#And boy I want that tattoo so bad lol but it was $100 to get my heart and my ㅎㅅㅎ so I will wait
ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡{Number 13}♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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{♡} ask
- In a town w old people? yeah there's gossip
Cardboard cut out
{♡} personal
- omg a cut out of my bf
Incorrect Quotes:
eye's like sapphires
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Werewolf Seth NSFW HC's
{♡} requested
- getting freaky w a werewolf
Seth NSFW HC's
{♡} requested
- getting freaky w normal Seth
dozed off
{♡} ask
- Boo just falling asleep while getting a tattoo and Seth is confused
amazing features
{♡} ask
- Seth would 100% make girl's jealous w his hair and amazing body...
ao3 account
{♡} ask
- So Seth has a ao3 account to read gravity falls fanfics.
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Smashing skulls in - Yandere Casper
{♡} requested
- YIPEE Yandere Casper
Pinch of rat poison - Yandere Charlie
{♡} requested
- OMG is that Yandere Charlie?!
book of sleep talking
{♡} ask
- Charlie sleep talks ad Casper recorded all of it in their book
Incorrect Quotes:
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Yandere Finn NSFW HC's
{♡} requested
- oh look more nsfw hc's-
Incorrect Quotes:
god's strongest soldier is not me
the things I do for love
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California Faust
{♡} personal
- he got that bitchy valley girl energy (from someone form Cali)
outfit idea
{♡} personal
- Him in this would eat so bad BROOOO
{♡} personal
- he loves his football team
Incorrect Quotes:
teehee sexy cowboy
Money spent well?
Faust's in here
Self aware
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Dad Auron HC's
{♡} requested
- im about to make thius man a father trust-
Bend over - Smut
{♡} requested
- Doesn't he look pretty bent over?
Rook being an ex figure skater
{♡} ask
- Lol yuuri on ice am I right? (still mourning the anime ngl)
cozy games
{♡} ask
- Him playing cozy games is so silly to me
Don't try messing with me
{♡} personal
- do you really think you can check Rook? Please now Auron deal w this shit-
Incorrect Quotes:
I have a permit
aggressively caring
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Am I an Angel?
{♡} requested
- So we get Yandere Angel finally :D
Slobbery love
{♡} personal
- Lucien loves tormenting his lover with licking them
Incorrect Quotes:
Method to this madness
They will be mine *lick*
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First killing - Yandere Buddy
{♡} personal
- Buddy kills someone and they unlock some shit
Staying in
{♡} personal
- fluff for Jack who didn't want to go to a party
fuck his ex friend
{♡} personal
Incorrect Quotes:
what's going on in my head?
modern day Romeo and Juliet
match my freak
open sesame!
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Protective or obsessive?
{♡} requested
- Yandere bittersweet bc we love them
Fucked Life
{♡} requested
- Boo had a fucked life
Favorite sex positions - all boy's
{♡} requested
- ooo more nsfw
Making battery acid - All boys
{♡} requested
- I was confused but I'm chill w it
Who the FUCK is that?? - All boys
{♡} requested
Dozing off with the YV boy's!
{♡} requested
- hunk shook mimimimi
Anger issues
{♡} requested
- Sugarboo and Scout having anger issues how would their boys react?
Listener's as birds
{♡} ask
- this is actually pretty cool
Assassin family
{♡} ask
- ah yes, assassins bc I love listeners being op
Boo at the grocery store
{♡} ask
- NFL do this sometimes
how Boo started baking
{♡} ask
- baking as a outlet is such a good idea and you get food out of it!!
Boo's lockscreen
{♡} ask
- this is acttualy so fucking cute
Fucking to a song - Auron and Y!Finn
{♡} ask
handling hot weather - Bittersweet
{♡} ask
Talking - Auron and Finn
{♡} ask
- So, Finn helps Auron and gossip while Sunflower and Rook gossip.
YV boys and the states
{♡} ask
- Wait Utah is real? /jk
Seamouse Charlie x Jack
{♡} ask
- Silly blonde and even sillier man
Our partner is a protective man - Middle Ground
{♡} personal
- Auron is NOT above killing someone, Darling is saying do it and Finn is trying to reel in his crazy partners (not really tho bc he hates all the people there)
Southern Stars - Seth x Faust
{♡} personal
Telling the boy's your parent's/guardian want to meet them - all boy's
{♡} personal
- time to meet the parents! (lord help some of them)
Rating the YV boy's if they were real and meet my parent's
{♡} personal
- like half of them are okay the other half...might not do so good-
Hanahaki Disease AU
{♡} personal
Mob Family Au - All boy's
{♡} personal
- ruh roh Auron fucked up and now everyone is trying to comfort Rook
Family things, you know how it is. - Mob Family Au
{♡} personal
- We love a crime family
{♡} personal
- basically how football season is in my house
Accidentally hurting listener
{♡} personal
- ah yes, angst bc I love torturing the boys
Van Helsing AU
{♡} personal
- this movie messed w my brain chemicals so good
Twitter PT21
Incorrect Quotes:
Man in the woods
Wrong answer!
Pull up that shirt, whore!
death or a triple chocolate cake
miss my wife...
38 notes · View notes
buckysgrace · 5 months
Gator Tillman Headcanons
Just some random thoughts I had about baby boy tonight <3
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I for sure think he was born premature? A teeny tiny little baby with big brown eyes lol.
Definitely got doted on because of his huge eyes and messy hair. Very hyper kid too, always needed to be doing something. Probably a biter tbh (spanked a lot sadly smh)
Threw an absolute fit when he was itty bitty and they were weening him off of the pacifier. That was his paci damn it!
Grew to love snakes because his mom hated them and he was quick to remove them from her garden. He thought it was funny to chase her while holding them
Roy use to make Linda keep it in a buzz cut because he hated how long it was on Gator. Thus, leaving Gator to find his own style when he was old enough.
He definitely showed cattle when he was younger. His favorite cow was named Rosie and he won several ribbons for how well kept she was <3
Knows how to ride a horse but doesn't have a desire to do so. Plus his lower back and hips are always so sore after
Prefers dogs over cats, but you best believe any time a cat is around him they're all up in his business
I also think he struggled with asthma when he was little too?? He hasn't had an attack in years but still carries an inhaler around
(don't bring up him vaping while having asthma, he gets very defensive and irritated lol)
Never been out of his hometown unless he needed to travel for competitions or for work. Probably never been on a real vacation before either.
I think he was always tall and lanky but stopped growing his sophomore year of high school?? He always wanted to be taller tho
Was in the FFA obviously.
Being an all-state quarter back I'm sure he had a ton of college offers? I imagine he was fairly average in school, probably enjoyed science more than anything else
Had a really hard time after his mom "left". I think he had a lot of anger issues at this time
His leg injury blew away any chances of him really believing that he could do better for himself, so he followed in Roys footsteps
He gets cold easy, so he always bundles up into layers and layers.
Sucks at cooking. Could not boil water to save his life. I think that he'd take cooking lessons later in life (or learn from someone hehe)
Has a surprisingly good green thumb if he'd keep up with it
Enjoys drawing in his free time and is actually really good at it.
Cannot survive anywhere where it gets too hot. He burns easily
He's in church every Sunday (sometimes Wednesday nights too, depending on his shifts) but it doesn't stop his potty mouth
Car lover of course. Likes to work on vehicles too. Occasionally welds I believe.
Loves going to car shows, or to tractor pulls lol
Most of his tattoos were random, little afterthoughts or done while he was drunk. I think he bought his own tattoo kit but opted out of it.
Flirts like a middle school boy. Will poke and prod at you, lots and lots of teasing. If you meet at a bar you best believe he's gonna be showing you all of his cool drinking tricks lol
A surprisingly good big brother, although Karen thinks he's a bad influence so he doesn't get to spend much time with them
Big fan of Game of Thrones but also loves Golden Girls lmao. And Westerns.
Does that thing where he acts like he's not interested in what's on TV but then he stands there with his hands on his hips watching the whole time lol
Do not ask him to pick you up something for the store, he will not find it
When he's high on weed he's very giggly; thinks everything is hilarious. Will absolutely lay underneath the stars and try to explain the way the universe works. Very snuggly and has the worst munchies (devours a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos in one sitting smh)
Will drink coffee (usually with a protein shake mixed in) but he 100% prefers energy drinks
Jack Daniels and PBR are obviously his drinks of choice hehe. Although he does love a good margarita occasionally
Absolutely devours some Taco Bell after he gets off the night shift. He always gets a box with a chalupa, beefy 5-layer burrito, and the fiesta potatoes but he's also getting a cheesy gordita crunch and the Cinnabon delights. And a Baja Blast. Mans has worked hard and he's hungry lmao
Hates ankle socks
For a late night snack he is breaking open something sweet. I imagine he prefers Heath bars and 100 Grand Bars.
He also loves carrot cake
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nastybuckybarnes · 2 years
Hold My Beer
Pairing: Brief Rumlow X Reader, Biker!Bucky X Reader
Summary: Your old best friend is tired of seeing you in the arms of another. Especially one who doesn’t treat you right. So he’s gonna do something about that.
Warnings: Language, violence (minor), infidelity, breaking up, allusions to smut, biker!bucky,
Word Count: 1.1k
A/n: 100% inspired by the Aaron Pritchett song lol. This is kinda short but it’s something I wanna just kinda toss into the void lol. I do think I’ll be writing more for this particular AU!Bucky in the future, I’m just waiting for some inspiration to strike.
Kinda short so no tags lol my bad. Love you all so much❤️❤️❤️
Steel blue eyes are zeroed in on a couple by the bar.
His focus is on the man. 
More specifically, the way he’s practically ignoring the beautiful woman by his side. 
“You good, Buck?” Steve asks from beside him, nudging his friend lightly with his elbow. 
The brunet hums, his brows drawing together as he watches the man at the bar ogle different woman, while his girl sits with a frown on her pretty face. 
“Yeah, m’fine. I just... gimme one second,” he murmurs, pushing to his feet and walking away from his booth, beer still held tightly in his grasp. 
The blond watches his friend as he approaches the couple at the bar, beyond confused. 
This particular couple has been in the brunet’s bar a couple times, the man causing trouble more often than not, and it’s no secret that he’s less than faithful to his woman. 
To you.
You sit beside your boyfriend, brows pulled together as you watch him eye a woman across the bar. 
It hurts your pride to have him do this in front of you, but he’s already had a few drinks and you know better than to try and argue with him when he’s been drinking. 
“Hey, could you hold my beer for a sec, buddy?” A voice asks. 
You blink yourself out of your thoughts and look up at the man standing before yourself and Brock, brows rising to your hairline. 
None other than Bucky Barnes stands before you.
Solid six feet and five inches of thick muscle towers over your boyfriend, and you can’t help the grin that threatens to pull at your lips.
Brock’s always hated Bucky, and you can’t really blame him.
Your bestfriend-turned stranger is attractive enough to get a nun to sin, and he’s never been shy when it comes to flirting with you. Especially after seeing you cry over the piece of shit sitting next to you.
Bucky’s hatred for Brock Rumlow isn’t hidden at all, and he doesn’t care who knows. You’re too good a woman to be treated the way he treats you, and Bucky’s determined to make you realize that.
He's got a tame beard covering the lower half of his face and his eyes are the warmest icy blue you’ve ever seen, mischief glowing in them. Light freckles dust across his cheeks like stars in the night sky, and his lips are pink and plump. 
You follow his gaze to your boyfriend, and Brock looks just as confused as you feel. 
“I uh... why? What do you want?” He asks while slowly reaching out to hold Bucky’s beer. 
“’Cause your woman needs a kiss, and a boy like you ain’t gonna satisfy her.” With that, Bucky leans in and presses his lips against yours.
He’s kissed you many times before, and you’ve always brushed it off as him being a touchy friend, though you know it’s more than that.
And this is proof.
Because this isn’t a kiss you give your friend.
You sit still for a long moment, shock freezing you before you peck Bucky back and tug away, terrified at what Brock’s reaction’s going to be and warm inside at the intense feeling of Bucky’s lips on yours. 
“What the fuck is the matter with you?!” Brock shouts, moving to hop off the barstool only to be held in place by one of Bucky’s thick tattooed arms. 
He shoves the smaller man back in his seat and levels him with a glare. 
“You’d better not drop my fuckin’ beer,” he whispers dangerously, his true biker roots coming out on display. 
Brock grinds his teeth together and turns his steely glare on you. 
“You see? You ask why I hate when you would see him! It's cause I know you’re a slut who can’t control herself.”
His words bite a little, but they don’t hurt nearly as much as Bucky’s fist connecting with his face. 
The bar goes quiet as Brock grabs at his nose, glaring at the biker. 
“See, you’ve made a few mistakes here tonight. The first was showing your face. The second, was not paying enough attention to your girl. The third, was disrespecting your girl when she deserves the world. And the fourth...” Bucky leans down, his eyes hard and full of hatred, “you spilled my beer.”
You’ve been with Brock Rumlow for an embarrassing amount of time, and never  have you ever seen him look so tiny and terrified. 
“Now, you’re gonna hold my beer and watch my jacket while I take your girl up dancing, and then you’re gonna head on home and you’re gonna clear your shit outta her apartment, you’re gonna delete yourself from her life, and you’re never gonna even think about going near her again, or else it’ll be me you’re dealing with, got it?”
Brock opens his mouth to snark back, but a glance around the bar at all the bikers wearing jackets that match Bucky's has him keeping his mouth shut.
“Alright, good talk. Thanks man!” Bucky calls, grabbing your hand and tugging you off of your stool.
You stumble after him, still in shock at the exchange that just occurred.
“Buck, what the Hell was that?!” You demand, flattening your palms against his chest when he pulls you against him. 
“I’ve sat and watched that prick treat you like garbage for two and a half years, (Y/n). I’m not doing it anymore. You deserve so much better and I'm tired of pretending that I’m okay seeing you with him.”
You blink up at him in shock and shake your head, “Bucky, you can’t just end my relationship like that. Brock and I need to talk about things.” 
He scoffs and wraps his arms around your waist, tugging you closer and kissing your forehead. 
“I just did, sweetheart. You’re gonna come to my place tonight, we’re gonna talk and drink and maybe get a little... friendly, just like we used to, and then tomorrow I’m gonna bring you back to your apartment and if that asshole hasn't cleaned all of his shit out, there’s gonna be Hell to pay.”
You take a deep breath and look over your shoulder to where Brock is sitting. Steve’s by his side, arms crossed over his chest and a grin on his handsome face when he catches your gaze. 
“C’mon, baby. You gonna dance with me like we used to or do you wanna go straight to my place and have me bend you over the counter and eat that pretty pussy like the good old days?”
A shiver races down your spine, shaking the guilt from your stomach as you look up into his ever-blue eyes. 
“I... we can go to your place,” you whisper, smiling shyly when he grins triumphantly. 
He leans down and presses a soft kiss to your lips while one of his hands trails down to your ass, grabbing a handful of it then letting go only to smack it roughly. 
“That’s my girl.”
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Hi! I really love your fics! Can I request a Vasco x blunt!reader? Where the reader would always compliment Vasco without shame (he deserves it!) and like calling him Good bo or handsome for beating bad guys whhehehe. I think Tabasco would blush a lot and I would love to see his reaction in your perspective! (They’re either lovers or both have feelings for each other but haven’t confessed yet) thank you! (Also sorry that this is long🥺)
Aww thanks for the kind words anon, and for the ask! Long asks are good! Allows me less freedom to wordvom and completely miss the point lol. Let me know if this hits the spot, or feel free to send me another ask (I think I might have misread this????)
Heheheeee Vasco would 100% blush, and he would also 100% need a blunt reader because someone needs to make it obvious and Euntae is too dense innocent for words.
Vasco x Reader: Compliment Assault
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You've seen the Burn Knuckles gang. They're not exactly the most... well-mannered and their leader Vasco is exactly the person you would expect to lead them. Except, well. He really isn't.
He tells you all about kangaroos and Hero Man and Jay's puppies; all about wanting to protect the weak and using the gang for good. He even starts walking you home after you tell him about feeling unsafe. Who can blame you for liking him.
"Vasco, how are you still single!"
Vasco completely pauses midstep and freezes. He turns to look at you with wide eyes.
"Y/N? W-what do you mean?" Bless this guy, he's turned completely red.
"Vasco, you've turned completely red!" You sidle up to him and throw your arm round his shoulder, or what you could reach of it, forcing him to crouch down. He glances at you uncertainly but manages a hesitant smile.
"My dear Euntae. You're just..." you hold the back of your hand up to your forehead and pretend to swoon. "Look at you!"
"W-what about me?" You notice despite his embarassment, he eagerly looks at you.
"You're just so big and strong. I mean these muscles... and your tattoos!"
You give his biceps a little squeeze and he flushes. He always lets you get away with too much, and the fact that you're groping him in public makes him feel indecent. Yet seeing you smile and feeling your touch makes it worth it.
You continue your assault.
"And you're always looking after me and protecting others! You look so hot beating up bad guys. You know that right?"
Vasco shakes his head furiously. Y/N thinks I'm hot?
"You might be the sweetest guy I know." Y/N thinks I'm sweet?? "How are you such a good boy!"
Shit. The words 'good boy' makes Vasco's pulse race and he gulps. Definitely indecent. He decides to put a stop to this before it goes too far. He clears his throat and wills himself to stop blushing furiously.
"Y/N... are you feeling ok?"
You take a step back to look at him. God you really do like this fool. You sigh. "You know when you get a girlfriend-" Vasco opens his mouth to interrupt but you press on, "-and you will. We... we probably shouldn't be like this."
He looks at you in confusion, barely keeping up with your change in mood. "What do you mean Y/N?"
"We spend a lot of time together, Euntae. We probably wouldn't be hanging together as much. You wouldn't be walking me home anymore..."
You look at the ground sadly, thinking about the day that you won't be the only person taking up his spare time. Vasco's strong hands reach out to grasp yours. You look up in surprise at his display of affection.
His face is set in grim determination, "I'll always walk you home and look after you Y/N. I promise."
Vasco looks at you with such sincerity that you can't help but be touched and your lower lip starts to tremble. You wrap your arms around him in an embrace, hiding the emotions on your face.
"Thank you Euntae."
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sewer-ravioli · 5 months
doing that my version of the SCU (fanon) lore post because why tf not
to save people from being forced to look at a giant post because ohhh boy this is a lot i'll be placing everything after a read more :)
Storyline: Basically Schlatt, also known as the demon of the storm is an elder god of natural disasters that went insane over time of being a god and trapped 3 mortals (Slime, Condi, and Grizzly) in a world. The apples that were eaten were infused with bits of his power and Charlie's powers first manifested when he fell the first time from the button. Cue everything that happened all three of them manifested powers slowly and then the volcano battle and then Charlie stole Schlatt's powers away and...ended up sparing him. He banished him but Schlatt was powerless after they stole his powers from him. and someone needed to teach these three new gods how to be gods. That is basically what blocks fight back is (Charlie is very bad at controlling his powers at first) They end up resetting the universe after giving Schlatt a world of his own to just retire to and to manipulate to whatever he wants. But with the universe reset the universe saw a missing part in the gods and created Bizly (who also used to be mortal just the universe went lol become a god now) as a new god in order to fix up the gap. Cue Hardest difficulty. 100 days hardcore is just a what if situation if any of the three left tried to use their powers to revive Grizzly after his death. Gods: Charlie Slimecicle: god of Magic, Creation, Harvest, Hunting, and Smelt -Usually wears a green cloak with netherite shoulder plates with a heart engraved on each with a single half heart cloak clasp. Under he has a white dress shirt, some dress pants, and boots with the crafting table grid on the sole. He uses a woB as a weapon. He has green tattoos of enchantment ruins on his arms like bands and is able to summon slime wings with his magic to fly. -He was also the one gifted Vanishing Mist (Grizzly's god sword) but refuses to use it I chose magic for him as a basic all encompassing of Enchantment and it sounds cool to me
Condifiction: God of Realms and Death -black horns that fade into purple, ender dragon wings. Dark purple cloak with an eye of ender clasp but prefers what is essentially his minecraft outfit
-has a Scythe that is essentially his anchor to the overworld if he goes. Plus cool scythe and death imagery basically I added death because i feel like afterlife can count as a whole new realm and Charlie literally blows him up at the start of hardest difficulty Bizly: god of Life and Fate -a shapeshifter who's default is a winged humanoid with deer antlers. Has a cloak like the other gods and it's dark blue with white fur hems but mainly wears a blue hoodie, jeans, and sunglasses -weapon is the gun Grizzly gifted him and it's also linked to the afterlife which like Condi as his domain is life he physically can't enter the afterlife without the gun -Beewee is canon to me he gets a dog
-bizly also has a book detailing every single life and used to have a quill to edit it but he broke it reasoning behind domains is like Slime I branched out mobs into life as a whole and fate because he is in control of the levers of the universe
Grizzly: god of Nature, weaponry, tools, and helps co-run the afterlife after his death -A wolf hybrid with Black wings. He has a red cloak with golden shoulder plates. He often has poppies on him at all times and you do NOT want to fuck with any plants around him -He has a lesser powerful vanishing mist he uses as a main weapon but he isn't as keen on immedietly resorting to violence. After his death Condi immedietly went to visit him in the afterlife to see how he's dealing and offering to help run the part of the afterlife for spirits of animals facts for all of the gods: -Condi and Slime still keep their poppies from Grizzly always on them
-Condi made it so all dead who get gifted poppies at their graves get poppies brought to them in the afterlife
-Bizly is the most often pranked. He has many times had items places on his antlers as he's sleeping -Slime likes to run off to mortal worlds to be around mortals. for examples look at all the minecraft stuff he's been in Demigods and Champions: - the gods can't maintain everything in their domains by themselves so they have Demigods (immortals created by the universe in order to have smaller parts of the domains of the gods and also help mortal tasks) and Champions (Mortals granted immortality to help essentially be spokespersons for the gods and do smaller tasks then the demigods in the mortal realm. max is 2 per god and most champions are granted minor powers)
-Grizzly has two champions decided on by all four council gods that essentially split his domain and run essentially what Grizzly cannot in the afterlife Worshippers and temples: -There are 5 main temples. one for each and one for all four. cities tend to be built around where temples are and the temple for all four in the center. -Worshippers of Magic (Slime) are magicians. They are very tech savvy and live in essentially giant cities with defenses against the monsters and offer this technology and magic to other cities to help facilitate peace and alliance. They also lead agricultural lands. -Worshippers of Life (Bizly) are more woodsy folk. They live in the woods around animals and are often sought out for those looking for pets or aid to their animals. They also hold a lot of the best hospitals. Some live in a co-habitation with Worshippers of Nature -Worshippers of Nature (Grizzly) live in the woods. some in cities co-run by worshippers of Life, and some have their own areas. Their cities are built into the trees and they have the best weaponry across all. Some Worshippers of Nature hate worshippers of Magic and Magic himself. They often fight back against their god's will to forgive Magic and his worshippers, and have been found to have ruined alters to Magic they find. Because of this Worshippers of Nature also supply their own food and also help provide food to others and refuse anything being offered by worshippers of Magic -Worshippers of Realm (Condi) don't completely have their own cities. They have one but it is mainly ran to help teach other worshippers of Realm. They are in every city and help run grave yards and do death rites for the dead. I have more but this has already gotten so big...might do a part 2 if i have anything else to talk about!! If you have any questions feel free to ask!
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astraeasilvers · 4 months
Deimon Devilbat Headcanons
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Hiruma Yōichi:
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay or Omnisexual
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender, but he couldn't care less about gender norms
A ship I have with said character: Hiruma/Sena will always be my main, but I can also see Hiruma/Musashi
A random headcanon: The black around his eyes? Eyeliner. Soon to become a tattoo.
General Opinion over said character: I love this psychotic boy
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Sena Kobayakawa:
Sexuality Headcanon: GAY BOI
Gender Headcanon: Libramasculine (It means to be primarily Agender with some hints of masculine)
A ship I have with said character: Hiruma/Sena FOREVER but Shin/Sena, Riku/Sena, Juumonji/Sena and a few other more minor ships (Kakei/Sena and Yamato/Sena) are some casual likes of mine.
A random headcanon: He would 110% be the first out of all them to get a tattoo
General Opinion over said character: Precious cinnamon roll (who is not a cinnamon roll)
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Gen “Musashi” Takekura:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: FtM Trans Icon and you can’t tell me otherwise
A ship I have with said character: Hiruma/Musashi
A random headcanon: He is 100% taller than Hiruma. He gives me tall vibes. Also, he can read Hiruma pretty well.
General Opinion over said character: Good Boi
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Kurita Ryokan:
Sexuality Headcanon: He gives me many vibes, but primarily Gay/Ace
Gender Headcanon: Masc Nonbinary
A ship I have with said character: I honestly can’t think of a ship for this cinnamon roll. Maybe Kurita/Gaou, but idk
A random headcanon: He’s not as naive or innocent as he looks and when his friends start in on more interesting conversations, he is very much interested in listening LOL
General Opinion over said character: Cinnamon roll
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Raimon “Monta” Tarou:
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight. That’s all I have to say about him on this front
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender, but possibly Demiboy
General Opinion over said character: Funny Monkey
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Mamori Anezaki:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual, possibly Lesbian
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender
A random headcanon: Her type is Milfs and Buff women
General Opinion over said character: Sometimes brothers me, but she’s silly and fun
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Suzuna Taki:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi/Ace
Gender Headcanon: Demigirl
A random headcanon: She has a sixth sense, and knows when her friends start dating/get crushes
General Opinion over said character: Cute, silly, and fun
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Kazuki Juumonji:
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay, possibly Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: Juumonji/Sena
A random headcanon: He would hurt anyone who harasses his friends. Said friends are well aware of him being gay, but since he doesn't want the whole world knowing, they make an effort to make sure people don’t find out (but do a bad job of it)
General Opinion over said character: He protecc
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Koji Kuroki:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: He’s cis, but people keep expecting him to come out as something -anything really- at some point
A random headcanon: He’s well aware Juumonij is gay and doesn't want people to know, so he tries to throw people off that thought whenever it’s brought up.
General Opinion over said character: Game Addict (mood)
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Shozo Togano:
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight
Gender Headcanon: Nonbinary
A random headcanon: He’s the one that gets the most angry over any bigotry directed at his friends. Kuroki and Juumonji have had to forcefully take the bat from his hands a few times. He's especially bad at hiding Juumonji's sexuality, but that's just because he's a doofus
General Opinion over said character: Manga Nerd (mood)
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Daikichi Komusubi:
A random headcanon: He can speak normally, he just likes to watch people’s confusion when he doesn’t
General Opinion over said character: Mini cinnamon roll
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Manabu Yukimitsu:
Sexuality Headcanon: Aro/Ace
Gender Headcanon: Questioning
A random headcanon: After graduation, he made it a hobby of his to help his friends analyze their matches
General Opinion over said character: Dude, can I have some of that determination? I’ve lost mine.
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Natsuhiko Taki:
Sexuality Headcanon: You’ve undoubtedly heard of “Flamboyant Gay” but he somehow accomplishes being “Flamboyant Straight”
Gender Headcanon: Cis, but people wouldn’t be surprised if he came out at some point.
A random headcanon: He’s not good at flirting, simply because he has no idea how to be subtle, nor does he even really know what flirting consists of.
General Opinion over said character: Silly boi lacks braincells
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Tetsuo Ishimaru:
A random headcanon: His soul has withered up long ago. Look in his eyes. You can’t deny that.
General Opinion over said character: Poor bastard just got dragged into this mess and went along with it… Admirable
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Doburoku Sakaki:
A random headcanon: He’s incredibly confused how so many people on the team are queer, but just rolls with it
General Opinion over said character: Drunk but has some wisdom somewhere in that alcohol-clouded brain of his
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satancheeto · 4 months
PLEASE tell us about your oc then I'm fascinated by him already just by what you've said
👁️ u 👁️
You have activated my trap card dear anon omfg
TWs that I’ll try to keep things just mentioned but: child abuse, military/war, homophobic violence, mentions of sex
Bexon is my D&D character Human/Fighter long sword specialist (2e). Cisgender, homosexual. He’s Brown (equivalent of Indian), 6’6.6”, super hairy, and built like a fuckin truck. He’s very scary looking. And he’s a sub.
He starts out True-Neut to vaguely Neut-Evil, but by now is True-N or N-Good. His special interests are swords, sword fighting, and horses :3
He has major problems with paranoia and PTSD, plus general anxiety and depression. Bexon is also autistic, so he struggles with social situations, but also a lot of his stereotypical naive autistic person traits are mostly due to his sheltered childhood. He also has very severe internalized homophobia, masculinity complex, perfectionism, etc. because of his upbringing.
This giant terrified ex-soldier (human) ends up in a crazy slow burn relationship with the hypersexual nonbinary elf twink cleric who is his total opposite (except he’s also got major depression).
I will a fuller explanation and pics under the cut in case people don’t want to see my essay about my beautifully fucked up boys. Thank you so much for asking about him though!!! He’s a very complex and interesting character, and I love putting him in emotional turmoil.
So his name is Bexon Cavaldier, he grew up in an extra evil tribe of warriors that served the already evil army of The Empire (Humans) waging a 100+ year long war against the Elven people. He was a high ranking military official and the favorite of 8 children, until he wasn’t. From a very young age, he spent much of his training to eventually be in the army.
Bexon grew up majorly sheltered in this environment, and knew nothing outside the military, in terms of what people actually thought about the war, how socialization and relationships normally work, etc. He had major blind faith in everything he was told about why the army had to commit war crimes, as well as the idea that everywhere else outside of his tribe and the military had the exact same experiences he did. To the point where he genuinely didn’t know that your parents are supposed to love you and whatever.
When his dad ended up finding out that he was gay at the age of 20, he violently hate crimed Bexon and another guy. His parents never spoke to him after that except for necessary military business (he wasn’t demoted bc they didn’t want anyone else to question what had happened and tarnish the family name). Less than 2 years later, Bexon runs away after an incident where he suddenly decided to try and save two elven children from a house (that he set on fire…). He gets them out, they also save his life somehow, but then a fellow soldier kills the kids anyways. Things finally click and he realizes every single part of the war is bad and even if you try to do good in it, it’s not possible.
Bexon is now in hiding, since there’s a chance is family is hunting him down to kill him for deserting. He basically lives as a hermit, often surviving on his own in the woods. He changes his hair and wears bulky clothes to cover up all his military tattoos. After 2 years, the war finally ends, and after 5 more years is the start of the campaign!!
Bexon has had 1-2 occasions where he’s tried sleeping with a man, but mostly hated it bc he was just so ashamed and scared. He tried once with a woman which was also awful bc he is very repulsed by the idea of being with a woman at all (partially due to misogyny). But eventually he decides to try again, and quickly gets hit on by this elf twink at a tavern, who also immediately clocks Bexon as very submissive (military instinct lol), and he ends up bottoming (also kinky sex and with an elf) for the first time. This absolutely blows his minds, the way this guy is so loud and upfront about his sexuality, and he hadn’t even considered that it was possible for a huge guy like him to bottom.
But this is a one night stand and Bexon especially never wants to see this guy again now that they know he’s gay. But being in a good mood for once, Bexon decides to help out as a bodyguard to help some people travel between cities. Unfortunately, the twink, aka Obediah, cleric of Dionysus, had already agreed to help these people as well. The two of them are forced back together along with a bitchy 19 year old wizard and a paladin farm girl who believes in always helping people and doing good (all these guys are also awesome I’m just trying to condense everything 😣). Bexon and Obediah “pretend they don’t know each other” but it’s super obvious and they are still occasionally fucking when they get the chance. Their initial “friends” with benefits is very toxic as they’re both desperately afraid of relationships for different reasons. Bexon is also just a major asshole a lot of the time because he’s very new to interacting with other people and is terrified of everyone.
It takes Bexon and Obi 2-3 years of desperate yearning, fighting, being on and off intimately, and unhealthy sex from terrible communication (and Bexon’s inexperience) for them to actually get together after the wizard finally yells at them to actually talk bc they’ve been being so annoying about this.
There’s a bajillion million more things I could tell you, but I’ll give you that and if you actually are curious about any aspects I’d be overjoyed to tell you more!! Sorry if this is way more than you expected, I don’t know how to be brief with him lol.
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
HARRIS metal head MUNSON!🤘🏼😝
“He eagerly scans the board for Harris’s, frowning when he can’t find his name. Maybe it’s still drying, he tries to convince himself, imagining his son over-saturating the paper with globs of paint. It wouldn’t be entirely out of character.”
*me* I KNOW THIS BITCH MARION DID NOT HURT MY (he’s mine now, I’m taking full custody😂) BABY LIKE THAT!!!
“Wanna show me where your artwork is? I must be gettin’ old, because I couldn’t find it on the board out there.” “‘S not there,” ( 😤) Harris mumbles, scratching off a flaking piece of the Rosita tattoo on the back of his hand. “I didn’t get to finish.”
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Ms. Sweetheart to the rescue💕
Eddie stealing Harris’s Peanut M&M’s.
All of the people have a small space between them, except for you and Eddie. The circle that Harris drew to represent your left hand overlaps with the circle that is Eddie’s right.  😭😭😭
“THANK YOUUUUUUU!” “Love the enthusiasm,”. <- How I talk to my littles when they get hype about something LOL
“Are, um, are Daddy and Ms. Sweetheart holding hands?” “Mhm,” Harris casually confirms, taking the drawing back. “‘Cause they’re married.” Eddie chokes on air as Wayne does a double-take. “Congrats, Ed,” he jokes, clapping a hand to his nephew’s shoulder. “Gotta say, I thought I’d at least get an invite.” Good ol’ Wayne Munson coming in with the jokes 😂
“Did I talk about her in my sleep? Oh, shit, what if it was when I had that dream—“ 😩 EDWARD TELL US SAID DREAM.
“Lowering his voice to a whisper, he speaks directly to his drawing. “When Daddy and Ms. Sweetheart fall in love and get married, I’ll finally have a mommy.” He presses his hand flat against the paper as though he’s sealing in the wish.” Baby boy manifesting. 😩✨
“Hey, Har, is Ms. Sweetheart pretty?” Mac Daddy Wayne strikes again.
Ms. Sweethearts memories of Halloween with grandma. 😔
He gives her the M&M’s 🥹
“But, yeah, I was hoping you’d accept these as part of my apology. Or apologies, I guess. For, uh, for not calling when I said I would, and all of the awful shi—awful things I said to you.” His voice is barely above a whisper as he steps closer and says, “I am so fucking sorry.” 😩
Fun size mistake=fun size bag of candy. Family size mistake=family size bag of candy. I’m really good at fucking things up, but really bad at fixing them. I wish I could say that I didn’t mean to hurt you, but we both know that I did. You don’t have to forgive me, but I need you to know how sorry I am.  *SCREAMING*
He said OUR favorite little Axl Rose. 🥹
BUG!!! This was too good!!! The fluff? The feelings!? HARRIS WANTING MS. SWEETHEART TO BE HIS MOMMY!?!? WAYNE TEASING EDDIE ABOUT A CRUSH HE KNOWS HE HAS?!?! I’m obsessed with them, all of them, I need them to all live happily ever after ASAP. (Or whenever you’re ready, that works too. 😂) I love this story so much. Thank you for bringing this ✨MASTERPIECE✨ to life. 💗 I LOVE YOU.
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B, the way that I looked forward to this ask!
Harris is the cutest little rockstar, and he wants to be just like his dad. You may have to fight @corroded-hellfire for custody of him, though.
Eddie is not stealing; he is making sure Harris doesn't choke! What a doting father!!
Ms. Sweetheart's memories of her grandma are based on mine, by the way. Grandma Bug used to do that for me and my sister, and I had to include it in the story.
Will Ms. Sweetheart be Harris's mommy one day??? Who knows????? Maybe she will, maybe she'll up and leave town in chapter 10.
And once again, your meme game is 100% on point. Love you 5ever xoxoxoxoxo
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kirakiwiwrites · 2 years
My top 10 fics . . . (according to A03)
Thanks to @bitbybitwrites for tagging me in this challenge! ☺️
Rules: List your "top 10" (or up to 10 if you haven't written that many) fics ranked by kudos on AO3. Are you surprised by what's most popular to your readers? Then, under a cut, provide your ranking of your personal top 10 fics (with explanations if you want!), and then tag a few fellow writers!
Tagging ( and only do this if you are interested and apologies if you've done this and I missed your post): @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion and @ericdooley
Top 10 according to readers:
1) Closer to You -145,303 words
2) Vicious -121,874 words
3) What Is This Feeling? -168,180 words
4) Lessons in Love -10,898 words
5) City Of Heartbreak -89,829 words
6) The Ten Year Dalton Reunion -7,405 words
7) Kurt Hummel and the Seven Warblers -50,462 words
8) Moonlight and Love Bites -58,213 words
9) It Takes Two To Tango -2,029 words
10) Make Food and War -6,759 words
I decided to just talk about the ones highest ranked since I don’t know how I would rank them lol. I only had one I didn’t love writing, but they each had things I liked and disliked. -K
Closer to You is the highest and it’s our first story to ever get over 100 kudos! We are still blown away by that. It’s probably due to biker, tattooed Blaine and daddy Kurt, but who knows lol. This idea had been on the list for awhile. We like to start with a trope or theme for a story and build it from there so for this one we had a bad boy Blaine, Kurt as a dad, a love triangle, and the setting as California. There are plenty of amazing fics with these themes out there, so we always try to do things a little differently and put our own little spin on things. We also love writing Cooper and love the Sam/Tina/Blaine friendship, so we used those relationships for this one. Writing Kit was really fun, especially deciding what would be his own little personality and what would be Finn-like. We wanted to show some elements of grief, like everyone around Finn but also how Cooper and Blaine grieved for the family they always wanted but never got. It was a very fun and emotional story to write and we were super glad everyone responded to it as well as they did.
Vicious is next! For this one, we wanted to do the skank/bad boy Kurt trope, a band fic, and have a Blaine with a dump truck of emotional baggage. We tried to use some different characters this time, namely the ones that might be most likely to be in a band with Kurt. We have favorites as you can probably tell, but we do try to switch things up occasionally. The idea originated with the song Vicious by Halestorm (a band I’ve been obsessed with for years) and how it would be perfect for Kurt if he had let all the bullying and such get to him. We also paid homage to a lot of the artists we have enjoyed for years. It all kind of came together after that. We wanted to explore found family, how Kurt and Burt would come back together if estranged, and Blaine fighting anxiety and abandonment issues. I’m proud this one is second because we worked very hard on it.
What Is This Feeling? being third is amazing because it was the second fanfic we ever wrote! We did a different writing style with first person point of view and wrote from lots of different character’s perspectives. It was so much fun and probably out of all the fics we have done, sticks as closest to canon. Blaine is a bit out of character, but it worked with the story. We also got to write Cooper as a parent which was fun. Wicked is my favorite musical and one of my sister’s absolute favorites too, so it was a no brainer to name it after the song. The themes for this one started as a rivals to lovers, the jock/cheerleader trope, and family. I believe it’s our longest one too. We just couldn’t stop writing!
Lessons In Love was a commissioned piece that was fun and challenging. We have done a few commissions and it’s always a lot of pressure to make sure we get things right! The person it was written for was so lovely and it’s such a good feeling when the person you wrote something for really likes it! The prompt was either Kurt or Blaine was famous, age gap (at least in college), or a soul mate fic. We decided to go with the first two and it all kind of flowed from there.
City of Heartbreak didn’t start out as a Klaine fic, but we were enjoying writing it so much that we turned it into one! For the tropes, we decided on coffee shop, piano bar, and a love triangle (sort of) We thought it would be interesting to have Kurt be the entertainer in the piano bar since we usually see Blaine in that role in other fics. Writing Kurt’s horrible ex was one of the first times we used an original character as a main character and we also got to write Blaine as having supportive parents. We like to do that when we get the opportunity because we always get a lot of appreciative comments. It’s always very nice when someone likes (or hates lol) a character you have made up yourself!
The Ten Year Dalton Reunion was another commission that was so fun to write! We wrote it for another lovely person and it was actually our first commission! We were extremely nervous about making sure we did a good job, but we just tried to have fun with it! Doing these types of commissions also allows us to interact with more people because as an introvert with anxiety, it’s hard to branch out sometimes. So it’s so nice to get to know more people in the fandom! We were asked for married Klaine going to Dalton for a ten year reunion, Niff, Warblers, etc. we know not everyone likes or gets Niff, but we have always liked them as a couple, especially as another gay couple to be friends with Klaine.
Kurt Hummel and The Seven Warblers was written so easily and came together so quickly. It was the first one I did the majority of writing on by myself, so the fact that it’s in the top ten is so amazing! I wanted to do a fairytale retelling and there were so many amazing ones out there, but when I had the idea for this one I hadn’t really found a Snow White fic I liked yet. We tried to make it unique and cute and it was so much fun to write. We put a whole lot of references in there from the original story and from the Disney movie.
Moonlight and Love Bites was our take on the vampire/werewolf trope and we had a lot of fun with it. There is a lot of those fics out there, but most of them are pretty angsty. There’s nothing wrong with that of course and we love several of them, but we wanted to do a cute fluffy schoolboy fic where they happened to be a werewolf and a vampire. We still have plans for a sequel (sorry to anyone who is still waiting on that 😅) that we hope to get out soon. We have been working on it, but it’s been a little difficult. The second part will focus on Klaine’s continuing relationship difficulties as they go to college. We just had our first fanart made from this story and we legit cried!
It Takes Two to Tango is next on the list and it’s just a very short one shot that we wrote from a Klaine group prompt! We love doing prompts when we can come up with a good idea and this one made us chuckle.
Make Food and War was another group prompt that we did. Rivals to lovers is one of our favorite tropes and we couldn’t resist dueling food trucks lol.
We would like to thank people for reading our fics and being so supportive! We appreciate this fandom so much and it truly is something that we can escape to when we need to relax. We have gotten to interact with some really amazing people through fanfic and we appreciate it so much. We are truly humbled that we have had the response we have. Much love A and K
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birb--birb · 9 months
2, 3, 9, and 44 for Violet? <3 (hopefully that's not too much lol)
Ohohoh absolutely thank you for asking!🥰
2. Something about character creator that just couldn't quite capture Violet:
I wish there was more freedom to move and position scars/tattoos. And to have more than just one or two. Violet has the sword neck tattoo and I really would have liked to have been able to size the tattoo up and move it further down so the pomel starts at the hollow of their neck and the blade goes down to their sternum. Give us more body scar options!! Give me top surgery scars!!!! (Theres a good mod for them on nexus if anyones interested!)
I also had a bit of an annoying time finding a body and face structure I liked together. I wish all face presets were available on every body type, I liked a masc face preset in body 2 but wanted to use body 3. And like....the character creator is nice but JUST GIVE ME SLIDERS!!!! Body sliders, facial structures sliders, ear length sliders like !!!!! I want options!!!! Let me make an abomination of a character if I so choose😂😂
I used a mod for more tiefling horns bc I wanted horns that went further back along the head (its really funny seeing them clip through the bedroll during long rest animations lols). The base horns arent bad, again I wanted sliders so they could be the length/in the position I wanted.
3. Using illithid powers?
Oh yeah, I took full advantage of charm and psionic backlash during combat. I took concentrated blast and used it...maybe once? It was kinda lackluster to me.
Survival instinct (the ability you get for helping omeluum) and favourable beginnings got me out of a couple of rough spots, so i really liked those:)
9. Fave member of the tiefling refugees? Is it the same as your Tavs?
Personally I *adoooore* Alfira (yes I was crushed when [redacted] happened during my durge run). I defs spent too much time fighting my mods to give Violet musical proficiency so they could stand roof of the elfsong and play music with together🥰 Arabella and Roland both really grew on me, and of course best boi Dammon is always a fave!
Violets got a soft spot for Mol and Lia, theyre both so feisty! I headcannon Dammon and Violet being pals, Violets a Hexblade so I feel like they'd have some interesting weapon chats and Dammon is the only one who they trust to take care of their pact weapon when it needs repair. They respect Zevlor for having to make the hard calls, and thinks Alfira and her girlfriend are really sweet (theyd get drinks together 100%).
My choice of a question!
41: used to adventuring before events of the game?
Absolutely. Violet wasnt originally from Baulders Gate, they grew up a ways away in a place that was always in conflict with their neighbouring kingdom. As such, they were trained in a militia, they had fought before and were fairly competent in taking care of themselves on the battlefield. But one day everything went wrong, their home fell, and they found themselves close to death on the battlefield, weapon broken and missing an eye. They made their pact that day, a shadowy sword being the only thing to save them from oncoming monsters and soldiers.
Once recovered, they began traveling, searching for items or people their patron required. This is what lead them to Baulders Gate. They'd join with other bands of travelers and mercs every now and then, but was very much used to roughing it on their own. Having such a lively camp was a big change for Violet, it took a while for them to trust others to take watch overnight and they still fight Gale over cooking rights some nights (tho they will admit, hes a much better cook than they are).
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aircommndr · 1 year
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Alias: Screamer
Gender: Nonbinary, Masc-aligned & Masc-presenting
Age: Ugh I hate trying to out a number to it just know hes adult and hes old but not THAT old lolol
Species: Cybertronian
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown
Abilities / Talents: Starscream is an outlier, so his main ability is his Screech. Its capable of disrupting radio frequencies and breaking glass. He also is quite literally immortal. As for talents, hes very good at persuasion, as well as being shown to be a very capable leader (when he gets his priorities in check). Hes also an amazing flier
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: Agnostic. Much like various others have said, Starscream may agree that the "Gods" Exist/Existed, but he does not follow them. He feels they abandoned Cybertronians and should not be on such a pedestal.
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Cybertronian, English, Klingon (Thats right bitches, its canon on my blog)
Family: depends on verse
Friends: As close as he gets, Rattrap, his trine / Others verse dependent
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / questioning / other
Relationship Status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / other (depends on verse)
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender (holoform, mostly with lean muscle) / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black (holoform) / other (N/A)
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other (red) (auburn, holoform)
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown (holoform)/ brown / very brown / black / other (grey)
Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot (holoform, 5'7) / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot (25 ft)
Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds (i have no idea im bad at math)
Scars: Various scars across his frame, hes been through enough to gather quite the collection
Facial Features: Sharp. Handsome ;)
Tattoos: Never thought about it till now... hm. Fuck it, ya boy has a tramp stamp (or would we call it a bumper sticker in this fandom???) that says "Transform and Rise Up". He got it back in the Early Days of the war and nowadays he just tries to hide it LOL
Dogs or Cats?
Birds or Hamsters?
Red or Blue? (tough choice he likes blue lol)
Yellow or Green?
Black or White?
Coffee or Tea?
Ice Cream or Cake?
Fruits or Vegetables?
Sandwich or Soup?
Magic or Melee?
Sword or Bow?
Summer or Winter?
Spring or Autumn?
The Past or The Future?
tagged by: @blackwldcw and @13urningstars i think?
tagging: @warriorsparked (for meg and/or shocky, whoever u wanna) , @manaborn , @biggest-ultra-mags , @staticsqueaks , @trustme-imamedic , anyone else who wants to
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I feel like this is so Pretty/Autumn. Like the outfit, the vibe. Impeccable. Their men would be drooling. Maybe Moss when they are feeling femme. Kitten would get the BEST ootd shots of them in this
Also side note since the girl in the video has tattoos, do you think anyone in the wereroomies universe either has or is contemplating tattoos? To me Autumn and Moss seem the most likely of OC. But also 3racha having something so stupidly dumb and matching fits, like they got it drunk in college. Minsung also might have a stupid one together (notice the common denominator)
my god... i am no better than a man.... what a gorgeous woman. she must have a lot of trust in those tops because i'd be worried about flashing someone with that LOL
100% a very Autumn/Moss outfit!!! they'd both look amazing in it. i feel like Moss dresses like this a lot, so even if they look amazing it's not like, shocking.
however, Autumn wearing this??? i think it took her a long time to find her personal sense of style after she left her former pack, and although i don't think she'd dress like this on the regular, when she does... oh, boy. Changbin is on his k n e e s. he's hollering, howling, drooling... he's ready to be his fiancé's good boy. or bad boy, depending on what will get him what he wants lol
if pretty wore something like this, she's not making it out of the flat. Chris just won't let her. not because of it being revealing or anything of the sort, he's just going to go into his "no thoughts, head empty, must breed" headspace and.... yes. you know lol
as for kitten, i think she's more of a "wear colour" kinda girly. so i suppose she'd wear a similar outfit, but with more colour.
regarding the tattoos... i've asked this to myself a few times, because i'd like to include it more in my stories in general. Moss definitely has tattoos, even if they haven't really been mentioned. she just has that type of vibe, there's no way they don't have tattoos LOL
minsung having matching tattoos would be cute, but i'm not sure if wr!minho would have tattoos 🤔. i see kitten with dainty tattoos (like the classic small hearts and stars), and cosmetic tattoos as well (freckles, probably).
3racha having small matching ankle tattoos of poorly drawn wolves sounds like a good addition to me KJSDHFKJSHF i feel like they'd do that for sure.
this might shock some, but i've been thinking of giving seungmin and jeongin matching tattoos. jeongin specifically... i want to give him tattoos lol
but i guess we'll see!
what do you think??? who else would you give tattoos and what would they be?
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Even More Love and Smut Prompts: Part 1
Oh man I know I’m in trouble because Kinktober is burning through Tumblr like a monster wildfire (lol). In that case I might as well jump in, so here it is guys, a monster list of Love and Smut prompts. Fandoms this applies to: Top Gun Maverick, Outer Range, Bad Times at the El Royale, Salem’s Lot and pretty much any of Lewis Pullman’s characters (lol) 18+ WARNINGS APPLY
1. Aftercare and Attention
2. Breeding Kink
3. “I’ve never wanted you this bad
4. Shower sex
5. Sex in the bathtub
6. Kamasutra (favorite position)
7. Doing the deed in an airplane hangar
8. Brat Tamer
9. Blindfolding
10. Getting handsy
11. Riding
12. “I think we’re making too much noise” 
13. “Oh shit, the bed just broke” 
14. Touch
15. Burying their face in their s.o’s chest
16. Chest kiss
17. Stomach kiss
18. Do they like it slow? Or fast and hard?
19. Kiss with tongue
20. Kissing wounds, scars, injuries 
21. Them being really gentle during sex
22. “He didn’t realize how badly he craved her touch” 
23. Kissing their s.o’s tattoos
24. Them tying their s.o’s wrists and or ankles with a rope of fake pearls
25. Them receiving some risque polaroids and photos of their s.o
26. “Your kiss lit a fire in me that still burns” 
27. Licking
28. “Oh you naughty little shit!” 
29. Kissing their s.o’s hand
30. Skin to skin contact
31. Sex on the beach
32. Sex during the full moon
33. “I know we’ve got three days/two weeks left but I’m soooo horny!!!” 
34. “I’ll be a good boy/girl, I promise” 
35. “Please, just touch me” 
36. Do they masturbate??
37. Kissing the sore spots on their s.o
38. Doing it in the back field at the ranch
39. Doing it in the truck bed or vehicle
40. “Oh so it’s one of those nights, is it?” 
42. How they show they love you
43. “You’re my love, my life, my joy and my everything” 
44. Kissing the spots on their s.o where the heartbeat can physically be felt
45. Hair pulling
46. Running their hands through their s.o’s hair
47. Sex by the fire in freezing weather
48. “You’re blushing!” 
49. Their most sensitive spots
50. Love bits/nipping
51. Hickeys
52. The smells that make them absolutely feral
53.  Using ice cubes to play with them on a hot day
54. Their favorite screw spots
55. Brushing your fingers against the exposed skin and or nipples (hee hee)
56. “Will you quit teasing me?!” 
57. “Take your time, I don’t want to hurt you” 
58. What’s their safe word?
59. “On your back.....please? For me?” 
60. “Follow your breath.....I’ll do the rest” 
61. “Do you have any idea how fucking hard you’re making me right now?” 
62. “Your eyes are the sweetest I’ve ever seen” 
63. Kissing while you slow dance
64. “Oh that feels so good.....” 
65. “Shhh, baby.......let me look in those pretty eyes of yours” 
66. Sucking and biting
67. “Oh my God!!! Baby, you’re so wet!!!” 
68. Slowly helping each other undress before getting into bed
69. (I think this number speaks for itself, lol) 
70. “We’ve got all day and all night” 
71. “It’s been a month since we started trying and I still can’t get him/her off of me”
72. Nose kiss
73. Eskimo kiss
74. Kiss on the forehead
75. “After all this time....? Always” 
76. Underneath your clothes
77. “I kissed you once and you took my breath away”
78. Who’s the dominant one in the bedroom?
79. Cheek kiss
80. Eating out their s.o
81. Eating out their s.o in the bathtub
82. Proud of their guy/girl
83. “We’d better not make a mess” 
84. “Please, I’m begging you, use your hands” 
85. Something they won’t do
86. Wearing their s.o’s clothes after sex
87. “Tell me what you want?” 
88. “Oh baby, you did so good”
89. “Did.......did you just come?”
90. How fast/long can they go?
91. “You’re really sensitive aren’t you?” 
92. “Can I be on top this time?” 
93. “This feels so good” 
94. Their fingers brushing against your cheek
95. “Touch me here” 
96. Wet dreams
97. “Talk dirty to me” 
98. “You have no idea how sexy you look in that” 
99. “Here, let me help you get off” 
100. First time
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whump-queen · 2 years
1) How good is your sight?
2) Do you have any scars?
8) What's something that will always make you smile?
withhout glasses: I see 20/100 💀💀 (for reference, 20/20 is considered good vision—20/10 is insanely good)—20/30 you need glasses.) AND IM 20/100. so it is very much VERY BAD
BUT WITH GLASSES: I only see 20/50. 😭 20/50!!! and that’s the best they can get it!!! woohoo thanks albinism 😭✌️
2. oh boy yeah there are many but here are the notable ones
a snake scarred into the inside of my ankle from when I was a teenager and let my friend brand me with a wood engraving tool because I didn’t want a sticknpoke. no ragrets 10/10 would do again.
a moon carved into my leg (yeah yeah I let her do more than one she was very pretty ok. I didn’t want a tattoo and pain is fun don’t come for me)
I scar running straight down the dead center of my forehead from when I was 3 and had to go to the er to get stitches from slamming my head into a door (i was set up to fail—I had a babysitter spin me around a bunch of times and then tell me to go close the door, and of course I banged my fucken head on the corner like, What Did You Think Would Happen Clarissa???
a bigass scar down my right thumb from when I was a teenager and tried to open a beer bottle with a fork. (look I never said I was smart ok, let’s just say it did not go well.)
8. waking up to the insane shit you dm me in the morning 🥰
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bylertruther · 2 years
hot take: people's hc's and hopes for s5 are the most angsty things i've ever read and i cannot imagine enough comfort in the world to balance out some of the angsty shit people are putting out there. we've already gotten 4 seasons of byler angst, haven't people had enough?? my fragile constitution cannot handle the dramatics. why do people write out mike and will saying the most heartbreaking shit to each other?? i just want them to forehead touch and kiss to a beautiful musical score. i want them to bake a loaf of bread together and eat it at sunset and then hold hands at nightfall. that's it, that's s5.
we've sat through four seasons of them getting their shit rocked, i'd like to believe that in season five they'll stick to their promise and finally be a team again for good this time. mike already admitted that he thought he was worrying too much about el to the point that he'd lost will--i don't want that to be the case again. obviously the First Lie is going to come up and has the potential to ruffle some feathers, but like .. i have had Enough lol<3 canon already has enough misery and frustration, i come on here to talk about them indulging in some gay shit. and considering the duffers aren't planning on making s5 as long as s4 was, i ESPECIALLY do not want their story to be mostly angst up until the second to last episode.
some people like the whump factor and to make angsty characters and ships even more angsty, but i am not one of them bc i have no undeniable 100% secured guarantee that there Will be a happy ending. once by|er is endgame and they have their smalltown boy era THEN i will give in to my angst demon tendencies but for now bro the duffers got that shit on lock!!! if i wanted an angst fest i would just rewatch the show like 😭😭😭😭 LMAOOOOO
but everyone is allowed to have their own headcanons and theories and write what they want obvi tbh this isn't hate towards anyone. i jus kno u will Never catch me reblogging tht shit, but i WILL be screaming crying wailing over the cute n tender headcanons tht people post bc those bring me joy<3 mike n will are already in superhell ok i want to pluck them from their story n drop them into a world where they CAN bake bread together, where mike can wipe the flour from will's cheek but ends up making even more of a mess, where will can decorate their foccacia and make it look so beautiful that mike feels bad eating it later, where mike and will can steal glances at each other under the stars when they think the other isn't looking, where will can sneak little comics he doodled into mike's locker and textbooks for him to find later, where will draws on mike's hand and forearm bc mike is thinking abt a tattoo but too pussy to go through with it, where he can then try his best to return the favor and it's fucking awful LMAO but will loves it sm bc it's mike and he'll never say no to mike putting his hands on him, and where they can slowdance in will's room (bc they Never hang out in mike's room and as such don't want to draw suspicion), and where they can flirt by comparing hand sizes as is tradition like will putting their hands together and being like "wow haha ur hand is so big! :)" and mike is just so so so red screaming dying inside pressing the tips of his fingers down a lil bit bc he wants to lace their fingers together but he doesnt know if will is jus being will or if they're having a category 5 lgbt moment right now so he just chokes out a "yeah haha 😳 crazy..." and gulps like a dweeb, and and and-----
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justmeinatree · 6 months
okay realistically i could just say one direction as a band, and then Harry, Louis, and Niall as solo artists for four of the five because i really do still love the music they made as a band and obviously i adore our boys as solo artists. but for the sake of actually giving an interesting answer, i'm not gonna name any members of one direction 😂 naming my top 5 is sooo hard because it's like being forced to pick my favorite children and my favorites change all the time but at the moment i'd say Three Days Grace (in particular the older stuff when Adam Gontier was still the lead singer, they've been a favorite of mine since my early teenage years), Bastille (Bad Blood is still such an elite album after a decade idc what anyone says), September Stories (they do a lot of spoken word stuff so it's a bit of an acquired taste but Every Word, Everything and Home have been in my top 100 songs on Spotify every year since I made my account), The Smiths (Morissey sucks as a person lol but his ability to turn his misery into absolutely gorgeous lyrics goes unmatched and Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want and There Is a Light That Never Goes Out both have such an otherworldly vibe to them), and Beth Crowley (she does a lot of songs inspired by books that I've never read but I really love the way her lyrics always tell a story and I wish she was more popular!!)
i know you didn't ask for all these details but i can't talk about my favorite artists without adding at least a few comments 😂 i could seriously talk about music all day so i'm loving that you asked this!! 🫶
but now i obviously have to ask you the same question...top 5 artists/bands? 👀
okay so i’m loving the variety here ! a lot a lot !! i’m also now curious how one direction / solo 1d would rank ? just out of pure curiosity because i obviously can’t decipher based on your list here 😅
now asking for my top 5 is 😩 lol top 6 is even easier than top 5 for some reason 🤷‍♀️ so is top 3 lmao for some reason 5 is just messing with me but here we go ! and i’ll preface this with 2 points. firstly, i’m not putting one direction or any of their solo careers, but mostly because they honestly probably don’t rank in my top 5 (and cue the absolute massacre i’m gonna receive in my inbox, especially considering i’ve been blogging about 3 of them for the last 10+ years. but listen, top 5 of every artist EVER, cmon 😅) and secondly, you will very much be able to pin down my fav kind of music. i really do like a lot of artists from a lot of different genres, but i do have a fav and it will be blatantly fkn obvious. alright, here goes 😂
first, and always motha fkn first no matter what, green day. they are my everything, their music from 80s through to now has shaped me into who i am today, more than anything else. jesus of suburbia is the best song ever written, nothing will ever top it, like everyone else can stop trying, we have the best song ever, yall can go home 😂 then i’d say afi. fantastic band from the start, but their decemberunderground album is my favourite album of all time, so beautifully written. and fun fact, the only album that i have tattooed twice (or i should say once but getting the second next time i’m getting tatted) ! now we’re gonna flip things a tiny bit, and go with steve miller band, hands downs the BEST stoner music ever. they have the vinyls i reach for most, it’s just such a fkn vibe, i adore it !! (also sliding in an honourable mention for oasis, because that’s another vinyl i’m always reaching for when stoned 😅). fourth, i would say good charlotte, simply because they are fkn fantastic, and their young and the hopeless album is the one album i turn to constantly when life is hard and it just resets me, idk what it is 😂. and then in fifth, i’m going with our lady peace, i feel like they’re super underrated but they have some fkn bangers, they deserve more love ! and then i’m throwing in an honourable mention to counting crows because that 90s vibe is unmatched, and it brings me so much nostalgia for easier times.
sorry for the bible 😅 i hope you enjoy my rant about my 5 (or 7 😬) top fav bands that quite clearly capture the essence that is my punk rock heart 🫶
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