#I refuse to maintag the apple ship here so I'm just gonna fucking tag uh
onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
The Lucifer Commissions Saga has me thinking that once Vox found out about Lucifer's Alastor shrine he would be like "???? He has a signed recording of Alastor's radio debut?!? Oh my god I need that" and then he spends weeks searching for one until he finally gets it for like a million dollars (from the Alastor budget). And then Lucifer sees that it's been added to Vox's shrine and he's like "that loser did not just copy me" and he proceeds to try and upgrade his shrine as much as possible just to upset Vox, and it basically turns into a dick measuring contest for them (Alastor is horrified)
(if you don't have the context. god help you. all I can give you is this (the budget), this (the shrine og), this (the shrine animatic))
I'm. I'm going to cry. I have so many questions
I'd actually argue it's more likely for vox to have gotten HIS signed around him and alastor's first meeting, lucifer hadn't even heard of alastor when he met him he's a FAKE FAN. (HOW WOULD HE HAVE EVEN GOTTEN HIS HANDS ON A RECORDING OF ALASTOR'S RADIO DEBUT? I WOULD UNDERSTAND STALKER-VOX WHO HAS KNOWN ALASTOR FOR YEARS HAVING IT BUT LUCIFER-WHO-IS-THIS-WHO-IS-THIS-NUT-ARE-YOU-THE-BELLHOP-MORNINGSTAR?????? HOW?????????)
yeah. yeah alastor is horrified (and op is losing her mind trying to apply logic to this)
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