#Reylo inspired
affidecrystal · 1 year
99 CENTS ON KINDLE 9/24/23-9/30/23!!
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Or what 2017 Reylos called Praxis 😜
Dark/toxic want/love
Stockholm syndrome
Explicit sex scenes
Serial killer (s)
Multiple personalities
Forbidden fruit
If you love the dark BookTok stories, you’ll enjoy this! Click HERE to get a copy of MINE on Kindle for 99 CENTS (and always free on Kindle Unlimited)!!
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vitamntea · 2 years
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Early start to INKTOBER.
Reylo inspired Halloween costumes to spice up the season. This was highly requested by by some close friends of mine so here it is…
Kiara and Jack.
And some fierce red lighting.
(I’m not a Star Wars fan at all tbh… I just looked up something on Google as reference and made magic with my hands. I think you’ll recognize the original from somewhere...)
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sas-soulwriter · 9 months
Dark writing prompts
Some dark writing prompts for the cold winter days :) Number five is my favorite. I wrote a short story about it once. Which one is your favorite?
In a world where emotions are harvested as a powerful energy source, a secret society emerges, exploiting the pain and suffering of individuals to fuel their dark ambitions.
A mysterious antique mirror appears in an old, abandoned house. Anyone who gazes into it experiences glimpses of their worst fears coming to life. What happens when the mirror falls into the wrong hands?
In a dystopian future, a government experiment to control crime goes horribly wrong. Citizens start experiencing their darkest impulses as physical manifestations, leading to chaos and destruction.
A cursed town is shrouded in perpetual darkness, and every year, a single resident must willingly sacrifice themselves to lift the curse for a brief moment. This year, the chosen one has a secret that could change everything.
A talented artist discovers that their paintings have the power to alter reality. However, with each stroke of the brush, a piece of their soul is consumed, leaving them on the brink of madness.
A small community is plagued by a series of unexplainable events, each linked to a children's nursery rhyme. As the rhyme predicts the next tragedy, the townsfolk desperately try to break the curse before it claims them all.
A scientist creates a device that allows people to relive their happiest memories. However, as they delve deeper into the technology, they uncover a hidden layer of forgotten, traumatic experiences that could shatter lives.
In a post-apocalyptic world, survivors discover an underground bunker containing a mysterious machine that claims to offer a chance at resurrection. However, the price to bring someone back is the sacrifice of another life.
A cursed book is said to grant its reader unimaginable knowledge, but at the cost of their sanity. As a desperate scholar seeks its pages, they must confront the malevolent entity within that hungers for their mind.
A detective investigates a series of gruesome murders that seem to be connected by a chilling pattern. As they get closer to the truth, they realize the killer might be something otherworldly, feeding on the fear they instill in their victims.
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ellemisc · 10 months
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just checking in...🦢
inspired (but not a direct scene-pull) by the fic 'a moment covered in gold' by malevolentreverie (@malreverie)
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asmoshywrites · 8 months
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When Your Character Finds Ways To Show Affection- Romance Prompts
When the character goes on a walk he brings back flowers from roadside trees and gardens because it reminds him of her.
Character A knows about all the allergies of Character B and decides to cook their favourite meal.
Every time the Characters are getting dressed, one of them is always mesmerised by the other and stares at the mirror, frozen. Making the other characters blush and hide their face.
Character A knows his partner is a bookworm, so he gifts his partner autographed books.
Calling them before every meeting just to hear their voice because it calms them down.
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wandalives · 10 months
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This story happened a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. It is already over. Nothing can be done to change it.
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io-lu-art · 3 months
PUUUHHHH ok I neeeeed to rant about this cause I am watching the Acolyte as I am writing this down and I am RAGING rn. (take this with humour, pls, it's nothing bad, I promise you, lol)
requested page cut for spoilers:
So, 4 min into Episode 6 and I am wondering, that's totally Ahch-To, right? Like, that's, that's so obvious. At that point I was just waiting for the Porgs to appear (tho, did they exist 1000 or what not years ago? idk) LOL. WDYM "Unknown Planet"?
But let's put that aside.
Then the scene continues, I will not comment on it too much, HOWEVER I totally see why people say it's reylo coded. And the more I watch the more I go like NO, NO, NO plllllsssssssss don't--
No but really, I have proof:
This was not supposed to see the light of day before I would actually get to the point of illustrating the fanfic, but I guess now I gotta put it out there + plus this is the part of the story that I still have soooooo many other scenes to write for to connect and actually get there, hence why it freaking takes so long to work on it with uni and life happening, but--
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*sighs* I mean I guess it's your average day to day trope but I am still- I... *another sigh*
I don't even read fanfiction on a daily basis. It's a wonder if I do it once every 6 months LOL. I don't even know if it is in fact a trope or not.
here, have an even rougher version from literally almost one year ago when I put together a pdf for a friend to give me feedback on in which I added some story beats that I drew around the "am I your prisoner?" scene:
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You know what? It's fine. This is fine. Totally fine. It happens. I'll go on and continue watching the Acolyte ep 6 now. I stopped at min 10:50 to write this post. Let's see how much more reylo coded this actually gets. (I have seen a spoiler on Tumblr with (I believe it's) Osha holding the red blade against guy's neck.)
(I don't even know their names lol. That's how invested I am in this show. Not at all, really. But I thought, ok, let's stay up to date with the star wars fandom. I regret that now, ngl XD)
(It's not even the first time this happens to me. Remember the scene from Ahsoka when someone cuts Ezra's hair with the lightsaber? Yeah, I had that planned for a later interaction between Rey and Kylo. Welp. I refuse to post proof for that rn. It would spoil the story.)
This is so surreal and funny to me, I cannot.
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kayurka · 1 year
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I am a happy rat
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beatrixacs · 13 days
I've just come up with a Frasier AU Reylo story and my fingers itch to write it... If only I had all the time in the world.
Imagine Ben renouncing his family and running off from Seattle to Boston to work for the high-profile law firm owned by Snoke. Years later, he is on the edge of nervous breakdown and quits for the sake of his sanity. Snoke lets him go but bleeds him dry - Ben loses everything from his expensive apartment and luxurious car to money and reputation. Humiliated, he returns back home.
His parents, Han and Leia, are not willing to accept him back so easily after he broke their hearts but they make him an offer - to live together with Leia's twin brother Luke.
Luke is a former cop who had to retire due to the injury that forces him to walk with the help of the cane, turning him into a bad-tempered loner. Han and Leia try to stimulate him but to no avail so they hope that living with someone would help him both in social life and also to have someone who would keep an eye on him.
However, Ben and Luke basically hate each other because according to Luke, he used to protect the innocent while Ben helped the criminals to avoid justice.
But Ben begrudgingly agrees because he has no other choice. He has no money, nowhere to live, Snoke closed all the doors for him and he can't find a proper job.
And that is how their cohabiation starts.
Ben eventually finds a job in a pro bono legal service which he hates at first due to his snobbish nature but, as the time passes, he learns to humbly enjoy it. Thanks to that, he and Luke find a way to each other and become true family as the uncle and the nephew.
In the meantime, Ben requests from Leia to hire a live-in housekeeper and physical therapist for Luke. The woman is an English woman called Rey.
Just like Luke, she becomes the reality check for Ben who hates her guts at first because "she conspires against him with Luke" but her naturalness, beauty and gall bewitch him in the end and he falls in love with her.
Oh, and Luke has a dog by the name of Artoo.
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the-heartlines · 8 months
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helaemond burns hotter for each other than fire ❤️‍🔥
{written for modern helaemond prompts}
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dealingdreams · 2 months
I'm back in the building again😭
New reylo vid from meeeee
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affidecrystal · 1 year
Shameless plug-
MINE is now on Kindle for only 99 cents! Click HERE to re-experience the dark story that had SO many people in an uproar way back in 2017-2018!
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everren · 1 year
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To Search the Ends of Time
A Vampire Reylo AU by @everren & @ev3rmichelle
Rated E | Alternating POV | Ch 5/14
The history books remember the papacy of Snoke - the so-called Occult Pope - as a reign of terror. Kylo Ren is only interested in what came before.
For four hundred years, he has stalked the world, searching for the ancient alchemy once wielded by Snoke to defy death and bind him to the earth in an eternity of bloodshed. With it, he will take back what was stolen from him.
But when a new lead takes him to the most unexpected of places, he is forced to confront the possibility that not all is as it seems.
Perhaps the past is not as cold and dead as he thought. Perhaps no one is ever really gone.
A Dracula-inspired Reylo AU, set in an alternate version of our world, in which love can span centuries and blood can conquer death.
'Still Falls the Night' - Kylo - Odd chapters
'Still Falls the Rain' - Rey - Even chapters
The Professor
The Scholar
The Museum
The Past
The Palazzo - 🩸 NEW CHAPTER! 🩸
The End - Coming soon!
The Climax - Coming soon!
The Beginning - Coming soon!
The Hunt - Coming soon!
The Thrill - Coming soon!
The Kill - Coming soon!
The Darkness - Coming soon!
The Light - Coming soon!
The One - Coming soon!
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adelfie · 7 months
hello you wrote a fanfic where Tims teacher was failing him on purpose to send him into a spiral of self doubt where in a moment of 'i can fix this' (This being his grade) he followed his teacher into his car and nearly got killed, and I find myself LOVING the mystery behind the teacher and like how he almost sucseeded and stuff and I think it would be interesting if I could read a full 50 chapter book of that so I was wondering if I could borrow the idea of a fanfic of my own?
Hello anon! So glad you enjoyed OCLAL! :) Fun fact, the idea of a murder mystery with a teacher going after students was totally inspired by the anime Erased (sorry for spoilers! still a fantastic watch tho imo). Super sweet of you to ask for permission on this idea, even if that element of it is not from my noggin originally but STILL! I'm a big believer in, as a writer, being inspired by other works in order to craft a story of your own that you personally find fun (so long as it's not direct stealing, of course), especially in fanfiction where there's not any money involved. If you do write something, feel free to share it with me bc, obviously, I love the idea too! Have fun!
TL;DR: thank you and yeah, go for it! happy writing!
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ellemisc · 1 year
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space prince and his other half but make it 19th century au
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crackedship · 11 days
i wanna write feysand fanfic but i don't remember what they're actually like at all, so if i end up posting it i beg that no one complain that they're out of character, thank you
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