#I should probably call both of them platonic F/Os at this point but I feel like I know xion slightly better than roxas?? somehow
void-kissed · 2 years
13 and 15 for the SI Development Meme, for whichever SI you would like to answer those for? (Dragonsmooch)
Sure thing, friend!! Thank you very much for sending these!!~
(question source: "Self-insert Development Meme" by blushpanda)
Hmm.. after taking a look at the specific questions being asked here, I think I will answer these for my Kingdom Hearts self-insert Xiara, if that's alright with you!~
13. What are your self-insert’s goals? Her hopes and dreams for the past/future/present! Does she intend to achieve it no matter what? Could anything stop her, big or small? - Xiara's.. not really the outwardly ambitious type, in all honesty; she can seem fairly content with almost any circumstance and find a way to fit in or adapt. However, one thing that does drive her is knowledge, or more specifically missing information - learning more about those around her, more about the worlds and their natures, and learning about her own self and its nature. After all, while she is certainly assumed to be - and treated as - a Nobody, the fact she lacked any memories of her previous life (unlike most of the other members, save Roxas and Xion) and the fact she's since picked up on what seems like some innate dissimilarity between herself and the others mean she seeks to find answers. Not much could stop her going after those answers if she found a lead, with the possible exceptions being having to harm those she cares about or seriously risk her life to do so.
15. Does your self-insert have any enemies? What’s that dynamic like? Why are they enemies? Did they ever get along in the past? Is patching up differences out of the question for the future? - As a member of the Organisation, Xiara is initially opposed to Sora, because he seeks to defeat the Organisation. However, she holds no particular animosity towards the boy himself, even despite how hostile he himself is by the time she encounters him in Castle Oblivion (she fights him once in the upper floors and is then recalled from the castle, therefore inadvertently becoming the only member other than Axel to survive it). After all, she holds no real loyalty to the Organisation itself - she's with them because that's about all she remembers being, and because she figures completing Kingdom Hearts and gaining a heart of her own might give her the sense of completion that she lacks, but she holds no particular respect for the others' authority or anything. (As proven by her execution of "monitoring Roxas and Xion for Vexen" being "becoming friends with them both and helping them where possible including lying to Vexen's face about their actions", among other things.) And I think Sora would want her to be on his side if given the choice, because he's just sort of like that - so, they would definitely have been able to reconcile and Xiara would have helped him stop Xehanort! ..If not for the fact she is destroyed following her second boss fight with Sora, that is.
I hope that those answers were alright, dear dragon! Thank you very kindly once again for sending these~
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stars-self-ships · 3 years
Lucida for the F/O(s) that you find yourself thinking of the most!
stephysalcido requested Lucida!
Lucida (n.) The brightest star in a constellation. What makes your f/o special to you? What about them makes them shine brighter than everyone else?
Ooh, this is a fun one! As I'm sure you can imagine, I hold every single one of my F/Os very close to my heart, and the reasons behind each specific one can very immensely. Now, I could go by Stephanie's suggestion and list the reasons why the F/Os I find myself thinking of the most are special to me...
... but then this post would exceed twenty paragraphs. And that's if I stick to one paragraph per F/O, which definitely wouldn't be the case, especially for some of the more special ones.
So, instead of making this post leagues longer than it probably should be, I've come up with a fun approach in answering this ask: I'll be choosing one (?) F/O from each F/O category (I.E. romantic, platonic and familial) and explaining why each one is special to me! Let's get started, shall we? 💙🤍💙
I think it goes without saying that the romantic F/O that means the most to me would more than likely be Clairen— after all, she is my self-ship blog's icon, so of course I hold her in high regard! Clairen sticks out to me in particular for a variety of reasons, too: when it comes to her Lovers of Aether counterpart, you don't have to look far for proof that she's such a kind and considerate character.
Clairen and I share a lot of traits (Being socially awkward perhaps being the biggest one), and between her playful flirting at one point after class to her calling me cute after successfully unlocking her ending, it's no wonder I fell for her as hard as I did.
Then for her Rivals of Aether counterpart, what sticks out to me the most about her appearance in that continuity is her unending selflessness and bravery. Multiple times all throughout Tales of Aether: Future Imperfect, she is seen putting others before herself, and that's not even getting into how breathtaking she looks. I know for a fact that she would go out of her way to protect me from any harm, and there really isn't a better thought than thinking about being held snugly in Clairen's arms, or holding her in my own... 🖤❤️🖤
In terms of platonic F/Os, I think it boils down to a tie between two regarding which one I think about the most, and those two platonic F/Os are Maypul and Elliana. While I can't remember which, I'm more than certain that either one of them were the first of my many platonic F/Os, and it's actually kind of humorous how different both of them are... at first, that is.
Maypul and Elliana, regarding their personalities, are complete polar opposites. Maypul is very outgoing, wildly optimistic, and is more than caring about those that are close to her. Meanwhile, Elliana is better described as the introvert to Maypul's extrovert, and is personified in Lovers of Aether as an irritable and misunderstood individual that prefers solitude over being in the midst of others she thinks are better than her.
But it should come as no surprise that both Maypul and Elliana are two of my kindest platonic F/Os. I've always seen Elliana as the type of F/O to be a bit discrete about showing any form of affection, but looking past her testy exterior, she holds those who do care about her close to heart, and I am absolutely one of them. With that, I'm sure it's easy to see why I'd think Maypul is the same way, just a lot less reserved in showing her love— just look at her! She's all smiles!
My case in point for why I chose Maypul and Elliana for the platonic F/Os that are the most special to me, though, is this: they stand out from the rest because one is always willing to shower me with affection and validation with open arms, and the other has been a favorite character in the Rivals franchise for me since the very start. Maypul and Elliana are very dear to me.
And lastly, as for which familial F/O is the most special to me... it's another tie! This time, it's between Zetterburn and Claiyen, my older brother and mom respectively. I was REALLY close in giving the 'most special familial F/O' distinction to all seven of my familial F/Os, but more on that in the tags.
I've mentioned this in a post or two beforehand, but I ADORE older sibling F/Os— which might be the reason I have so many— because with them, you can always rest easy in knowing they are there to support you, listen to you, and protect you. And while all of my older sibling F/Os fit that bill, Zetterburn is the most special to me because he didn't even start as a familial F/O.
For a little while, I had Zetterburn listed as a platonic F/O. This was because, at the time, I saw him as more of a 'cool best friend' type of figure... though the more I thought about him, the more I realized just how much I love and look up to him. It's because of that reason (Coupled with the fact that he's SUPER supportive of the player in-universe in Lovers of Aether) that I eventually decided to coin him as my older brother, and eventually his brother, Forsburn. I truly could not be happier knowing that I have the coolest older brother ever.
Claiyen, too, makes me really happy. Up until very recently (Around the time Tales of Aether: Future Imperfect's first issue released), I've since developed a fondness for parental F/Os for the same reasons why I'm so fond of older sibling F/Os, though taken up to eleven. I at first was really nervous in coming out in admitting that I saw Claiyen as my mom (Which was the reason why for a while I had her listed as my 'mother in a found family sense'), but the more she began to show up throughout Tales of Aether and with Stephanie's reassurance, I had the confidence to show my love for Claiyen in due course.
Claiyen is, like, the ultimate mom F/O. She's notably wise, gives impeccable advice, and if the one panel in Future Imperfect where she's hugging Clairen is any indication, is exceedingly softhearted toward her family, and I feel as though she would be just the same with me. Whenever I'm not at my best, I'll sometimes think about being in her care, her gentle fingers running through my hair as she whispers to me that everything is going to be okay, and that thought never fails to lift my mood. I love Claiyen so much... she is just the perfect mom.
... well. This post ended up being a lot longer than I expected it to be, which I whole-heartedly apologize for. I guess that's just a clear indication of how special my F/Os are to me, whether I accounted them in this post or not! 💙🤍💙
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me-and-fo · 4 years
Ok, so I’m going to just take a moment to introduce my main F/O and explain why I love him so much. This will be a long post so be ready.
This is Gantlos
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He is from an Italian cartoon called Winx Club, which got English dubbed and eventually aired on Nickelodeon later on. The cartoon is about a group of six girls that call themselves the Winx and are fairies. They have magical transformations, gain new forms and powers every season and fight seasonal villains. Gantlos is one of those villains. From the fourth season. He is part of the group called the Wizards of the Black Circle. The other three members are Ogron (the leader) Anagan and Duman. (I really like the other three as well, I have them as platonic F/Os). They are 4 ancient wizards from Earth that went to war with the Earth fairies. They imprisoned all the fairies a long time ago, bu there is still one fairy left that they haven’t gotten yet. The goal of the season is for the Winx to stop them from capturing her, free the imprisoned Earth Fairies, and fully stop their plans.
Anyways now that I’ve explained the background let me explain why I love him so much.
1. He’s pretty as heck. Yeah, yeah I know it’s a bit superficial and basic but it is one of the things I love about him. His entire outfit is amazing. I love the gothic style. I also love his hat. He has long black boots, and I have a really big weakness for long black boots for some reason. His hair is also pretty and also looks super fluffy. I also have a thing for CARTOON/DRAWN (Keywords: Cartoon/drawn. I don’t have a thing for this with real people) older men. I love all of those things on their own and combines is just PERFECTION. (Also there is a brief flash back reel in one of the episodes where he and the other wizards are seen in medieval style armor. He’s only wearing it for 2 images, but he looks AMAZING in it)
Current outfit
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2. He’s a cool villain. I have a weakness for villains. Always have and always will. Especially when they’re done good and also if they have some redeemable qualities (which this guy has a pretty good one which I’ll get into later). He’s also a powerful villain, being able to fight so many powerful fairies.
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3. His powers are cool. Another mild point but nonetheless felt I should point it out. He has basic dark magic powers. But his main power is the use of seismic/sound waves that come out of his hands and feet. He can shoot sound waves from his hands by clapping which causes tons of destruction to the area around it. He can also cause seismic waves by stomping on/punching the ground and causing a mini earthquake. I just find these powers very neat. He also seems to have telepathic abilities, but it’s only touched on like three times? He used these powers to track one of the main characters when she was running from them, used them to make sure the same character was alone at a different point, and sent a mental distress signal to his friends. These powers aren’t touched on that much but I still find them neat.
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4. Remember that redeeming quality I mentioned? Here’s where it comes into play. Despite doing horrible things, he is shown on several occasions to genuinely care about his friends. This is actually a theme with all of them, they all seem to care about each other. But Gantlos has the most examples in universe. He’s the one always coming in to save the others, and seen caring for them. He’s like team dad. He saved Anagan from falling, when they were running for their lives, which cost him time but he took the time to save his friend anyways. He also showed care for him when he warned him to be careful. Duman got severely ill at one point, but Gantlos carried him around almost the entire time he was sick, and also showed genuine emotion and concern when he was in pain. He also saved Ogron’s life. When Ogron was pushed onto the train tracks just as an oncoming train was approaching Gantlos JUMPED IN FRONT OF THE TRAIN to save him. It was also made abundantly clear that this was not easy on him and put him through great stress, but he did it anyways to help save his friend, then he helped carry him after that.
Saving Ogron
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5. Then there’s his personality. And I see heavy compatibility of me and him. Of course he is shown to be cruel, as he is a villain. He is seen as the trigger happy, angry one of the group that has a temper. He also gets villainously smug, when something is going him and the groups way, or if he’s having fun fighting. I always love seeing his smug faces. But, as we see him be kind and protective of his friends we see him with a softer side. His personality gives me the vibe of someone that is cruel and easy to anger to the world around him, but to those he’s close too he’s really soft, caring and protective. He also gives me mega tsundere vibes. I feel like even though he’s cruel, if you and him get along you could actually get close to him and he could start to genuinely care for you. I find this very similar to myself, although more extreme. I don’t become close to people easily, it takes a lot for me to get close to and start to care for someone, I don’t have too many people in my life that I find I care about. I only have a few people IRL and I do have a few people online (looking at my discord folks). But those I care about I care about really strongly. I feel like we both have a tough outer shell, and we both hide our emotions because we’re afraid to show them and be honest, very few people can get through our shell, but those that do mean a lot to us, so I feel connected to him in that way. He also gives me major introvert vibes but I don’t exactly know why? Maybe it’s because he’s shown to be less extrovert like then his friends? But he gives me the vibe of someone who doesn’t really like to go out too much and also isn’t good at socializing and communicating (IDK why TBH there isn’t a lot of evidence for this in canon, but we don’t know too much about him so I can headcanon what I want according to vibes he gives me) which I can relate with. I also am an introvert that doesn’t like to go out and am also bad at and hate socializing and communicating, unless it’s someone I know and like. I can imagine us staying home and relaxing together while all our friends go out and do things. I also hate confrontation, or rather confronting someone myself. Meanwhile Gantlos is very confrontational. So if we ran into an issue with someone he could do the confrontation stuff, and probably be very fine with it. He also just seems like the protective type, which I love.
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6. I don’t really know if this counts as a reason to love him, but just something neat. He’s a character that gives a lot of room for headcanons, since we don’t know much about his past. We know the ‘what’ he does and ‘how’ he does it. But we don’t know ‘why’ he does it. The best thing we’re given is generic ��get more power, take over the world” stuff. We know that him and his friends attacked and imprisoned the Earth fairies, but not much about it. We’re basically told that one day him and his friends just showed up out of the blue and started wreaking havoc and that’s it. Nothing about his backstory and why he does this. Which leaves plenty of room for theories and headcanons.
7. This one scene in episode 7 of the fourth season where in the Rai/Cinelume version of the English dub (there are multiple English dubs) he says “If you wanted to be alone with me all you had to do was ask” 👀👀👀💗💗💗
8. This moment that has always stuck with me. In episode 6 of the fourth season there is this one scene where the fourth wall is broken. They basically make fun of the whole “villains doing nothing while main characters transform” trope. The main girls start transforming but then it cuts to Ogron (who’s holding Roxy hostage) mocking them and their transformations. To which Gantlos says “I kind of like it”. This evil, grumpy man likes magical girl transformations and that’s honestly the best thing 😂😂😂
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9. I remember he was always one of my favorites as I was a kid. So there’s the good old nostalgia factor.
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10. This image of him laughing wholesomely 👀👀👀
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Anyways this is the end of my gushing over why I love this man so much. Maybe this’ll help y’all understand my love for him. ❤️
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