#I remember girls under 10 practicing pole dancing in the school bathroom and wanting to be Playboy bunnies
sorrowandpride · 2 years
I don't think Gen Z understands why Millennials are so terrified of y2k trends coming back into fashion. A lot of Gen Z was still in diapers when this look was in fashion. However, we grew up and spent our preteen and teen years during that time. The quintessential bared-midriff look created by crop tops and low-rise pants is limited (in that for most body types it is very uncomfortable) to an extremely specific body type (very skinny with narrow hips, relatively small bust, and small bottom), which was viewed as the only acceptable body type. Women and girls were considered "fat" even if their BMI fell into the "healthy" range. This left a lot of us with horrible senses of self-esteem and, in extreme (but still a lot of) cases, eating disorders. What's now considered "thinspo" was normalized back then and advertised as the ideal. Content that people on ED Twitter are called out for was pervasive throughout the internet, and not considered very extreme. This look was pervasive in both mainstream and alternative circles. There's a reason why people started pushing for body positivity, and a lot of people (especially afab) are still dealing with the consequences of it. We thought that by embracing body positivity we could prevent future generations from falling victim to the grips of heroin chic. Now we see it coming back, and we're terrified that the cycle's going to repeat itself. So many of us started pursuing excessive thinness as kids and hated ourselves when we failed to obtain it. We don't want anyone else to have to go through that.
This is not to say that people can't recreate looks from the '90s and '00s. People can wear whatever they like. I'm just explaining why so many people are expressing visceral reactions to these old trends coming back.
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rosymiel · 5 years
1-100.. bitch
oh FUCK you (im jk.. i love you..)
The meaning behind my url: i love french, and so i wanted to spice up my url and have it not be sims related from the get-go (my previous url was ughplumb). at first i wanted my url to be “cherry wine” in french because my favorite song of all time is cherry wine by hozier, however the url was already taken. i settled for rosy honey, hence rosymiel
A picture of me: honestly just look at my tag “kyla has a face”! i don’t have any new selfies of myself aside from what i’ve posted.
How many tattoos i have and what they are: i only have one, and it’s right in between my shoulder blades on my back. it’s of my family’s crest, which says “miseris succurrere disco”, which basically means to help people in need.
Last time i cried and why: last night because i was watching queer eye
Piercings i have: i used to have my ears pierced, but i hated keeping track of my earrings so i just let them close up. i wish i never let them close up, and now i also want to get my nose pierced 
Favorite band: i don’t really listen to any bands, just artists!
Biggest turn offs: burping and chewing sounds. chewing sounds legitimately anger me so much, i don’t know why
Top 5 songs: Cherry Wine (Hozier), Rain On Me (Joji), IDFC (Blackbear), I Love You (Billie Eilish), The Night We Met (Lord Huron)
Tattoos I want: OHHHHH MY GOD i want so many!!!! i just honestly want my body to be covered in flower tattoos to the point that i’m just a walking garden!! i really want to get a pair of watercolor roses or lilies right under my collarbones!!
Biggest turn ons: good cologne. i don’t know why, but cologne makes me go insane, i love it so much
Age: 18 going on 19!
Ideas of a perfect date: relaxing at home and cuddling with my boyfriend while watching our favorite show
Life goal: oh god this is super deep and i’ve sat on this question for a fat minute and all i can think about is how much i want to be content with myself, so i guess that’s my goal
Piercings i want: nose and ear piercings, babie!!!
Relationship status: happily taken!
Favorite movie: oh god, probably across the universe. i’ve loved it ever since i was a kid
A fact about my life: i’ve been in choir almost all my life
Phobia: the dark. when i was a kid i used to see faces on my walls when my room was dark
Middle name: marie
Height: 5′5.5 (basically just 5′6)
Are you a virgin?: yessirree 
What’s your shoe size?: 7
What’s your sexual orientation?: i’m pretty straight, but i think i’m heteroflexible. i’d definitely get down and nasty with a girl, but i’ve never felt any romantic attraction towards females
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?: no, my parents smoked cigarettes for most of my life, and my dad regularly smokes weed. the smell of weed makes my head hurt and makes me feel nauseous, so no thanks.
Someone you miss: my boyfriend. he’s been on a family trip to cuba, and he hasn’t contacted anyone (including me) in almost 10 days. i miss him so much that it genuinely hurts.
What’s one thing you regret?: not learning to love myself sooner and finding comfort in feeling depressed because it’s something familiar
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: zendaya 
Favorite ice cream?: i don’t eat a whole lot of ice cream, so i guess cookies and cream
One insecurity: my teeth. my two teeth next to my front teeth are pointed, and i used to get called a vampire when i was young. i was always bullied for it, and for most of my life i would cover my mouth with my hand whenever i laughed or smiled. a recent incident that comes to mind was sophomore year in high school in my english class. i sat next to my friend mooney (i called her by her last name because we met in gym), and one day she was talking to the guy infront of her about how pretty she thought i was, and how she thought that i could’ve been a model. the guy who sat in front of me, who’s name was tristan and was also in my choir the previous year, said that i’d be pretty with me if my teeth weren’t so fucked up. 
What my last text message says: “god this fan feels so nice”
Have you ever taken a picture naked?: :)
Have you ever painted your room?: no, but i’ve tried painting the bathroom with my mom
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?: nope
Have you ever slept naked?: yeah?????????
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?: i can’t dance, so absolutely not
Have you ever had a crush?: yeah??!??!?!!? ofc. i had a major crush on my current boyfriend, and he had a crush on me first before we started dating. it’s actually a really cute story
Have you ever been dumped?: yeah, twice. my last one was really brutal, but not because of how he dumped me.
Have you ever stole money from a friend?: nope
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?: nope
Have you ever been in a fist fight?: nope
Have you ever snuck out of your house?: nah, i’m a goody-two-shoes
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?: oh HELL yeah
Have you ever been arrested?: nope, and not planning on it!
Have you ever made out with a stranger?: nope!! 
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?: not in a sexual or romantic way, no
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?: nah
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?: i don’t think so??
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?: i ditched my nesika (which was like homeroom, but only two days of the week rather than daily) to go to a coffee stand with a friend
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?: not in a sexual or romantic way
Have you ever seen someone die?: no, and i really don’t want to :^(
Have you ever been on a plane?: yup!! i love it
Have you ever kissed a picture?: maybe…………… :’^)
Have you ever slept in until 3?: oh my GOD no. i fall asleep relatively early and wake up early, even on my days off.
Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now?: yeah??? lowkey this question is phrased in a weird way
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?: oh my god yes, it’s so relaxing
Have you ever made a snow angel?: yup!!!!
Have you ever played dress up?: oh HELL yes i have!!!
Have you ever cheated while playing a game?: okay does anyone remember doing the stock market game in freshmen year/middle school in history class? my friend and i looked up the answers online and cheated. we were rich that day in that class.
Have you ever been lonely?: i’m lonely right now
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?: maybe for 10 seconds, but no
Have you ever been to a club?: nope!
Have you ever felt an earthquake?: i don’t think so, no
Have you ever touched a snake?: SDKJGBSD NO!!!!!
Have you ever ran a red light?: nope!
Have you ever been suspended from school?: nope!!!!
Have you ever had detention?: i had lunch detention for saying “stfu” to a guy who was bugging me in 5th grade. i thought i was the shit for that.
Have you ever been in a car accident?: nope!
Have you ever hated the way you look?: 100%. i’ve always had huge insecurities surrounding my body or how i look.
Have you ever witnessed a crime?: bruh i literally stole a pack of gum from a store when i was 4. i COMMITTED a crime. in my defense, i stole it for my mom to make her happy. i got yelled at
Have you ever pole danced?: nope, but i would love to! it looks like a really good workout!
Have you ever been lost?: i got lost just last week
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?: nope!!! i don’t travel much
Have you ever felt like dying?: yes. i used to be suicidal
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?: hell yeah babie!
Have you ever sang karaoke?: i sing karaoke on youtube almost every single day. not only that, but on the first day of practicing for my high school graduation i stopped by my choir class before it began (seniors got out earlier than everyone else), and i sang karaoke with them.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?: 100%
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?: NO?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?: no
Have you ever kissed in the rain?: how can u kiss the rain. bruh.
Have you ever sang in the shower?: i sang in the shower earlier today
Have you ever made out in a park?: nope!
Have you ever dream that you married someone?: yep!!!!
Have you ever glued your hand to something?: i don’t think so????
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?: no, but i got my tongue stuck to one of those metal low monkey bar things.
Have you ever gone to school partially naked?: no?????
Have you ever been a cheerleader?: no, but my childhood friend and i wanted to be cheerleaders in high school before i moved to a different state
Have you ever sat on a roof top?: nope
Have you ever brushed your teeth?: who are you, my mom?
Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?: oh my GOD yes
Have you ever played chicken?: nope!! im a pussy
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?: nope!
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?: not that i’m hot, but i’ve gotten many compliments from strangers
Have you ever broken a bone?: nope!
Have you ever been easily amused?: i used to be one of those kids that would laugh before they could finish a joke
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?: i’ve laughed so hard that i’ve pissed myself. so yes.
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?: i mean????
Have you ever cheated on a test?: i cheated on a 2nd grade spelling test. who knew that i would end up actually being great at spelling shit
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?: oh my god i have the worst memory and i’m terrible with names
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?: my boyfriend :’’’’^)
Give us one thing about you that no one knows: a couple friends know, but when i’m too lazy to throw on shoes or socks to walk around the house i just pull my sweatpants legs a bit over my feet and just wrap it around my feet. it’s weird
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flyba3 · 7 years
Move-In Day pt. 2
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A/N: Idk if this should be cute or spicy… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i kinda, maybe, probably wrote this while listening to creepypastas…..
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Reader x Junoflo
Summary: Y/N and Juno go on a lunch date, and get to know each other.
Word Count: 2292
“We are we are we artist baby
We are we are we artist ZICO” 
 was the first thing you heard as you woke up. While you searched for your phone, you realized that it was your alarm playing ‘ Artist ‘ by Zico, one of your favorite musicians. Once you finally felt your phone, you turned off the alarm while looking at the time. It was 8:30am on the dot. Luckily you didn’t start classes until next week, but it still puzzled you why you woke up this early in the morning. As you looked across the room at Monica, you prayed you didn’t wake her up. But to you surprise, she was already up looking at her phone and headphones on, so she probably didn’t hear your alarm. Today’s plan was to meet up with you friends, then meet up with Juno at around noon.
You were pretty excited to go out with him, but at the same time it was very nerve wracking because this was the first date you’ve EVER been on. Part of this was due to your lack of interest in dating, but majority of it was due to your lovely family. And the word lovely is meant to be used lightly. Ever since your high school days, someone in your family always took the opportunity to embarrass you in front of your male friends. Whether it be your mom, dad, or even your brother; it never failed. The brother part really hurt you since he was supposed to be your wingman.
The story you can remember most vividly was during your junior year winter break. One of your guy friends, Christian, invited you to the movies with a few of his friends from a different school. Christian said he would pick you up from the park near school, and you guys would meet up with the rest of his friends at the park. You told your parents and brother about your plans for the day, and they were all ok with it. Your parents made your brother drive you to the park and wait until Christian got there. While you guys drove to the park, your brother asked you a series of questions about whether or not you were dating Christian. Of Course you told him no, but he was convinced that Christian want to be with you even if you said the feelings weren’t mutual. Once you arrived, you saw Christian sitting on a bench. As you got out of the car about to greet your brother farewell, you saw he was getting out with you. When you both got to Christian, your brother pretended to be your boyfriend and started accusing Christian of trying to take his girl. Every time you would try to say something, your brother would cut you off. Eventually you told him to cut the crap and apologise to Christian for your brothers behavior. Your brother also apologised and offered to drive you to the theater. Thanks to your brother, you never went on a group date, which is still a date in his standards, with Christian again. But none of that matters now since you’re an adult.   
Before you got out of your bed, you chucked your small mermaid pillow at Monica to catch her attention. The pillow hit her arm, causing her to look up at you with a startled look on her face.
“Ohhhh,  child you got me shookth,” She said as she took off her headphones “ But what’s yup.”
“I just wanted to return a favor, and invite you out with me and my friends.” You told her as you made your way to the bathroom.
“Well lucky for you, I don’t have any plans today. So sure, I’ll hang out with you today.” Monica told you as she but her headphones back on.
When you were in the bathroom you washed your face, brushed your teeth, and took a shower. Once you finished bathing, you went to pick out an outfit for the day with juno in mind. You wanted to look good for him since he seems to be a fashionable guy. As you looked through your closet, you found the perfect outfit. You settled on a black crop top, black ripped jeans, red vans, topped off with an army print hoodie. You decided to put on minimal makeup, and you styled your hair in a neat high bun. As you looked at your phone, you saw that it was 10:15am. You saw that Monica was ready to go, when you saw her sitting at her desk.
“How are you... already ready?” you asked monica as you slightly tilted your head.
“Oh yea, I guess I should tell you that I prefer taking showers at night.” She said getting up from her chair about to get her purse.
“Alright, good shit. Since we’re both ready, I guess we can head out.” You told her heading to the door.
“So what’s the plan for the day?”   
“We’re gonna go my favorite place on campus… the music studio~” You answered in a sing song voice. As you guys were walking to the studio, Monica started asking about your convos with juno last night.
“I saw you talking to Sam last night. He must like you cause he tried to make himself known as Juno. Lol! That guy. So… are you guys gonna go on a date or something.” She asked in a teasing tone slightly nudging you.
“Actually… Sam asked me out on a lunch date later today.” You told her starting off shy progressing into an excited tone as you smiled brightly at her. Monica started to do a little dance as she entered the Campus Art building. Once you guys entered one of the studios, you saw your friends sitting in a circle, and as you you two go closer you realised it was a rap cypher. Most of you you friends were music majors, so it was no surprise for you to find them this way.
“Aye Y/N, aye aye. I missed you aye aye. And I wanna kiss your ne-ew friend.” Your friend Brian said as he ‘rapped’ his freestyle during the cypher, which apparently was dedicated to Monica. You and monica made your way to the circle and introduced everyone to monica.
“Hey Monica, do you like musicians?” Brian asked anticipating her answer.
“Only if they have a college degree.” She responded in a slightly sassy tone, causing everyone to ‘oooooh’ and shout a few ‘rejected’ sounds Brian’s way.
“Well, Y/N it’s great to see you. It’s been awhile.” One of your friends, Allison, says trying to detract from Brian’s rejection, you think.
“Dude, we live in the same neighborhood.” You told her while laughing.
“Hahaha, ever heard of sarcasm?” She says light heartedly mocking your laugh. After a few minutes of catching up, one of your friends suggested having a jam session. Of  course everyone agreed, and everyone went to an instrument, while you and Monica went straight to a mic. After a forty-five minute jam session, everyone exchanged info on where their dorm was. While everyone left, you saw Monic still talking to Brian, and it was obvious that he was flirting, trying to get her number. After a few more minutes, Monica head towards you ready to leave.
“Hey it’s 11:23, you ready to go?” She asked you
“Nahhh, not yet. I have some where I want to take you. Follow me!” You told her as you led Monica upstairs to a studio your brother took you to all the time.
“Wow, it’s beautiful here.. How do you know about this place.” Monica asked in amazement.
“My brother use to bring me here all the time when he had practice for Jazz band.” You explained to her, but suddenly you heard the door open. So you and Monica both turned you head to see who came through the door on the other side of the studio.
“Sam, what the hell.” Monica asked asked surprised to see Sam.
“Hey, I guess I’m not the only one who knows about this spot.”
“Yea, I guess not.” You state responding to Sam, “So, Juno, what are you doing here?”
 “I was just about to work on my mixtape, but I guess I’ll hold off on that. Since you two ladies got here first.” Sam said slightly surprised that you called him ‘Juno’, but none the less still pleased.
“You know what. I’ll just leave cause I not about to be a third wheel.” Monica said as she dabbed her way through the door.
“That girl..” You say under your breath.
“You look good…” Juno says while biting his lip and leaning back against the recording studio desk.
“Boy it’s no time to be flattering, I have a date at 12.” You tell him while walking past him and lightly brush his hand as you make your way to the door.
“I guess I better get going to cause my date looks fine as fuck, and I don’t want to keep baby girl waiting.” He says following you out of the studio. His little comment made you clench in between your thighs a bit, but you played it off. As you and Juno leave the studio, he tells you to follow him to his car. Once you get there you see he has an all black Audi a8.
“You never said anything about being a rich boy.” You told him trying to hide the fact that you’re impressed as you get into the car.
“I guess I should mention, ya boy doesn’t live on campus either.” He says throwing a small wink at you as he starts the car.  
While you and Juno were driving, you asked where you planned on having lunch.
He told you it’d be a surprise, and to sit back and enjoy the ride. While Juno was speeding on the highway, you got a text from Monica.
Monica: ‘ Did u fuck yet??? (≖ ͜ʖ≖)”
Y/N: ‘ Nahh, B… u didnt tell me ya boi has paper “
Monica: ‘ Yea, but we all do TBH lolol, but it’s wat ever ‘
Y/N: ‘ Okiee (¬_¬)... I’ll talk to you later, this man is taking me to hell knows where ‘
Monica: ‘ K, boo. Have fun!!!! ‘
When you looked up from your phone, you saw the car was parked in front of a restaurant that seemed to be on a pier. Once we entered the restaurant we were greeted with a host saying ‘Welcoming to vessel. Please follow me.’. The first thing that caught your eye was the bar in the center of the room with a glass pole that had 4 TVs on each side going through a large hole in the ceiling, and tables that surrounded it. The restaurant gave off a relaxing tropical vibe. The walls were silver with oval shaped indents with in them, but the walls were mostly of windows, showing off yachts and other boats. The host led you to your table on a patio overlooking the ocean.
“Sam… did you plan all of this?” You asked him in awe with a smirk on your face.
“Yea, do you like it?” He asked pulling out your chair.
“Of course, I didn’t expect you to go all out. I don't think I dressed up appropriately for this.” You said as you felt your cheeks heat up.
“Babe, you always look great. Plus, these old fass men should be happy to get an eye full of you.” He says once again complimenting you. Once you both look over the menu, your waiter comes back with water and 2 glasses of wine. You ordered Flat Iron “Steak Frites” and Juno ordered Atlantic Salmon. You and Juno got to know each other more while you waited for your food to come out.
“Did you live in California before college?” You asked Sam.
“Yea, I was born here, but my parents met in South Korea. After they got married, they moved to LA for business.” He explained a small bit of his background to you. “ What about yourself?”
“Yea, I was born here, but my parents are from the East Coast and they wanted to settle down here. Lol I could have been a New Yorker.” You say trying to imitate a Brooklyn accent.
When your food came out, you and Sam went ham, and not a fry was left on your plate.
“Thanks, Sam. I’m blaming my freshman 15 on you.”
“Shit, baby you’ll still look good.” He said leaning back in his chair while running his hands through his hair.
The waiter came back over asking if you wanted dessert, but you guys declined and Sam asked for the bill. After Sam paid, you guys left and head towards the car. After 30 minutes of driving and vibing to music in the car, you guys reached campus. And Sam parked in front of your dorm building.
“I had fun with you today.” You told Juno as you lean across the seat and molded your lips with his. When you first kissed him, you heard him make a sound that was mixed with a grunt and moan. This sound was so sexy, and you couldn't wait to hear more, but you figured it was too soon. You’re sure it’ll be worth the wait because the way your lips melted together made you anticipate that moment. After the kiss you sat back in your seat and looked at him with a seductive smirk.
“Damn baby, your such a tease. But I guess that make you my girl now right.” He asked a slightly disappointed.
“I guess so.” You said getting closing the car door and throwing him a wink.
A/N: Shittttt, the end got a little spicy…. I really want to write a smut, but BUILD UP IS EVERY THINGGGGG    
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