#I showed up for my appointment at the doctor's
seresinhangmanjake · 3 days
His and Yours
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Summary: When you're told your pregnancy could cost you your life, Feyd demands you do whatever necessary to keep yourself alive. When you decide to have the baby anyway, it creates a rift in your relationship. Only when you go into labor, does Feyd show himself for who he really is.
Warnings/ Notes: Very angsty, but ends on a happy note. Very sensitive topics about pregnancy, abortion, and conversations about potential death. It’s Feyd here people, and we can imagine how he’d be with sensitive topics. Please only read if you understand this. Requested by @tgmreader
**While it is not necessary to read my other work to read this fic, this works also as another part to my "His" series. However, (even though it ends on a happy note) if this content makes you uncomfortable, it is not necessary to read in order to understand any future parts in the series. I know people love them together and that this is a difficult issue, so do not feel obligated.**
Feyd-Rautha Masterlist / Main Masterlist / Tag list
Words: 2950
“Feyd…” you sigh as you watch him pace back and forth. He doesn’t so much as acknowledge you until you attempt to get up from your seat to go to him.
With an outstretched arm and a finger pointed directly at you, he says in a harsh tone—harsher than you’ve heard in a long time, “Don’t you move a fucking inch!”
You plop back into your seat. “We have to talk about this.”
“No!” he snaps. He descends upon you with rushed stomps, his hands gripping the armrests of your chair. You have to tilt your head back to meet his fiery gaze. “There will be no talking about this,” he grits out through clenched teeth. “No discussion. No negotiations. No weighing the pros and cons.” You swallow as a tear builds in the corner of your eye. Feyd groans and pushes away from the chair. “Stop crying.”
“What do you expect from me?”
“To not die!” he shouts, his voice echoing through the vast, empty room. “I expect my wife to do whatever she has to in order to keep me happy! That’s your job!”
You glance down. Your hand runs over the slightly bulbous shape of your stomach. A tear creates a dark patch on the fabric of your dress. A dress he picked out for you. He’d been so enthusiastic about every element related to your pregnancy, including dressing his wife in new gowns as you grew with the passing months. This is one of the first he’d chosen. 
“I thought my job was to provide you with an heir,” you say.
“Not at the cost of your life!”
He had almost missed the appointment for more professional matters. Now you wish he had. When the doctor told you that you might not survive giving birth, he gave you a choice: risk having the child anyway or drink a tonic that will terminate your pregnancy while it’s still safe. You knew Feyd’s mind was made up in that very moment. But yours wasn’t. This is your child, a perfect combination of you and the only man you’ve ever loved, and yet, your questioning of what is best has your husband looking at you like you’ve lost your damn mind; like you’re a fool with a knack for selfishness.
“I’m the na-Baron,” he says. “You’re under my authority. I decide for the both of us.”
You shake your head. “That’s not fair.”
“I don’t care if it’s fair! We can make a hundred heirs, but there isn’t another you!” he screams. You wonder if the rest of the Harkonnen fortress hears—the soldiers, the servants. You wonder if they fear for their lives because of an outburst that has nothing to do with them. They should. Your husband is likely to go on a rampage throughout the place the moment this conversation ends, should it ever.
When you shrivel in your chair, a crease dents the center of his brow. Feyd returns to you, his warm palms cupping your cheeks, his forehead resting against yours. “You can’t ask me to let you do this,” he says with a subtle whimper. “I won’t ever forgive you.”
“What about my forgiveness of you?”
Feyd jerks back. The pain in his eyes shrinks under darkness. “You have nothing to forgive me for.”
Finally, you stand. “You want me to give up our baby,” you argue. “You don’t think I deserve to–”
“No!” You jump. “I care about you! I love you! Not some thing that wants to take you away from me!”
“I refuse to continue this conversation,” he says. “I’ve made the decision. It’s done.”
He’d tried everything. He had meal preparers mix it in with your usual dinner drink until the nasty sludge color disappeared. He attempted to have your maidservants slip it into your morning tea, your evening glass of warm milk, and, even more desperately, into your bathwater. However, the only servants close enough to you that he could demand such a task from became primarily loyal to you after your marriage six months prior, and as a result, each one informed you of his plans. Five servants fell to your husband's blade before he surrendered that tactic to attempt anew. But with his final effort, what died between you was nothing other than what had been keeping you together—affection. 
With your feelings numb, there was little foundation for your relationship to stand upon. When he took you and made you his concubine, Feyd kept you safe. He did the physical work to protect you in a newly twisted relationship while you did all of the emotional work. You broke down the walls he’d built, got him to open up, showed him that caring for you wouldn’t be the end of the world. Convincing you to get rid of your baby was the hardest he’d ever emotionally worked for you, and since failure was not a thing he had known, nothing was going to stop him. 
He didn’t understand that kissing you with the tonic filling his mouth was too far, even for what he’d already done. He didn’t understand that he had already lost so much of your trust with his deceit and that that kiss was enough to scorch the rest of it. You might have left him had you not been able to wash the substance from your mouth before it could do its damage. 
When you first turned him away, he threw his fits. He screamed at you and for you every day until you made it clear you weren’t coming to him, but even then, he didn’t allow you to neglect the expectations he had for you. In front of others, you were to act as his wife—stand by his side, attend meetings in silence, kiss him goodbye before his trips to Arrakis—but the larger your belly grew, the less he was willing to have you near. 
You don’t sleep in the same bed now. You don’t take your meals together or bathe together or, frankly, see one another. He looks the other way when he crosses your path. His fists clench like he wants to touch you, his Adam’s apple bobs like he’s holding back from kissing you, but his eyes refuse to meet yours, and he won’t go near you. 
You know he's preparing himself to lose his wife. Anger, while present, hasn’t been the dominant fuel for his behavior for a while, and neither is it yours. You were furious, but with your baby due in a month, you struggle to bear the loneliness, and the longer he continues to treat you like you’re a plague, the more you miss him, and the more you fear for your child. Who will love it if you are not here? Who will protect it and teach it and nourish it? Certainly not the one who should and once promised he would. And as the days close in, you wonder if he was right. If you made a mistake. 
I need him—that’s all you can think as your baby fights to leave your body. You need your husband here, and the reasons are far too overwhelming, but you can’t focus on anything else. You miss him. You can’t do this alone. And if you die today, you have to say goodbye. You have to tell him you love him and make him swear to protect your child, or it was all for nothing. 
“I need him,” you screech through your teeth with the contraction that hits you.
“My Lady–” one of the nurses begins. Her voice is shaky, worried eyes flicking back and forth between yours and the doctor between your legs who has just reached for another clean rag after discarding a blood-soaked one. “My Lady, the na-Baron–”
“I don’t care! I need him!”
He must’ve been there, listening, because Feyd’s through the door in an instant, and as his eyes lock on to yours, everything else—all the pain and lies—is shoved behind you. He takes a step forward but pauses, momentarily distracted by the wear on your body, before he blinks and continues forward, shoving people aside to get to you. He falls to his knees by your bed and when your hand reaches out, he clutches it tightly in both of his. Too tightly. You can feel your pulse throbbing harder from the pressure on your veins, but you don’t care. 
“Feyd, I–”
“Don’t do this to me,” he mutters as tears well in his eyes. The first you’ve ever seen. He didn’t so much as shed a tear on your wedding day or when you told him you were pregnant, but as the first one falls down his cheek, you realize he’s about to make up for every missed opportunity. 
You can’t respond. You don’t have it in you to tell him that you won’t do anything to him, that you won’t hurt him, that you’ll be fine, and that you’ll be a family. You’re too exhausted to lie. He seems to know it because he doesn’t make the request again. Instead, he kisses your fingers over and over, repeating words of love that are not often said. 
“My Lady, I know it hurts, but if you can shift downwards a bit,” the doctor starts. “At this angle, we might be able to–”
Feyd wipes his eyes and shoots to his feet. “You can save her?”
“There might be a better chance.”
You groan as you maneuver your body. Feyd does what he can to assist, but it doesn’t ease the searing, stabbing feeling at your core. 
“That’s better,” the doctor praises. 
“She’s your priority,” Feyd says sternly.
You gasp. “N-No…”
Your husband’s head whips back to you. “I’m not watching you die,” he growls. 
“For…our baby,” you say to Feyd’s hardened features. You cry harder for the pain of realizing that out of you and your baby, he would still choose you. You don’t know why you expected any different. In the five minutes of his presence, he gave no indication of a change of heart, but it’s disappointing all the same. “P-Please.”
The doctor doesn’t look up from the task at hand but listens for further instruction. “My Lord?”
Feyd stares at you for a long while, his expression unchanged. He doesn’t squeeze your hand or kiss your forehead or brush away the damp hair from your forehead with your next contraction. He doesn’t flinch at your joining shriek. He’s gone, lost in the world of his thoughts until he decides to come back. His eyes close. He grinds his back teeth. His brow pinches and he shakes his head.
“The baby,” Feyd struggles to get out. He pauses before he says, “And then my wife.”
“Yes, my Lord.”
The next half-hour is white-hot, blinding agony. You can no longer move—a statue as the doctor slices pieces of you open to accommodate your child’s position. He doesn’t want to come out. He doesn’t want to leave his mother. You can’t blame him. If you had the same fate awaiting you upon joining the world, you might not rush to leave the confines of comfort either. He has no reason to separate himself from everything he’s known to fall into the hands of a man who does not love him. But his unwillingness to leave you is what will eventually take you from him. 
You can feel it. The draining. Of blood. Of life. Your energy is long gone and at this point, you can’t imagine lasting long enough to be saved, even if you survive just in time to hear your baby’s first cry. 
“We’re almost there,” the doctor says. His words are hazy as your brain drifts, struggling to keep you conscious. But then you feel a release of pressure, a missing weight. Emptiness. Solitude.
“Save my wife!” you hear in the aftermath, but you’re not worried about that. You need to know he’s ok and perfect and that he has all of his fingers and toes. You need to know if he has a dusting of hair on his head, or if he’s like your husband. Does he more resemble his father? Complexion and eyes and lips poutier than yours? You need to know these things about your son. 
But you suppose you never will. Your vision is too blurry to make out his tiny form, but among Feyd’s shouts, you hear a beautiful little wail as your eyelids flutter closed. And that’s enough. 
The last thing you heard upon your death is the first thing you hear when you wake. And it terrifies you. Surely, you should not be hearing that sound. If you can hear him, then he’s with you, and he can’t be with you because you’re not here. Not really. You don’t exist on the plane he should be existing on. You exist in darkness now, and he was only ever meant to see the light. That’s what you saved him for. That’s what you used every remaining ounce of your will and soul and heart to do. You left so he could stay. So how could he be with you?
“Can you hear him?” 
Yes. You cannot see him, but you can hear him. He sounds so much like you remember. His coos are not the wails, but the noises are brothers. You part your lips to call his name only to realize you never got the chance to give him one. 
“He’s perfect,” the voice says. “Everything about him.” A tear trickles down your cheek. “I need you to meet him. He wants to see his mother.”
You want to see him, too, so badly, and as you feel the desire, a flash of light shoots across your vision. One flash, and then another. Another flash, and then one more. Brightness obscures every image as your eyes shift, attempting to take in your surroundings. You’re not sure this is better. In the darkness, you can rest. This is simply torturous, and your baby is not even here. 
Heat from a heavy, shaky sigh hits your skin. Relief. Lips land on yours for a long beat before finding your forehead. A skull presses to your skull. The breath is taken from your lungs by another kiss. A droplet splashes onto your cheek. 
“You don’t ever do this to us again.” When your vision adjusts, your husband is there. “Do you understand me?”
You nod before you can think not to, before you can think that Feyd is not meant to be here, either. But if he is here, then why does he look so happy? Would he really rather the three of you be gone forever than to raise your baby without you? You scold your idiocy. Of course, he would. 
“You were out for three days,” he says. “Longest three days of my life.”
Out. Not dead. Not gone. 
Feyd helps you sit up. He disappears and then returns with a bundle of fabric. “Look,” he says, smiling, sniffling, and then smiling again. Two of his fingers gently nudge a section of the blanket aside to reveal a tiny face. Tiny nose, tiny lips, tiny eyes. Lashes that rest on tiny cheeks. A much smaller spitting image of your husband. “He’s got your eyes, I promise,” Feyd says, and your son proves it when his eyelids flutter open. 
“Do you think you’ve got the strength to hold him?”
You nod again. “Y-Yes,” you say, like it’s your first word. 
Feyd uncurls his arms from the baby and settles him into your awaiting ones. He’s lighter than you expected—probably to do with coming a little early—but the weight of him snaps the bits of you that were lagging behind in the unconscious world to the present. You gasp.
You’re alive. Your baby is alive. Your husband is here. They’re both beautiful. “I’m alive.”
Feyd sits back down in the chair that is pulled up to the side of your bed. He swallows. “Yes. Barely, for a moment, but…yes.”
You cuddle your baby to your chest and run your finger down his nose. He’s softer than the blanket that snuggles him. Soft like you rather than his father. He’ll grow strong like the man you can’t help loving, but he’ll have more heart, and that balance will make him a great Baron one day. A great man. 
“Do you hate me?” Feyd asks. “For what I did?”
Your head hurts and you still feel groggy, but you’re aware enough to know that you don’t hate him. You can’t hate him. It shocks you that he doesn’t know that, but then again, he’d never done anything like what he did before, and if you’re honest with yourself, you don’t know that he wouldn’t do it again should you fall pregnant with another child. You don’t trust him right now, and there’s only one thing that could ever convince you to attempt repairing that trust. 
“Do you love him?” you say as you gently rock your baby. 
Feyd glances down at your son. There’s no contemplation. “More than anything.”
“You’ll protect him?”
His eyes flick back up to yours. “With my life,” he says. And you believe him. 
You became a mother the second you felt that little life growing inside of you, but you can accept that upon looking at your son, spending time with him, your husband learned to become a father. Had you died, you don’t know what would have happened, but you can’t dwell on that and hope to keep your family together at the same time. He loves the child you made together, and that’s all you ever wanted. 
“Then, no,” you tell him. “I don’t hate you.”
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band--psycho · 2 days
Zayne x Reader - Doctor Visits
Please be kind, reblogs are always welcome and greatly appreciated!
Thank you all for the continued support! I hope you all enjoy this! 💛
Requests are open so if you have any ideas/requests, you're more than welcome to send them over.
I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied or translated onto this site or other platforms!
Warnings: Doctors appointments, brief mentions of a blood test, mature themes towards the end
I do intend to write a Part 2 for this
L&DS Masterlist / Zayne Masterlist / Join My Taglist
“Thank you for checking in,” the receptionist at the hospital said with a polite smile, “Dr Zayne will be with you soon”
Your heart dropped at her words. 
Dr Zayne? 
“I think there must be some mistake?” You stated; trying to understand how you’re seeing Zayne for this appointment when 1) you didn’t book this appointment with him and 2) he was meant to be on holiday; at least that’s what he told you a few days ago when you last spoke to him. 
“The doctor you booked to see is unavailable right now,” the receptionist clarified her focus shifting from the screen she’d been staring at for a few moments. 
Obviously your unease must’ve been written all over your face because the receptionist followed her own words up with, “If you wish to wait until the doctor you originally booked in to see is available we can reschedule your appointment.” 
You wanted to reschedule. 
But you knew that you couldn’t. 
The Hunters Association had very strict rules on keeping up to date with doctors appointments so that medical records could be kept accurate. 
And recently you’d been so busy with missions and studying; that booking the appointment had completely slipped your mind, that was until Tara mentioned it a few days ago.
This was the last day you could have an appointment before you would be overdue on it.
Which although it wasn’t the end of the world, wasn’t exactly an ideal situation. 
But neither was having Zayne as your doctor for this. 
“It’s fine,” you reluctantly said, moving away from the receptionist's desk and taking a seat in the waiting area.
Zayne was your usual primary physician, he was the one that kept a vigilant eye on your heart condition and made sure that your blood pressure and everything else was okay. 
And although this was just a routine doctor's appointment, knowing that Zayne was now going to be asking you private questions and listening to your answers, made you want to run out of the hospital eight that second.
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Zayne, you did.
More so than you trusted anyone really. 
And you knew that he would remain professional regardless of your answers.
But the truth was you were embarrassed; embarrassed to admit things that you hadn’t shared with anyone.
Things that you certainly didn’t ever think you’d have to admit to Zayne. 
“Y/n,” a familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts, looking up you saw Yvonne standing in front of you, “Dr Zayne will see you now.”
You nodded briefly, giving her a small smile as you rose to your feet. 
It was like your body was on auto-pilot, and you followed Yvonne straight to Zaynes office. 
The nurse gave you a small nod, signaling that you could go in, before walking away down the hall. 
You took a deep breath; your hand gingerly hovering over the door knob, wondering if you could attempt to make a last minute dash to the exit without anyone seeing.
The opportunity to do so was there, you could go now and no questions would really be asked. 
Except Zayne would know that he was meant to see you today…and if you didn’t show up to your appointment, he’d start asking why. 
And it would mean that you’d have to reschedule it for another day without knowing when the original doctor you booked in with would be free. 
‘The sooner I go in, the sooner it’ll be done’ you thought to yourself, placing your hand on the door handle, pushing the door open and walking into Zaynes office. 
“Y/n/n,” Zaynes stoic voice filled your ears, only raising your already heightened anxiety
‘Just breathe,’ you thought to yourself, turning to look at the doctor sitting behind a desk. 
“Please have a seat,” Zayne continued, extending his hand slightly towards the chair on the other side of his desk. 
You let out a shallow breath, attempting to compose yourself as you sat down in the chair opposite him. 
“I apologise about that change to your appointment,” Zayne began; typing away on the keyboard, his eyes fixed on the computer screen. 
“It’s okay,” you answered quietly, absentmindedly fidgeting with your hands as they laid in your lap.
“You seem nervous,” Zayne pointed out, glancing up at you over his glasses briefly, before turning his attention back to the computer.
His words made you aware of what your hands were doing; halting your fidgeting movements.
“You don’t need to be, this is just a routine appointment,” he assured you with a small smile; but his words didn’t do much to ease your anxiety. 
The questions started off normal, like “How have you felt since your last check up?”, “Have you had any new injuries from any recent missions,” etcetera, etcetera, and then they started to get a bit more private, a bit more personal. 
Starting with, “Any irregularities in your menstrual cycle?” 
“No,” you answered back finitely, making Zaynes eyes fall on you once again; but this time, he held your gaze.
He knew that you were lying. 
And you knew that he knew. 
The way in which you answered the question was an obvious giveaway. 
But even without that, you knew Zayne would probably have sussed out that you were lying, he always knew. 
“Y/n, it is key in these appointments for you to be honest with your doctor,” he reminded you softly, urging you to tell him the truth. 
But you knew what your answer could imply; you were a week late, just one week and you knew that it was probably because of stress and exhaustion; not because of any other reason. 
You knew your answer would open a door to more personal questions; but you also knew that you needed to tell Zayne the truth.
“I’m a week late,”
“I see,” he replied, turning back to his computer screen, for a brief moment you saw something in his eyes, a look of…hurt, you watched how his jaw tightened and he continued typing away on his computer, “and when was the last time you were intimate with someone?” 
And there it was, the very question types of questions you were trying to avoid.
You knew what he was implying with his question.
His question was almost laughable, had you not been so embarrassed about the answer you knew you’d have to give, you probably would have laughed.
In truth, you could barely remember the last time you went on a date with someone, let alone the last times you were intimate with someone; and now you had to admit that to the very man who was part of the reason why. 
You liked Zayne, as more than a friend… in all honesty, to you, no one else compared to him. 
So even if you did have the time to date people, or be intimate with them, you wouldn’t because they weren’t Zayne. 
Sometimes, you thought he held the same feelings for you,even though he’d never said anything to give you such an idea. 
It was more in the way you caught him looking at you sometimes…with a look that not only made your heart skip a beat, but a look that made you wonder. 
A look that made you wonder if he felt the same; or if it was just your hopeful heart messing with your mind.
“A year,” you mumbled, feeling the heat of embarrassment fill your cheeks.
It was a year ago, with someone you met in a bar, one thing led to another and you ended up in their bed. 
It was then that you realised how you truly felt for Zayne…because all you could do whilst you were being intimate with them, was imagine Zayne.
After that, you couldn’t bring yourself to try and meet anyone else. 
You didn’t want to. 
Which is why you kept yourself busy with work; it stopped you from being able to think about your own loneliness too much. 
Zayne said nothing in response to your answer; though you did notice his expression seemed to soften as he typed your answer up on your medical record sheet.
A few more questions and a blood test later and your appointment was over and you were following Zayne to the door to his office. 
“I’m going to sign you off for a few days; so you can get some rest,” he said as he put his hand on the handle of the door. 
“Zayne-” you attempted to argue back but he just shook his head, silencing your words, before you could even finish your counter argument. 
“A few days of rest,” He repeated softly, though you knew by the look in his eyes that there was no use arguing with him.
“Understand?” His voice was just above a whisper but it was loud enough to send a small pleasurable shiver throughout your body. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if he knew how much of an effect he had on you by just whispering to you like this. 
You hated your first name, so you always went by Y/n/n. 
Hearing your full first name was unusual, no one called you it anymore; but it was especially unusual hearing it fall from Zayne's lips; though for some reason your name sounded good on his lips.
“Do you understand?” he asked again
You knew you shouldn’t have found his question as erotic as you did; it was a simple question, but the authority in his voice mixed with the way his eyes were burning into yours, made you feel very hot and tingly all of a sudden. 
You were turned on...
You needed to play it cool, act like you perfectly fine, so you nodded in agreement.
Not daring to trust your voice at this very moment; not when you were this close to each other. 
“Good,” was the last thing he said to you before opening the door, allowing you to walk out of his office.
You'd barely take a few steps away from his door before you heard it click shut behind you; it was only then you released a breath you hadn't been aware of holding as you replayed what just happened in your mind.
He was so close to you...so close...
'Stop it,' you mentally scolded yourself as you began walking down the hallway.
You passed the reception and left the hospital quickly, trying to think about what you were going to do with your now free days, instead of how much you wanted Zayne...
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elleluvsjurin · 2 days
check up
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synopsis: momo gets her prostate examined by her doctor who also happens to be her wife
pairings: Hirai Momo x fem!reader
cw: sub leaning switch g!p Momo, doctor fem!reader, strap usage(momo rec), switch fem!reader
today is a normal day for you in the office. momo has a doctors appointment, since you are a doctor, she felt much more comfortable letting you examine her. her appointment starts at 12:00 pm but she shows up early at 11:30 am. she knocks on your door a few times and you open it, seeing your newly blonde wife wearing a very form-fitting dress.
“hi there, my love. looking all dolled up, i see.” you comment and she chuckles
“i came to see Doctor Y/L/N-Hirai, of course im going to be dolled up.” she gives you quick peck on the cheek before she sits on the examining table. you shut the door, locking it behind you.
momo takes off her jacket, seating it across the chair next to her; exposing her prominent collarbone.
“ready, babe?” you ask, getting out your utensils.
“yes.” you take your stethoscope from around you neck, pressing it up against her chest.
“take a deep breath for me and breathe out, lovely.” she takes a deep breathe, breathing out as you ask of her. you check her stomach, her back, and her heart before removing it. the next thing you do is her blood pressure. you wrap the sphygmomanometer around her biceps to check on her blood pressure before removing it.
“are you ready for your exam, baby?” you ask
“yes, let’s get started babe.” you throw on some gloves, lubing it up before telling her to get in position.
“though I’d usually tell my patients to lie on one side and place their knees up to their chest…since you’re my wife i want you to bend over for me.”
“o-ok.” she stutters, nervousness in her voice. momo lifts up her dress, pulling down her panties before bending over on the examining table.
“good girl.” you mumble, her cock slightly hardening from the chill of the room and your words.
“it shouldn’t hurt but I’m going to stick my finger inside of you and I want you to squeeze, you’re used to this, ok babe?” you tell her concerningly
“im ready.” is all she says before you stick your lubed finger inside of her hole, she lets out a faint whimper as she tightens herself around your finger. you feel for any lumps or bumps, since you don’t feel anything you pull your finger out. you look up to see your wife’s flushed face.
“are you ok?” you ask
“y-yes but i want more. it felt..good.” she mutters and you chuckle, of course she would get turned on by you fingering her ass.
“let me guess…you want my strap?” you ask, sarcasticly
“mmh yes please!” momo beams in excitement, she didn’t even question why you had a strap on at your office anyways. well, it was mainly because you knew she was going to pull a stunt like this. you know your wife too well.
you throw your white coat somewhere across the room before going over the grab the strap on out of your desk. you pull your pants down before putting the harness on.
“spread your legs, wanna see your face.” you say. she complies, turning around to spread her legs as her hard cock springs upward. the biggest cock ever and she’s over here submitting to you, you think yourself. you squeeze the lube on your silicone cock, before pressing it up to her entrance.
“fuck you look so good like this.” she mumbles
“thank you baby but i know something else that would feel really good.” you reply
“oh yeah? and what’s that, hmm love bug.” momo teases
“this.” you slowly slide your cock into her asshole and her eyes roll to the back of her head.
“o-oh fuck.” she whimpers. you grab the back of her legs, placing them up to her chest as you thrust your silicone cock into her.
“that feel good, hm momoring?” you tease her as your strap hits up against her prostate with each thrust.
“yes yes..so good!” you wife moans out as you thrust your cock deeply into her. you spit on your hand, grabbing her cock and jerking it up and down while you thrust into her.
“so pretty.” you murmur, pulling her into a rough kiss. you continue jerking her off, making sure your thumb rubs up against her slit and her body slightly trembles.
“gonna cum, momoring?” you coo and she nods her head up and down. you stare at her with heart eyes as she squeezes her eyes shut, opening her mouth to let out a pornographic moan as she squirts ropes of her cum in the air, some of it getting on your shirt.
“oh shit.” she breathes out, wiping some of the sweat from her forehead.
“so cute.” you mumble and she pulls you into a kiss. you pull your strap out of her and her legs shake from the empty feeling. you unhook the strap from around your waist, putting it away(obviously you will be disinfecting it). momo gets up from the table, putting her panties on and pulling down her dress as she straightens out her hair; buffing the ends up to her liking. as she’s fixing herself up, you decide to do the same.
“that was so hot, baby...” she says, reapplying her lipstick
“i agree.” you come up to her and kiss her cheek
“but i got dibs on you when we get home. God I can’t believe your patients get to see you like this, just quit already!” she chuckles
“momoring, you know I can’t do that plus I had years of schooling that I will not be putting to waste!” you mention
“I know I know, but you’d make a cute housewife. my housewife.” she giggles
“well…i will see you at home, you know I have to clean and pack up before i get there. could we get takeout tonight?” you ask
“sure, I’ll order it when you get off so by the time you get here, our food will be here.” she says before grabbing your hand and you follow her to the door as she opens it
“I love you, honey.” Momo pulls you into a deep kiss before pulling away.
“I love you too, love bug!” momo chirps and smiles. you open the door for her and she goes on about her day…leaving you to clean up the mess that you two made!
a/n: this was definitely something new but exciting for me so anon who requested sub!momo, i hope you enjoyed this!
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viinchester · 2 days
Haunted Reflections
Warnings: References to Violence and Murder, mentions of Stalking, Trauma (related to losing a limb & violent incidents), Obsessive Thoughts, Unhealthy Behavior, graphic descriptions in thoughts of Gore (Violence, Bloodshed, a bit of Body Mutilation), Moral Ambiguity (we're talking about Brian Moser here, hello?), Insults (like a single word lol), mentions of Drugs (two sentences, nothing about taking them), mentions of Death
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Fandom: Dexter (TV Show/Series)
Pairing: Brian Moser/Rudy Cooper x F!Reader
Request by: @ireallydontknowohcrabs
Summary: You head to your routine appointment for a readjustment of your prosthetic leg at the Miami prosthetics clinic. This time, however, you are met with Rudy Cooper instead of your usual doctor. Unbeknownst to you, his dark secrets lie hidden beneath the surface, and you’ve unwittingly captured his undivided attention and care.
Word Count: 2.321
My Masterlist
A/N: Initially wasn't sure about which direction to go with this request, but I decided on one eventually.😅 It was fun to write, so I hope you guys will it!💞 Reposts/Comments with feedback are, as always, very much appreciated!!🙏🏼 And just as a reminder: My requests are currently open.🥰💙
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You expected this visit to be the same as any other to the prosthetics clinic usually was.
You were going to meet Dr. Gardner, the prosthetist who had been with you since you’d first been fitted for your prosthetic leg, and he'd make a slight adjustment to it, and then you'd leave again.
But instead of that being the case, when you walked into the clinic today, you were greeted by someone else. A man, much younger than Dr. Gardner, with a tall frame and dark curly hair stood by the window and was currently slipping on his gloves. The doctor, obvious by the signature-white lab coat he was wearing, calmly turned to you with a professional and slightly reassuring smile.
“Unfortunately Dr. Gardner’s out sick at the moment,” he immediately explained, his voice smooth and composed. “I'm filling in for him, so I’ll be the one handling your adjustment today. My name's Dr. Rudy Cooper, it's nice to meet you.” He shook your hand gently before gesturing to the chair in the middle of the room. “Please, have a seat.”
You nodded, sitting down and rolling the cuff of your pant-leg up, glancing at him curiously. “Well then let’s see if you’re as good as Dr. Gardner at putting me back together.”
Brian gave a small smile as he seated himself across from you, gently lifting your leg to begin his examination on your prosthetic. “I’ll try my best. Dr. Gardner’s very good at it, from what I hear.” His voice was light, but he was already scanning you, taking in the way you moved, the way you spoke.
When his eyes reached your hands, he had to do a double take, his world stopping. Your nails, painted in the exact same way his mother used to paint hers. The hues were extremely similar, and the order of the colors was identical.
It came out of nowhere and hit him like a physical blow. For just a second his breath hitched and his usually steady hands trembled at the sight.
No. It couldn’t be. But it was.
His mother’s nails, now on your hands, like some ghostly echo of the past.
The carefully constructed facade of calm professionalism flickered for a moment as a flood of memories surged through him.
His mother’s laughter, the smell of her perfume, the soft touch of her hand as she ruffled his hair. And then… the blood. Her blood, mixing with the colors of those very same nails.
How could this be happening? He hadn’t thought about his mother in this way for so long, hadn’t let himself remember.
Blinking a few times, he quickly put your leg down and reached for your file instead, fighting to regain control over his composure.
He couldn’t lose it here. Not now. It was just a coincidence anyway. Just some random woman with the same taste in nail polish.
Still, deep down the shock lingered, sending tremors through the carefully walled-off parts of his mind.
He flipped through your file as casually as possible, clearing his throat once to keep his tone friendly, but professional. “Just going over some notes here. It says the injury happened... a few years ago? Could you remind me of what happened, just to make sure everything lines up?”
Forcing a polite smile, the mask of Rudy Cooper slipped into place, though it felt more strained than usual. His eyes couldn’t help but glance back to your nails every time you so much as shifted, the image of his mother — and her terrified eyes, her pleading hands, those painted nails — almost overlapping with you. He could barely hear your voice over the roaring in his head.
Not noticing anything off, you nodded, hesitating for a second. You hesitated, not because the incident was difficult to talk about anymore, but because it had become such a strange story to tell. You’d almost made peace with it, enough to laugh about it sometimes.
“Yeah, it was... a pretty bad day. Tried to steal some drugs. Not for me, though.” You smiled shyly, a hint of awkwardness in your tone. “My idiot ex, thought I could help him out of a mess he got himself into. But then I got cornered by three guys with a chainsaw. Like something out of a horror movie, right?” You laughed a little, but it didn’t quite reach your eyes.
Brian’s hands paused again, but he kept his face neutral, even with the chaos inside him growing. Drugs? That was already close enough to the horrors of his past. But then you mentioned three guys with a chainsaw, and the floor seemed to fall away beneath him. Though his expression didn’t change and he resumed his adjustment on your prosthetic, the memory inside his mind hit him like a sledgehammer, and in vivid detail as well. His mother, the men, the chainsaw whirring. He was too young to stop it, too small to save her, but the memory had never left him. The blood, the screams, the way her nails had clutched at him in desperation before the world went red.
And now here you were, sitting in front of him, your soft voice recounting a version of his nightmare.
Brian exhaled slowly, maintaining a steady voice. “That’s... an intense way to lose a leg. It must have been terrifying.” His words sounded professional, if empathetic, but internally he struggled to comprehend how this was possible. How could you have survived something so reminiscent of what happened to her?
His disbelief mixed with something darker, something predatory. He had been powerless as a child, but not now. Not anymore.
The thought of you cornered by men with a chainsaw, just like his mother, made something in him snap into place. His shock was replaced by cold determination.
It was as if the universe had handed him a second chance, a way to rewrite the past. This time was different. This time, he wouldn’t be helpless. This time, he would stop the violence, before it consumed you, too.
You gave a small shrug and kept talking, oblivious to the storm brewing inside of him. “Yeah, it was... I honestly didn't believe I’d make it out alive. But it’s been a few years now and here I am, still standing. Just… in a slightly different way.” You offered a small, self-deprecating smile. “Guess I’ve learned to adapt. Well, kind of. I’m still getting used to the leg in a way, but hey, I haven’t fallen flat on my face in a while, so I guess that’s progress.” You smiled again, this time more genuine though, trying to lighten the mood. “And at least my ex didn’t get the drugs. Silver linings, right?”
Brian’s gaze darkened slightly at that, though he kept his tone light. “I see. That’s very impressive and brave of you, as I can only imagine how tough all that must have been. I’m hoping your ex is not someone you still have to deal with on top of that?”
You hesitated, biting your lip and avoiding his eyes, a little uneasy at the topic of your ex boyfriend. “Well, actually… he’s, uh, kind of been stalking me, on and off. Nothing too serious, but... it’s still annoying, you know?”
Brian's fingers flexed around your prosthetic, the material fitting securely into place. His eyes, though still composed on the surface, deepened in intensity and became more focused. Your ex was stalking you. Lurking, like a predator. His jaw clenched, and his disbelief at the situation melted away, replaced by a new resolve.
I couldn’t save her. But I can save you.
The idea of this man, your ex, still in your life filled him with an odd sense of purpose. He didn’t care about people, not really, but this was different. You had painted nails. You had suffered violence. You reminded him of her.
He would make sure nobody hurt you ever again. Starting with that ex-boyfriend of yours. Yes, he would definitely be dealt with. Permanently.
And going further, from now on, you would become his patient. Dr. Gardner had served his purpose, but Brian knew, with a chilling certainty, that you wouldn’t be seeing him again. Not if he could help it.
He forced a sympathetic chuckle, masking his true emotions as he continued to work on your prosthetic with his usual precision. “That sounds... frustrating. You’d think he’d get the hint by now.”
“Right?” You rolled your eyes playfully, trying to dispel the tension that came with the subject of your ex. “But I’m fine, really. It’s just one of those things I have to deal with.”
Brian simply nodded, his hands moving delicately, ensuring the fit was perfect, but his thoughts were miles away, plotting, considering what exactly he needed to do next to make sure you'd no longer have to do deal with it.
He was nothing if not methodical, his mind working like a finely-tuned machine, always planning, always calculating. When it came to taking care of your ex-boyfriend and Dr. Gardner, he would need to use two different approaches, that much was obvious.
Your ex-boyfriend would be the one to pay in blood. The man had been the catalyst for your suffering, the reason you had been put in a situation that mirrored Brian's own mother's gruesome death.
So your ex wasn't going to just disappear, that would be too easy, too nice. Instead, the bastard was going to feel every ounce of pain, every bit of terror that Brian imagined his mother and you had felt. He’d stalk him for days and learn his habits, figure out where he was most vulnerable. And when he’d finally make his move, it would be somewhere isolated, somewhere he could really take his time.
The act itself would neither be quick nor clean. Instead, Brian would make it messy, and visceral. He'd use tools that mimicked the chainsaw that had haunted both him and you. While he wouldn’t use an actual chainsaw, far too noisy and difficult to control, he would choose something just as violent, perhaps a hacksaw or an axe. He would let your ex feel the terror, hear the whir of a blade, and realize that his time was up.
In his twisted mind, Brian believed that you deserved closure. You needed to know that your ex-boyfriend was truly dead. Maybe you wouldn’t know it had been Brian, but you’d know your ex had been taken care of — brutally, and publicly even. The police would find the body, bloodied, hacked apart, left in some abandoned place where no one could escape the horror of the scene. It wouldn’t be a neat kill; it would be a spectacle. The kind that left a permanent mark in the mind of anyone who saw it.
It would be justice for you, and revenge for his mother.
It would be perfect.
You were going to feel safe, knowing that the danger had been wiped out, grateful that the threat was gone.
Dr. Gardner, on the other hand, required a different touch. Brian held no ill feelings toward him, the man simply needed to die out of necessity. But the doctor was a respected figure in your life, and if he simply vanished or died a violent death, you might grieve too hard, or worse, become suspicious. So Dr. Gardner's exit had to be quiet, peaceful, and leave no room for doubt. Brian could easily make it look natural, the man was already old enough that it wouldn’t raise too many questions if he were to die in his sleep anyway.
He'd slip a small dose of potassium chloride into Dr. Gardner’s food or drink, undetectable and mimicking the signs of a natural heart attack. The man would feel a sudden, overwhelming pressure in his chest, his heart seizing painfully — but he wouldn’t be able to cry for help. And in mere minutes, it would be over, and the man would be found peacefully in his bed or his office chair, just another old guy who’d met his end from "natural causes". No one would question it, and you might feel sad for a little while, but definitely not suspicious.
And Brian knew grief over a natural death tended to fade more quickly.
Then you’d return to the clinic in need of further adjustments to your prosthetic in the future, and who would be there for you? Him. The friendly, capable replacement who’d been there all along.
As Brian thought about it all, his hands checked the fit of your prosthetic, his fingers running along the edges.
“Now, hopefully this adjustment will work perfectly for you,” he then said, his voice calm as ever. “If you need anything else, any follow-up, you can come back to me and I’ll take care of it.”
You nodded — still oblivious to anything going on underneath his professional exterior — as you softly smiled up at him and stood up, testing your leg and finding it already fitting better. “Thanks, Dr. Cooper, it’s great, and that’s really nice of you. I’ll be sure to come back if I need any more work done.”
Brian smiled back, but it was colder this time, more possessive. “Rudy, please. And I’ll be here, whenever you need me.”
As you left the clinic, you felt relieved, glad that everything had gone well despite the fact that Dr. Gardner wasn't the one doing your adjustment. Dr. Cooper, or Rudy, had been kind, careful, and understanding. He was a really nice man. Hopefully you'd have him as your prosthetist again if Dr. Gardner ever fell sick another time.
Watching you walk away, Brian was certain of your return. He intended to mold your future so that you would always come back to him.
You may not know it yet, but he was going to ensure you’d never need anyone else, ever again.
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warning-heckboop · 1 day
Wait since Dev is/is turning into a full fairy does that mean he has/is going to get an anti-fairy? If he does that would actually help the others understand Dev so much more actually. I've seen people do anti-fairy versions of Dev before and a common trait between them is that his anti-fairy presents themselves as caring and nice but is actually mean to reflect how Dev often puts up a mask of uncaring and aggression, especially when he's hurt. Tbh I really love that masking part of Dev's personality and how it's often coupled with him wearing his sunglasses, cuz in the scenes where he's being more open he always either is looking over them or has them off. Anyway just really interested in how you would characterize an anti-fairy Dev if he had one!
Dev definitely has an anti-fairy! In fact, he's had an anti-fairy his whole life, he just hasn't known about it. After all, we've already seen from Peri and Irep that an anti-fairy doesn't develop as part of magical maturity, and instead when one fairy is born, the anti-fairy is born not long after.
One thing to keep in mind, though, is that Dev isn't a typical fairy child. He didn't have parents, but was instead just formed from Fairy Council magic and a trinket from Dale. So unlike Irep, who was born to parents who were able to take care of him, Dev's anti-fairy (let's just call him Ved for simplicity's sake) just kind of. Appeared.
It's likely that Ved (along with any other gifted changeling anti-fairies, as I previously mentioned that the other kids who were imprisoned with Dale may have gotten one too) just showed up to the Anti-Fairy Council one day. Of course the Anti-Fairy Council would be suspicious, because fairies created in this fashion aren't an every day occurrence by any means. It wouldn't be hard for them to figure out that the Fairy Council wants to keep these new children a secret, as changelings are considered taboo, so I imagine they'd want to keep tabs on the children's anti-fairies, just in case they can use them to their advantage against the fairies some day.
I do love the idea of Ved being seemingly a big sweetheart, but in reality is just a massive jerk. While the Anti-Fairy Council probably kept an eye on him and any other similar kids, they most likely didn't actually do much to take care of them, meaning they would have pretty much had to fend for themselves. We saw from Irep that anti-fairy babies can be pretty smart and independent, so I don't think they would be fighting for their lives necessarily, but that doesn't mean life is easy in anyway either. I could see Ved being a sort of leader of this little ragtag group of anti-fairy misfits, who largely paint themselves as pitiful and helpless in order to lure suckers into a false sense of security before robbing them blind.
I'll have to try to draw a concept for Ved at some point! I can't right now, because I'm sitting in my car waiting for a doctor's appointment, lmao, but maybe sometime this week after work, or over the weekend!
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patchyourbrokenwings · 8 months
I did such a good job of taking care of myself today!
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faunandfloraas · 28 days
"Seungmin would be SO hot if he got muscle like, can you imagine?" You would be hotter if you shut your mouth but we can't always get what we want so <3
#the amount of times ive seen this exact comment or sentiment over the past 6ish months in particular#truly pissing me off <3#like first things first- hes already handsome so if you dont see that... its fine. we all have different tastes but also be quiet <3#but like we know first hand from him that he isnt particularly interested in the gym and working out#hes not a changbin. its not his thing- he goes to keep up stamina for live shows#and the fact hes been very specific in saying so any time anyone mentions him working out and going to the gym is so like......#its kinda obvious that hes doing a polite 'please dont hassle me about getting bigger' so he makes sure to always go Its For Endurance#and yet i still see this and also. um theres other members who are muscley so why does seungmin also have to follow that route?#like if you want muscle theres people you can go look at... but also half these people cant even identify actual healthy muscle#vs. someone being so skinny that they have no fat on them and somehow think thats real muscle so like lol#its been so specifically the past half a year tho like whats that about why#its really one of those be quiet im so tired#well on the otherhand i was so stressed about my doctors appointment but now annoyance took the worries place so 🤷‍♀️#like its funny how X should lose weight comments are recognised for being shitty but the 'x should totally change his physique' is chill tho#like if seungmin organically of his own accord ever becomes a muscle bro bc /he/ wants that than for sure i'll be like Woo go seungmin !!#but only if he wants it. not the fans being annoying not bc of staff or beauty standards not bc of the other guys
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lastoneout · 4 months
why are doctor's offices like allergic to actually just giving you their phone number
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stillagoodwitch · 6 months
i’ve played too many hours of papa’s wingeria within the last few days and i’m heavily sleep deprived and now whenever i yawn i hear the day starting music of the game it won’t stop
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ophernelia · 5 months
There’s a good chance Lykaia might be late this week for patrons. Had period cramps yesterday that damn near sent me to the ER so we are not doing well, friends.
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shalegas34 · 6 months
just got a prescription for drugs i had to sign for at the pharmacy. lets fucking go
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reki-of-the-valley · 1 year
New accessory for my bag 💛
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(Charm by @ikimaru and it's so adorable!)
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dontmeanyoudontmissit · 7 months
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rragnaroks · 11 days
i think i've healed enough to finally get past the embarrassment this first one brings me so here goes
Things That Should Have Made People Realise I Was Neurodivergent, But Didn't, Because I Was a Good Kid Who Didn't Cause No Trouble And Masked Like A Good Girl:
that time in second grade when the class was playing outside on a hot day, and a boy took off his shirt. no one yelled at him. i was also very hot. now of course no one saw my internal debate, and trying to suss out what would be socially acceptable by using logic, but i came to the conclusion that since I was 8 years old and was personally nowhere near starting puberty, it would be okay for me to take off my shirt too. i happily played shirtless for a while, although i could definitely feel the weird looks my classmates were giving me. i wasn't confident in my assessment but i was willing to defend my logic and position. i was right and if the others disagreed, they were the weird ones. a teacher passed by in a hurry and yelled at me to put my shirt on in a scandalised tone. she didn't yell at the boy. nothing further ever came of it.
#i'm still indignant about this#like i had CONSIDERED IT#and while i realise that society isn't built in a way that doesn't sexualise little girls it fucking SHOULD BE#i was very relieved i didn't get in trouble at the time but god damn if that teacher hadn't been trying to stop a nosebleed or whatever#or like if she'd come back later and had a FUCKING TALK WITH ME#tbf i probably would have lied and masked my way through that one the best i could and then stress cried in the bathroom#also the way i just realised this is why i'm so good at lying in some situations#i was SO SCARED of being found out#found out that i didn't know what to do in a situation or how to talk to people#i was SCARED the first time we had school lunch and i was always so worried i'd have to show people i didn't know something#thank god for scripts#i actually remember developing a script in my head the first time my mum encouraged me to talk to salesperson#i was like 5#and i felt like i couldn't ask mum what to say#i had to KNOW#so i scripted it in my head and gathered my courage and asked where the whatevers were and walked back to my mum#and we went and found the whatevers together#mum fully just did that because she thought i was so shy#i was shitting bricks#i also hated the idea of going to doctor's appointments alone#it was fine for general checkups but when they were actually tryna figure shit out with my migraines it was bad#i'd forget EVERYTHING i'd need to say and i had no script and i was scared and AAAAAA#i'd always take my mum with me#there was this one doctor who hated that and tried to get me to come alone#i was 16 maybe?#when i eventually did go alone it went okay#i masked and came up on top :| and nobody noticed i was fully super depressed and neurodivergent#okay i think that's enough for now#internal monologue#adhd
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puppybong · 4 months
It’s ok that i might have to retake this class again.its not the end of the world . Its fine
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spacelesscowboy · 4 months
sometimes i'm like i don't have adhd and then the Executive Dysfunction literally starts driving me crazy
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