#I really do call Wei Qian Qian gege in my head
7redmoon · 2 years
Priest's author note in Da Ge: worst of the angst is done, now it'll get better 😊(the exact wording was "now that it's hit rock bottom the only way is up")
me: I love you, but I don't believe you
Wei Qian: Almost dies inside in the very next chapters
Wei Qian: Almost dies ACTUALLY in some chapter after that
me: ....called it
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misograce · 5 years
I’ll Make the World Safe and Sound for You
The other sects think he’s busy doing evil deeds.
Even if he were so inclined, which he is not, Wei Wuxian thinks, he wouldn’t have the time. Looking after a toddler is a full time job after all.
A/N: Right, this fandom has me on a roll atm.
Title is from Hamilton
Single Dad Yiling Patriarch!WWX with his cobbled together found family is my ultimate weakness
This has no conceivable plot, but I hope you enjoy it anyways
I would have put this under the cut but I’m on vacation in Italy currently and only have my phone with me, I’ll do it once I’m back home.
Nowadays Wei Wuxian was woken up more often than not by an exuberant toddler clambering all over him and shaking him awake.
It was too early to be awake, no matter what Wen Qing said.
And so he hauled Wen Yuan properly on top of him and cuddled the child close. He buried his nose in Wen Yuan’s hair and breathed in his comforting scent and gave the boy another affectionate squeeze
“A-Yuan, have some mercy, let your poor old gege sleep a bit more, hm?”
“But A-Yuan wants to play with Xian-gege!” the child whined. “And Qing-jie said I shouldn’t allow you to be lazy, because being lazy is bad for the body and brain. I don’t want Xian-gege to become sick!”
Wen Yuan looked up at him with teary eyes and tried to wrap his little arms as far around Wei Wuxian as he could.
Curse Wen Qian, that woman knew exactly how to tug on his heartstrings to get him to do what she wanted him to. (Not that he truly minded; it felt good to have people treat him normally, see him for what he was and not thinking of him as evil incarnate)
“Sshhh, A-Yuan, Xian-gege is alright, don’t worry.” he said and blew a raspberry against Wen Yuan’s cheek and tickled his ribs. The child squealed and squirmed in delight.
“Look, look, Xian-gege’s awake and playing with A-Yuan, and not sick at all!”
“Good!” A-Yuan solemnly declared, nodded his head and proceeded to press a big, wet, slobbery kiss to his Xian-gege’s face with a look of utmost concentration and determination in his eyes.
“Ah, A-Yuan, you’re the sweetest child!” Wei Wuxian exclaimed.
He hugged Wen Yuan tightly again for a moment and then peppered little kisses all over his face.
The boy’s delighted laughter rang out again and even Wen Qing couldn’t scold them for still being in bed and making a mess in the face of such pure, unadulterated happiness. The boy had know far too much sadness and pain in his short life so far, she would not be the one to deprive him of even the tiniest sliver of happiness.
“Really, who is the child here, you or A-Yuan?” She called out, mirth shining in here eyes
“Xianxian is three years old!” Wei Wuxian gleefully exclaimed from where he was halfway hanging down the bed.
“Are you sure that isn’t actually a bit too old?” Wen Qing snorted.
“That’s what shijie said too!” he said, still just as gleeful.
How was that something to be this proud of, she thought to herself and shook her head fondly.
“C’mon kids, it’s time for breakfast.” she said and left, knowing both of them would clamber after her at the mention of food.
The Burial Mounds, being as they were soaked through with resentful energy, did not encourage lush foliage and so the ground was perpetually covered in dead leaves.
After their breakfast Wei Wuxian and Wen Yuan grabbed rakes and set out to clearing the leaves away. It was a simple task, but it needed to be done and this way Wei Wuxian and Wen Yuan were occupied and didn’t get in anybody else’s way. Admittedly, the Yiling Patriarch planting Wen Yuan like a radish was a hilarious sight, but it also made planting actual radishes rather a bit more difficult.
The two of them had been raking leaves for a while now and it was quiet. Too quiet. Suspiciously quiet.
When Wen Qing went to check on them the only thing she found was a large pile of leaves no Wei Wuxian or Wen Yuan in sight.
With twin screams the two of them jumped out of the pile, throwing leaves at Wen Qing.
“I wasn’t aware you were so keen on washing A-Yuan’s clothes again and so soon too.” she simply deadpanned.
Wei Wuxian’s pout and puppy eyes would have made a weaker woman give in, but Wen Qing firmly stood her ground.
“You’re lucky his other set of clothes is currently clean and dry!” she said as she ushered them off to take baths, “that does not mean you’re getting out of washing this set of clothes, Wei Wuxian, you hear me?”
Dinner that evening was a quiet affair. Wen Yuan was worn out from raking leaves and otherwise running all over all day and was now securely snuggled up against Wei Wuxian’s side, demanding that his Xian-gege feed him.
Wei Wuxian was more than happy to indulge him.
Wen Qing and Wen Ning were both there too and the three of them talked softly, not wanting to disturb an already half asleep Wen Yuan. It was peaceful. Wei Wuxian smiled as warmth filled him. He never expected this cobbled together family they’d created, but he would forever be grateful to the universe for these people in his life.
After Wen Yuan failed to fight a jaw cracking yawn for the third time in a row Wei Wuxian picked the boy up.
“I think it’s bed time for sticky little A-Yuans!” he said
Wen Yuan stubbornly shook his head.
“Don’t wanna.” he mumbled, “wanna stay with Xian-gege!”
Wei Wuxian felt himself melt.
“Tell you what, how about you sleep here, with Xian-gege tonight?” he asked and stroked the boys hair.
Wen Yuan nodded and tucked his head into Wei Wuxian’s neck. He was fully asleep within minutes.
He gently put the child to bed, careful not to wake him, and sat by his side, still stroking his hair, making sure he was sleeping peacefully.
That night, with a warm Wen Yuan tucked into his side he slept the best he had in a long time
And if the next morning he was woken up in the same manner as the day before, well, he didn’t mind. Anything for his A-Yuan’s happiness
On AO3
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