#I really asked my friend how tall they were and immediatley made this
cheesecake-beech · 10 months
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This goes out to all the 5'5 people on my blog and in the dead wii sports community or just the nintendo comm in general 😎🥂
I hc they're all pretty tall so i think they all have bragging rights
extra Bball team doodle
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kenmas-consoles · 4 years
hello ! I'm not sure if this has been requested on yours, or anyone else's blog, if so you can totally ignore this, idk if it would count as those people who request the same thing to a bunch of blogs, but i was wondering if i could request a scenario where yamaguchi just doesn't get along with the reader (he acts like tsukki towards them) but like something happens between them and like idk *boom* fluff. I'm not quite good at giving details on things. you can make it however you like. luv you !
Hmm I’ve never actually seen a scenario like this but I’m willing to try so yeet huehuehue please be kind as I have never written anything like this bout babie Yams
Summary: Yamaguchi’s every waving self esteem had gone plummeling into the dephs as he thought no one saw him as more than Tsukishima’s sidekick. Having had enough he had isolated himself from social interaction but one day Tsukishima keeps blowing off his plans to meet up with some girl who happens to flutter around Yamaguchi so often that he thinks she’s only being nice or ever around him just to ask about his male friend unknown to the fact that she actually likes him.
Warnings: Floof with a lil dubcon + mild swearing
Wrong Idea ft. Yamaguchi
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For the longest time Yamaguchi had always thought of himself as inferior
He fears that whenever someone did try to talk to him they would always ask about Tsukishima. This never made the boy resent the tall male it actually made him look ever more superior to him.
Girls would ask him a lot about Tsukishima and it actually tore a hole in himself as he thought nobody saw him more as Tsukishima’s little friend or sidekick.
Except this has gone on for so long that the poor boy had had enough as he would go on intentionally ignoring people who ever tried to talk to him
Although (Y/n) always did admire the olive haired boy from afar and thought it was the best time to come clean with her feelings and ask a certain megane for help not knowing her presence around them had caused a spur of rage from a certain olive haired boy.
‘This is the day’ (Y/n) thought to herself as she dared herself to look at the pair of males who were conversing at the back of the classroom. The sight of the olive haired boy was enough for her to burst into a raging blush which caused a few of her friends to snicker at the girl’s flustered state.
Majority of the class if not everyone had known of her obvious crush on the pinch server and more often than not would jab at the girl for not confessing yet. Although what surprised the class even more was the fact that the boy was completely oblivious to her feelings towards him. This had only made the class sigh in mock disappointment at the little to no progress of a potential classroom couple.
As the girl stood up from her seat a few cheers, snickers and hootings were happening as she neared the two volleyball players. If her blush wasn’t already bad from just staring at him, having her be within a two feet radius was enough for her blush to deepen making her head spin. A few of her classroom onlookers were staring in genuine curiosity as how this scene would play out.
“Good morning Tsukishima,” she said facing the boy before turning her ever reddening gaze towards the other boy, “Yamaguchi.”
The tall lanky boy just scoffed at her as a response but the boy that the girl loved ever so dearly didn’t even spare her a glance more-so a greeting.
“Well, aren’t you going to tell us why you’re here,” the blonde boy jibed with a smug smirk.
The girl took one last look at Yamaguchi before turning to face the blonde, “I was actually looking to talk to you Tsukishima-kun,” she says as the boy’s smug expression was replaced with a confused one instead, to which she replied with a sigh before motioning to Yamaguchi. This silent conversation went on until both of them actually took a look at the olive head next to them who was still surprisingly not looking at them as they conversed.
Yamaguchi could only furrow his eyebrows still not looking to meet your gaze as well as Tsukishima’s as he assumed that this was going to be one of those days where admirers would confess their love to the blonde and ofcourse it had to be the girl he liked aswell. Confused at the olive haired boy’s silence Tsukishima couldn’t help but click his tongue in the situation he’s in right now.
“Lunch time. Infront of the gym. Don’t be late or I’m leaving.” The boy said as he turned around to leave the classroom with Yamaguchi silently following behind him. As the boys exited the classroom an uproar from the front of the class had ensued.
“Awwe〜 c’mon, that’s it?!”
“Honestly thought you’d confess already!!”
“I’m trying my best okay?!”
That afternoon the girl had ran towards the gym to see the tall boy already there alone with his arms crossed over his chest. She panted lightly as she stood a good foot infront of him, the boy irritably clicked his tongue as he took in the girl’s panting form infront of him. Disgusting.
“Don’t waste my time” he spoke coldly.
“I’m sorry its just,” the girl took another deep breath before regaining composture, “Anyway, I came to ask about Yamaguchi.”
“I know, get on with it”
“I was just hoping you’d tell me a few of his likes, hobbies. . . err. . . And maybe put in a good word for me?” The girl said almost pleading.
‘This was stupid’ Tsukishima thought as he internally face palm.
“And why exactly should I help you?”
The boy was already regretting ever even considering helping the (h/c) girl as every step he took he was moved with dread. ‘Never again this is just a one time thing’ the boy had thought as the boy neared his bestfriend.
It had almost been a weak since the girl had asked for his help and the two have been merting up a lot lately and it only made Yamaguchi more sure of his suspicions as tou had been the center of most of their conversations lately. Yamaguchi never did try and talk to you unless you actually spoken to him and out of obligation he had to reply to you but only in short curt responses which unknown to him had Tsukishima scowling at his wasted efforts and (Y/n) being upset that Yamaguchi wouldn’t even engage in conversation with her.
But today was Tsukishima’s last bet which brought us to the situation he was in now. Never had he been so nervous to talk to his friend about a girl before, let alone over the fact he really wasn’t interested in her but more over the fact that (Y/n) wont hold up her end of the bargain if this flopped. So here he was marching up to Yamaguchi with sweaty palms and an unreadable expression as training had ended.
“So,” he satrted, already regretting his choice of words as it already sounded bad without him even completing the sentence. After taking another long breath he drawled, “What do you feel about (Y/n)?”
'They're on first name basis now?'
“If this is because you’re telling me that you’re already dating her then don’t bother cause honestly I’m happy for you” the boy spat in an almost growling voice.
“Wait. . .what? Ew what the hell no! God I would never that’s disgusting.”
“Then why are you asking?”
“Just,” Tsukishima face palms and sighs, “You know what, I don’t care anymore, (Y/n) likes you so have fun with that information cause I'm out of here."
After the boy had said that he took his leave, leaving a stunned Yamaguchi frozen in his spot.
"Well? What did he say?"
"He didn't say anything." the boy replied skipping the part where he had practically confessed her feelings for her. It was surprising actually that Yamaguchi came into school without Tsukishima by his side and blushed when they had eye contact. It had made the girl worried, thinking it was all for not and that she might be getting a head of herself a little that's why she sat by Tsukishima after first period to ask him how it went last night.
"Are you sure?" she asks as she motions towards Yamaguchi staring at both their forms, "Cause that doesn't look like nothing."
When the boy didn't reply the girl knew immediatley that something was up. "Oh my God what did you do?"
"It's no big deal you were going to tell him either way so I made it easier for he both of you." the boy replied deadpanning despite his hands getting clammy.
"Look, I'm sorr-"
"(L/n)-san can I talk to you. . . alone?" Tsukishima's sentence was cut short by Yamaguchi looming over their seats. This intrigued a few of their classmates as they sat and watched as the two exited and headed for the empty hallways. A few heads peeked from the doors and others drom the classroom windows watching the pair converse.
The girl couldn't look him in the eye as she kept her gaze on his shoes. The two stood in silence for quite a while before the girl uttered an almost inaudible apology. The boy obviously taken aback from her sudden apology said, "Eh? why are you sorry (L/n)-san?"
"Because i'm wasting your time and you don't even like me," the girl said almost questioningly as she herself didn't even know if it was true.
"I was the one who brought you here so I assure you that you aren't wasting my time and. . . I, you— why haven’t you told me sooner? why didn’t you tell me first, why did you have to go to Tsukki, why did you make me jealous like that?”
With each word the boy’s voice had gradually gotten softer, “I-I thought you were interested and Tsukki and ignored you hoping atleast it would hurt less but then seeing you with him hurt me more. That’s why I-I didn’t want my heart broken cause you liked Tsukki and I wouldn never want to get in the way of your happiness. But then Tsukki told me last night that you—”
“Do you mean it?”
“You said you liked me, did you mean it?”
“. . . e-every word”
The girl then rushed to hug the boy, wrapping her arms around his neck as the boy fidgeted not knowing where to put his hands or how to react. A few of their classmates who were watching gushed but others wore unsatisfied faces.
Tsukishima pushed pass the mob of people crowding the doorway and made his way towards the shorter girl, “Looks like it all worked out now, where’s my reward”
“I hate you” she told the taller male as she continued to hug the olive haired pinch server.
“And why exactly should I help you?”
“Well, I was invited to go to a paleontology research seminar but I was busy on that day and since I know you liked dinosaurs I thought we could call it an even trade.”
“Why didn’t you just start with that then?”
“Does that mean you’ll help?”
“I get it for helping right?”
“Uhhh ye i suppose”
“Regardless if it’s a success or not?”
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Hi my name is Andrea I am a straight black female with curly shoulder length brown hair. I would like a Criminal Minds and Sherlock ship please. I am smart like above-average but definitely not genius. I am funny in like to make people laugh. My friends mean the world to me and I would do anything for them. Sometimes I struggle to pay attention but when I do I'm freaking awesome. I have really bad anxiety and I really like to do art to calm myself down.(1/2)✊🏾
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Ships are now closed!
I hope you like then Andrea! Sorry they took so long~
Criminal Minds:
I ship you with Derek. Not only would he think you are very intelligent and caring, but he would find you beautiful and trustworthy to no end. He admires your strength and loyalty to your friends. He doesn’t mind your anxiety and is really good at making you feel safe, and is really patient and caring and would never force you to be in a situation you don’t feel comfortable in (he’s also kind of protective). He loves that you do art and admires your work. Also, he def calls you baby-girl like he does with Garcia and this has lead to funny situations in which he’ll say “hey baby girl” and you both turn around. Or times when you are annoyed at him and he’s trying to get your attention calling you baby-girl, and he finally appears in front of you like ?!??! and you’re just like “Oh sorry, I thought you were talking to Penelope” and he’s just like “...bro”. Both Penelope and Reid think this is hilarious btw
Prompt 6: Fake Boyfriend/Girlfriend 
It was no secret to the rest of the team that you had a crush on Derek. And unbeknownst to you, it was no secret to them that he also had a crush on you. They knew you two would figure it out eventually, but they were getting a bit impatient as well. Which is exactly how you got into this situation. 
You had all gone out together for some food and karaoke, afterwards you walked around downtown, as everyone slowly went home. Eventually leaving you and Derek alone. 
Yawning as you continued down the streets you stared up at the darkening sky “This was fun” you commented out loud.
“Yeah it was” Derek agreed as he watched you momentarily, before you stopped, watching a nearby street performer.
Derek looked around, spotting a nearby cafe that you and the others had frequented “Want a hot chocolate or something before they close?”
Following his pointed finger towards the cafe you smile before enthusiastically answering “Yeah”
He chuckled “Cool, I’ll go get some, you hang out here and watch the show” he commented towards the performer.
You smiled at him as he walked away before getting a little closer to the performer. After watching for a few moments you were surprised by a tap on your shoulder and a “Hey”
Turning to look behind you, you were met by a tall man who was smiling at you “Uh, hi? Do I know you?” you questioned, curious as to why he would approach you at all.
“No, no, I just saw you watching the performance, and thought you were cute. I thought I’d say hi” he leaned down slightly as he spoke, making you lean back slightly, as you felt your discomfort grow. 
“Well that’s nice of you” you smiled politely.
His grin grew as he continued “So, you wanna go get a drink or something?”
“Oh, sorry no, uh, I’m here with someone, he just went to go get me a drink actually” you replied honestly.
“Oh yeah, who is he? Your boyfriend?”
“Yeah actually, I am” 
You and the man turned at the same time to see Derek approaching, two drinks in his hand as he stopped next to you, glaring at the man suspiciously “And who are you?”
The man was clearly caught off guard and intimidated by Derek, he stuttered out “Oh, no don’t worry dude, I’m no one” he chuckled nervously before backing up “Enjoy your night”
“Yeah, you too” Derek said emotionless before turning fully towards you “Are you alright?” 
You nodded “Yeah I’m alright, thanks” you smiled at him, taking the drink from him as he handed it too you. 
“No problem” Derek looked off towards the direction the man went making sure he was gone “What did he want anyway?” 
“He told me I was cute and then asked if I wanted to get a drink, that was when I said I was here with someone, how did you know he was referring to you anyways? When he asked if you were my boyfriend, and also, why did you say you were?” 
“I heard you say you were here with someone, and then I heard him. And I said I was your boyfriend because I knew it would intimidate him more than thinking I was just your friend. I’m sorry if that bothered you”
“Oh, no it didn’t” you said quickly “I appreciated it” you smiled.
He returned the smile “I will pretend to be your boyfriend anytime you need”
“Thanks, I’d like that” you laughed, amused
“Unless you don’t want me to pretend, I’d be okay with that too” he commented smoothly before putting out his arm for you to take. 
You looked at his arm and then his eyes before you smiled lightly and linked your arm into his “I’d like that too actually”
“Good. Me too” he smiled as you continued your walk.
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I ship you with Sherlock himself. I think he would notice your intelligence. And though he also agrees that you are not a genius, he does admit, and tell you, that you are smarter than many people he has had to deal with and that you are a breath of fresh air sometimes. Especially since you actually help in on cases, unlike some people *cough* Anderson *cough*. And even though he is not the best at understanding anxiety sometimes, he does try to help you in his own way. Whether that be setting tea and biscuits outside of your room when you shut yourself away to relax, or playing you soothing music on his violin.
Prompt 12: First ‘I love you’
After a stressful day involving some not-so nice people, you needed to relax. So after shutting yourself away in your room you worked on some unfinished art, trying your best to not look back on the days events. 
Sherlock sat in his chair, trying to decide if he should go talk to you or not, if he should apologize now or later. Because he did need to apologize. He had gone off on a tangent earlier, getting you involved in a case, and causing trouble. 
And after you already had a stressful morning, you did not need him snapping at you like he did. He didn’t really mean too, he was angry at himself for doing so.
He didn’t want you to think that he didn’t appreciate everything you do to help him. Or that he doesn’t want to be with you. Hell, he was ecstatic when you moved into the apartment with him after John left to live with Mary. Though he didn’t really show it. Finally deciding he needed to apologize now, he rose from his chair and made his way to your room. 
You sat on the bed in silence before hearing a knock at the door. Looking up, you expected the door to swing open, but instead you heard another gentle knock. “Who is it?”
“Sherlock” he said gently.
You squinted in confusion, you figured it was him when he knocked, but he usually knocks and then comes in immediatley. He must still think you were mad at him. You were a little annoyed still, but you had gotten over it. You were still stressed from other events however.
“What do you need Sherlock?” you questioned.
A moment of silence passed before he spoke again “I wanted to apologize”
You were slightly shocked at this. He almost never apologizes, at least not verbally. “About?” you questioned, wondering how far he’d go.
You heard him sigh from the other side of the door “For snapping at you. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, I knew you had been having a stressful day, and that you didn’t deserve me to make it worse. I don’t want you to be angry with me” 
“You’ve never really cared before if I was angry, so why now?”
A moment of silence passed before you heard his voice, even quieter than it was before “Because I’ve realized something recently” 
You waited for him to continue but heard nothing, you rolled your eyes “And that would be??”
“That I love you” his voice was quiet, but you heard his words like a gunshot.
You stared at the door in shock for a moment before you rose and walked quietly to the door, pulling it open.
Sherlock stood on the other side, his face cautious as he observed yours. Shock, confusion, doubt, happiness.
“You love me?” you asked
He nodded lightly “Yes. I love you”
You stared at him for a moment, trying to process his words, wondering if he truly did mean them. Part of you knew he did. And that was the part you were going to listen too.
Quickly pulling Sherlock into a hug, he slowly wrapped his own arms around you as he felt your quickened heartbeat. “I forgive you Sherlock. And I love you too”
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in the middle of the night 🌜 - luke alvez x reader
this has been requested by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars <3
Prompt: #81 - “It´s cold, you should take my jacket.” with Luke Alvez 
Characters: Luke Alvez x Y/N Y/L/N 
Warnings: mention of shootings, blood, angst, horror (idk bad writing maybe?)
feedback is appreciated, i´m sorry for any mistakes xx
It happened again.
 Those were one of the last words anyone on the team would have liked to hear that night. They were too slow, again. They could have prevented this from happening, but now, it´s done. Yet another brutal killing, another day of telling people that  they lost their loved ones, another day, where they weren´t any closer to their unsub.
 But let´s start from the beginning.
The BAU team has been called in by the police of Lafayette, Louisiana. There was a bunch of shootings going on in public places. Every shooting happened late at night or in the late evening. Most shootings happened in parks, cinemas, or at the lake. The police felt helpless because they weren´t able to keep their own people in their town safe. After like the second shooting and still no clue of what was going on, they decided to seek help from the profilers and they were happy to help. Just before they arrived, a third shooting happened. Again, nobody survived. All were brutally murdered while enjoying their evening in a bar.
As soon as the team had arrived, they started their work. Spencer and Matt tried to work on the geographical profile, while the rest of the team separated to go visit the different crime scenes and to talk to the family members of the people they had lost.
Nothing seemed to make sense. Everything was chaotic, there was no pattern. They had nothing. And then, those three words were said out loud. And neither one of them wanted them to be true.
 And here they were, at the crime scene of the fourth shooting. This time, the unsub attacked his victims at a restaurant. 24 people have been killed. But this time, he made a mistake. He left one survivor. Y/N. She had a few scratches and bruises, and maybe saw stuff she would never ever forget in her life, but she was alive and breathing.
 „Where is she? We need to talk to her? Maybe she saw something.“, JJ said as the team gathered together.
„Y/N is sitting over there.“, the Detective said as he pointed to a bench across the street, „she refused to get medical attention. And she hasn´t talked yet.“
The team looked at the girl. She was sitting on this bench, knees pulled up, safely tucked under her chin and her face seemed to be emotionless. An Officer was sitting next to her, but she barely seemed to register her.
„I can try and talk to her.“, Luke offered, at which Emily nodded and with this the former ranger made his way over to the young girl, who seemed to be barely in her twenties, while the rest of the team was trying to form a profile on their unsub.
 Slowly, Luke approached the girl and gave the Officer a sign to move.
„Hi, my name is Luke. I´m with the FBI. Can I sit next to you?“, he carefully asked as he kept looking at the girl and waited for her reaction. When he couldn´t find one, he sat down next to her, making sure he left some space so she wouldn´t get scared.
„Can you tell me your name and how old you are?“, he continued to talk to her, but again no reaction.
He then suddenly noticed that the girl was shivering a lot. Concerned, he took his jacket off and carefully held it close to her. „It´s cold, you should take my jacket. Can I put it around you? I`m not gonna hurt you, I just want to keep you warm.“
And to Luke´s surprise, the girl nodded at his words which was the permission for him to move his jacket around her shoulders. The Girl, welcoming the warmth, pulled the jacket closer to her body.
„So, I heard you didn´t want to get checked out by the medics.“, Luke again tried to start a conversation and looked at the girl.
Slowly, she lifted her head and looked over tot he ambulances who had arrived after the news of the new shooting.
„I-I…I don´t need to be checked out. I-I´m alright.“, the girl stuttered, quickly looking back down on the ground.
„It´s just for your own good. And to see, if you got hurt.“
„Well, I´m still alive in comparison to the others, so I´m fine…I-I guess.“, she replied again and Luke didn´t dare to reply because he knew that she was right, although he still thought that she should get checked out.
„What´s your name?“, he wanted to know.
„Y/N…but most of my friends call me Y/N/N..“
„That´s a beautiful name.“, Luke smiled and looked towards the girl, „I know that this will be hard, but can you tell me something about what happened tonight?“
Y/N sighed and started to shake, „I-I…“
„Hey, look at me.“, Luke said and Y/N slowly turned her head towards the agent.
„You can tell me anything, okay? You don´t need to be scared. Nothing can happen to you. YOu´re safe with us, okay?“, he told her and looked at her, hoping that she believed his words.
After a moment of silence, the girl suddenly started to talk.
„M-My friends a-and I, we came to the restaurant tonight to celebrate Y/B/F´s birthday. She had j-just turned 21 and since we all were on spring  break, we wanted to go out and celebrate. Weh ad just ordered the food, when I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I was halfway there when I heard the first shots…I-I didn´t know what to do at first, so I hid behind a chair. Everyone was screaming and crying a-a-and I just wanted to get out. B-But then…I heard him come closer and he shot again and there was a guy falling to the ground next to me. I-I didn´t know what to do a-a-nd where to go a-a-a-a-and….“, Y/N stuttered and had troubles to breath.
„Hey, it´s okay. Everything is okay. You´re doing great. What happened next?“
„I-I was so scared that I just tried to ran the next time he fired shots. Somehow, a bullet just scratched my upper arm and i feel down to the ground. I-I just felt someone fall on top of me a-and then I heard this man come closer and closer. I didn´t dare to move…I just held my breath a-and pretended to be dead. I-I felt this lifeless body on top of me and all I wanted to do was scream and cry and fight him, but I was just so scared. So I didn´t do anything. I´m such a coward. When I heard that he left the restaurant, I pushed the body of me and ran to my friends as fast as I could just to see…that…that they were all dead. The only thing I remember than is that I ran outside and that someone called 911. Why is this all happening?“, the girl finally broke down and Luke immediatley craddled her in his arms to provide her with comfort. He let her sob and his heart was breaking for the girl. After a while, when she had calmed down, he pushed her back a bit to look her in the eyes.
„Did you see the man who did this?“, he wanted to know.
„I-I only saw that he was quite tall. Just as tall as you…maybe in his 30s…at least his voice sounded pretty young, but other than that, I didn´t see a thing because he was dressed in all black and had a mask on.“
„You really helped us a lot, thank you so much! You´re really brave! Your friends would be proud of you right now.“
„I-I don´t feel very brave right now. I just want to go home…and forget everything.“
„You´ll be able to go home soon, just right after you got checked out okay?“
„Will you stay with me? I really don´t wanna be alone there..“
„You can count on that.“, Luke smiled and together with the young girl he made his over to the ambulance, in the middle of the night, swearing to himself, that this would be stopping. Enough was enough. He was done playing hide and seek with this guy.
@hellomentality @dontshootmespence @veroinnumera @sam-carter-in-training @princesswagger14 @tenaciousarcadeexpert @ultrarebelheart @illegalcerebral @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @crimindsaspe @the-criminal-soldier @ssaunitchief @lookwhatyoumademequeue @sweater-vest-reid @crimeshowtrash @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @poppyreid @acespence @jennferjareau @docspencerreid @spencerreidreads
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unsaid-stardust · 6 years
Some Things Can’t Be Closed
Chapter 2: D’Artagnan II
Word Count: 2,655
Summary: After learning that her best friend Rose is missing, Holly Wheeler is interrogated by the police. There, she and Ben Stratford decide that they should look for Rose on their own.
Chapter Selection: {1}{2}
Holly’s heart pounded faster than ever and she suddenly felt as if she were standing in the middle of a nightmare. Her veins were rushing with too much adrenaline and not the good kind either. It was the kind that only occurred before you had to give a speech in front of thousands of people when you’re not good at speeches or tell someone you love important news that was hard to break or when you’re waiting to be interrogated by the chief of police for the disappearance of your best friend. It was the kind that Holly never imagined having and it was the kind that no one ever should have to imagine having.
Holly’s leg shook mindlessly as she sat in a cold metal folding chair next to Ben. The light above her was dim, reflecting her mood. From the corner of her eye, she could see Ben sitting in his chair, completely calm and collected. 
“Would you stop shaking your leg, Holls?” Ben asked as he reached over to place a hand on her knee. Holly glanced down at his hand, her lips parting for a second before she removed it from her.
“How are you so calm? Rose is missing and we’re about to be interrogated by the police! This isn’t exactly something you should be calm about!” Holly shouted at Ben. He slid down in his chair then, placing both hands into his sweatshirt pocket, making himself comfortable.
“I’m calm because she’s not missing! She’s out there somewhere, we just have to find her!” He responded casually. Holly rolled her eyes. How was the president of the AV Club so smart yet so stupid at the same time? She turned to face him in her chair.
“That’s literally what missing means you moron. Besides, isn’t that police’s job? To find her?” Holly questioned. Before Ben could respond, an unfamiliar voice enters the conversation.
“Yes it is and you shitheads are gonna leave it to us, alright? We don’t need another missing person,” Holly looked up to find a tall and thin cop with, might Holly add, pretty damn good hair. He was chewing gum, mint flavored, Holly guessed, and he wore a pair of black Ray-Ban sunglasses. Holly glanced back at Ben with a raised eyebrow and she could tell that they were both thinking the same thing. This was the Chief of Police in charge of finding Rose?
“Uh, did you just call us ‘shitheads?” Ben inquired as he turned to face the cop.
“And are you wearing sunglasses? Inside?” Holly added. The cop immediatley removed his black sunglasses to reveal his chocolate brown eyes and placed his hands on his hips, his glasses still in his grip at his side.
“Sorry, sorry. Force of habit,” He shrugged as a weak smile formed on his lips. It was silent then, as Holly and Ben stared at the strange cop in front of them and exchanged confused glances. It felt as if minutes passed by before the silence ended to Holly, but in reality, it had only been a few seconds.
Before speaking, the cop grabbed a metal chair from behind the desk and dragged it to where it was placed in front of Holly and Ben. He sat down afterwards, his legs spread apart and back hunched. It was then that Holly was able to see a name tag above his sheriff’s badge that read “Harrington”. Holly squinted her eyes. Harrington. It sounded familiar to her, but she couldn't quite put her finger on why.
“So, to begin, when was the last time that you saw Miss Rose Gallagher?” He interrogated to no one in particular, snapping Holly out of her thoughts. 
“After school, before AV Club,” Holly answered, but that wasn't the only voice that sounded in the room. Ben responded to the question at the same time as Holly with a different answer, determination in his voice.
“3:15, right after eighth period,” he stated. The chief shook his head as he pushed his dark hair back. 
“Hey, one at a damn time, alright? I can’t understand you when you’re both talking,” He responded. He pointed at Holly then and she perked up in her chair.
“You, when was the last time you saw Rose,” He inquired.
“Right after school, before AV Club. She declined to come with us to the meeting because she had to help her older brother with some photography project, so she left before us,” Holly explained. 
“She rode home by herself, then?” Harrington questioned. Holly nodded.
“Yes, sir,” She answered. A pang of guilt settled in her stomach then. She shouldn’t have let Rose go by herself. She should have ditched AV Club and rode home with her. Maybe if she had, Rose wouldn’t have been alone, and they wouldn’t be sitting in this room talking about her as if she were some unsolved mystery. 
“Do you know what road she could’ve taken to get home?” Holly’s heart stopped for a minute then. MIrkwood. Mike always told her to stay away from Mirkwood and now she knew why-It wasn’t just a road. A light bulb suddenly went off in Holly’s head. It was all making sense now. Her dream, the one with the Christmas lights and the thing coming out of the wall, it was connected to Mirkwood somehow. Holly could feel it. Something strange was going on in Hawkins, and it was up to Holly to figure it out. Ben was right after all. They needed to find Rose. Not the police or some investigator, but them. Her friends. 
“Mirkwood. She took Mirkwood,” Holly responded immediatley. Harrington sighed as he rubbed his face and sat back in his chair, seemingly defeated by a few simple words.
“Mirkwood, I haven’t heard anyone call it that since-” He trailed off then, not wanting to finish his sentence, but a spark went off in Holly’s head, and she knew how his sentence would end-Mike. That’s why she was familiar with the name Harrington. He was a friend of Mike. Well, maybe not a good friend or anything, but he was close enough to him for Mike to tell stories about him. Stories of defeat and triumph. Morals and ethics. He was a good guy. A good guy that Holly could trust.
“My brother?” She continued for him. The chief stopped. Holly had caught him off guard, she could tell, but he was trying to keep it cool as if it didn't phase him. Let’s just say, that it wasn’t working very well. Holly crossed her arms, waiting for some kind of response and from the corner of her eye, she could see that Ben was waiting too. 
“Right, Your brother. Mike Wheeler. How’s he doing anyway? Still with El?” Harrington questioned. Holly rolled her eyes. He was avoiding talking about Mirkwood and Holly didn’t like that one bit. 
“He’s fine. Still dorky and in love as ever. Now can we get back to Rose please? I’d like to get out of here so I can look for my best friend,” Holly responded. Holly looked over at Ben then and noticed that he looked like a kid in a candy store. His lips were parted into the shape of an “oh” and his eyes were as wide as an owl. Harrington had a similar reaction, but not quite as ecstatic. 
“Yeah, Harrington. Can we speed this up? I’d like to get out there too,” Ben added in. Holly smiled then, thankful for having a friend like Ben. 
“No and you shitheads will not go out and look for Rose. This isn’t some Nancy Drew novel where you two can go sleuthing in the damn woods and look for your friend. We have no clue what we’re up against and we don’t need anymore missing persons in this town, alright? Now when we’re finished here, you’re going to go meet your parents outside and go straight home. Do you understand?” Harrington proclaimed. 
Holly pursed her lips together then. Something was strange about a certain sentence of his and lit another spark in Holly’s brain. ‘We have no clue what we’re up against’, he had said. If it were just another ordinary missing person case, wouldn’t they have some sort an idea of what they were up against? Like  the victim ran away or was taken by a stranger? Unless....it wasn’t just an ordinary missing person case like Holly had suspected.
Holly didn’t respond to Harrington’s question and from the sound of it, neither did Ben. Holly turned to look at him, his jaw clenched and his hands balled up into fists. 
“I said, do you understand?” Harrington repeated. Holly nodded her head.
“Yes, sir,” She and Ben responded. 
“Good. You’re free to go. Your parents are waiting for you outside,” Harrington put his Ray-Bans back on then and moved to open the door for Holly and Ben. Reluctantly, the two made their way out of the interrogation room. 
When they were far enough so that their parents and Harrington couldn’t hear them, Ben gently pulled on Holly’s elbow to grab her attention. 
“You’re not really going to listen to that guy are you? You’re not going to give up on Rose?” He whispered with sincere eyes. 
“Absolutely not. Meet me at my house at 11:30. We’ve got some sleuthing to do” Holly said with a smile. Ben nodded and with that the two made their way to their parents.
Holly snuck out of her bedroom at approximately 11: 25. It was times like these where she was thankful that her parents were divorced because and her siblings were all moved out because she didn’t have a very full house to worry about waking up. 
Creeping down the last stair, Holly made her way to her front door. Once she opened it, she Immediatley, found Ben standing in front of the steps leading up to her front porch next to his bike and holding up two flashlights.
“You ready to find Rose?” He inquired, a smile tugging on his lips. Holly returned the gesture.
“Ready as ever,” 
They rode their bikes to Mirkwood in the cold and dreary midnight air. Deciding that Rose wouldn’t be out in the open road, they dropped their bikes by the woods. Once their feet started to crunch leaves, Ben handed Holly her flashlight. Immediatley, she turned it on, thinking that it would make the atmosphere a bit less eerie, but oddly enough, it only seemed to make it more eerie. 
As they inched further into the woods, Holly inched closer and closer to Ben. She told herself that it wasn’t because she was scared and that she had two very good reasons for staying near Ben. Number one, she didn't want to become another missing person, and number two, she didn’t want Ben to become another missing person.
Curious about how far they had gotten, Holly looked behind her, and suddenly, the flashlight began to shake in her hand as she noticed that she could no longer see the road. They had gotten far into the woods, further than she had planned on going that night. She had a feeling in her gut then, just like she did when her and Rose took Mirkwood before school. It was telling her that they should begin to turn back.
“Ben,” Holly whispered. He kept walking, Holly still at his side, his flashlight lighting the way in front of him.
“Yeah?” he inquired.
“Um, I think we should head back. It’s getting late and we’re not finding any trace of her,” Holly explained quietly. Ben stopped walking and turned to face Holly, pointing the flashlight directly in her eyes.
“Ah, Ben! You idiot!” Holly shouted, squinting her eyes and covering her face. Holly bent down then, trying to recover her eyes.
“Why’d you do that?” She inquired even louder. Ben didn’t respond. Instead, Holly noticed as she stood up, that he seemed to be listening for something.
“Sh-” He hushed her. Holly crossed her arms. No one told Holly Wheeler to hush, especially Ben Stratford. 
“Don;t you tell me to hush! I-” Ben cut her off, placing his arm out in front of her as if to guard her. Holly glanced down at his arm, her heart beginning to beat just a little bit faster. 
“No seriously, shut up-” He whispered, his eyes darting in all sorts of directions. Holly didn't make a sound after that, not because Ben told her to, but because she felt that it was the right thing to do. She noticed then, that Ben seemed to be listening for something, and so she began to listen to it too, and then suddenly she heard it. Leaves crunching in front of them. A low growl sounded, one similar to the thing in the wall in Holly’s dream. Holly froze, slowly gathering enough courage to look up at Ben, fear in his eyes. 
Before she looked at Ben, Holly kept denying her own fear. That stopped now. Her heart pounded faster than ever and her mind was racing with questions never dreamed of having, at least, not until the day she died. Slowly, Holly brought up her flashlight, hands shaking as much as an earthquake and much  to Holly’s horror, something came into view. 
A giant lizard. One that seemed to growl like a beast. It froze in front of them before taking a step back and Holly latched on tightly to Ben’s arm. Suddenly, it’s face opened up, an even louder growl escaping, revealing its bloody mouth housing razor sharp teeth. Holly screamed dropping her flashlight to the ground and released her grip on Ben’s arm before making a dash into the woods behind her.
“Run!” She managed to yell. She continued to run through the dark, leaves crunching beneath her feet. Noticing that she only heard leaves crunching beneath her, Holly looked back, expecting to find a dashing Ben and an evil monster, but to her surprise, she found neither of those things. Holly stopped, her mind going through every bad scenario.
“Ben!” She cried out. No answer. Just the sound of a forest in the nighttime. Holly’s heart began to beat even faster than before, which she didn’t think was possible, and her veins rushed with adrenaline. She breathed heavily then, spinning around in all directions, her hands on her head in frustration, as she searched for any sign of Ben. Nothing. All she heard was nothing. A tear trickled down her cheek. 
“Ben!” She cried out again. Terrible thoughts began to swarm into her mind then. You can’t be dead, you can’t be lost too, that’s not fair, don’t you dare leave me. Suddenly, a voice echoed throughout the forest, breaking Holly’s horrifying thoughts. Ben’s voice.
“Over here!” Holly wiped the tear away from her cheek and a smile crept onto her lips. Without thinking, she made a dash towards where the voice was coming from, her flashlight beginning to heat up in her hand while she ran. Pushing through tree branches and leaves off bushes, Holly realized that she didn’t know what to expect when she found him, but she wasn’t excepting what she found when she got there.
There, on the ground, sat Ben Stratford, flashlight on his lap, evil demon lying on his back in front of him as he scratched its stomach and instead of growling her biting Ben’s head off, it whimpered with content and shook his leg like a cute little puppy would. Holly parted her lips, a million questions running through her mind. What are you doing, how did you, why did you? But before Holly could say any of those questions out loud, Ben looked up at her with those puppy dog eyes of his, the ones that she has trouble saying no to.
“Can we keep him?” Okay. Scratch that. She might be able to say no this time.
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Water Jimmy Darling x Reader
Words: 3,602
Description: This story is about when you first come to the freak show because you have an extra finger on each side. You are warmed welcomly to the freak show and you get really close to Jimmy and when the show starts the act you do is singing so you tell him your feelings in the song.
A/N: The song that you sing in this imagine is called Water by Pentatonix and I would definetley recommend to hear it before you read or while you read! I hope you guys enjoy this! XOXO
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Pentatonix, American Horror Story or unfortunaetly Evan Peters. All rights reserved to them.
It was September 3 when I had to leave the orphanage I had been in my whole life. I am glad to be leaving it. There was no peace there, only hatred, but only for deformed people like me. My deformity is that I have an extra finger on other side of my hands. The orphangage tried to put me through school but I got thrown out because I was ‘scaring’ my classmates. After that I taught myself. I never knew what it felt like to love. I wanted to but it was never there for me. When I first left the orphanage to get some food they insisted I put gloves on and I did because I was ashamed to look this way and the gloves covered that. I still wear the gloves and I have I feeling that I will have to all the time if I want to find a place to live. I have no clue where I am going, but hopefully there is a place near Jupiter, Florida, where I am accepted.
I walk down the street with my gloved hands in my pockets. I stumble upon a nice looking diner. I take my hands out and make sure that my gloves are on tight. I also take out my wallet to see how much money I have. I look through and I find that I have about thirty to thirty-five dollars. I finally open the door to the diner and walk in. I look around and I find a spot near the corner of the bar. I take a seat and see a very attractive guy sitting next to me a couple seats down. I look over to look at him and he winks at me. I blush immediatley.
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I look back forward when a waitress comes over to ask me what I would like to eat.
“Hi, what would you like to eat?” she said.
“HI, I would love your pot roast please!” I said with a smile on my face.
“Alright! Coming right up sugar.”
I wait patiently while tapping my finger back and forth on the counter. The man that winked at me earlier came behind me and sat down next to me. I pulled my gloves on tighter so there wasn’t a chance of them falling off.
“So what is a pretty girl like you doing sitting here all by herself?” He asked.
“I don’t know, but whatever it is you should probably go away too. I’m not like other girls.” I said letting him down so it would save the heart break.
“Well what if I told you I wasn’t like other guys? That I was different?” He said.
“Then I would say that you��re full of it.” I said turning to the side and looking straight into his eyes.
“The thing is that you---” He was interupted by the waitress placing my food down infront of me.
“Thank you.” I said then turning back to eat my food. The man soon left knowing that I wasn’t going to give in. It was a good fifteen minutes after he left that I finished eating. The waitress came back around and picked up my plate. She soonly came around again to drop off the check. My total was three dollars and fifty cents, I took out my wallet and payed for it. I stood up, readjusting my gloves again. I walked to the door and said thank you before I left. When my body was fully outside there was harsh wind that made me shiver. A group of men were waiting in the alleyway, catcalling me.
“Hey pretty darling! Why don’t you come over here!” the drunken man shouted. I continued to walk down the street and ignored them.
“Why aren’t you over here yet? Is there something wrong with you? You come from the freak show just a couple miles down the road?” Another drunken man said. Wait! Did he just say freak show? I need to go to there! Maybe they will let me be apart of their show! Maybe I’ll finally have a family like me!
I started walking even faster hoping that I would be able to stay there and maybe even be apart of it. I walk a couple more minutes until I hear this motorcycle engine rev up near me. I start walking faster with my hands in my pocket. I hear the engine slow down as it comes near me. My heart is beating out of my chest not knowing what is going to happen and not knowing who is on the motorcycle. I see the motorcycle pass and I let my breath out. I keep on walking into the woods that surround the road. I see a sign that says “Welcome to Elsa’s Cabinet of Curiosities” I hope that this is it. I turn down the dirt path and follow it until I see a whole group of tents bunched together. ‘This MUST be it!’ I walk to the field and look to see if anyone is around. I see a lady with blonde hair and a rose in her hair. She is wearing all red. I approach her.
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“Excuse me miss, do you know who runs this show?” I ask politely.
“Zhat vould be me fräulein.” The obviously German lady tells me.
“Hi Ms. ....”
“Mars. Elsa Mars. You?”
“(Your Last Name), (Full Name) .Anyways, Ms. Mars, I was wondering if you had room for one more person in your show.”
“Let me guess another teenage runavay vanting to join zhee circus, huh?”
“No m’am. I came here because I have no where to go. The reason why is because of my deformity.”
“And vhat vould zhat be?”
“I have an extra finger on both sides of my hands. So I have twelve fingers instead of ten.”
“How do I know you aren’t just telling me zhis? Show me your beauty.” I pull my hands out of my coat pockets. I continue to take off my glove showing Elsa my hands. I move my fingers around showing her that this isn’t just a magic trick.
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She gasps and takes my hands in hers turning them over and moving the individual fingers.
“Oh my! Zhis is just vhat I needed! Danke, danke for coming to me. Ve vill get your tent up and ready for you to stay here!” She runs away getting a two men to help her put up my tent. “While you are here, go ahead and meet everyone! First let me call them for you, My MONSTERS, come out and meet your newest addition. All of a sudden all of these people start coming out of their trailers and tents and start approaching me. Elsa stands behind me with her hands on my shoulders.
“Everyone meet our newest addition (Y/N)! She will be with us in the show from now on. I want everyone to treat her nicely, I don’t want this one left out. That is all now introduce yourselves!” A tall woman and a woman on her shoulders step up and hold out thier hand.
“Hi I’m Amazon Eve and this Ma Petite. I’m glad you could join the show! I can’t wait to be friends with you.” She and Ma Petite sweetly smile.
“Thank you! I can’t wait to friends with you too!” I took her hand and shook it. Then a man with shortened arms approaches me and takes his hat off.
“Hello I’m Paul. I’m glad we could add another great person to this show.”
“Thank you .” I say.
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Then a woman with a beard walks in. She approaches me and has her hand out for me to shake.
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“Ethel Darling. It is so nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy it here and I am glad you came to the right place.” She said with a huge smile on her face.
“Thank you. It is so nice of all of you to warmly welcome me when I am so new.”
Then a man and woman entered with dresses on.
“Pepper! Salty! Come play with us!” they said then grabbed my hands and we spinned in a circle. I start laughing a lot because seeing them happy is the best thing that you could wish for them.
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We start spinning a lot faster and I lose my balance. I close my eyes awaiting for the impact but it never comes. Instead I feel two strong warm arms wrap around me. I look up and am met with the eyes of the man I met at the diner. I stand up immediatley and adjust my dress.
“It’s you from the diner!” I said while pointing my finger at him.
“And its you from the diner!” He says with a confused look on his face. “What are you doing here anyways?”
“I am here because I just joined the freak show.” I say,
“No Elsa just doesn’t let a stupid teenage runaway join the show.”
“Well she must keep her word because she didn’t.” I hold up my hand showing him my twelve fingers. “What are YOU doing here?”
“I live and work here. My ma is the bearded lady and I am ‘Lobster Boy’.” He holds up his hands showing me his conjoined fingers.
“So I guess you were telling the truth when you said that you weren’t like other guys.” I said.
“Yeah and you were telling the truth about being different than other girls. Jimmy. Jimmy Darling.” He says while winking at me and smiles.
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I blush again.
“How about we go for a walk? I would love to get to know you more!” Jimmy says.
“I would love that. Maybe you could show me around camp aswell?” I ask. Jimmy and I arrive at a broken down Ferris Wheel where we sit down to talk.
“Of course.” We start walking and he asks, “How did you get here? To Jupiter I mean.”
“Well my parents gave me up as soon as I was born. They didn’t want a little freak like me running around. So they drop me off in an orphange. I think I have visited every school in Florida and they still kicked me out because I ‘scared’ my classmates. So I have just taught myself for all of these years. I have forvever been in an orphange and the one I was in let me be on my own when I was twenty-one. I actually just got out today and i walked into town and find the diner. Then after you left I went walking down the street when these catcallers asked me if I was from the freak show down the road. So that is how I came to this place. How about you?”
“Well I have been here since birth. I don’t know my dad, all I know is how bad he was to my mom. When my ma was pregnant he set up posters all over downtown saying ‘Watch A Freak Give Birth!” So I have been apart of the freak show scenery ever since I could remember.”
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry Jimmy.” I say putting my hand on his forearm.
“Thank you (Y/N). It really means a lot to me. My girlfriend Maggie has been my rock for a little while now.” Girlfriend? Of course he is amazingly handsome man why wouldn’t he have a girlfriend!
“How long have you and Maggie been together?”
“A couple months actually. I think it’s getting pretty serious. We actually just talked about running away from here a couple days ago.”
“Oh, are you thinking of running away?’
“No. I couldn’t leave my ma or anyone in the show. They have been like my family so why would I want to run away from that?”
“You’re right. I have never thought about it that way. You’re lucky. You got to grow up with people like you instead of being alone.” Jimmy stopped walking and looked straight into my eyes.
“(Y/N), you never EVER have to be alone anymore. You’ve got us now.” Yeah, I wish I had you as something more. Jimmy showed me to my tent and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Three Months Later
I was insanely crushing on Jimmy. I wanted to tell him so bad but I was scared that I was going to drive him away. Yes Jimmy is still dating the brat Maggie. She didn’t like me at all. She said that if I ever approached Jimmy ever again then she would kill me. I also haven’t talked to Jimmy in almost three weeks. I am suprised that I am still going strong. I miss Jimmy. I love Jimmy.  
I wake up and I rub my eyes to get the sleep away. I get up and get dressed. I get out of my tent and the first thing I see is Jimmy and Maggie kissing. I watched the ground instead of looking at the couple. Jimmy and Maggie stop and I see them walk over to where I walked to which was the dinning tent. I hear them being all lovey dovey and makes me want to throw up. I eat my cereal and then I go to the big even tent where the show takes place. I see Elsa with the new people which was Bette and Dot Tattler.
Since it was getting boring in there I started to walk around the camp. I start hearing two people talk. I walk to where the noise is coming from. I opened up the tent ‘door’ to find Maggie and this boy from town are kissing. I gasped and they both stopped and looked at me. I run away and start going to find Jimmy until Maggie pulls me into a tent.
“I swear to God that if you tell Jimmy I will break you.”
“Too bad. I will tell Jimmy because I can’t stand you doing this! He loves you for heaven’s sake. Any girl would be lucky to have him and you throw him away like he is nothing. You don’t deserve him!”
“And what you think you deserve him? Don’t try to hide that you don’t like him. I see the way you look at him. I will tell him if you tell him about me and Derek.”
“Whatever. I won’t tell him this time!” I walked away before she could say anything. I saw JImmy and I decided to run for my tent before he could reach me.
It was a couple hours after the little indescretion between me and Maggie happened and I once again found myself bored so I started wandering, again. I heared yelling and started to find the noise. I walked to a tent and opened the flap. I seceretly looked inside and saw Jimmy, Maggie, and Derek in the tent.
“SCRAM KID!” Jimmy said to Derek resulting in him sprinting out of there.
“Jimmy, baby calm down.” Maggie said.
“DON’T CALL ME BABY!” Jimmy yelled.
“I can explain everything. It isn’t what it looked like.”
“NO! I know exactly what it was. It was YOU cheating on ME! I actually thought that you were different and that you accepted me as who I am. I guess I thought wrong.”
“No Jimmy you didn’t. I love you.”
“Get out.”
“I said GET OUT! LEAVE! I DON’T WANT TO SEE  YOU ANYMORE! PACK ALL OF YOUR STUFF AND LEAVE! It was a bad idea in the first place to keep around town junkies.” I got out of there as fast as I could. I didn’t want Jimmy to find me and be mad at me. I ran quietly to the entertainment tent and saw Elsa.
“Elsa, I was wondering if I could sing a different song for tonight than I usually do. Is that okay?”
“Yes as long as it won’t scare my monsters.”
“Of course not.”
“Then you may sing it. I was going to tell you to sing a different song because it is getting old with your new song.”
“Okay Thank you!” Elsa just waved her hand in a ‘you’re welcome’ manner. I ran into my tent starting to get ready for tonight’s show. I put on my (Favorite Color) dress on and put my make up on. I got ready in two hours because I was making myself look especially nice because tonight in my song I was going to tell Jimmy my feelings. He always sits in the crowd when I’m singing. He says that he doesn’t want to miss a thing.
I got out of my tent and walked to the back entrance of the entertainment tent. I saw Elsa and ran to her.
“Elsa I need to hand the notes to Eve for my new song. Can I please go try to find her now?”
“Yes of course! Make this your best performance. We have a full house.”
“Yes i will do my best!” I walked away from her and went to find Eve quickly. I finally find her trying to put all her piano sheet music in order.
“Eve! These are my notes for the new song I am singing tonight okay? Don’t play the one you always do for me okay?”
“Of course. I will play this instead of the last one.” I hugged her as a thank you and then went to stand in line. I was behind Ma Petite and infront of Bette and Dot.
Ma Petite went on stage and then shortly came off. I heard Elsa introduce me to the crowd.
“And now I welcome an interesting girl with an amazing talent. (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!” I walk on stage and look around at the audience. I hear most of them mutter ‘Oh look she has twelve fingers!’ and ‘Magnificent!’ I had gotten used to it so I wasn’t bothered by then saying that  I look again and i see Jimmy staring directly at me similing. I smile back. I step up to the microphone and wrap my hands around the top so now everyone could see what some people were gawking at. I nod to Eve as in I’m ready to sing now. The melody starts off and I sing the song, Water.
“ It's 10 past 2, still up thinking of you If I showed you all I really want to Would you stay, dare to push me away I just can't return anymore” I look to see Jimmy’s face and he is staring as I stare back. “ Timid heart, hide my scars Make me stronger I can't take this any longer I need, I need you like water It's on the tip of my tongue I'm not asking for much Just your love and not another Cause your embrace keeps me warmer Could I tell you this time How I wish you were mine” I see Jimmy’s confused face as he realizes I am not singing my regular song but then he starts to smile as he realizes what I am singing about.” My voice cracks, I wait for it to pass Heart beats fast for words I can't take back And so I pray I don't drive you away Cause I'm scared of what I have to tell you Timid heart, hide my scars Make me stronger I can't take this any longer I need, I need you like water It's on the tip of my tongue I'm not asking for much Just your love and not another Cause your embrace keeps me warmer Could I tell you this time How I wish you were mine I'll take you higher, take you high I can make you come alive Open your eyes, change your mind I'll take you higher, take you high I can't take this any longer I need, I need you like water It's on the tip of my tongue I'm not asking for much Just your love and not another Cause your embrace keeps me warmer Could I tell you this time How I wish you were mine How I wish you were mine How I wish you were mine” I finish the song and the audience abrupts into applauses. I look to see if I can find Jimmy but I couldn’t. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn to see Jimmy.
“I know what that song is really about and let me just say, I love you too.” I smile when he says that. The spotlights us and Jimmy wraps his hand around my waist and pulls me close. He leans in closer and our lips collide. We stood on stage with the applause and ‘awws’ in the background as we share a kiss. We break apart and lean our foreheads together. Elsa comes on the stage and shoos us off.
“I have been waiting to do that since I first met you (Y/N).”
“Then what was the wait for?”
“I was in love with someone that wasn’t in love with me and that clouded my eyes from what was standing right infront of me. I love you (Y/N).”
“I love you too Jimmy.”
“How about we go to the diner in town and share a shake.”
“I would love that. Do you want me to get the gloves?”
“No. Don’t hide up your beauty.” He pecks me on lips. We both sneak out and get on his motorbike. I was in total bliss. I was dating my best friend and we were going to be together forever and nothing could stop us.
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make-me-imagine · 5 years
Hi! Can I ask for LOTR and Harry Potter (Marauder era if possible) male ship? Im tall and curvy with pale skin and dark curly hair. Im introvert,but I have strong personality. People say I act cold but I love small form of affection. Im extremaly sarcastic and rather independent, but very sensitive. I love animals and I have tattoo on my ribs with my dog's paw. I love art and stargazing. I could spend my life on traveling and going on concerts. Thank you so much! ♡♡♡
I ship you with Aragorn. He would find your introverted side appealing, and your independent, traveler side to be inspiring. He can see right through what others thing is coldness and seems to always know what you are thinking and what you want/need in that moment. He is also delicate with words because he never wants to offend or hurt you accidentally. 
How you met: You met Aragorn one day while he was wandering through your village. He saw you sitting on a hill side and for some reason seemed drawn to you. He asked you for directions - even though he knew exactly where he was going - and found your shy answers and voice to be cute. He stuck around tow longer than he intended, because he wanted to get to know you. The two of you were almost inseparable after a couple weeks. 
Dates: Stargazing on hill sides, visited small town markets and fairs. 
PDA/Cuddling: He is all for small forms of affection. Delicately brushing hair from your face, holding your hand, kissing the back of your hand. Resting his hand on your back as you walk together. At night he is also a cuddler, holding you close to his chest. 
Best-Friend: Legolas. You met him through Aragorn and he liked your immediately. Your mix of personalities allowed you to get along very well. 
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I ship you with Sirius. He would love your curves and your hair, often not being able to keep his hands of of them/you. He also loves you sarcastic sense of humor because it reflects his. Though, he is careful with his words because sometimes he can go too far, though he is always joking. He also really really REALLY loves your tattoo lol.
How you met: School. He saw you from across the dining hall and couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You made eye-contact at one point and he winked at you, which made you blush, and made him smirk. He found you after dinner and began asking you about yourself, immediatley knowing he liked you.
Dates: Taking walks around school grounds in the evening, watching the sun set and the stars come out. Trips to hogsmeade are incomplete without the two of you doing something fun.
PDA/Cuddling: He loves having his hands on you, even though it can sometimes annoy you. Whenever you fall asleep on him or leaning against him he can’t help but gently touch your face and press small kisses on your cheeks, nose and head.
Best-Friend: Remus. Sirius introduced you, or at least thought he had, but you and Remus had met briefly before. After you began hanging out with Sirius, you and Remus grew closer, forming a strong almost sibling like bond.
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(FC Ben Barns as Young Sirius Black)
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