academyadvice · 8 years
What do you do when you 2 people like you at the same time?
“I’ve never been in that position before. I’m not sure I’m not even sure I’ve had one person like me before - at least not in a romantic sense, you know? 
But, if that were actually to happen, I would probably spend a little time mulling over it and kind of pro/conning it. I know I overthink things and it’s something I need to work on. But sometimes overthinking, just a little, is okay. At least I think so.
Think about what each person brings to the table. Think about what you’re willing and wanting to change and what you absolutely want to stay the same. Think about their feelings and their emotions. Think about your own. Think about your own romantic feelings, or perhaps lack thereof. 
Try your best to sort this out before making any grand statements of gestures. And if they want to know what you’re thinking, perhaps sit down with them - individually - and just talk. 
Thinking and talking. It’s overrated and overused by me but...sometimes it’s works. 
Best of luck though. I’m sure you’ll be okay whatever you end up choosing, alright?” 
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academyadvice · 10 years
Dear advice column, this is mainly geared towards Rapunzel since she experienced this more recently than Jack but how did you deal with the stress and nerves of starting a new school and making sure you have everything you need?
Jack: “Take it away…”
Rapunzel: “Thank you, Jack. Well, I’ve started a lot of new schools. Walt Academy is only my most recent…endeavor. But the real difference between this school and the ones before is that I'm finally learning how to manage the stress of school and being new.”
Rapunzel: “First, getting a planner and organizing my life overall has made a huge difference! I’m doing a lot more homework in between classes and when I get home. And I use like-like all of Sunday to finish up any things I couldn't during the week. And I always plan my next week out on Sunday.”
Jack: “…You organize your whole week on Sunday?”
Rapunzel: “Yeah. You don’t?”
-Jack smiles-
Rapunzel: “…Annnnddd, I think another thing that has helped me become less stressed about being new is putting myself out there. I’ve joined clubs. I’ve tried to go to social events. Somehow, just forcing myself into the social mix has made me a lot stressed about being new.”
Rapunzel: “And finally…my friends have really helped me. Making friends and having them to lean on - that's the most important thing.”
Jack: “…I’m sure it is.”
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academyadvice · 10 years
So I have a sister whose going behind my parents back and lying to them about where she goes and stuff. She tells me everything and I love her but I'm scared for her. Should I tell my parents and betray her trust?
Jack: “Ultimatum time…”
Rapunzel: “Agreed. You should sit down with your sister and tell her that keeping things from your parents and the things she’s doing are worrying you. Tell her that you fear for her safety and that you feel like you don’t have any other option but to tell. If she doesn't tell, then tell her you might have to.”
Jack: “Just lay it all out for her and communicate why you can’t go on the way you have. Even if she still doesn't want you to tell, saying to her everything you've been feeling and what you’re planning to do upfront will go a long way.”
Rapunzel: “I really hope everything will be alright with your sister.”
Jack: “Ultimatum time…”
Rapunzel: “Will you please just wish them well?”
Jack: “I wish you well…because Rapunzel is a forceful, little tyrant.”
Rapunzel: “I am.” 
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academyadvice · 10 years
How do I tell my boyfriend, that I love him?
Rapunzel: “Perhaps starting a conversation with how much you like him would help. Tell him all the stuff that makes him special to you and why you’re so happy he’s in your life.”
Jack: “Or tell him that you feel the opposite of hate towards him.”
Rapunzel: “What…? No, I think starting off with what you like sounds good. Then you can…slowly…delve into why you love him.”
Jack: “You honestly think a guy will catch on to that slight change in language and wording?”
Rapunzel: “If he feels for her, I think he would.” 
Jack: “…Then take Rapunzel’s word for it.” 
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academyadvice · 10 years
I have this friend that I've known for about three years. Recently, she's been hanging out with some of the more popular crowd. She hardly hangs out with me anymore and recently spread rumors about a personal matter I told her about. Should I continue to be friends with her?
Rapunzel: “I think a good way to judge whether or not this friendship is still a good idea would be to ask your friend to talk about it.”
Jack: “Exactly. Let’s put it this way: is she willing to at least talk to you in private about what’s been bothering you and how you’ve been hurt or can she not even do that?”
Rapunzel: “If she doesn’t want to do that, I think the friendship might be too difficult because she’s not willing to put in any work or give you any time. She’s not willing to make you important.”
Jack: “If she will talk, explain how you feel. Give her an opportunity to fix what’s she’s done wrong.”
Rapunzel: “I really wish you the best with your friend! Losing someone you thought was a friend…that can be very, very hard.”
Jack: “Yeah, best of luck.” 
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academyadvice · 10 years
Dear AC: I have developed a *major* crush on a guy in my class, he seems to be what I always wanted in a guy and I feel like we could get along. Problem is that a) he doesnt know I exist b) He has a girlfriend. Should I just forget about him?
Rapunzel: “If he’s a really nice person and you have a lot in common with him, I think getting to know him better would be great. Perhaps you two could become friends! But, I have to say, with him having a girlfriend, I think trying to go for him would not be a good idea.”
Jack: “Yeah, gotta agree. If he’s already taken, I think even just confessing feelings for to him would be pretty complicated.”
Rapunzel: “But you never know what lies in the future and what might change in both of your lives. So get to know him. See if what you liked from afar still holds up close. Develop a friendship and see where life takes you.”
Jack: “Don’t forget about him but don’t forget he’s taken.”
Rapunzel: “…Ha, you can actually give serious advice.”
Jack: “I have my moments.”
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academyadvice · 10 years
How do you tell someone that you are friend with that you like them
Answered here. ^-^
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academyadvice · 10 years
Dear advice Column: I've been clean for a year now and I've been feeling really depressed and wanting to self harm again… any advice? Anyone?
Jack: “First of all, pat yourself on the back. You’ve been clean for a year. In all seriousness, celebrate.”
Rapunzel: “I completely agree with Jack. Even though you are having these feelings again, remembering and actually spending time congratulating yourself for your progress is so important.”
Jack: “Rapunzel and I both are not saying that congratulating your progress will fix everything. Quick fixes and vague advice don’t do that. But we want you to know that we are proud of you.”
Rapunzel: “So proud! I can’t even convey how much. You are simply amazing, friend.”
Jack: “If your feeling like have before though, definitely talk to someone. You’re already taking to us and that’s great. Keep talking to people who will sit and listen. Not try to say that you’re wrong for how you feel or not doing well. People who will listen.”
Rapunzel: “Talking can be a huge healer. In addition to that, I’ve found breathing exercise to be so very helpful in reigning things in.”
Jack: “You’re going to make it through this. Don’t shame yourself and don’t feel bad. This is a journey, alright? Say it with me:  This is a journey.”
Rapunzel: “This is a journey.”  
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Note: Basically everything these two have said is what I feel, love. I know that Jack and Rapunzel are fictional.But, if you ever need someone to talk to, like they said, message me on my main blog. I’m always open. Okay? This is a journey.*hugs* 
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academyadvice · 10 years
Dear Advice Column, (or anyone) I'm going to college soon, but I don't know what major to take! Any suggestions?
Rapunzel: “I’ve known since I could hold a crayon that I wanted to go into art. But Jack, you’re undecided.”
Jack: “Nice maneuver. Well, coming from one undecided individual to another, my sole advice to you right now is to not stress. Like, at all.”
Jack: “Majors can be both the best and worst things ever. They keep some people on track and guide them through school. And then, they scar other students for life –sending down a murky and miserable career path.”
Jack: “So for your first few semesters, don’t even sweat it. Get your general classes like English and Bio and Math out of the way. Everyone has to take them anyway. While you’re taking them, take an elective course. Maybe you’ll find something you genuinely like.”
Jack: “Experiment. Explore your options. Think over what you’ve enjoyed throughout the years. Once it finally comes time to choose a major, you might not know everything about yourself…but you’ll know more.”
Rapunzel: “Wow, being undecided sounds amazing.”
Jack: “Undecided: best decision of my life.”
Rapunzel: “Ha ha ha…..”
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academyadvice · 10 years
Dear Advice Column, I met this person as of recently and I've fallen super hard. The thing is, he's unlike anyone I've ever met and I can't decide if I should tell him how I feel or continue building up our friendship. What should I do?
Rapunzel: “Well, at the end of the day, I want you to do what feels best for you, friend. But, personally, I would wait a little longer. It’s absolutely amazing and scary and exciting when you meet someone and immediately begin liking them.”
Rapunzel: “But sometimes I find it better to hold off on revealing feelings in order to let the other person get to know you better and react more fully to a confession, as well as you getting to know them better. As time goes on, and you feel absolutely the same, I feel like your friendship will be stronger because of it and your feelings won’t be based only on initial impressions.”
Jack: “…”
Rapunzel: “…What? Was that bad advice? It was, wasn’t it?”
Jack: “No-no, it was fine. You’re fine. I mean…you just…you sound like an edited, peer-reviewed advice book.”
Rapunzel: “Is that bad thing-?”
Jack: “No, not at all. It’s a good thing.” 
Rapunzel: “Oh…alright.” 
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academyadvice · 10 years
I have very many advice asks in my askbox right now. I'm not ignoring them. I'm just still on vacation and have very little time to reply to anything at the moment.
I'll respond to them as soon as I can! <3
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academyadvice · 10 years
Dear Advice Column, how do you tell someone your close to you that you like them. Like really really like them. Thank you
Jack: "...You just...tell them? Like you open your mouth and let words come out and those words-"
Rapunzel: "Not like that Jack. Of course you say it but how do you say it."
Jack: "How? You just...say it." 
Rapunzel: "Umm...okay. I'm not sure Jack understands the question. But, to my understanding, I would wait for an opportune moment. Make sure you guys are alone and not with a ton of people and distractions. It takes away from the moment and it makes it harder to get the words out."
Jack: "Alright...then you might, I don't know, want to actually consider what type of effect this confession has on the relationship. Are you two best friends? Did you grow up together? That can have an effect on how you phrase it. I guess...?"
Rapunzel: "Exactly! And then, I'd just start talking to them like you always do. You don't have to make a big deal about it. Just have it be like it always is. Because, it's probably during times like this, that you started to like the person."
Jack: "Then...say it. Unless, Rapunzel has a different idea-"
Rapunzel: "Say it." 
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academyadvice · 10 years
Dear Advice Column: I have this 'best friend' that keeps on letting me down but always comes back and I really don't know if I should keep hanging out with her or not or I don't know. Help?
Jack: “…So what are the actual benefits of this friend? What does this friend bring to the table?”
Rapunzel: “…What do you mean?”
Jack: “Do they have an ice rink?
Rapunzel: “What does that have to do with a best friend not being around and not putting work into a friendship?
Jack: “What would you do for a nice ice rink….hmm?”
Rapunzel: “Okay, I don’t think you should remain friends just for benefits. My best advice? Tell your friend how you feel. Wait until, if it does happen again, she let’s you down and then use this specific situation to make your case. I think not talking to her could really make things more complicated then they already are.” 
Jack: “Although I still stand by my benefits statement, I agree. If this friend is a true friend, they’ll be open to you explaining how you feel. Maybe in turn, you’ll learn something new about her and her situation.”
Rapunzel: “I hope you guys can remain friends and that she sees you and puts more effort into the friendship.”
Jack: “…Don’t forget the ice rink.”
Rapunzel: “Jack…”
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academyadvice · 10 years
Quick question about the column, so readers can submit their questions about anything and have the famous Jack and Rapunzel answer them or is it Academy-related stuff questions?
It's specifically an "advice" column.
So no, the questions absolutely don't have to relate to the comic. In fact, they shouldn't at all. It's the famous Jack and Rapunzel giving advice to reader's problems.
So yesssss, that means not asking any questions related to them or shipping. Oh sadness. >.
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academyadvice · 10 years
Jack: "So yeah...this is our Advice Column. We were encouraged by an anonymous source to put part of the paper online."
Rapunzel: "So here we are! We are so excited to receive your questions. We are going to give the best advice we can. Promise!"
Jack: "...I promise nothing. But this...should be fun."
Rapunzel: "Yes. Yes it should." 
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