#I realized I HC a TON with friends but I don’t really here so enjoy 💖
whyareyouhere66 · 1 year
hey hey you should give me Spot Conlon hcs :)
I mean how could I possibly say no?
You sent this hours ago I’m so sorry-
Spot Conlon x Reader HCs
Fem or Male reader (gender neutral) - Platonic and Romantic HC’s included.
Romantic -
(Starting with the fluff, more lighthearted stuff)
◘ He just - he loves you.
◘ His love language is flirting with you, nicknames all that- and he also constantly has to have an arm around you. (So some physical touch)
◘ He didn’t really realize how truly touch starved he was until he had you, not saying he’s some lovey-dovey sappy kind of guy but just the casual arm around your shoulders, waist, etc brings him a nice hit of comfort. 
◘ And for those of you who aren’t into physical touch, he finds other ways to love you. Again, flirting, always has a nickname at hand, and even just the subtle things like passing you some of his food.
◘ “Hows about some flowers, eh? Y’like those- eh I’ll get youse some flowers” // “C’mere, sweetheart, you’re too far away.” 
◘ He’s so proud of you. Brags about you to Race, Davey, even Jack has heard about you enough to know any or all of your accomplishments.
◘ Race always feeds into it, of course, Jack kind of brushing him off. 
◘ Let’s not forget the sleeping arrangements. 
◘ He likes it best when you sleep next to him. Doesn’t matter if the bed’s small, he sleeps best when you’ve got your head on his chest, a lazy arm wrapped around your back. 
◘ That cute, dopey smile we got to see at Medda’s? Y’know the one, yeah- we get to see so much more of that when you’re around and the world thanks you for it.
◘ Trying to get deeper than just the same things everytime: the river. 
◘ The docs, the crates built up to make his throne, those are your spots. 
◘ Sometimes at night you two will just sit out there, either propped up against the crates or with your legs dangling off the docs edge. And you’ll talk, no one else around except you both. 
◘ It’s come to the point where if you can’t find him inside, he can’t find you, just go and look by the docs and you’ll find eachother, hidden behind the wood.
◘ And just like that we’re talking about more angsty stuff, here we go-
◘ The docs are where lots of the heavy, trauma dumping stuff happens. Or the inappropriate stuff- either work. 
◘ It took a while to get there, but he trusts you more than he’s trusted anybody. So he tells you things, you tell him back, and the bond grows stronger and stronger every time- an understanding builds, sometimes you don’t even have to say a word and he’ll know. You’ll know. 
◘ It doesn’t make you immune to fights though. Spot is outspoken, he gets stressed. And that can lead to him lashing out. 
◘ He doesn’t like it, sometimes he’ll regret it instantly and other times he’s gotta take a hot second to breathe, and then it’ll hit him. Either way he’ll find a way to make it up to you. 
◘ I’m not one to say how you’d react, maybe you’ll lash out too and maybe you’re more the quiet type. Either way he’ll take the time to swallow his pride and return things to the way it was before. 
◘ Oh yeah and he would fight literally anyone for you. The dude’s protective, over the newsies, his reputation, and his love. He isn’t scared to defend it or  himself.
◘ Two ways I can imagine it- one, you both are complete menaces and cause chaos through Brooklyn. 
◘ Two- it’s calmer, more you both enjoying eachothers company and having that level of understanding. 
◘ Either way, he’s glad to have a friend he can trust, which is hard for him. 
◘ Just like the romantic hc’s, y’all hang by the river a ton. Just talking, mainly, sharing a drink and having a couple laughs. He isn’t as over the top “crazy” as Jack, closer to the sarcasm of Race. 
◘ Speaking of- you, Race and Spot always have a good time when together, the three of you get along, far better than any of the others. 
◘ You joke about stuff, Race tries placing bets, Spot stupidly takes him up on the offer, and you get to watch. It’s a great time, the main reason you even go to Manhattan cause you know what’s ahead. 
◘ Spot isn’t as hard on you as he might be to the rest of the Brooklyn newsies, he’s admittedly a bit biased. There’s more room for understanding, he’s more comfortable in your presence. The jokes you share and the talks you have allow him to loosen up a bit, his shoulders relaxing more. 
◘ You’re the first one he wakes up in the morning, doing it personally instead of letting the alarms wake you up like he does the rest. You’re the closest thing to second in command they have, it’s never been officially said but hey the other newsies have joked about it and recognized it so that’s official enough. 
◘ I know there isn’t as much platonic as romantic but hey I just wanted to add this-
Ok there you go 😌 I’m actually so glad you sent this request-
I could go more into detail about some of this too idk I love him.
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dotster001 · 1 year
hii can i request a matchup for twst?? i’m an ace female, 5’0 with a skinny figure and mainly a light/dark academia aesthetic. i’m an INTJ 5w6, really introverted and 100% certain i suffer from at least five kinds of anxiety. i’m extremely closed-off but significantly more open online and to my close friends. i value my alone time very much and it pisses me off when ppl don’t respect my personal boundaries. i’m very cynical, sharp-tongued, and naturally stoic which causes a ton of misunderstandings. my humour is also really cursed. i’m self-deprecating, struggle to accept compliments, and have massive trust issues bcs of my past. i’m very ambitious and often neglect my basic needs when i’m too focused on smth. i also have headphones on like 24/7 (similar to haitham) which frustrates some ppl bcs they think i’m not listening to them. my love languages are defo acts of service and quality time
i’ve whaled so much on merch and gacha it’s embarassing. i take pride on my rhythm game skills and despite rarely getting angry there are certain games that bring out the absolute worst in me (ahem overwatch and league). i’ve been berated by my team so much now i’m numb to being insulted. drawing is my other main hobby (i have an art acc), along with reading and just learning in general. i’m a pre-med so i obv like science but i enjoy history, classic lit, and the arts too. travelling is another hobby but unfortunately i can’t do it as often now :(
just refer to me as 🍦 anon. congrats on 1.5k!
Event Closed
(hey 🍦 anon! Thanks for your patience! Just thought I'd share that I too am an Intj 5 w6 who likes to wear headphones. Solidarity! 😂)
I match you with Jade Leech.
It may sound a bit manipulative, but Jade slowly "molds you" into accepting his love and compliments. He's too smart to be stopped by trust issues. He respects your boundaries, he helps remind you to take care of yourself, and gives you hidden compliments until, one day, you love yourself, and him.
When he sees your stress level rising, he'll invite you on a hike to the mountains with him. Neither of you has to talk, you just spend time next to each other, away from a stressful environment. If you want to talk about your problems, though, he'll listen. He's a great listener, and an even better behind the scenes problem solver. Particularly if a person is your problem hee hee
He actually really likes the headphones idea. In fact, he might ask you to make him a playlist he can listen to on his hikes and when he gardens and works on his terrariums. I hc a lot of things about Jade, which I will not go into here, but should the loud noises of everyday life/his brother become too much, he'll quickly realize the headphones can make things less overwhelming. Maybe he'll even make you a playlist of mersongs that tell you how much he loves you.
He's in love with your combined drawing skill and love of science. Would you consider partnering up with him and making/illustrating any of his future books? Stole this idea from a fic but I think it works here
Will 100% fund your merch collection, as long as you let him buy you a shirt that says "Jade's favorite mushroom". Non Negotiable. You make him so happy, that sometimes he gets as excited about you as Floyd is about everything. He hopes you'll join him in experiencing the light hearted moments of life together.
You're gaming, while Jade is laying in your lap, and reading a book.
Suddenly, you get killed by someone on your own team, and you let out a string of curses. You see a flash of teal magic, and feel a tickling feeling under your chin, thoroughly distracting you from your rage.
You looked down to see Jade smirking, as he tickled under your chin with a feather. You scowled.
"Sometimes you take too much after your brother, you know that?"
"You mean with my dazzling good looks?" He said, his grin growing.
"Nah. With your ability to inspire rage."
He sat up, and slotted himself in your lap, a remarkable feat considering how much bigger he was than you. Then he gently strokes your cheek, and leaned in.
"At least I'm the only one of the two of us you love."
You would have given him a snarky response, if his lips didn't cover yours.
After a moment though, you felt the feather tickling the back of your neck.
You snatched it, and chucked it as Jade giggled.
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 2 years
(2/2) hi again!! this is the part 2.
so, i just realized that i’ve never sent in any asks before to compliment you on your work, so i guess this was the result haha. anyway, here goes:
earlier this year i was HEAVILY into the batfamily and YJ. after some scrolling, i found you and your stories. so, like i said in the first part, that helped persuade me to make a new account and be back on here :)
i was just looking for any cool reader inserts, and then came across some batsis stories. for yours, i can’t tell you how many times i’ve reread your batsis works, especially the asian!batsis HC. god that meant a lot to me because i’m also asian. i don’t have a hard time immersing myself in reader inserts, but that was just cool and i think you did it justice because the things you included are universal enough that didn’t make me feel alienated even coming from a different asian background.
then, your YJ stories?? equally amazing. there was a time in my heavy YJ era when i just needed to read more stories of dick as robin and seeing that you have a whole category of works for that?? perfection. i also really love both WHWD and supernova.
is supernova going to get continued btw?
if you’ll eventually continue it, that’ll be amazing, and i’ll be waiting. if you don’t, that’s also okay because what you’ve put out is just FANTASTIC!! the plot and world building is top tier. kudos to you!!
one last thing, your USM stories also helped me a lot because at one point i was brought back into my own USM era because i just binged it all again after having not seen it since… so long ago. they’re all fun and i enjoyed them so much <33
so sorry this has been super long btw, but i think you need to know how much your work is appreciated.
Hey there lovely! First of all, just wanted to let you know that I got the first ask safe and sound so I will get about to answering it soon but I just wanted to reply to this one first!
I'm so happy that you were able to find my account! It's always so much fun when you find people online that share your interests and it's obviously more fun when it's the Batfamily hehe. It's actually pretty funny because I didn't think I'd end up writing for YJ or Batfam. My first actual work on this account was for Billy Batson because I watched Shazam and I couldn't let go of this idea even after a long time so I decided I should just post it.
And then I met other creators who posted USM content like I did and they ended up convincing me to start watching YJ and there I fell down the deep hole of DC and Batfam so in a way it's very unique that somehow you ended up finding my account! I'm happy that you decided to make an account and send in this ask!
I'm surprised that everyone ended up loving the Asian Batsis so much if I'm being honest because I didn't realize quite how many asians are there because I have TONS of Asian friends who don't share the same interests as I do so I just assumed that it wasn't common? I honestly didn't think people would love it so much since it was just a simple HC as opposed to a full-length fic. It was one of the easiest that I was able to write too, since I'm southasian but I also know a bit about east asian culture as well, so I made it more general for everyone.
Hehe my YJ era really was a glow up for my writing. I honestly have SUCH soft spot for YJ Robin because he's so mature for his age but he's also the youngest member so there's always going to be this air of innocence that I associate with him, so writing romantic stories for him are always the best little shot of serotonin. And this was one of my MAJOR reasons for wanting to write Supernova.
And to answer your question, I hopefully will be continuing Supernova, I didn't realize just how pent up I was about writing until I started this event because I just cannot seem to stop my fingers from typing. I honestly lost touch with my writing while I had university and it was very overwhelming and once it got over, I still had trouble opening the document.
Also the part of the plot that I'm currently writing in Supernova isn't very exciting to me (uk cuz Robin isn't there) so I realize I've been putting it off for a while and hopefully I'll just be able to power through it until I can create a steady flow. I'm really glad that you like the story! This is my first in depth work that has a whole plot and stuff and even though I'm very much an amateur and there is still loads of room for improvement, I'm glad I at least started somewhere.
I'm happy you liked my USM works! I honestly had such an obsession with it in middle school, (to the point where it was literally my profile pic on everything and my username and all that jazz) so when covid hit and I realized I hasn't yet watched the last season of USM, I immediately went back to binge all the episodes and realized that Danny Rand still holds my heart after so long hehehe
And ofc as that one fangirl who realized his storyline wasn't explored enough and wanting to see him all soft for a girl, I just HAD to write for him. And at one point he was the character I wrote the most often for, until Dick Grayson knocked him off the top lol
Also don't apologize for the ask being long! I love it when people take the time to send them in and I appreciate them all the more!
Ironically, I feel the need to apologize for the longass reply heh
Anyways, thank you so much for telling me that you enjoyed my works and I hope I'll continue to make you happy with them <3
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Kissing / Making Out HC’s
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Pairing: Kaminari x reader
Warnings: Just a ton of kissing, making out, and mentions of groping (I talk about boobs, uh oh). Still gender/sex neutral
Author’s Note:
Almost didn't have anything ready for this week, but this one only took me a few hours to write up, so here you go! This may end up being my Valentines Day fic. Idk, we’ll see. I haven’t been feeling well lately :/
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● I think this goes without saying, but
● Denki is an absolute s u c k e r for kisses
● As soon as you get together, he wants them constantly
● And who are you to deny him?
● He really doesn't mind PDA (he kinda likes it, actually, getting to show off that he has an s/o)
● So, unless you're uncomfortable with it, he'll kiss you no matter where you are or who you're with (especially around his friends)
● But as I said, if you're not interested, he'll respect that
● It just means he gets to love on you more when you're finally alone together!
● Kaminari loves your lips. Big or small, soft or dry, he's staring at them from across the room, just thinking about when he can kiss them again
● Boy is devoted to you, you don't leave his mind
● After he started dating you, Denki applies lip balm religiously
● He usually goes with vanilla flavors, but he also likes fruity ones
● And he makes special note of what you like. If he knows you'll be kissing soon, he'll pull out your favorite chapstick of his just to make sure he's extra tasty for you
● His 👏 lips 👏 are 👏 so 👏 soft 👏
● Every now and then they'll get a little chapped, but he's pretty good about exfoliating them when they do
● He wants to make sure you have the best kissing experience with him at all times, so he stays on top of things
● Not only does Denki like receiving kisses, he likes giving them as well
● Cheek kisses are his go-to. If you were to keep track, I'd say he'd give you a cheek kiss at least fifteen times a day, if he's around you that much
● Morning kisses, hello kisses, goodbye kisses—a lot of them end up on your cheeks
● But he also loves kissing your nose! He sees those as more intimate kisses, so usually he saves them for when you're cuddling together
● He just loves the way your face scrunches up in a grin when he does it >w<
● He loves to smother your face with little pecks, and he especially likes to tease you by kissing anywhere but your mouth until you get frustrated
● But he doesn't have that much self-control, so he may just kiss your lips soon enough anyway, if you're patient
● You can expect him to prelude a ton of kisses with either a joke or a pick up line. He thinks he’s being smooth (he’s really not), but he loves seeing you happy and giggling
● He also likes to zap you jus a teeny bit here and there. Never enough to hurt (he'd cry if he ever hurt you), but just enough to surprise you
● Sometimes he accidentally static-shocks you when you kiss, especially right after he used his quirk, so that can sting a bit. He always apologizes when it happens and offers you more kisses
● He likes sweet kisses, especially the ones during or right after dates, where he just gets to close his eyes and let the world fall away into nothing but your warm lips. He likes wrapping his hands around your waist to pull you close, and tilt your chin so he can get the perfect angle on your mouth
● Sometimes he smiles and giggles while you're kissing, and that can make it a little difficult to stay on his lips. But it's so darn cute, you have no intentions of ever telling him to stop
● He loves making out with you. So much
● He likes to “set the scene” if he has time, but it’s usually just dimming the lights a little (he's not above making out to music tho, so if you're interested, he'll be happy to deliver)
● But just having you in your or his room with him, on the bed with you on his lap, kissing you slow for all you're worth—
● Fantastic, easily one of his favorite parts of the relationship
● And he likes the hungry kisses too, where he pins you to the mattress (or you pin him; he's into both 👀) and it's all just sloppy tongue and teeth
● 😞👌
● If you allow it, his hands will be all over your body
● If you possess boobs (no matter the size), he's touching them
● With permission ofc
● I headcanon him to be a boob/chest guy (I mean, he loves all of you, but come on. Boobs. Need I say more?)
● Buuuut, he's also touching your butt. Homeboy's a groper
● He likes to grab handfuls of you wherever they may wander, squeezing your warm flesh around his fingers
● You may have to tell him at first not to do it so hard
● He's a hornee boi, so he likes to make out with you a few times a week. If you have to miss a couple of sessions, he'll get grumpy and you'll have to make it up to him (with extra kissies, ofc)
● If you were to pin him to the wall and passionately kiss him, he'd probably die from how hot he found it. Or he’d just short-circuit
● Any time you kiss him, he'll melt
● He loves kissing you, but there's something a little extra special about when it’s you initiating
● It makes him feel so loved, even if you just walk up to him and peck his forehead
● It's important to him not only that he loves you, but that you love him back just as much. That's what makes him go 🥺🥺
● He simps for one person and one person only now, and it's you
● Extra: He draws fanart of you and him kissing in his free time 👀 just little doodles in the margins of his notebooks. Aizawa always makes a face whenever Denki accidentally leaves one on his homework but otherwise doesn’t say anything
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The overhead light is turned off, a screensaver on his monitor providing a soft glow to the bed opposite in the room. You're seated comfortably on his lap, his hands lightly resting on your ass.
He starts with simple pecks on your lips, each one lingering longer against your skin, heavier in pressure. He's soft but moist, warm underneath where his saliva had cooled in the temperature of the room. An electricity seems to dance between you, and you're not sure if it's just your imagination or if he really is using his quirk.
Finally his tongue swipes against your bottom lip, and you grant him access. Your fingers lace through his hair, displacing the black lightning bolt that had been shaped so perfectly among the golden-blond strands. His tongue comes into contact with yours, touching and licking before securing itself behind your teeth. You're drawn even closer to him, locked in a wet embrace as his hands squeeze.
He could never get enough of you, enough of this feeling. He was obsessed with the way his heart still pounded in his chest, obsessed with the way fireworks went off in his stomach no matter how many times he'd done this before. All it took was a touch, a kiss, a squeeze, and he was gone. In moments like these, you were the only thing that mattered. Not his failures, not his inadequacies, not the stress of school. Just you, and only you.
One of his hands moved to cup your cheek, keeping you close while the other slid down your thigh. He released your lips, only to come back for more more more, desperate to show you how much he loved you, how badly he needed you. A whimper escaped him, swallowed by the kiss but present nonetheless. You answered in your own pretty little moan, fingers alighting on the base of his skull to pull him ever forward into you.
He could stay here forever, drowning in your taste, your touch, your scent. What harm would it be?
Kaminari picked you up, turning you over and laying you down softly onto his bed. He quickly loomed over you, supported by an arm on either side of your head as he dove in for another kiss.
Forever was a long time, so maybe he'd start with tonight.
His thumb traced along your cheekbone, lips still pushing and pulling against yours. He loved the way you caged his hips in with your thighs, keeping him in place. Loved how your hands softly rested by your head on his pillow.
He paused, suddenly realizing just how lightheaded he was. Reluctantly, he pulled back for air, chest expanding and contracting with each soft breath. 
You were under him. He was so thankful it was you. He'd never witnessed a person so beautiful—never experienced lips so addictive, so kissable. You were intoxicating, the way your shining eyes locked with his as your own hand came up to trace his face.
Even in the low light, he could make out every feature he loved—from your nose to your cheeks to your chin, nothing escaped his gaze.
"I love you," you whispered to him, and just like every other time you said it, he knew it was true.
"I love you too," he whispered back, because that was also true. How couldn't it be?
He kissed you once more before shifting to his side, pulling you into his arms where he knew you'd be safe and warm.
'I love you' hummed through his every nerve as he showered your skin with his love—your forehead, your nose, your cheeks. All of it perfection in his eyes, and he wished nothing would change.
You nestled into his neck, your hot skin brushing over his own.
"Sleepy?" he asked, rubbing your back.
He felt you nod, and he couldn't help but smile. Burying his nose in your hair, he inhaled your scent. It was nights like these when he truly knew what the word 'comfort' meant, since he felt it to the very marrow of his bones.
Absolutely nothing could compare to the way it felt to have you fall asleep in his arms. Your breaths began to even out as his hands continued to wander, intent on caressing you and worshiping every inch of skin he was able to touch.
Even before he pulled the blanket over your shoulders, you were warm. Drifting off to sleep in his arms, his lips still lazily pressing kisses to your hair, you felt content.
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Taglist: @aahilovetheatre @basicaegyo @hyunmin-1404 @iiminibattlehero @katsugay @nabo39 @pyrofanatic @rainy-skys-and-bright-stars​ @sendhelpimstupid @sxngwoos-ash-box @xoxopam4​
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
I'm so sorry that you are sad. Honestly I was suprised that request are open for so long... So I will request! Can I have RFA + minor trio (i'm so happy that i don't have to choose one part this time, i love almost everyone) who was forced by her family to have job like lawyer or doctor but she dreamed about being a writer since she was very young? Thank you and don't be sad about lack of requests. I'm sure thatbin short time you will again have tons of them
RFA + Minor Trio with a Mc who was forced to do high sociality jobs instead of becoming an author
Thank you, yeah, they were open for a pretty long time, the likes and reblogs also went down a bit, I believe that I was gone for too long, ups.
But I will catch up!
Your words made me happy! Thank you for your support!
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,,I look up to you, my love,’’ Jumin praised you in your shared bedroom as you faced each other.
Your head was resting on his warm chest as you could hear his heartbeat.
,,Why?’’ you asked him, curious about what he would say next.
,,You achieved so much. You studied medicine and are a professor at such a young age, saving other people’s lives, it’s really amazing, you know?’’ he asked you, smiling down at you as you stayed silent for a few moments.
,,You think so? Because I always wanted to become an author. I can’t think of a time in my childhood in which I wasn’t thinking about a story. I only began to write them down way too late. I didn’t even get the chance to ask a publisher to look at them,’’ you whispered sadly, and Jumin could hear it.
,,Why didn’t you do that then?’’ he asked you, now patting your back.
,,I was forced to. My mother, gosh, it was such a hard time. That’s why I don’t have a good relationship with her.
She burned all my writings, forced me to go to the school she wanted, all because she wanted me to have a good stable job; a job with money, contacts to marry into a rich family, to marry another doctor, and open my own hospital.
Because she came from a medical family, I had to do the same.’’ you sighed.
,,Then… just resign, I will call a publisher tomorrow. You don’t need to worry about money. I already told you once… just put yourself above everyone else… if you want to become a writer, I will open that possibility for you… I will protect you, even in front of your mother,’’ Jumin whispered and held you tighter in his arms while you began to fall asleep with your heart at ease...
Zen ( this one was kinda hard cause, like everyone else knows, I always try to stick to the original story line and MC is his manager after they become a couple so…)
,,I’m so proud of you,’’ Zen laughed as he kissed you.
You just resigned your position as a lawyer, all because you were going for your own carrier.
,,Thank you, Zenny,’’ you mumbled and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
,,You motivated me to not do what my family wants. Thanks to you, I’ve realized that even if that was a stable job, nothing can beat doing something you love,’’ you laughed.
Zen knew that you were very brave and that it took you a lot of strength.
But luckily, you saved a lot of money in your years as a lawyer so every single door was open to you.
,,ARE YOU CRAZY?!’’ someone screamed when you just returned in front of Zen’s door.
,,Mother, I have enough of my own. So does Zen and we already talked about this. Besides, no one is saying that I won’t keep making money anymore,’’ you told her calmly, making your boyfriend even prouder.
,,Ah! And what do you intend to do? So you think that you will write something and someone else will make a book out of your crap?’’ she asked you, laughing at your idiotic idea, or so she thought.
,,No,’’ you laughed.
,,I will work as his manager and while I am doing so, I will write my own book, my steps, and a script for a movie. Everything is already set, mother,’’ you smiled and pulled Zen.
,,One day, we will be able to talk like a mother and a daughter, but until then, stay healthy,’’ you lastly said and then closed the door behind yourself.
As you helped Yoosung, he realized more and more that you taught him with a bit of bitterness.
Of course, humans and animals were different, but you noticed that there were a few basics you could help him to remember.
One day, Yoosung finally found enough strength to ask you about it.
,,Mc, do you like your job?’’ he asked you, a bit nervous even though you two had been together for such a long time.
You answered with a short, ,,no’’ and then you smiled.
,,I hate it. I wanted to become a writer. I put all my hope into it and lost. My parents were pretty strict and they still are. I had to become a doctor and I couldn’t change that. And so, here I am, with the most wonderful job, saving human beings, without actually enjoying it,’’ you told him and laid back on your chair.
,,And why do you keep doing it?’’ he asked you.
Well, that was a good question. You really had no idea...why…?
,,Let’s do it like this! Work on your books, on whatever you want to write. Write whenever you have time and once I have the job, you can resign yours! I will make your dream come true. You just have to go through it for a little while longer,’’ he smiled at you, actually making you tear up.
,,Yoosung, I’m so happy that I met you back then,’’ you laughed in tears and kissed him with all your love.
Back then, when Jaehee gave you the key, she never thought that this could be a harder fight than she imagined.
As a banker, one of the most known in Korea, you however, knew what you were talking about.
But something felt off.
And Jaehee, even though she didn’t like it, began to understand while you supported her so much with doing what she loved.
You were probably going through the same.
,,We need these credits and you need to fill out that page and sign here, these papers,’’ you told her, with the most monotone voice you ever had.
,,You don’t look as if you enjoy this. I’m sorry that you have to do this for us…’’ she mumbled.
In the next moment, you smiled at her. ,,Don’t worry, Jaehee. this just isn’t my favorite job, that’s why. I just don’t like my job, it has nothing to do with you,’’
This made her feel even more uncomfortable.
,,Mc, why don’t you do the same as me… I mean, I thought that we would do this together, but seeing you so busy… is that really something you want to do?’’ she asked you, more nervous than before.
Currently, Jaehee was questioning all her decisions.
Was it the right decision to leave Jumin’s company and open a shop with a stranger she kind of felt attracted to?
,,I’ll find a solution,’’ you smiled and stroked her arm.
,,I have to wait until we are finished with the preparations or else our money will be cut off and we won’t be able to do anything. Then, when this coffee shop is up and running, I will write a book about how to make it work, give out information without wanting money for it, and just helping people,’’ you smiled, your eyes looked even warmer now.
,,You- oh my, my head, what was I thinking? Of course, what you’re saying makes so much sense,’’ she laughed.
,,Let’s do this. I will support you with all my heart,’’ she smiled and signed the paper you needed from her.
,,I’m home,’’ you called as you rushed inside and took off your shoes.
Saeyoung rushed to your side as he helped you to take off your jacket.
,,How was your day, my dear?’’ he said.
You were shocked to see your fiancé in a dress with fake hair.
,,What the heck are you doing?’’ you laughed as you kissed him.
,,Since you weren’t home, I had to play the madam of the house,’’ he acted.
,,In short, he had to act like an idiot,’’ Saeran said and rolled his eyes as your friends, the other members of the RFA laughed.
Yes, carefree days finally came.
,,How was work?’’ Zen asked you.
,,Please, no, don’t let me begin! I hate it! Being a judge for teenagers is just so… Ah, I can’t take it anymore! I’m pissed and I don’t want to do it anymore,’’ you said and drank some water.
,,Why?’’ Jaehee asked you. You were doing a good job, why did you think like that?
,,Because I don’t want to take children from their parents anymore. I’m sick and tired of it,’’ you answered.
,,If they get neglected…’’ Saeyoung answered, this time being serious. He knew what he was talking about.
You looked at him. You understood his point, but…
,,It’s not fair to judge by things you hear or experience yourself. Sometimes, there are good parents who lose their children, you know?’’ you warned him.
But you already knew that Saeyoung put an end to all of this, even though you didn’t like the way he did it, just like he did it for Zen back then when he posted a short chapter of your book and made a lot of publishers come to you.
As a little thank you, he said back then.
And even though you didn’t like the method he used, you were thankful to him and were happy.
If someone wants to see a oneshot out of this HC please comment below or send me a message ( anon works out too ) I want to hear your opinions.
You laid down on your couch when you turned your head around to read the time.
Once again, it was 3 am.
Saeran walked over to you without you noticing him and hugged you from behind.
,,You’re still not sleeping?’’ you asked him and nuzzled your face into his neck, inhaling Saeran’s scent.
,,Jumin needed help with something and I had to finish it,’’ he lied. He waited for you but he would never tell you. The thing he worked on wasn’t even that important.
He just wanted to see you, because as a politician, you two barely had time for each other.
It was funny. He hated politicians, his ,,father’’ at first, but you… you were different.
You were fighting for something.
And he knew that if it wasn’t for him, you would have given up this job a long time ago.
,,You know, if you want to do something else, do it… you don’t have to stay in that position just for me,’’ he mumbled as he stroked your hair.
,,It’s okay. We need to save Saeyoung. I don’t want to get revenge, but I want everyone involved to get what they deserve. You know, back then I never would have thought that the job my father forced on me would someday help you. I always hated him and myself for not being able to change it. But as soon as we win this fight, I will finally realize my dream and write a book about our life. What happened to you and Saeyoung should go public and I will fight for it!’’ you told him.
He hugged you and took you in his arms, carrying you to your shared bed.
,,We should pay our respect to your father and visit him over the weekend,’’ he whispered and waited for your answer, but you already fell asleep.
,,Thank you, Mc,’’ he whispered before he also fell asleep.
,,I never thought that in the two years I wasn’t around you, you would actually change your job. I’m happy that now you’re able to do what you always wanted to do,’’ Jihyun praised you.
,,Yes, thank you. I never liked working in a hospital, although I grew with the job. 
But today, writing about all these things helped me.
And I finally showed my parents that a writer can also be something to look up to,’’ you smiled as you watched your daughter Lucy.
,,Did you ever speak to them again?’’ he asked you.
Your parents and his father didn’t come to your wedding; that was why only the RFA came.
It was kind of sad that the only true friends you guys had were the RFA, but everyone else weren’t really people you would call friends.
,,No, well, having a daughter going from being a surgeon to being an author is something to feel disappointed about, apparently,’’ you laughed sadly.
,,I will never ever forbid Lucy to do anything she loves,’’ you said and then looked over to Jihyun.
He nodded and agreed with you.
Your husband hugged you and kissed your cheek, he had to think about the time he first saw that you actually published something. He could only imagine how hard that time must have been for you.
He was also kind of sad that he wasn’t there with you. Jumin told him later that he actually supported you a lot without even telling you because he knew that you would have never accepted his help.
But from now on, he would be there and support you.
For you, and for the sake of his family and friends.
One day, when Vanderwood was cleaning up after the two of you moved in, he saw a box.
The box, which was standing in the middle of a room, was getting on his nerves so much that the long haired man decided to throw it away, thinking that it was nothing but trash in there.
However, he soon realized that he had been horribly wrong.
The box slipped out of his hands and a lot of papers fell out.
,,Huh?’’ he asked himself as he picked one up, the words ���chapter one” written on it.
One by one, Vanderwood sorted the papers and actually noticed that three whole books were inside the box as single pages.
Just when Vanderwood was at chapter six of one of the books, you entered, the cleaning session long forgotten when you arrived.
,,What is that?’’ you asked him when you saw that he actually read something from your books.
,,You should tell me, don’t you know that that’s against the copyrights? I mean, you are a lawyer, you should know that-’’ Vanderwood quickly stayed silent when he saw your tears.
,,I can hide this scandal, you know?’’ he whispered.
But he was totally wrong.
,,I wrote it years ago. Back when my father lost a trial because of a lawyer. At that time, he forced me to become one too to get revenge.
And so I had to give up on my books,’’ you told him.
,,But your father died! Who cares?! Change jobs!’’ he said, a bit louder.
,,With what money should we pay for the appartnemnt with… and the food?’’ you asked him and laughed. He seemed to forget that he still didn’t have a job and that you were the only one with an income.
,,We will manage. I will make it come true,’’ he told you, and indeed, Vanderwood made everything you wished for come true.
You didn’t know how, and he asked you to not ask about his methods, but your books were published. You could work as an author and could give up what you didn’t enjoy and he was actually working as your manager.
,,I told you to clean the keyboard twice a day!’’ he hissed while you smiled at him.
29.03.2021// 22:26 MEST
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serowotonin · 3 years
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐞 | k.k.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ a serowotonin christmas special ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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✲︎— you and kenma have had feelings for each other for far too long without doing anything about it. kuroo, with the help of some mistletoe, finally decides to step in and hurry things along...
⊰ pairing ⊱ kozume kenma x gn!reader
⊰ genre ⊱ fluff, crack(?)
⊰ word count ⊱ 1.2k
⊰ type ⊱ hcs + scenario
⊰ tags & warnings ⊱ pining, mistletoe, matchmaker!kuroo, unedited, no caps:D
author’s note. its almost 3AM. i still don’t feel sleepy but my bren ded
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you’ve had a crush on kenma for the longest time
and, unbeknownst to you, so has he
ofc you two never seemed to realize this cuz… thats just the way you were??
kuroo knew tho,, bout kenma’s crush and had an inkling that you may like him back
he also almost “accidentally” let it slip a few times in front you
kenma always did smth to either shut him up or divert your attention elsewhere so you wouldn’t hear what kuroo was saying
poor kuroo he just wants to be that helpful senpai and see his two cute kohais get together
after a few too many “slip-ups” around you though, kenma made kuroo swear not to breathe a word of his crush to you
and kuroo reluctantly obliged,,,, but this boi still had a few things up his sleeve 😼😼
christmas time came and, as usual, everyone was abuzz with holiday fever and stress for the upcoming exams:,(
now during exam time, kuroo would often invite kenma to his house to study (even tho they’re in different grades) and this year was no different
except,,,,,, for some reason that some reason being kuroo you were also there??
kuroo and kenma were just sitting there talking about you when, coincidentally, the bell rang and they opened the door to you
“ah glad you could make it y/n ~” kuroo said in a playful tone upon your entrance
kenma knew he was up to something and few moments later, he was proven right
“actually now that you’re here, i got an errand i need to run. you two enjoy studying i’ll be back real quick;3”
you & kenma: “wAIT WHAT?!??” *internally panics at the thought of being alone with each other*
you: “sooo...👉👈”
kenma: “....👉👈”
let’s just say the two of you actually managed to do some a lot of studying cuz you two felt too shy to do anything else 
when kuroo came back, he couldn’t say he wasn’t surprised. he knew kenna would’ve been too shy to initiate anything but he figured you might’ve at least had the confidence to say smth
but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess you two were more similar than he thought
that just brought him to phase 2 of his grand plan to get you two together
which was to be carried out at the christmas party after exams...
exams were finally over and you felt like a weight had been lifted off your heart. of course, even though the weight of exams were lifted, the weight of… other things, still anchored your heart. as you combed a hand through your hair, you tried your best to ignore those anchors. they weren’t something you were brave enough to do anything about anyway.  
one last look in the mirror and you deemed yourself good enough to leave the house. you weren’t wearing anything fancy or special for the night’s event; just a simple holiday sweater and classic blue jeans. you grabbed your things and headed out, texting your friends telling them that you’ll meet them at the station in a few minutes. 
seconds later, you felt your phone vibrate and pulled it out.
kenma: y/n, are you going to the christmas party?
you: yep, im on my way to the station rn actually.
kenma: oh ok.
you wondered what he wanted, your brain already coming up with tons of possibilities. you quickly shook them out of your head and texted him back.
you: how bout you? are you coming too??
there was a slight delay in his reply and you had to shut your phone to navigate through the small crowd in front of the station. your friends spotted you first and quickly made their way to you. you all boarded the train and found yourselves a few seats towards the back to sit on. checking your phone for the time, you saw Kenma texted back.
kenma: yeah i have no choice. kuro’s making me go TT
you: lol poor you. im sure it’ll be fine tho 
kenma: mmm he’s probably going to ditch me once we get there
you: i’ll stay with you if he ditches you then hahahha
he didn’t reply for a few seconds and internally you were lowkey panicking. as the train came to a halt, your phone lit up again with a message.
kenma: i’ll be glad if you did (:
you started grinning to yourself but before you could type a reply, the train doors opened and you had to pocket your phone to navigate through the crowd leaving and entering the cabin. 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . ⊹ . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
the gym was brightly-lit with streamers of all colors, sizes, and fluffiness adorning the walls. a standard-sized christmas tree stood in one corner with a large number of what you presumed to be placebo presents arranged neatly around it.
your eyes scanned the groups of students until finally landing on a lone boy with hair that seemed to shimmer under the christmas lights. to most others, he seemed quiet and reserved. he wasn’t easily approachable, to everyone else at least. 
you walked over and easily struck a conversation. to you, kenma wasn’t someone someone hard to approach or talk to. he was kenma afterall. what was hard, however, was trying to hide your blush every time he smiled at you, trying to keep a neutral face whenever he said your name, and most importantly, making sure your crush on him was not in any way obvious to him.
oblivious to you, he was trying hard to do just the same. and oblivious to the both of you, kuroo had already completed preparations for ‘phase 2 of getting kenma and y/n together’. 
dont give the man too much credit, “preparations” is just a fancy way of saying he found some mistletoe
lucky for kuroo, you two were exactly where he wanted you to be —standing face to face in a quiet corner of the beautifully decorated gym. 
like a large cat sneaking up on it’s prey, kuroo silently made his way towards the two of you.
“hEY ! y/n, kenma,” he said nodding to each of you respectively. “enjoying the party?”
before either of you could answer, kuroo continued talking.
“oH would you look at that.. it seems you two have been caught under some mistletoe~”
he waved his hand holding the mistletoe just above your heads as the both of you started blushing furiously. 
“cmon, you two know what you have to do~ :3” 
you couldn’t think straight. one moment everything was fine with you and kenma, and the next, some big bloke pops up out of nowhere ruining your peace of mind.
nervously, you glanced at kenma. he was staring at the ground with visibly red cheeks. kuroo kept poking him while he attempted to swat kuroo away. of course that didn't work, but it did make you swoon a bit because damn if kenma wasnt really cute right now…
taking a deep breath, you thought to yourself ‘why the heck not?’. before you had the chance to properly think, you took two steps forward and gave kenma a quick peck on the cheek. 
“oh come on y/n,,, you can do better than that~” kuroo teased. 
not even attempting to hide your blush or embarrassment anymore, you looked at kenma and saw he, too, was as red as his volleyball uniform. what struck most was the way he looked back at you. his eyes seemed to mirror yours perfectly. both searching the others for something to just push you off the edge and admit to each other how you felt. 
it seems you two found it as you both leaned in for another kiss, a proper one. 
— ✲︎
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author’s note btw remember how kuroo had an “errand he needed to run”. yes that errand was coming to give yours truly some cuddles;3 ditch exam review to sleep-n-cuddle bitch ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ
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drspencr · 4 years
dating matthew would include...
a/n: hi hi here’s a little short hc because i haven’t posted anything in a while :) but other than that my requests are open rn and i don’t have a lot to do nowaday!!
content warning: mentions of an age gap
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definitely keeping your relationship a secret for a while
spotted out in public in the early stages in the relationship
but everybody attacked you guys even when no one confirmed anything
especially getting on your guys asses for the substantial age gap
so ever since then, you two kept it on the downlow until everyone forgot about it
BUT two years later matthew finally convinced you to go public
you posted a nice picture of him sitting across from you and captioned it “happy anniversary, my love”
and matthew posted a pic of you just waking up and captioned it “i can’t believe i get to wake up to this every morning ❤️”
when you finally look at your notifications and see the photo he posted you completely freak
“matthew you chose the worst photo of me!!!”
“oh please, you’re beautiful”
the fans finally accepting you two as a couple
all of them coming to terms with your guys relationship and having to live vicariously through you
horsing around everywhere you go
he’s probably the kind of person to play tag at target
super! fun! dates!
picnic dates
water park dates
disneyland dates
bubble bath dates
but as playful the casual dates are, he seriously knows how to wine and dine
sneaking into abandoned places for fun and clinging onto his arm the whole time
“matthew can we please get out of here? this place is giving me the creeps”
“you don’t want to say hi to the ghosts? they’re really nice once you get to know them”
“im kidding, im kidding”
color coordinated outfits
he insists
(tons of) naked mirror selfies
like getting out of the shower and putting your leg on his hips
or simply just standing in front of the mirror and hugging each other, skin to skin
he’ll probably be obsessed with your body and thinks it’s the most beautiful thing in the world
taking pictures, kissing and touching every inch of your skin, etc
it’s no doubt that he’s very intimate
calls you the step mom/dad of rumple buttercup
it was his way of saying that you’re somewhat of a family
and actually having a conversation about naming your first child rumple
kissing his forehead every chance you get
sometimes he gets insecure and thinks that he’s too touchy
so he’ll just stare at you from afar
probably looking up from his drawing every 30 seconds because he wants to hold you so badly
and you can feel him staring so you just open your arms and he just sheepishly walks over to you, sits down on your lap, and cuddles his head into your neck like a koala
buying him weird patterned socks to add to his collection!
it always brings a smile to his face no matter what it is
tickle fights
all the time
but you always end up winning and he always ends up on the floor with you on top of him
and he tries to ask you to stop but he can’t because he’s laughing too much
staying up because matthew literally doesn’t sleep until 4 am
but he realizes how much of a toll it’s putting on you so he starts going to sleep at a reasonable time
for your sake
watching binging criminal minds
matthew claiming that you probably like reid more than you like him
although, you were never going to admit that to his face jk
“you know that’s not true, baby. i love you and not the character you play, okay?”
“but spencer reid still deserves better, fuck the cm writers”
“it’s true, don’t deny it”
letting you paint his nails
as long as it matched with the socks he was wearing that day
probably the hottest, wildest sex
like constantly experimenting and seeing what works best
and the aftercare? WHEW
he cooks you breakfast the morning after :)
matthew sneaking you onto set so you can watch him do his thing
also because he misses you
and when he has nothing to do and you’re not with him, he draws you from memory with flowers and hearts all around your face
“hey buttercup, how was work?”
“i drew you again”
“so a slow day, huh?”
dinners with his parents!
and it’s great because you and his mom get along so well and he loves seeing his two favorite people enjoying each other’s company
taking walks
like old couples
you would go in the morning, still in your pajamas probably
and just walk around the neighborhood talking about random shit and pointing out the chalk art on the sidewalk
he always has a new magic trick to show you and never runs out of cheesy jokes
sometimes he would pretend to be offended when you call him “grandpa” or “old man”
but other times, he would use his age as an excuse to get out of things
“matthew, do you want to eat dinner with me and my friend?”
“which friend?”
“oh uh,, i– my back hurts, yknow, old joints and all. maybe next time?”
you knowing damn well he just doesn’t want to see bethany
being friends with the whole cast (yk despite the drama and everything)
and going to all the cm parties
being friends with all of matthews friends honestly
another reason for him to love you so much
matthew wanting to propose for a long time but gets nervous and wants to wait for the right moment
he takes the ring with him everywhere he goes just in case
one day you’re just talking and laughing and he asks you out of nowhere
and takes the ring from his pocket like nothing
being matthew’s forever and having the most fulfilling married life 🥰
@timey-wimey-lovi @harrys-creature @spencer-reid-in-a-pool @redbullchick @etherealsxnder @httpnxtt @blushingspencer @groovyreid @plazathehag @anditsdoctor @spenciereiddd @danandphilfan6 @estate-euphoric @yoongi-holland @la-vie-en-amour1
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krewbies · 4 years
I'm so glad to see Bolin fics bc your girl has had a crush on him for awhile. Can you write something where Bolin proposes? Timeline wise, sometime after saving the city in book 4? 👉👈
awww i love this :( i hope you enjoy!!!
The last month had been absolutely insane. You and Bolin had both been busy- the Earth Kingdom was pulling itself together again, Republic City was still recuperating from Kuvira’s attack, but there was still a sense of peace. For now, everything had been resolved.
Bolin. Boy, was he thankful for you. You had supported him, rooted for him, since the days when the two of you had just been two clueless teenagers in a big city. Sure, you gave him a hard time about unknowingly working under a fascist regime, but that was quickly forgiven after he helped save the Beifongs. And, sure, sometimes you could be overbearing, you didn’t want him to hurt himself after all!
It was so daunting for him, standing in a flashy jewelry store. He had grown up poor after all, he was used to just scraping by with Mako. But Mako wasn’t there, and neither were you, but the memory of a wedding- Varrick and Zhu Li’s- was fresh in his mind. 
It was standing there, seeing you in the crowd, sitting with his brother and closest friends, glossy eyed and awe stricken, that he realized how ready he was to let you know just how much he appreciated and adored you.
The ring he picked was small and modest. Big and expensive wasn’t exactly something that either of you enjoyed. Your relationship had always been surrounded by chaos and dramatics and other people’s conflicts, and deep down, you both just wanted simple after all these years. You weren’t teenagers anymore, and there were no more wars to be fought, and there was finally room for peace.
“It’s so pretty.” You sighed, glancing up at the evening sky. Bolin turned his head to admire you, his eyes following the curve of your nose and examining the color of your eyes as if he hadn’t already memorized his favorite color a thousand times.
“Well, I think you’re a lot prettier.” His voice cracked. That always happened when he was nervous. And he was wringing his hands. You decided not to ask. Instead, you laughed, trying to ease whatever was running through his mind. He wasn’t one to hide anything he was feeling, so he’d tell you when he was ready to.
“Y’know, it’s so weird that we met here- wow, it’s been 5 or 6 years now.” You swung your legs and ran your hands over the wood of the bench. It was nostalgic, and reminded you of when things were simple, and you reached out to take his hand. 
Now or never. Now or never. His hands were oddly sweaty too. Huh. He stood up abruptly, back turned to you, leg shaking slightly.
“Um, okay, so, I’m, uh, usually good at talking, but I’m not right now because I love you so much and I don’t want this to end badly, I feel like you feel the same way but I’m not sure and-”
“Bo!” You stopped him in the middle of his speech, turning his body around and taking his face in your hands. He glanced at you as you stroked his cheeks, taking a deep breath. “What’s wrong?” You continued after a few long seconds of silence. He looked down at the ground and hesitantly opened his mouth again.
“(Y/N), I just... I love you so much. And, and all of the stuff that’s happened in the last few years has made me realize how lost I would be without you. You laugh at all my jokes, and you’re always there whether things are going good for me or not, you always make sure I’m okay,” He took a deep breath and shot you a sweet smile, and reached a hand up to twist the piece of hair on his forehead. “And Mako likes you! That’s so great! I’m saying so much, I don’t even know where I’m going. At... At the end of the day I just want you to be safe and happy, and I want me to be happy too, and I would be happiest if,” He slowly knelt down, taking one of your hands in his, and proudly showing you what he had picked out. “If you would just be mine forever?”
Your heart raced. This wasn’t happening, it couldn’t be. You wanted to cry. You had never entertained the thought of him asking you; it had always felt too good to be true. That he was so perfect, and he only wanted you. A million thoughts ran through your head, but one was louder than the others, and it helped you utter a simple response.
“Of course.” You stared at each other for a moment, hearts racing and the cool night air surrounding you. Finally, finally, a smile sprung on his face as he picked himself up, placing both of his hands on your shoulders.
“Really?” You stopped yourself from giggling at his shocked expression,
“I’d be an idiot to not want to spend the rest of my life with you.” You replied, tears threatening to spill. He engulfed you in one of the best hugs you’ve ever had, warming you up inside and out. This was it. This is what all of that was for. 
He kissed you softly after he pulled away. “Wait! We have to go tell everyone!” He was so giddy, rocking up and down on the balls of his feet, shaking you. “This is so exciting. I get to marry you.” Every reservation you had ever held in your life was gone, and they were replaced by the knowledge that he would be yours and you would be his.
i hope you enjoyed!!!! i just wanted to say, thank you guys so much. I made this blog thinking it would just be a fun past time but you are all so kind, my inbox has been flooded with the kindest things, i spent like an hour crying over it earlier. i’m sorry its been a few days since i last put something out, ive just been insanely busy and ive been jumping between writing things because i have a ton of requests. i just wanna give you all a hug! i feel like i hit 100 followers overnight and now i’m at around 140, its surreal. thank you. ps, this can perhaps be read as a sequel to the hcs i did about the airbender? but its up to u ;)
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tf2-hellhole · 4 years
May i have some retirement hc like the mercs ( and ms. Pauling) settled down with thier s/o maybe started a family and just enjoying life
Sorry this is like a whole essay, I just already had some personal head canons for this so a lot of them are in here
I always imagined that Mann Co. is forcefully closed a little while after the comics and the mercs are forced into retirement, so that headcanon kinda feeds into this
Scout’s sad that he’s done with mercenary work, but he’s excited to see what his future holds.
He wants to have a bunch of kids, but nowhere near as many as his mother did. He knows his mother did her best for her kids, but it was hard for her to give all eight of her boys the attention they needed, as well as work several jobs to support them, and he understands that. So he wants to have like 3-5 kids.
He has his S/O move to Boston with him and auditions for and joins the Boston Red Sox baseball team. He plays for them for a few years and becomes one of the best players the team has ever had. He never says it, but he dedicates every game to his family, his S/O especially.
After he retires from that, he coaches a team at the high school he attended. He sucks at it at first but eventually becomes an excellent coach and his team wins many awards. All of his children are big baseball fans like him and all of them have been on his team at some point
Soldier honestly doesn’t know what to do with himself. He wants to go off to fight in Vietnam, but now he has his S/O to take care of! He can’t just leave them alone!
So for a while he doesn’t work (he doesn’t need to, as the mercenaries were paid a lot over the years) to think it over. In the meantime, they consider having kids; He doesn’t want many, only about 1-3
But then he realizes what he wants. He just wants to be with his family. Part of the American Dream is to have a happy, healthy family, though that’s not the only reason he wants to be with them. He does genuinely love them and would lay down his life for his S/O or his children.
He actually never works again (highkey because no one will hire him) and uses his savings to raise his family and enjoy his retirement with his S/O.
Pyro will live wherever their S/O wants to live, they don’t care at all.
They never get another job, as they don’t need one nor want one. They just want to spend the rest of their life with their S/O.
Pyro doesn’t care about having kids, but if their S/O wants to adopt some, they’ll let their S/O adopt as many as they want.
They just live out their lives going on adventures and exploring the world around them. It’s a very carefree and joyful lifestyle for them.
For a long while, Demo is kind of depressed after losing his job. That job had meant so much to him. It’s mostly because of the emphasis his family has always placed on keeping multiple jobs, though it’s also because he will miss his friends dearly. He needs lots of encouragement from his friends and S/O for him to get up and find a job. He’s actually very qualified, so he could find several jobs in demolition for construction companies and things like that. So he finds a few jobs in Scotland (he insists on having multiple) and brings his S/O there to live with him.
Demo absolutely wants to raise kids with his S/O, and he wants around 2-4. He’s totally fine with adopting.
He goes to rehab to stop drinking before they have kids, though. He relapses a few times but eventually never touches alcohol again. He and his S/O are so proud of his accomplishment.
He, over time, becomes very successful selling and using his bombs, and his family lives in comfort.
Demo never realized how unfulfilled he was when he was working for Mann Co. he’s so happy he was able to change his life for the better and spend the rest of it with his wonderful S/O
Heavy immediately buys a home near the one he bought for his family in America, and asks his S/O to come with him.
He probably takes a job in manual labor, and publishes a few successful books over the years
He really wants to have a huge family, like 6-10 kids, but he feels like he’s too old to be having children, which makes him really upset. He doesn’t say anything but his S/O knows him like the back of their hand and can tell how he’s feeling. They suggest adopting children. He’s a little hesitant at first because he wanted his kids to be biologically his but he eventually falls in love with several of the kids they meet at the adoption agency and realizes being related doesn’t matter. They adopt the kids and Heavy loves every single one of his kids more than anything and he calls them his cubs.
He devotes his life and his work to his family and would lay down his life for any of them.
He goes into a depressive state after his mother passes away of old age. It takes a lot of work but his sisters, S/O, and children eventually pull him from this state, and he’s eternally grateful for that
Probably cries when he meets his first grandchild. He doesn’t sob or anything but tears are running down his face and he has the biggest smile anyone has ever seen on him
Engie wants to own a farm more than anything. He wants to go back to Texas but if his S/O wants to go anywhere else, he’ll go if they can find a place for him to have a farm. They’re able to make money off of the productions of their farm, but Engie also continues to invent and makes money selling his creations as well
Engie also wants a big family, somewhere around 4-8 kids, and he’s cool with adopting if they can’t have the kids themselves. He wants at least one of his children to become an engineer, though he won’t complain if none of them pick that career path.
He dedicates the rest of his life to doing what he loves; Inventing and spending time with his loved ones. Even if he spends all day in his workshop, he always makes sure to spend the rest of the day with his family and spends a lot of extra time with his S/O. His S/O is his main encouragement when he’s having trouble with an invention. They always make him feel better about it when he’s feeling really frustrated.
Medic doesn’t want to go back to Germany, he wants to stay in the States with his S/O. He sets up a small doctor's office to make money; The only reason he doesn’t experiment on his patients is because his S/O told him not to
Medic isn’t interested in children and also thinks he’s too old to be having kids, but if his S/O wants some, he only wants 1-2. He’d prefer his kid(s) to be biologically his even though he’d get a little worried considering his age, but he isn’t against adopting. He makes sure his kid(s) receive the BEST education and are able to pursue any career they want. Like Engineer, he’d like at least one of his kids to follow his career path but doesn’t mind if they don’t.
He spends a lot of time traveling with his S/O once the kid(s) are independent; He enjoyed travelling when he was a mercenary and wants to explore the few corners of the world he didn’t visit when he worked for Mann Co.
Sniper, in all honesty, wants to get as far away from Australia as he can. It reminds him too much of his childhood and his parents. So he’ll go wherever his S/O wants to go, as long as it’s not Australia. He still occasionally goes back with them just to visit his parents’ graves.
He probably continues doing assassin work, though sometimes he gets a little salty about the fact that it doesn’t pay as well as working for Mann Co.
He lives in his camper when he’s out working (he’s often gone for a few days to a week), but he absolutely buys a house for his S/O and leaves them there while he’s gone so he doesn’t put them in danger. He makes sure to call his S/O when he can while he’s gone, at least once a day.
He doesn’t think he could be a good dad and doesn’t want to raise a child because of this fear, but if his S/O really wants a kid he’ll give in. Like Medic, he only wants 1-2. But once the kids are with them he grows more confident over time. He still knows he’s not perfect but he knows he’s learning every day and thinks he’s doing a decent job.
Once he’s older, people don’t hire him as much because there are younger snipers with better eyes and quicker reflexes. It hits him like a truck and he’s really distraught over it for a while. But he realizes that he has tons of savings now and can focus on enjoying the rest of his life with his S/O.
Spy wants to take his S/O back to France with him. If they don’t want to live there, he’ll complain a lot so they compromise with spending half the year there and half the year where his S/O wants to live. He has a ridiculously fancy home in France, and will buy an equally fancy one where his S/O wants to live.
Like Sniper, he continues working as an independent assassin, but he spends much more time away from his S/O than Sniper. Spy is still really terrified of commitment because he doesn’t want to put them in danger, so he makes himself feel better by staying away from his S/O for a while. It takes him a while to work up the courage to stick around more often.
He gets really scared if his S/O asks him about kids. Like, he wants to run away and never come back, he’s so scared. He doesn’t think he could handle a child. He tells his S/O that his age worries him, though that’s not the actual reason. He’s scared of the responsibility, and he doesn’t want a child to have a father like him. He’s let down the many children that he fathered throughout his life and he feels like he’s gonna let down his S/O and the child if they have one. But when he sees his S/O so excited about the idea of having a family, he gives in. He only wants 1 child, and wants to adopt.
At first, he’s kind of cold to the child. But as he spends time with them he grows attached to them fairly quickly. His S/O can’t help but smile when he holds the child close or smiles and talks to them over dinner if they’re an older kid. He starts to spend even more time at home to bond with the child and eventually becomes an excellent parent
Like Medic, he wants to travel a ton once the child is independent. He’s also seen most of the world and does it more because he wants to show his S/O the places he’s been.
Ms. Pauling:
Ms. Pauling is absolutely devastated when she loses her job. Her work was practically her whole life and now she doesn’t know what to do. She’s so shell-shocked that she needs her S/O’s guidance to find a new job. She finds an accounting job since she did a lot of accountant-type work while at Mann Co. but also does independent assassin work occasionally.
She never thought about having kids and panics when her S/O suggests having kids. She trained in killing people and hiding bodies, not raising kids. She does want to have 1-2 kids but doesn’t feel she’s ready yet. They do have/adopt 2 kids eventually, and it turns out she’s an organized chaos type of mom.
In the end, Ms. Pauling and her S/O live a pretty normal domestic life, though they sometimes go on weird adventures with some of the mercs when they visit.
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sneezefiction · 4 years
hello! I've been going down your masterlist and I love your writing! most of them are so sweet 🥺 could I request a hc of reader dating daichi, but he lives with kuroo and bokuto so she spends a lot of time with them. maybe what your friendship is like with kuroo and bokuto separately, how daichi reacts to you being so close to those 2, and how you guys hang out as a group/what kinda trouble they get you into since you're the only girl in the group 😅
Daichi x fem!reader // Kuroo and Bokuto x reader - Headcanons
description: dating Daichi basically means dating his roommates, Kuroo and Bokuto too. here are some fluffy separate and group dynamics between you and these 3 babes. you’re def dating Daichi tho, hun. just to be clear~
a/n: ahh this was so fun to mess around with!! it was a nice break from regular headcanons. separating them into categories and elements was interesting. it got a bit long & wordy for a headcanon, sorry heh. it’s basically an everyone x reader at this point lmao apologies, Daichi thank you tons for the request and for the compliments <33
warnings: slight cursing
total wc: 1000
Let’s start with these star boy roommates and work our way from there~
Kuroo and Bokuto:
Okay, so they get that you’re taken and all that
But that doesn’t mean they’re gonna lay off of their teasing and flirty habits with you
You’ll walk into their apartment, searching for Daichi and immediately be bombarded with stuff like,
“Damn, y/n, you’re lookin good tonightttt. Where you headed?”
Just all kinds of flirty commends from Kuroo. It won’t end.
Bokuto definitely peeks around the hall after hearing all this, golden eyes glowing in the dark
You just laugh as Daichi pokes his own head out of the kitchen with a look that could kill a man
“Just out with Daichi, Kuroo, leave me aloneeee.” You’ll beg, still giggling
He’ll leave you be for awhile, but when you and Daichi get back from your date, he’ll jokingly ask you to take him out instead next time since, “I’m way more fun than that wet blanket of a boyfriend.”
Kuroo gets points for great pick up lines and scarily specific knowledge about romcoms
On the other hand, Bokuto is super confident with being physical around you
He definitely finds ways to play with your hair and will give you the best back massages
He’ll rope you into sitting with him by telling you that he has important news or a great story from his day
As he distracts you with his words, Bokuto’s hands will find their way to your hair or to your shoulders
You naturally lean into his touch and enjoy the soothing closeness with the spiky-haired boy
After a mild cuddling session with Bo, his energy becomes electric no matter what time it is
Like, it’ll be 1am and you’ll be laughing at something he said and place your hand on his chest to push him away playfully and he’ll just be all “AJldjsdlsjJKKD”
You’re definitely invited over for movie nights with just these two whenever Daichi is out late
You make them popcorn and they pile blankets on you and check every once in awhile to see if your okay or if you’ve fallen asleep
They joke that if Daichi ever leaves or does anything to hurt you, they’ll beat him up and take his place in a heartbeat
You know they would never interfere with your current relationship, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be there if it doesn’t work out ;) (Daichi is so ready to knock some sense into these kids)
Both boys will always have a slight crush on you, them’s the facts
So the other two babes are great, but the whole reason you even met those goobers is thanks to your hero of a boyfriend
Daichi made sure you knew the boys really well before suggesting you come over
You’ve made many great choices, but becoming friends with your boyfriend’s besties has been one of the most rewarding
Relationally and communally
You’re definitely grateful that you’re dating Daichi though
Kuroo and Bokuto are wonderful, but you fell for someone with a more chill persona for a reason
You’d been looking for someone who was wanted to make you feel safe and warm, who could sit in comfortable silence with you, and wanted you for more than just what you looked like
Yeah, Daichi was more your speed. He could joke, he can sass, but the man can also get serious… and you find that pretty sexy
If Bo or Kuroo start overstepping boundaries, Daichi turns into what you like to call “Jealous Dad-chi”
He’ll wrap his muscular arms around your waist, no matter where you are, and lift you away from their grasp and prying eyes
If you’re at home he’ll drag you back to his room, giving the boys a death glare, receiving snickers of victory in return
“Y/n… I know you don’t seem to realize this, but they’re all over you again.” He’ll explain, “I know we both love em, but stop letting them take advantage of you, okay?” He sighs
“You’re too cute for this world.” He covers his eyes with his hands in exasperation
“Somebody’s just jealous, that’s all.” You decide, but still reach toward his face, prying his hands off his eyes
“You’re the only one I have eyes for, Daichi.” You smile, tilting your head
This man will be so flustered and won’t let you go for the rest of the night
Group Dynamics:
Being the only girl in a group of 3 boys is never very easy
When you first met Bo and Kuroo, you just hoped you wouldn’t bore them and that your interactions would be smooth and not awkward
Sorry kiddo, but this arrangement was never meant to be smooth and is better suited for the words flirty, chaotic, and baffling.
But just because it isn’t smooth doesn’t mean it isn’t fun and invigorating
These boys have been your best friends, your counselors, and your protectors ever since you decided you join their funky lil crew
When Daichi, Kuroo, and Bokuto find you getting hit on by some creep, damn do they pounce
You’ll never see anything more intimidating than 3 tall, fit, intense guys approaching at once
Also can we talk about how obnoxious the boys humor gets when it’s just the 3 of them
They’ll be up late cackling like hyenas and snorting over inside jokes
Don’t even get me started on the level of testosterone in this apartment ugh
Whatever game they play, argument they get wrapped up in, or competition they come up with, it won’t end for hours… sometimes even days
And trust me, it’s not pretty
But that’s why you’re here. You refresh, excite, and intrigue them, taking their minds off of their usual boyish, unrefined lives 
Being around you brings them a sense of calm and care that they’d never have known if you hadn’t shown up
They adore and savor your presence and opinion, wanting you to be apart of their discussions and asking you to join them for all of their group outings
you’re the sweetest girlfriend and the most wonderful friend to each of these messy, adorable boys
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dariaslore · 3 years
1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 16, 20, 21 for Griffin x Valtor
1.What was their first impression of each other?
Well, the first thing that crossed Valtor's mind as he saw her was to play her. He was in front of a good looking witch and he thought she would've been swooning over him in no time. Valtor had just found his new puppet, ready to satisfy all of his ego's whims. He began flirting, but little did he know, Griffin hated his attitude. She hated his manners, everything about him seemed over stressed, emphasized and fake, he was playing a character she didn't like at all, plus she couldn't stand his bigger than life ego. Griffin could see what he was aiming at and she immediately tried to be straightforward and it turned out like "Everybody knows you're hot, but I'm here to work. I don't have time for sex."
3.Describe their relationship dynamic.
Bickering couple, they take everything as an intellectual fight and live for their bantering. Debating is their favorite activity and the topics can range between "what is best to eat for lunch" and "is the Council biased?". They tend to joke (some are very sexual) a lot, sass and sarcasm at their full potential, who can annoy the other the most is the winner.
( Valtor: Take that stuff away from my room!
Griffin: It's my plants, I live in this room now and I want them to stay with me.
Valtor: I don't care!
Griffin: Poor thing, I forgot they ruin your whole 'dandy wizard' aesthetic!
Valtor: Exactly. Buy me red roses instead, they look good with marble. Better if almost rotten, the decadence, the sweet perfume of death, you know?
Griffin: *facepalm* )
When it comes to feelings he's very closeted, but she tries to get him out of his shell.
4.What was their relationship like before they got together?
Bad. Griffin hated him and he hated her. Coven' members were annoyed by their dynamics and couldn't understand how childish their 'cracked to be power duo' was.
6. What do they love about each other?
Valtor is in love with her brain. He finds her simply brilliant and is always listening to her in awe whenever she comes up with a new plan. She's got wit and sass, her heart is as big as her brain is. He loves how she doesn't mock him for everything he does and she is willing to pay attention to his interest (something his mothers never did), so he feels comfortable enough to share his passions and doubts. He doesn't feel under scrutiny when she's around, he can be free to be and her smiles when she's proud of his doing are priceless. He loves the fact she truly cares about him and she's soo confident (it makes her so hot).
Griffin is a die hard for his charisma and she was quite surprised when he turned out to be most sensitive person she had ever met. She fell in love with his soul.
7. What do they have in common?
They are both ambitious and so into magic knowledge. Without magic and their drive for knowledge they would've never met. Their love bloomed between researches, books, ancient spells, strategies and missions, that's why even after they had gotten together, they still referred to each other as "partners" and not "boyfriend or girlfriend". Their partnership was almost sacred with a very deep bond. They're both dreamers, even though she's way more pragmatic and he's an hopeless decadent, they're prideful, vain and value their privacy. They may share some similarities and common interests (magic, history...) but their strength comes from the differences.
9. What made them realize they were in love?
They were fighting and teasing each other as always, they realized the might've liked and enjoyed that merciless bantering.
Griffin and Valtor started growing closer and their partnership got stronger and stronger as time passed. Sex came first, there was sexual attraction and they became "partners in crime with benefits". Then, after overcoming some barriers, they began to get to know each other more and more, he was finally showing her something real and she liked the fact he trusted her so much that he put aside the mask of the almighty and fabulous sorcerer from time to time. Valtor had gotten used to having her around, she was a great company and when he felt jealousy inside him for the first time by seeing her talking to another member of the Coven who had wanted her for a while, he realized that maybe it was more than just a partnership between the two of them. He hated to stay away from her and all her sides he had hated before, were now his favorites: the same witch he had thought a control freak and mean, whose now he adored the intelligence and sarcasm. Griffin knew she was slowly falling in love, but she was in denial, she believed it would've been just a fleeting crush and she tried every way to make it go away, she calculated pros and cons and looked for every single flaw in Valtor's personality to make him repulsive. But she loved those flaws. The witch was in love.
16. What do other characters think about this relationship?
Coven's members were happy they kinda stopped fighting all the time, some women (and men) were envious Griffin was his partner and lover. Griffin's friends were thrilled and found their couple really hot (where did she find such a good looking man?).
The Ancestral Witches had a controversial point of view, whilst they were satisfied they finally got along, their convergences were a blast and Valtor had a babysitter (the witches knew about his mental state, at least there was someone keeping him safe and sane now. The years before meeting Griffin had been really dark, the Ancestral were tired of the wizard self destructive behavior.) they feared the relationship might've distracted their son from fulfilling his destiny (he was created to be a weapon, not for love and kisses). They saw a threat in Griffin's figure, therefore they never treated her roughly, but always kept an eye on her. When Liliss found out of their relationship she said "This is going to end bad." Belladonna and Tharma were thrilled, Liliss was not, she knew the repercussions on their son if she ever left.
Griffin's father wasn't happy, he was worried and he tried to warn her daughter about what she was getting herself into, but she had to follow her path and he couldn't stop her from living her life and making choices (the witch was too stubborn).
Faragonda was also worried, very worried.
20. What does a typical date look like for them?
They're partners in crime, always together, and they can make a date out of nothing. A raid on a planet? That's a date. Stealing spells? Date. Spying on enemies? Another date. Theft on Eraklyion? The. Best. Date. Ever.
Whisperia is a bustling planet (I hc they lived there), there's always a ton of stuff to do. They didn't have a lot of free time, but they managed to make it worthy by going to some very classy nightclubs and going shopping (for Valtor's happiness. She's into fashion as well, but he's addicted)
He sometimes likes going to the theater and the opera (the drama queen he is), she doesn't understand a thing she's watching and it can bore her to death, but he's happy and she loves seeing him so engaged while he's explaining to her what is going on (she has to admit he's a wonderful storyteller and his humanistic culture is astonishing). She will definitely drag him to museums and scientific and political conventions where they discuss about magic and Magix's politics in a very technical way. Stargazing was another main activity, they could've spent hours talking under the dark sky (they did).
21. What’s a really significant moment in their relationship?
One of the most significant moment in their relationship was the first night they hang out together. The Ancestral were tired of their tantrums and decided it was time for them to bond, so Valtor and Griffin were forced to spend some free time together. The Witches thought it was important for their partnership to be strong also out of the battlefield, only in that way it could've unleashed its true potential. They had a new mission and it was building trust. And that night was just the beginning. (They were both slowly introduced in each other's own world). Another significant moment was Griffin seeing his demon form for the first time. It was a divide, a fracture, after that, their relationship was in free fall. Darkness became too much to handle, he was breaking, his mental health spiraling down towards insanity and she couldn't fall into pieces with him. It was toxic, his behavior, how Valtor got so obsessed with her she couldn't leave him alone for more than a minute. Griffin was sleeping next to a ticking bomb ready to implode, pressure from his mothers was too much, the demon rising, and she was afraid to hurt him.
There was no communication, she tried to understand and he erected walls, pretended everything was fine and at the same time he blamed it on himself if she was sad or angry for whatever reason. A dichotomy, the demon pursuing his mother's biddings and the man living just for her smile, fleeting sanity still standing in the name of their love.
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First Kisses (Haikyuu - pt. 4)
Title: First Kisses (Haikyuu - pt. 4)
Genre: do I have to say it? FLOOF, MY FRIENDS.
Pairing: Kuroo/Kenma/Taketora/Lev x Reader (separate) 
Notes: Okay, I have to say this. This one may be my overall favorite next to the Karasuno first years collection. I have no valid reason to say why, but I love Nekoma and Fukurodani. The Tokyo schools are the ones that are HUGE standouts and are so interesting to me, though there isn’t much other information than what’s provided in the wiki. 
Like, I love information and absorbing it and I’ve read through both so many times, it’s getting annoying. Can anyone help with gathering more information? 
Otherwise, I realize that my writing has taken a severe nosedive. At least to me. So, I apologize in advance if these kinda suck. (I’m also super sorry for this being so late! Tons of crap had been holding me from typing this up.) 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6 Masterlist
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Kuroo Tetsurou
this teASE-
he’d definitely want someone very cute and small
possibly shy, but not necessarily
also someone willing to try new things
(though this isn’t what will essentially draw him to his s/o)
otherwise, i feel that the kiss would happen during a date
something like dinner and walk 
or a movie and dinner 
maybe even a trip to the amusement park
which is where  we begin
though the night was fun, it was coming to an end
kuroo would have been teasing, chatting with you and his friends, and enjoying the time that the group has spent
some people are starting to split off
you two aren’t in that group just yet
it isn’t until you pause for some ice cream that you two momentarily separate
you were in a group with bokuto, akaashi, hinata and tsukishima
and while tsukishima was trying not to snap hinata’s neck 
and bokuto was staying close to (hanging off of) akaashi
you and kuroo were eating your ice cream peacefully
(though kuroo was fighting the urge to jump in and join bokuto in his extravagance)
it wasn’t until someone accidentally hit you that you two had to split
your ice cream would have hit your face
(yes, you are that short. don’t @ me.) 
and gotten everywhere
it’s up your nose and almost in your eyes
and it’s a total mess.
you don’t cry, but you are embarrassed
and while the passerby apologized, you also couldn’t help but silently curse them.
kuroo noticed your expressions
and how you got dejected when you got hit
so he took you by the shoulder and told the guys that you’d be back after a few minutes.
since it was an amusement park, there are no complete bathrooms
but there are waterbottles, napkins, and car mirrors.
so he had to improvise. 
he gave you what you needed and helped you as much as he could,
but your embarrassment was preventing you from leaving just yet.
you knew that you two were far from done for the night, seeing as it was only hitting 7:30 pm
but you also knew that you didn’t want to risk something like that happening again.
so when your face was cleaned, you laid back while kuroo held your hand.
he tried to leave, but he noticed your grip tighten.
no sound needed to be heard from you to confirm what both of you were thinking
‘i/they don’t want to go back just yet.’
the area was quiet as kuroo walked back and hugged you, one which you returned
short sighs was all that could be heard for a few minutes.
eventually, you were ready, and you let kuroo know by tugging on his tee.
he had made a vow for tonight, though - 
he knew you hadn’t had your first kiss, and he wanted to make it special to you
and he knew that you didn’t like huge displays of affection. 
so he just knew that this was the chance when you glanced up at him when you left the hug.
your eyes were big and, while your face was a little dull from the stickiness of the ice cream, 
(i hate the fact that i thought of something nasTY when i wrote that-)
he found that the way the setting sun lit your figure up was magical.
he knew that now was the perfect moment.
you noticed his hesitation 
and you began to question him
but he kissed you before you could get a word out.
kuroo is a driven and passionate man, so this was obviously reflected in his kiss
it subdued sense of force that he used and the shyness of yours was beautiful to him.
it wasn’t until he softened his end and you put more force into yours that you two got even closer.
though the height was hard to deal with, and resulted in some teeth clashing by default. 
you two were drawn into your own little world, and the kiss opened up a new door for the both of you. 
once you two were done after a few minutes, you pulled apart.
he had a teasing smirk on his face, you were blushing and pouting.
“did you have to just kiss me like that? people could’ve been watching!”
“hahaha, did you think i’d miss that chance, that oh-so perfect opportunity, chibi-chan?”
though you did continue to drop little periods of whining, you did calm down and relax for the remainder of the night.
the stars led to even more kisses that night
(of course, in private, kuroo may be the master of provocation, but he does know what his s/o is comfortable with.)
essentially, the overall kiss was very reassuring. 
not really anything for extreme comfort, but most definitely a kiss that would calm you down for the night. (seeing as you initiated the return.)
it was also fairly long and passionate 
something long enough to leave you decently breathless
(sidenote: it’s kuroo, what did you expect?) 
either way, it was the perfect setting, too 
(but kuroo wouldn’t admit that he knew the next step in the relationship would be perfect in the sunset)
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Kenma Kozume
shy gamer boy needs someone outgoing yet calm and collected.
i’m throwing the beck reference in here again. 
yep, beck from victorious. that kind of vibe.
it has been proven that he’s only quiet when you first meet him, and is chatty when you know him
so he’d want to be able to have a conversation with his s/o that revolves around their similar interests
a gamer, preferably
and since shy bean is shy bean, the kiss would be at one of your houses
most likely over a game
probably a racing game and the finishing game scores are neck and neck
and the kiss itself? 
well, let’s begin. 
you two had been playing mario cart for a while now.
the two of you had evened scores.
(2-2; best out of five)
and, despite his somewhat calm demeanor,
kenma was internally screaming.
‘s/o’s ahead of me, and the shell didn’t work.’ 
he didn’t want to play dirty, but you were winning.
he wanted to win the game to get the upperhand over you 
but you had only continued to play at your best.
he found your drive adorable and intriguing, 
but (i’m gonna say it again) he wanted to win.
so, he had to start planning how to defeat you in game.
though he did know that this would be up to chance. 
in the midst of his thinking, he barely noticed how it shifted to the way you looked. 
your face was lit up by the artificial light,
and as cliche as it sounds, he found that glorious.
the look in your eyes as your chosen character flew by on the track made him blush.
and that was when it hit him,
if he can’t win, he’d take you down with him.
and he’d do that with a kiss.
(let’s be honest, kenma would do something desperate if he wanted to. even if it was extremely out of character.)
(though that might just be me trying to fit the storyline, but like- he wouldn’t date someone unless he knew that he could trust them.) 
(am i wrong?)
he’d said your name under his breath. 
while you two would normally be very much willing to talk, this was not one of the times.
so you were a little worried. 
you knew that he was very ‘eh’ about his emotions, but he had his own little ways of communicating them, and this was new. 
what happened when you turned your head to look at him though-
that wasn’t worrying in the slightest.
kenma, in a somewhat uncharacteristic action had kissed you.
it was short, and mischevious, a little messy as well
but it was enough to distract you
i mean, like- 
this boy had never really taken the first step to do these things, at all, so this? 
hooo boy, you were shocked. 
so shocked that you failed to see that you had fallen to last place while kenma had won in first. 
your jaw dropped to the floor when you saw it and you pouted.
you did notice that kenma was red-faced and looking away from you, though
so you did the same thing. 
short, sweet, mischevious.
you just returned the favor~.
so, in conclusion?
the kiss is shy and quiet, but has some supercharged air to it
i mean, i imagined it happening in the midst of a final game.
what was to be expected.
(i also hc kenma to be the type of person to tease his s/o relentlessly in private, so-) 
the whole scenario was just the perfect combination of innocent desires, a confidence boost, and a drive to win. 
the setting too.
super relaxing to the both of you
especially considering that the two of you are not the most open with your relationship.
oddly adorable, but just the slightest bit annoying. 
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Yamamoto Taketora
this man, not gonna lie, is gonna give me a bit of a problem
i also had to do a small observation of his character, so.
once i found out that yamamoto is timid around girls, his s/o?
the girl i imagine he would go for clocked me square in the face. 
someone with a not-so-talkative nature, but is CONFIDENT.
seems to have the default personality of an angel, but isn’t afraid to tear someone a few new ones if provoked enough. 
otherwise, i think that the kiss would happen on a weekend or over holiday.
this is hard to explain, so i’ll just get into general scenario.
his parents are away for the weekend, he isn’t trusted to babysit, and his sister can’t be left alone or with her brother or else chaos will run free for the few days. 
the solution?
his parents ask you to stay with the two of them to keep them in check and taken care of. 
so you, in love with taketora and his sister’s personality, agree to their plea. 
(taketora would be the first of the two to make their opinion on your stay obvious - what else would he be besides ecstatic?)
otherwise, everything is prepared and the weekend picks up.
his parents are now gone, you are now at their humble abode, and akane has just pulled out a just dance game. 
she had been pestering you two to play it with her.
while taketora denied, you agreed and akane had taken to picking a song while you started to move the table in the middle of the living room.
he was watching as you started the time with a bang.
as you three did more stuff and the weekend progressed, he only fell more in love with you.
you fell more in love with him as well. 
though neither of you would admit it. 
now, seeing as the final day has come to pass, things were starting to wind down. 
you, akane, and taketora were seated next to each other on the couch.
a movie was playing and the two yamamotos were digging into the popcorn that had been set out on the coffee table. 
they had their eyes dead set on the current events in the movie, but you?
you were watching taketora and akane.
he looked so happy, she looked so happy. 
one little makeshift family for the three of you. 
you had smiled and looked away.
what you didn’t know was that taketora could feel you looking at him, he could even see your content expression from his peripheral vision.
he was happy to be able to experience something like this with you.
you were so charming, so kind, so smart, and so good with kids 
(something i will never be lol)
what more could he ask for? you were perfect for him. 
sadly, things had to come to an end at some point. 
that point was when akane was passed out, the credits were rolling, and a car had pulled into the driveway.
you two, awake and ready to start cleaning, had allowed the disappointment to set in.
“i had fun with you guys.” 
he smiled, though it was a little shy. 
he was watching as you grabbed the remote and shut the television off. 
he was blushing. you noticed. it was cute.
the room became silent, and it wasn’t broken until the sound of jingling keys could be heard. 
you two had slapped on smiles as his parents entered. 
after a short conversation, his dad lifted akane up and took her to her room while his mom thanked and paid you. 
you went to leave, she offered to drive you home, but you persisted on walking. 
taketora took it upon himself to make sure you got home safely. 
the moon was high and bright, seemingly smiling.
you loved the calm silence, he loved looking at your gentle expression.
the light had made you glow, and the way your eyes sparkled pushed him over the edge. 
he had to kiss you now. he just had to. 
you failed to notice how he was blubbering silently, something akin to a fish.
he had to pull himself together if he ever dreamed of kissing you, so he had to do it now. 
“hey, s/o...”
you turned to face the two-tone haired boy, and he grabbed your wrist gently. 
you blushed at the action. but gestured for him to continue.
“can i...kiss you?”
your blush got even brighter, but you nodded your head. 
he slowly closed the ever so slight gap between the two of you. 
and he kissed you.
slowly, gently, kindly - it was truly loving. 
it was very long, though. 
in fact, it was getting so long that the smile he wore when the kiss continued dropped into a pout when you had to press his chest as a cue for him to stop.
you giggled at his expression, and it didn’t last due to that reaction.
the calm silence returned, and as you two continued to your home, he held your hand. 
(that was almost so sweet that it became disgusting, wtf-) 
but, overall-
super sweet, super long, super loving.
there’s is almost no other way to explain the feeling
if you want to count breathless, go ahead.
either way, it was perfect and just the right amount of intense for the both of you
(or a balance, rather, but i think you get what i mean in relation to him and hsi s/o’s character).
and again, the setting?
too perfect. 
the stars aligned in his favor that night, that’s for sure. 
(i almost gagged while writing this, why did i have to make it so sickeningly sweet, my god-)
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Lev Haiba
tol oblivious bean needs smol aware bean
i don’t make the rules, it needs to happen.
who the hell else is gonna make sure that this guy doesn’t bring more problems onto himself?
his s/o would have to be responsible and somewhat motherly.
tough love is best love for tol boy. 
i think that they would also be very into volleyball, even pushing as a manager for the team.
(you and kuroo would have to be the primary sources of improvement for lev, let’s be honest)
otherwise, the kiss would happen after a practice. 
and it would be a milestone for the team.
(by default, of course.)
so, what exactly do i imagine would happen?
practice had just ended
everyone was sweaty
a select group of people had to clean up the gym while the other half had to make sure that the locker rooms were in pristine condition.
you had stayed back to help the guys in the gym.
chaos had begun to ensue when you were cleaning around the outer edge of the gymnasium, so you had to do something.
granted, this group consisted of yamamoto and lev - not surprising.
despite your smaller stature, the guys there knew not to mess with you
things worked out! 
the cleaning was slowly getting done, people had begun to leave. 
(some volleyballs were thrown in the process between you and lev, though kuroo doesn’t and will never know.)
the smiles that come up during the time are beautiful
almost like that night in general, but you didn’t care.
you, in fact, found lev adorable.
despite his height, was a giant baby - and you loved it.
either way, when the cleaning was done, only a few of you were left.
kuroo and kenma left for the train, kai was packing his things, and you and lev were already on your way to your respective homes.
you two were holding hands tightly, you giggling as he swung your limbs back and forth.
he was almost throwing you, but he wasn’t
the whole thing was a big, fun mess 
once he had calmed down, he had started to ask you about your day
you responded accordingly, and he had to do what he would normally do
tease you.
things were silent once you had asked him and he responded, so this would have to be done if things had to flow somewhat
the tiredness had set in, and it wasn’t until you had heard the dreaded words escape his mouth that you almost jumped and smacked him
“so, s/o, how’s your height doing for you down there? Are the land bugs hitting you?” 
you deadpanned and started to claw at him, just the slightest.
his laugh was what drew you from your mini meltdown. 
you calmed down as you watched his eyes light up with amusement.
he seemed so relaxed and happy, you just had to smile at him as well. 
the air around you two lost the tired feeling and settled into something bordering on romantic and teasing.
you were throwing tall jokes at him, he was throwing short jokes at you.
fair deal for a couple so far apart in height, i’d say.
that being said, the tired eventually set in amongst the conversation and rebuttals. 
with the drowsiness hitting you in the middle of a comeback, you got loopy 
and said something without thinking
(aka something unlike you, the somewhat composed manager of the Nekoma boys volleyball club and unofficial guardian of the chaotic lev haiba)
“i wanna kiss you.”
lev, though tired as well, wasn’t as drained as you and heard what you had said loud and clear.
he blushed firetruck red and stuttered through the repetition of the statement.
it took you a few seconds to realize that, to summarize:
yes, you said that
yes, lev heard that
and yes, you meant it
you had gathered the remnants of your awake conscious to say what you had to say, now that you had already spoken your desires in a goofed state.
“*clearing throat* u-um, i...i want to kiss you, l-...lev. i want to kiss you, so can-can i?”
his eyes got wider, he blushed darker, and his heart was beating at a million mph
but he didn’t deny it. 
in fact, he straight up leaned down for you.
“you wanted to kiss me, right? then go for it!”
you, in your tired stupor, went along with it.
you had to jump a little bit because he didn’t lean down so far, but you still managed to peck him on the lips.
(he enjoyed the image of you jumping to try and kiss him, and he could get used to it)
he chuckled again before meeting you down below once you were away from him. 
the two of you just stared in each others eyes and turned into tomatoes.
overall, just-
it doesn’t seem like much, but i think that the kiss would kind of comical and somewhat immature
while still remaining very romantic and sweet.
the setting itself?
not really proper to you two
the two of you, most likely, would have ended up like this if you had stayed back longer or had gone to a diner for a date.
(as a sidenote, you lived near yaku. this is something he didn’t know and you were too tired to remember, so when yaku noticed the little scene from his bedroom window, he had to bring it up at practice the next day. the two of you were promptly teased relentlessly.)
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its-miichan · 4 years
Why HC is a poorly written character
I will probably delete this tbh.... Look, I know I hate on TGCF a lot, but I actually really enjoyed the book and I respect MXTX for putting so much effort and work into it. It’s just that I find people like me to be underrepresented and want to be the one that starts the “unpopular opinion” movement sort of thing because diversified opinions are lit. I don’t mean any offense to anyone who loves TGCF or the character of Hua Cheng, and definitely no disrespect to MXTX, so please take everything in this as the incoherent rants of an overly stressed out teenager. Now let’s get on into my TGCF/Hua Cheng criticisms
I’ve seen tons of people love HC, but no matter how I tried, I still hated him. So I decided to go all out  and point out all his flaws as a character. I will be making multiple comparisons to Bingge and the Yiling Patriarch because they are very similar in personality, but I like them far better. Obviously, this is my personal opinion, so it’s completely fine that you disagree with me. Feel free to attack me in the comments below and feel free to hate me to oblivion as well. Anyways, without further ado, let’s get into it.
Why HC is the worst character in 4 long points:
He doesn’t have a shred of consideration or respect for people not named Xie Lian  
He is a static and underdeveloped character 
His character arc is very lacking 
He is an overpowered Mary Sue  (it’s almost as if he’s an unkillable protagonist that has a special power of dropping the IQs of all cannon fodders around him to 40 whenever he walks into the room)
Let’s start on point 1, he has no consideration for anyone but XL and is very obnoxious:
Honestly, why is XL fine with what he does? XL’s whole thing is about love, compassion, and righteousness, but then HC is here insulting people, calling them trash, and still flirting while people are legit trying to fight for their lives and he’s just fine with it? Yes, HC is the only person who has listened to him in a long time, but he’s here breaking XL’s morals and all he does is call him out mildly? HC is literally putting other people’s LIVES in danger doing what he does (black water arc), and yet XL is still fine with him?
HC just is more morally black than he is morally gray. His obnoxiousness to other people is so mildly played off that it’s infuriating, and he needs a serious humbling. Nobody has made him able to drop his arrogance and make him stop being annoying, and it’s just so frustrating to see this terrible character be able to do whatever he wants. (and his backstory, though tragic, does not excuse this) With WWX and LBH, they get what was coming to them. LBH is looked down upon and attacked for his arrogance and obnoxiousness and even at the end of the series is still seen as an enemy by CQ peak. WWX’s pride and belief that he could always do the impossible becomes his fatal flaw that ultimately gets him killed as his reckless arrogance gets him too many enemies   HC is wildly arrogant and provocative and the narrative lets him get away with it because he is so OP, no one can do anything about it. 
Despite MXTX trying to make him seem morally gray, the moments where he does something good aren’t on screen and feels forced. It felt, to me, like MXTX was trying to make him a good person when she realized he was a jerk. We get this whole self-indulgent thing about how nobody cared about HC so apparently the world owes him and he is justified to be a terrible person and laugh while people are literally dying. A character like him can be handled well (Taxian-Jun, Bingge, the Yiling Patriarch), but his handling was just such a miss for me. At some points his apathy to other people didn’t feel like part of his character, but just a way for MXTX to advance the plot. If he had just stepped in and done something, a lot of plot points would’ve been solved so much more quickly, and the book wouldn’t drag on as long as it did.
Point two is that he is shallow as heck and doesn’t get any onscreen character development. LBH and WWX have also had an arc in their story where they are arrogant and need a humbling, but it isn’t annoying because we get to see how they become this way. We get to be attached to them before they develop their twisted personalities and we get to see how they grow and develop from that period in time. With HC, he just starts out this way and we are forced to accept it, and his personality doesn’t develop at all. Speaking of personality, he really barely has one. What even are his motives?He just walks around with XL and is dragged into adventures that he really doesn’t care about and does nothing while he’s on these adventures. Everything he does is about XL and he has barely ever done something out of his own agenda. We never even get to see how HC’s love for XL came to this point, we are just forced to accept it. Yes, XL did save HC as a child, but does that necessarily warrant 800 years of complete devotion and 3 deaths? We’ve seen similar stories with kind people adopting children or something of the sort, but we never see those children fall in love with the person or die for them three times. It feels like XL got some cheaply earned loyalty. Some development between XL and HC prior to his death would’ve been nice. 
Again, with LBH and WWX, they have their own thoroughly developed motives and backstories that contribute to the way they act in a natural way. With LBH it’s that he thought his parents had abandoned him as a child, so he thought that he was unwanted and would do anything so that he wouldn’t be abandoned by SQQ. With WWX, he would’ve been dead if it weren’t for the Jiangs which is why he feels that his life is worthless and would throw his life out the window to protect others. With HC, his backstory somewhat explains his behavior but at the same time...not really? There’s such a drastic and inexplicable leap from his personality as a child and his personality now that it’s just weird. (how did he go from that awkwardly silent kid in book 2 to this suddenly super charismatic and chatty teen that we meet in book 1???) For example, why is he so good at flirting? He has essentially been alone for 800 years yet he is still good at flirting? Yes, he is supposedly “insecure” because of his backstory, but this insecurity barely ever manifests, and people in the story never deliberately use it against him (like how LBH’s backstory was used against him or how WWX’s heritage from a servant was used against him) and most of the time he is the exact opposite of being insecure, he is arrogant.
His backstory doesn’t explain his motive for doing things, which is why when he does something good, it doesn’t feel earned. Why did he save the people trapped in Tonglu? We don’t know because the book didn’t care enough to tell us.
Point three is that his character arc is just handled in an atrocious way. Can you really count it as a character arc though? If you can then that would just be the flattest character arc I’ve ever seen. Again, we get to see LBH and WWX grow and develop in the course of the story, changing with their experiences and becoming better people. Bingge is a terrible person, but SV ends with LBH finding redemption from most people and sealing away Xin Mo for the sake of the world and his shizun. WWX is significantly humbled after his first death and ends the story significantly more responsible and considers the consequences of things before charging headfirst into them.
But HC doesn’t have development like that. Throughout the entirety of the story, his character doesn’t grow one bit. When we first meet him in book 1, his personality is no different than way later in book 5. There is no growth or change in his way of thinking, relationships, or world view. Yes, you could say that his character development happened during the period where he went from a child to who he is now, but much of that is off screen and is therefore less...coherent. For example the flirting, which I mentioned in the last point, but also things like suddenly becoming arrogant as hell, despite supposedly being “insecure” or becoming as “mischievous” as he is today. What little character development we have comes off as superficial and very forced. 
Point four is that he is an insufferable Mary Sue in serious need of a nerf. Or rather to quote peerless cucumber “Every single person, when in front of the protagonist, would act like his aura of “awesomeness” had devoured their intelligence”. I don’t understand why people don’t like the term “Mary Sue” to be applied to an international work because as someone who is Chinese and is familiar with the pop culture, I can assure you, the term Mary Sue is definitely used in Chinese culture. People say that HC isn’t a Mary Sue because he has no friends, but the amount of friends a character has does not affect whether they are a Mary Sue or not. Wikipedia defines a Mary Sue as: “...a generic name for any fictional character who is so competent or perfect that this appears unrealistic for the world's settings, even in the context of the fictional setting.” 
It doesn’t mention the amount of friends, only how competent and/or perfect the character is presented to be. Key word: appears. 
Google defines a Mary Sue as: “a type of...character who is depicted as unrealistically lacking in flaws or weaknesses.”
So, what are HC’s flaws and/or weaknesses? His “insecurity”? Yes, that could potentially be a flaw, but is it ever used against him in the story so that it is something that isn’t just there for the sake of “cute romance”? No. Yes, he does have a spot of spiritual weakness in his left eye, but that is only used against him ONCE, and it really doesn’t even advance the plot or affect him. Yes, he doesn’t have friends, but does that bother him? No. Does that affect him negatively? No.
He has a lack of flaws but has so, so many strengths. Personality wise, he is supposedly the most charming, charismatic, and funny person ever. He is extremely handsome and rich, along with his seemingly never ending array of OP powers and abilities that are never foreshadowed or mentioned at all. We know that his butterflies can attack and defend, but they can also be used as recording devices and go COMPLETELY unnoticed even in a court full of powerful gods? Was this ever mentioned before he just pulled it out of nowhere? And HC can also suddenly pull out the red string out of nowhere with no foreshadowing. How did he get the red string? We don’t know and the story doesn’t care. In fact, the red string doesn’t even do much and is just there for the sake of being “romantic.” Also, apparently he can pull out his umbrella and fly and deflect everything and is also powerful enough to break the cursed shackles? Why? (other than because he has the undefeatable protagonist’s golden halo and suffers from a serious case of main character-itis) He is so overpowered that it’s a joke at this point, and because he is so overpowered, the story lacks any sort of narrative stakes and makes everyone else look like a joke. Why worry about what happens next when you know HC will pull something from nowhere to steamroll through whatever problem XL is facing?
Look, with LBH, there is a blatantly obvious nerf to him, and that is that Xin Mo can corrupt him to the point where he virtually goes insane and destroys both himself and others in the process. With WWX, he is essentially useless without corpses or something resentful in the vicinity to control. Additionally, him being overpowered feels more natural than HC because no matter how overpowered he is, he still falls to the schemes of one Jin GuangYao. With HC, there is no such thing. Yes, he does die, but he comes back every time and the plot armor is so thick that all the tension and suspense in the story is completely destroyed.
In short, I think that HC is a terrible character. I find him to be shallow, annoying, and poorly written. It felt as if MXTX tried to make him perfect, and that really bugged me so much. I’ll probably be making a rant on XL next. Again, this is my opinion and none of this is objective fact, and if you agree with me, fine, and if you disagree, great! However, be sure to stay respectful to everyone in the comments as well as MXTX. As always, feel free to attack me in the comments.
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pokenimagines · 4 years
hc for the gym leader (and Leon?) with corny pick up lines? Like how do they feel about receiving them or giving them?
I think that’s all of them! I left out Bea, Bede, Marnie, and Allister as they’re just small babies who don’t need to know about the world of raunchy pick-up lines. This was kind of hilarious to write because I looked up tons of pick up lines for this. The only one that’s original is Leon’s and sort of Raihan’s? I saw one and was like, “Imma just change it a bit.” I hope you enjoy it and if you guys have better pick up lines for them let me know.
◆ This boy isn’t good at giving or receiving pick up lines.
• He gets flustered when someone uses one on him.
• He usually laughs it off while trying to think of the proper response.
• His pickup line of choice is, “Your hand looks heavy. Here, let me hold it for you.”
◆ She’s pretty competitive, so if you shoot out a pick up line, she’s going to have to one-up you.
• She finds most of them entertaining, especially the more raunchy ones.
• Of course, none of these should be taken too seriously, though, as she’ll go to the extremes to win.
• Her pickup line of choice is, “I could put some motion in your ocean.”
◆ He doesn’t see much of a point in pick up lines, but if you insist, he’ll go along with it.
• He typically only receives them either from his partner or from random fans who are more ballsy.
• The most anyone has ever seen him affected by one is when he had a small smirk at a particularly stupid line.
• His pick up line of choice is “The fire might be out, but you’re still smoking hot.”
◆ This woman knows almost every old school pick up line as they’ve all been used on her.
• Lately she doesn’t have to worry about it, but she’ll thrown one out if she’s close to someone and they’re pretending to flirt.
• She pretends like she doesn’t understand the dirty ones, but she gets it and just doesn’t want to amuse the other person.
• Her pick-up line of choice is, “I guess you’re a fairy-type, because I can’t help the charm you’ve put on me.”
◆ He’s usually the one giving out the uber corny pick-up lines and making those around him cringe a bit.
• He always delivers the line with such confidence, though, that it’s hard to hate it.
• When he receives one, it’s either he gets flustered, or he can’t stop laughing.
• His pick up line of choice is “Trust me, babe, I really DIG you.”
◆ She’s no stranger to hearing pick up lines, and after years of it, she’s learned a few good ones.
• She usually won’t throw them out there, though, but if she’s feeling like it, she can.
• She typically doesn’t realize the dirty ones are naughty until much later.
• Her pick up line of choice is “Can you hold my gloves? I normally warm them up by the fire, but you’re way hotter.”
◆ He usually doesn’t give out pick up lines, nor does he receive them.
• Despite him being pretty cool, for some reason, a lot of people don’t see him as super approachable.
• Those who do know him will happily use any lines of him they can think of, as most of the time, he finds it hilarious.
• His pick up line of choice is “Do you like heavy metal? Cause I can teach you how to scream.”
◆ He’s the encyclopedia of horrible pick up lines.
• He’s always using them on both friends and well as receiving them from fans and the like (especially online).
• He has a folder on his phone dedicated to the funniest ones, though he finds the raunchy ones to be hilarious if they’re extra corny.
• His pick up line of choice is “If you pet my dragon, I bet I can make it spit some fire.”
◆ Leon is used to receiving pick up lines all the time due to his status as the champion.
• Everyone wants a piece of him apparently, and a lot of them are pretty damn funny about it.
• He’ll occasionally throw them out himself if he knows the person well enough, though, and he almost always keeps it clean.
• His pick up line of choice is, “If you challenge me to a date, I promise you’ll have a champion time.”
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leemaht · 4 years
spare konoha dating hc's 🥺
believe it or not i had these in my drafts already. hope you enjoy :3
boyfriend scenarios/dating headcanons
haiba lev, akinori konoha as your boyfriend
warnings: none
pairings: lev x reader; konoha x reader
he is baby
you were in the same class. he noticed you but didn’t act on it except for occasional greetings in the hallways or small talk during lessons.
one day you got dragged to practice by one of your friends who apparently had a crush on one of the other players.
when lev saw you he walked over and asked why you were here. but not in a bad manner, but was rather excited. then you explained and he got kind of down because it sounded like you didn’t want to be here.
you saw it and added
‘but i would really like to see you play too, so give your best, alright?’
his face lit up and he was flowed by motivation.
‘i will! so watch me!’ and he ran back to the court. you had a light blushy smile on your face because of his cute reaction.
the next few weeks you came to practice every day and you could feel lev’s motivation rise up every time you set foot into the gym
he talked to you before and after practice and even started conversations in class. after a few days he asked you to have lunch with him, that’s when he asked you for your number too.
he texted you every day. texted? spammed!! but you didn’t seem annoyed, responded every time and laughed at his jokes. he didn’t really notice to have fallen for you until he realized that his thoughts were kind of always on you.
when you were hin class, he was literally staring at you the whole time. when he found a funny meme online he thought ‘i bet y/n would like that.’ and sends it to you. and his teammates are so annoyed! he talks about you 24/7.
kuroo made him realize. lev had one of his rants about you and kuroo was fed up.
‘alright we get it! n/n-chan is great and you like them!’
‘like them?’ and he thought about it and he was right.
was way too shy to confess at first. he started to get a bit distant and observe you from afar until it struck him.
at one practice yaku was going off on lev for being incompetent and stuff as per usual. but this was the first time you saw it and it made you feel really bad. lev looked so sad and defeated as he tried to explain himself to yaku.
you stood in between those two and defended him.
that’s when lev couldn’t take it anymore. he just blurted the confession out in front of the whole team.
‘y/n-chan, i really really like you! pleasebemygirl-/boy-friend.’ he said way too fast and way too loud. the whole gym had gone quiet. [they really hoped for you to accept. they all knew about lev’s feelings, i mean he is really obvious. they are like a super supportive family]
‘yeah, i’d really like that.’ you could hear them all breathe out at once.
cheering and a bear hug from lev after.
you had your first kiss on your first date. not because there was a mood but lev became over excited. he had planned this date for days and since this was his first date ever he researched. on. the. internet.
and this one article said that couples who kissed on their first date were reportedly less likely to separate. he believed this shady article.
he made it his goal to kiss you and desperately waited for the right moment. but every time he thought about it the moment was gone.
after a while he looked really down and you asked him what was wrong. he explained his problem. after that you chuckled and kissed him.
he blushed so badly. pouted a bit because he was the one who wanted to kiss you though.
study dates? well you have to tutor him... he has other qualities than being clever.
carries you around on his back, randomly picks you up bridal style or sneaks up to you from behind hugging you.
hear me out. he is the little spoon. i just really like the idea of him being hugged from behind while you nuzzle your face into his back
when he sees you first in the morning you bet he screams your name and waves even when he is still on the other side of the hallway. he is always so exited to see you.
this guy is an adhd (no offence) patient. he doesn’t even notice that he is fidgeting with your fingers or subconsciously braids your hair but doesn’t stop either when he realizes
good morning and good night texts every day
he picks you flowers when he sees them along his way
jealousy: always
when he sees you talking to one of your male classmates or even his teammates he starts pouting and won’t talk to you before you didn’t assure him how much you loved him and maybe kissed him. after he is back to his cheery self
this boy is a dork. a good one though
how you met? you were a friend and classmate of akaashi
akaashi had a team lunch scheduled at one break and he had totally forgotten about it because he was just eating with you.
the whole team [mainly bokuto] blew up his phone asking where he was. bokuto forced him to attend
‘but i’m with n/n right now.’
‘just bring them along.’ so you tagged along.
‘should i really? i mean it’s a team meeting.’
‘don’t worry, bokuto asked me to bring you more than once already. they will like you.’
you arrived and bokuto hugged you tightly 
‘n/n-chaaaan.’ after he introduced you to everybody
konoha was still missing though. 15 minutes into the lunch break he showed up out of breath from running and sat directly next to you, neither realizing your presence nor how close you were. he explained why he was late. after that bokuto just randomly remarked
‘btw that is l/n y/n next to you.’ that’s when konoha looked at you for the first time and scooted away from you out of embarrassment 
‘god i’m really sorry, i thought you were one of us.’
‘ah it’s fine’ and you smiled a wide closed-eye smiles which could brighten up the whole day of the person addressed. and it did. 
konoha blushed really bad as he reached out his hand for you to shake
‘konoha’ ‘y/n’
this was the moment he knew he wanted to get to know you better. you were so pretty
 the rest of the meeting konoha asked you tons of questions about yourself while the rest of the team except bokuto exchanged knowing glances and smirks
the next day he came to your class. he didn’t plan on talking to you but check on you so he awkwardly stood in the door frame looking for you. in vain. you were nowhere to be seen
right when he was about to leave he flinched as he heard your voice behind him
‘konoha-kun? what are you doing here?’
he was a stuttering mess,then akaashi saved him.
‘we need to talk about something club related’
‘i’ll leave you two to it then.’ and you walked to your seat
‘thanks you really saved my ass here.’
akaashi this little jerk wrote what happened into the group chat of the team. they all hyped him up to ask you out. at first he refused but they started bugging him so hard that he finally gave in. bokuto is his personal hype man. [lots of shoulder pats and thumbs up in the next few days.]
he got your number from akaashi and asked you for a meeting on the weekend
he took you to lunch and a long walk in the park were he confessed. he tried to be as cool and composed as possible but failed miserably
you let him speak though and gave him your sweetest smile to encourage him to continue. you didn’t look surprised though so he got a little worried
‘wait, did you know?’
‘not really, but bokuto’s sign language whenever we talked was a bis suspicious.’ he chuckled on your remark but knew that this joke didn’t mean you accepted him. he put his hand on the back of his neck and asked the question
‘y/n, i know we don’t know each other for long but when i first saw you i couldn’t take my eyes of you. you are the prettiest and nicest person i know. would you be my girl-/boy-friend?’ he was a bit calmer and freer in his speech after your remark
he lost his confidence though when you didn’t answer for a few seconds
‘ah, was that too much? i’m-’ you cut him off with a kiss. it was just a quick peck but it was enough to leave him speechless
‘yeah, i’d really really like that, konoha.’
he was so relieved.
he kissed you again right after, but this time deeper and more passionate, putting his hands on either side of your jaw as yours rested on his chest feeling his fast heartbeat.
at the beginning of your relationship he was nervous and rather shy really. you didn’t know each other that long so he was afraid that you might not like him anymore if he opened up too much at a time. but when he realized how serious you actually were about him he didn’t hesitate.
he shoots really bad jokes and pick up lines at you all the time. 
he shows you off so much. he is so proud of everything you do. the whole team knows every one of your test results and every meme you ever sent him.
he takes photos of you in private and posts them all over his social media [with your permission of course]
has a really pretty picture of you as his lock screen and wallpaper.
kiss him on his cheek while taking a selfie and you can be sure this guy gets a nosebleed
his room is hung with framed pictures of you [you two]
hugs? yes please. hug his waist and rest you head on his chest and he will marry you on spot. he also loves to hug you from behind and rest his head/forehead on your shoulder. that gets really awkward sometimes because he does that randomly even when you are chatting with your friends.
that’s also how he expresses his jealousy. when a guy is hitting on you he just walks up from behind, hugs you and stares the guy down with his piercing green eyes.
he likes to act cool in public, the team knows him as a joker but as soon as he is fully comfortable around you [which didn’t take long btw] he is a complete different person. he is a big softie, tells you all about his worries and likes to be comforted by you.
resting his head on your chest,listening to your heartbeat while you stroke his hair is his second favorite hobby apart from volleyball
lots of hand holding and side hugs as pda. also loves to have his arm around you waist as kind of protection from other guys
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liliplayschoices · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons for your ILITW MC?
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My giiiiiiiirl 😍
I have a ton of headcanons for her ^^ most of them also include Andy though I gotta be honest so he might pop up a lot here 😂 also this is absolutely ramble-y because I just dumped all my thoughts here so... sorry about that lmao (also im on mobile so I can't use a read more, sorry xD)
Okay so I know in the events of the book, we don't see her interacting with other people at school but I think these weeks aren't representative of what her life looks like normally. I see her as an introvert, she won't enjoy big parties often or anything but she still has a really amiable nature so people tend to be friends with her easily.
I think Devon is a pretty artistic girl. She loves to read fantasy and sci fi, she loves to cosplay, maybe she's a theater kid, too. I think she draws too, but I don't know what kind of art she prefers (as in, digital, street art, painting,.... I don't know haha)
When the story starts she's had a crush on Andy for a little while now. Nothing major, mind you, but yeah, teenage crush, blushing when she sees him, that kinda stuff, you know ^^ so when they start hanging out again it comes naturally between them pretty fast.
When Andy is in the hospital after the events of the book (and after that when he's stuck at home until he gets better), she comes to hang out with him a lot. More often than not, Tom is there too, so the two of them become pretty close, they realize they have a lot in common so they hang out at school too and become close friends (yes I am ignoring the ILB canon that Tom doesn't know her well. I don't care.)
Anyway so the three of them play a toooon of video games during that time which leads to a tradition of game night for the three of them and it gets pretty intense, cause Andy gets super competitive 😂 ( @the-unconquered-queen and I talked about game night a few times and now I can't let go of this HC ^^)
And of course there are also a lot of times when Tom isn't there, so they basically have little date nights together, watching movies and shows. Devon brings junk food to him when he's in the hospital (the nurses know but they let it happen lmao) and she curls up on his bed and they watch movies on her laptop (cause the hospital tv never has anything interesting) and it's soooo cute cause they didnt really... get official at that point you know, but then they just start dating and falling in love and all 😍
Anywayyyyy back to Devon. So I think she never truly heals from what happened. She always felt like Jane's death was her fault, and even if rationally she knows that what Noah did isn't her fault, she can't help but feel guilty over it. So that's why she starts going into the woods again.
I think she never really held Noah responsible for what happened, because of her own guilt. Like, objectively she knows what he did was wrong but she also feels like it's her fault if Jane is dead so that's why she forgives him for his actions pretty quickly
She starts doing a lot of research into how she could help him, and the Power in general. She doesn't go to college after high school, but she starts working at the local library pretty soon and gets a little obsessed. After a while, she does starts college (to study graphic design), but she doesn't seem to be able to move on from Noah and wanting to free him. She doesn't focus much on studies because she can't get rid of her guilt and obsession to make things right.
She ultimately tells the rest of the group and it does not go well. Especially with Andy. They've been dating for years at this point but this is the biggest fight they ever have. I think Andy is the kind of guy who holds a grudge so he would still be pissed at Noah, and there's the added layer of him feeling like Devon didnt trust him and put herself in danger needlessly and he's scared that he might have lost her without knowing it. They do work it out after a while because ultimately they love each other enough to work through it but yeah, that happens and it's a pretty big fight.
I feel like most of the rest of the group are mad but they come around to helping her at some point. Ava is immediately jumping at the chance to help Devon with all the supernatural research and stuff.
Dan has another approach. He can see that what Devon does is pretty unhealthy because of how she's clinging to the past, so he tries to help her work through her guilt and her trauma. It does help, and she becomes less obsessed after a while (she's still hell-bent on freeing Noah's spirit but she also starts moving on in other aspects of her life, paying attention in class, thinking about the future,...)
Oh total change of subject lmao but you know how Andy is in college on a basketball scholarship? Yeah so I think Andy would be a total frat bro 😂 like, he'd go to frat parties and do keg stands and stupid harmless dares and stuff. You know the type of guy. So Devon goes to frat parties because she knows he loves it despite it not reslly being her scene ^^ but she stills ends up having fun and does make friends with Andy's friends too
Also she gets into the habit of stealing and wearing his basketball jacket ( I got @kingkangs on board with this one and i will get the whole fandom to accept Devon wearing Andy's basketball jacket) and he says he minds, but... you know... He really doesn't ;)
To be honest, I feel like Devon would never truly be able to move on while Noah was still trapped, she would still feel obligated to help him. So I imagine that after a long time, they do manage to free his spirit (I don't know how okay I'm not writing IL3 😂 let's just say they do!)
So after that, she starts truly thinking of the future. She starts looking for a long-term job, Andy and her move in together after college.
They still have game nights with Tom on the regular (Harper, my ILB MC, joins them cause her and Tom are dating ^^) and Andy is still super competitive cause that hasn't changed 😂
Devon still loves cosplay so she convinces Andy to go to conventions with her and he's like "....fine I'll do it" begrudgingly but once he's there he's having a blast 😂
Anyway I think that's pretty much it for now! I rambled a lot, sorry... But you did ask! That was super fun so thank youu for your ask!!!
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