#I sure af ain’t taggin it by name I feel like even if I was comfortable with it I’d get (fairly) dragged
femme-enby · 8 months
Ya know, I’ve got a question/idea…
Since the media’s portrayal of w*ndigo is a skeletal, bipedal, deer like creature… but that is apparently not at all what they look like… why not just give the deer thing it’s own name?
Especially since the deer thing’s “problem” is cannibalism, while a Wendi’s is, iirc, like… greed/gluttony?
Like come on… I know it’s a much more… interesting? Name than like “Bigfoot” “mothman” or “squonk” (or however you spell the name of that pitiful crying creature) but like… here’s our chance! Give it a decent, ORIGINAL, cryptid name. Bc from what I’ve heard, at least from some indigenous folk’s version of it (as I presume there’s the potential for variation?) the only thing the emaciated deer and their creature have in common is a name. A name that, again, from what some say, shouldn’t even be said? (Although few have said that also isn’t the true name of the creature but the equivalent of like… ‘boogeyman’ or ‘baba yaga’ but again I can’t exactly verify that nor do I feel like coming across it’s true name, if that isn’t it, is something I’d like to do)
Like… idfk pull out the Latin on this thing, devourer of flesh? Google translate (take me out back and shoot me if you must but I am monolingual and doing my best) “Edax Carnium.” Or even “of the flesh” (this deer thing comes from the devouring of human meat, leading to a hunger for human meat, eat to become… idk) is just “Carnis” 🤷‍♂️
Idk, I’m just spitballin ideas for if any of my info was right- that at this point all the two truly share is really the name, and if it would be okay TO rename the deer creature to separate it from indigenous culture’s being.
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