#I really want to go to mexico and the Yucatán peninsula
tinogiehd · 1 year
What's a place you want to travel to someday?
EVERYWHERE I love traveling so much I want to see everything
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15 questions for 15 friends
Thank you @pigeontheoneandonly for tagging me! :)
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: My mom apparently read through a few baby name books to find my first name, but my middle name was picked after my grandma.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: A week or two ago. I was feeling particularly sensitive (thank you, hormones) and I was curious whether my dog, who expresses love by licking, has figured out by now that my weird human kissy sounds are my equivalent of affection. So I started Googling "does my dog know--" and came across so many searches along the lines of "does my dog know I love them?" that I started crying about how much people love their pets and how much they want to make sure the pets are aware of this.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: I rotated through a bunch of sports as a kid (roller skating, swimming, basketball, flag football). In my adult years, I'm more of a "go jogging or do a YouTube workout routine once a month" kind of person.
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: Yes, but I tend to accidentally make it very deadpan, so people who don't know me well are often confused because they think I'm serious lmao. I do love using sarcasm around those who know me, especially my partner. Good-humored sarcastic/silly banter is a love language and the way to my heart.
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: The look in their eyes. I get a feeling for someone's attitude and intentions pretty intuitively from this, and decide how genuinely myself I want to be around them.
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR?: Brown-eyed gang unite!
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: Well-earned happy endings and well-justified scary movies (not a fan of watching people suffer for the sake of suffering, but some themes in scary movies are fascinating).
ANY TALENTS?: Words. Writing is part of it, but I've also been told I have a way of saying things that just clicks or expresses things thoughtfully, which I take as a huge compliment. I also make really good brownies and recently learned I'm a great teacher.
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: The Yucatán Peninsula.
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: Reading, gaming, writing, teaching my cryptid dog how to behave in polite society.
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: See above! Yali is a xoloitzcuintle, but has also been described by myself and my friends as part cat, part jackal, part deer. Yali picture under the cut :)
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: I love learning in general, but I think my favorite subject was languages; which, growing up in Mexico, mostly entailed learning English. Once I tested out of that, I switched to French, which was also fun.
DREAM JOB?: I plan to be the clinician that people go see when they need to check in about their brain's health. I also want to be a leader in the field to help make sure that Spanish speakers, low-income/uninsured, and other marginalized folks have access to those services.
Tagging @isayashai, @daggertongue, @miniature-space-hamster, @metzlishepard, @creaking-skull, @dandenbo, @hungerofhadarr, @whimsyswastry, @rowanisawriter, @greenteabtch, @galpalaven, @neonbutchery, @laelior, @tiny-banana-time, and @vlwl! Plus anyone else who feels like joining! Edit: adding @aphoticfairy because I missed it!!<333
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While Silvia Moreno-Garcia's The Daughter of Doctor Moreau is unsurprisingly inspired by Wells's The Island of Doctor familiarity with the inspiration - beyond knowing that it's about a Doctor that modified animals to make them more like humans - isn't necessary to appreciate it.
The general concept, Montgomery and Doctor Moreau are all recognisable if you have read the original but that's where the similarities end. It isn't a retelling or sequel. It's just borrowing the framework to tell a very different story.
It moves the location from an island in the pacific to Yucatán in Mexico (which is actually a peninsula rather than an island). Prendick the main character of Wells's book does not appear. Most significantly Moreau has a daughter who is the primary focus of the book.
The prose is solid. There are a handful of awkward sentences and it is occasionally corny but are the most part it's an enjoyable read.
At times the book overexplains things. If it was about scientific aspects I'd complain about infodumping but it's about mundane aspects of the setting that I can't see anyone needing explained. Relatedly the book occasionally has Montgomery condemn things that everyone reading already knows are wrong in a way that felt shoehorned in.
The plot, such as it is, is predictable. There are two twists which can be seen coming from the beginning of the book. I could even imagine someone guessing one of them just going off the title. Beyond that nothing unexpected happens. If you make the obvious guess for what will happen next you'll usually be right. The lack of twists isn't a problem in and of it self but the plot just feels uninspired.
One of the more interesting parts of the novel was that almost everyone stifles under the control of others. From the hybrids under Moreau's chemical leash, Montgomery under the debt and addiction that leaves him with little choice but to keep working his job and Carlota - the titular daughter - under her father's power.
Even a character in a position of power like Eduardo Lizalde considers himself, like Carlota, to be trapped by his father dictating his life. Moreau himself feels that his position is precarious and at the whims of his financial backer.
In some cases these feelings of powerlessness have more to do with perception than reality. It gradually becomes clear that if Moreau set his pride aside he has options. For Carlota and Montgomery while they are to a large extent bound by others they are also have a position of significant power over the hybrids. The book acknowledges all of this but never really goes anywhere with it. It's a shame because there's a lot of really interesting dynamics to dig into there but it's left unexplored.
I was also disappointed that it didn't show more of the hybrids. The story is told between alternating POVs of Carlota and Montgomery and while we hybrids appear they don't get the same development of the protagonists or even (with the exception of Lupe) the other human characters like Eduardo or Doctor Moreau. Not showing more of their perspective was a missed opportunity.
In general the book introduces a lot of interesting ideas, characters and themes but fails to do anything with them. They're introduced or sometimes just gestured at but never fully developed. All the building blocks for a fascinating construction are there but they aren't used to build anything.
Reading back over this it sounds more negative than I am about the book. I enjoyed it! It's genuinely good! This was the first book I've read by Moreno-Garcia and reading it left me wanting to read more by her. If I'm critical it's because it had the potential to be great but falls short.
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lunaamatista · 7 years
References to Mexican Culture in Coco
By now, you’ve probably heard Coco is one of the most well researched films about Mexico and its culture. There are many small details that make it feel like Mexico: the stone roads in a small town, the traditional embroidery patterns in the shirts of Miguel’s female relatives, an uncle wearing a soccer team shirt, even a bowl of limes in a stand of aguas frescas. Of course, the looks of papel picado, day of the dead altars, and cemeteries are also well represented. The clothes of the relatives Miguel sees in the world of the dead is accurate to their eras. While these are a nice touch, you’re ultimately not missing out on anything by not spotting them, so in this post I wanted to talk about the more culturally based details that show the most research and you might not understand if you’re not very well acquainted with Mexican culture:
Names and pronouns
1. Coco
This one is the most straightforward, so let’s start with the name of the movie. While the protagonist is called Miguel, we soon learn that Coco is his great grandmother. “Coco” is what we call a woman called “Socorro” (lit. “help” - it’s a very traditional name that’s considered old fashioned).
The Rivera family calls her “Mamá Coco,” which means “Mother Coco.” They also call Imelda “Mamá Imelda,” and so on. Calling your grandparents “mamá” or “papá” instead of “abuelita” and “abuelito” is a thing you can do, though I can’t say how common it is.
In the Spanish version of the film, Miguel’s grandmother, Elena, talks to Mamá Coco with “usted” (I didn’t notice other instances, but they might be there). Spanish has a formal and an informal version of singular “you:” “usted” for formal, “tú” for informal. The verb conjugation also changes depending on which one you use. It is used differently all through the Spanish speaking world, but in Mexico, other than older people you respect (like a teacher), you can talk to older family members with “usted,” which means respect rather than the distance the formality might imply. Nowadays, it has fallen out of use: as someone born in the 90s, my grandparents talked to their parents almost exclusively with “usted;” out of my parents, my mother talked to hers with “usted” and my father with “tú;” I speak to my parents with “tú.” I have cousins on my mother’s side that talk to their parents with “usted,” but I would say that makes them a minority nowadays.
Traditions and beliefs
2. Crossing to the world of the dead on a bridge of marigolds
If you paid very close attention, you might have noticed two children scattering marigold petals on the ground and their mother telling them not to scatter them, but to make a bridge so the dead could cross over. It was easy to miss, but that’s actually something we believe!
There are several types of flowers you can place in a day of the dead altar, but the one you can’t do without is the yellow marigold. Its petals are scattered all around the altar, and at the very front, you’ll form a path surrounded with candles. The bright yellow will help the dead properly make their way to the altar, and the candles surrounding the path will light their way.
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3. Crossing to the world of the dead with a xoloitzcuintli
Several prehispanic cultures had a similar concept of the underworld as many other cultures around the world, in which there was a river they had to cross to get there. For both the Aztecs/Mexicas and the Mayas, a xoloitzcuintli would guide their souls so they could cross the river safely and arrive to Mictlan (Mexicas) or Xibalba (Mayas). To achieve this, a xoloitzcuintli would be sacrificed and buried with its owner. Day of the dead altars can have a xoloitzcuintli figure so that the dead can make it back safely as well.
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4. Being thrown into a cenote
My screenshot isn’t the best but at some point, Miguel is thrown into a big pit with water. That’s not just any random pit, but a cenote.
Cenotes are naturally ocurring sinkholes caused by the collapse of limestone. The word “cenote” has Maya etymology, as cenotes are commonly found in the Yucatán peninsula, where they (still!) live. In old times, they would sacrifice animals and people as tributes to the gods, and also throw ceramic objects and jewelry as part of the tribute.
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5. Alebrijes
I left these for last because they don’t have any deep meaning. Alebrijes are colorful fantastic animals that a man called Pedro Linares saw in a fever dream. He was a skilled artisan, so when he woke up from his long sickness, he brought them to life in his art.
In Coco, alebrijes are spiritual guides, and while their designs are to the likes of the real alebrijes, the film actually gave them a more important role than they have for us.
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6. Genres of Mexican music
The songs in Coco all belong to genres we’ve grown up with, so even if someone isn’t that knowledgeable in music theory or genres, we could vaguely tell they sounded “Mexican” (some more than others). Someone who is more knowledgeable of music genres can help me out here, but I think:
- Remember Me / Recuérdame is a bolero ranchero.
- Much Needed Advice / Dueto a través del tiempo is a ranchera.
- Everyone Knows Juanita / Juanita is a corrido.
- Un Poco Loco is a son jarocho.
- The World Es Mi Familia / El mundo es mi familia is huapango inspired.
- Proud Corazón / El latido de mi corazón is a a son (son de mariachi? I’m most uncertain about this one).
6.5 Un Poco Loco
Un Poco Loco starts in English as
What color is the sky, ay mi amor, ay mi amor, You tell me that it’s red, ay mi amor, ay mi amor
And in Spanish as
Que el cielo no es azul, ay mi amor, ay mi amor, Es rojo dices tú, ay mi amor, ay mi amor
(You say the sky isn’t blue, oh my love, oh my love, It’s red, you say, oh my love, oh my love)
This might be a deliberate reference to a huapango called “Cielo rojo,” which says:
Mientras yo estoy dormido Sueño que vamos los dos muy juntos A un cielo azul Pero cuando despierto El cielo es rojo, me faltas tú
(As I sleep I dream of us close together Going towards a blue sky But when I wake up The sky red, I am missing you)
Within the universe of the movie, this would make it an anachronistic reference, though. Additionally, Cielo rojo is a song of loss and Un poco loco is about a woman who thinks very differently and likes to say everything backwards, and that makes him crazy (in a good way!). Hence, in English we’ve got her saying to put his shoes on his head instead of his feet, and in Spanish him saying she might think with her feet and also how she keeps playing with his thoughts. Cielo rojo is a pretty sad song.
7. La Llorona
And I purposefully left La Llorona out of that list (it’s originally a son istmeño, though).
There’s a full musical number in Spanish, which seems to have suprised some people. For those of us who watched Coco in Spanish, it wasn’t too hard to guess it was this one: La Llorona was likely left in Spanish because it’s a very old folk song, one of those that are so old it has no known author and there are many different versions of the lyrics.
“Llorona” just means “weeper,” which is not really as unusual of a word in Spanish as it is in English. It’s closer to “crybaby” in use. She’s also what we call a character in a Mexican folktale. If you’re curious, the version used in Coco says the following, with “llorona” being the singer herself:
Poor me, llorona, llorona dressed in sky blue Even if it costs me my life, llorona, I won’t stop loving you I climbed the highest pine tree to see if I could spot you Since the pine tree was so green, llorona, it cried upon seeing me cry
What is grief and what is not grief, llorona: it all is grief to me Yesterday, I was crying to see you, llorona; today, I’m crying because I saw you
Poor me, llorona, llorona dressed in sky blue Even if it costs me my life, llorona, I won’t stop loving you
Famous people
8. Ernesto de la Cruz
“Isn’t he an original charact-” NO LISTEN STAY WITH ME.
Remember how I said Remember Me is a bolero ranchero? Guess who we associate boleros rancheros with?
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That would be Pedro Infante, who happens to have a strong resemblance to no other than Ernesto de la Cruz.
It’s probably not a coincidence at all, as later on we see Ernesto with Pedro Infante and Jorge Negrete at his party. Ernesto de la Cruz was explicitly stated to be inspired on both of them and another singer of the same genres, Vicente Fernández.
My parents left the movie saying “Pedro Infante didn’t deserve that burn,” lol.
9. Frida Kahlo (and Diego)
She does have a rather prominent role so she’s hard to miss. For those unaware, Frida is the artist who made the flaming papaya.
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The themes in Frida’s are autobiographical, as she had a rather unusual life due to polio and injury. She painted herself and her suffering a lot. That might be why we get performances with many Fridas and things like a crying cactus that’s herself.
Bonus: her husband, Diego Rivera, is also in the same studio where we meet Frida. He was an important artist, specifically a muralist. 
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10. Other Mexican celebrities
I already brought up Pedro Infante and Jorge Negrete as characters that appear right beside Ernesto de la Cruz.
But we also get to see a cameo of many other famous Mexican names in Ernesto’s studio! Excluding the people at the piano, from left to right:
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Emiliano Zapata, a revolutionary; (my best guess is) Adela Velarde, another revolutionary; Ernesto and Miguel; (probably) Agustín Lara, composer and singer; (probably) Dolores del Río, actress (in Hollywood too!); Cantinflas, comedian and actor; Pedro Infante, singer and actor; María Félix, actress; El Santo, wrestler and actor; Jorge Negrete, singer and actor.
They kind of looked like this:
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Another bonus: this gal looks like the calavera garbancera / the Catrina illustrated by José Guadalupe Posada.
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There might be more things I’m missing or forgot; if that’s the case, feel free to let me know! You can also fix my music genres for me since that’s never been my forte.
I hope this was of interest to someone! 
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babethepig · 6 years
sometimes I wonder (¿qué pasaría?)
Summary: Dan looks at him and smiles, and the sun frames his face and suddenly the landscape is the second most beautiful thing Phil has seen that day.
or dan and phil met at a hostel au.
Word count: 1.7K (I’m not sorry)
Rating: T
(read on ao3)
I really hope this is not too reminiscent of my last work for the flash fic fest but when someone says summer I can only think about my beloved Peninsula de Yucatán.
I took some liberties with this one. I have been to Tulum but I have never stayed at a hostel. Hopefully, this isn't (too) unrealistic.
I wrote this for the @phandomficfests summer au flash fest. I’m very sorry it’s a mess, I’m more a reader than a writer. Also Spanish is my mother tongue so I might have made a lot of mistakes.
Phil finds him when he isn’t even looking for him. In a foreign country, at a hostel, in the middle of summer.
He has curly hair and brown eyes and a shy smile. He’s wearing a hoodie even though they’re at melting temperature and he is probably coming from the town.
“Is that bed free?” He asks Phil, pointing at the top bunk right above his.
“I don’t know… I mean- Yes!” Phil answers, always making a fool of himself in front of cute strangers.
“Okay,” he sounds a little unsure as he throws his backpack on the bed and wheels his small suitcase into a corner of the room. “My name’s Dan… I’m from England.”
“I noticed!” Phil says and then.“Sorry! The accent! I’m Phil, from England too!” He definitely needs to chill a little.
But Dan laughs and suddenly he doesn’t mind to embarrass himself if he is going to be rewarded with that sound.
“Uh, It’s cool we both English I guess.” Now he is standing awkwardly and Phil wonders if he should stand up and shake his hand. He knows nothing about hostel etiquette. “Have you meet our other roommates?”
“Yeah, they’re two Spanish girls. They came here together.”
“I see… You came alone? I don’t want to assume anything it’s just- someone told me to maybe make friends with someone from the hostel? I don’t know, I have never done something like this before,” he says all at once, Phil barely catches up with what he is saying. “Sorry for the rant.” Dan laughs shortly and looks at him expectantly.
“We can totally be friends! I mean if you don’t mind a little awkwardness.”
“I don’t. You just heard me talking, it can only get more awkward.” Dan smiles fully and Phil notices that he has two dimples.
Phil wonders for how long you need to know someone to squeeze their face.
They decide to go to the common area so they can actually talk to each other without anyone having to stand in the middle of the room. The energy between them is one hundred percent weird energy but Phil doesn’t think it’s completely a bad thing, after all, they just met.
“You know,” Dan says after an almost too long moment of silence. “You can totally tell me to back off if it is creepy. You don’t have to do anything with me if you don’t want to.” Pause “That sounded wrong, sorry.”
“Hey! it’s fine, I literally don’t have a plan. I wouldn't mind the company.”
“Sorry, I’m an overthinker. And I should stop saying sorry.” Then he frowns “What do you mean you don’t have a plan?”
“Uhm, my brother and his girlfriend came here a while ago and he said it was awesome and I should totally come someday. So I did. And I just realized that I don’t know anything about this place.”
Phil should have known better than to take a flight to Mexico just because once Martyn told him it was great, but he had just wanted to run away from London. Go somewhere new.
It wasn’t a Phil move at all. He had planned to go on vacation, he had even saved some money to do so but he didn't know where. And one night he couldn’t sleep so he opened his laptop and booked a flight to the other side of the world. He was never impulsive like that but he had remembered the beach on Martyn’s pictures. The ocean painted in three different shades of blue, the pure sand. He needed to come.
“Well, I actually did a lot of research and also made a lot of plans and you can tag along if you want.” Dan scratches his neck and moves on his seat waiting for Phil’s answer.
He doesn’t know anything about Dan but he wants to say yes because when he decided to make this trip he took a risk. Why not take another one?
“Let’s do this Dan.” ---
The hostel has free bicycles that they can borrow to go to town. Phil can’t even remember the last time he rode one but he tries extra hard and Dan is extra patient so after a couple of nearly falls they get going.
The town is an explosion of color and culture. There are a lot of craft shops decorating the street and Phil is delighted.
They find a place to lock up their bikes and then walk looking for a restaurant. They take their time looking at the shops, Dan buys homemade chocolate and shares it with Phil. It looks kind of weird, shaped in a circle. But Phil takes a bite anyway.
“It’s too bitter!” Phil says as he sticks his tongue out.
“Yeah, this is evil chocolate.”
“Totally. It killed my taste buds, I don’t think I can recover from this.”
“It’s fine, we can get some cake somewhere.”
Phil stops walking, looks at him completely serious and says “Where have you been my whole life?” before he can stop himself.
And then he is blushing, but it’s fine because Dan is too.
They get on so well.
Phil has never felt this comfortable this quickly with anyone but they laugh so much together and they have so much in common. Dan is amazing and he likes to talk about anime and horror movies and he had an emo phase just like Phil. It’s crazy, they haven’t left each other’s sides for days. And the flirting! Phil hasn’t flirted like that since he was a teenager.
Phil wonders if this should feel wrong, spending so much time with Dan when they barely know each other; but it doesn’t. It’s completely the opposite.
“You know, if you are not sick of me yet we should go to the ruins today,” Dan tells him as he gets out of the bathroom, letting out a steamy cloud. They are alone in the room at the moment and Phil is laying starfish style on his bed.
“I would like that. I have always wanted to see the pyramids up close!.”
So they ride their bikes to the archaeological zone. It’s not as close as they expected and they get extremely sweaty. At least Dan is not wearing a sweater today.
“You ok mate? You look like you are going to pass out” Dan says, looking a little worried.
“Yeah?” he asks breathlessly “You better catch me then.” No too breathless to flirt though.
“I will.”
After buying their tickets, they get on a little train that takes them close to the pyramids and then they have to walk a quite long distance under the sun but Dan tries to distract him telling him facts about the place.
“Did you know that Tulum was built to be a fortress?”
“Did you know that Tulum was built by the aliens?” Phil says as serious as Dan.
“Phil!” Dan whines “That’s not true.”
“It is! How else could they have carried those rocks that high?”
“I don’t know. Science?”
“Nop. It was definitely the aliens”
And they could have kept fighting if the view hadn’t left them completely speechless.
They finally reached the top of the hill, and the landscape is the most beautiful thing Phil has ever seen. It seems like the ocean has no end, it spreads for kilometers of blues getting darker and darker and it is intimidating even looking at it from this high, Especially looking at it from this high.
Phil is overcome with excitement and he taps quickly at Dan’s arm even though he knows Dan is just as astonished as him. But Dan takes his hand and squeezes it gently and Phil is not as focused on the sea anymore.
Dan looks at him and smiles, and the sun frames his face and suddenly the landscape is the second most beautiful thing Phil has seen that day.
Phil’s time in Tulum is coming to an end and they are ignoring the fact that they only have one more day together.
Phil wakes up and waits for Dan to get up. When he does, they go out to town to get breakfast. Dan hasn’t got a lot planned for the day so they will walk around the shops and then go to the beach.
They pay to get into one of the beach clubs and then Dan finds them a place as far as possible from all the people there. They take turns to go buy drinks and eventually they give up and go for a swim.
The water is warmer than Phil expected so he almost doesn’t mind when Dan splashes him. Almost. They have a water fight and wrestle each other until they are both panting and laughing, laying on their backs on the seashore.
Dan takes his hand again but this time Phil feels sad.
They spend the rest of the day at the beach. Dan wants to stay as long as they can to watch the sunset and Phil is happy to tag along.
“Phil.” Dan suddenly says, still looking forward. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask you before but I didn’t want to get my hopes up,” he takes a deep breath and turns his head to Phil. “Where on England do you live?”
“London,” Phil whispers, putting all his faith in that single word. “You?”
“London.” Phil shouldn't be as happy as he is because this isn’t a yes to anything and yet it feels like a yes to everything. So he leans on, shortening the distance between them, he looks at Dan’s lips and then at his eyes; making the silent question. As his answer, Dan closes the distance completely.
Dan’s lips are a little chapped and he tastes like salt from the sea and peppermint from the mojito he was drinking, and a little bit like hope too; and if they weren’t at this family-friendly beach club Phil would be straddling him right now.
“Phil,” Dan whispers, with his lips attached to Phil’s. “Maybe...” he breathes hot air into his mouth. “Maybe we could meet again.”
“Maybe we could.” And they say maybe, nonetheless there is not a drop of uncertainty on their words.
Phil wasn’t looking for Dan when he found him, but he is glad he did.
** The chocolate mentioned is the one we use to make Chocolate Caliente and you are supposed to add sugar to the beverage. You can bite into it but it is bitter as hell.**
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A little thing I'm noticing with Maya's kids. The oldest Mayan cities are found in Honduras and Central America, the newest are in Mexico, and most anthropologists believe that the mayans started going north as they grew, until they made on the Yucatán peninsula their main cities. Wouldn't that mean that Alex is the younger brother? And the Aztecs were there just in the very end of the Mayan civilization so...
I see where you are coming from, and I will admit that this is something about the beginning of the story that is very unclear, and has really bothered me. One of my regrets about the first chapter is that I made it seem like he was born during Aztec’s empire, but that doesn’t actually work with the timeline of when his siblings were born. To be completely fair, I probably shouldn’t have included his birth at all because he is telling the story and he certainly doesn’t remember being born. If anything, that is a story Aztec told him about him being born, not the actual facts of his birth.
So, here’s the correction I would like to make very clear:
Aztec married Maya before she herself was an empire (she was still in her teens when they got married); she actually used a lot of what she learned from him to help build her own empire when the time came. With that said, Mexica was born at the height of his father’s empire, not at the end of it. That is why he actually has some memories of his father being strong. Keep in mind that he doesn’t remember any of being a baby, his memories get the strongest for him when he is a toddler and that is at the end of his father’s empire. Because the story is told with Alejandro as the unreliable narrator, many of the details about his parents are not included at all. 
His younger brothers south of the Yucatan were born after him. I don’t see it as related to when Maya actually settled that region. Without going into it too much, I see pregnancies and a child for countries are related to a degree of fate. The children they have are supposed to replace them in some way, and that is determined at their birth. Because Mexica was born first, he inherited his father’s title and sovereignty over all his lands (whether those lands are represented by Maya’s other sons or not). It is necessary to have a successor to a title before other children were able to claim the land itself. Once Maya had a son with his wife that was destined to inherit his title, he had children with his other lovers (who he might very well have started seeing before he met Aztec.) And I want to stress that this wasn’t a conscious effort on his part, but just the order of the pregnancies. Thus, Mexica was born first and his Mayan brothers were born in the years following.  
I should perhaps put it this way: the title is determined by birth order, but the distribution of land was based on who the child’s mother was. And the amount of time Maya knew each woman is not an indicator of how old their child is. Some of them knew him from the very beginning of his empire but didn’t have a child with him until the end. Effectively, Alejandro was born to be the patriarch of the family. And, for a time he fulfilled that role. 
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mastcomm · 5 years
After the Oscar Glare, These Filmmakers Went Their Own Way
PARK CITY, Utah — When the writer-director Benh Zeitlin was unexpectedly thrust into the middle of the Oscar melee in 2012 with his debut feature, “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” it was a surreal, discomforting experience filled with stiff tuxedos and awkward small talk — light years away from his ragtag existence in New Orleans, where he makes lyrical, atmospheric movies with his friends.
Zeitlin was soothed somewhat by the people he met on the trail: a sit-down with Daniel Day-Lewis, a kind word from Sally Field, an interaction with Martin Scorsese, who was struggling at the time with his edit of “Wolf of Wall Street.”
“It was cool to see someone that legendary be just as stressed as me when I was cutting ‘Beasts,’” said Zeitlin, a Hollywood outsider who before his Oscar run had only visited Los Angeles once in his life.
Eight years later, this one-time Oscar wunderkind finally popped back up at this year’s Sundance Film Festival with his sophomore effort, “Wendy,” a grass-roots “Peter Pan” seen through the eyes of a liberated, adventurous Wendy Darling. Where had he been?
The pressures of the Oscar spotlight can be enormous. As nominees this year have surely discovered, becoming part of the Hollywood ecosystem comes with its own set of challenges, ones that often require you to conform to specific expectations rather than to pursue your own creative endeavors. Zeitlin and another director who went through a similar experience, Tom McCarthy of “Spotlight,” resisted that pressure — and at Sundance this month, the results of their decisions were on display.
Zeitlin’s time among the glitterati had crystallized what he wanted his future to look like, and it was nothing like theirs. As the recipient of two highly coveted nominations — best director and best adapted screenplay (his film also drew a best picture nomination) — Zeitlin had earned an invitation into the club. He could have easily parlayed his success into a hefty studio payday. Yet he chose a decidedly different route. He did hire an agent, temporarily, to fend off incoming offers, including the opportunity to work on a mega-budget “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie for Disney. “He served as my bouncer,” said Zeitlin, now 37, who instead took his newfound cachet and created his own pirate adventure.
“When it became clear that we were going to have this opportunity to make whatever we wanted, we were like, ‘O.K., we got to make the craziest one now, because who knows if they’ll ever let us back in,’” he said.
The Oscar visibility did buy him something: a bigger budget, a more ambitious palette and significant development money from his new studio partner, Fox Searchlight — the company that secured a first-look deal with the auteur when it paid $2 million for global rights to “Beasts.”
He filmed on the islands of Montserrat and Antigua, Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula and in Louisiana. Postproduction lasted close to two years. And the film was made using the same unconventional approach he employed for “Beasts”: writing and rewriting all the way through production with his sister, Eliza Zeitlin, who also served as the production designer; casting nonactors to play the roles; preferring practical magic — like using a thermite mixture to create underwater fire — to computer graphics.
Zeitlin debuted his film on Sunday to mixed reviews. The Playlist’s Greg Ellwood said “Zeitlin’s talent to soar cinematically remains intact,” while Leah Greenblatt of Entertainment Weekly wrote, “By the ninth montage of cliffs and shore and joyful screaming down a hill, it all starts to feel a little like a film-school reel.”
Zeitlin’s decision to spend so much time on his own arts-and-crafts project left many shaking their heads. They may be equally perplexed to see the writer-director Tom McCarthy, who took on the Catholic Church in the best-picture winner “Spotlight” (2015), return to Sundance with “Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made,” a kids’ movie co-starring a computer-graphic polar bear that will debut on Disney Plus next week.
“I’ve seen a lot of people win Oscars, win best pictures, do that thing, and then it’s like they’re almost trying too hard to go back to the well,” McCarthy said. “I didn’t want to do that.”
The awards race marathon — which this year concludes on Feb. 9 — is a boon for the industry: Studios spend gobs to promote their best films, and the Hollywood ecosystem froths from the trickle-down economics. Everybody from trade publications to florists to limo drivers benefits from the awards industrial complex — everyone, except maybe the talent. Yes, their star power rises in both ephemeral and concrete ways, but for those hellbent on creating their own destiny, the months away from their work can be dispiriting.
Zeitlin had been away from his New Orleans home for most of the year following the Sundance debut of “Beasts.” “I was both desperate to get home and desperate to get to work,” he said. “It was the first year I hadn’t created anything, and that was the most intense feeling.”
McCarthy too had moved his family temporarily to Los Angeles for his awards-campaign obligations. It was a “wholly uncreative” time, he said.
The 53-year old director, who began his career as a character actor, had been warned years earlier that this would happen. Back in 2004, he had a toe-dip experience with the awards race when his directorial debut, “Station Agent,” vied briefly for accolades against Peter Jackson’s final “Lord of the Rings” installment. McCarthy kept running into the New Zealander on the campaign trail, and Jackson’s frenetic pace didn’t align with the rest of the nominees’ behavior. His secret: In between all the glad-handing he would hole up at a hotel in Los Angeles writing “King Kong” with Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens.
“He said to me, ‘If you can, cling to the work,’” McCarthy recalled.
Cut to 2016, and McCarthy found his creative reprieve two weeks before the Oscars, when his New York theater friend Brian Yorkey asked him to help out on a new Netflix series “13 Reasons Why.” A surprising follow-up to “Spotlight”? Maybe. But the project was set to start shooting soon, and McCarthy could dive in, writing and directing on what would become one of the streaming giant’s most popular series.
“I really just wanted to work,” McCarthy said. “I didn’t have another movie ready, and I didn’t want to just jump into another movie.”
That same ethos has now returned McCarthy to Sundance, 17 years after the festival launched his directing career. His friends have given him grief for giving up his indie cred; one text message read, “See you’re keeping it real at Sundance with your Disney movie.” He, too, is aware of the irony. For “Station Agent,” his producers gave out beef jerky as the film’s party favor. For the “Timmy” premiere, Disney created an ice sculpture of a polar bear.
Still, McCarthy finds no shame in making a kids’ movie. To him, chronicling the adventures of a quirky, complicated kid detective was just as invigorating as depicting the Boston Globe newsroom in “Spotlight.”
“This film was still a tremendous challenge, dealing with what does it mean to make a movie for 10-year-olds, and what does it mean to have a polar bear in the movie? Whenever I’m engaged like that, I’m happy,” he said.
Zeitlin’s grand experiment of keeping Hollywood at arm’s length has also meant he could maintain his single-minded approach to making movies. It helps that he’s changed very little in his life since “Beasts.” He moved into a different rented house, though not a nicer one. He’s single. He doesn’t own a car, or even a pet.
“My biggest fear is not being able to make my art,” he said. “If people don’t like my movie or whatever, knowing that I can always go home and live, and make things that I want to make has always been really important to me. So, I’ve never taken on anything that would be a real problem if I lost it.”
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/after-the-oscar-glare-these-filmmakers-went-their-own-way/
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rebeccarayner · 5 years
If you’re planning a trip to [eafl id=”19148″ name=”Tulum hotel page” text=”Tulum”], this awesome Tulum Itinerary is just what you need. In this packed guide, I will help you to explore this tropical, beach adjacent bohemian paradise and make organizing your trip super simple without skimping on the fun.
Located in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. In this dreamy town, you’ll find Yoga studios and vegetarian restaurants nestled among taquerias wafting the scents of spicy Mexican food throughout the streets.
Within easy cycling, distance is two other ‘sides of Tulum’, the ancient Mayan ruins and the paradise beaches. 
Down by the beach, Tulum is almost another town entirely. Luxury beach hut accommodation, spas, and high-quality restaurants adorn the white sand shore.
Ready to plan your Tulum itinerary?
Get ready to discover how to have the ultimate vacation with the below Tulum itinerary. But remember, if you like this post, don’t forget to pin it below to help others find it too:
  Tulum Itinerary: About Tulum
Where is Tulum?
Tulum is located in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula on the coast of the Caribbean. Tulum is just an hour drive away from Playa del Carmen and takes less than two hours to drive to from Cancun. Located nearby you will find the ancient Mayan site of Chichen Itza, one of the New7Wonders of the World.
What language is spoken in Tulum?
Being part of Mexico, the language spoken here is Spanish. No need to worry If you can’t speak Spanish though, English is also spoken by many.
What’s the currency used in Tulum?
The currency is the Mexican Peso.
How is the weather in Tulum?
Year-round the weather in Tulum is warm. May is the hottest month with an average temperature of 28°C and the coldest is January at 24°C.
September is the wettest month so maybe avoid if you are looking to spend a lot of time relaxing at the beach.
What’s transport like in Tulum?
The main ways to get around Tulum would be on foot, by bike or by collectivo.
Bikes are probably the easiest, cheapest and most popular way to get around all areas of Tulum. Some accommodation options in Tulum even include free or discounted bike rentals. Because Tulum is relatively small, cycling makes it easy to get to the ruins, cenotes, and beaches from the central town
Colectivos are a form of shared transportation in Mexico used frequently by locals. They follow certain routes, making stops along the way. Around Tulum, you can take colectivos to different areas, including the beach, at affordable rates (usually around 20 pesos.) Colectivos can be found on the main highway with drivers often calling out their destinations, eager to fill their vans.
How to Get to Tulum
How to get to Tulum from Cancun
From Cancun International Airport and the Cancun Bus Station, it is super easy and affordable to get to Tulum. I booked a bus with Mexican bus service ADO who I highly recommend.
You can either go straight from the airport to Playa Del Carmen and then change to get to Tulum or if you come from Downtown Cancun and the main ADO bus terminal, you can get the bus to Tulum. The ADO buses are affordable, have comfortable seating and air conditioning.
Where to Stay in Tulum
[eafl id=”19148″ name=”Tulum hotel page” text=”Hostels in Tulum”]
Staying in a hostel is a budget-friendly and sociable way to visit Tulum.
With low nightly rates and a whole range of activities available to take part in every day, I chose to stay at Hostel Che Tulum. 
Travelling alone around Mexico, when I was booking accommodation for my stay in Tulum I wanted to find somewhere sociable, where I would have the opportunity to meet new people, make friends and do fun activities – I was very aware otherwise I would end up wandering the beach alone and working my way through my hoard of books.
[eafl id=”19149″ name=”Hostel Che Tulum” text=”Hostel Che Tulum”]
Hostel Che Tulum was the best hostel I could have asked for in this respect.
From the very first day I arrived in Tulum I made friends. I stayed in an 8 bed shared female-dorm room and befriended some amazing German and Austrian girls also staying in the room.
the evenings we would hang out at the hostel by the pool and bar, join in with organized activities such as beer pong and all you can eat pizza night making loads of new friends in the processes and by 1 am the whole hostel would end up partying at the nightclub down the road- bar staff included!
During the days we would explore the town and eat in great restaurants and cafes, chilling down at the beach and wandering the shops looking for cute souvenirs.
The hostel also organized fantastic day trips and activities, my favourite being a bike ride excursion to two amazing cenotes with a large group of international guests.
Best Hostels Tulum
Some other hostels in Tulum that I also loved are:
[eafl id=”19098″ name=”Mayan Monkey Hostel Tulum” text=”Mayan Monkey Hostel Tulum”]
[eafl id=”19099″ name=”Lum Hostel” text=”Lum Hostel”]
[eafl id=”19100″ name=”Hostel Bambu Gran Palas” text=”Hostel Bambu Gran Palas”]
[eafl id=”19101″ name=”Day Tripper Hostel” text=”Day Tripper Hostel”]
Best Beach Hotels in Tulum
Because if you can stay on the shores of a beautiful golden beach, why wouldn’t you?
[eafl id=”19102″ name=”The Beach Tulum” text=”The Beach Tulum”]
[eafl id=”19103″ name=”Casa Malca” text=”Casa Malca”]
[eafl id=”19104″ name=”La Zebra” text=”La Zebra”]
[eafl id=”19105″ name=”Encantada” text=”Encantada”]
[eafl id=”19106″ name=”Papaya Playa Project” text=”Papaya Playa Project”]
Best Luxury Accommodation in Tulum
If you want a taste of the finer things in life during your time in Tulum.
[eafl id=”19107″ name=”La Valise Tulum” text=”La Valise Tulum”]
[eafl id=”19108″ name=”Be Tulum Beach & Spa Resort” text=”Be Tulum Beach & Spa Resort”]
[eafl id=”19109″ name=”Mezzanine a Colibri Boutique Hotel-” text=”Mezzanine a Colibri Boutique Hotel”]
  Things to do in Tulum
  Explore Cenotes in the Yucatan
I went on a little day trip with my hostel where we all hired bikes and cycled a few miles down the road from the main town towards two cenote’s, Cristal and Escondido.
The Yucatan peninsula has over 30,000 of these clear water underground reservoirs, many of which are still unexplored. They are great for swimming in on warm muggy days, which you get a lot of here.
No Tulum itinerary is complete without experiencing these unique cenotes.
With the hostel, we got discounted entry to both of these cenotes, but entry is very affordable nonetheless at 120 pesos, and you get free access to Escondido as well.
The good thing about these two cenotes is they are off the beaten path and are therefore usually a bit quieter than other options.
Also, nearby you can find plenty of other cenotes to explore, including the well known Grand Cenote. To get there you can take a colectivo from Tulum towards Coba and ask the driver to drop you off at the cenote. Entrance is only 120 Peso.
If diving is your thing there are also some great underground and cave cenotes around the Rivera Maya to explore, including Dos Ojos and El Pit.
  Visit the Tulum Ruins
The ruins at Tulum are one of the best-persevered examples of a coastal Mayan site in the Yucatán Peninsula. Therefore this is another staple of any Tulum itinerary.
Funny story about when I went to visit. It was the same day I visited the Cenotes and I still had time left on my hired bike so off to the ruins I went. Well on the way a torrential downpour engulfed the once sunny blue sky just as I was on an unsheltered stretch of road. I was soaked through to the skin and had to seek shelter to wait for the storm to pass, so I wouldn’t end up being THAT person returning home from Mexico with the flu. After the storm, I carried on cycling and long story short made it to the ruins just as they closed and it was my last day in Tulum.
This is something I will be coming back to see but here are some amazing blog posts I used to help my research before visiting.
Sidetracked Travel Blog has seven useful tips for visiting, accompanied by great photography.
Expert Vagabond also goes into the really interesting history of the ruins.
Shop for Local Crafts and Souvenirs
Having a look at local wares is a great way to learn more about an area.
The quirky colourful creative makes of Tulum brighten up the streets and can provide hours of pursuing fun.
Hand crocheted hammocks and dream catchers were two of my favourite makes on offer. There were also some stunning handmade bags and little felted skulls that adorned the outside of the stores.
Party All Night Long
Being full of young travellers from all over the world, you’re sure to find a fun party atmosphere in Tulum.
I had a great time playing beer-pong in my hostel, making new friends and all heading out to one of the town’s nightclubs. So, if you are looking for an epic night out to add to your Tulum itinerary, here are my recommendations for places to go, where you’re sure to find the party.
[eafl id=”19150″ name=”Nomade Tulum” text=”Nomade”]
Want to party on the beach into the night whilst gorging on tasty tacos and margaritas? Of course, the answer would be yes. Nomade is the place to go. Trendy bar by day, this Tulum hotspot turns into an awesome club by night.
Located away from the beach in downtown Tulum, this colourful haunt is worth visiting for more than just it’s Instagram worthy converted jazzed-up VW beetle. Resident artists create live paintings in the yard to the tune of genre-spanning tracks – from mariachi to electro.
[eafl id=”19151″ name=”Papaya Playa Project” text=”Papaya Playa Project”]
So this is the big one. The party to end all parties. One Saturday a month, this famed Tulum venue hosts a crazy all-out full moon party. This may conjure up images of plastic buckets and dayglow paint, but here in Tulum Papaya Playa Project have given this bash a luxury make-over.
Think superstar DJ’s, exclusive beach huts to rent overnight, and the who’s who of guests. Therefore, this one is not to be missed.
Relax at Tulum Beach
A Tulum itinerary is not complete without time spent at its gorgeous beaches. Playa Paraíso was my favourite beach in Tulum. An aptly named stretch of white sand as far as the eye can see.
Tulum beach bars
One of the best ways to relax by the beach in Tulum is to spend time at one of the beachfront bars.
Visit [eafl id=”19152″ name=”Azulik hotel and bar” text=”Azulik Hotel Beach and Rooftop Bar”] and visit the upper floor for an impressive surprise. You’ll see netting used to build little nests similar to what you would find in a jungle house. This is the perfect spot to watch a beach-front sunset.
Finally, make sure to try out the swings at [eafl id=”19153″ name=”Coco Tulum” text=”Coco Tulum Beach Bar.”] Not only are these white painted swings adorable, but you can also eat, drink and swing whilst watching the waves crash in.
Who wouldn’t wish they were back on the beaches of Tulum, Mexico?
Try a Yoga Class
Tulum has sprung up as a hotspot for yoga, so why not give it a go when whilst you’re here. As a result, there are plenty of Yoga studios to choose from dotted all over the town.
For an eco-friendly yoga experience, [eafl id=”19154″ name=”Sanara Tulum” text=”Sanará Tulum “]is the place to go. Alongside its daily yoga and meditation classes, this wellness centre also prides itself on the healing treatments it offers.
If Yoga by the beach sounds more like your thing, then try [eafl id=”19155″ name=”Ahau Tulum” text=”Ahau Tulum Yoga & Spa.”] Can you beat looking out to the ocean whilst practising your warrior pose?  But if you’re looking for something a little different, try their Wednesday night candlelight yoga class. Such an indulgence that wine and chocolates are even included.
Day Trips From Tulum
As well as all the incredible things to do in Tulum, there are also plenty of great day trips you can take to explore this gorgeous part of Mexico further.
I spent several weeks backpacking across the Yucatan Penisular and these were some of my favourite places to visit near Tulum.
Playa del Carmen:
Firstly, the nearby town of Playa del Carmen is a fun and vibrant place to explore. Go shopping on the main street of Fifth Avenue, check out the awesome Frida Kahlo Museum and party the night away at superclub Coco Bongo. There are also lots of amazing things to do near Playa del Carmen.
Chichen Itza:
As one of the New Seven Wonders of the world, Chichen Itza could easily become a solid tradition to any travellers itinerary. There are so many [eafl id=”undefined” name=”tours of chichen itza tulum” text=”great tours of Chichen Itza “]to choose from, or you can rent a car and take the two-hour drive there solo.
Away from the busier crowds of Chichen Itza, you’ll find another ancient site that is super fun to explore. The thick green jungle that stretches for miles is all that surrounds Coba.
The coolest thing about Coba is that unlike many other Mayan sights, climbing up the steps to the top is allowed. [eafl id=”undefined” name=”Tour of Coba” text=”Taking a tour of Coba”] is a great way to learn about the history of the sight.
Incredible Places to Eat in Tulum
When thinking about your Tulum itinerary, you’ll need to include plenty of yummy places to eat. Therefore, check out my recommendations below.
Great coffee shop in Tulum – Babel Cafe
Once you arrive in a new place, it’s always wise to scope out a great go-to coffee place. Babel Cafe was mine. If the weather turned out to be rubbish I would sit inside sipping coffee. Just using wifi to catch up with folks back home or do a spot of reading. Also, the prices were affordable and the options on offer were great.
Best Tortas in Tulum – Las Quekas
By far one of the best budget options in Tulum, Las Quekas serves super cheap Quesadillas for around $10/$20 Peso. A must-try is the Potato and cheese filling!
Vegan Food in Tulum
Vegan food has taken over here in Tulum. Everywhere you look you’ll find restaurants and cafe serving up Vegan dishes. Perhaps this is to do with the boom in yoga and wellness tourists. But if you’re a vegan or just a fan of veggies, there are plenty of great places to eat.
For tasty raw food, and excellent smoothies you can drink whilst you swing in a hammock, head to Raw Love.
Charly’s Vegan tacos serve up great Mexican food with a vegan twist.
Another great place to check out is Gitano. This fun upbeat joint serves plenty of tasty cocktails. It also offers great Vegan options on its standard menu.
  Check out my Tulum Vlog below for even more inspiration:
I hope you enjoyed this blog post and feel ready to plan your own Tulum adventure.
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  Also, don’t forget to pin this tulum itinerary if you loved reading it:
Finally, thanks for reading this tulum itinerary and happy travelling,
Tulum Itinerary – How To Plan A Stay in Paradise If you’re planning a trip to , this awesome Tulum Itinerary is just what you need. In this packed guide, I will help you to explore this tropical, beach adjacent bohemian paradise and make organizing your trip super simple without skimping on the fun.
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cancuntopdental · 6 years
DENTAL WORK IN MEXICO 😷 Advantages of doing DENTAL WORK IN CANCUN Cosmetic Dentistry, Mexico 😀
Get your dental implants in Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry!
Here at our blog, we always talk about our cosmetic dentistry services like dental crowns, veneers, inlays, etc. A few days early we mentioned the Live Implant Surgical Maxicourse would take place in March, so we want to take this opportunity to expand on the information about dental implants in Cancun. They can restore the function of a lost tooth and the most widely accepted material is titanium for its amazing bio-compatibility with the human body.
We have had plenty of patients every month who travel to Cancun on their vacations and they use some of their time to get their dental implants here for much much less than in USA or Canada.  
The cost of dental implants in Cancun is simply too attractive to pass on. Some patients even come from Europe or Australia because dentistry is simply much more affordable prices here. The process is perhaps one of the least painful surgeries on all dentistry. The implant will NOT touch any nerves because the nerve has already been lost on a fallen or extracted tooth. There is only a small swelling and perhaps a little soreness afterwards, but once the bone has bonded with the implant, you will be able to eat normally.
There is really nothing to fear. We use the same type of dental implants than the dentists in United States, all of them approved by de FDA. For example, for our All on 4 treatment, we have to use Nobel Biocare Titanium Dental Implants, as this is a patented protocol that only a doctor certified by Nobel Biocare and Malo Clinic can perform it. In this case, you should know Doctor German Arzate is the only dentist in Cancun with this certification. This is very important because there are people who believe we are using low quality pieces for their dental implants and nothing can be further from the truth. Here you will find regular dental implants, implant supported bridges, Snap in Dentures, All on 6, All on 4 and much more.
Get the best dental experience in Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry!
We have had plenty of patients talking about their experience in Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry and doing videos with them. Many patients are shy about the camera so they simply offer a written review, but we know the best way to let yourself be heard is through this type of media. Watching people talk and give life to their stories is something you can’t simply replicate easy. We are so grateful these patients who feel Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry improved their life, allowing them to smile, speak and eat again like a normal person.
There are some people who are worried about coming to a dentist in Cancun for their safety, but the truth is that Cancun has over 3 million visitors each year and a good chunk of them come from USA and Canada. We also have plenty of visitors from Europe who come to explore and enjoy the Riviera Maya. They don’t have a problem to come every year for their vacations. This is one of the videos our patients did talking about safety in Cancun when coming for their dental work in Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry
I was talking with my sister in law who was saying you should go out of the country to get your teeth done and I was like no way there is no way I’m going out of the country and getting any type of surgery, I’ve heard stories and this and that, I’m not doing it because people talk a lot of negative stuff. When I did it completely completely changed my life my teeth was so bad and when I came here made me feel like family I felt so comfortable.
I wanted to come down, and we heard things you know, did you hear about this in Cancun? Did you hear about this in Cancun? And you will feel as secure, probably more secure here than you do up there, in all seriousness, it is very… I mean, you feel safe. Anywhere you go nowadays you gotta be… know your surroundings. Don’t believe all of those drug crazy stories that are going on. Cancun, everyone cares about the people here, tourism is what makes this city go.
We stayed here for two weeks. No trouble. Security everywhere. People everywhere. Not scared a bit. I had to stay an extra week I had no problem staying an extra week by myself, ‘cuz very secure.
I came alone, and alone I walked the streets at night by myself, everything! I had no problems. Come to Cancun, come see this man, Cancun Dentistry is amazing, the staff is above and beyond, they all are amazing people. Thank you.
I’m one hundred percent better today. Good. One hundred, sir. Thank you.
And on top of that, I got to have a vacation at the beach. I mean, couldn’t be any better than that? So I really highly recommend Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry to anybody, this is the place to come. May not be for everybody but it is for me.
Cancun is just magnificent. It’s exquisite. It’s beautiful. We feel like part of Cancun when we come. I just love it!
We Are The Only Dental Clinic In The Cancun Area With A Full-Scale Digital Dental Laboratory
We own and operate the only in-house digital laboratory and milling center in the Cancun area.
We exclusively use CAD/CAM technology (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Milling)
Our dental center in Cancun offers the All-On-4® treatment with the same quality you could expect in the United States or Canada. We use the same materials, technology, laboratory and protocol as any clinic back home.
We are equipped with the latest technology.  We have full control of your dental work and is not sent anywhere.
As owners of the laboratory, we can guarantee the quality of your prosthetic treatment, like a Prettau® Zirconium full-arch bridge.
Why the All On Four Works? The success of the All-On-4 treatment depends on the four implants previously set into your bone. Over those implants, you can set a full-arch Prettau Bridge with Zirconia Superstructure or a hybrid fixed bridge.
How To Know What I Need? All On 4 Or All On 6?
The number of dental implants needed can be seen through an x-ray. If you would like a FREE pre-diagnose then please complete our contact form and we will be able to prepare a dental plan for you.
Here at our dental clinic, we offer a 3D CT Scan. With a 3D digital X-ray, we are able to see the size of your arch and the bone density and condition. We will provide a dental plan where we will see if you need four or six posts.
We will also verify the proper distribution of your occlusion. The pressure, stability, and anchor needed for a fixed, full-arch Prettaur Bridge with Zirconia Superstructure.
For The Best Results, The All On Four Treatment Is Divided Into Two Stages
The All On 4 Dental Implants treatment is conveniently divided into two stages (that means, two trips down to Cancun)
To complete the treatment you will need to come down to Cancun a couple of times.
5 days on the first trip (allow six days if you need extractions too)
You need 8 days on the second trip for the restorative phase (with a Prettau Bridge with Zirconia Superstructure.)
There is a four to six months gap in between each trip. This period of time will let the bone and the titanium implants to bond or fuse together (Osseointegration process)
The first stage is the implants setting. Six months later comes the second stage when we create the fixed Prettau Full-Arch Bridge.
When they fuse together, the foundation is strong enough to hold the pressure of a fixed full-arch bridge on top.
From the first trip down to Cancun, you will return home with a temporary denture. You will be able to eat well. We also offer the Teeth in a Day option.
Get Your All On 4 In Cancun And Recover In Paradise!
Recover in paradise. Cancun is safe and a beautiful resort city located on the Yucatán peninsula, in Mexico. There is a hotel option for any budget in Cancun. Contact us for hotel recommendations.
We are located in the most popular resort city in Latin America, Cancun. Just a few hours away from your home. View our price list and compare with any other All-On-4 clinic in Tijuana, Los Algodones or even in the United States.
We are the most respected, reputable and equipped dental clinic in the Cancun area.
Get the same quality while you can save thousands for the same brands, protocol, technology, experience, and materials in Cancun, Mexico.
Meet The Most Experienced Team Of Dentists In Mexico
Dr. Irma Gavaldon
Our head dentist, U.S Licensed, and U.S. Board Certified Dentist.
Dr. Irma Gavaldon, Head of the team of Cancun Dental Specialists.
For the past 30 years, Dr. Irma Gavaldon has studied, taught and performed dentistry. She specializes in complex restorative dental cases. She handles dental implant rehabilitation and prosthetics. She supervises all the work done here at Cancun Dental Specialists.
She owns an impeccable reputation. This reflects the quality of dental work we serve here at Cancun Dental Specialists.
She first obtained a degree from the UNAM, the most recognized university in Latin America. Later, she continued her education abroad. Dr. Irma Gavaldon obtained a masters degree in Restorative Dentistry from the University of Michigan. The dental school at the University of Michigan ranks amongst the best 3 dental schools in the U.S.
After this period, she became a professor at Advanced Dentistry Program at the University of Michigan. At the same time, she ran a dental program for migrant workers with no access to dental care.
She has completed all tests and examinations to earn her U.S Board certification License in the states of Michigan and California. She is also licensed to perform dentistry throughout Mexico.
Dr. Irma Gavaldon always updates her knowledge of new dental technologies through advanced learning courses.
Dr. Omar Lugo
Dr. Omar Lugo DDS, OMS Specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery
Dr. Omar Lugo, our Maxillofacial Surgeon
Dr. Omar Lugo DDS, OMS has been practicing oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the past 15 years. His skills for dental implant placement also includes zygomatic implants, ridge preservation, sinus lift, etc.
Dr. Omar Lugo is one of the few maxillofacial specialists surgeons in Mexico certified to place zygomatic implants.
He is a graduate of UNAM University. The most prestigious university in Latin America. He continued his studies throughout Mexico, Venezuela, Chile, etc. before returning to Mexico to continue his practice.
He spent a long period of his early career years in trauma clinics and hospitals that specializes in maxillofacial surgery. He was active in many pro bono charities for children with Cleft Lip and Palate malformations.
Dr. Omar Lugo is a member of the International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (IAOMS). He is also a member of the ICOI (International Congress of Oral Implantologists). Dr. Omar Lugo is a board member of the Mexican Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and of the AOCMF.
He brings experience and skills to handle any complex case.
Thelma Esquivel D.D.S. M.S.
Root Canal Specialist
Thelma Esquivel DDS MS is our root canal specialist
Dr. Thelma Esquivel is our root canal specialist here at our dental clinic in Cancun.
She completed her studies at the UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). Once she graduated, Dr. Thelma Esquivel continued her education at the SEDENA Military Medical School of Health Graduates in Mexico city. She has been practicing endodontics for years.
She invests her time with continuing education and updates through the country and abroad. She participates in oral health prevention programs and dental care brigades in Cancun, Mexico.
Oscar Calvillo D.D.S. M.S.
Our Periodontal Specialist
Oscar Calvillo D.D.S. M.S. performs common procedures at our dental clinic such as gum graft, pocket reduction procedure, or regenerative treatments. He also performs dental implants.
He is a current active member of the Mexican Association of Periodontology. He is dedicated and serious when it comes to the oral health. He also brings his expertise in aiding with treatments of serious decay.
He has intensively studied and updated his knowledge of oral health in Mexico and the United States. He began his education at the UASLP (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí) and continued his studies in both Mexico and the United States. He is also an active member of the Academy of Osseointegration.
Here at All On 4 Dental Implants, by Cancun Dental Specialists, we believe in dental care excellence.
We own the best technology in the Cancun area. With our equipment, our in-house laboratory and our team, we can deliver quality. Our clinic can be compared to any dental treatment you could receive back home.
We have the same technology any dental implants center in the U.S. offers.
Our clinic is the best equipped in the area. If you need dental work in Mexico we are definitely your best option. No other clinic in the area has the laboratory we own.
We also count with the best team of laboratory technicians, specialists and dentists in Mexico Our investments in the latest technology include:
Full-scale CAD/CAM in-house laboratory
CBCT 3D X-rays for surgical implant planning
Waterlase Hard/Soft tissue lasers for less evasive treatments
Therapeutic lasers to enhance healing.
At our clinic, you deal with professionals from the first contact. We are continuously improving our technology, tools, and equipment. Our staff is also updated with the latest dental technologies.
We are the only dental clinic in Cancun that owns a fully equipped in-house laboratory.
What Are The Advantages Of An In-House Laboratory?
Immediate quality control supervised by the same dentist who will complete your dental treatment.
It is fast, convenient and efficient for dental tourism patients. When you need dentistry abroad you count with a limited timeframe to complete your treatment.  All the treatment is done and completed under the same roof, YOUR DENTAL WORK IS NOT SENT ANYWHERE.
Immediate adjustments and corrections of your Snap On Dentures so you can feel 100% comfortable with your new teeth.
We can warranty the quality as we only use the finest materials available in the market. We can also provide a certificate of each material used. We only use imported materials, all FDA approved.
We are your #1 choice for dental implants and affordable cosmetic dentistry in Mexico! We have the solutions you need to fix your smile! Check out our wide range of services!
Here at Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry™ we are proud to be the pioneers and leaders of dental tourism in Mexico. We are a specialized dental clinic in Cancun that offers affordable pricesin cosmetic dentistry services, dental implants procedures & general dentistry to Americans & Canadians that seek first class dental treatments at affordable prices.
Visiting our facility means you can receive any type of dental treatment needed, from a simple white resin filling to an extreme smile makeover, all completed in just one week while you save thousands of dollars compared to your home dental prices.
Get a Hollywood smile in just 1 week!
Enjoying a Mexican dental vacation and returning home after just 1 week with a Hollywood Smile, after spending a fabulous week in paradise is already a reality for hundreds of Americans & Canadians that visit our clinic each year looking for dental work in Cancun.
Your savings can be massive since our prices can help you save up to 70% in all dental treatments compared to dentistry procedures you are quoted back home! This is high quality, yet affordable dental care in Cosmetic Dentistry! Our patients are our greatest motivation to continue being the #1 dental tourism clinic in Mexico.
We invite you to view our Hollywood Smile Before & After  galleries!
Looking for affordable dentist in Mexico to get cosmetic dentistry or low-cost dental implants? Save up to 70% compared to your dentist back home! Check out our prices:
Doctor German Arzate and our team of professional dentists in Cancun are ready to help you out with any dental treatment you might need. Doctor German Arzate has also been certified as Diplomate by the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry (ABOI/ID). All our dental pieces such as porcelain crowns, porcelain veneers, bridges, hybrid screw retained titanium porcelain bridges (for All-On-4 dental implant procedures or the All-On-6) are all manufactured by highly trained technicians at our laboratory. All made with the finest materials available on the market. We import all our materials from the United States, Japan, Germany and Belgium and we have the best top Mexican dentists install them.
If you are looking for an affordable dentist, Mexico offers many options, however we want to show you the top Reasons to Choose Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry for your dental needs:
All our staff speak English fluently. We do discuss everything with you before, during and after your dental treatment in English. All your dental files are in English as well.
There are no hidden prices, what you see is what you get. And yes, your savings can be massive compared to your home dental prices.
We have warranties in all our dental treatments, including dental implants. All jobs performed here have a warranty at our clinic.
We have plenty of experience on the dental tourism field, we have received over 2,500 American & Canadian patients at our clinic and we can put you in touch with our patients so you can share ideas.
Our clinic is conveniently located inside Malecon Americas Plaza, which is the biggest shopping mall in Cancun located at the entrance of the Cancun’s Hotel Zone.
Absolutely NO ONE DOES what we do, look around and check it for yourself. We are the Smile Makeover Experts, leaders in Dental Tourism in Mexico!
We import all our materials, absolutely all of them and we use only the best brands.
We have strict standards of sterilization, we follow procedures to provide hygienic standards at the highest level. We guarantee a clean and disinfected environment for each one of our patients and we only use filtered water.
All our team of doctors and assistants are fully trained and certified by the Mexican Sanitary laws.
Our clinic is fully equipped. We work in a state-of-the-art facility where we perform all dental specialties, from a simple dental cleaning to an All on 4 dental implant system.
We create your Hollywood Smile, your extreme dental makeover in just ONE week. Which is perfect to combine with your vacation time!
Cancun is safe, affordable and beautiful. And also, we are very close to the United States! (Thinking about a 20 hour flight to get your dental work with a dentist in Thailand or a dentist in India? Think again).
Cancun is beautiful and the premier Caribbean destination for beautiful beaches and sites like The Riviera Maya. Cancun’s combination of different characteristics make it one the the most unique spots for millions of visitors each year.
Why should you choose us to get your dental work in Mexico?
Cancun’s lovely beaches and clear beautiful waters attract millions of tourists each year.  Located in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, Cancun offers beautiful clear turquoise waters, world class resorts located on white sand beaches, hundreds of water activities, an unbelievable variety of innovative international cuisine, archaeological wonders, nature parks, amazing islands and some of the best night life locations around.
The main reason people and tourists travel to Cancun is for world renowned beaches the city has. Many of the beaches offer their own unique attractions. Cancun has many activities, such as the Interactive Aquarium at Plaza la Isla where visitors can feed the sharks and swim with the dolphins, or for those who like a thrill, Wet’n Wild Cancun is the destination, where you can enjoy water activities.
Located in the Hotel Zone there is a brand new Mayan Museum and Archaeological Site that includes 350 archaeological artifacts and the halls are dedicated to Mayan culture as a whole and includes pieces found in other areas of Mexico and Central America.
Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry Reviews
Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry has years of experience treating thousands of patients from USA and Canada that look for an affordable alternative to their dental problems. These patients have been able to save up to 70% on their dental treatments like crowns, veneers, dental implants and full smile makeovers. Here you can check their reviews on external sites and finally make the decision to take the first step towards the smile of your dreams!
RealSelf Patient Reviews of German Arzate, DDS
German Arzate, DDS
Amazing if Not More!!
Dr German and his staff are amazing! Dr German is exactly how I expected him to be or if not better! I’m so happy with my results and my smile I could not a...READ MORE
Amazing Beyond Belief!
I am not much on writing reviews but I felt I needed to for this. I had real dental issues, my teeth were literally a mess! I had partial dentures due to a...READ MORE
Life Changing Experience!
Dr German Arzate and his staff are truly amazing and I couldn't have asked for a better experience! I have nothing but great things to say about Dr Arzate,...Way beyond what i expected
DR.A as i call him has exceeded my expectations by far , He truly cares for his patients and is involved with every aspect of their care . HE is kind,...Thank You for my Smile!!!!
EXCELLENT!!!!!! Dr. Arzate and his staff are amazing. They not only changed my smile but my life. I have the confidence to speak and smile in public without...Disclaimer: Reviews shown here are curated from RealSelf. Results and patient experience may vary.
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Reasons to Visit Isla Mujeres?
If you’re planning to visit the Mexican Caribbean to get some dental work done and would like to make the best out of it, but haven´t quite figured where to go, here´s some info to help you decide. Isla Mujeres, “Women Island”, is a place where time passes slowly and your dreamed vacations become reality.
Isla Mujeres is located just eight miles across the Bahia de Mujeres (Women Bay) from Cancun. Isla Mujeres offers many activities to fill your days, like visiting the North Beach, awarded by its visitors with the Traveler’s choice award for being a great beach to relax. It is located as its name suggests at the North end of the island.
Snorkeling at the MUSA museum could be another great activity for you. It is located in the National Marine Park surrounding the area between Cancun, Isla Mujeres and Punta Nizuc. It contains around 400 sculptures, you can visit this one of a kind museum by diving, snorkeling or boat. It can go from $190 USD and will take you there by boat, include the equipment and the ride back, with the experienced instructors as well as introduction for the inexperienced divers.
You can experience swim with Dolphins at “Dolphin Discovery” located at “Discover Island”, it’s about 15 min away from the ferry’s port. Here you will enjoy their different swimming with dolphins programs or if you are feeling adventurous, try swimming with sharks, it’s one of a kind experience. You can have this experience from 11:00 am for confirmed swims and you must be there 30 min earlier to receive the instructions to enjoy the experience at its fullest, the costs go around $120 USD.
There are some art galleries to visit, like Kimberly art & gem gallery where you´ll be able to find all kinds of things from a simple souvenir till an adorable vintage dresser, they also have several workshops to attend, as an activity, shops to browse through, tours to nearby wonders and the beautiful white sand beaches to enjoy.
If you feel like paying a visit to the turtle farm in Sac Bajo (North of Playa Paraiso), here’s some helpful information. It is a government sponsored hatchery for sea turtles that are currently in danger of extinction. There is no fee for admission, but donations are highly appreciated. Every year, turtles come to Isla Mujeres shores to lay their eggs around summertime and the turtle farm team, collects them for protection in their 60 days incubation period. If you’re planning to go we would strongly recommend you go late July, that way you’ll be able to be part of turtle releases held all over the island where hundreds of baby turtles are released into the sea at the same time. If you’re already on the island don’t worry because they have young and old turtles in tanks as well as other marine life.
Wondering where to go for a snack? Let us tell you about this little place that’s absolutely a must try for breakfast! Known for their unique and original egg dishes “Cazuelas” as well as wonderful crepes, La Cazuela has been opened for almost 20 years. It has a bright and cheerful decor with indoor and outdoor seating. It’s located one block up from Hidalgo, on the corner of Guerrero & Abasolo. It’s Open daily from 7:00 am – 2:00 pm.
Another place we would also recommend is “Limon”, a wonderful addition to elegant Isla dining with a unique menu! It’s located mid-island near the Super Express. This restaurant is recommended especially for Dinner, it´s located in Colonia la Gloria.
The way to get to the island from Cancun is taking a 20 minute ferry ride which only costs around $11 USD round-trip per person, leaving Cancun from Turtle’s beach port every half hour from 5:00am until 9:30 pm with two extra shuttles every hour, one at 10:30 and another at 11:30 pm. To get back to Cancun they have the same schedules every half hour with the exception of three extra shuttles at 10:00pm, 11:00pm and 12:00am.
So consider visiting this natural paradise with so many activities to offer!
Benefits of Having Dental Implants in Mexico
You can choose to have your dental work done in the United States which is the common thing to do. However, in some cases, people need much dental work that makes it almost impossible to pay. Sometimes dental work can be as expensive as a house! In Mexico, dental implants are much more affordable than in the United States. We only use US brands, the same ones your dentist uses!
If you are looking for treatments such as All On 4, All On 6 or even Snap on Dentures, then you have to check the prices in Mexico for your dental work. In Mexico we do not produce any dental materials, there for we import all. Get affordable dental implants today!
Cancun is beautiful and located just hours away from the United States or Canada!
Dental Implants in Canada are also extremely expensive. We have patients that have saved almost 80% by having their dental treatments done in Mexico. Dental tourism is already a reality for thousands of people that look for an affordable dental solution or a dental vacation! You can save tons of money and have a vacation at the same time! Thank you!
Getting Dental Work Done In Mexico, Is It Worth It?
Getting dental work done in Mexico or anywhere outside your hometown is called Dental Tourism.
Dental Tourism Is Not New
For at least two decades, tens of thousands of Americans and Canadians have been looking to get dental work abroad. And they have good reasons too!
People from the United States and Canada seek a dentist in Mexico to complete their dental needs.
But, why would you choose to get dental work done in Mexico?
First, let`s see what it means to have dental work done in the United States.
Dental work in the United States is expensive. They will justify the higher costs with multiple visits for simple procedures. In the United States, completing a porcelain crown can take weeks, while we do it in a couple of days.
Also, in the United States, they are obligated to pay for insurance and high liability costs. Plus the real state prices for properties are higher, etc. The cost of living in the United States is expensive and it will be reflected on your dental bill.
Clear Choice Dental Implant Cost
$3,500 US approximately each
Mexico Dental Implants Cost In Average
$890 US
Teeth implants cost in the USA can be pricey. You can also get your implants set in Mexico and then have the rehabilitation at home. But, the savings will be tempting and you might want to return for the second part of your treatment and keep saving while you get another dental vacation!
What Are The Advantages Of Getting Your Dental Work Done In Mexico?
Dental Work In Mexico Cost
One of the advantages of getting dental work done in Mexico is that it is cheaper at the cost without sacrificing the quality.
You can expect to save from 65% up to 75% compared to your home dentist.
How is this possible? In Mexico wages are lower, there is no obligated insurance, rents are cheaper, taxes are lower, etc.
You can get the same dental work with the same quality, protocol, and materials as any dentist in any major city in the United States.
Dental Work In Mexico Quality
All materials are imported, FDA approved. We only use the best quality materials at our in-house laboratory.
You can complete a complete smile makeover in one single trip (for porcelain crowns and veneers, or for Snap On Dentures) or in a couple of trips with the All-On-4.  
We own a the full-service CAD/CAM Dental Laboratory.
We are the ONLY dental facility in the Cancun area with a fully equipped, in-house CAD/CAM digital laboratory and milling center.
We own the latest CNC Machines, CAM Software, and Dental CAD.
Another advantage is that in Mexico we have the best quality dental laboratory with the highest hygiene standards.
We are proud of the quality we offer to our dental tourism patients. We are the most respected dental facility in the area. Come for a FREE consultation, or click here to get a free diagnose.
We use CBCT 3D X-Rays Technology.
Cone Beam Computed Technology (CBCT) is imperative for a proper digital diagnose. With the aid of CBCT Technology, the Maxillofacial surgeon can get an exact setting of the All-On-Four dental implants.
At our laboratory and clinic in Cancun, we offer the next technology,
Intra-Oral Scanning CS3600 Carestream
3D Printed Guided Surgery For Dental Implants
ISQ de Ostell
CBCT 3D Digital X-rays and Intra Oral Imaging
Stone Mixer and PFM Centrifuge
Dyamach FZ2 and Dyamach DT2
Medit Hybrid and Acrylic Injection
Sirona Infire - Porcelain Bake, oven, and press
Waterlase Iplus
Getting Dental Work Done In Mexico Is Handy
We are neighbors. For example, it is a 3-hour flight from Dulles International Airport to the Cancun Airport. Maybe you are looking for a dentist in India? Forget it, it is a 24-hour flight!
Cancun is close, safe, and convenient. It is the most popular and the biggest resort city in Mexico. Over 4 million Americans visit Cancun every year!
You can be one of them and combine your dental work with dental vacations!
5 Reasons Why Dental Work Cost Much Less In Mexico
The cost of dental work in Mexico is cheaper than in the United States and there are many reasons why.
The low-cost dental services prices are the main reason why thousands of Americans flock every year down to Cancun for their dental treatments.
It is easy to understand why many Americans are getting dental services abroad. In Mexico, American tourists can expect to save from 60 to 75 percent in their dental treatments. This is what is called dental tourism. You go to another place to have a procedure.
But, how does the dental cost in Mexico can be so different from the dental cost of any city within the United States?
Here are some reasons. There are several elements that can make possible to offer lower prices for dental care in Mexico.
In this case, lower costs do not mean a sacrifice in the quality of materials or talent.
The quality standards of our dental clinic are better or equal to any dentist in the United States.
And it also doesn´t mean that the dentist owns lesser education or equipment. Most of the dentists in Mexico use the same materials, laboratory equipment, and protocol as any American dentists. Mexican dentists use the same brands and suppliers (sometimes even laboratories) as any dentist in the U.S.
The decisive fact is that there are no insurance requirements for medical treatments in Mexico. Also, the employer waves are lower as the monthly rent of the properties.
In general, the cost of living in Mexico is cheaper than in the United States.
1. The Real Estate Cost In Mexico Is Cheaper
The real estate cost is lower in Mexico than in the United States. The large expenses of rents in the U.S. will be part of your dental bills indirectly.
Rents are expenses that somehow need to be billed to someone.
2. The Dental Laboratory Costs Are Cheaper
Many American dentists send their lab work to Mexico on a regular basis. This is a fact.
All materials used to craft any prosthetic piece is Mexico is imported. Mexico doesn't produce any dental materials. therefore, all equipment and materials are imported but the labor hand cost much less.
Laboratory technicians wages are lower, as labor hand is lower in Mexico. That affects the final cost as well.
3. The Dental Staff Wages In Mexico Are Lower
Dental Technicians and dentists wages are lower compared to the salaries in North America.
Since wages are lower so are the fees for the general audience.
A research from the University of Arizona mentioned that a dental staff member is paid around $18 US the hour. While in Mexico, the same staff is paid about $5 US the hour
Mexican dentists or any dental implant specialist makes a third every year compared to the American dentists. But they are not uneducated, they own the same skills on dentistry.
Sometimes, even more, experienced in complex cases.
4. Dental Education Is Affordable In Mexico
Most of the American dentists had a hard time paying their student loans. The American Dental Association mentions that aspiring dental students will pay around 35K for tuition per year. That is for four years, plus all the equipment and material you need to buy. In Mexico, the education has the same levels of knowledge but the fees are cheaper. In Mexico, the cost of five years of dental school costs around 30K US on average.
5. Insurance Requirements
There are not insurance requirements for the medical field in Mexico. You can enter into any hospital as long as you can pay. If you cannot afford it, you can have access to any of the government clinics. Either way, there is not an obligatory insurance for the institutions, medical centers or even for patients. This is one of the main reasons why dental procedures cost less in Mexico.
According to CBS News, in the United States, dental insurance is not really an insurance: "The maximum annual benefits, $1,000 to $1,500, haven’t changed in the 50 years since dental insurance became available".
If you have dental insurance, they might cover some of the dental work you could have in Mexico. They do not cover it all but at least a part of it.
When you need a dentist in Mexico, you will find many affordable options. Check online reviews, before and after pictures, request to speak to other patients, pick a nice location to recover, check if they own their laboratory. Then make a decision.
0 notes
texasborderbusiness · 6 years
IN A CENOTE (Courtesy Photo)
Study Abroad 2018 Yucatan, Mexico (Courtesy Photo)
‘I have shifted my view on things. I don’t use straws anymore. I try to keep up with my recycling. And I want to be part of a program to help educate others about what we’re actually doing to our climate.’ – Nora Sustait, Pre-Medical Biology senior, Alamo
Texas Border Business
By Victoria Brito
Rio Grande Valley, Texas – Nine students from The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley spent a week in Mérida, on the Yucatán peninsula in México, as part of a study abroad trip focused on global change.
The bilingual course – led by Dr. Teresa Patricia Feria-Arroyo, associate professor of biology in the UTRGV Department of Biology, College of Sciences – was in Mexico from July 1-8, visiting locations that highlighted the area’s natural assets, with an emphasis on how tourism has helped preserve the environment.
The group met before its departure to go over the topics they would be covering and to learn about the Mayan Yucatán.
“The main topic of this class is global change, so we studied how human and oceanic activities have changed,” Feria-Arroyo said. “I wanted them to have an idea of how our ecosystems are not exactly similar but equivalent with what we have in the Valley, and of our expectations of a high-volume tourist area.
“Tourists want to have clean water,” she said, “and if not for the efforts of locals to maintain the water, it would already be polluted.”
When picking a location for the study abroad course, Feria-Arroyo said, she looked for a safe location with a similar ecosystem to the Valley’s, but also one culturally relevant. The concept was to compare what the indigenous Maya do today to preserve the area, versus what is done in the United States.
“The students were able to see in a practical way how the Maya do not use straws, unlike in the U.S., where we use a lot of plastic straws,” she said. “I was looking for them to see how we can actually contribute ourselves.”
Feria-Arroyo said the experience of being able to observe first hand resonated with the students.
“We need to realize that we can be the change,” she said. “But, in order to do that, we need to see what is happening, what other people are doing or not doing.”
Another reason for choosing Merida was the prevalence of indigenous Maya there, which Feria-Arroyo saw as a way for her Hispanic students to find pride in their Mexican roots.
“I wanted them to have hands-on, experiential learning so they can wake up those skills for the enrichment of their own culture,” she said.
She said the students did, in fact, appreciate their roots more after visiting Merida, and the week abroad ended with a sense of closeness that had not been there at the beginning.
“At the end, we were like a family. We bonded with each other, with our translator, and everybody was kind and polite. So, I think that the class material helped, but it was also the cultural experience, the hands-on, experiential learning for our students.”
Feria said the students want to continue their bond by spreading the word about conservation at UTRGV and creating a student organization dedicated to conserve rare plants in the Valley.
Feria-Arroyo hoped that her students would appreciate their legacy more after the trip. She recalls that while visiting a beach, the group was advised not to use chemicals, like sunblock, while going into the water because the water is the main source of drinking water.
Gisel Garza, senior biology major, said this course opened her eyes to the ways humans have affected the environment.
“A large amount of pork is produced there and it is affecting their water. But tourism helps because tourists go to see the natural environment, so locals feel pressured to keep the water clean. So, in a way, tourism limits the amount of pollution pork can create over there,” she said.
Feria Arroyo had told the class that she wanted them to gain a sense of pride in their Mexican lineage, and Garza said that did happen.
“We became very close, and that was nice because we didn’t really know each other before. Having a week in Mérida brought us all together, like a family,” she said.
Nora Sustait, a senior pre-medical biology major, first heard of the class while taking biochemistry in the spring. She recalls her time in Merida fondly.
“Everybody there was just so nice, smiling, really open and friendly. They welcomed us, and it was wonderful,” she said.
Before this course, she did not know that the Yucatán peninsula used to be home to agave plants, which a main source of the economy until the area was deforested.
‘I have shifted my view on things,” Sustait said. “I don’t use straws anymore. I try to keep up with my recycling. And I want to be part of a program to help educate others about what we’re actually doing to our climate.’
Christopher Muñoz, of McAllen, a graduate student in the Ocean, Coastal and Earth Sciences program in the UTRGV Graduate College, has a great interest in plant biogeography and took this course to learn about the distinct characteristics of plant species that differ from those in South Texas.
“We got to see several cenotes when we were there,” he said.
A cenote is an underwater cave that serves as a main water source, believed to be spiritual or mystical places for the ancient Maya civilization.
“It is basically a giant sinkhole for the water that is relatively high and the entire peninsula is composed mostly of calcium carbonate limestone. So, it is especially susceptible to the dissolution of the limestone and forms this kind of Swiss cheese-looking holes that range from being either very small or as large as a sinkhole that could fit 30 people swimming in it.”
Inside the cenotes, he said, is a plant called a strangler fig, which has a unique “adventitious” root system.
“If there is a shallow enough water table, the water table is proximal to go up to the surface and the plants have a way of detecting that,” he said. “That was really interesting for me to see.”
Muñoz said the course had a decidedly positive impact on his academic career.
“Anytime I get to see biogeographical phenomena, face to face – which is the nature of my thesis and a large component of my thesis research – it is very helpful,” he said. “It puts things into perspective and helps me further my understanding of that discipline.”
Christopher Muñoz, Ocean, Coastal and Earth Sciences, McAllen.
Felicia Vazquez, Biology, Mission.
Adriana Peña, Biology, Mission.
Gisel Garza, Biology, La Joya,
Laiba Asif, Biology, Mission,
Madelyn Flores, Environmental Science, Mission,
Minal Cheema, Biology, Houston.
Nora Sustait, Pre-Medical Biology, Alamo.
Ruth Galán, Biology, Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico.
UTRGV STUDY ABROAD: Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico Students Learn about Global Change During Life Changing Trip to Merida ‘I have shifted my view on things. I don’t use straws anymore. I try to keep up with my recycling.
0 notes
tourgods-blog · 7 years
Coba Real Mayan Adventure
Coba Real Mayan Adventure
Coba and a real mayan adventure.
Well guys, its time to really know the mayan culture, the things that still here among us, the actual culture and adventure of being in this part of the world. Either if you are staying in Cancun, the Riviera Maya or in Merida, the State of Quintana Roo, Mexico, this is a great escape to find the roots of an ancient culture like the mayan one.
Even though that in Mexico there are lots of cultures to be impressed by, the Mayan culture is always a highlight on the list of the toursits, and even though that you´ll visit these places for vacation and you like adventure only, the excursion that I’m talking about is like something that is just amazing for all the thrill seekers, the culture junkies, or even the people who just like to relax and have a real experience with nature.
These tour takes us to one of the main archeological sites of the peninsula of Yucatan, I’m talking about Coba.
Lets know a little facts about the mayan site :
Our guide Antonio explained us lots of information, these guides are super fun and that’s one of the reason that I wanted to share this post for you, besides fun they are really knowledgeable , which is great for everyone, nothing like do a tour where we can learn and the time that we spend there, would be interesting, entertaining but most of all that we can take some of this amazing information home.
All of these information would open your expectations about what you are going to see, and yes Sacbeobs are amazing. You can walk on them and realize how the mayans used the moonlight to walk safely on these roads.
But basically and the reason that we are here is because the experience itself, well, the whole thing started early in the morning, to be precise 7:05 am, yes, for some people this is early but for some is actually the right time to start the adventure.
On the vans that pick us up Antonio had around 14 seats, which most of them were empty which was a great relief, that means, more attention to us, but really does not matter, I think sometimes is better to have more people, due the fact that every time that I take any of these activities I like to mingle with people and talk, and even get new friends, but for these time there were only a family of 4 and 2 other couples, then me. So total of 9 people.
The trip while on the road, we left Playa del carmen and on the way Antonio welcomed us and explain us what was the whole adventure about. The tour as he explained would consist on the visit of the Coba ruins, then we actually go to a zip line on top of a cenote, then we would have a mayan ceremony to soul cleanse plus visiting the underground by going into a cave, after that we would move to a new location where a mayan community still habituating and there we can interact and learn about them plus another exciting activity of Rappel down into a cent and zipline.
So the whole thing started in the city of Coba, this magnificent place was full of surprises, Antonio take us in and started the tour with an introduction of the archeological site.
If you for some reason would like to take this awesome experience, it would be nice that you know some facts about the site, of course the TOURGOD OF THE RUINS, will tell you way more than just this information, but believe me this small facts would make the difference once that you are in the tour.
The archeological site of Coba belongs to the Late Classic Period (AD 600–900) of Mesoamerican civilization.
Is in fact one of the most interesting places to visit. And the main thing is that Coba, is almost un touch by humans of our age, yes of course we find some well traced streets and some parts of the pyramids or temples that are put together, but the fact is that only the 15% of the whole site is basically discovered, and new temples and houses are being spotted .
“The ruins of Coba lie 44 km (approx. 27 mi) northwest of Tulum, in the State of Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Coba is located around two lagoons, Lake Coba and Lake Macanxoc.
A series of elevated stone and plaster roads radiate from the central site to various smaller sites near and far. These are known by the Maya term sacbe (plural sacbeob) or white road. Some of these causeways go east, and the longest runs over 100 kilometres (62 mi) westwards to the site of Yaxuna. The site contains a group of large temple pyramids known as the Nohoch Mul, the tallest of which, Ixmoja, is some 42 metres (138 ft) in height. Ixmoja is among the tallest pyramids on the Yucatán peninsula, exceeded by Calakmul at 45 metres (148 ft).
Coba was estimated to have had some 50,000 inhabitants (and possibly significantly more) at its peak of civilization, and the built up area extends over some 80 km².
The site was occupied by a sizable agricultural population by the 1st century. The bulk of a Coba’s major construction seems to have been made in the middle and late Classic period, about 500 to 900 AD, with most of the dated hieroglyphic inscriptions from the 7th century (see Mesoamerican Long Count calendar).
The Mayan site of Coba was set up with multiple residential areas that consisted of around 15 houses in clusters. All clusters were connected by sacbeobs, or elevated walkways.
Six major linear features were found at the Coba site.
The first feature that was often found at Coba was the platforms that were connecting the clusters to the sacbeobs. These were found at almost every single cluster of houses. Single or doubled faced features that were found around the majority of the household clusters. These were often linked to the platforms that led to the sacbeobs.”
(Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coba)
After all these facts of Coba, we proceed to go to the main temple. At the entrance, we were lucky to have the option to either walk, rent a bike or a mayan limousine, LOL, the mayan Limousine, is a Tricycle which one of the members of the mayan community pedal while you seat comfortably on the front. In my case I like to walk, this way I can connect a little more with nature, and see more in detail all the temples hiding that has not being discovered yet.
Its funny because the site is quite big, but there are a lot of little mountains around, those are the undercover or unexplored temples. But well we kept walking and we find so many things around that I would like to tell you like some mesoamerican ball games and other houses, but I really would not like to go in to so much detail, because for sure this is a place that you have to see with your own eyes, its just marvellous to walk into the jungle and see how the ancient civilizations used to live, but the coolest thing is to face with that main castle or main temple, where you actually can climb all the way to the top. As a suggestion, if you climb up to the top, make sure to climb sideways and with a zig zag path, this way is safer and way more easy.
For a while we have some amazing time walking around by our selves without any pressure. But there was the time to meet again our awesome Tour God, (tour guide), so we went back to the van and from there we drove until the middle of nowhere, and find sort of a lagoon, but yeh.. this is not a lagoon, this is an open cenote.
You may ask, what is a Cenote?, well “cenote is a natural pit, or sinkhole, resulting from the collapse of limestone bedrock that exposes groundwater underneath.
Especially associated with the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico, cenotes were sometimes used by the ancient Maya for sacrificial offerings.
The term derives from a word used by the low-land Yucatec Maya — ts’onot — to refer to any location with accessible groundwater.
Cenotes are common geological forms in low latitude regions, particularly on islands, coastlines, and platforms with young post-Paleozoic limestones that have little soil development.”
But this might be too technical to understand, I do really like the way that Mexicans and specially Mayans see this kind of caverns, and well they think that the genesis of the world happen right there, and the reason is that the water that the mayans use to drink is coming from there, the cenotes have the second clearest water in the world, due to the filtration process of the rain through the limestone. But that is not all, in this case, this open cenote, is part of a larger sistem, and this area in particular, its ceiling cracked and the water got exposed and flooded, so a nice pond or lagoon came out.
We went through the jungle to find a zip line where we got equipped and slide on top of it. Then we arrive to a little peer where we took some kayaks and start paddling enjoying all the nature surrounding us, really one of the most relaxing experiences that I have, plus the place is just outstanding.
We got to the end of the kayaking area, crossing the whole lagoon, and started walking to find Mr. Pepe, an authentic mayan who is still learning Spanish. Our guide introduce him to us and said that we would be cleaned from all evil in an authentic mayan ritual, where Mr. Pepe actually blessed us using his power and the aromatic cloud of incense that mesoamerican still using to do most of the rituals. The experience was totally mystical and great to live.
Once feel blessed and with more energy than ever, we kept walking until we find this area with a whole in the middle of the jungle. We went down and found the most amazing cavern ever,  just going down of those steps, we found the most incredible formations of stalactites and stalacmites, which merge with the clearest water from the bottom of the cave.  Of course that was too much temptation to be just outside, so we jump into this clear and refreshing water which they say that will revitalize your body, mind and soul.
After this, we went back to the van, to go to our last stop of this amazing tour, the mayan Village, which was a really nice town full of nice and welcoming people. In this town the adventure wasn’t over, first of we equipped and did rappel into a cenote of 25 meters, (45 ft), which was amazing just going down sliding through that rope, believe me it looks harder than it is, then we walk up and did a zip line on top of this cenote, after all these was time to eat something, and what was our surprise than the most delicious food that you have ever tried, tender chicken with mole, fresh tortillas and lots of great ancient recipes, something to tried definitely.
After eating, we went to see what the community create with their hands, and we found collars, bracelets, and hand craft articles worth to buy and see. In the meantime a wild monkey appear and with that our trip was complete, we had a great time with the monkey on our shoulders.
Guys, you’re going to love this Tour that only Tour Gods can do.
Please, if you are up to live a life time experience, refer to us and this link, you’re going to love it.
For now I´ll say good bye, if you like the post let me know on the comments and if you are planning to come to playa del carmen, Tulum or Cancun this is a tour that you can miss.
So long for now fellas, keep traveling and making your experiences better using our platform.If you would like to do this tour or other tours around the rivera Maya, contact :
or contact them at
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New Hampshire Is Extremely Beneficial For A Vacation
If you have never heard of Caborca, Mexico, don't be stunned. Think about how you are going to get pleasure from your free time and make plans to visit locations you might be interesting in. Print out or jot down notes so that if you find yourself on vacation you are ready to make the most of your holidays. So when you are deciding which Mexico trip package to take, you'll want to discover out what the climate will probably be like in that area, and discover out what there may be to do fro household actions, or romantic couples. It has a number of restaurant, golf, tennis, mountain biking, snorkeling, scuba diving, horseback using, and all the things that you have to do while enjoying your time and travels. The choices for seaside resorts in Mexico are extra varied than you'd think about. As soon as issued, the passport card can be legitimate for the same period of time (10 years for adults, 5 years for children) as a typical passport ebook. While they might intensify abruptly and sometimes they travel quickly, hurricanes don't abruptly spring up without warning. They're believed to be the artists behind the mysterious petroglyphs, virtually 2000 years ago. Excursions by historic downtown Puebla are given on double-decker busses letting vacationers benefit from the metropolis's structure, museums, and monuments without the difficulty of finding these places on their very own. With Prohibition in the 1920's the wine making died out, to not get began once more until 50 years later in the late 1970's. Since a few of the most popular cruise destinations are positioned in hurricane-susceptible waters, cruise ships monitor so-referred to as "weather occasions" very carefully. Know that if a cruise ship does change plans due to the climate, it is not a decision that's made evenly. An fascinating fact about Cancun is that previously it was just a deserted place. When a giant area rock slammed into Earth sixty five million years in the past on the northwestern nook of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, not solely did it wipe out loads of dinosaurs, it left behind a huge crater and, inside that pock, an even greater mystery. You'll get to see some marine life in the Santa Maris bay. This is only one excellent way you could appreciate a cost-effective getaway with a higher value. Our daughter grew up with periodic visits to Casa Santiago. The Blessed Sacrament was hidden inside radios, drugs cupboards, behind books in a bookcase, in a number of the very unlikely locations with the intention to avert the Lord falling into the flawed hands. Tulum is saltwater flats and deep sea fishing, kayaking lagoons and a growing Mecca of yoga; it's mostly green and pure with the 1.three million acres of protected Sian Ka'an wetlands with protected low influence access. These activities often included guided excursions that require horseback driving, kayaking, mountaineering, or biking. It is usually a good idea to photocopy your passport (the page with the picture on it), cruise tickets, and some other paperwork. cheap flights sydney to brisbane It's also a fantastic place to purchase affordable art items and souvenirs through the weekly Saturday Artwork Market. A Cabo cruise is one thing totally different to the standard energetic Cabo San Lucas activities. Properly, I'm certain after reading this article you may absolutely develop an interest in these beaches. Bonita Springs has among the most beautiful beaches in all of Florida and it's no surprise, since the word "bonita" in Spanish translates to mean just that. The U.S. State Department has issued a journey alert for residents touring to sure components of Mexico. It's widely suspected that police target vacationers in rental vehicles, particularly these en path to the airport. If you want the very best deal simply stroll 1-2 blocks away from the Zocalo in any course and find a native restaurant. Many people assume hiking or biking by means of tough terrain, but that isn't what Mexico guided excursions are all about. Once you cross the border from San Diego into Mexico, you cross straight into Tijuana. If the well being traveler picks an excellent hospital, it is rather doubtless that he or she will be able to have the visitor stay inside the constructing. Many of these brokers and businesses have traveled to Mexico themselves - all of the while enjoying the motels, attractions, and different luxuries offered on this country. This new requirement may also affect sure international nationals who currently aren't required to current a passport to travel to the United States. We were actually extra intrigued with some of the places in the ship that this tour takes you such because the engine room and an indoor swimming area, all sparsely lit to make them as spooky as potential. The truth is, the realm has attracted thousands of surfers and crusing fanatics over time, along with the hordes of school college students from the U.S. who have made Baja California their unofficial dwelling away from house throughout spring break. Cash from these tours go to the village fund to construct a highway. So forgive me lovely locations of the world for sharing a little bit about a spot called paradise, Tulum. Yellowstone Park: Yellowstone is one of the places that you simply just cannot actually recognize till you've got seen it for your self. In fact, many people who've cosmetic surgical procedure in Puerto Vallarta are capable of be up and walking around the city's famous Malecon boardwalk within a couple of days, having fun with the sunshine and vacationing. In the Western Hemisphere, there are rich deposits of amber found in the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and the state of New Jersey. The folks go to the graves or mausoleums of their relatives and so they place elaborate floral arrangements and candles on them. 7. Cancún - While some top metropolis officers of this well-known vacationer destination have been tied to drug gangs, visitors have nothing to be afraid of right here. The gorgeous seashores round Puerto Juarez are excellent for snorkelling, scuba diving or simply lazing underneath the clear blue sunny sky. With their four-year completion of this system, some graduates seek additional education in a residency or fellowship program for a year or two. You will also by no means have a problem knowing the place to stay as there are many resorts and seashore resorts found all over the space. There are lots of different excursions you possibly can take depending on what you like to do. You may go explore Mayan ruins, take a zipper-line through the jungle or snorkel in underwater caves with sea turtles. (1) Le Meridien Cancun Resort and Spa is likely one of the most popular seashore resorts in all of Mexico. After you educate your self a bit extra on the Mexican marketplace you additionally want to find out what kind of support your new found prospects will need in Mexico. There are even more family pleasant places for you and your family to spend their Holiday Vacation. ATV jungle tour guides are widespread, however they'll solely be found in restricted areas. San Miguel de Allende actually is a lovely place with amazing 17th-century structure, botanic gardens and many beautiful guesthouses. 5. Tacos Campechanos - These are tacos made with meat, Mexican chorizo, salsa and potatoes. Particularly if you're touring to Cancun, Acapulco, Ixtapa, or any of the many different trip kind locations in Mexico, trip bundle deals are properly worth exploring. Some have made us really feel like we are their long-misplaced American cousins who have finally come home to the place we belong. The best time goes in April and kick start with the Vintner's Pageant, which exerts a pull on lots of of wine mongers from throughout countryside and homes all the wine producers at one place. The security executive states the next crime related incidents have been reported throughout one week in April 2011 in numerous Mexican states. Another kind of package is the guided tour, usually of a number of cities and typically with resorts and transportation included. Seashores, jungles, and deserts are all located within a sort distance of each other in the Acapulco space. What most people consider as Mexican food elsewhere on this planet, really is New Mexican meals. The capital might be performed on a budget for a handful of dollars a day as a backpacker, and throwing in a number of more dollars will get the traveler an improve to raised facilities with quality service. Located within the oriental a part of the Yucatan Peninsula, the Mayan Riviera goes from Puerto Morelos, (32 kilometres south of Cancun's international airport), up to the picturesque fishermen's village referred to as Punta Allen, already contained in the Sian Ka'an's Biosphere. This is the locations the place aficionado's of wine, beer and spirits can enjoy on the zeal of ingesting they usually know what is being served and mixed for the concoctions and their finer elements of the drink being sipped on. Right here persons are known as ‘drinkies', the place there is tradition of wine and beer. In fact if you want to get round at a slower tempo, you possibly can always go for a hike on the various trails in the San Pedro Martir National Park or within the Sierra Lagunas. And thankfully, Mexico's rising economy and urbanism nonetheless have not reached the traditional states in Mexico that I discover so compelling. Though well being travelers will find that almost all medical travel destinations offer weight loss surgical procedure, Mexico surgeons are likely to recommend Tijuana for this specific type of process. It's due to Massive Brother Sweden that among the home mates that have stayed in the confines of the Large Brother home actually acquire the superstar way of life they wished and yearned for. Subsequent is Williamsburg, Virginia which is great for educational enjoyable, you can cease by Colonial Williamsburg, Busch Gardens Europe theme park and Water Country USA. Pork is often used in dishes served with a candy-and-bitter sauce and you will notice the usage of limes, lemons and oranges added to fish dishes with crab, octopus and squid to provide a style that's 'out of this world'. The hotel is stocked with fashionable lodging, but the structural designs of the hotel takes you again into time. According to fable, a band of angels appeared earlier than one of the founders of Puebla, Bishop Julian Garcés, instructing him on where to find the brand new city. The Yucatan tours and expeditions are protected learning experiences designed for anybody who wants to have fun exploring and enjoying the native pure and cultural wonders. Ryan Murdock's pursuit of journey literature has taken him to among the world's most unforgiving locations, together with Mongolia, Tibet, Nicaragua, and North Korea, by Russian jeep, motorbike, dugout canoe, horse and camel. Simply speaking about cruise vacations is an efficient option to see who else is interested within the topic. It has been mentioned elsewhere (see Franz and Havens) that there are many ways to get around when in nation. Most foreign travelers prefer the deluxe buses or the primary-class ones, which usually provide motion pictures, comfy seating, rest rooms, and an easy schedule of many departures a day. It's the largest complicated in retail and entertainment, an indoor aquarium, imagination heart and under water world and is in Bloomington. However as costs have continued to rise, thousands of Americans have been traveling abroad for real medical conditions, such as knee replacements, by-cross operations, coronary heart valve replacements, and different serious issues. So, which was your favourite Mexican beach resort option? The passport will likely be comparable in appears and measurement to a drivers license and can make for quick identification and recognition at all border crossings. They show much more respect than we Gringos deserve considering how we've historically handled Mexicans and still do to at the present time. Isla Contoy is considered an important nesting place of sea birds in all the Mexican Caribbean. While in Cancun, I bear in mind some tourists commenting of the small dimension of the beaches in front of their hotels. If you're rushing, your entire, thousand-mile journey may be performed in three days. The lodges will not be the perfect identified, but generally they're. Grasp about a few nights in some windmill lodge of the Solvang a Danish-themed town, and thereafter drive north to the Napa Valley and Sonoma countryside which centers tons of of wineries.
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Do not Fall For The Latin Fantasy Tourist Rip-offMexico has been in the news rather a lot lately, sadly not very a lot of it good. With out actually understanding how big Mexico is and what the violence is admittedly about, many individuals assume that the country is one massive conflict zone. After all, till just a few years in the past, you did not even want a passport to cross south of the border.<br/>After the 1994 economic debacle, Mexico has made a formidable recovery, building a modern and diversified economic system. But if you want to really feel pampered, relaxed, and unstressed when traveling to Mexico, you higher save some cash for an excellent stay in a lodge, equivalent to Grupo Mayan.<br/>Bonita Springs, generally known as The Gateway to The Gulf, is home to a number of the most stunning beaches and islands along the Gulf of Mexico. The retail outlets, upscale boutiques and distinctive shops nestled within the larger Bonita Springs area, are reflective of this metropolis's lure.<br/>Whenever you want to travel to Mexico, Cancun is one of the high locations. Word from Mexican residents coming across the border suggests there are way more occurring down the coast along the seaside areas. Munich, Germany which hosts and celebrates traditions of 16-day pageant every year in where there may be rivalry to begin days of boozing with parade, songs and dance.<br/>And the #1 CROSS NATION ROAD JOURNEY OF ALL TIME? Flying to Mexico is the most common solution to go to the principle resort and tourist destinations. Many vacationers discover it thrilling to experience an ATV along the coast or other in Mexican locations. With this tour, you are taking a helicopter to the West Rim and descend to the canyon flooring.<br/>There are a considerable variety of lodge-room theft, pickpocket, and purse snatching incidents. For the adventurous, a each day tour is offered at 5:00 a.m. to descend halfway down the sinkhole, and watch as the thousands parakeets wake up and ascend in unison out of there jungle house.<br/>Encompassing some seventy six,300 sq. miles (197,600 square km), the peninsula consists of the Mexican states of Campeche, Yucatán and the well known Quintana Roo. Avail of the very best offers provided by many flights to Mexico and see for your self. The Summer time months of June and July are gradual sufficient you can haggle a reasonably good deal for an prolonged stay of some days to a couple of weeks or so.  <a href="http://www.fly4less.pl/5-great-reasons-to-visit-abu-dhabi/">cheap flights jfk</a> Prices will sky-rocket during the peak Winter season.<br/>The State of Texas Division of Public Safety suggested against "spring break travel anywhere in Mexico." Suggesting instead, locations like Bahamas, Belize and Jamaica, all of them having a lot increased homicide rates. 2. Mérida - Just four hours from Cancun, this metropolis is positioned near several Mayan sites and has a beautiful historic middle.<br/>The resorts also provide a wide range of prompts in the course of the day and night time including live leisure, reveals and a nightclub. Hikers usually select a mountaineering tour, boats typically opt for boat tours, and history lovers typically select tours that focus on the history of Mexico.<br/>The village of Santo Tomás Jalieza is understood for manufacturing of cotton desk runners, placemats, napkins, belts and purses utilizing the primitive again strap loom, and bedspreads and tablecloths using much bigger equipment. There are quite a few issues to do in the city for travelers and vacationers.<br/>Some are flight deals and would possibly provide that kids fly without cost, which is nice for those large family holidays. The Nationwide Museum of Mexican Railroads and the Chihuahua Pacific Railway are additionally two stops that many guests make whereas in Puebla.<br/>Although you might be extra likely to have the ability to get a great worth ticket to another Canadian airport around the time of the Olympics, you'll be faced with a really long drive. For instance, cruise buddies could decide to go their own way by day but meet for dinner and the present each evening.<br/>The episodes of violence happen in very particular locations. As an alternative, rely on mass transit, cabs or transfer companies to get you where you want to be. It may be harmful driving in Mexico, particularly at night time, so this would possibly prevent extra than just police trouble.<br/>We are going to focus on and determine two key objectives to finding somebody in Mexico. It is a good suggestion in case your cruise concepts match, but if you find potential cruise buddies, keep in mind you'll have to compromise a bit to find the best bundle for each of you.<br/>For those who shouldn't have a desire as to which company you'd like to tour with, chances are you'll want to first seek for a destination. It opens in mid-June to Labor Day offering guided tours and a very good place for picnicking. Before any journey, at all times do your part to ensure legal safety: In this facet, have a doctor's phone quantity for any prescription you're taking is a crucial precaution.<br/>The very best thing to do to get to know the city is to visit Plaza de la Constitucion de Oaxaca, more popularly referred to as Zocalo. People are likely to cross borders extra typically than they use airplanes to for international travel, so lots folks favor the cardboard for crossing borders often.<br/>It can be scary to find your self in bother in a rustic with an odd tradition and a language you might not be fluent in. When you have got insurance, you'll know that you've got a first class service on your side. The simplest rule to remember when traveling to Mexico, or any international country for that matter, is to stay alert and remain conscious of your surroundings.<br/>Its spring water is distributed to many other states and all through the Caribbean. Tizimin is seldom visited by vacationers, so if you're searching for privateness, you might wish to stay right here. Museums is usually a great choice for anyone anticipated to undergo a worrying surgery, as visiting them doesn't generally place large amounts of stress on the body.<br/>I continuously have somebody in San Diego visiting from Mexico to speak with me on how they'll discover merchandise of all types to export. Vacation brochures include short descriptions about the metropolis's highlights together with the white sandy beaches and the Mayan ruins.<br/>US-eighty will take you through the majority of this journey which provides more diversified cultural experiences than you are more likely to get in every other U.S. cross country journey. Perdido Key guests in the fall can even enjoy the Nice Gulf Arts Pageant, where a whole bunch of local artists come collectively to celebrate their artistic endeavors.<br/>The hospitals in Tijuana are excellent and lots of of them have been constructed with an emphasis on providing for clients from overseas. Standard resort actions embrace swimming, golf, and beaching. My unbelievably chic Tutorial Teacher offered to take me searching for some new garments at a few of Mexico's hippest boutiques.<br/>Escorts Heart Institute and Research Heart, in Delhi, India, is one other standard medical tourist destination. Take some time off your work if you wish to grab some low cost vacation deals. Via particular effects and an over-the-high tour information, this little 45-minute adventure aims to place a bit good-natured fright into guests.<br/>The Acapulco space is most well-identified for its big selection of panorama sceneries. If you are excited about scheduling an ATV jungle tour, you may have to be prepared to journey to the meant tour site. Daytona entails 20 miles of glowing white sandy seashores with stunning blue-green waters that best for youths of all ages.<img class='aligncenter' style='display: block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;' src="http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/2007422/246791839/stock-vector-flat-travel-mexico-246791839.jpg" width="252" alt="mexico"/><br/>It's also apparent throughout this weekday visit that many people on board are participating in some sort of a convention - whether or not it's enterprise, social or household-oriented. Within the five years that Huge Brother Sweden has run, the home has been situated in the fabulous metropolis of Stockholm, the nations capital.<br/>Statistically-talking, the principal vacationer spots in Mexico have always been considered safe journey destinations. This may take longer and shall be extra trouble, but if you're on a price range it may well be worth hunting round for the perfect deal. When instances are good, Mexico is a tremendous place to spend a while.<br/>That is clearly great information for the Mexican vacationer board, but don't be blinded by propaganda. The humorous thing is the overwhelming majority of Mexicans will never be impolite to you in 1,000,000 years. Mexico City as an example, solely has 8.3 homicides per a hundred,000 folks, compared to Miami's 14.1 and Chicago's sixteen.1. Compared to different nations in the area, Mexico can be much safer.<br/>When studying about this method, the distinction between HGVC developed resorts and HGVC affiliated resorts is important. The excerpts from the City Page referenced above are usually not from a Oaxaca newspaper, but somewhat from The Toronto Star, April 8, 2007, within the midst of arguably one of the vital tranquil and peaceful family weekends of the year, Easter.<br/>Because the United States and Mexico share a border, it's quite widespread for individuals who stay on the U.S. side to cross over daily to conduct enterprise or take pleasure in a few of the beautiful Mexican surroundings and hospitality. You'll be able to of course spend your time on the seashore as well with Area Coast nature reserves, Kennedy Space Centre, Clearwater and naturally St. Pete.<br/>Maybe the most well-liked boat trip is a experience to close by Isla Mujeres, home to a laid-again former fishing village with retailers and restaurants. Due to these reasons, I personally keep away from driving at evening in rural areas, protecting most of my night drives between Todos Santos and San Jose Del Cabo.<br/>Within the final decade, purified bottled water has undergone somewhat of a revolution in Mexico. The fantastic and paradisiacal white seashores, the Hotels and all inclusive resorts have made the Riviera Maya an interesting Mexico Destination. The Tulum seashores and warm clear blue waters are indeed elegant but there is way more to this place than mere breathtaking beauty.
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mastcomm · 5 years
After the Oscar Glare, These Filmmakers Went Their Own Way
PARK CITY, Utah — When the writer-director Benh Zeitlin was unexpectedly thrust into the middle of the Oscar melee in 2012 with his debut feature, “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” it was a surreal, discomforting experience filled with stiff tuxedos and awkward small talk — light years away from his ragtag existence in New Orleans, where he makes lyrical, atmospheric movies with his friends.
Zeitlin was soothed somewhat by the people he met on the trail: a sit-down with Daniel Day-Lewis, a kind word from Sally Field, an interaction with Martin Scorsese, who was struggling at the time with his edit of “Wolf of Wall Street.”
“It was cool to see someone that legendary be just as stressed as me when I was cutting ‘Beasts,’” said Zeitlin, a Hollywood outsider who before his Oscar run had only visited Los Angeles once in his life.
Eight years later, this one-time Oscar wunderkind finally popped back up at this year’s Sundance Film Festival with his sophomore effort, “Wendy,” a grass-roots “Peter Pan” seen through the eyes of a liberated, adventurous Wendy Darling. Where had he been?
The pressures of the Oscar spotlight can be enormous. As nominees this year have surely discovered, becoming part of the Hollywood ecosystem comes with its own set of challenges, ones that often require you to conform to specific expectations rather than to pursue your own creative endeavors. Zeitlin and another director who went through a similar experience, Tom McCarthy of “Spotlight,” resisted that pressure — and at Sundance this month, the results of their decisions were on display.
Zeitlin’s time among the glitterati had crystallized what he wanted his future to look like, and it was nothing like theirs. As the recipient of two highly coveted nominations — best director and best adapted screenplay (his film also drew a best picture nomination) — Zeitlin had earned an invitation into the club. He could have easily parlayed his success into a hefty studio payday. Yet he chose a decidedly different route. He did hire an agent, temporarily, to fend off incoming offers, including the opportunity to work on a mega-budget “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie for Disney. “He served as my bouncer,” said Zeitlin, now 37, who instead took his newfound cachet and created his own pirate adventure.
“When it became clear that we were going to have this opportunity to make whatever we wanted, we were like, ‘O.K., we got to make the craziest one now, because who knows if they’ll ever let us back in,’” he said.
The Oscar visibility did buy him something: a bigger budget, a more ambitious palette and significant development money from his new studio partner, Fox Searchlight — the company that secured a first-look deal with the auteur when it paid $2 million for global rights to “Beasts.”
He filmed on the islands of Montserrat and Antigua, Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula and in Louisiana. Postproduction lasted close to two years. And the film was made using the same unconventional approach he employed for “Beasts”: writing and rewriting all the way through production with his sister, Eliza Zeitlin, who also served as the production designer; casting nonactors to play the roles; preferring practical magic — like using a thermite mixture to create underwater fire — to computer graphics.
Zeitlin debuted his film on Sunday to mixed reviews. The Playlist’s Greg Ellwood said “Zeitlin’s talent to soar cinematically remains intact,” while Leah Greenblatt of Entertainment Weekly wrote, “By the ninth montage of cliffs and shore and joyful screaming down a hill, it all starts to feel a little like a film-school reel.”
Zeitlin’s decision to spend so much time on his own arts-and-crafts project left many shaking their heads. They may be equally perplexed to see the writer-director Tom McCarthy, who took on the Catholic Church in the best-picture winner “Spotlight” (2015), return to Sundance with “Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made,” a kids’ movie co-starring a computer-graphic polar bear that will debut on Disney Plus next week.
“I’ve seen a lot of people win Oscars, win best pictures, do that thing, and then it’s like they’re almost trying too hard to go back to the well,” McCarthy said. “I didn’t want to do that.”
The awards race marathon — which this year concludes on Feb. 9 — is a boon for the industry: Studios spend gobs to promote their best films, and the Hollywood ecosystem froths from the trickle-down economics. Everybody from trade publications to florists to limo drivers benefits from the awards industrial complex — everyone, except maybe the talent. Yes, their star power rises in both ephemeral and concrete ways, but for those hellbent on creating their own destiny, the months away from their work can be dispiriting.
Zeitlin had been away from his New Orleans home for most of the year following the Sundance debut of “Beasts.” “I was both desperate to get home and desperate to get to work,” he said. “It was the first year I hadn’t created anything, and that was the most intense feeling.”
McCarthy too had moved his family temporarily to Los Angeles for his awards-campaign obligations. It was a “wholly uncreative” time, he said.
The 53-year old director, who began his career as a character actor, had been warned years earlier that this would happen. Back in 2004, he had a toe-dip experience with the awards race when his directorial debut, “Station Agent,” vied briefly for accolades against Peter Jackson’s final “Lord of the Rings” installment. McCarthy kept running into the New Zealander on the campaign trail, and Jackson’s frenetic pace didn’t align with the rest of the nominees’ behavior. His secret: In between all the glad-handing he would hole up at a hotel in Los Angeles writing “King Kong” with Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens.
“He said to me, ‘If you can, cling to the work,’” McCarthy recalled.
Cut to 2016, and McCarthy found his creative reprieve two weeks before the Oscars, when his New York theater friend Brian Yorkey asked him to help out on a new Netflix series “13 Reasons Why.” A surprising follow-up to “Spotlight”? Maybe. But the project was set to start shooting soon, and McCarthy could dive in, writing and directing on what would become one of the streaming giant’s most popular series.
“I really just wanted to work,” McCarthy said. “I didn’t have another movie ready, and I didn’t want to just jump into another movie.”
That same ethos has now returned McCarthy to Sundance, 17 years after the festival launched his directing career. His friends have given him grief for giving up his indie cred; one text message read, “See you’re keeping it real at Sundance with your Disney movie.” He, too, is aware of the irony. For “Station Agent,” his producers gave out beef jerky as the film’s party favor. For the “Timmy” premiere, Disney created an ice sculpture of a polar bear.
Still, McCarthy finds no shame in making a kids’ movie. To him, chronicling the adventures of a quirky, complicated kid detective was just as invigorating as depicting the Boston Globe newsroom in “Spotlight.”
“This film was still a tremendous challenge, dealing with what does it mean to make a movie for 10-year-olds, and what does it mean to have a polar bear in the movie? Whenever I’m engaged like that, I’m happy,” he said.
Zeitlin’s grand experiment of keeping Hollywood at arm’s length has also meant he could maintain his single-minded approach to making movies. It helps that he’s changed very little in his life since “Beasts.” He moved into a different rented house, though not a nicer one. He’s single. He doesn’t own a car, or even a pet.
“My biggest fear is not being able to make my art,” he said. “If people don’t like my movie or whatever, knowing that I can always go home and live, and make things that I want to make has always been really important to me. So, I’ve never taken on anything that would be a real problem if I lost it.”
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