#I struggled so much for no reason bc of his hair😭😭 I GOT IT EVENTUALLY THOUGH
emile-tb · 1 year
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I drew @vellichorom ‘s Narrator, Thierry! What a guy lol :)
(OH AND ALSO the drawing on the right is based on this HDHGDBS)
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emmythespacecowgirl · 2 years
Hi! I'm the anon who was 5'0 and didn't say much about herself 🙈
Gender: female
How I am: I'd say I appear to be super shy till you get to know me, then I'll be cracking jokes all day, dancing and showing you music and movies I like.
I definitely have an issue with boundaries and it's something I'm currently working on so I can have healthier connections to people, I struggle a lot with putting myself first.
I don't like arguing, or loud screaming. I like to take life slow, see the sunrise and the sunset everyday. I fear describing myself a little because I don't want to seem like I'm throwing roses at myself for some reason
I get hurt easily but I hide it and only those who know me well, know when something has hurt me. I tend to deal with pain alone and with time I've become central to help my family deal with the hard stuff.
I'm stubborn especially when I'm behind a goal I want to accomplish, I always have to keep in mind I can be more flexible.
Hobbies: I'm not sure if going to the beach everyday is a hobbie, but it brings me tons of peace so I'll say that and watching movies is one of my hobbies. I'm also into astrology so I spend a good amount of time doing charts and reading about zodiac and mystical stuff
Personality: well..I'm a leo sun, Libra moon and Capricorn rising. I like things to be done well when it comes to work but outside of that I'm happy just sitting down and winding down tbh. I am a hopeless romantic who hides behind and says romance isn't such a big thing, but my heart will melt if someone gives me roses.
I don't know if this will help but I have a super hard time talking about myself 😭♥️
hey fam!! thanks for your patience! it took me a while to ship you tbh bc i see you as compatible with so many of them!
I ship you with:
George Luz from Band of Brothers!
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ship theme song: This Will Be Our Year by The Zombies
ok hear me out
y'all are seriously so cute together!!
this boy is the crazy chaotic yin to your yang
nobody can draw people out of their shells like George can!
he literally saw you one day when he was with Perco and Lieb
and he made that "AAA-OOO-GAH!!!" sound
and Perco and Lieb were like "omg please don't do that again or we can't be seen in public together"
and George initially shrugged it off as a joke
but secretly
he was completely sold on you!
the initial meeting was maybe a lil awkward
but George is a sweet guy
your shyness never phases him
he actually decided it would be his challenge >:)
he eventually does woo you over
and nothing warms his heart like seeing your crazy kooky side
he wishes that more people got to see it
but George really compliments your personality imho
he's gregarious while you're more reserved
George loves seeing you passionate about something
whether that's movies or music
he can't help but laugh when you literally drag him over to the couch and "force" him to watch your new favorite movie
he will voraciously consume any type of media with you
nerds <3
George honestly just really likes sitting on the couch, watching you intently staring at the movie screen
he also loves your hair and how dimensional it is in the lighting with it's red and brown streaks
I'd wager that George can help you break down some of those boundaries
but encourage you to take more time for yourself
you can't be everything to everyone!
he just wants the whole world to know how truly amazing you are!
but George gets it
he struggles a lot with feeling like an object in peoples' lives
like he's only worth having around for a laugh
but with you, he realizes that he's worth a lot more than that
you help him to analyze the things that bother him
and offer advice when needed
George can't wait to bring you home to Rhode Island!
he wants his whole family to see what a gorgeous girl you are!
also Rhode Island has some of the most perfect shorelines
sooo if you can get George up before 10am
i bet that he would love to go watch the sunrise with you
George is pretty perceptive as to when you've been hurt
but he definitely knows how to cheer you up!
100 goofy impressions and you'll be rolling on the floor laughing
but also George hugs are underrated tbh
something tells me that this boy gives really good hugs
he's super proud of how dedicated you can be to accomplishing your goals
he wishes that he had half of your ambition!
fyi: he will want his whole astrological chart done ;)
idk bro shy girls and george are just canon for me <3
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