#I sure do love to whump the poor lads
littleststarfighter · 2 years
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An idea I had set in an Eddie survived verse. Where Steve and Eddie become trapped in Upside Down affected Hawkins. A huge fault splitting them from the rest of the gang. Away from everything safe, constantly having to survive creatures warped by the creeping dread. A fighting battle to stay safe in a ever changing environment. But, not so safe for Eddie who is hearing Vecna every night.
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tharkflark1 · 3 years
Kingdom Hearts for the ask game
(sorry this took me so long to answer aaaaa)
Blorbo (fav character, character I think about the most) -
Sora!!!!! My baby boy. Baby boy baby. I have so many thoughts about my son. I wish to give him the softest kish on the head. He requires so many hugs and therapy. I want him to go apeshit. He loves his friends so much and im just ;0;
He deserves so much love,,,,,, <3
Scrunkly (my "baby", character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) -
Antiform/Rage form. Look at that little feral lad go. I love him sm. He's just, a shape. Scrunkly. He hang by him foot and i,,,,,, and he protecc his light and i miss him sm. He chitter and I <3 <3 <3
Scrimblo Bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) -
Data-Sora and Data-Riku!!!! They are so smart. They are so small. I cannot protect them. They are gay. People who say ReCoded doesnt mean anything are not valid as they do not get to properly appreciate my sons. And im so happy new peeps nowadays understand my position.
Glup Shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won't shut up about it for a week) -
Im not sure there are any obscure faves in KH but uhhhhhhh I guess Brain. Brain is so good. I love his outfit and he's just a guy. I miss him so. He went from sassy and antisocial to sassy and the Best Friend. He knew what to do when he knew that emotions would run high with Strelitzia being found out. I want to see him again. AND HIS CHIRITHY HAS HIS HAT. I will never shut up about Brain.
Poor little meow wow meow ("problematic"/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) -
Ansem the Wise! I actually rlly enjoy his arc. With him starting out as a piece of shit as DiZ but then realizing what he did was awful and so spent the rest of his time helping fix the lives he destroyed. He wanted to repent. And he's still helping!!! I rlly like him <3
Horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) -
Sora and Riku for whump related reason. Sometimes hurt/comfort is good for the soul. actually scratch that hurt/comfort is always good for the soul. Also the Heart Hotel. for similar reasons.
Eeby Deeby (character I would send to superhell) -
Yen Sid. Fuck Yen Sid. All my homies hate Yen Sid. Society has progressed past the need for Yen Sid.
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Cloudwalker Series Part 23
Alright, lil bit of fluff, lil bit of angst and a whoooollllleee lotta whump. It’s Avizon’s backstory time, peeps!
Warnings: Abusive woman, beatings, dislocations, blood, hand whump, guilt for hurting someone/ comparing to an abusive/evil character. 
Master-list Here
Approx WC: 2200
Taglist: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
When Avizon went downstairs he found Orrien teaching Ihuka how to peel potatoes. He couldn’t help but faintly smile, seeing Ihuka screwing up his face as he concentrated. “Before you say it, I couldn’t sleep so I gave up and started making dinner. Ihuka wanted to help,” Orrien supplied. “He’s doing a good job. We’ve been learning some words and he’s taken quite a shine to Mouse.”
Avizon looked at the metal dragon on Avizon’s ear, which was currently guarding a pea. Avizon smiled, but it wasn’t as forced as he expected it to be. “Horse called Fox and a dragon called Mouse. You’re a creative one, that’s for sure. So, what have we learned then, Ihuka?” “Tay-toe!” Ihuka beamed, showing him the potato he’d finished peeling. “Potato, yes, clever bird,” Avizon chuckled.
“Ummm… knife, pot, bowl,” he pointed to each item. “Fire… hot. d.dangerous?” “Yes, fires are hot and dangerous.” Orrien grinned and pointed to a pan. “And what’s in there?” “Dinner!” he beamed. Orrien and Avizon chuckled. “You’re making quite the chef out of young Ihuka.” Orrien chuckled and collected a bowl of stew for Ihuka. “And I found a way to get him to eat his v-e-g.” “Drowned in gravy and stock?” Avizon guessed. Orrien winked.
It was true, Ihuka would have to start to eat vegetables since he wasn’t getting the greens now he wasn’t in the wild. Avizon wanted to be able to keep him healthy and happy.
Orrien gave him the bowl. “Off with you now, go eat outside.”
“Eat… out...side...” he pointed to the window. “Yes, outside, clever bird.” Ihuka beamed and left. “He’s gone to sit on the step, bless his heart. He’s a good lad, really. It’s nice being able to teach him words.”
Avizon nodded. “I just hope I can undo the damage I’ve done...”
Orrien looked up at him and sighed. “I think you can, with time. He’s bouncing back, but I think he also knows you didn’t mean it. He can see your regret.” “I hope so… I also noticed something… A few days after Ihuka bit me, I began to change. Seeing Blue’s bite, get infected like that… I can’t help but wonder if Ihuka biting me… if it… changed me, helped tilt the scales.”
“Perhaps so.” “And to think that’s what I broke him for...” Avizon mumbled. “All my life I swore I’d never be anything like Halve, but I fear that is what I have become-” Orrien’s mood immediately darkened. “Do not say that name in this home. And you are nothing like that man, or his bitch of a daughter.” Avizon flinched at his sudden change. “I’m sorry. But I almost killed Ihuka, how am I that much better?” “Because you feel guilt. You feel regret. That is why.” Orrien gestured for him to sit and reluctantly, Avizon did so. Orrien sat opposite him.
Avizon sighed. “Is that enough to separate me from that monster?” “Yes. It is. Now please, you need to dismiss those thoughts. You are better than him. Ro loved you, you don’t get to compare yourself to that beast. Where is this coming from, Avizon?”
Avizon found the wooden table beneath him to be the better thing to look at. “I’ve had too much time to think about all the wrong I have done… Seeing how my birds react to me… I… Seeing Blue and Dyan, how they need each other… It has brought up memories. All I can see are the similarities between me and… him.” He looked down at his hand, at the small scar on the top of his hand that the princess had left behind from one of her attacks.
Avizon sighed. “I’m having a difficult day, I suppose.”
“What you went through was by no means easy. You pushed your body to its limit and then so much further. You were lost, yes, but you are also trying to find yourself again, to be better.” Orrien carefully put a hand on his hand. “Is there anything I can do?”
Avizon shook his head. “I think I’ll go for a ride. You should know, our guest, Tashka, is still in the barn, I believe. He has promised to not attack this place again.”
“Good… How is Blue anyway? Did he wake?” “He cracked open his eyes a little, but I left him with Dyan since Dyan was having a hard time too. He practically asked me to punish him and muzzle him but I refused… He thought I was going to take his other horn when he accidentally snarled at me.” Orrien frowned. “Poor bird… With Blue, we never got around to working past his fear of taking off his collar. But Dyan wasn’t threatened by its removal. Perhaps you could get him a weighed necklace, something he can feel, to reassure him on his more vulnerable days, when he feels like he is doing wrong? It is hard for them to adapt at times.”
Avizon nodded slowly. “I will speak to him when he’s calm and see what we can do. He looked about ready to fall asleep when I left him.” Orrien excused himself from the table. “I’d like to pop my head around the door and make sure everything is well. I was meaning to check on Blue anyway. What he went through…  I shouldn’t be long.” Orrien gestured to the pot. “You should eat.” Avizon nodded but he didn’t hear the words he said. He was lost in thought, staring at his scarred hand. He shuddered with the memories, but Orrien had already left. He didn’t need to see this, he didn’t like to have people see his struggling.
And so his mind wandered, and Avizon couldn’t reel it back in. All he could think about was his time at that cursed castle, the pain he’d endured, to all the events that had led him into darkness, and despair…
Several Years ago...
Avizon groaned as he made his way up the many stairs to get to the top of the tower to see Orrien and have his wounds checked over from the day before. Orrien had healed him well, but he needed to keep a close eye on it. Avizon had been unconscious after one of the princesses 'gifts' had left him too close to death. 
It had been a bad stab wound sent in a fit of rage because Avizon hadn't knelt fast enough with his still healing leg injury from several days prior. Nothing he could do was ever enough for that woman or her father. Every failure brought pain which brought more failure. It was a cycle he couldn't escape from but he was running out of blood to give.
He'd only just gotten to the top, panting for breath, when he came face to face with Princess Eriona. He bit back a whimper and bowed. "Your Highness." "Downstairs, now," she hissed. "You didn't make an appearance yesterday."
Because he was unconscious, but that wasn't an answer he could provide. "Yes, your Highness… my sincerest apologies."
With every day that passed the desire to kill that bitch grew, but he was too terrified to ever act upon such thoughts.
Despite struggling all the way up the stairs, he now had to go back down. He politely invited Eriona to go first, but she slapped the back of his head and shoved him towards the stairs. He struggled to keep his balance as he limped down faster than he wanted to. He blinked away tears and bit back a grimace as the spiking pain increased rapidly.
"Hurry up!"
Despite his pain, he did so, his limp growing worse. He was in so much pain but he just couldn't stop. It wasn’t an option, she was already clearly so mad.
"You had the audacity to get my father involved, getting me into trouble for lowering his 'security'. Like you could do anything! You're worthless, pathetic! And one day once father is dead you'll be mine to hurt as I wish!"
She kicked him in the back of the head before he could string together some sort of reply, sending him down half a dozen stairs before he could catch himself. His stomach flipped when he felt something give in his shoulder. He cried out in pain, holding onto it with a strangled sob. He could only guess it had dislocated. He struggled to get up again with three shaky limbs. He choked back a sob. He was sure he'd opened his stab wound too. He clamped his eyes shut.
"Please, mistress," he whimpered, daring to use the other name she liked him to use when they were alone. "I..."
"Get up!" she spat, grabbing him by the hair and yanking up.
Avizon struggled to his feet and had no choice but to keep walking. His body burned with the pain he was in. He cried out as he hobbled, keeping a hand against the wall for support.
"Cry all you want, coward, you will be punished."
Finally, he made it to the bottom of the stairs, snivelling, whimpering, and shaking. He just couldn't take this anymore. He just couldn't live the rest of his life like this. He yearned for the day he could be free from this, from the pain. Ro always told him he didn’t deserve this, but then why did he always suffer so?
Avizon gulped as she forced him on into a storage cupboard. He knew what to expect, and he could only try to defend himself from the beating he received from her. He tried to protect his shoulder and hold on as best he could as he could until her frustration died down. That was all he was to her, a punching bag, a means of gaining satisfaction from hurting others. He was nothing in her eyes. The king wouldn’t correct her either, he just made sure she didn’t kill him. He curled up in the corner and gradually fell down to the ground with each devastating blow to his already broken body.
He screamed when she got him to the ground and started to kick him in the ribs. He wheezed and curled up until finally, finally, she stopped, panting for breath. She reached up into her hair and Avizon braced in advance, turning his head away. There was a sudden pain in his hand and he cried out. Then there was a yanking sensation, and blood flowed freely. Stabbed with her hairpin. He tried to focus on breathing, to get gulps of air past his frozen lungs and broken ribs. He tried not to stare at his hand.
“Do not ignore me next time I call for you,” she glowered. He lay on the floor, battered, broken, and in so much pain he just simply could not move even if he wanted to. His eyes were dull and unseeing. He barely managed to choke out, “Yes, m.mistress...”
She left him alone, to lay on the floor in agony, out of sight of anyone in the castle. He closed his eyes and waited for unconsciousness, for someone to find him. He didn’t care which anymore. This was the life he had almost always lived, and there would be no escape from it…
He didn’t remember falling unconscious, but he woke to the feeling of warmth on his cheek, a hand, and not just anyone. “Open your eyes, my love, please open your eyes… Oh, by the realms… W.what the fuck has she done to you this time?...”
Avizon opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out, only a feeble sob. He forced his eyes open a crack, just enough to see his beautiful green eyes. “R.Ro...”
Ro hushed him gently and kissed his forehead. "I've got you. My father's on his way- stay awake, sweetheart, please stay awake."
Avizon didn't even try to sit up. He couldn't if he wanted to. He was battling with his heavy eyelids, the whispered promise of painlessness. Ro sat down beside him and pulled him into his lap with care. Avizon whimpered as his shoulder moved but he tried to stay quiet for Ro. He wanted the comfort. The pain was so heavy he couldn't breathe.
"Ro?" Orrien called. "In here. I.it's bad," Ro answered.
Avizon saw the tears in his eyes and reached up with a bloody hand to wipe his tears away but thought better of it. His hand was so covered that it would have marked his face. He didn't want to do that to him.
"'m okay," he mumbled instead, even if he felt like anything but.
The first thing Orrien did when he saw him was swear. “She’s getting out of control,” he hissed, kneeling down to assess the injuries. Avizon whimpered and tried to push his hand away from his now clearly bleeding wound. “N.no, master, p.please...”
Orrien gently put his hand on Avizon’s forehead, assessing his temperature. “I’m going to have to inform the king again-”
“No!” Avizon yelped, trying to sit up, but that drew a scream from him. Ro eased him back down as he panted heavily and sweat dripped from his body. “N.no...” “She punished you for it? Dash it all!” Orrien spat, but he quickly dismissed his anger. “Alright… let’s just get you upstairs so I can patch this up. Don’t worry, lad, I’ve got you… sleep.”
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piracytheorist · 5 years
My Notes on Rewatching “Call Girl”
I amuse myself by thinking that watching this film is an important rite of passage for anyone who’s an all-in Colin fan, as in, one who’ll watch anything and everything he’s in, no matter the content, theme or quality.
I actually used to think that this was a pretty bad movie... but, as you might have seen from my last few posts, I recently realized this isn’t the case. Sure, it is not your average short film, but breaking it down you realize it’s doing most things right from a filmmaking point. I mean, you don’t have to love it, but it does a great job overall.
And I mean, it’s got Colin in it. How bad can it be? ;)
Beware of spoilers, if you haven’t seen the film. And if you do wanna see it, here it is :D
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I'm still surprised that... this is it. That's Colin freaking O'Donoghue right there. The pirate. The cowboy. The astronaut. The man the myth the legend.
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Ah, early 00's.
Wait. Ok let's make a breakdown of the decoration here. There's: 1) a heart anatomy poster 2) a frame with an undiscernible picture 3) IS THAT AN ASTRONAUT FIGURE? dun_dun_dun.mp3 4) a small penguin (?) plushie with a nautical (?) hat on it 5) are those... mantis figurines stuck on the sides of the screen????
Oooooh boy you sure have some very specific decorations on your desk.
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The music stops abruptly when Brendan's mother calls out to him to not close the door because she wants to see him studying. That's interesting. Also how old is Brennan supposed to be? Is he supposed to be in high school, or an adult in college? What was the age of consent in Ireland in 2003?
This vibe, though. White perfect shirt and dark vest...
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The look of "I'm gonna look at hot girls with my bedroom's door open while my parents argue across the hall" ALSO YES THAT'S A MANTIS
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This just makes me laugh so much. Can you imagine sweet innocent (mostly) virgin Brendan typing it and his heartbeat skyrocketing?
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Seriously though, that "Welcome back Brendan" thing. With one small addition you add a whole point in his backstory about him trying to deal with his urges.
Jesus I have forgotten so much. As soon as Brendan hears his mother coming, he immediately clicks "Dump her" on the "Virtual Babe" and it just... explodes. 
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With a full low-quality boom sound effect to boot. Like seriously if you were trying to hide why the f have your speakers on. You had one job, Brendan.
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A rare glimpse into Brendan's room, and I'm trying to understand what the pattern on his sheets are. Maybe I'm just confused by the astronaut figurine, but it looks... vaguely... about space? Like, if you squint, the circular thing on the top left looks like Saturn's rings. No?
Also, Brendan's mom being obsessed with disinfection. That was 2003.
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"I don't want filth getting into my house while I'm gone." And two hours later, her son has sex on her bed.
Oh wait, his father says "The only contact [Brendan] has with the outside world is through that bloody computer of his," in a... weird, tone? Like he's trying to placate the mother's fears of any rave party suddenly taking place in the house, but also with his tone (and maybe by using the word "bloody"? idk I'm no native speaker but it piques my interest) it doesn't seem like he's very... understanding and/or supportive of his probably very shy and/or socially awkward son.
Mom: That reminds me, block off the internet, will you? Dad: *scoffs* Why not lock him in a tower while you're at it?
He is sassy though!
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Lookit him though! So sad he won't be able to create and look at Virtual BabesTM while his parents are gone.
The parent's accents strike me more towards a British one and I got confused for a bit, but then I remembered that we see Brendan use euros later, lol.
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*hatching the plan to search in his father's briefcase for any cards for escort services*
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This is where I started feeling that this movie is better than I’d remembered. Like, it does the job of delivering Brendan's guilt over "tresspassing" into his parents room and disobeying his mother, as well as his fear of being discovered, even though he watched his parents drive away, so he'd hear the car if they came back, in a pretty well-done and clear way.
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I love how he immediately knows exactly where to look. His father's such an organized fella. Also those pills that he seems to not need immediately (thus leaving them behind for the weekend) are... something. They're put there for a reason and I wonder what that could have been.
There's not even a moment of hesitation, once he opens the briefcase. He doesn't put the card back in, he only looks briefly at his parents' photo but then he's like "Yeah. I'm doing it."
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That smile as he sees the card though, lol. 
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Casual reminder to have safe sex, lads.
And then the phone operator is like, full business mode. Brendan stutters for one (1) second and she's immediately like, "You want a girl?" She's like, I've had tons of people like you, lad, can't waste my time waiting until you find the courage to ask. You wanna hire or not?
OH MY GOD I JUST REALIZED The operator asks for the address, Brendan gives it, then asks how much does it cost. Then the operator says "Same as usual." BRUH she knew the address from how often his father used the service!
And then poor Brendan checks his savings and his "Uh..." says it all about how he wishes he could hire someone for longer than an hour. Bro, calm down. It's your first time.
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And then he's like, waiting all anxiously by the door. I've never hired an escort service but I feel ya dude.
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And of course Barbara the nosy neighbor, here to bring us to the edge of our seats, lol.
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Look at how organized their fridge is. Why is that chick suddenly so eager to cook something for him? There looks to be so much food already prepared in there.
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And dude. This movie has set-ups. Barbara tries to open a cupboard to like pick up ingredients to cook something, and Brendan, with a sudden "No!" rushes in and closes it. It only makes sense later, when we see that that's where he hid the money for the call girl.
Yikes she booped his nose as she left... what is he, ten? I mean even if he's supposed to be a teen here it's still... like... he's not a little boy to fucking boop his nose. No wonder her mother seems to trust her with taking care of him, with how both treat him like he's a child.
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Hi there! You're gonna die :D
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Shit I just noticed the portrait on the wall. Is that a... is that a fucking ruff collar his mother is wearing???? (btw I had to search to find that term with "shakespeare collar" XD)
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I mean... you can't help falling for it. At first you're like, she seems too... simple for a call girl. But then you're like, who else could it be who also knows his name?
I wonder what would've happened if she hadn't asked to use the bathroom, which prompted her to look at his parents' bedroom and him to... initiate contact. Would he have mustered the courage to actually ask her about it or would he have been so flustered until she'd say something? What would she say? "You know, your mother said you would [something]" and he would FREAK THE FUCK OUT because how does his mother know? Would they have stayed there in awkward silence long enough for his mother to call, him to pick up and find out what she was really there for?
I mean, look at that! I'm speculacting the "what-ifs"! Good fucking movie!
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That look, though. You suddenly go from "Aw you cute" to "WTF I know you're thirsty for it but that's... creepy"
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Look at that smile, though! She is pretty nosy!
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I just... I love everything about this. The way she's smiling at nosing in in her boss' bedroom. Him creeping behind her like the future killer that he is, actually scaring her. The way he says "This is my mother's room," so shy and collected. The fucking music, too. How it slowly builds up from the moment she spots the bedroom and it starts developing when Brendan kisses her.
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And that kiss. So chaste and shy and yet she's like, wow yeah let's have sex now.
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"You're not as shy as you look." LOL
For the pre-sex scene I just wanna link y'all to @killian-whump 's post about it, since it says it all.
Also dude the voicemail is set up from that moment too, but we've yet to hear what it includes, aside from his mother being bossy about the smallest things. "I hope you haven't gone back to bed." IF ONLY YOU KNEW. Not only what bed he's gone to, but also what he's doing on said bed.
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"You don't waste much time, do you?" Lol if only you knew. And again his first response is to apologize if he did anything wrong.
And you know what? Plot twists are a hell of a lot of fun and well made when they make you go back and see things with the new perspective. Like, how chill and simple she was, why she said the last line I mentioned, the newly-known reasons why she said it was kinky to have sex in his mother's bedroom... *slams hand on table* That's a great way to do a plot twist! A fucking plus!
Like seriously, this convo: B: Have you met my father? M: No, but a lot of the other girls have though.
Pre-plot twist viewer: Wow whAT how do you say it like that Post-plot twist viewer: Yeah makes sense
M: I think he gets sympathy from them, like, you know, cause his wife's such an old witch... *realizes* Oh, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that! *more failed excuses and then THAT face*
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And like, that's a bit inappropriate in any case but pre-plot twist you're like WTAF. And then you're like eh makes sense for frustrated employees to pity their bitchy boss' seemingly calm husband...
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And there's that set-up from before. Job well done, film.
And then their argument about the money. Brendan being confused about the amount, Mandy saying she'll come back and speak to his mother about it...
Seriously though what if he'd found out the voicemail after he'd had sex and before the "confrontation"? Would he like, have sent her on her merry way with all the money and then had more sex with the actual call girl?
And then his instinct, to try and make sure his mother won't find out, is to fucking threaten the woman with a knife. Wow, a little too much, Brendan. And then his first instinct, when they're fighting, is to search and grab the knife and fucking stab her. Lbr though that's just baby Colin finding his call for playing messed-up characters.
Also how did she die so quickly. Guess I found one weakness in the plot XD
And now you're like Jesus he just murdered her but when Barbara comes a-knocking and he looks at her and exasperatedly calls her name, you're like... same, bro.
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And the stupid bastard didn't even wash the blood off his arm. Like seriously, Brendan, either do a murder correctly or don't do it at all. At least you can't say he wasn't dedicated, bro sliced his own arm open. *pats head* you'll learn, my little murderous bean, you'll learn.
Brendan: I was doing the dishes. Barbara: Did your parents leave them for you to do? They must have left in a rush this morning.
Yes, Barbara, he can do the dishes, he's in an undetermined age between late teens and-
Barbara: They didn't even make their bed.
Wtf you nosy bitch.
See what I'm saying? Full character development for a character with like, two minutes of screentime.
And then the voicemail drops like an anvil. My first thought when his mother said that Mandy is nothing but trouble I was like "Yo look who's talking" but then I thought that... yeah she did creep in her boss' bedroom, actually had sex with her son in it, then pretty much talked dirt to him about her... I mean she definitely didn't deserve to die, but maybe his mother was a good judge of character for one (1) moment.
And then Lorraine appears.
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And Brendan's like "Now I have money for like, three hours with her. Maybe I'll even convince her to help me hide the body too."
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In conlusion, yup, I’m pretty glad I spent a good hour and a bit watching, analyzing, writing this review and screencapping this film. 10/10 would rewatch and review again.
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adleryoung · 5 years
"From that direction it came," Sam muttered, nodding his head toward a muffled cackle and a rustling of underbrush.
We both stared intently in the direction of the sound, but it went silent.
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"Sure an' what is it yer lookin' at so intently, lads?" a scoundrelly voice asked right behind us.
I jumped, but Sam merely turned and said, "Estvan Silverbrush."  Was there a hint of nervousness in his voice?  "A long time it has been."
"Sam O'Yamm," Estvan replied.  "Sure an' it's the Adoyret ye are now, is it?  So ye returned to the monastery an' continued yer studies in spoite of all me sage advoice."
"Where have you been?" I asked, with no slight degree of perturbation.
"Begorrah, me boyo, sure an that's an interestin' question," Estvan replied with a smirk.  "One which oi could just as easily be askin' yerself - except it's knowin' oi am, with a fair degree o' certainty, that it's roight here ye've been fer almost the whole toime.  And not easy fer me to get here either, at all at all.  Sure an it seemed loike the forest itself was tryin' to prevent access."
"You won't tell anybody, will you?" the trees rustled plaintively.  "We're supposed to be keeping Adler isolated, but both of you foxes were too sneaky."
"Oho, so it's sneaky oi am, is it?" Estvan chuckled.  "Loike a Vulpitanian, ye moight say?"
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Suddenly he whirled around and clocked me upside the head with his shillelagh.  I fell down, both hurt and surprised in equal amounts.
"Ye asked where oi was, ye blatherskyte," Estvan snarled.  "Well it's the devil knows how long oi was trapped in a tree BY ME OWN DAUGHTER, and who is it moight've put her up to that, oi wonder?"
He gave me fierce kick in the ribs and kept talking.
"Well, blessin's o' Fuma, fer darlin' Sofie's trap to work, she had to be in there with me.  Oi bored the poor lass out o' her skull with daft stories til foinally she could take no more, an' in order to escape she had to release the both of us.  Pooked roight off, she did, without even a by-the-bye.  Sure an it's worried oi was about the course o' the battle, consarned oi was fer me friend an' protege .."
He kicked me again.
"Oh how oi fretted, me boyo!  'Oi do hope Adler's all roight,' oi said to meself as oi hurried on to Albric Tor, only to foind it poisoned in a green fog o' death .. two armies and a city full o' innocent elves, killed in the most Unseelie manner imaginable .. King Estmere murthered on his throne .. all Faerie in a shambles .. Gaps everywhere .. elves adrift, cut off from home an' from one another .. the Duchess loose .. me lovely woife an' son lost Fuma knows where, maybe aloive an maybe not .. an' all o' this the work o' ONE WHITE FURRED MONSTER!  Sure an oi've always trusted the Lady, but sure an she made a mistake with you!  A mistake oi'll quickly correct!"
He raised his shillelagh for a crushing blow, and as it came whistling toward me, I wriggled aside.  I grabbed the end of the stick as it struck the ground.  Before Estvan could react, I yanked his shillelagh away from him, spun around, and whacked him hard right in the knee.  He went down with a yelp, and I sprang to my feet.
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I grabbed the Mephitist amulet on his chest and lifted him up by it.
"STOP LAD, STOP!" Estvan shrieked in what seemed to be genuine terror.  "Sure an ye've broken me kneecap an' cracked me ribs, an it's ENOUGH!  Oi yield!  OI YIELD!!  Ye'll not beat an old elf to death with his own shillelagh, not if ye claim to be Seelie at all, at all!  Please, Adler, have mercy!"
Suddenly I was appalled by the fear in the old tod's eyes, and I dropped him with a shudder.
"Boi the Lady," Estvan groaned as he lay in the grass and clutched his knee.  "What is it ye've been teachin' the lad, Sam, ye spalpeen?"
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bohrapbois · 5 years
You look good in it
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After going through the archives, I found this small piece from awhile back, and I remembered that whump!prompts always rule my heart.
Summary - Although Ben looks hot as hell in the get-up, he couldn’t stop the anxiety of being dressed in such a way from taking over. He had been objectified by his body before, so it’s only likely that he will be again.
Pairings - None. Pure friendship.
Word Count- 1342
Looking at himself in the mirror, Ben had to admit that he looked pretty decent in the makeup. The wig was just being put into place, and suddenly he looked like Rogerina’s half-sister. They looked similar enough that you could definitely see a resemblance, but obviously Ben wasn’t going to look exactly like Roger. But still, he looked alright.
The wig was finally secured to his head, and the very formal test of shaking his head showed that it stayed on pretty well, and should last with minimal adjusting for the 8 hours scheduled. Getting up from the chair in the beauty department trailer, Ben cautiously pulled down the obscenely short skirt before grabbing his robe from the hook on the door, shrugging it on and tying it tight at the waist. The robe fell to his knees, covering most of the dark tights, and should protect him from the chilly October winds.
Ben stepped out, his cheap gym pumps hitting the cold tarmac as he quickly made his way from the trailer park to set, ducking his head down from getting any eye contact. It wasn’t that he was ashamed, he was just a bit self-conscious in this get-up. Rami seemed to love showing off his tiny legs, and had great joy in his wig, but even though he wasn’t wearing fake tits and had on fishnet stockings, Ben still felt more exposed. Further up his thigh was a hidden garter belt, which Roger insisted he had to wear although there was no video evidence of it in the video. Not wanting to insult the rock legend, Ben just grabbed the white, lace garter belt offered to him, and had slid in on without outwards protest. But knowing it was there made Ben flush with embarrassment.
“Benjamina!” Gwilym cheered in joy as Ben walked onto set, followed by Joe wolf whistling from the sofa set up in the middle of the room. Both men were already in full costume, not showing nearly as much skin as their castmates. Gwil’s nightdress only showed his arms and a peep of his calphs, but as Gwil often wears t-shirts and slightly too short trousers, Ben didn’t see any different. Joe was sat there, a thick layer of pale makeup and roughly drawn eyebrows on his face. He was even more covered than Gwil, with his granny get-up covering near enough his entire frame, just leaving his face exposed. Even the wig was covered by a hat.
“Alright granny?” Ben flipped off Joe, who was making crude jokes about his getup.
“Show us your legs, Benny-boy!” Joe, looking somewhat petrifying as he stood, started pulling at Ben’s robe. Ben laughed, pulling the robe tighter and attempting to run off. Gwil got in the way, managing to undo the knot. Ben’s hands were the only thing keeping his somewhat dignity in tact, and he held tighter.  
At that point, Rami walked in, and truly staying in character, called them all “darlings” as he made his way on-to set. This managed to get Joe and Gwil’s attention, who now moved onto poking the plastic breast cones attached to Rami’s chest. Seeing his change to escape, Ben got off set and went behind the cameras. One of the assistants stood there waiting, and took the robe from Ben. “Thanks,” he mumbled, once again pulling down the skirt whilst also trying to make sure the horrid yellow and pink tie wasn’t crinkled.
Now he was un-robed, Ben’s anxieties from before came rushing back. He was going to be standing under bright lights, being stared at by expensive cameras, and had to impress the unloving titan of a director, Bryan Singer. So, Ben stayed back, hidden in the shadows as the camera crew did the last needed checks before the actors would be told to get in place and the blocking test could be done one final time. In the precious few minutes Ben had left, he avoided all contact with anyone. Well, at least he attempted too.
The one and only Roger Taylor was on set, and noticed the blond trying to hide behind the refreshments stand. The drummer excused himself from conversation with one of the sound techs, and picked his way through the bustling crew to stand by Ben. “It’s like looking in one of those carnival mirrors”.
Ben grinned tightly, eyes still scanning his surroundings. “It’s just as weird for me as it is for you, mate”.
Roger laughed, but stepped to the side to block Ben from the rest of the room. “It’s alright, son. I felt the same way when we did it,” glancing over his shoulder, he looked at the rest of the cast with a fond smile, “Freddie actually did the same thing,” he gestured as Rami pulled his skirt up even higher to show how the stockings were indeed clipped to his underwear.
“But wasn’t it your idea?” Keeping his voice low, Ben rubbed his sweaty palms over his tight cladded thighs.
“Yeah,” Roger laughed, “but even I wasn’t expecting to be dressed in such a slutty school girl outfit!”
“It’s stupid,” Ben bulldozed over Rogers words, trapped in his own mind, “I’ve appeared naked on stage before, but somehow I feel more exposed when fully clothed”.
“It’s because societies standards are fucked up, and tell men that dressing up and putting on makeup is wrong.” Ben glanced up and could hear the venom dripping from Roger’s tongue. “If Freddie taught you anything,” Roger continued, taking a deep breath as not to sound as if he was scoulding. He saw Ben as one of his kids (although  he would never admit it, thank you Brian) and didn’t want the poor lad to feel anxious and scared for just having a skirt on, “you should know that as long as your true to yourself, fuck everyone else”.
Ben felt the words sink deep and undo a bit of the anxiety coiled around his heart. Looking down, Ben could still see his fear, but he could also feel Freddies presence wrapping him in a hug. “Thanks, Rog. Means a lot”.
“No problem boy,” Roger could see Ben standing that bit straighter, and although still panicked, his eyes seemed more focused and in the moment. “Now go out there and shake your arse”. And with a quick pat on the shoulder, Roger turned and disappeared back in the crew.
The bell for the cast to get in places ran, and with a shaky breath, Ben moved forward and stepped into the light. He smiled at Gwils cat calls, and did a short turn when Rami demanded one, but couldn’t help but tug at his skirt one more time before sitting down at the table. His legs tapped at their own will, and he tugged on the wig as he could feel his fears creeping up silently. He tried to hold Rogers thoughts at the front of his mind, but his own intrusive words was battering poor Roger.
Ben practically jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked over, eyes wide and mouth ready to apologise or shout or curse or do whatever, only to find a soft looking Joe under all that horrid makeup. He must’ve left his mark, which he’ll definitely hear about from Singer, but Joe could see Ben spiralling and stepped in before it got worse.
“Hey,” he didn’t speak much louder than a whisper, but didn’t need too. He was kneeled by the chair, using his body to stop the cameras from seeing Ben, “I think you look good in it”. He used his free hand to tug the tie in place, and his eyes were full of comfort that he knew Ben needed. “You look hot as hell, and no one is gonna judge you, okay?”
Ben only nodded, and grabbed onto Joe’s hand which was still on his shoulder, taking a moment to ensure he was fully grounded before grinning, properly this time, to let Joe know he was okay.
He could get through this.
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killian-whump · 6 years
OUAT 2x22: Rewatch Blog
Hey everybody! Here I am with another rewatch liveblog! This time, I'm rewatching the second half of the S2 finale: "And Straight On 'Til Morning" :)
By the way, the titles of this episode and the one before it are awesome. WAY better than "part 1" and "part 2" or whatever.
Anyway! Let's get on with the show!!!
Aww... Sad Milah portrait time.
Now that we know Killian has art talent, it makes more sense that he drew that portrait of Milah, rather than that she drew it herself.
Aww, Smee. Such a good pal. So supportive.
Oh, Colin. He's doing his best, but you can tell he's still injured when he walks down those stairs. Poor bunny.
Hahaha, you snarky bastard. He’s such a troll.
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Oh, look at this peaceful, idyllic scene. Young lad, playing on a playground, an older lady watching him fondly... ARMED WITH A CROSSBOW.
Wow, Gold. Wow. That's cold, man. Stone cold.
Hahahaha, he's spending some time with his grandson, alright. Creepily. From the bushes. And... kinda murderishly, too. You do you, Rumple. Nobody else ever could.
"He wasn't supposed to die." Yeah, about that... Eh, whatever. You'll figure it out later XD
Awww. Now I feel bad for the guy who was gonna murder an 11-year-old in cold blood literally only a minute ago. Dammit, show.
Awww... Poor Colin, still limping. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like how they worked it into the show as remnants from getting hit by a car, but... I feel bad for my cookie T_T
"Who is telling you what to do?" "You know what, that's not your concern." OH MAN, YOU HAVE NO IDEA GREG
"It's not ours, either." Wait. Wat. That's just plain dumb, Greg. You're DUMB, Greg. Duuuuuuumb.
"We have faith in the sacredness of our cause." Thanks, Tamara. You get to be dumb, too.
"Absolutely." Not. Hahaha, I love his face after that. It's so very 'Ohhhh, this is awkward. How do I politely leave this party without offending the host?'
Flash. Bang. 'Nevermind, lads, I'm out of here.' That was the dumbest party ever.
Aww... Regina. Poor bean. Last episode was really hard on her.
A Regal Believer hug <3
Aww... There goes breakfast.
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Or what's left of it. Seriously, do you people not clean up after yourselves?
"So we're all gonna die."
Henry “Random Outbursts” Mills strikes again.
HAHAHAHA I love the way Hook saunters in like he fucking just belongs there.
HAHAHAHA I love how David just fucking suckerpunches him right in the fucking face.
HAHAHAHA I love how Dave pulls out his gun and cocks it, like 'you have 5 seconds and I used 4 of them punching your stupid face.'
Oh, Captain Charming. How I love your sordid beginnings :D
"Quite hostile, aren't we?" Gods, you fucking snarky bastard. Why are you so perfect?!
Heeey, Felix.
The Lost Ones. I mean, they're all boys. Nobody's fooling anybody here. You can just go ahead and call them the Lost Boys XD
Mmm. I kinda like Felix threatening him...
Oh, great. The Pawn Shop is infested with dwarves now.
I must say, Josh Dallas looks good with a gun.
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Guys, I just really hate Greg, okay? T_T
Guys, I just really love whump, okay? T_T
It's complicated and I’m emotional right now. Just let it go.
Tamara, you dummy. Who just trips and loses their gun? I mean, come on. Seriously.
"I'm not your mate." Ohhhh, Dave. Have I got some exciting news for YOU...
This sceeeeeeeeene T_T
My baby Regina, doing the right thing and being a hero once and for all, for the son she loves so much... T_T
And she's smiling... T_T
"Let me die as Regina."
Awwww... A touching Rumbelle scene... T_T
I’m just... I’m feeling a lot of things here, guys.
That dwarf infestation problem seems to have moved over to Granny's now.
She also seems to have a skulking pirate problem. Just look at it over there, skulking... watching... plotting...
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How did they even air this face on television during prime time without warnings and disclaimers?! I had three heart attacks and five children whilst making this screencap alone.
"I didn't kill your mother." Ahhh, the pain in his voice T_T This whole speech here T_T
"As sure as if you ripped her heart out yourself." Ouch, Baelfire. I see you got your mother's cutting tongue there.
Awww... My poor pirate baby T_T
Awww... He wants him to stay so badly T_T
But he won't stay T_T
AHHHHH the pain on Colin's face for that moment there T_T
Aaaaaaaand it's time to be an asshole again T_T
Aww, the sad version of Hook's theme T_T
Hahaha, they're all gonna die and Snow's like, 'YOU CALLED ME MOM, I'M GONNA CRY'
Meanwhile, everyone else in the audience has been calling Josh Dallas "dad" since sometime last season.
"You may not be strong enough, but maybe WE are." I LOVE THAT LIIIIINE <3
Imagine the director during this scene, though. 'That's great guys! Could we get more vibration? Just... vibrate the shit out of this scene. We need, just, ALL the vibrating you can possibly put into this right now. Like you're riding a jackhammer in an earthquake. That's great! Wonderful!'
Oh, that packed quite a wallop.
Hey, they saved the day!
And it's a Floor orgy. Everybody get down toni- Oh, you're all already down. That's the idea, isn't it. No, no, I get it. I just... nevermind.
Ugh. These two. Can we kill them yet? Is it time for them to die? No? Not yet? Soon, though... right? Please?
I mean, the dialogue in this scene is literally painful. It’s just so bad. They don’t know what they’re doing or why they’re doing it, they don’t know who they’re working for or what the main point of anything is, they don’t make any sense when they open their mouths... I just really hate these two.
I love Dave’s face when he says they already did that. ‘Yeah, we did that... while you were fucking around on your boat, asshole.’
Awww, Rumple doing the right thing.
I gotta say, I love this energy here - heroes and former maybe still who knows villains working together T_T
I also love the angst on Hook's face when he says "Neverland."
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Oh, the things I imagine happened there... :D
Guys, this is how you DO a season finale. I mean, this is the BEST one in the entire series, in my opinion. It just ties everything up, and makes you EXCITED for the next season! Great episode :D
...and that’s a wrap! PEW PEW PEW PEW <3
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eirabach · 7 years
Heathens [8/14]
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Summary: After the events of Renegades, Emma finds herself the reluctant monarch of a struggling Kingdom, her only advisors a mish mash of those who’ve betrayed her in the past, and her only comfort one very uncomfortable pirate.
Believing her long lost parents could still be alive, Emma and Killian set out to find them and reunite them with both their daughter and their throne.
Thank you so much to everyone who’s commented so far, I hope you continue to enjoy! This chapter and the next are two of my favourite things I’ve written - so I hope you like them too! All my thanks and love as ever to @phiralovesloki and @katie-dub for their beta work and general amazingness, and to @seastarved for her incredible artwork!
Rated: E. Warnings for violence and corporal/capital punishment specifically in this chapter! @killian-whump this one’s going out to you.
This chapter 4.4k
Other Pairings: Snowing
Catch up on tumblr: Prologue One Two Three Four Five Six or here on AO3
Chapter Seven: Blood on the Floor
When he’d been dragged from the cell they’d thrown him into almost as soon as they’d arrived, and the guard had left David, bemused and enraged, behind, he’d assumed some sort of… personal treatment was in order. The rack, perhaps, or the whipping post. He was no stranger to either, after all.
 He’d assumed the guard’s brutish manhandling of him as he practically threw his chained body down the courtyard steps had been due to frustration with the way Killian’s knees refused to buckle at the prospect, but then he’d seen the waiting crowd, heard the slam of the pillory being opened, and suddenly, he hadn’t been so sure.
 “Is this is really necessary?” Killian asks as the prison guard as he’s bodily forced into the shackles of the pillory. “If I could just speak to the king, I’m sure he’d - ”
 “King’s got nothing to do with this,” the guard spits as he slams the shackles down painfully hard on Killian’s bare wrist. “This is just a bit of fun, y’see.”
 “Fun for who, exactly?” Killian chokes out as the collar tightens around his neck.
 “Me, of course. Ain’t got a hangman’s stomach, so this is as good as I can get.”
 “You’re taking this all very - very personally,” Killian gasps as the guard gives him a solid cuff around the back of his head and sets his ears ringing.
 The man stands up straight and folds his arms.
 “I had a lad, once. Brave he was. Stupid, perhaps. Joined the Navy didn’t he? Your lot got him on his first voyage.”
 “My lot?”
 “Pirates,” the man spits, “Dirty, filthy pirates. Scum of the Earth, every last one of you, and you, oh, you are going to feel it.”
 “Marvel at the great pirate Captain Hook!” he bellows to the crowd. “Come see him in all his glory! Shall we thank him, one and all, for his years at sea? Shall we show him our gratitude for his treatment of our fine navy?”
 The crowd snarls and jeers, seething with hatred, as someone pushes a large wicker basket before the pillory.
 “You’ve made your point,” Killian grits out from between his teeth. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry about your son.”
 The man leans forward, his hands on his knees, and smiles.
 “Too late.”
The sharp, wet smack of the first putrid vegetable sends his head reeling to the right and he grits his teeth against the sting of the laughter that follows.
 “Good shot!” someone calls. “Get the stump, go on!”
 A howl of agreement, and then the frame judders under the onslaught of half-black turnips and slime-coated lettuce. Killian struggles to keep his eyes open and his mouth closed as they rain down on him, acid sending his vision blurry and his head throbbing under the onslaught.
 He thinks he sees, just for a moment, a young boy stood by the basket, a rotten apple in his hand as he seems to consider his shot, and over the cheers of the crows, over the thundering of his own blood, he thinks he can hear Liam calling his name.
 “What you doing? Killian? Killian!”
 The weight of the apple in his hand, the bruise blackened face of the man in the stocks, and Liam, Liam behind him, his hand on his shoulder, his guiding light.
 “Why?” he asks, and Liam’s reply is as grim and as tight as his grip as he pulls him away.
 “You can’t know another man’s story, Killian.”
 Yes, brother, he thinks, his eyes closing as something harder, sharper, slashes his cheek. I can.
 Killian’s only respite after the humiliation of the pillory is a barrel of icy water thrown over his head and thin prison-issue garb before he’s tossed back into the cell he shares with Dave, the promise of their looming execution on the guard’s gleeful lips.
 That was three days ago, and this morning is to be the last they’ll ever see.
 “Hung,” says David for the fifteenth time since dawn had risen and brought a breakfast of mackerel and eggs to the condemned men’s cell. “I’m going to be hung.”
 “Hanged, actually,” says Killian with false cheer. “Thought a king might know that, but that’s royalty for you,” says Killian as he picks the bones out of his fillet. “Never appreciate their education, and all about the capital punishment until it’s their necks on the block. Perhaps if King Eric had been hugged more as a child we wouldn’t be in this position.”
 “I’m a shepherd,” David says with a scowl, “About to be hung like a piece of mutton, and for what? Associating with a pirate? Perhaps if you hadn’t dragged me into this mess, I’d be at home!”
 “With what, your sheep?”
 “Do you have any idea,” David seethes, “what it feels like to give up? To lose everything you’ve ever loved in one fell swoop? Yes, I’d be at home with my sheep! My sheep are all I have!”
 Guilt itches at the back of Killian’s neck, and he considers telling David right then, about the daughter who’d grown up to be the Saviour, the determination with which she’d set out to find her father. Her certainty that somewhere, somehow, this man’s True Love is still alive.
 But that means telling him how Killian has failed them. How Killian watched this man’s daughter sink to the depths. How fate took her, in a way, as assuredly as it will take this man, this good-hearted shepherd King, for the sin of daring to bestow an ounce of kindness on the undeserving soul of Killian Jones.
 Of admitting that Snow White will wait forever, and David is helpless to prevent it.
 “Rather a desperate turn of events all around, if you ask me.” Killian says instead, shaking his head. “No. I’m sorry, your Majesty, I truly am, but I didn’t ask you to brain that bloke, did I? I wasn’t to know just being in my presence is a death sentence nowadays.”
 “Your presence encourages poor choices,” says David, and shoves his plate away, “so I shouldn’t be surprised. How can you eat at a time like this?”
 “Well, there’s not much else to be done about it,” Killian says with a shrug. “And it’s pretty good, you sure you don’t want any?”
 “Am I sure - ” David sucks a breath between his teeth. “Do you even have a plan to get out of here?”
 Killian drops his fork and any attempts at pretense, his expression darkening as he looks out of the barred window towards the shadow of the gallows.
 “None whatsoever.”
 “So what, you’re just going to die?”
 “Maybe it’s time,” he says. “I’ve lived a long, long time, mate, and there’s more I love waiting for me there than there is remaining here.”
 “Me, too,” says David, letting his head hang back against the stone wall. “I never thought I'd be scared, you know? I thought - I thought when it was time, I’d be ready. Ready to join Snow. And yet - ” He lets his head loll to the side. “Are you so sure they’re waiting for you?”
 “I’m not a priest,” Killian says. “Far from it. But I’d like to think - what’s the alternative, eh? Nothing? Can’t be worse than here.”
 “Can’t it?” asks David, and sighs. “I wish I knew, that’s all.”
 Killian swallows hard and looks at his feet, bare apart from the chain around his ankles. He doesn't know if his next words are cruelty or comfort, but he knows he can't go to the gallows with them unsaid. Not when David’s desperation is so familiar to him.
 He wishes he knew, too.
 “Your daughter - Emma - ” he stops, pausing to swallow the ache that seems to follow her name. “What if I told you I know that she’s waiting for you?”
 “How would you know that?” David laughs grimly, then his brow furrows. “How do you know her name?”
 “Because,” Killian sighs. “I rather hope she’s waiting for me, too.”
 “You know Emma?” David says, scrambling up onto his knees. “How? Why? Are you telling me she’s - ” His mouth works helplessly around the last word, his face bright red.
 “Gone?” Killian winces at the word. “Aye. I loved her, but I couldn’t save her. Couldn’t save any of them.” He looks back out of the window. The clouds are gathering now, the wind picking up. It won’t be long. “Not even myself.”
 “What do you mean, you loved her?” asks David, rearing back against the wall of the cell, his already pale face blanching to the colour of the stone behind him. “What happened - what did you do to her!”
 “Nothing,” Killian insists, shaking his head against the implied accusation even as guilt makes his last meal sit unsteady in his stomach. “Nothing she didn’t ask me to! I was her - ” and it’s his turn to pause, the words tripping over themselves to escape and yet none of them quite right - lover, consort, captain - “friend!” His shoulders sink, the realisation stinging at the back of his eyes. “I was her best friend. And she was mine.”
 “And she was alive,” David says softly, his eyes far away. “And you loved her.”
 “I did. I do.” Killian shakes his head. “We were looking for you, you know. I don’t think this is quite the reunion she had in mind.”
 “Looking for me?”
 “Aye. You and the Lady Snow.” He smiles, a sad, wistful little thing, but genuine enough. “We were neither of us cut out to rule. Emma had the idea that the two of you may be better suited. I don’t think she was expecting - well.”
 He gestures to David, but he’s too busy gaping to take any offence.
 “But Snow’s - and Regina, is she - ”
 “Dead, mate?” Through the window they hear the sound of a hundred or more feet skittering over the cobbles, voices raised in excitement, as the dark figure of the hangman strides past their cell door. “Aren’t we all?”
 The crowd that forces its way through the prison gates and into the courtyard ebbs and flows like a sea of humanity baying for blood, small children propped on their father’s shoulders, young girls shrieking with laughter at their friends.
 Emma spits bile over the parapet above their heads, and hopes it lands in their eyes.
 “This is entertainment?” she hisses. Ariel wrings her hands, her long red locks covered in a heavy cloak.
 “It’s been a hard winter,” she says. “The suffering - ”
 “Clearly wasn’t enough,” Emma growls.
 “Emma, please,” Ariel pleads, “you must remember that this is a seafaring nation - these people have lost many loved ones to pirates - and your Killian Jones is no innocent man.”
 “I told you,” Emma says, her eyes flicking over the crowd, searching for something, anything, that might act as an escape route. “He’s changed.”
 “And I believe that,” says Ariel. “That’s why I’m here.”
 “I know.” Emma reaches out and squeezes Ariel’s hand. “I know what you’re risking for us. Thank you.”
 “As I said, I’m an old romantic,” Ariel says, and then adds wryly, “and completely mad.”
 She pulls a steel hook from the confines of her cloak, handing it over to Emma with a wink and a smile.
 “Please don't ask what I had to do to get that.”
 Emma squeezes the metal tightly, and tucks it into the waist of her breeches.
 “Thank you,” she whispers.
 Ariel shakes her head. “Don't thank me yet.”
 There’s a last push from the rear of the crowd, and then the iron gates are drawn shut behind them with an ominous creak, a hush falling over the crowd as the hangman strides out onto the gallows.
 “I’ll spare you as much time as I can,” whispers Ariel, “but the rest of it’s up to you. Don’t get caught.”
 “I won’t,” Emma says, watching the loop and the turn of the ropes as they’re attached. Two of them. “Don’t worry about me.”
 “Easier said than done,” mutters Ariel, and she turns to scurry down a staircase to join the masses below leaving Emma alone with nothing but her roiling stomach for company.
 She hasn’t got a clue what she’s doing. No plan, no resources, just a view of a gallows, and the sure and certain knowledge that she won’t survive watching him die, and someway, somehow, that’s going to have to be enough.
 She’s still got her sword, and her dagger tucked into her breeches, she’s still got her wits - such as they are right now - and she’s got Ariel’s sworn promise of distraction. At her feet are a couple of half barrels, mainly empty after a rainless few days - and the flag of the Maritime Kingdom flutters in the breeze from a flagpole that juts up beneath her.
 She sees more than hears the frisson of excitement that runs through the crowd as the metal doors of the prison grind open, people standing on their tiptoes and elbowing each other for a better view of the damned men as they're dragged out onto the dais.
 There's an older man with graying curls and a mutinous expression who shakes his captors' hands from his shoulders and stands surveying the crowd like a man who’s found himself in a terrible dream, his bearing almost regal despite the way his hands are tied behind his back, and then - and then - there's Killian.
 If the other man looks mutinous, then Killian's expression can only be described as - well, cheerful. He nods to the crowd, throws a wink to the young girls who've pushed their way to the front of the crowd, and practically swaggers his way to his own death.
 She wouldn't have expected anything else, not really. Once a showman, always a showman, but this isn't a swan song she's prepared to witness.
 The barrel wobbles beneath her as she tests her weight against it, her focus split between where the older man appears to have chosen to berate Killian with his last words and the gentle sway of the flagpole.
 If she misses this, she isn’t going to be witnessing anything. Ever again.
 No pressure.
 She waits for the moment Ariel mounts the dais, the little hand gesture the two of them had agreed upon the only hint that the queen isn’t truly there to pass final judgement on the ne’er do wells alongside her, leans forward, and jumps.
 She hits the flagpole with a clatter, tangling herself helplessly in the flag as she scrambles for grip before clinging on to the wooden pole like an infant chimera to its mother’s back. The crowd at the base of the flagpole looks up in shock as the pole begins to sway alarmingly beneath her sudden weight, and she sort of grimaces down at them in a way she hopes is reassuring. A small child opens her mouth as though to scream and Emma shakes her head furiously, struggling to press a finger against her lips. Luckily, Ariel takes the opportunity to clear her throat, and their attention is drawn back to the gallows.
 “Citizens of the Marine Kingdom,” she begins in her bell-like voice as Emma begins to shimmy indelicately down the pole. “It is always a sorrow for my husband and I to proceed with events such as these, but it is our duty to see that justice is done for the - ” Emma slips, only her right elbow catching in the rope stopping her from falling the fifteen feet to the ground below, and Ariel stumbles. “For the good - and the - the glory - ” Emma untangles herself enough to slide another five feet, and is judging the remaining drop when the hangman moves to cover Killian and the other man’s faces with the rough sacking hood they’re to die in. Killian’s mouth is moving, she can see it from here even though she’s no hope of hearing him, and gods help her but it looks like Emma.
 “I’m coming,” she says, all air and fear leaving her in a single breath, and falls.
 He remembers the queen, not like this - oddly nervous, her hands twisting in the silk of her cloak as she condemns the already dead - but younger, bolder, with a tail made of shining scales and a passion beyond his tormented understanding. He wonders for half a moment if he shouldn’t appeal directly to her, for Dave’s sake if not his own, but her eyes are fixed firmly on the crowd, her back forever turned to him, as David continues to mutter pointless threats beneath his breath.
 “If there is an afterlife,” David hisses, “I will kill you in it, be sure of that.”
 “That would be more frightening if it weren’t for the noose,” Killian mutters out of the side of his mouth. “It rather takes priority.”
 “I can make it frightening,” David assures him. “You wait.”
 “You’re assuming I’ll see you there,” Killian adds. “Rather hopeful of you, but thanks anyway.”
 “That’s enough,” spits the hangman. “Her Majesty is speaking and your breaths are numbered. Save ‘em.”
 “For what?” snipes David, and his head is covered by the hanged man’s hood.
 Killian swallows hard, and for a moment lets his eyes close, runs through the faces he can only hope are waiting for him on the other side. His mother, Liam, Milah.
 He opens his eyes one last time as the hood descends, and for one moment he thinks he can see her, a vision floating above the crowd, her golden hair wild in the breeze, and then he sees no more.
 She scrabbles to her feet as the drums begin to roll, their thunder rolling out as the crowd surge onto their tiptoes, all desperate for a glimpse of death at work. Elbowing her way through them, hand tight on her sword’s pommel, she finds herself fervently muttering aloud, her breaths cut short and quick in desperation as though she's willing him to hear her somehow even if it's the last thing he ever hears.
 I love you I love you I love you I love you.
 She's never told him. Never. And the drums reach a crescendo, the crowd surges forward, tears running hot down her cheeks, Ariel’s frightened face blurred and distorted.
 The hangman pulls.
 The trapdoor drops.
 The world stops.
 She doesn’t know how she gets from twelve feet away to the gallows in less than a breath, nor why the hangman is bleeding at her feet, only that the ropes are swinging and their feet are twitching and her sword is sharp, sharp sharp as she slashes the first man down. Somebody’s screaming, several somebodies, the whole world, probably, but it’s far away - only I love you on her white, cracked lips as she rips off the hood.
 The man stares up at her through bloodshot, watery eyes, as she throws him aside.
 “Not you,” she hisses, and maybe he balks at that - she feels like he balks at it, his rheumy gaze fixed on her - but she hasn’t time to care. Another swipe, another clatter of bone against wood, and she’s dragging him to her, her tears wet against his sackcloth skin. She rips off the hood only to realise that beneath he’s too pale, blueish lips and still lashes, a violent, livid mark at his throat where the rope has tightened.
 “Don’t be dead,” she whisper-sobs, her sword abandoned as her hands rove over his too still chest. “Don’t be dead. I’ll kill you.”
 “Emma?” The other man is behind her now, her sword in his hand. “Emma, is that you?”
 “Don’t be dead,” is all she can manage, and he shakes his head, the movement jerky like a man rising from a dream.
 “You need to go!” Ariel, still stood at the front of the gallows, her arms held out placatingly towards them as though warding off enemies of the crown, speaks through gritted teeth, her eyes wild. “The guards!”
 And sure enough over the echoing screams and gasps of the crowd and her own panicked breath, Emma can hear the approach of chainmail and hooves.
 “I can’t,” she says, her fingers tight in the worn fabric of Killian’s shirt, “I can’t leave him.”
 “Then you’ll die with him!”
 “Emma, please,” entreats the stranger, “it’s too late.”
 “No.” The guards are upon them she imagines, Ariel frantically thinking of a way to keep them back a moment or two longer, but it doesn’t matter. “No,” she mumbles, “I just got him back.”
 She squeezes her eyes tight against the tears that keep falling, takes a deep breath, and presses her lips to his cold ones to breathe life into his lungs - once, twice, three times.
 “Don’t you dare,” she pleads, and behind her heavy footsteps mount the gallows, loud voices, large hands that reach out and grab at her clothes.
 She has no idea how she does it, only that she does, her hands thrown out in front of her as she twists around and lightning streaking through the air. The crowd scream as one, the sound of a hundred frightened pairs of feet thundering through the wood beneath her as she scrunches her face up in concentration, the white light from her fingertips sending the guards wincing backwards.
 “No,” she pants out. “I don’t think so.”
 The swords that the guards had been holding are ripped free and arc towards her, the men’s astonished expressions the last thing she sees before she grabs hold of Killian’s sleeve with one hand and hooks her ankle around his companion’s leg, closing her eyes and willing the fire within her to get us out of here, get us out of here please!
 The screaming stops, suddenly, replaced by the sound of bird call and the drip, drip, drip of rain falling softly through the canopy.
 Her sword drops to the floor with a dull thud, the man who had been holding it staring around himself in bemused wonder, but she only has eyes for Killian, only cares for the slight pink plush returning to his cheeks, the flutter of his eyelids as he draws first one rasping breath and then another.
 “Don’t you dare leave me,” she hisses again, “not ever, do you hear?”
 He smiles, a small uptick at the corner of his mouth.
 “Never, love. Never.”
 “Good,” she snaps, and thumps him hard enough in the shoulder to send him roiling and wretching against the forest floor.
 “Oh, shit, shit I didn’t mean - “
 “It’s quite alright, love,” he gasps out once his stomach is empty. “No doubt I deserve it.”
 “No doubt you do,” grumbles the other man. “Are you always this much of a drama queen?”
 “It’s a habit that doesn’t only apply when at death’s door, I’m afraid. Why, does that put you off wanting to kill me?” he manages, before coughs wrack his body. Emma rests her hand on his back and scowls up at the other man.
 “Who are you?” she asks sharply, rubbing firmly between Killian’s shoulder blades as he hacks into the grass. “And how the fuck did we get here? Was that me? How - ”
 The man’s jaw twitches, and he shrugs in a poor showing of nonchalance.
 “Damned if I know. There was smoke - and this bright light - and then,” he gestures around them, “we were here. Wherever here is.”
 “Magic,” Killian says, smiling up at Emma between coughs. “That’s my girl.”
 She shakes her head, but he nods, wincing at the action.
 “You might not know how you did it, Swan, but you saved us all. Again.”
 “The Saviour,” says the other man, the word falling out on a long breath, his eyes wide. “It’s true.”
 “I don’t do autographs,” she says sharply, “but you’re welcome, I guess.”
 “No, I - ”
 “Swan,” says Killian, something bright and cheeky and delightfully comforting flickering to life in his gaze, “I’d like you to meet my new mate.”
 “I’m not your - ”
 “Dave, meet your daughter. Swan, King David of Misthaven.”
 “Wait, what?” Emma's jaw drops, the blood draining from her face as she stares up at the man she rescued entirely by accident. The man with long, grey blond hair and a set to his shoulders that makes her muscles twinge in recognition. “You're the King of Misthaven?”
 “No,” he says, his voice cracking, “not for a lifetime - but Emma, oh Emma, I thought you were dead.”
 He scoops her up from the floor and into his arms, his hand cradling the back of her head as though she's an infant, and she stiffens instantly, the feeling both awkwardly unfamiliar and strangely right. He holds on regardless, his arms shaking slightly as he holds her tight.
 “Where did you go?” he asks, the words pressed into the crown of her head. “Where have you been?”
 “I rather think that's a question she's been planning to ask you, mate,” Killian says, still crumpled forward on the forest floor, and Emma forces herself to pull back from the embrace.
 “Something like that,” she says. “You never found me.”
 “I didn't know I could,” David says, and she can see the truth in his eyes, hear it in the gaps between his staggered breaths. “If I'd known, Emma, if I'd known - ”
 She steps back, her palm held up between them, and shakes her head. It hurts, the thought of him wondering, looking, wanting her, hurts deep in a part of her soul that she'd thought she'd buried long ago, and she can't face it. Not now, lost in the wilds with this man who claims to be her father and Killian wheezing at her feet.
 “Not now,” she says as his eyes widen in disappointment. “Not - not never, but not now.”
 “Alright,” he says, and reaches down to pick up her sword, handing it back to her with a bow of his head. He lifts the two guardsmen’s swords that have accompanied them to wherever the hell they are, testing the weight of them and smiling slightly. “Where to?”
 “Anywhere,” she says, and heaves Killian to his feet, shifting her weight as he leans heavily against her. “Literally, anywhere.”
 “Together?” he asks hopefully, swinging Killians other arm over his shoulder, and she manages a smile.
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 1 episodes 1 & 2
Notes by me 😊
- episode 1
- i just watched the movie like 2 seconds ago so im diving right in here folks lets fuckin goooooo
- poker in the SGC
- how much longer after the movie does this take place?
- nobody believes the lady. Typical
- the gate reveal when the tarp fell off🔥
- lol this is so 90s
- these guys dont work for Ra do they? The costumes are different
- woa his eyes glow like Ra. Same species? Maybe?
- welp now what. They took that poor lady
- this theme💖💖
- i dont know how I feel about different actors here
- I love RDA from MacGyver but Jack seems very stiff acting wise
- as soon as this guy mentioned "stargate" hes all ears
- he keeps saying "im retired" I dont think he knows that theres like 10 more seasons
- mention of abydos!
- this Jack is alot more sarcastic....i like him
- "Over a year" ah ok so its a year later
- "Daniel was a scientist. He sneezed alot. Basically he was a geek" LMFAO YEAH
- wait wasnt Daniel an archeologist and not a scientist
- alright you can stop busting his balls sir. Daniels alive and well on abydos so pls try not to nuke the place
- this general is an ass
- this is so funny with all these new actors
- "skaara" 💗💗
- oh damn I forgot his son died
- waiting on daniels reply. If he replies
- "thanks send more" IM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOOOUUUU
- a woman??? Oooo I feel like I'm going to love her probably. Is she the token woman of the series
- her name is Sam I already love her
- cool! The sexism from what are supposed to be her fellow soldiers is fun to watch
- this is just 8 minutes of her 'proving' that she belongs and I hate it
- Jack and Sam have future lover tropes👀👀 I have a feeling they are going to be good friends tho
- Operation Bring Back Daniel
- abydos status: still a desert
- DANIEL!!!!
-????? This guy acts exactly like james spadder are we sure hes not channeling his spirit somehow
- omg hes so cute??? The floppy hair. glasses boy. Little bean. Little muffin boy. Babey
- AHHH its skaara! Different actor? I cant tell
- share is DEFINITELY a different actress
- omg her and Daniel. So cute
- daniels reaction to sams nerd status
- sha're ??? Is so???? Into Daniel?? And u know what girl thats fair hes adorable.
- party on abydos!🥂
- LMFAO sha're letting everyone know EXACTLY who Daniel belongs to
- "captain-doctor" you can just say one Daniel its fine
- more gate symbols means more planets!
- "I knew id like you" best friends already????? Dont mind if i do
- *nerd talk*
- pls dont kill sha're and skaara I dont think i can take sad daniel
- the budget for this show is poor but they really did their best I guess
- oh its the same snake dude from the sgc
- what do you want with them ya weirdo!!
- Bossy!jack
-love the tape on daniels glasses🤓 Peak Geek
- "nothing good can come thru this gate!"
"You came thru, daniel"
Im literally sobbing
- group hug bye world
- i was right I cant take sad daniel
- woa they have a shield? "Iris" cool
- hammond is mad at Daniel for leaving in the first place. Lets see how he gets outa this one lads
-- to be continued --
- Episode 2
- Hey its the soldier lady! This probably isnt gonna be good
- they just stripped her i am so very uncomfortable
- rip soldier lady :(
- this henchmen dude looks like hes having second thoughts about his job lol
- more aliens like Ra who pose as Gods. Are they the worm things like what that lady has. Thats gross.
- everyone rolls their eyes when Daniel speaks. Is it bc hes a nerd. Nerds are usually right pls listen to him
- I'll get banger content with Daniel on the team bc hes the perfect specimen for Needs To Be Protected Because He Is Babey And Has No Combat Experience and a bitch knows thats my favorite type of character
- Jack pushing Daniel ahead of him. They have Big Brother - Little Brother vibes and I live for that
- sneezy!Daniel
- "im not afraid of you!" Thats right sha're!!! No fear!!!😤
- god poor skaara :(
- Daniel in his liddle uniform
- lmao Jack not listening to Daniel rant about symbols
- SHIT sha're was chosen. Also this henchmen dude looks like he does NOT wanna be here
- "she was a gift" not a good way to describe how you met your wife
- Hey Daniel how about dont run up to random strangers. Its episode 2 and you are already so dumb
- is he multilingual? I feel like I knew that but I dont remember
- dinner party! Good im hungry
- "I have no idea" fav Daniel line 💖
- sha're!!! Queen?
- sha're said YEET and chucked Daniel across the room
- Daniel and skaara hug!
- this fuckin henchmen guy
- apophis is the bad guys name
- what the fuck is a goauld
- "Jack help me please" I'm crying in the club
- the henchmen guy nodded?? At Jack??? And Jack nodded back??? What is this
- "something of the host must survive?" The desperation.....
- oh shit not skaara
- Jack bonked by Big Stick
- "I can save these people! Help me" oh my goodddddd
- daniels glasses askew
- Jack just full on adopted this henchmen
- his name is Tealc!!!! You are now an O'Niell congrats
- hes a 'Jaffa'
- "infant goauld" what the fuck
- he cant take it out so its always with him.......he is pregnant 😌
- I already love him???? Alien man ready to murder the people who enslaved him??? Like FAV trope writers good job
- these effects for the fire fight are actually really good
- Kowalski to the rescue!
- skaara :(
- when Daniel finds the symbols in his little book and hes like oh there they are haha and the rest of them are like DIAL IT ALREADY
- "come on!!!" Impatient!Sam
- at least they got all those people out
- I couldnt be happier with daniels status as Smol Babey of sg1 ✨ its really making my day
- tealc came with them!!! Hes gonna stay right? RiGHT
- group hug for the team!
- Jack found a new best friend in Pregnant Worm Guy
- he wants him to be on the team!!!!! Shut up this is awesome!!!
- a cute shot of the new team in front of the gate💖
- what an episode! A good start to what I'm sure will be an amazing series
Whump under the cut
Daniel jackson whump: shot by Big Stick thing, thrown across room, weak, unconcious, crying, coughing
Jack Oniell whump: hit in face by Bi Stick thing, thrown on ground by hand weapon thing, worried
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