#I recieved ✨death threats✨over it
affidecrystal · 1 year
99 CENTS ON KINDLE 9/24/23-9/30/23!!
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Or what 2017 Reylos called Praxis 😜
Dark/toxic want/love
Stockholm syndrome
Explicit sex scenes
Serial killer (s)
Multiple personalities
Forbidden fruit
If you love the dark BookTok stories, you’ll enjoy this! Click HERE to get a copy of MINE on Kindle for 99 CENTS (and always free on Kindle Unlimited)!!
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demonprincezeldris · 3 years
They were too late.
The two of them skidded around the corner, having felt the terror and rage and distress from Arthur, getting to him as fast as they could. But It wasn't fast enough, as Excalibur itself was buried into his stomach. He stared down at where he was impaled, hands half raised and shaking. And as they called out his name, looked up at them, looked terrified.
Cusack stood there, face stony as the young king collapsed.
"Arthur! Arthur, it's gonna be fine!" Gelda said, cupping his pale face as he gasped for breath. Zeldris was trying in vain to pulling Excalibur from his stomach, but it wasn't HIS sword, that was that damn blades enchantment, only ARTHUR could wield it.
"Sor...ry..." He ground out, lifting a shaking hand to his wife. Him and Gelda had gotten married shortly after the three had bonded, to appease the courts. She shook her head. "No apologies, not yet, my sunshine." He just smiled at her, ignoring his own tears as he wiped hers. "Zel..." Zeldris sobbed, having given up on removing the sword and trying to stanch the bleeding with his darkness. He wasn't good at this like his little brother, who'd spent DECADES honing the ability to share his regeneration. "Zel." He repeating, tugging on the braid he always wore. Zeldris finally looked at his face and recieved a week smile. "Love you." He whimpered. "I love you too, so that's why you've gotta stay alive, ok?"
"Sorry. Love you. Sorry." He was clasping both of their hands in his one, trying to comfort them best he could. He knew he wouldn't be making it out of this one. They cried, begging him to hold on, but then his eyes dulled, his breathes stopped, his frantically fluttering heart failed, and his hand went limp in theirs.
They wailed and screamed at him to wake back up, even as the bond went cold.
Zeldris finally, finally looked up at Cusack, the man he THOUGHT cared about him, had practically RAISED him.
"Why??" He demanded, his voice hoarse and enraged. "Why would you do this???"
"I'm sorry for the grief, Master Zeldris, but it is temporary. I allowed you to mate yourself with a vampire because even if it is beneath you, at least she's a denizen of the underworld, and at least you picked a royal one. But I'm afraid I could not overlook you mating yourself to a HUMAN. It was, frankly, disgusting, and far below your station. This was for your own good, I'm sure you'll see that in time and thank me for it eventually."
"Thank you??" He screeched. "You expect me to THANK YOU for KILLING my MATE???"
"Like I said, it's for your own good. Look, I let you keep the vampire and everything. Though, I'd far rather you took one of the Demon nobles I had arranged to be your suitors."
He screamed, lunging at his old tutor as darkness began to overtake him.
By the time Meliodas arrived with Merlin in tow, Zeldris has already ripped Cusack to shreds, blood sprayed around the room, splattered across him. Even the whites of his eyes were completely sealed by darkness, and his demon mark had shattered. Instead of the usual neat swirl that Arthur loved to trace his fingers across, jagged black lines, like running makeup after tears, streaked down his cheeks. His arms were completely concealed in massive claws of darkness, each nearly the size of him, and his clothes were tattered.
Gelda was apathetic, kneeled next to her husband's cooling body, staring in horror and yet unseeing, feeling as her mate went feral, but unable to do a thing. Merlin rushed over to try and help but there was nothing that could be done, the boy who'd basically been her son was DEAD, and even she couldn't interfere with life and death itself, only the gods could do that.
Zeldris snarled, not quite recognizing her, only seeing her as a potential threat to his remaining mate. He started to lunge for her, but Meliodas got in his his way. "Zel- Gah!!" He swatted the blonde to the side and that-
That's what started to break him out of it. As soon as he registered what he'd done, he froze, turning slowly to look at his brother. Meliodas was slumped against the wall, bleeding from where he'd hit his head against the stone, and he wasn't moving. He let out a low, mournful noise and stumbled over to him. Meliodas woke up by the time he got there, having only been knocked out for a moment, and when he saw giant claws reaching for him, the warped face of his brother, he let out a quiet whimper, eyes squeezing shut as he braced himself on instinct. He hadn't meant to, really! But it had just slipped out, and now Zeldris looked wounded as he backed up. Meliodas tried to reach after him, but he shook his head, the claws fading away and his eyes slowly turned back to normal. Well, activated magic normal. He put a hand over his mouth. "I-I didn't mean to, I- I'm so sorry!" Then he whirled around and ran back to his mates. He slid to his knees and carefully, very carefully, drew Gelda against his chest, as they both stated at Arthur's unmoving body. He was never still, Arthur was always moving, even when he slept, he'd twitch, or snuffle or burrow closer to them, no matter how pressed together they already were.
And now he didn't move at all.
A low keening filled the air, and it was coming from both of them, the sound echoing across the kingdom as they held his body, cradled him to try and give him some of their warmth but he just kept getting colder.
Oh noooo! 😭
Damn! You sure know how to write angst! This was so sad, and yet I loved it because you write so wonderfully.
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