#I crave a menacing man behind a mask taking care of his business but still being the perfect boyfriend to his partner
rodentsunite · 2 years
I now get the hype for horror movie icons because I can’t stop scrolling through Ghostface TikTok 
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ktavey · 4 years
Peter Parker swept through the sky- arching up, high above the New York skyline. Peter loved those small moments; the split second it took for gravity to take over his accent, like a moment frozen in time. Despite all of the trials and tribulations in his life, web-slinging made him truly grateful to the little spider that bit him. The sun was setting, coating the sky in a soft baby blue fading into pink, with wisps of cloud spotting it. It was unfortunate that his passenger didn’t share his appreciation- Harry Osborn just remained rigid and terrified in his arms, face buried in his shoulder, despite the beauty. The moment ended far too soon, and they fell down, down, down.
A distant grumbling, not unlike thunder, gathered behind Peter, and Peter couldn’t help his smile. Of course, Norman took the bait. Peter liked to imagine that Norman had long since realized that Peter’s antics were more often about irritating him and stealing moments with his son than anything truly nefarious. And even if he didn’t, Peter sincerely hoped Harry realized this.
No such coherent thought was on Norman’s mind, however; Spider-Man had taken his son. Snatched him away from him right in front of him. Anger burnt inside Norman, watching Spider-Man freefall with his petrified son in his grasp. Spider-Man had taken his son, had touched his son, treated his son like a plaything. The knowledge burning inside of him, and Norman urged himself as fast as he could go- he would take his son back from that fucking menace, no matter what it took.
‘Spider-Man!’ The words ripped from Norman’s lungs, easily loud enough to be heard over the glider and space. ‘Release my son!’
‘Ooh.’ Peter’s response was quieter, meant only for two people. ‘You- you don’t think I’ve upset him, or anything, do you?’ Peter cooed at Harry, who did not respond. Harry dug his blunt fingers tighter into Peter’s suit.
‘Hey! Gobby!’ Peter spun around on his webs. ‘Let’s play hide and seek!’
Peter generally tried to avoid high-speed chases, as they typically meant some miscellaneous do-gooder super-hero was trying to beat him for street cred, or to drag him to prison. This time it was different- this time Peter was being helpful, he was being a friend. He and Daredevil had had a fun little ‘friendship’ going on for a good few years. Every so often they would do favours for each other and had an uneasy alliance. So if the man asked him to distract a common nuisance and enemy for a while, who was Peter to say no? And truly, it was nice to have an excuse to snag Harry. It had been so long since Peter had spent any time with him, and Peter had been getting bored with his usual routine. Nowadays, most of his time had been consumed by studying; earning and ‘earning’ money to both keep studying, and keep Aunt May in the best hospitals. Adult life was busy and expensive. Peter had been struggling to find the time and energy to instigating chaos and discord he craved. Just last week, Peter had stooped to leaving messages claiming the Green Goblin/ Dr Octopus was here in the wake of his bank visits, that was how off his game he was.
However, the plus side of this was that the infrequency of his antics had caused Norman to let off the guards nannying his son.
           ‘Spider-Man! Give me back my son or face my wrath!’ Norman’s roar was carried on the wind, miraculously undistorted by the noise and distance.
           ‘Oh, he sounds mad.’ Peter muttered. ‘You don’t think he’s upset or anything, do you?’ Peter directed the query to Harry, who remained silent. Sometimes, Peter didn’t know why he tried. At the very least, Harry wasn’t struggling, making it easier for Peter to just enjoy the contact and the warmth of Harry’s body. Peter moved a bit faster, shifting to hoist Harry up. He felt Harry flinch, or perhaps shiver with the movement. Affectionately, Peter patted his hair- he wasn’t going to drop the silly goose.
‘Hey, Gobby!’ Peter held Harry in the air like a trophy. ‘If you want him back, you have to catch me first!’ The Green Goblin roared at Peter again, and Peter fell into a free fall, relishing in Harry’s fingers instinctively curling into him. Peter navigated between the buildings of the city with ease; while the Goblin’s glider was built for speed and agility, it still had nothing on him. Peter led a winding pathway that Norman would struggle to follow. The sound of the glider started to fade as Norman fell behind. Peter took refuge behind a dumpster, carefully placing Harry on the ground. Peter spun webbing across Harry’s mouth. Harry stumbled away from Peter and fell to the ground, staring at Peter with unabashed terror. A shadow of guilt passed over Peter as he watched Harry scrabble at the dirty ground, struggle futilely with the webs. Peter jumped lightly to his side and placed a hand on his shoulder. Harry flinched. Had he always been so scared of him? Peter shook off the thought and let the knot in his gut subside. Harry was overreacting, he told himself firmly.
           Peter smiled brightly at Harry, his own impassive lenses meeting Harrys eyes, which remained a gentle hazel, despite Harry’s stricken expression. ‘C’mon buddy! We’re not done yet!’ This time, Harry started pushing away from Peter, fingers clawing ineffectively into his suit and blows ultimately useless. The moment Peter stuck his head above the skyline Norman bore down on them. Peter tossed Harry into a fireman’s carry, disregarding his squawk of protest.
‘Gobby!’ Peter waved a free arm. ‘Let’s play catch!’ Peter could not hear Norman’s enraged ranting this time. Peter dived forward, now wanting to end his game. Peter led them both on a winding journey towards Brooklyn Bridge, darting back away from it every so often, not wanting Norman to realize where they were going. Although, Peter mused, dodging a blast, Norman was likely to furious to engage in any such rational thought. ‘Careful Normie-kins! I have a passenger!’
Harry clung to Peter, muscles rigid with terror. Despite the inherent danger the super-villain posed, Harry could believe that he wouldn’t drop him. He and Spider-Man had been doing this heart-stopping dance for years, and he hadn’t hurt Harry once. Not on purpose at least. Spider-Man had once started falling mid-swing- on the way down Spider-Man had gone out of his way to protect him, but it still had cracked a couple of his ribs. That fragile trust wasn’t enough to stop Harry’s head from spinning or his stomach lurching. Harry screwed his eyes shut, forehead pressed against the red suit. Harry felt himself be set down again, and cautiously opened his eyes.
Harry instantly regretted it. East River sparkled from dizzily far below him. Perhaps in another, calmer setting Harry would have enjoyed it. They were high enough that the sound of traffic was a distant mumble, and an autumn breeze blew around them sweetly, the river a brilliant cobalt blue. Harry’s heart thudded in his chest, which had started to ache from the stress. Harry could hear the rumbling engine of his father’s glider. Harry screwed his eyes shut, imagining what it would be like to have a picnic here. Harry remembered loving the picnics he had experienced as a small child, before his mother had died. Harry breathed as steadily as he could, trying to imagine he was there now.
Spider-Man spoke beside him, ripping Harry form his thoughts. ‘Olé Olé.’ Peter said, and grinned wickedly under his mask, watching Green Goblin speed toward him, and loosened his grip on Harry. Harry wriggled his leg around and kneed Peter in the crotch as hard as he could.
Peter reflexively shoved Harry away with a screech, and Harry stumbled off the edge. Norman shoved Peter to the floor and turned into a dive to catch his son. Peter swore, arms around himself, and swore again. Peter grimly crawled to the side, scanning the still water for movement. Norman rose from the water and punched Peter into the water.
Harry watched the rippling water where Peter had disappeared with wide eyes. ‘Is… will he be okay?’ Harry squeaked out.
‘Unfortunately, yes.’ Norman growled.
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