#I put all of my shines and my Jonghyun posters in one corner of my room and I put glow in the dark stars on all of my Jonghyuns
katrinawritesthings · 2 years
glow in the dark stars (that's one word) jongtae bedroom :)
Taemin holds Jonghyuns arm, gently poking around the star-shaped scabs of his newest tattoo on the inside of his forearm. It was kind of an impulsive one, Taemin thinks; Jonghyun didn't mention that he wanted to get a new tattoo until they had already been visiting Taemins family in his childhood home for a few days. But they found a little parlor close by and everything went well and now they're back in Taemins old bed, just like when they were teenagers, underneath his old posters and old knick knacks and old glow-in-the-dark stars and--
"Hold on," Taemin says. He squints at Jonghyuns arm, then looks up at the ceiling.
Quickly, Jonghyun takes his arm back to himself, cheeks burning. "what?" he asks defensively. Taemin gets up, closes his curtains, turns off the ceiling light, and walks back to Jonghyun in the dark, grabbing his wrist and pulling his arm out.
The constellations freshly tattooed onto his skin match the glowing stars scattered over Taemins ceiling exactly.
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eldritchcow · 7 years
5 things tag
i was tagged my @space-ukulele. many thank, friendo. <33 
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
my laptop bc i take it literally everywhere
a notepad and pens
maybe a poetry collection if i’m feeling creative
my uni id/printer card/debit card/provisional license 
idk i think that’s it tbh? maybe some makeup? but prob not?
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom:
books! so many books!
like a billion notebooks with half-finished poems scribbled in corners of pages
star shaped fairy lights!
my jonghyun ‘the story’ poster  << looks like this
a little photo of myself and my gran
5 things I always wanted to do in life:
write. don’t even care if i get published honestly. just want to write.
perform poetry
finish my degree - i’m in the middle of my first year and i honestly really love it so far wow
travel somewhere. i’d like to teach english a few places bc it would mean i’d get to travel and meet people and do english all in one experience.
have nice clothes. it sounds silly but i just want a wardrobe of nice quality clothes that i like.
5 things I’m currently into:
tea. i recently made the switch from coffee to tea bc i’m a tiny bit allergic to coffee so that’s cool.
putting myself outside of my comfort zone? idk this is a weird one but it’s true.
weightlifting fairy kim bok joo. pls if you haven’t watched this yet, pls do. it makes me v happy bc it has realistic portrayals of eating disorders, mental health issues and romantic relationships. it’s really great. 
5 things on my to do list:
buy new underwear
read ‘flush’ by virginia woolf, as well as ‘the turn of the screw’ by henry james and ‘moll flanders’ by daniel defoe. i haven't read any of them before so like if you read and enjoyed or hated them, message me. tell me your thoughts.
catch up on wlfkbj
get my ice skates sharpened 
more long-term than the other things on my to do list: put myself out there socially, academically and in the spoken word poetry scene in my city. have a sense of urgency.
5 things people may not know about me
i’m annoyingly friendly so if you want to talk to me, go ahead. i'm a compulsive oversharer tho lmao so yeah fair warning. 
this year i started studying at uni, and i’m studying english with creative writing and journalism. i’m technically studying politics too, but i get to drop that at the end of this year which is cool. 
i actually have 2 bias groups - SHINee and bts. i also stan a heck ton of other groups and i’m open to listening to legit anyone or anything so if you have music recs, drop me a message. 
i mentioned it above but i’ve recently gotten myself involved in the poetry scene around my city. so far i’ve only performed at uni open mics, but hopefully i’ll find the courage to do more and meet more people in 2017. 
idk what else there is. i may be a compulsive oversharer but i think i’ll hold myself back from posting any of my oversharing antics publically lmao.
i tag @flower-mother, @kaibngtn, @tsutendou, @exolottery & legit anyone else who sees this on their dash B) you don’t have to if you don’t want to tho <33
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