#I really like that Astral never drastically changed through the show but insted grown
astralhope · 5 months
The way Astral develops emotions through the show is one of my favourite aspects of Zexal (if not my favourite, because I love him). At first, he didn't know what emotions were. He observed them without even considering that he might feel something like that. Yet, the more he experienced on Earth, the more he changed, slowly, but he changed: he learned to smile, to fear, to cry and to hope, all the types of emotions he felt have combine into his essence, without completely changing it.
Because Astral never becomes particularly open with his emotions, his personality remains calm and collected, like at the start of the show, yet developing into something more than that as all the emotions he had collected had made him grown.
His growth is slow and sometimes subtle, but you can see how much he had changed just by looking at him: the way he moves, his tone of voice, his eyes (that are very expressive most of the time, it's like they could speak for themselves), little details that can bet missed, but are very dear to me.
He has been paralyzed by the fear, he has been happy to be considered a friend, he lost himself to the pain and anger, he cried for sadness and happiness, and he learned to love with all himself.
And he did all this in his own way. He made those emotions really his own.
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