#I support Occults getting game packs to themselves but
onestormeynight · 9 months
About Me - Simblr Edition
Awwwwe, this is the first time someone has tagged me in a thing! Thank you so much @starandsims!
Your 3 Traits: Creative, Slob (facts be facts, I'm messy), family oriented (I have no kids, but I have four older sisters and they are my favorite people on the planet. I am incredibly lucky to have four strong, independent, supporting and loving sisters. Not everyone gets to have it.)
Your Aspiration: Bestselling Author
In Game World You'd Live In: San Myshuno or Henford-on-Bagley. I grew up in a very small mountain town and now live in a big city IRL. I love them both for different reasons.
Favorite Townie: Big oof, this is hard. I'm going to go with Brant Hecking, because in every save file that I've had where I played someone who needed a gossipy best friend, he's always been there for me.
Most Used Pack: Seasons, City Living, Country Living, Cats and Dogs
Favorite Decor Object: I am really partial to the wall art from Cats and Dogs.
Something You Want In the Game: Honestly I just really really really want them to go back and fix all the glitchy things. I wanted a wedding based pack for so long and was over the moon when My Wedding Stories was announced. I was broke at the time and couldn't afford it and to this day I am glad I didn't buy it. Biggest oof. Yikes on bikes on trikes. If the devs or whomever could just take like, a year and work on fixes, I'd be the happiest girl on the planet. Also funerals/celebrations of life (for those of us who don't do funerals).
What Color Is Your Plumbob: Pink for playful. I am sassy as a base setting. I love tea and gossip. That's not all I love, I'm also really into history, witch trials, the occult, all things spooky, musicals, TV and movies.
Tagging: @gunthermunch @lynzishell @nikatyler @petalletsims @satureja13 @plumbewb and anyone else that wants to tell us about themselves :3
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victorluvsalice · 4 years
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With both main goals fulfilled, the two just hung out for a bit longer in the Magic Realm, practicing magic a bit more and making some friends (hi Elizabeth -- I like your flower crown!) before heading home to eat, upgrade the bed, get a little frisky in the garden. . .
And then get a lot frisky inside. XD To be fair, Nikal actually wanted not just to woohoo, but to try for a baby with Emmett, so I decided to indulge her. This particular attempt didn’t end in success, but you know what? I’m going to keep trying. Two of my other three married couples have kids -- maybe it’s about time Emmett and Nikal joined that group. I can always remodel that gym into a kid’s bedroom. And I have enough money for some basement expansion too. . .
But that’s for next time. Next up -- first day of winter! What will I do to fill the time then?
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plumbobble-head · 4 years
Plumbobble Head’s Sims 3 LEPacy Challenge!
So I’ve had the Sims 3 for over a decade now, and in that time I’ve only really played with the Elgars... UNTIL NOW. 
While I love my Elgars, there are so many aspects of the game I’ve never even touched, so I’m starting a new LEPacy challenge with specific gameplay goals for each pack! There are eleven EPs in total, which makes for twelve (!!) fun-filled generations! 🥳
🏠 One: Base Game
In the beginning there was a Sim... Her name was Isadora Plumb and she had just moved out on her own to Sunset Valley! Isadora’s lifetime wish is to befriend the whole town and become Super Popular. Her spouse must be an EA townie, and they must have a base game lifetime wish that I’ve never played. To earn a living she’ll join the Journalism career (one I’ve never tried!) and max the writing skill. I’ve also never played with a mooch or a kleptomaniac so Isadora is both!
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✈️ Two: World Adventures
For generation two the family will move to Riverview, a world I’ve already played in, but we won’t be spending much time there because this generation is all about adventure! The heir will have the adventurous trait and either the Great Explorer or Seasoned Traveler lifetime wish. They must reach a high enough visa level to purchase a vacation home in one or more of the three worlds. The heir must have at least two children with a foreign sim (or sims!).  They must also max the martial arts and photography skills.
🛠️ Three: Ambitions
The Ambitions gen is so *ambitious* it’s played with two co-heirs! They both move to a shared property in Twinbrook, where they will get matching tattoos to celebrate their new-found independence. Heir A will have the ambitious and eco-friendly traits and their lifetime wish will correspond with one of the Ambitions professions that I’ve not yet played through. Heir B will have the eccentric trait and Descendant of da Vinci ltw. They will register as self-employed in one of the skill careers and can earn a secondary income by selling things at the consignment store. This heir can only have children via the time machine (but a child of either of the gen three co-heirs can become heir for generation four).
🌆 Four: Late Night
After three generations stuck in the suburbs, this generation takes place under the bright lights of Bridgeport! The generation four heir is blessed with the star quality trait and wants to pursue fame and fortune in the big city. They can choose any of the EP’s lifetime wishes, but must reach level 5 celebrity status. They will live in a penthouse apartment and hire a butler to see to their every need. But life in the public eye means the heir is always at risk of becoming publicly disgraced... especially because they will have multiple romances! Someone in the family must also be a vampire (although it doesn’t have to be the heir).
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Five: Generations*
After growing up in the big city this generation’s heir wants a quieter life in Aurora Skies with the large, loving family they never had. The heir must have the family oriented and/or nurturing traits and the Surrounded by Family ltw. As per their lifetime wish, they must have at least five children... but will they be a strict or indulgent parent? At least one of their children will have their imaginary friend become real, and at least one of their children must attend boarding school.
*(EP does not come with new lifetime wishes or a new world)
🐾 Six: Pets
For generation six we’re off to Appaloosa Plains to live off the land! The heir - whether they be male, female or otherwise inclined - is unfortunately a horse girl. They must have the equestrian trait and Jockey ltw and must also max the riding skill. They and their spouse must not pursue traditional careers, but can support themselves by “farming”. This means gardening and possibly nectar making, but there’s some Store content that could work well here too. Every good farm has a cat and dog, which can be trained in hunting to sniff out collectibles for extra income!
🎤 Seven: Showtime
This generation’s heir grew up in the country but dreams of stardom in Starlight Shores! They have the natural born performer trait and their lifetime wish is to reach the top of one of the acrobat, magician, or singer professions. Like their great-grandparent, the heir must become a level 5 celebrity. But in spite of their fame the heir feels that something is still missing in their lives. Perhaps a genie will be able to make all their wishes come true...
🧙 Eight: Supernatural
Childhood memories of magical genie wishes have inspired the heir to move to Moonlight Falls in search of the supernatural! They must have the supernatural fan trait and become an occult sim (by whatever means necessary). Their spouse must also be an occult, but a different type to the heir. The heir must max the alchemy skill, but can choose any of the EP’s lifetime wishes. They will be so busy with their extraordinary magical life that there is no time for mundane things like housework... luckily Bonehilda is on hand to sort it out!
🍂 Nine: Seasons
This EP doesn’t come with any new lifetime wishes or a new world and doesn’t add a substantial amount of new gameplay (unlike generations). I’m not sure how I want to use it, or if I will skip it/combine it with another EP. For now I’m leaving it in as a wild card.
🎓 Ten: University Life
Gen ten is all about the pursuit of knowledge! The heir must attend university and can choose to study any of the majors I’ve never played. They can also choose ay of the EP’s lifetime wishes. The heir must gain the two extra trait slots by completing their degree and reaching max influence with at least one social group. They must also max the social networking skill. After returning from university the heir will make their home in Lucky Palms and pursue a career related to their chosen degree or social group. Because I’ve already played with plantsims, I might choose to add an alien to the family instead. 
🏝️ Eleven: Island Paradise
The generation eleven heir loves to swim and will move to Isla Paradiso to live right on the water - literally - because they own a houseboat. They can choose any of the EP’s lifetime wishes but must also own a resort.  Profits from their resort empire will support them while they explore the island and max the scuba diving skill. There are rumours of mermaids in the island’s waters... will the heir be lucky enough to befriend one?
🚀 Twelve: Into the Future
The oceans are rising and the island is no longer paradise! The heir knows that the advanced technology is the key to the future... but will the future be utopian or dystopian? They will have the bot fan trait and must max the advanced technology and bot building skills. They can choose any of the EP’s lifetime wishes. I don’t where we’ll end up at the end of the challenge... possibly on Lunar Lakes!
That’s the plan anyway! I might not stick to it exactly, but I’m excited to play every generation/EP which is kind of the point of a lepacy challenge after all!
Feel free to use/adapt for your own purposes!
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lemonjellyyttv · 3 years
LemonJellyy’s ABC Challenge
There are so many different rules on how to play the ABC Challenge/A-Z Challenge that I decided to take what I liked about all of them, modify some slightly, and create my own set of rules to play with. This challenge is unique in that it involves marrying and divorcing each Baby Daddy, not using cheats at all, and playing with aging off as to allow the matriarch to have all 26 children herself. 
**This challenge description does not take into account Mods or CC’s since I do not play with either. If I ever download some, I will update this to include some rules around them.**
The objective for this challenge is to marry ~26 different men and give birth to 26 babies, naming each child in the order of the alphabet (ie. child #1’s name begins with A, child #2’s name begins with B, child #3’s name begins with C, etc.). The challenge ends once Baby Z ages into a young adult. If you have twins or triplets at any time, the number of men you will need to marry will naturally decrease.
Getting Started:
Create a female young adult Sim - you have free range with her looks, names, walk-style, voice, etc. However, she must have the traits family oriented and cheerful, and have the aspiration of Big Happy Family. This is your matriarch. 
Move your matriarch into any lot you would like without using any cheats. You may either buy an empty lot or a lot with a house.
Build and furnish what you can with your remaining funds. Your Sim cannot get a job at any time in the challenge, so I would suggest adding some money making activities to your lot, such as painting or wood building. 
Turn aging off - this will allow you time to give birth to all 26 children. You can only age up a Sim when they meet the set requirements found below.
Find a Sim you would like to impregnate your matriarch. You need to befriend them, romance them, propose to them, and marry them before they are allowed to impregnate you. 
Once they have impregnated you, or once you have given birth (you can decide when exactly), you will then divorce them and move onto the next Baby Daddy. Don’t forget to keep all their money though, since you are not allowed to work for your own!
These rules apply to everyone, unless you do not have the pack that the rule belongs to. You can disregard any rule that does not work for you. Remember that no cheats are allowed in this challenge. 
You may move as many times as you want during the challenge as long as you can afford it without cheating. 
Autonomy must be full. “Disabled autonomy for selected Sims” is allowed.
You can start the game in any season. 
You can have pets, but they will take up a space in the household.
You may participate in holidays and even create your own holiday as long as none of the traditions violate challenge rules. Feel free to edit any existing holiday. 
You cannot close the game without saving to avoid catastrophic events. If your matriarch dies before having all 26 children, it is considered a fail.
If any child gets taken by social services, it is an automatic fail. 
If a child dies, you do not have to “replace” that child. However, you cannot kill a child yourself. 
No cheats to influence house size are allowed. 
Lots and House Set Up
You may move as many times as you want during the challenge as long as you can afford it without cheating. 
All towns are free range - you can live in any you would like.
You may download from the gallery at any point in the challenge, as many times as you want, as long as you can afford it without cheating.  
If a lot your matriarch moves into has existing lot traits, you may not edit, remove, or add to them.
If your lot has no traits, you may pick three traits, but you can never change them. Your decision is permanent. 
You need to have a designated sleeping space for each person living in your house. Sleeping bags and tents count. Kids may share rooms. 
You may expand on your house whenever you have the funds to do so. 
Aging Rules
Turn aging for the household off. You may only age up Sims when they meet the requirement to age up.
Use a randomizer to select all the children’s traits as they age. 
Either use a randomizer (like this one) to select all the children’s aspirations as they age, or have chat decide. 
Babies can be aged up two days after being born. 
Toddlers can be aged up once they reach max level in all toddler skills.
Children can be aged up once they get an A in school and have maxed out at least two of the child skills (Motor/Social/Creativity/Mental). 
Teens can be aged up once they  get an A in school, have maxed out one skill, and have at least one character value within trait range - either positive or negative. 
When a teen turns into a young adult, you can move them out. You can keep them if you want the help with the children or want them to earn money for the household, but keep in mind that they will take up a household spot. They cannot get a spouse, get married, or have children while in your household.
Young adults can be moved out to make more room for more children, but they may not move back in after. 
You may never kill off a Sim in order to make room in the house faster. 
Your matriarch may not influence the gender of her children. You will need her to avoid strawberries, carrots, pop music, and alternative music. 
You may influence how many babies are born at a time with kids music, kids TV, on-ley line house trait, and/or the fertile trait.
Your matriarch may leave her home freely. She does not need to bring all her children.
Your matriarch may join and create clubs as long as the club activities do not violate any challenge rules. 
If the family is to ever go on vacation, you must bring the entire household. You may not go on vacation if there is a newborn at home. 
Your matriarch must be a human, but she is allowed to marry and be impregnated by vampires, mermaids, wizards, etc. 
Your matriarch must never have a job of any sort - no career, no self-employed path, no business, no odd jobs, nothing. She is a permanent stay at home mom for life. Or at least until she is an elder. 
Your matriarch may have skills that make her money such as painting and wood building, and she can host yard sales with any crafts. 
Teenagers are allowed to work part-time jobs to help support the family and bring in extra income. 
Young adult children can have any job or career. They can stay in the household as long as you want them to in order to help support the family. 
The family’s main income will come from your matriarch’s temporary husband and the money he brings to the family. When divorcing and moving out each husband, keep all their money and don’t pick a house for them to move to. They will be left with $0 to their name. 
Husbands/Baby Daddy’s
You cannot create your own custom husband’s for your matriarch, but will instead only find and marry random Sims in the town. Any town is allowed. 
The BDs are allowed to be of any type of occult. 
Your matriarch may not get pregnant by the same BD twice.
You may not use the hand-tool to move tash, plates, books, toys, or laundry. A Sim has to do it. 
You may use the hand-tool if the game messes up and places a plate on top of a cupboard and your Sim cannot get it. Why does the game do this?? I don’t know, but it is frustrating. 
You may not replace items when they break down, you must have a Sim repair it. If they cannot, you can hire a repair service. 
You may not hire gardeners or nannies at any point in the challenge. 
You may hire a scheduled maid, but only after your Sim has at least 50,000 Simoleons in their account.
You can hire a repair service only after your Sim has attempted to fix the item themselves. 
You can hire caterers, mixologists and entertainers only for parties. 
Your matriarch cannot hire a butler at any point in the challenge.
You may not use Patchy.
All in-game rewards from completing aspirations and social events may be used. 
You cannot own a money tree.
Your matriarch may use the wishing well, but she cannot wish for a child. 
Painting brings in a lot of money in comparison to other money-making methods that can be done at home.
The lot traits Child’s Play, Study Spot, and Good Schools make skills go up the fastest.
A micro or tiny home gives x2 to skill leveling.
Keep a list of who your matriarch has married and had a child with as to avoid accidentally getting impregnated by the same person twice. 
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nightlet · 4 years
Hi Simmers -
We want you to know we’ve been seeing all your feedback and we hear you.
We HeAr YoU
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Fuck I’m sorry I just really hate that phrase it always feels to damn patronizing. “We hear you, but that doesn’t mean we’re listening.” Anyways.
As we always have been, we’re committed to growing The Sims as a game and as a community, so instead of trying to respond to a variety of tweets we wanted to consolidate some thoughts and updates in one place:
We are working on adding significantly more skin tones before the end of the year, and will share news on our progress soon. Beyond that, we’re committed to continuing to expand representation in The Sims 4. This is not one step, but a journey.
I’m still not really getting why they aren’t working on making the color wheel instead. Or even just to keep it simple: two sliders, one for skin tone and then an undertone. That right there would give a HUGE range of customization.
But come on. You guys HAVE A COLOR WHEEL THAT YOU’VE ALREADY BUILT. And we all know how much you love reusing assets! So fuck just reuse the one asset that I think just about everyone would be ok with!
And I realize that it’s not that simple, the genetics system would possibly need an overhaul to play nicely with it. But again, that’s something that you’ve already done with pets. You have a working system that you can already piggyback off of. Shit, don’t even do the whole painting thing again if it’s so hard. I mean you’d have to if you actually care about your players being able to recreate themselves but whatever, just give us a wheel.
On upcoming content - when we consider something for addition to the game we consider what it will take to update it meaningfully. This is just as true for babies as it would be for cars, bunk beds or any other number of feature requests. Sometimes there is foundational technology we need to work through and sometimes we need to dig into designs more deeply to make sure we understand your expectations. This work takes time, and we don’t update you on these projects until they become more real. Game development in general can feel like a long process and, like most of the world, we are adjusting to a continued state of working from home.
I can understand this. As a non-programmer but with some experience in web coding, I try to give them some benefit of the doubt because I can only imagine how easy it is for something to just not work. Buuuut that doesn’t mean I’m going to overlook how, once again, it feels like we’re in the dark. The dev team is constantly saying “yes, ok, we’ll start making more effort to be transparent and share with you what’s going on.” It lasts for like two packs and then it kinda just sinks back into silence.
In just a matter of weeks we’ll be sharing more about our next Expansion Pack, which we’ve been working on since last year. I want to set expectations now, though, that cars, babies, farms and bunk beds are not part of this EP. We understand how important these features are to you but we want to be honest that they are not part of this upcoming pack.
I am a little bummed that this pack isn’t going to be anything we’ve been asking for, again. But I do find it funny that she’s throwing out the time they’ve been working on it. Like as if to say, “see how long it takes? We started on this a long time ago and that’s why it’s not including anything you’ve been asking for!” EXCEPT WE’VE BEEN ASKING FOR THIS SHIT FOR YEARS. Ok, maybe not farming, I haven’t seen the calls for that until more recently. I’ll give you another bogus pass for that. But all that other shit? DAY ONE.
I swear to god this pack had better be super fucking good. It better be something that at least a large part of the community has been asking for, especially after this SW bullshit. Personally, I’d like to see a supernatural pack, though I know that’s hit or miss with the community.
But I’d love to get so many different life states (as well as some more development for existing occult like aliens or ghosts). Werewolves, fairies, zombies, ACTUAL FUCKING PLANTSIMS PLEASE, genies or djinn, you could bring back Bigfoot (and give Plumbella Bonehilda while you’re at it, you bastards!) AND SO MUCH MORE. Why not some variety? Werecats, werebears, actual witches that have a centuries-old war with spellcasters or maybe voodoo? Honor different cultures through bringing in different creatures from their lores. Make cemeteries and crypts a thing with it! Put all of the Happy Haunts ideas in. PLEASE GIVE US BACK AT LEAST SOME HYBRIDS I WANT TO FUCK UP MY FAMILY TREES SO BAD OH MY GOD.
But regardless of what it is, MAKE SOMETHING WITH DEPTH. There’s SO MANY packs that I’ve bought that I’ve done literally next to nothing with because everything feels so shallow. I don’t think I’ve actually explored a single pack 100% (and I’m actually debating making a legacy just for that now) because they feel so incomplete. Believe me, devs, I want to buy all of your packs. I want to support the Sims team and absolutely fall in love with everything y’all put out. But how can I justify giving you my money when it feels like you’re saying “I hear you” but you’re not actually listening?
As a team, we are going to make more of an effort to communicate what’s coming with more regularity and transparency so that you continue to feel in the loop about new features, experiences, packs, and general information.
That’s it for now, and you’ll be hearing more from us soon. In the meantime, all we ask of you is to be kind, engage in constructive conversations with each other, and continue to celebrate what makes the Sims special to YOU. And I can assure you that we will continue to listen, continue to invest in The Sims 4 and continue to engage with you. We could not do what we do without our players.
SimGuru Lyndsay & the Sims Team
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