she sees anyone eyeing you while in public she will pull you close and give the person a nasty look.
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darlingofsatoru · 8 months
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⊹ synopsis: Various Jjk characters & how they’d react to you in certain halloween outfits.
⊹warnings: Implied fem!reader, very short drabbles, Reader uses makeup+ wears dresses in most, potentially ooc characters.
Satoru can’t help but pause as you step out your room, eyes darting all over you shamelessly as you rummage through your handbag.
There’s only a few words that he can even think to describe you in that moment: Pretty, gorgeous, ethereal even..
“… I agr.. ee .. so I s— Satoru??” Your voice awakens him out of his thoughts, suddenly right in front of him.
He’s not even sure how that got past his senses but he lets out a content sigh, adjusting the collar on his outfit before beginning to admire your outfit once more.
An all white dress, no straps and a feather-like look to it along with matching wings
So this is why you told him to dress as a devil, matching outfits..
“…Huh, even prettier up close. I better keep you near today, huh, don’t want anyone stealing you!” He grins playfully, gently tugging you towards his embrace.
Halloween has always been fun but he’s sure it’ll be 10x better with you here.
Truthfully, Sukuna has no interest in halloween.
It’s a silly tradition and he barely bothered to dress up, the only reason he did a little bit being you.
By barely bothered, he simply means that he’s wearing a light change of outfit that could probably be considered creepy (as if Sukuna himself isn’t scary enough) if you looked at it long enough.
Thinking of you, he groans as he gets up from his feet and goes to open his mouth to speak, stopping when he noticed you come into the room excitedly.
A white dress stained with fake blood (that doesn’t really look accurate to Sukuna, but he can appreciate the effect a bit, he supposes), not too long but also not too short for a wedding dress, paired with a classic veil covering your lipstick covered lips.
“Not half as bad as the deranged outfits most wear, I might even like yours, dare I say.” He smirks, enjoying the lift of spirit in your face from his words alone.
Maybe he doesn’t detest Halloween entirely..
Yuji smiles widely, adjusting his top-hat excitedly.
He feels like Halloween was ages ago so the prospect of dressing up, especially with you, is great and has definitely put him into a good mood for the last week or so.
He actually wasn’t sure if a magician was scary but you’d suggested it could be, saying he could pull out weapons on unsuspecting bystanders (which, in his opinion, did sound pretty creepy).
“Hey, you okay in there?” He yells to you, rummaging the cupboard for the trick or treat buckets.
“Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute!” You shout back, taking a few moments before you emerge with a broomstick in hand.
Yuji blinks for a few minutes once he catches sight of you but quickly smiles wider, waving enthusiastically.
He’s seen plenty witch costumes in his life but they don’t seem to compare with yours, the lovely black and purple dress having a matching hat and broomstick to come with it.
“Woah, a witch? That’s cool, the dark purple really suits you, you know?!” He immediately starts, gaining an appreciative smile from you.
He finds himself paying more attention to your smile, the pretty shade of purple once more showing but on your lips this time.
“Oh yeah, ah, I forgot to ask about the trick or treat buckets.. Where are they again?”
Nobara leans forward in the mirror, enjoying putting a bit more makeup than usual.
It’s not that she couldn’t but more that there’s no reason. What’s the point of being dolled up every day anyway, it’ll just ruin the fun of it!
So she works gently on her eyeliner, making sure not to smudge it whilst her mind wanders to what you’re doing..
Probably getting ready like she is or on your way here, likely the latter since Nobara happened to be a tiny bit later in getting ready today.
The doorbell goes before she gets to dwell on it, making a classic ‘ding-dong’ sound.
“One second, I’ll be right there!” She yells down the hall, quickly getting to the door and opening it.
It reveals just who she expected, you in a rather pretty nurse costume.
“I’ll grab my bag and we can get going!”
This Halloween is definitely gonna be the best, Nobara thinks.
Choso crosses his arms, embarrassment itching on his face at dressing up in general.
Being half-curse meant he didn’t do these things much if not at all, getting into a skeleton jumpsuit-like outfit.
“You still sulking?” Your voice echoes the hall immediately, his face picking quickly.
You’ve always known how to calm him, even unintentionally..
“It’s just a bit itchy, I’m not sulking.” He replies, pulling at the sleeves.
You nod in understanding, meeting his gaze as he finally looks up.
“…Ah.” He murmurs, eyes trying to be discreet as he studies your outfit.
A classic vampire suit, coloured black and red with a large collar.
“Do you think it’s alright? It took ages to find an eyeshadow to match the shade of red.” You sigh, gesturing to your eyes.
Choso nods, embarrassment seeping onto him as he notices he has a small blush engulfing his cheeks now.
“I think it’s more than alright,” He says, pushing the skeleton hood up.
Megumi sighs, growing bored of the high volume of noise rather easily.
He’d been dragged to this party by Nobara and Yuji to have some fun but it was anything but so far, having only felt bored the whole night.
Plus there was the fact you were apparently going to show up, likely dressed up like most people at this unpleasant party are.
“Megumi, hey!! You look pretty gloomy, you know?” A familiar voice awakens him out of his thoughts, revealing itself to be you immediately.
“I almost thought you weren’t coming.. Not that I blame you, it stinks like alcohol and sweat in here.” Megumi breathes out, taking a quick glance at you before avoiding your gaze and outfit entirely, cheeks too likely to heat up in front of you if he looked straight at you.
You chuckle and shrug, “I sort of expected something different but it’s not too bad, might loose my cat ears here though.”
He nods, he wouldn’t be surprised if anyone lost something in here, there’s people all over the place.
“So.. Wanna step outside? It’s pretty warm, you look like you’re melting.” You suggest, gaining a nod of approval from Megumi.
Maybe it isn’t so bad, at this overcrowded party, he’ll need to make sure to keep an eye out for your cat eats though..
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A/n: First work, hope it’s not too boring!! Might not post for a bit after this but I do have a few drafts :D
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And they were… in trouble
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A/n: To get the full experience of this chapter it’s probably best to read part 3 before reading this 😊
Part 3: And they were…lovers. Wait really??
Part 2: And they were…strangers
Part 1: And they were…roommates
Summary: the arguments continue, will they ever solve them? Probably not because they can’t communicate even with Lokis dream
Words: 2K +
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI angst and sadness, no real reconciliation in this chapter, blood mentions
When Wanda left the house she saw you standing outside the car looking at the ground
“I don’t want to go home yet” Wanda said refusing to get into the car “please Wanda I don’t want to argue let’s just get you home” you got into the car waiting for Wanda but when she just stood there with her arms crossed you rolled your eyes and got back out of the car
“Why are you doing this?”
“You still want me” she said and you rolled your eyes “of course I still want you I mean look at you, even with no sleep, probably a little hungover and the same outfit on as yesterday, I would push you against the wall and bury my head between your thighs and devour you until you tried pushing me away
Wanda gasped “do it then, right now up against the wall between these houses” you approached her holding her waist tight and went to kiss her but pulled away at the last minute “no, now get in the fucking car Wanda, you need to sleep for your classes tomorrow”
Wanda was the one to push you away now “forget it, I’m not getting into the car with you if you’re going to act like this!”
She walked off into the direction she thought was correct, she actually didn’t care she just wanted to leave and you didn’t chase after her, you let your eyes close thinking about everything, fuck-
Loki pushed you to the ground suddenly and you jumped back up throwing him a small dagger hitting him in the neck “what’s your fucking problem?!”
The man discarded the dagger crushing it and throwing it to the ground “I know you saw my dream for you, you saw the exact same thing as Wanda and when she woke up she was thankful, you’re just being an asshole about it!”
“Maybe I don’t appreciate you interrupting my sleep for a stupid teenage fantasy”
Loki scoffed “you loved the dream, I saw you smiling and giggling through certain parts, why are you being so stubborn?”
You eyes darkened to their red colour and you glared at the man “maybe I’ve just realised that being here on earth living with a human in a shitty apartment isn’t what I wanted to do in my death”
Loki laughed pushing you to the ground again “don’t make me laugh, that sappy talk you had with Wanda last night ‘oh I’ve loved you ever since I saw you and when I told you I was a demon and you didn’t run away’ makes me sick, get a fucking grip Y/n either date her and be a happy little demon housewife or finally leave her alone for good”
You were pissed off, who was he to tell you how to live your death and how to be with Wanda, she wasn’t any of his business “go fuck yourself! And don’t you dare mention Wanda again!” You stood up and stormed off into the forest away from Loki
“You need to make up your damn mind!” He shouted to you not that you were paying attention
You were deep enough in the forest now knowing no one would be around or if they were they wouldn’t be for long. Letting yourself kneel to the ground and close your eyes you felt it, the snapping of your spine and feeling the wings emerge from your back, blood running down your back, the feeling of your wings stretching and finally being free after so long
You stood up enjoying the feeling of your wings being free and you let out a happy sigh “oh I’ve missed this” your head throbbed and tore open revealing your spiralling horns
“I’ve missed being a real demon” your mind fogged and you felt all the pain and sadness disappear from your body and you’d never felt more alive, you needed to find someone, you needed to find Valkyrie and have the fun that you deserve.
“Y/n?” Lucifer eyed you nervously as you entered the club in your demon form, knowing it hadn’t happened in a while “are you feeling some big feelings? Do we need to have a grown up talk and work out some anger?”
You laughed pushing through the devil and going to the other woman at the bar “hi Val”
“Y/n, you’re looking good” she pulled you into her lap “where’s Carol?” You didn’t really care but you thought it would be pleasant to ask “she’s in hell for a few months so I’m all lonely up here, just waiting for a winged demon with a dark desire in her eyes to take care of me”
You laughed “well here I am, come on I want to go hunting before I devour you, nice and blooded for me” your mouths met in a hot kiss and you groaned finally being kissed properly by a demon and not those plain humans you’ve been kissing but your good time was soon interrupted
“As erotic and as sexual as this is what the fuck is going on?”
You turned your head towards the king of hell “I missed being a demon, now are you coming hunting or are you just being a boring bastard?”
He fake gasped “how dare you of course I want to come hunting, nice to have my favourite demon back”
Wanda had managed to make it home but she didn’t want to go into the house, Natasha had left a note on the door telling her that she’d cleaned up as best she could and ordered her some hangover pizza.
So she lay on the grass outside the house looking up at the sky letting out a really heavy sigh, filled with so much emotion “maybe I should leave her alone, I’ll give her space”
You were interrupted by a rustling in the trees, a figure appearing, was it an animal? Wanda tried making it out and when she did her eyes widened
“What the-Y/n?!”
Wanda jumped back away from you and looked over your monstrous form, the horns, the wings and the blood dripping like rain droplets from your body, she’d never seen you like this
“Oh what a lovely lady you are, Y/n was right you look delicious” Wanda didn’t have time to react before the woman pinned her back down onto her back and looked at you.
“Go on Y/n I’ve got her pinned down she’s not going anywhere, take a drink like you’ve always wanted” Valkyrie had Wanda’s hands held together and even though Wanda was kicking with her legs all you had to do was straddle her to keep her still, so you did, leaning all your weight on her and smiling as some blood dripped onto her body
“Y-Y/n p-please, please don’t hurt me” she tried searching your eyes for any hesitation or remorse but there was nothing, just an empty sea of darkness
“You’ve hurt me so why shouldn’t I hurt you?” The deep gravely voice scared Wanda, yes you were a demon and yes she’d seen you angry but this was a whole new approach that scared her
“I’m sorry for hurting you Y/n please I do want to be with you! Please let’s just figure things out-
“Stop!” Your had enough, you’d had enough of everything she was saying and doing and you were going to take what you deserved
Leaning down to her face your hand gripped her chin pushing her face to side exposing her gorgeous neck, running your fangs over her pulse point made you vibrate, it was so exciting, so you sunk your fangs into her neck her blood filling your mouth and senses and fuck was it wonderful! She was delicious, she’d stopped thrashing and Valkyrie had let go of her hands coming next to you kissing your neck
“vos vultus calidum amica”
When you finally released the grip you had on Wanda you lifted your head and saw Wanda’s face, her pale weak face, oh god what had you done, the fog covering your mind clearing at the worse possible moment
You glared down at what you’d just done, you’d bitten Wanda, you’d taken her blood and now you were watching her slip into unconsciousness, no no! This wasn’t meant to happen you’d never hurt Wanda, even with everything that had happened you didn’t want to hurt her! Or did you? You were just angry and confused on what was going on you weren’t thinking straight
Quickly jumping off of her body and snatching her hands away from Val you picked her up and cradled her in your arms “Wanda Wanda please forgive I didn’t mean to hurt you I never wanted to hurt you like this I’m sorry I’m so so sorry, wake up please wake up”
The demon had never seen you so vulnerable before, in tears over a human, sure she’d heard the stories of you essentially becoming “soft” for the human but never like this “Y/n? Maybe we should take her to the hospital?”
You shook your head gently as if not to wake Wanda “and say What? Here’s a girl and she was bitten by a demon? Oh no its okay no need to file a report I’m the one that did it here have my teeth pictures, no I need to get her to the club, Dr banner will come and fix her”
“He’s not a human doctor-
“Doesn’t matter! I say he’ll fix her so he will!” You held Wanda close as Valkyrie held you both transporting back to the club
“I I don’t know what you want me to do Y/n I can’t fix an human, you’ve bitten her so she’ll probably wake up on her own-
“Leave” you whispered, Bruce, Valkyrie and Lucifer didn’t move
“Leave!” You shouted and the trio quickly left the room, you looked back at Wanda and noticed her shivering “oh my love I’m so sorry, I’m sorry for everything I’m an idiot I saw the dream that Loki made too and I loved it, I loved the build a bear thing that happened and the stupid little name buddy we gave him I-I can’t think of anything to say to help, just please wake up”
Obviously she didn’t wake up but you stayed with her, you refused to leave her side, it was only a couple of hours later when you woke up to some shuffling proving that she woke up “Wanda!”
You smiled but that smile quickly disappeared seeing Wanda’s scared face “Wanda? It’s me you’re safe”
“You bit me, you forcefully sucked my blood” her speech was slow and uneven but her words still hurt you “I-I’m sorry Wanda I was just so angry and confused my demon form took over and I couldn’t stop it” you tried coming closer to Wanda but she stood up from the bed still disoriented but she refused to let you see that
“I saw the dream too Wanda I saw everything-
“Stop. I heard you while I was unconscious, it doesn’t matter, I’m done, I can’t keep dealing with you, I can’t keep trying to be with you when you’re being so stubborn and unreasonable- just I’m going to my parents for a few weeks, they may not approve of most of my decisions but at least they don’t try and fucking kill me”
She left the room and you didn’t try and follow her knowing full well she wouldn’t want you too
Yep you’d definitely fucked all that up, maybe some time would help Wanda
“Wanda you don’t look so good” Natasha had picked Wanda up and per her request was driving her to the train station to go to her parents
Wanda shrugged “I’ve not slept and feeling down, of course I don’t look good
Nat didn’t respond to her angry quip and instead drove in silence finally reaching the station and getting out of the car waiting for Wanda
“Sorry Nat I’m just really stressed0
Nat shrugged “it’s okay you’ve had a bit of a rough time”
Wanda agreed “yeah it’s been terrible, but I hope it’ll get better”
“Y/n you look terrible” lucifer casually mention as you flopped down onto his couch “yeah well it’s been a fucking rough week alright? So fuck off”
Your head suddenly started to throb and forced you to sit up and grip your head you heard screaming in your head, was it Wanda? Wanda was shouting for you?
“She’s shouting because you bit her and she’s strayed far from you, she’s bound to you forever now, really fucked up there didn’t you?” Lucifer laughed and you groaned
“She’s in so much pain, I’ve never felt pain like it, even my death wasn’t this bad”
“Go after her then, trust me if you leave it the pain will get worse”
“Wanda!” Natasha rushed to her side as she threw up on the ground in front of her “Wanda are you okay?!”
The woman shook her head “I need Y/n”
“I need Y/n! Fuck it’s hurts so much” her throat was on fire, she didn’t know why she wanted you but in her mind only you could fix her problems, only you could save her, at least that’s what her brain was telling her
Nat looked around in the nearly empty space and spotted a few people trying to hide from helping but then her eyes landed on you, you were here?? How? Did you know she was in pain?
“Nat give me Wanda” the girl shook her head “she said she didn’t want you”
You looked at Wanda who when she finally looked up at you nearly kept out of Nat’s arms “Y/n! Please I need you I don’t know what’s going on but I need to be with you”
“Nat please I don’t want to make a scene, give me Wanda before she collapses okay?”
Nat nodded and handed Wanda to you who wrapped herself around you like a spider monkey finally stopping crying and began falling asleep
“Nat go home, I promise to take care of her, drive safe”
You didn’t wait for an answer and just left with Wanda kissing her forehead “I’m so sorry again Wanda and I’m really sorry for what’s going to happen when you wake up”
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tenjikyu · 5 months
𝘪 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯' 𝘺𝘰𝘶 - 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚ bonten!mikey x male!rockstar!reader , reader plays guitar in a band , reader dresses more grunge as that’s the bands theme , think nana osaki from nana bc she’s the inspo for the fic , very lighthearted, tryna let poor bonten!mikey catch a break , slight sexual references but nothing actually happens , bonten is a lil ooc bc they all act like family but it’s okay bc it’s bonten.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR BONTEN ARC, NOT REALLY BUT WARNING JUST IN CASE. (honestly it’s not spoilers at all bc it’s pretty fanon in comparison to the canon bonten timeline.)
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“cmon mikey, get outta the apartment for once in your life that isn’t to go to headquarters!” rindou pouts at his boss.
manjiro really didn’t know what he expected when he decided all the executives should move into a massive penthouse together. sure it was good for his health to be around others and not coop himself up in agony, but he didn’t exactly like the idea of being dragged out whenever his lackeys felt like it.
“not intrested, leave me alone.” manjiro says, attempting to make his way to his bedroom. to go see a band he rarely listened to? who goes to a concert when you don’t give a shit about them to begin with?
sure he’s heard all about the gorgous female lead singer and the hot as fuck guitarist. (Y/N), right? manjiro couldn’t remember nor did he really care to.
“but i bought us all front row tickets to see Black Rose so we could witness how hot Hiroko Asato issss” ran attempted to persuade the stubborn bonten leader.
it wasn’t working.
“i’m looking forward to seeing her outfits up close. from what i’ve heard, she wears pure designer.” kokonoi adds onto the conversation.
“cmon mikey, it’s only one night. if you hate it that much i can drive you back to the penthouse.” kakucho, ever the resolver, bargains with the pouting leader.
“…” manjiro stays silent. ‘it’s just one night i guess, plus it means that i’d have them off my ass for at least a month’ he reasons with himself.
“alright, let’s get going then.” he says, the rest of the executives silently fist bumping the air rn.
the wait to get into the stadium was a bitch, however with a little bit of force, the bonten executives managed to get inside ahead of time.
koko ordered the drinks, kakucho and mochi reserved the spots and the haitani brothers were chatting up some vip ladies in scandalous dresses. meanwhile mikey is . . .
umm . . .
“oh, hey! are you lost..?”
you do your best to keep cool with the fact that the leader of the biggest mafia syndicate in japan was in your personal changing room.
“the show doesn’t start for another 2 hours, can i help you to your seat? i wouldn’t mind.” you offer, keeping careful of how you talk.
the hotshots of bonten’s identities had been long revealed to the public, however people were too afraid to really report their whereabouts to authorities. many stories of people who had revealed their location that day were swiftly eliminated, even before the news of their position were made public.
and so, knowing that the tatoo on this rather depressed looking man’s neck was a bad sign, you decided to just adhere to whatever he might need.
you were already dressed, the iconic vivienne westwood jewellery hanging from every inch of your body. each member of your band had a significant brand to them, so it wasn’t uncommon for you to be seen decked out in the iconic space themed jewellery. you had always loved the style, and it seemed the mafia boss was equally as intrigued in your designer pieces. you even had their logo imprinted onto your guitar.
“no, i’m okay.” manjiro only replied, his eyes not leaving the necklace that rested gently on your chest.
he didn’t really know why he snuck into the private quarters of the band. perhaps it was to escape his ever-so-annoying underlings?
or perhaps, a little part of him wanted to catch a glimpse of you.
apart from the obvious favourite of the band, the lead singer AS well as the only girl in the band, you were a favourite among listeners.
you had women and men alike screaming your name and begging for skin-on autographs. despite being a dude yourself, you had other guys begging you to sign their tailbone (which you had to politely decline).
manjiro understood why, as you were definitely easy on the eyes. your amazing sense of fashion and your toned body didn’t help.
“uhm.. are you feeling okay? you seem a bit dazed.” you question. in reality, the man was just dead on staring into your soul, scaring the living shit outta you.
“yes, i’m alright.” he finally responds.
. .
. . .
“here, take a seat.” you finally break the silence. why was he here? you didn’t think that a guy like him would have time to sit around some flashy concert. sure, you were a big band but let’s be real, shouldn’t he be at his headquarters shooting peoples heads in?
alas, you knew better then to question it.
and so, you order in some glasses of alcohol and begin chatting. you spoke about your career, how your band came to be and about dreams.
you aren’t entirely sure why you were discussing this sort of shit with a random mafia leader who could probably give less then a shit about you, however he seemed almost enamoured with your conversation.
you felt bad for talking his ear off, especially since you now only had about 45 minutes till showtime and you STILL hadn’t tuned your guitar, however he didn’t seem to care.
everytime you stopped talking, manjiro almost.. glared? at you? as if he was offended that you stopped talking.
unbeknownst to you, manjiro loved listening to you talk. the way you worded things and your voice overall was heavenly to his ears.
the piercings that decorated your skin were appealing to the man. the chain from your ear to you lips especially looked so… attractive to him.
“(Y/N) C’MON, WE’RE ON IN 10” you could hear toru, your drummer, scream out to you.
“SHIT! MY GUITAR” you freaked. HOW did you forget your guitar??
“i’ll come visit after the show.” manjiro says, exiting the room.
“oh, oka-“ before you had the chance to finish your sentence, he vanished.
well, now you couldn’t WAIT for the show to finish!
after the show had ended, you packed up the rest of your gear. your manager had popped in and taken your stage clothes back to the studio before bidding farewell.
as you sat around in a pair of baggy jeans and a t-shirt (inspo - don’t feel like you have to imagine this.) , you paitently waited for the white haired mafia boss to sneak back into your private room.
why were you even waiting? he was probably bullshitting you anyways. why would someone as busy as manjiro sano give a fuck about what you were doi-
“yo.” a cheeky grin graces his face, looking back at you.
note to self : doubt gets you nowhere!
“hey manjiro, enjoy the show?” you ask the man, automatically getting comfortable in his presence. you didn’t exactly know why you felt so relaxed around him, considering his rather infamous reputation, but you just did.
“yeah, you’re certainly the best in your band though. could go solo and still be famous if you wanted.” he replies, automatically heating your face up.
“cmon (Y/N), let’s get going already. i’m tired.” he winged to you in a childlike manner.
“okay.. WAIT—HUH?? where am i going?” you shriek, having no idea that he actually PLANNED to leave this place with you in tow.
“back to my place. duh. i don’t just talk to anybody for fun unless i plan to shoot them in the head an hour later.” he responds in a nonchalant voice.
this boy is gonna be the death of you, literally or figuratively? only time will tell.
regardless of how much you declined the offer, the man ends up dragging you out to the expensive limo that was owned by bonten. not only were you dragged into the car, you were squished in between the boss and 2nd in command of the syndicate, haruchiyo sanzu.
not that you were complaining, the pink haired dude was hot as fuck.
there were many things that occurred that night :
• at 1am, you arrived at their shared headquarters, completely baffled that they all lived together. you decided that you would NOT mention anything that might offend anyone in the room right now.
• at 2am, you were drinking alcohol more pricey then your stage guitar. you weren’t by any means on the poor side, but these men lived a new version of luxury.
• at 3am, you were playing pool with the haitani brothers and sanzu. you lost. miserably.
• at 4am, you were half naked and making out with manjiro sano on his own bed. you didn’t expect the high and mighty manjiro sano to be so submissive in the bedroom.
“relax dummy, nothing went beyond tongue action.” a mop of platinum hair grumbles beneath the duvet covers.
thank fuck.
‘wait. what time is it?’ you ponder, taking a look at the clock next to the bed. 3:45pm. just how much did you drink to wake up this late?
before you had anymore time to think about it, you feel a thin but strong arm yank you back under the covers,
and come face to face with a pouty mafia leader.
as if on instinct, you pull his head gently into your chest, cradling his head like he’s a porcelain doll. his arms wrap around you as he nuzzled into your body closer, seeking your warmth and comfort.
it doesn’t quite dawn on you that your cuddling a man you literally met yesterday. not because you’re naive or dense, but because it just felt right to be in each others arms.
it’s not until mochi wakes the both of you up for dinner that you reopen your eyes, realising you hadn’t moved since you got dragged down.
it’s an all out war getting manjiro to leave his bed, but when you’re swiftly abducted by the haitani brothers, he’s up and ready, chasing the idiots around claiming they ‘stole his baby.”
well, that’s one way to get a boyfriend!
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