#I really love the trope of a powerful/dangerous person who is putty in the hands of their beau
rodentsunite · 2 years
I now get the hype for horror movie icons because I can’t stop scrolling through Ghostface TikTok 
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Meant to Be
Characters: Spencer Reid x Maximoff!Reader, Wanda Maximoff, minor characters
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: fluff, minor angst
Summary: As a Maximoff, all you ever wanted to do was stay close to your family and protect them, but you were sent away to a summer camp for years. While there, you met a friend who you learned to love. However, your parents died, and you and your siblings underwent experiments that turned you into supers. You have a duty to protect innocent people from bad guys, but you never forgot about the boy from the camp... until he gets caught in your life.
summer camp @crossoverbingo
trust and vows @trope-bingo
superheroes/superpowers @foundfamilybingo​
crossover @marvelfluffbingo​
betrayal @cmbingo​
Author’s Note: If you have any requests, please send them in! this is unbeta’d and every mistake is all on me.
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It sucks being the younger sibling of three because you don’t really get a say when they tell you to do something. With your parents being the hard workers they are, they don’t really have time to take care of you as much as they did with your older siblings. You were a mistake, or at least, that’s what your older brother liked to call you. Your older sister was always on your side, and you know you can count on her to always have your back.
It just sucks that you’re sent to a summer camp without them because they had more important things to do than to come with you. It’s not like your parents would say anything about it. The worst part is that the summer camp is in America--far away from your home. You live in Sokovia, which doesn’t really make much sense since the two countries are well over thousands of miles apart.
You’re all alone, and you have no one else to turn to. This camp houses a bunch of kids your age, so in theory, you should have no problem making friends. However, none of them are your friends. You don’t have much back home, and the ones you do are older than you. Your siblings want you to make friends your own age, and if you can do that here, then you know you can have friends from all over the world to visit.
It just sucks you’re the only different one here. Everyone else is from America, so they are easily able to adapt to their surroundings. All you know is poor houses and hard-working parents. This is far nicer than everything you’ve ever been to, so why aren’t your brother and sister here with you? They suffered the most, so they should know what life is like outside your small country.
Kids from all over the States gather with their friends, gossip, and laugh together. The camp counselors have already checked you in, so they aren’t going to waste any more time trying to figure out where you belong since there are so many kids still left to be checked in. They won’t miss you when you’re gone, so you head off toward the back where there are fewer kids around.
There are some on the jungle gym and swings, but you bypass them to where a gazebo sits big and tall. There is no one around the area, so you think this is the perfect area to lay back and watch as the world passes you by. All you need to do is get through this summer so you never have to go back again. You’ll just tell your siblings that you had a terrible time and you cried every night because there were all these bullies. All you have to do is turn on the charm, and they are putty in your hands.
Without all the kids screaming and having fun, this place can be really beautiful. There is nothing a kid can do over here, so you determine that this is the spot you’ll be every day until you get to go home. Upon walking closer to the gazebo, you noticed a very small child reading to himself with a chessboard displayed out in front of him.
He’s so engrossed in the book about biochemistry that he doesn’t notice you right away. He wears glasses that are twice the size of his head, and the clothes he’s wearing are professional in away. He’s definitely not like the other kids, and you feel attracted to him. You’re only thirteen, but you know this guy is someone worth getting to know.
“Hello,” you state as you get closer to him.
He jumps in surprise that someone--a girl--is talking to him.
“Hello,” he says and goes back to reading his book.
“My name is Y/N Maximoff. What’s your name?”
“Spencer Reid.”
“Mind if I join you?”
“Wouldn’t you rather be hanging out with your friends?” he asks, sliding his glasses further up his nose.
“I don’t have friends. I’m a long way from home right now,” you sigh.
He doesn’t give you verbal permission to sit with him, but he does scoot over on the very big sofas. You smile kindly and take a seat before noticing the other books around him.
“Where are you from? You have an accent.”
“I do. I’m from Sokovia in Eastern Europe. Everywhere I go, I’m just the weird kid with accent.”
“Wow, you really are a long way from home. That’s precisely five thousand, three hundred and nine miles which is equivalent to eight thousand, five hundred and forty-five kilometers away.”
“How did you know that?” you chuckle.
“I have an IQ of 187 and can read 20,000 words per minute. I am studying to take the finals I need to take in order to get my undergraduate degree.”
“Wow, you’re really smart. You like to play chess?” you ask, pointing to the board.
“I do. Do you?”
“I’ve never played before. Can you teach me?”
“Sure,” he smiles, closing his textbook to take a break from studying.
He doesn’t know why, but he feels attracted to you in a way he’s never felt for anyone else. Everyone he goes to school with is so much older than he is, so he doesn’t have time to focus on building relationships. Now that his mom forced him to go to something like this, he is able to make friends with kids his own age. They may not be on the same level of intellect as he is, but at least they are the same age.
There’s something about Spencer that keeps you wanting to go back for more. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t have time for petty drama or care for people who don’t care for him. Back home, all you ever see is people fighting for materialistic things because most people in your village are very poor. Spencer lets you have anything you want--not that you ask for much anyway.
Your original plan was to tell your siblings that you never wanted to go back, but that all changed when you met Spencer. You went back the next summer and the summer after that and the summer after that. Spencer became the person your sister and brother hoped you’d find. He only ever wanted to be with you and no one else, and you felt the same way. You don’t know what love is at your age, but you know what like is--what you feel for Spencer is definitely a lot more than like.
Then one summer, you just stopped coming. Your parents died at the hands of a Stark, and your siblings and you volunteered to be experimented on by Struker and his HYDRA army. They used the Infinity Stone inside Loki’s scepter to give you and your siblings your powers. You didn't know it at the time, but Strucker is the bad guy and Tony ended up being the good guy.
Though, going through all that pain and experimenting, there was one person that never left your mind: Spencer. You like to think what he accomplished after that last summer. Where is he? What is he doing now? Does he have a family of his own? Is he happy? Those are just some of the questions you ask yourself before you go to sleep every night in hopes you might get to find out someday.
The experiments that you and your siblings went through brought you back to the United States, but only after years. Your brother is gone now--killed in action. It’s just you and Wanda, and you have to stick together if you want to come out of this thing alive. There is no one else you can count on except for her--wherever she goes, you go.
After the battle of Sokovia, Tony took you, Wanda, Vision, and Sam in to train to become Avengers. Well, Steve and Natasha did. Tony took off to be with his girlfriend Pepper, but you knew you were in good hands with the assassin and the super-soldier. You two fought like hell to prove to them you were worthy of being part of their team, and it’s finally time that they let you in. They see you as one of their own, and that’s all you ever wanted.
Your powers are very similar, if not exactly like Wanda’s. She’s a completely different person than you are, but the Infinity Stone saw it as one and the same. That’s why your powers are just like hers compared to your brother’s. Having two of the same kind of witch is beneficial to the team since it’s such a good asset to control minds and have powers that move and destroy things.
You’re going to need two sets of the same powers for this one because the world is in danger yet again. There is some kind of attack on the President, so that’s where you and your team are fighting the evil ones. These bad people think if they can wipe out all the important rulers, then their team can strike every country and infiltrate their government to make the entire world bow down at their feet.
They have large guns and big weapons, but you have your powers which are more than enough.
“Take the west and I’ll cover the east. We’ll meet back with Steve and Natasha,” Wanda orders.
“You got it,” you state.
Your blue magic shoots out of your hand, causing you to shoot into the sky. While she is red, you are blue--opposite ends of the spectrum but equally as likable. You land in the middle of an intersection, but there are no cars coming. Everyone is out of them, running and screaming like chickens with their heads cut off.
More and more bad people in uniforms file through, shooting at anything that moves. Your magic encompasses one of them, and you slam him into the other, creating a domino effect.
“Go! Get out of here!” you yell and rush to evacuate the remaining civilians.
Cut off one head, two more grow back. Twice as many soldiers come rushing in, and you have to fend them off so they don’t hurt anyone else. Whatever you can find to do maximum damage, you use your magic to use the objects as weapons. Tables, shards of glass, cars, mailboxes, and everything else to slam into each and every one of the men.
You think you got them all, but then you notice a civilian by one of the skyscrapers, scared out of his mind. The terrorist has both the ground and the sky covered, and they aren’t afraid of doing maximum damage to anyone on the ground. You don’t know how they managed it, but the skyscraper by the stranger is collapsing. Without even thinking, you shoot your hands out in front of you, and your magic holds up the falling debris. It’s a lot of power for one person to hold, but you can’t let him die because of a mistake you made.
“Go! Get out of here!” you strain to yell.
The force of the building is enough to make you fall to your knees, but when you look back at the man, your heart and world stop.
“Spencer?” you gasp.
“Y/N?” he exclaims.
The building is getting heavier, and you know you won’t be able to hold it up for much longer.
“Go! Run!” you yell. He doesn’t waste any more time and just escapes. Just like that, he’s gone again. “Wanda!! Tony! I need some help over here! Unless you want me to crumble under this fucking building!”
“Language!” Steve says over the comm, and you just roll your eyes.
Your older sister and mentor come rushing in to help with you, and once you are safe to step back without the fear of dying, you look around for Spencer. He’s gone, again, and you have no way of finding him this time. You can’t dwell on this for long because there are still bad guys that need to be killed and people that need saving.
If it’s meant to be, then it’s meant to be.
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Tony was able to find Spencer so easily that a baby could have done it. He stayed after the fight which should have told you he was willing to give you another chance, but he could be waiting to tell you to fuck off or something along the lines. You didn't do anything wrong, but you can’t help but feel like you did.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Wanda asks outside of the cafe Spencer requested to meet with you in.
“Yeah, he was my only friend at summer camp. We clicked and connected, and I just left him without even a goodbye.”
“Our parents died,” she sighs.
“Yeah, and I had every opportunity to tell him what was going on, but I didn’t. He deserves to know why. I won’t be long,” you say.
With one pat on the shoulder, you quickly head inside the cafe. Spencer is sitting by the window on the far corner, and he looks up when he hears you coming over.
“Hi, Spencer. Long time no see,” you chuckle dryly.
“What happened to the accent? It’s gone away.”
“I guess that’s what I get for spending so much time in America,” you chuckle and take a seat across from him. “Thank you for meeting with me.”
“I had to see you. I had to know that what I saw wasn’t in my head,” he sighs.
“I bet you have a ton of questions, but the one thing you need to know is that I didn’t leave you on purpose. I wanted to come back to you. You were always more than a friend to me, and I know you know that.”
“Then why didn’t you? I tried calling and messaging you, but you never responded back.”
“My parents died, and it was just me and my two siblings. I couldn’t leave them knowing what happened. They volunteered themselves and me for experiments with HYDRA and an Infinity Stone. It’s why I have these powers. I couldn’t go back to you the first time because I had obligations, and I couldn’t return without the fear of something bad happening to you. I was too afraid of messaging you because I know what you would have said, and I couldn’t bear to let you down or to betray your trust.”
“You didn’t let me down or betray me,” he says and grabs your hands from across the table. “I was just worried that my best friend had died.”
“In a way I did, I guess.”
“I can’t imagine what you’ve been through.”
“It wasn’t all bad. I’ve made a new family, but I realize that it’s incomplete without you in it. I don’t know what you’ve been up to or if you’ve made a family on your own, but I’m staying in town for a while and I hope you’ll let me take you out?”
“Yeah, I’d like that,” he smiles widely.
“You’ve gotten very handsome since the last time I saw you,” you compliment, your cheeks heating up just a bit.
“And you’ve gotten even more beautiful.”
If he lets you, then you’ll be adding him to your new found family. If he lets you, then you’re never going to let him go. If he lets you, then you’ll love him for everything he’s worth.
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leftlovetragedy · 7 years
Moffat and his final problem with women
I can’t help but notice that Steven Moffat does have problems with female characters on his shows. Maybe when you watch a lot  of his works, only then you’ll notice it, but it is what it is. And the problem is? He writes Faux Strong Female Characters (FSFC). Why Faux? Well, here is why: 1) Irene Adler  
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In ACD’s canon she works for herself, has her own personal life and doesn’t care romantically for Sherlock, is the one who outsmarted Sherlock, departed on her own terms into sunset and made Sherlock actually have respect for women ( “He used to make merry over the cleverness of women, but I have not heard him do it of late” - Watson about Sherlock in ACD’s lore). ACD wrote this Irene in XIX c. In BBC Sherlock? Yeah, on the surface  she is that cool dominatrix, comfortable with her sexuality, who blackmails powerful clients,  has a hold of  state secrets and even whips Sherlock at one point. But in the end? She doesn’t outsmart Sherlock at all, in fact she loses to him because of her feelings for him! That’s right, Sherlock is so damn cool and special dude, that Irene loses because of her emotions, using his name as a password for her very important mobile, which contains all the important info she uses as her protection. In a blink she is begging Sherlock, with tears in her eyes, saying that she is  toast without her mobile. At the end of episode it gets “better” when Sherlock actually rescues her from terrorists in Pakistan in a total classical damsel-in-distress trope. Not only that, but we learn from this episode that Irene works with Moriarty and in fact her plan to trick Holmes brothers wasn’t her plan (”I had all this stuff; never knew what to do with it. Thank God for the consultant criminal. Gave me a lot of advice about how to play the Holmes boys” - says Irene in BBC Sherlock). So Irene in BBC Sherlock needs consulting  from Moriarty to work out a cohesive plan, loses to Sherlock in the game of wits because her wits were very much affected by her sentiments towards Sherlock and needs to be saved by him with wielding sword action. Steven Moffat wrote this Irene in XXI c.
2) Mary Morstan | Mary Watson 
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In ACD’s canon she and Watson met because of the case, she worked for some time as governess, they married and then she died. 
In BBC Sherlock on the surface she got an upgrade in badassery. She is  a former assassin, who now tries to have a new, normal life  with John Watson and has a baby with him, very skilled, very clever, with quick reactions,  quite an intellectual match to Sherlock and often more clever than her husband John. Yet in attempts to make a strong skilled character Moffat  screws up, cause this really smart, professional trained ex-assassin  uses perfume while she goes out to kill a guy who blackmailed her; can’t figure out that her USB flash drive has a tracking device and goes to a meeting with a person, who is responsible for her  fellow assassin  ex-colleagues being taken down, without any weapons or protection (you know, there’re such things as bullet-proof body armour that could be worn under your clothes in the situation like this, surely ex-assassin should know this ). And the result? Mary is killed in a most ridiculous fashion by some bored secretary, because she jumped in front of the bullet trying to save-you guess it right - Sherlock from being shot. ACD also had Mary dead, however without fanfare, silliness and without  Mary dying for Sherlock or without giving Mary a little baby girl, leaving this girl motherless as a result of Mary’s death in the name of Sherlock. Steven Moffat wrote Mary as this super pro,  smart and experienced, who at the same time makes spectacular dumb decisions which undermine her supposed smartness and proficiency, who gives up her own agenda, her new life with her husband and daughter, the new life she wanted after retiring and worked for and finally got - because of Sherlock. Because Sherlock is so special and important here, that female character must die for him.  3) Eurus Holmes
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The secret sister of Holmes brothers made up by Moffat and Gatiss.   Locked in a secret prision (facility), she is a genius from childhood, killed Sherlock’s best  friend when they were little kids, manipulator (can actually hypnotise people with talking or something and make them dance to her tune), master of disguise, can arrange wild games of survival, can escape her prision at her own will, etc. On the surface she is uber nemesis to Sherlock, maybe in some ways more dangerous than Moriarty himself! But all her talents and wits in the end were all about getting attention of her brother Sherlock and hanging out with him. Yeah, in the end it was all about Sherlock being so special and important that his super smart sister didn’t really want anything else and as soon as Sherlock got a proper hold of her, Eurus was tamed, cause she pretty much didn’t have any other agenda in life. She has visits from her brother now and they can play their violins together.  Awww. That’s it! Apart from making it all about Sherlock (again!) the whole twist with super secret sister who suddenly appeared out of the blue was just bad writing on the level of juvenile fanfiction. But Sherlock is not the only one of Moffat’s title characters who is that damn special  and cool, so female characters must bend for him in that way or another. Look at Doctor Who! 4) Missy
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Missy, female regeneration of The Master, the old nemesis of The Doctor. On the surface she is dangerous, smart, cunning, with evil glee and no boundaries. She can kill and mock, and scheme.   Yet her  first plot in the series was to raise the Earth's dead as an army of Cybermen - and give this army as a gift  to The Doctor!   Missy then suggests that she and the Doctor can still hang out together again and return to Gallifrey together. Eh? Missy’s last plot in the series was to be saved by The Doctor from execution. Then The Doctor locks Missy in his vault under the university campus - and Missy begins to reform and see errors of her ways! Apparantely nothing helps a woman to reform like being put under lock and key by a guy in his basement and giving guidance to this woman! Her arc ends with Missy wanting to help the Doctor and getting killed because she chose The Doctor’s side.  In other words, the first ever female version of the Master aka Missy died for the Doctor, was tutored by him and basically wanted to hang out with him more than anything else. Riiight. Cause The Doctor is that special, you know. 5) River Song
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Professor River Song. Archaeologist, child of Tardis, has a Time Lord DNA, time traveller. On the surface brave, witty, smart, strong-willed. Still she unfortunately got the shades of Moffat’s treatment of his female characters. She was raised by the Silence to kill the Doctor but fell in love with him and became his wife.  In her childhood as Mels she was obsessed with the Doctor, when she regenerated into River Song  she entered the University to become archaeologist  in order to find the Doctor  through time and space. She was ready to screw time and space and history, by defying a fixed point in time because Doctor meant too much too her . As a result time shredded into a reality where all history happened at once. She finally fixed it by fake-killing the Doctor, but then she was sentenced to several life sentences for this murder and served the sentence to make the Silence believe him dead, and though she often escaped her prision to spend time with The Doctor, she always returned to her cel. Like another gig of female character being locked up for the sake of main male protagonist. Okey dokey. In the end River didn’t allow  The Doctor to sacrifice himself in the Library in order to save people there, and took his place, dying as a result of this. The thing is Steven Moffat here has a female character who is very much emotionally fixed on his main male protagonist, who can easily  become putty in his hands at times because of this. And dies for him. See the trend?  That’s why it can be called FSFC. Sure, Moffat’s female characters may use guns or whips, act dangerously and independent on the surface, throw around quirky and  quick-witted lines, have some adventures, use word “sexy” a lot , go against main male protagonist, even go after his life - but in the end they get upstaged by this main male protagonist either because it turns out that  they have real strong emotional attachment to him and it makes them lose or give up or join his side, or because this main male protagonist is so special and important in general, that they just feel obliged to make sacrifices for him. Or combination of these variants. As a bonus: many of those  FSFC can be really flashy and have a “bad girl” vibe. Moffat obviously has a kink for “bad girls” and likes to write them, so the main male protagonist, be it Sherlock or Doctor Who, can get an upper hand over those bad girls. IDK, probably it makes it all the sweeter for Moffat.   Irene, Missy, River, Eurus all have it in them. Irene is a dominatrix and string-puller and flaunts it; Missy, while cosplaying Mary Poppins in her looks, openly refers to herself as “bad girl” and surely acts like one; River a playful time travelling criminal/scientist/adventurer has enemies-to-lovers trope played out with the Doctor in spades ( “ They engineered a psychopath to kill you -Totally married her"). Eurus  has a lot of very, very bad girl about her. Heck, even Mary Watson has some of it in her, due to her dark past as assasin for hire. This whole thing is very troubling and it seems many of Moffat’s  female characters can be "strong” only until they submit (in one form or another) to or in the name of main male protagonist. Because Moffat’s main male protagonists are that cool and special and awesome, so it must be about them and their awesomeness in the end, when the dust settles.
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