#Not to mention that the culture was SO hypersexual
sorrowandpride · 2 years
I don't think Gen Z understands why Millennials are so terrified of y2k trends coming back into fashion. A lot of Gen Z was still in diapers when this look was in fashion. However, we grew up and spent our preteen and teen years during that time. The quintessential bared-midriff look created by crop tops and low-rise pants is limited (in that for most body types it is very uncomfortable) to an extremely specific body type (very skinny with narrow hips, relatively small bust, and small bottom), which was viewed as the only acceptable body type. Women and girls were considered "fat" even if their BMI fell into the "healthy" range. This left a lot of us with horrible senses of self-esteem and, in extreme (but still a lot of) cases, eating disorders. What's now considered "thinspo" was normalized back then and advertised as the ideal. Content that people on ED Twitter are called out for was pervasive throughout the internet, and not considered very extreme. This look was pervasive in both mainstream and alternative circles. There's a reason why people started pushing for body positivity, and a lot of people (especially afab) are still dealing with the consequences of it. We thought that by embracing body positivity we could prevent future generations from falling victim to the grips of heroin chic. Now we see it coming back, and we're terrified that the cycle's going to repeat itself. So many of us started pursuing excessive thinness as kids and hated ourselves when we failed to obtain it. We don't want anyone else to have to go through that.
This is not to say that people can't recreate looks from the '90s and '00s. People can wear whatever they like. I'm just explaining why so many people are expressing visceral reactions to these old trends coming back.
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paperw0rmz · 13 days
unpopular opinion, i miss nymphet. coquette is just hyper fem marie antoinette when nympet was dirty girls who struggle with poverty and trying to be like the "cool" girls. its mad strange how we gentrified nymphette.
"oh but it was problematic :( " you act like no aesthetic is. Yes obviously some made it sexual, but it truly was not that fucking bad as someone who was chronically on tumblr during that era. It wasnt hypersexual like yall think it was.
It was genuinely just poor girls who finally felt like they had a voice of being gross and living in shitty public housing not being able to take a shower most days and bathing in a creek. It was getting your big brothers hand-me-down shoes and painting them pink and adding ribbons. It was a reclamation of being a girl in a society that sexualizes you. You know. Like the title. Of that one book. That was about sexualizing a young girl. It was ownership of the word and tearing down masculinity to accommodate feminine desire.
But of course people misunderstood it and assumed nymphet was sexual in nature and therefore began to shit on it because they didnt bother to ask what the story behind it was.
Again YES there was SOME of it, but goth culture gets it was more than nymphette ever fucking did and yet you know why nymphette was shitted on? Because it revolved around women. It was made by girls for girls.
Coquette is just "preppy" now. Girls are buying 400 dollar Hilary Clinton outfits and just pairing it with shien sunglasses. Thats not coquette if you actually just want to rename nymphet. Go to good will, get jeans a size too big, get a ribbon or scarf to use as a belt, color in your shoe laces to be pink, get cheap shitty sunglasses from the gas station and use nail polish to make it cute.
NOT TO MENTION racism has gotten worse when it was rebranded to coquette. Like Yes it has happened before, but people now who are coquette are so bold to say black people cant be it EVEN THO they fit into it more than any rich white girl can.
TLDR: nymphet wasnt bad, it was the men and people who didnt like it that was bad and tore it down not understanding that low income girls needed a space too.
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a-little-revolution · 2 months
Hello! I hope you're doing well. In a previous answer to an ask, you mentioned how little people are often seen as inherently promiscuous/kinky, or completely taboo when it comes to sex. I was wondering, how should someone go about writing a character with dwarfism in sexual settings/situations?
(Sorry if this question seems weird, I don't think I can find my words very well today. Thank you for your time! )
cw: sex and sexuality
Hello! Yes, as a disabled person, I experience the dichotomy of being both hypersexualized and desexualized by the able bodied community. And as a little person specifically, I know the culture surrounding my body to be incredibly objectifying and othering - that sex with a little person is often seen as taboo. This actively affected the way I entered the sexual world, and put me at risk for harm within it. I've had to be very intentional with the people I choose to have access to my body, and I've had to become self-taught when it comes to how sex works for me. I now have a very vibrant, wonderful sex life, but it's taken a lot of work to get here lol I would love to see some positive sexual dwarf characters in media!
When it comes to writing a little person in sexual situations/settings, you'll want to keep several things in mind to do it well:
Make sure you know your basics re:anatomy - flexibility, reach, positions, etc. are all affected by the physical limitations of dwarfism. For example, I cannot wrap my legs all the way around my partner, nor can I reach his or my bits while lying down.
Give your dwarf characters vibrant, autonomous sex lives. Make them the expers on their own body and make their sexuality as normal of a topic as it is for abled folks.
(In the case of interabled sex) Do not make their sexual partners saints or conquerers. It's not heroic or impressive for an abled person to date or sleep with a little person. The abled partner is not throwing them a bone. Little people are just as beautiful and sexy and as able bodied people, and their partner(s) should know that.
Adding complexity to your little characters will inherently help prevent objectification, tokemism, or desexualization. Showing that your dwarf characters have rich lives that intersect naturally with other characters will humanize them and embrase their bodies.
I hope this helps!! I don't often talk about sex on here so I found this ask refreshing! If you have more questions on the topic let me know!
- Elliot (they/them)
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livingbrother · 1 month
LO and it's portrayal of S/A
A rant by someone who just finished EP. 98 and is incredibly furious
Cw: Mentions of S/A, it's effects, too much swearing, ED mention, personal stuff that happened to yours truly, lots of other stuff too, just no idea what to tag it as
Don't read this if you're not mentally doing well, I don't want you getting hurt because of my post, I love you, feel better soon
Boy. Oh fucking boy. I just got through episode 98 of this shit show and, I'll just say, I am beyond furious. Livid, in fact.
For context, I am a survivor or sexual abuse and mental abuse, I have dealt with those who act sort of like Apollo, I was never raped, but I was molested as a child. I, as a survivor, feel nothing but rage at how Rachel portrayed Apollo being a rapist. The way he acts is incredibly unrealistic for an abuser, as somebody who dealt with two abusers with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (I'm not saying everyone who has NPD are villains, I'm just saying what I went through), I see what Rachel was trying, but oh so tragically failed, to do. He tried to control, manipulate, and gaslight Persephone. Only for none of it to work, that's not how ANY of it fucking works!
About her realizing she was raped, um. Excuse me? A lot of victims don't realize they were raped or abused until like, months or years later. I'm glad for the ones who instantly realized it, good for them. Given Persephone's personality and experience with the world, she wouldn't have known it was rape because she's not accustomed to dating and sexual culture. On top of that, she isn't really seen actually distressed when she remembers, oh, and lets not forget that she WAS FUCKING FINE WITH TOUCH AND PHYSICAL FLIRTING DAYS AFTER HER ASSAULT. Let me remind you that I have been through this thing myself, you do not just omg I was just assaulted! time to go let someone touch me! Nonono, you spend years jumping when people touch you, years of moving when someone tries to grab your shoulder, years of pushing someone's hand off your arm, years screaming when you get a hug. And then, maybe from flashbacks, maybe from googling things, you discover you were molested! And then it alllllll makes sense. I understand if she became hypersexual, cause same, but that usually doesn't set in until a good long while.
I also hate how Apollo is written, he should have stayed as a shitty ex boyfriend or whatever the fuck Rachel was gonna make him, he just comes across as a cartoonish villain than an abuser. The man just fucking rubs his hands together and fucking goes I'll get you next time my pretty! I fucking HATE his writing so goddamn much. I understand wanting to make him pushy, egotistical, and insecure, they're some of the hallmarks of the pushy nice guy she was going for. But when it comes to him being abusive, it's like watching a bad joke. Rapists don't usually, you know, CATCH FEELINGS FOR THEIR VICTIM (correct me if I'm wrong), unless it's to lure them back in to hurt them again. She made him so obviously evil it hurts, abusers don't usually act that way, they put on a pretty smile, act kind, and behind closed doors, act shitty. I respect 97-98 for getting that part right, but too many times, too many fucking times Rachel has gotten that wrong. I have dealt with this myself, my mother did this exact thing, she even put on the pretty smile for me so even I, somebody who knew he was being tormented, questioned whether or not I was being abused! We never see this with Persephone! We never see her getting gaslit with this, she never questions her reality! She knows everything that's going on for sure! I know what Rachel was aiming for, and she failed miserably!
God, on top of this, we never really get to see Persephone's PTSD unless the story fuckin says Apollo's here! She's never really fucking affected by her rape, we don't see her jump from touches, refuse sexual advanced from Hades, yeah, sure, we see her afraid of camera flashes, but that's about it!!!!!!!! She never really experiences the effects of s/a! I developed an ED and agoraphobia from my abuse! Where the fuck is that?! That would have been a lot more fucking interesting than the slop we fucking got!
I know I've missed some things, but I need to calm down before I pop a blood vessel. I might revisit this post when I'm less angry, I just needed to rant.
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beyonsatan · 7 months
We need to discuss sex in astrology girlies (will be debunking a few things and will also mention r*pe) 🤒
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So let’s first go over what Mars and Venus rule in modern astrology
Venus - relationships, Art, beauty
Mars - sex, aggression, war, passion
Now let’s take a look at what significations these two planets have in Hellenistic astrology which is based in ancient cultures and spiritualities like Indian, Greek and middle eastern thousands of years ago before any social constructs were even able to plague our society
Venus - Marriage, Gold, jewelry, Sex, Pregnancy and love of children, pleasure seeking, intimacy, fun, art, wealth, good fortune, socializing, sweets. gets meaning from the 5th house
Mars - Conquest, Enemies, Separation, Abuse Celibacy, Action, War, danger, Injuries, Death, Sickness, Slaves, labor, evil play, hatred, bad fortune. Gets meaning from the 6th house
Now here’s some background as followed….
Modern astrology was invented in the 1900’s so themes of Christianity and Patriarchy had every opportunity before then to instill some of its values into the practice. the REASON why modern astrology keeps associating mars and Scorpio with sex is because Scorpio rules over the genitals but it only rules over the genitals and not sex at all in traditional astrology. We keep associating the planet of conquest that is mars with sex because we have been taught by a patriarchal and puritanical society to view sex as something that should only be done in secret, is hidden and/or otherwise taboo. When you associate the planet of “conquest” mars that is malefic dominant, wrong-doing, unethical, consumes wastefully and against the good will of others with intercourse, sex then sounds like something that’s exploitative and nonconsensual. Let’s imagine mars did rule sex which it objectively does not, rape would then be a huge theme of that. Mars in general does rule assault but there is nothing amorous and consenting about the red planet. You’re probably thinking to yourself “well patriarchy is at minimum 6000 years old” and you’re absolutely right, patriarchal values are really old but many ancient and indigenous societies had faiths and beliefs that transcended these values and this is what ancient astrology draws from.
I often talk with scorpios and mars ruled people who become frustrated every time at the thought of them being hypersexualized because of their sign and just overall not feeling like a sexual person at all so hopefully this brought some confirmation to any of you mars ruled or dominant people out there.
Hope this helps xx
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hyperose-culture-is · 9 months
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Welcome to hyperose-culture-is also known as Hyperose Culture Is! This blog is for people to just share their experinces with Hypersexuality and Hyperromanticism, other words Hyperose! This is a blog to help spread the awareness and support people need!
This blog is a sister blog to @yourfaveis-hyperose witch is also own by us!
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[PT: Mod(s)]
All mods are system members from @the-silent-fellowship, similar to the other Hyperose blog. The mods are (📯)Kai, (🤡)Jack, and (🕸️)Angel. There may be more in the future!
[PT: Credits]
Flags will be seen throughout the blog, Hyperose(link), Hypersexual(link), and Hyperromantic(link). These flags will be used for certain assets. “Reply icons”(link), The Actual Reply Icons(link), and the boarder for the icon(link), caution tape divider(link)
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[PT: Tags]
#💗🌺🌸- Culture is : Hyperose Culture is
#💗🌺- Culture is : Hypersexual Culture is
#💗🌸- Culture is: Hyperromantic Culture is
#💜💚- AroAce : A add on tag if someone puts in the culture is that they are aromantic and/or asexual, this tag will be added.
#❓- Anon Questioning : An ask that may have a question! These post are open to be reposted to answer the question!
#🔊- Conversations : Just talking, this is not a culture is it might be us answering a question.
#🖋️- Resources : Stuff we believe is good to share, this can be positivity, recourses, information, etc.
#🌼- Updated : Personal life updates. So if something happens this will be attached.
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[PT: Rules]
This blog is for anyone to use! All we ask is if you fit the DNI don’t mention things relating to it. (Those who fit into the Paras look here and here)
Do not go into detail about things like intrusive thoughts and exact details when it comes to hypersexual thoughts. Things like “I hate that I end up thinking about X(topic name)” is fine just don’t go into detail about it.
Please put CWs/TWs or asks that contain sensitive topics!
Anon will stay on, if someone misbehaves you will be blocked though Anon. (Ie. Gatekeeping, Fakeclaiming, Being rude to staff or others, etc.)
Questions about what Hypersexuality, Hyperromanticism, and Hyperose are allowed. We may not be the best at answering but it is open.
Not a rule, rather a reminder. Hypersexuality & Hyperromanticism are not only caused by trauma. There are multiple reasons and people are allowed to talk about those things.
You are allowed to just do Hypersexual culture is and Hyperromantic culture is, it does not need to be solely Hyperose culture!
Be nice. This space already contains people who are struggling, negativity. is not appropriate.
[PT: DNI(link)]
The basic DNI, Radqueers, Transid, Pro/Mixed Contact MAPS/ZOOs/Necros (and other harmful Paras), Discourse Blogs, THOSE WHO THINK HYPERSEXUALITY AND HYPEROMANTICISM IS JUST SOMEONE WHO IS REALLY SEXUAL OR ROMANTIC (and are not willing to change their mind)
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Hypersexual culture is knowing people would give you a side eye if you ever mention you had intense sexual feelings since you were 5 years old. It's not like having hypersexual little alters mean something bad. They just split at a time where I was having those feelings, so please don't judge me.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 3 months
Reasons why the moderator and the non-celebrity panelist were chosen for MM's SXSW panel by u/Hermes_Blanket
Reasons why the moderator and the non-celebrity panelist were chosen for MM's SXSW panel The DM has revealed that moderator Erinn Haines wrote an article for the Independent on the "new fairy tale" when MM married Haz. Here's the linkhttps://https://ift.tt/dit6QrB panelist Nancy Wang Yuen was the guest on an episode of Meghan's Spotify podcast in 2022.  The pair discussed the "Dragon Lady" trope and the "hypersexualization of Asian women in popular culture and beyond".  It was a forgettable episode in a forgettable series, so few have made the connection.So both these ladies can reasonably be expected to give MM a friendly reception. Archewell as sponsor no doubt had a voice in the decision to bring them aboard.Another sinner mentioned that WME represents Katie Couric. That explains her presence. Is Brooke Shields also a client of WME?All this makes me pretty sure that there will be no hard-hitting questions tossed MM's way, and that this is another step in the rebranding -- look, MM is on a panel with celebrities, and they all adore her!But obviously the members of this panel wouldn't be appearing together if any organization except Archewell were sponsoring it.DM article: https://ift.tt/gV6abOL post link: https://ift.tt/Mq1IAdk author: Hermes_Blanket submitted: March 07, 2024 at 06:40PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit Disclaimer: All views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments or reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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maxellminidisc · 1 year
I really can't stand the whole "written/drawn csem isn't nearly as bad as child pornography, cause a real child is being harmed in the one while the later isn't, so why do you keep rallying against it!" argument. Like what you fucking morons don't get is that written/drawn csem is still a sort of reinforcement of pedophilia in the larger culture that does little to protect children, neither granting them nor protecting their sense of humanity. It's part of the manure in the grand scheme of fertilizing that kind of shit, its not even remotely hard to fucking grasp.
Just because it's not harming a specific child, doesnt mean it doesnt serve to still harm children; both socially, by normalizing the sexualization of children AND literally, as a tool to groom children. And yes, it is grooming material because the amount of fucking people I know who were kids writing, drawing, and participating in hypersexual discussion and communties with and sometimes for adults, with these adults fully aware that they were children in fan spaces and other online communities is alarming a number and it's sickening. Not to mention I've literally seen minors even now defend pedophilic fandom material who's mutuals or friends are nothing but fucking adults, that shit is vile madness.
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kataraslove · 1 year
I'm so tired of people claiming being a kataang fan just makes you a aang stan first who has zero respect for katara and nor a true katara fan when we aren't purposely ignoring canon of her being the one to suggest kissing and being super affectionate with aang. They ignore katara clearly telling toph she dislikes being viewed as a mom while antis insist momtara is canon
Kataang fans show way more respect for katara than they do they treat enjoying canon as a moral failing and I'm tired of em acting like kataang fans are shallow sexist men when plenty of us happen to be women enjoying canon shouldn't be so controversial
the “kataang stans are primarily aang stans that don’t care about katara” is such a ridiculous take to me because there’s so many kataang fans I’ve met that prefer katara. a lot of us are in fandom spaces creating said kataang content and making kataang defense arguments about katara’s role in the relationship and the many positive ways it benefits her. i would not be shipping kataang as hard as i do if there weren’t clear substantial evidence that katara is crazy about that boy in her own ways, and feels passionate towards him in a way that she doesn’t feel towards other members of the gaang. yet her feelings for him are either categorized as motherly love and affection or her appreciating him only when he’s the avatar and fulfilling avatar duties. I’ve mentioned this before, but to truly appreciate kataang as a ship or even katara & aang’s bond (platonic or romantically), you need to be well-versed in katara’s character. and thankfully, a lot of kataang fans engaging in fandom can understand and write katara really well, even if they prefer aang among the two.
kataang fans have created and/or produced post-atla headcanons such as katara creating hospitals, working clinic rotations, inventing the infrastructure of the public health care system for republic city, establishing republic city alongside aang (which is pretty much canon as per imbalance and avatar legends), chief katara, sitting on the republic city council, opening up waterbending schools, and plenty more. we’ve always been the main ones pushing the “master katara and her husband avatar aang” comments, until it was finally canonized in avatar legends lore. we’ve been the main ones emphasizing that katara is still a child (albeit a very mature one), who still often acts like a child and ought to be treated like one in fandom. we’ve criticized the adultification & hypersexualization of katara by fandom when she’s still a 14 year old kid in the original series. there’s also a very strange fascination towards katara in her fire nation attire over her practical and adorable water tribe outfits by the fandom, which we’ve also critiqued too. notice how there’s a lot less content of katara in our fandom spaces wearing her husband’s colours or clothes? because we also recognize her unique position as a genocide survivor and how important her culture is to her, even well into her adult life. also, the notion that we vehemently defend the writing and neglect of katara in most of the GLY comics and LOK is so laughable. just because we clearly disagree with incorrect labels such as housewife, baby-maker/breeding machine, trophy wife, does NOT mean that we find the writing 100% satisfiable and true to her original character. of course she deserved a statue & her accomplishments to be highlighted. of course she should’ve attended jinora’s airbending ceremony. of course she should’ve been present at her own bloodbending trial. all of these are very valid, fandom-wide criticisms that we have aimed towards the creators as well. if the recent comics written by bryke and other printed media from avatar studios are to provide any indication, i think they have listened to the fandom. and I think that that 2025 gaang movie will provide more nuance to katara’s adult character as a fighter, healer, politician, wife, and maybe as a mother than what we had witnessed in legend of korra a decade ago.
even if the majority of kataang fans prefer aang’s character, why is that necessarily a problem? does that mean that we understand katara less? because let me tell you, a lot of people from other parts of this fandom will willingly call themselves a katara fan, yet blatantly have the most incorrect interpretations about her, or straight up only view the value in her character when she’s beside zuko. they will only be interested in engaging with her character and making content for her character when it pertains to their ship. by comparison, so many kataang fans love and adore katara, view her as their fave character, create content solely about katara, have written some of the best meta about her character out there; yet we get accused of not valuing her character and seeing her only as “aang’s trophy wife.”
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ninelivesastrology · 25 days
tw: racism, misogynoir, internalized misogyny, racial fetishization, abusive friendships, abusive relationships, domestic violence, rape, CSA mention, paraphilias
It's peak misogynoir for non-Black women to think that Black women should take undesirable men. The way I was attacked by other women over not wanting to be with my abuser is actually crazy, as if I shouldn't do better than him because it was an expectation for me to be abused. I stopped protecting him and everyone else took my place. Poor little baby didn't do anything wrong!
And even on a interracial level, it's believed that Black women shouldn't be romantic interests to white and Asian men, even biracial men. The tolerable exception is usually a Latino man. You break out of that mold and everyone is on your neck. I had rumors about me spread that I was into raceplay... That was the craziest projection.
My husband told me that non-Black people believe that Black people hate themselves when they date out. It's not the same for anybody else, though. An Asian woman has children by a white man, checks off her children as white on official documents for years instead of checking Mixed Race and nobody blinks. But Black people hate themselves. Lmao.
And I don't care about non-Black women being in relationships with Black men. Black men have been dating out for decades, who cares, but it's the way racist non-Black women use dating Black men as a trump card against Black women. The non-Black women that are fetishizing Black men have only approached me for friendship to literally be a culture appropriating vampire. They really feel like they should replace a Black woman in order to be in a relationship with a Black man and need a Black woman to leech off of—Slang, style, music, FOOD and sex. And it's all rooted in insecurity. I swear they binge watch Ebony amateur porn because they bring up Black penis unprovoked. It's a red flag to me.
In my opinion, they care about us being in relationships with Black men and get off on some weird "I can take your man if I want to," dynamic like that's your biggest opp if you're with a Black man, that bitch wants your life and is not your friend. 🤣 Heed my warning! She's mirroring you, love, she wants something from you and it comes at a great cost. Even if you're in an interracial relationship, they swear they can take your man... G'head.
And I'm not saying Black men are undesirable, hell no, but racist non-Black women expect us to be with abusers regardless of race because we aren't perceived as victims and they have access to all the "good" men, whatever the fuck that means. We are so hypersexualized that they want us to be with these dudes who have raging paraphilias, want us to have our children around them because that's a necessary evil they're willing to accept. Our children are a worthy sacrifice and they'll gladly look the other way. They always have.
They don't feel good enough even if they don't date Black men and put that on Black women to be the reminder, the mule, the most disrespected. Refuse to engage in the power dynamics and you're public enemy number one. Believe that you can do better and everyone's jumping into formation to humble you. Everyone hates a "bed wench" because you're encroaching on their territory. You can't be desired and deserving of love to them. It's unfathomable.
Don't be gaslighted.
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 6 months
Don't ask me why I'm thinking about this, but like, I feel like the new (can we still call them that?) tomb raider games made a mistake by desexualizing Lara as thoroughly as they did.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of a lot of the changes made in an effort to make Lara feel like a rounded character with agency in the story - but also, Lara is a popculture icon specifically due to her sex appeal, and the complete omission makes it feel less like a reimagining of the character, and more like we have two completely different characters called Lara Croft.
There's a diary entry from Sam in TR2013, which mentions that while Lara is generally shy and not very social, she is an incredibly flirty and horny drunk - which to me suggests Lara has a desire for more sex, but is hampered by shame.
And like, wouldn't that have been an interesting aspect to include in Rise? A big part of TR2013, is Lara gaining confidence in herself and chosing her own path in life, so then in between games she decides "I've nearly died, a lot. If i wanna get dicked down a bunch, try bondage and experiment with bisexuality, who's gonna stop me?"
Which could then give Lara an interesting internal conflict if her sexual escapades played into the tabloid smear campaign against her - portraying her as that slutty party girl who believes zombies kidnapped her best friend, the callous headlines comparing her trauma on yamatai with Love Island basically write themselves.
if you wanted to get a bit counter cultural, you could even have Lara at the end decide to use the perception of her as a brainless bimbo to her advantage, the same way you sometimes saw old Lara slip into a hypersexual persona when she thought it could be useful.
Like i dunno, i feel like it would both make for a more interesting and complex character, and say something about the role of femininity (in society and in video games), to have a character who is essentially a genderbent rambo, but is perceived as a bimbo out of her depths.
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parasol-culture-is · 8 months
TW mentions of rape
autobiastophilic hypersexual culture is being so obsessed with the idea of being raped as a kid that you fantasized all the time abt it and pretended you were being raped bc your 7 year old brain couldn’t process rape = bad and then you later js thought you js had a “really weird kink” as a kid. but it turns out it wasn’t a kink but rather a harmful para that i normalized bc i didn’t have opinions on rape :/
para culture is
[additional to anons note; this blog is against romantic/sexual contact with those who cannot consent like children/animals/etc) (we put that there to avoid getting banned even if the asker also puts it in their ask, we know it may be annoying but we rlly don't want this blog to get termed </3)
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it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable as long as the artist is a person of color themself but when it's not it does make me think "wait... what does that mean for adaine's dad... who's a fantasy white supremacist..."
(in reference to my tags on this post)
yeah, i definitely don't want to delegitimize the headcanons of other poc in the fandom, but i do think that the depictions of fallinel and the abernants (and their subsequent abuse of adaine and aelwyn) is heavily-based on upper-crust white british culture in a way that makes it difficult for me personally to imagine her as another race.
in a fandom that usually prides itself in being diverse and progressive, i think there would always be the tendency to racebend some of the female bad kids, simply bc they're all played by white people. i discussed this a little bit with @kipperlillyforpresident, but adaine is the "safe" racebend for some fans in the sense that fig and kristen have some messy, messy shit going on in their lives (and also fig is a tiefling so human races don't exactly map onto her appearance). adaine certainly has her own problems, but in some ways, she's more "model" than the others (for example, considering the ways their neurodivergence manifests: adaine's anxiety disorder as contrasted with fig and kristen's impulsiveness/hypersexuality).
bc these racial headcanons can be a sort of "virtue signaling" outside of the text, they can end up undercutting the existing worldbuilding in regard to power structures. (i think we also saw the opposite phenomenon in fhjy, with everyone referring to kipperlilly as a white woman when making fun of her; kipperlilly certainly has the appearance of a white woman, but as established in fhfy, halflings are actually indigenous to the land and considered model minorities after human colonization.) fallinel's court of stars and church of galicaea destroyed worship of cassandra in sylvaire in order to impose galicaea worship in a way that i think strongly resembles british imperialism in the form of missionary work, and as you mentioned, angwyn is pretty solidly coming off as a fantasy white supremacist; for these additional reasons, i don't think that the poc adaine headcanons really interact with canon, which is why they really don't work for me.
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vyachki · 9 months
So which is it? Are trans men poor women with internalized misogyny, or are we predators trying to invade your community and destroy gay culture?
Probably both! One of the major things that helped me detransition from living previously as a trans woman was my internalised homophobia, because I realised that I was originally very uncomfortable with my homosexuality. I felt that in order to justify my attraction to men, I needed to be a woman, or as much as a woman I could be. Thankfully that was a lie & my self-esteem improved radically after getting over that.
I don't know, are you all predators trying to "invade & destroy" the gay community? Because from what I've seen, it kinda looks an awful lot like that... especially when trans men shame same-sex attracted men for not liking female genitalia & coercing us into sex to prove we're not transphobic. And then having the audacity to call us gross & icky & genital-obsessed & hypersexual & HIV-ridden. Not even going to mention how y'all recruited a lot of straight people to agree with you & be actively homophobic to us in the name of denouncing transphobia. Homosexual culture will continue to prevail with or without your meddling, though, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Maybe stop being a coward and come off anon & let's hash this out as men... oh wait
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unohanabbygirl · 9 months
Do you think, even with the proof of a child, that people will try and spin that Luke wanted it? Like he's an omega, so obviously he would have wanted it? And what the reactions of his family would be. Also what osferths reaction is to how violently he was conceived? Or would Luke want to keep him from knowing?
Absolutely, though being known as an omega raper is basically social suicide seeing as omegas are seen as holy beings meant to be cherished and cared for, this is still an extremely misogynistic society. Because omegas possess certain physical traits and are very appealing to alphas baseline instincts to breed, their sexually can be used as a way to pin them as whores or hypersexual beings.
Everything from scents, physical characteristics such as breasts and wide hips as well as heats make it very easy to pin an omega in the throws of his first heat as a whore who succumbed to temptation, because highly embarrassed/ashamed and decided to run away. Especially considering that Luke’s own paternity has always been a subject of debate seeing as bastards are thought to be treacherous and untrustworthy beings by nature.
However, there are simply some things that can’t be faked when it comes to a victims trauma. The way Luke is a grown man but shrinks beneath the stares of the entire court as this is his first time being around any alpha other than his grandfather for the first time since he was a kid, the way he trembles, the rotten smell of absolute fear paired with the way he clutches onto Osferth with a hand placed tightly over the newly presented omega’s scent gland in hopes that if he can hide his son then everything will be fine. These aren’t the actions of a man who’s ashamed of having a bastard son but someone’s who horribly traumatized. He’s in his own mother’s court for Pete’s sake. Him, her sweet boy who she’d never forsaken. He can barely look her in the eye and the reasons are so clearly deeper than they might appear.
We also have to mention the numerous witnesses from that night in Borros hall, no one who saw that display could ever open their mouths to say there was even the slightest chance Luke consented to that.
For the most part everyones just shocked as hell and extremely hurt. To know that not only did Luke willingly allow them to grieve his death and seek vengeance but that he didn’t trust them enough is almost like betrayal. Knowing that Luke actually thought they’d disowned and treat him and his child as less than fucking hurts. In their mind luke should know better than anyone that they aren’t those kind of people.
It’ll lead to a lot of fights and even more anger. Honestly, things will get way worse before they get better but such is to be expected.
As for Osferth, Luke keeps everything away from his son. Osferth doesn’t know he’s a Targ nor does he know anything about targ culture except for a few traditions and bits and pieces of Valyrian that he thinks are just things Luke made up. He knows dragons are real but that’s about as far as his knowledge on that subject matter hows. He’s basically left in the dark about who he is and instead lives his life surrounded by Tyrosh culture. He doesn’t even known he’s legitimized as a Velaryon until it’s revealed in court.
Is this an awful move on Luke? Very much so. However it’s understandable considering that he abandoned his life as Lucerys Velaryon and is now living as an everyday common bastard. Especially in the first few years of motherhood he’s only focused on getting into the hang of things (learning to be independent, cooking for himself, caring for his son without a dozen nannies, taking on a common job) its so much that the last thing on his mind is teaching Osferth about their ancestry. By the time Corlys comes in his life and moves them to Pentos Osferth is already nearing around 8yrs old and figures its too late.
Even when confronted with the truth Luke will attempt to shield his son, but Osferth is old enough to know better. Let’s just saw his world will come crashing down once he puts the pieces together.
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