#I still got 4 other requests lol 🙃
kazutora-kurokawa · 5 months
Been thinking about Vampire!Baji and Vanpire!Reader for awhile
Vampire!Baji x Vampire!Reader
♡ SFW, fem reader, blood, biting, bank robbery (I swear it'll make sense when you read it lol), mention of Chifuyu ♡
note: thanks for requesting anon ❤️ I'm a solid week late with answering this, sorry 😭
🦇 First thing first...his teeth 🫠
🦇 His fangs are so sharp, they easily pierce your skin (and other people's)
🦇 Biting is your shared love language, you two walk around looking like you've been hit by a staple gun
🦇 He's your personal mirror, which is simultaneously good and bad because he could easily lie and say you look good
"Do I look alright Kei?"
"Um..lemme just" *smudges makeup* "There you go darling ♡"
🦇 Chifuyu begs both of you to turn him into a vampire, he wants to be best friends for eternity
"Pretty please!"
"Absolutely not."
"That's very endearing Chi, but it's a no from me too."
🦇 Baji is perfectly capable of not drinking blood, he totally doesn't have immense cravings for it, and he definitely didn't rob a blood bank multiple times
🦇 He hates the sunlight, he'd definitely shield you both with a big umbrella during the day time
🦇 Loves driving you around on his motorcycle at night, there's great scenery and you don't have to worry about the sun, it's a win-win
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @manji-hoe
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captain19cb97 · 2 years
Hi again lol I know I just asked for a story 🤦🏻‍♀️🙈but you wrote so good that I have another idea . Could you write some fluffy fluff again with a bit of angst if you could write of jungkook feeling sick and sad or depressed and girl y/n sees that and she cuddles him with a fluffy blanket and reminds him why she loves him and she also asks him why he loves her and she gets surprise by his words and is shocked that someone loves her because she never thought anyone could love her ect . and basically something warm and comforting.
Well, hi again! Lol Don't apologize, I love that you enjoyed your story so much you wanted another one! Be greedy with your love of stories and ideas, even if it's not me you're asking to write for you.
I hope I was able to do it justice again this time. 💜
Requests are open!
Not Alone :: JJK
Pairing: Jungkook x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.4k (It was like I couldn't stop🙃)
Genre: Fluffy Fluff/Comfort/ very slight Angst, like you have to squint to see it
Warning: Self-doubt, allusions to depression and depictions of lack of self-care, cursing (ass, damn), lack of communication. Crying. If I missed anything, as always, please tell me so I can fix it.
A/N: If you're ever feeling alone, or depressed, or anything similar, please know that there is always someone there for you. I know that sometimes, it might not feel like there is, and that when you feel alone, your mind tells you all sorts of things, but you are never alone, and sometimes, our minds lie to us because we're hurting and it's the only thing that makes us feel more, even if it's more pain. You are always loved more that you think you are. There is always someone who would rather listen to you break down and tell them what is wrong, then to ever be without you. I love you, and if you need someone, come here and talk to me and I will listen, to whatever you want to tell me. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
I hope you enjoy!
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Being in a relationship was still new to you, especially one where you found yourself still second guessing a lot of the things that other people probably wouldn’t even blink at.
You’d been with Jungkook for almost 5 months now, and you guys had been friends for about a year before hand, so you had an inkling of how things would be between you both. What you hadn’t expected though, was Jungkook practically dropping off the face of the earth one night- to the point that even the guys hadn’t heard from him in a couple of days and had called you to find out what was going on.
You shook your head, knowing the man on the other end of the line couldn’t see you, as you sighed softly, “I’m sorry, Namjoon, I haven’t talked to him either. Not since Saturday night.”
He made a surprised noise, “You guys haven’t talked in 4 days? Like at all? Did you guys break up or something?”
Your eyes widened slightly, “What? No, of course not. At- at least, I don’t think we did. We didn’t have a fight or anything.”
“What happened on Saturday?” He asked.
You leaned back into your couch as you thought back to the last time you’d seen Jungkook. You’d gone over to his place for dinner after you got off of work, he’d told you that he missed you and just wanted to spend some time with you, and of course, you weren’t going to deny him that- not when you had been thinking the same thing.
Dinner was great, he’d cooked and you guys had a couple drinks, watched a few movies and then when you begrudgingly told him that you needed to go home, he’d called you car since he’d picked you up from work. He was reluctant to let you go, but he knew that you had work in the morning, so, he waited downstairs with you, pulling you into a sweet kiss before you climbed into the car, and he waited until it pulled away, before he went back inside.
“He picked me up from work and made me dinner.” You told Namjoon, frowning slightly, “He didn’t seem like anything was wrong, other than him not wanting me to leave that night.” You commented softly.
Namjoon sighed on the other end of the line, “Okay. If you get ahold of him, please, let one of us know. And we’ll let you know, if we get ahold of him.”
You nodded to yourself, “Yeah, okay. I’ll try to call him as soon as we’re off the phone.”
“Okay. Thank you, Y/n. Bye.”
“Anytime, Joon. Bye.” You sighed again as you dropped your phone to your lap.
You’d been slowly growing more worried, the more days passed without so much as a word from Jungkook, but you figured that he was just really busy with something and that he’d tell you about it when he could. This wouldn’t be the first time something like that was the reason he hadn’t talked to you for a day or two.
But 4 days? And with the added fact that you guys were dating now, it didn’t sit right with you.
You’d texted him a handful of times over the last few days- good morning texts, things that reminded you of him that you wanted to show him, good night texts- the most recent one had been right before Namjoon had called you, you texted Jungkook and just asked if he was okay.
But it still went unread when you looked before you quickly called his phone. When you got his voicemail, you sighed before you waited for the beep.
“Hi, Kookie, I’m getting worried, love. Are you okay? If you need anything, please tell me. The guys are worried about you, too.” You paused for only a second, “Please talk to me, tell me you’re alright.”
After you hung up, dropping your phone back onto the table in front of you, you quickly made the decision that you were going to just go over to his place and check on him. Namjoon had told you when he first called you, that Jungkook hadn’t been to the company since Monday, and that was enough information for you to know that he was home because they’d know if he had left the city.
You moved around your apartment quickly, snagging the hoodie you’d stolen from Jungkook’s closet on Saturday and throwing it on over a long sleeve shirt, you’d changed out of a pair of shorts you only wore at home, and into a pair of sweatpants. When you’d gotten back into the living room, you noticed your phone had just lit up, Jungkook’s personalize text tone ringing out before the screen went black again.
You about dove for your phone, unlocking it as you dropped onto the couch.
Kookie Monster 🍪 [4:54 p.m.] I don’t need anything.
You frowned at the words, not knowing how to respond at first. You thought about calling him again but decided against it, you were still going to go over to his place so you could talk to him face to face, and really know what was going on.
So you locked your phone and as soon as your shoes were on, you were out the door and calling for a car to his place.
The drive felt longer than usual, and you chalked it up to your nerves, but you’d taken a couple minutes and texted Namjoon and told him you were just going to go check on Jungkook instead of waiting around for him to answer someone- also waiting to tell him that Jungkook had answered you. You wanted to make sure you could give the guys answers finally, and get some answers for yourself, too.
After paying for the ride, and thanking the driver, you headed inside, politely greeting the people in the lobby as you moved towards the elevator. You didn’t know why you were so nervous all of a sudden, but as you leaned against the rail as you took the elevator up, you couldn’t shake the sinking feeling that had settled in the pit of your stomach.
“Did you guys break up or something?”
Namjoon’s words had been swirling around in your mind since he’d said them. Truthfully, you were scared that Jungkook had decided that he didn’t want to be with you anymore finally, and that him having not talked to you since you left last weekend, was his way of breaking things off.
You remembered when Jungkook had asked you out the first time. You’d gotten upset with him because you thought it was a joke and you’d left the company that day in tears- unknowingly leaving a rather bewildered Jungkook, rooted in the same spot as you stormed away.
When he showed up at your apartment that night- morning- at almost 1 am, and told you that he hadn’t been trying to play a joke on you, that he really meant it and that he wanted to take you to dinner and give you flowers and actually date you, you’d cry some more and apologized profusely that you had even thought he’d ever do that to someone in the first place.
 You’d slowly been waiting for the day that he decided he didn’t want you anymore though, and it was through no fault of his. You just couldn’t seem to believe that someone would want you, the way Jungkook acted like he does.
Did. You thought as you stood in front of his apartment door. You had to remind yourself that he hadn’t talked to you in days. How can you say you want someone, when you don’t even acknowledge their existence?
You took a deep breath and raised your hand to knock on the door. The material felt hard against your knuckles as the sound echoed slightly around you, and you waited with bated breath, to hear anything from inside the apartment.
After a long, few seconds with nothing, you raised your hand to knock again, but right before your skin made contact with the door, it swung open, revealing the man who looked everything like your boyfriend, and yet nothing like him at all.
He had dark circles under his eyes, his hair was the messiest you’d ever seen it- and you’d worked out with him before- his clothes were the same ones he’d been wearing on Saturday. The only difference now was that they were wrinkled to high heaven and disheveled more than you’d ever seen on him.
Jungkook was many things, many wonderful things, but the man in front of you, staring down at you with exhausted, bloodshot eyes, didn’t look anything like the man you knew. This man looked like he hadn’t slept in days, but yet, also looked like somehow all he did was sleep.
Existing somewhere in limbo even as he stood there, chest heaving slowly as he looked down at you with dim eyes.
“What are you doing here?” His voice was rough, like he hadn’t spoken in a while, and it was harsh- harsher than he meant it to sound when he noticed you flinch slightly at the tone.
“I was worried about you.” You whispered, looking him over again. “You haven’t talked to anybody in days, you haven’t been to the company in days, either. Namjoon called me wanting to know what was going on, but I’m just as worried as they are, because I don’t know any more than they do.”
He couldn’t even meet your eyes, stepping aside enough for you to come inside and discard your shoes. He closed the door behind you, once you were far enough, before he ambled back through his dark apartment and into the living room.
“I’m fine.” He told you, stopping before he even got to the couch, “You didn’t have to come over. I told you I didn’t need anything.”
You slowly scanned the apartment as you followed behind him. You noticed things sitting on the kitchen counters than had been there the other night, now mixing with new things that had also been left out, left lying around and forgotten about or ignored. There were dishes everywhere, food wrappers and containers from takeout places littering every surface.
And in the middle of all of it, was Jungkook, looking down at you with a heartbreaking expression that countered his words, when you finally met his eyes again. He wore his heart on his sleeve, his eyes never really able to hide the emotion behind them, and right now, he was pleading silently for something, anything but what his mind was telling him you were going to say.
Even in the darkness of the apartment, you could see his eyes beginning to shimmer with unshed tears, you could see the tremble of his bottom lip even as he pulled it between his teeth, chew the skin raw as you stared back at him with soft eyes, your heart breaking in your chest at just how small and fragile the man in front of you truly looked.
“Baby, what’s going on?” You asked softly, slowly moving to sit beside him on the couch.
He looked away again, more shame filling his body with every second that passed that you continued to look at him as he sat silent.
“Jungkook, please.” You pleaded with him, “Talk to me.”
You gently took his hand in yours, his skin warm to the touch like always- you loved how he ran warmer than you did, you loved how comforting it felt when you two cuddled.
“What do you want me to say, Y/n?” He asked finally, his voice a rough whisper as you linked your fingers together.
“Whatever you want to tell me, love. I’ll listen to anything.” You assured him. Slowly you reached up, cupping his jaw and turning his head so you could actually look at him, and you gently swiped a falling tear from his cheek when he let you. “Where did you go, hmm?” You asked softly, noticing the far off look in his eyes as they roamed your face. “What’s going on in your head, baby?”
Another tear fell, then another, and then all at once, his shoulders dropped and you were pulling him into your chest and wrapping your arms around his body as tightly as you could, hoping that you could piece him back together if he asked you to.
“I’m sorry,” He cried, his face buried in your shoulder as his grip tightened on your body. “I’m so sorry.”
You shushed him gently, running your hand over his hair in a small attempt to tame it as you repeatedly told him it was okay.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, love, nothing at all. Okay?” You muttered, “Whatever is going on, isn’t anything you can’t get through.”
“How-“ He sucked in a breath, “How do you know?” he questioned, no malice in the words as he struggled to even get them out.
You smiled softly, picking his head up to look at him, “Because I know you, and I know that you’re going to get through it. I’ll help you, okay?”
He nodded before you pressed your lips to his forehead, and after taking another shaky, and uneven breath, he told you everything- everything that he’d been feeling for longer than it felt like he’d been feeling it, and with each thing he told you, your mind already had a counter argument to it. No matter what it was, or how much it broke your heart to hear him say it.
Finally, when he went quiet, the only sound being his staggered breathing, you carefully sat you both up and moved to get off the couch.
He panicked, his eyes widening as he gripped your hand in his, “Where are you going?”
You cupped his jaw and smiled, “Just to get a blanket for us, okay? Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.” You waited until he’d dropped your hand to walk down the hallway towards his spare room where he kept all his extra bedding and things.
You searched for a few minutes, moving from the spare room and into his bedroom before your eyes landed on the blanket that you had deemed the best one that he owned- it was dark grey, big enough to cover his whole king sized bed and it was the fluffiest and softest blanket you’d ever held in your life.
You loved it, even when you guys were still friends, always stealing it when you’d come over if the apartment was even slightly chilly, and every time Jungkook saw you wrapped up underneath of it, his heart would flutter at how cute you were, and how utterly fallen he was for you and everything you did.
He’d even started calling it your blanket, because you used it more than he did- until you started dating, and he started leaving it out in the living room even if you weren’t over, because it smelled more and more like you after every use, and he found comfort in the way that you were around, even if you physically weren’t.
You gathered the material in your arms, and made your way back out to the living room, smiling at Jungkook when you realized he’d been staring down the hall at you the second you stepped out of his room with the blanket.
“So I had an idea,” You started softly, standing in front of him, the giant blanket spilling from your arms, “How about we sit here, cuddled up nice and cozy, while I tell you a few things?”
His shoulders moved up and down as he took a deep breath, glancing up at you with curious eyes, “What things?”
“Things I think you need to hear.” Was all you offered up, as you sat back down next to him. “Yes or no?”
He watched you flatten the blanket out a little bit before you opened your arms to him, and nodded, colliding into you once again as you wrapped your arms around him.
Once you both were settling, comfortable in each other’s arms, laying across the whole couch, you took a deep breath as you slowly weaved your fingers through his hair.
“I’ve learned a lot of things about you since we met, but my favorite things I’ve learned, have been since we started dating.” You spoke softly, watching him tilt his head up enough to look at you as you talked.
“I always thought you were an incredible person; generous to a fault, love making people laugh and happy. You love helping other people, doesn’t matter with what, or how. You’re strong, both mentally and physically, you’re sweet and kind and you are genuinely such a good person. You put your heart into everything you do, even if it’s just picking me a cup of coffee before you surprise me at work.” You let out a soft laugh, “And with all of those things, you make it easy for people to love you.” You took a quiet breath, running your finger along his jaw softly as you smiled at him.
“You make it so easy to love you, you know? It’s like breathing. Whenever I look at you, things seem brighter and clearer, and when you hold me, my whole body feels warm- like I’m sitting on a blanket in the park, underneath the sun.”
You watched his eyes flicker back and forth between yours and continued, “You take up a part of my heart that I didn’t even know was empty before you, and it was like it always belonged to you. To see you hurting so badly, and alone, and not even knowing that you were drowning,” You frowned softly, your eyebrows pinched together as you held his chin in your hand, “God, that breaks my heart, baby. I’m sorry you’ve been feeling like you had to deal with this alone.”
His eyes began to tear up, and he sat up enough to lean over you, grabbing the side of your face as he took a deep breath, “I didn’t know how to tell you.” He admitted softly, the waver in his voice catching himself off guard, “It’s always been easier to just go it alone.”
“But you don’t have to, Kookie.” You shook your head, looking up at him, “Let me help you, please? Let me take care of you when you feel like you can’t do it. Let me help you through this.”
He just stared down at you for a moment, before a small, sickly sweet grin found its way to his lips. He gently rubbed his thumb along your cheek, “You said it’s easy to love me.” He mumbled, “You love me?”
You felt your cheeks flush, as you realized you had indeed said that, and meant it of course. Leave it to you to be the one who says it first. You nodded just a little, watching his smile widen, his tears long forgotten by now as he peered down at you.
He took a breath, releasing it through his nose, “I love you, too.” He whispered, leaning down towards you just enough to brush his lips against yours.
“Y-you do?” You stuttered, watching him pull back to look at you fully. Confusion written in his eyes at how much surprise was in your question.
“Why are you surprised?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. “Were you expecting me to not fall in love with you? With everything you do for me?” he questioned.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek, watching as realization flashed in his eyes when you just continued to stare up at him.
This isn’t supposed to be about me. It’s about him, he’s the one upset. Fix it! You yelled at yourself, as he sat up both up, much like you’d done earlier.
“Baby?” He said softly, taking your hand in his, “Did you really think I wouldn’t love you?”
You couldn’t look at him, feeling guilty for letting your brain push those thoughts at you constantly.
He grabbed your face, making you look at him, “Hey, if I’m not allowed to listen to the horrible thoughts in my head, why do you get to, huh?” He shook his head, “No. You have no idea how much I love you, how long I’ve been dying to tell you that, but I always held back because I was worried it would scare you away if I said it too soon.”
Your eyes roamed his face for a moment, watching his tongue peak out to wet his lips before he smiled gently at you again, “If you think I’m all those things to you, you’re in for another thing, because god, baby, you’re everything to me. You are the sun that warms me. You are the stars that light up my loneliest nights. You’re everything I’ve thought love could be and you make me want to be better.”
Your bottom lip was quivering, as he took your hands in his, “You make it easier when I feel like this,” He gestured around the living room, “When things are so overwhelming to me, and getting out of bed is the only thing I do that day, you make it easier. Even if you’re not here.” He scoffed softly, gently pulling you closer to him, “Do you have any idea how many times you’ve saved me, just by being in my life?”
You shook your head, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth to hold back the sob that wanted to make itself known.
He grinned, leaning close enough to put his forehead against yours, “You might as well be my guardian angel, baby. Loving you is the easiest, and best, decision of my life. You help me more than you know, even when you do nothing because you’re you and you’re in my life and you’re my girlfriend, and by far, the best damn thing to happen to me.”
He paused, letting you take a moment to fully absorb his words, as he cupped your cheek, “I love you, Y/n.”
You closed your eyes and pressed your forehead to his again, “No one’s ever made me feel the way you do,” You admitted, “Or said I was the best thing to happen to them.”
He chuckled lowly, his hand coming up to the back of your neck, “No one’s ever told me a piece of their heart was always mine.”
Just as you both were leaning towards each other, lips just barely brushing, loud, frantic knocking sounded at the front door.
You both jumped apart, eyes focused on the door as more knocks sounded. “Expecting company?” You asked, looking back at Jungkook as he stood up.
He shook his head, “Nope, you were surprise enough, baby.” He quickly knelt back down enough to connect his lips to yours, before he pulled away with a small smile, “Stay here?”
You just nodded, watching him head for the door, and slowly pulling it open as he peeked around it.
“I’m gonna kick your ass, Jungkook.” You heard Namjoon threaten him, before he was pulled into a hug.
You couldn’t help the laugh that caught their attention as Namjoon pushed his way into the apartment, his eyes immediately landing on you. “Do you know how many times I’ve called you?” He asked exasperatedly, sighing as he crossed his arms over his chest like a disappointed dad.
You made a face, looking away from him, “Sorry, Joon. I was going to text you eventually to tell you he was okay.”
The older man sighed softly, his eyes roaming the room before he looked at Jungkook next to him, his eyes softening, “You didn’t tell us it was getting bad again.”
Jungkook nodded, “I know. You guys have all just been so busy lately, and I thought I could deal with it this time. I’m sorry, Hyung.”
Namjoon quickly pulled him in for another, tighter hug, “Same thing I always tell you, Kook, it’s not something you have to apologize for. We were just worried.” They pulled away from each other and Namjoon looked over at you with a smile, “But, I can see you’re in good hands, so I’ll get out of here.”
A couple minutes later, and with a promise that Jungkook would text everybody before the night was over, Namjoon was out the door, leaving you and Jungkook in a comfortable silence as you crossed the floor towards him.
Without a word, you wrapped your arms around his waist and planted your face on his chest. He snaked his arms around your body and pulled you closer.
“Can you promise me something?” You whispered, not looking up at him.
You let out a quiet sigh, “Will you try to tell me, the next time you start feeling like this?” You asked, finally picking your head up to gaze up at him. “Will you let me help you?”
He blinked a few times, staring into your eyes before a smile pulled at his lips and he nodded slowly, “You already help me, baby. But I promise, I’ll tell you.”
You stood on your tip toes, leaning towards him, “Thank you.” You whispered before you lightly pressed your lips to his, “Why don’t you go shower, and I’ll clean up a bit before I make us something for dinner?”
“I can just order us something.”
You shook your head, pulling yourself from his arms, “I want to cook.”
He saw the look in your eyes, and knew you wouldn’t let him win this, so he smiled down at you again, “I will only agree, if you stay the night? You can borrow some of my clothes and if we’re feeling it in the morning, we can make breakfast together?”
Your heart fluttered in your chest and you smiled, nodded softly, “I think that’s doable.”
His smile seems to grow, and he leaned down to kiss you again before he headed down the hall to shower, quickly turning around before he got too far, “Hey,”
You turned towards him, “Hmm?”
“I love you.”
You could feel the warmth spreading over your cheeks- through you, and you were surprised how easy it was to believe him, and to just know that he meant it.
“I love you, too.”
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gerryrigged · 9 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag, @vellaphoria! ♥
How many works do you have on AO3?
14 total, 4 on my gerryrigged account.
What’s your total A03 word count?
27,558. A good number of my pieces are quite short ficlets. I don't have a big portfolio of work - I've been in fandom for quite a while, but almost entirely as a lurker. For a handful of years, almost all of my writing output was in RP.
What fandoms do you write for?
Right now? Just DC, mostly Bats for the time being. Previously, hockey rpf, Star Wars, K, X-Men: First Class, and One Piece.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
hgjkldsf, most of these are on my other account, but:
[redacted] - ~10k, ~1700 kudos, hockey rpf [redacted] - ~3.5k, ~900 kudos, hockey rpf [redacted] - ~600 words, ~600 kudos, hockey rpf Hold It Up To The Mirror - 2.3k, 347 kudos, DC Comics [redacted] - ~300 words, ~300 kudos, One Piece
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I want to, because commenters are lovely and I appreciate them so much! And I try to, I just...don't always succeed >_>💧 or, looking at it from another perspective, I'm just very behind on them!
I adore people's comments and re-read them with fair frequency, and I do love interacting - but I also tend to get over-excited/anxious and then end up just turning the comments over and over in my little paws admiringly like sparkly gems instead of replying. Or, for another example, I got a bunch of lovely comments on my timeloop dicktim fic, but haven't been able to psyche myself up to reply because I still haven't been able to get out the promised follow-up fic, ha 🙃
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, probably Hold It Up To The Mirror. I left poor Dick and Tim in a really fucked up situation there, and it would absolutely have to get worse before it got any better. I do envision it getting better, though - despite where I end fic sometimes, I'm a sucker for eventual happy endings, especially for my OTPs. so I'm usually imagining a future path where things improve, even if it would be a (very) rough road to get there.
freefall (and the aftermath thereof) also left off on a pretty angsty note, but I give the edge to Hold It Up To The Mirror because of how bleak it is.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm not sure how to quantify this, lol, I would say most of my happy endings are pretty happy. For fluff factor, maybe my latest, let your heart be light, because that one just revels in the shmoop.
Do you get hate on your fic?
Not so far - fingers crossed it stays that way!
Do you write smut?
Yes, sort of? Like. I have written it, and I would certainly like to write more. But I consider myself very amateurish/unskilled at it, so I'm embarrassed of it and mostly it doesn't see the light of day. Guess I need to spend more time practicing! 😅
Do you write crossovers?
Nope, not a huge fan of writing crossovers or fusions myself, though I'll read them occasionally. When it comes to fandoms, I tend to only have one hyperfixation at a time, and mixing two different ones doesn't really appeal, at least in terms of what I myself am driven to write.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of - fingers also crossed it stays that way.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so? It's been requested before, but I never saw the results XD
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not so far, though I'd like to! The closest I've gotten would be writing out closely collaborated scenes in RP, which can in some cases read like a fic.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh no, if I was forced to consider all of my fandoms at once, I'd have no idea. For DC, it's definitely DickTim. (It was Tim/Kon before this most recent immersion in the DC fandom, when I started to dig into Bat comics more holistically and DickTim reared its head up and swallowed me whole.)
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hm, I don't know that there are any in particular that I would firmly put on the shelf. The ones that I more generally doubt are all the ambitious long-fic ideas >_> because I suck at those. But they still exist as goals of mine, so I won't jinx any of them here!
What are your writing strengths?
.......Humor, maybe? Oh, I've been told I'm good at conveying tone and character voice through prose, and at putting together memorable or hard-hitting turns of phrase. Possibly structuring emotional arcs? 🤔
What are your writing weaknesses?
Elaborate run-on sentences. Descriptions, especially of setting details such as locations, clothing, etc. (hence why these things are often missing in my fics, lmfao). Purple prose. Over-editing. Overuse of implication/ambiguity/metaphor to the detriment of clarity. Stringing multiple scenes together, scene transitions in general, over-arching storyline plotting and all the other difficult parts of writing longer more plotty pieces. The 'stage'-blocking of physical movement, and how much/little of it needs to be described to be effective. Research - I am way too prone to just handwaving and going ehhhh, something something fill in the blank here, you know what I mean >.>
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done this a couple times, but usually only short lines. Sometimes it's for effect - the POV character might not understand the language, so it's as impenetrable to them as to most readers. Or it's a line most English-speakers would be able to parse due to cognates/related languages, but it's just funnier or feels better in the other language. Or in like anime/manga fandoms, it might be a line in Japanese that most fans/readers would already be familiar with. Usually though I've just been Google translating, and have been kindly corrected on grammar etc. in the comments before, haha.
First fandom you wrote for?
well. that would be in like. middle school lol oh god. I think it was a Sailor Moon/Gundam Wing crossover hghkldjfskl. That or Dragonball Z. Thankfully my recollection of my FF.net account name has been lost to the sands of time.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
hm. I don't have strong feelings on this; I usually end up looking at my past fic with a critical eye. Maybe the little gen Dick & Tim ficlet I have on my other account? I wouldn't say it's my best, by any means, but that one kind of wrote itself in a fever state when I hadn't written anything in literal years, so I'm very fond of it for breaking through a creative block and being my first toe into writing for the DC fandom proper.
oh, and if you haven't been tagged yet and would care to play: @deepwithintheabyss, @annerp, and @the-alice-of-hearts?
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
⚠️ CLOSED ⚠️
This is, in my fact, my first ever milestone event 😆 — just trying to keep the theme of 5 !!!!!
Don’t mind me changing this entire event’s premise months later, bc I never got around to writing my original idea. 💀
I’ve been listening to 5 Seconds of Summer on repeat lately (actually, lately it’s been Monsta X, but I will keep the 5 aspect of this event intact 😉), and I’ve been in the mood to write Angst Drabbles: you request a character + prompt (all of which are 5 Seconds of Summer lyrics); I write you a drabble inspired by your prompt + character.
Additional details below... 🖤
From today 4 Apr 2023 until 11 Apr 2023 (aka for 1 week), feel free to send me Asks (on or off anon!) w/ the following info:
MILESTONE 5.0 KNY drabbles
sfw or nsfw (18+)
these will all be angst drabbles 😔
which KNY character to feature in your drabble (these will all be Character x Reader)
prompt #
Pls and ty keep in mind that...
since I’m allowing anon — respect my 1 drabble per person limit
I’m only writing drabbles, so — don’t expect a whole ass fanfic 😅
these will all be lyrics inspired, so consider giving your drabble’s song inspo a listen 🎧
1 drabble per prompt — first come, first serve 🤷🏻‍♀️
Are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you?
I kiss you on your neck, you were staring at the ceiling, I should've known right then and there you were a runaway.
I feel you underneath my tongue next to every word that I should have said.
Oh my god, it never ends, now we're stressed and depressed and we're going 'round again, in an emotional blender.
And it's under my skin, but I can't reach it, when you know where I've been, so we play pretend.
So I drown it out, like I always do, dancing through our house, with the ghost of you.
I said meet me downtown at the dive bar, you're the only one that makes me feel alive.
Flashing back to New York City, changing flights so you'd stay with me, remember thinking that I got this right.
If you can't find another reason to stay, then I know I'm gonna always have a lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely heart.
On the edge of the bed as you're fallin' asleep, I think I need you more than you need me.
Is it weird that I'm drunk and on my sofa? Is it weird that I'm naked on my sofa? All alone, damn, I wish I didn't know ya.
Into the dark, we’re no good for each other, into the dark, I'm not welcome no more.
I'll take what you got, got, got, I know it's not a lot, lot, lot, cause I just need another hit, you're the thing that I can't quit.
Every night I almost call you, just to say it always will be you.
You're moving different when we making love, baby tell me, tell me, who do you love, do you love now?
I'm still here in the darkness, back where we started, you make me a heartless monster.
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To conclude…
I’m deeply and affectionately grateful for how wonderful of a blog and community everyone’s helped me nurture. 💗 Whether you’re a lurker, follower, anon, moot, or whatnot, I notice and appreciate you unless you’re a lurker obvi bc how am I supposed to know you’re there lol. I feel like a cliche YouTuber or some shit as I write this 🙃, but I really couldn’t be/do this w/o you. I write for myself, sure, but I also write to be read — I write for readers.
All my love,
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MILESTONE 5.0 (masterlist)
MILESTONE 5.0 (compiled)
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myargalargan · 3 years
‘author’ self interview
Thanks @krastbannert for the tag! 
Name: Myargalargan, or Myarg is fine, too :)
Fandoms: My primary fandom is Avatar: the Last Airbender (Sukka 4 lyfe). But I’m also semi-active in the Harry Potter Romione fandom. I’ve only written a single one-shot so far, plus the first chapter of a planned out multi-chapter fic, and I haven’t logged on to the Romione discord in months 😰 but I still frequently fangirl over all the other Romione authors out there! lol 
I also slide in and out of the Legend of Zelda, Resident Evil, Raven Cycle, Dragon Prince, and Digimon fandoms, although I don’t write for any of them (anymore... 👀). 
Where do you post: I’m Myargalargan on AO3, and I also promote and sometimes post works here on Tumblr. All my ATLA stuff goes to my Sukka side-blog @the-power-of-stuff. 
Most popular multi-chapter fic: I have but one multi-chapter fic (so far)! It’s count herself among them, which is all about Suki, and her figuring out how to be a good leader, and her relationship with her fellow Kyoshi Warriors, and her pining over having completely rational and normal thoughts about Sokka, and her journey between the moments when we see her in the show. 
Favorite story you’ve written so far: Whenever I’m faced with this question, I always go back and forth between two...
The first is scarcely can speak, which has such a special place in my heart because it draws a lot from my personal experiences. I’m very fond of the premise and the structure and I just...had so much fun writing it. 
The second is between the striking and the fire, which is one of those stories that, when I re-read it, I can’t believe I wrote. I hit on a tone in that one that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to re-create.  
Fic you were nervous to post: Wait, is the implication here that there are fics I wasn’t nervous to post?? Because I get nervous about every single one. 😅 
I was probably most nervous posting my first ATLA fic to AO3, because it had been years since I’d written anything, let alone publicly-posted fic. I was also very nervous about count herself among them because it was my most ambitious fic to date, and because it centered so much around a bunch of OCs that I was convinced no one would care about. And then when people started liking it, I was so afraid they would hate each subsequent chapter, haha. 
How do you choose your titles: I’m one of those people who looks to song lyrics or quotes or lines of poetry for my titles because the idea of trying to come up with an original title on my own paralyzes me. 😳
Do you outline: I do when I’m writing a multi-chapter fic. 
Complete: I won’t post until I’ve written the entire fic. That’s why I only have one multi-chapter fic published so far. 🙃
Do you accept prompts: I would love to! I’ve only ever received one prompt request, but I’m open to it! Probably only for Sukka, though. 
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write about: I am so desperately eager to start sharing the words to keep you (which I started writing almost a year ago for last year’s Sukka Week hah...), but...I gotta finish it first! I’m too much of a coward to start posting while a fic is still in progress, so I have to live with the agony of not getting to share it with anyone yet (except my lovely beta!). 
Stories you’re most excited to read: I am loving (My Heart) Still Beats for You by @smilindesperado and am very excited for the next chapters of that one. I also got a little sneak peek into the fics @boomerangguy wants to write for Sukka Week 2021 and they all sound amazing and I am so stoked! Also @krastbannert is apparently working on a Sukka fic, as well, so I am obviously very much looking forward to that. 😁
I’m also feeling very 👀👀👀 about the next chapters of Camp Wizarding World by @romioneb, The Loft by @be11atrixthestrange, Everything Has Changed by @accio-broom, and all of @voldemorts-tap-shoes’s WIPs.
And that’s not even getting into my Marked for Later list on AO3! 😬 
Tagging: Everyone I mentioned above, if y’all feel like it and you haven’t done this already!
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abusivelittlebunny · 4 years
1, 4, 6. 10. 15. 22. 26. 30. 40
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
Ooof reading? I don't know it was really damn early I think around 12? When my English got pretty good. Writing I started at 15... I publicly published my first fics on Ao3 from that time 2 years later with inglorious Basterds, you can still check that out on my page. They're a bit wonky but eh.
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
Non Fucking Negotiable by @100dabbo has a very special place in my heart as it unofficially started our friendship lol but all their works are absolutely fantastic! (A Pleasure Trip to Camden Town is my most fav)
Atonement by Starless which is an incredible (unfinished :((() fic of a movie I've never seen but it gripped me so hard
Immovable, Unbreakable by Card_Slash is the one fic I keep coming back to but am never able to finish it's so long it needs dedication and concentration but almost every 3 months I decide to reread it because it shaped who I was at age 14 :))) I still remember reading it for the first time at my grandma's little Soviet panel flat in the summer heat on the tiny open up bed in the living room and I watched as the sun rose because I was so hooked on it I couldn't stop reading all night. I fucking loved assassins creed and that's the only good fic they had but this was THE fic
6. How do you find new fic to read? Where do you primarily read fanfiction?
Ao3 is the one and only 👌
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Before getting into PB, and the whole Cillian + Tom filmography fandom I was a big fan of and looked up a lot of fics for (Star Wars) Hux x Kylo, (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them) Graves x Newt, and I was very active as an artist last year for DBH (Gavin x Connor / Gavin x Nines) and DMCV (Nero x V / Dante x V) and loved the fics for them.
Now as we know I'm head over heels for any Tom Hardy x Cillian Murphy character pairing and I really wish for more♡♡ also PB: Tommy with Luca or Campbell or Freddie or any other man pleaseeee
15. Tell the author your favorite fic of theirs. What’s your (the author’s) favorite fic you’ve written?
*me seeing you didn't tell me which is your favourite* *attaches lotr meme* alright keep your secrets then
My favourite fic I've written? Eyy that's a tough one... I really love and am attached to All 4 You but rn my Falling For Danger series is so fucking pleasing honestly aaaahhh especially I think Salt and Mint that baby got the least attention out of the three but I think it's amazingly pleasing tbh... it's the start of the mommy kink too ahahahaaa
22. Do take fic requests? If so, for what characters and why?
I would love to!!!! I'd love to write some Tommy getting some good dick by Alfie, Luca, Campbell, James, Freddie, Arthur, etc but I do prefer a bottom Tommy at all times. I'd also love to write some Crane and Robert fics too :)) But I'm unsure about doing them for free I'm kind of a broke collage student and would love a few pounds for commissions so I can get some food for it if possible :/ I know not all of us are in a situation to be able to spend money on fics (even if it's just like £5, been there) but I'd definitely produce them quicker if it comes with some reward
26. What’s your biggest distraction when writing?
I live in a household with basically no personal space and I have my mother and sister constantly come in and nag me about what I'm doing. I say I'm writing. They insist on knowing what. I say stuff. They say oh you think you can have that attitude in an eastern household huh 🙃🙃🙃
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
"And tell me, why would I ever shake hands on a deal with a filthy, low-life gypsy criminal such as yourself, Mr. Shelby?" Campbell sneered, feeling impatient and even more irritated by the younger man's unaffected gaze, "What could possibly be worth so much that I would stoop so low?"
;))))))) oh yes baby you got a big storm coming ...
40. How did you come up with the idea for [x fic]?
Which one????? Lol but usually horny banter in the dms with the right people
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