#I think Discord could get himself in wrong in order to get Twilight in wrong. This idea is freaky funny to me
kotomka · 1 year
Twilight: It's just misunderstanding!
Discord: We have robbed a plush toy store for a girls' party, there is no misunderstanding here
Twilight: THAT'S NOT TRUE!
Discord: Twilight, how do you think can i become a princess of lies?
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alderoo · 4 years
A Better Captain
I’m reposting this because I wanted to edit the the post and tumblr said “no you’re on a computer now” so I couldn’t edit it. It’s here now though lmao
This was originally for the 2020 Summer Exchange on the LU Discord Server for Crab!
Description: Wild recovers a memory in Warriors’ Hyrule, and a certain concerned captain goes to see if he can help.
Also Sky just wants a nap he’s tired.
A03 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26189509
The sound of swords clashing echoed through the training yard. Warriors smiled to himself, enjoying the moment of contentment in his own era. Most of the trainees were new to him, but he didn’t mind that. Besides, Impa had taken it upon herself to help train while he was adventuring with the others. 
The band of heroes had been traveling for days, with hardly a break from the onslaught of infected monsters that suddenly started appearing more often. Even Wind had looked dead on his feet, despite being the most energetic of the bunch. Since then, the heroes had split up, some retiring to rooms, others lounging near the kitchens, eager for a nice meal.
Now, it was just him, Sky, and Wild, the only ones who had been given formal training. Wild couldn’t remember it, as far as Warriors knew, but that didn’t seem to matter much to the younger hero, who was watching the clearing with interest. Sky almost looked as if he was going to fall asleep standing up. 
“Chosen, you know that you can go nap in the guest rooms, right?” Warriors asked jokingly. Sky snorted, and turned to look at him, yawning. 
“We’ll see. I was half listening to the conversation this time,” Sky insisted, drowsily waving his hand through the air in a half-hearted attempt at redeeming himself. 
“Do you even know what we were talking about?” The Captain shot back jokingly. Sky thought for a moment. 
“Something about you telling Wild the proper technique for… something. Yeesh, maybe I should go take a nap,” 
“No, I have to know, have you never tried using a spear?” Wild asked, flipping through his slate and holding it up to show the other heroes. “It’s great! I could be attacking fifteen bokoblins and it’d be easy because I can keep them six feet away from me!” 
“Just wait until I tell the Rancher that you did that,” Warriors threatened, and Wild gasped, hooking the slate back onto his belt. 
“I said that I could have, not that I did. Get your facts straight, Captain,” Wild argued, failing to keep a straight face. Warriors snorted, and turned to face him.
“And for some reason I don’t doubt that you actually did that,” He retorted, shutting Wild up in a silence that meant he indeed had tried it Sky giggled, distracting the two from their conversation. 
“If it’s any consolation, I am very proficient with a whip,” He offered, smiling. Wild beamed, and started asking where he even found a whip in the first place. 
“You’ve never seen a whip before?” Sky questioned, baffled at the response. Wild nodded eagerly, and gladly held the offered item. He studied it with intense interest, and resigned to taking a picture of it on his slate, probably to show his Zelda when he got home. 
“Actually, I don’t think I’ve seen one like that either,” Warriors added, taking the whip from Wild. He was about halfway through inspecting it when a clang louder than the rest echoed throughout the clearing. 
Looking up, a trainee had been knocked to the ground by another, the sturdy armor scraping against the ground. Warriors watched as Impa seemed to offer some advice to the little recruit, and helped him up to try again. 
“If anything, I think that woke me up,” Sky said after a moment of silence between the three. 
“I doubt anything could- is Wild alright?” 
At a first glance, it would look like the champion was merely staring off into space, but Warriors and Sky knew better. They had seen it before, after all. His eyes were blank and far off, looking straight through the training yard and straight into a memory. 
“What do we do now? Should one of us get Twilight?” Sky nearly whispered, worrying his lip. Warriors thought for a moment. He could get through this, right? What if Wild was reliving a bad memory, and something happened? The captain had no idea, having not seen what it was like when Wild actually came out of his nostalgic stupor. 
“I don’t know. Let’s wait it out, then we’ll decide what to do. If things are bad, I’ll find the Rancher and you talk to him, if not, thank Hylia,” Warriors decided, resuming his focus on the training yard in what seemed like a small ditch attempt to take the attention off of their amnesiac friend. 
Warriors and Sky waited in silence for nearly three minutes when Wild returned. At first, all they heard was a little gasp from the boy, turning their heads to see his brows furrowed, eyes staring at the ground while he was lost in thought. 
“Wild, are you alright?” Warriors prompted, speaking gentler than he had in awhile. He stayed silent for a few moments before responding.
“Yeah. I’m just going to take a walk,” He murmured, turning away and exiting back inside the castle. 
“I’m going to take a guess here and say that it wasn’t a good memory,” Sky muttered, wearing a look of concern. Warriors sighed. 
“Do you think- maybe I could talk to him?” He offered, and Sky turned around faster than he had moved that entire morning. 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? I’m pretty sure he punched Legend when he tried to wake him up from a nightmare. I think we should get Twilight,” Sky insisted, and Warriors shook his head.
“If he got a memory in the training yard, it must have been a memory of his training, and I know the most out of that than anyone. If anyone could help him, it’d be me,” Warriors replied, and Sky considered it. 
“Okay,” He mused. “Just be careful. Don’t make him any more upset,”
“I’ll do my best,” Warriors promised, and then turned to walk off in the direction of the champion. 
Warriors found Wild in the courtyard. He was leaning against a wall, in the shade of a bush, hiding from the sights of everyone else. Warriors steeled himself, ready for a backlash. Taking a step forward, he purposely stepped loudly, noticing the way Wild’s ear twitched in recognition to his presence. 
The Captain sat down, a good three feet away from Wild, growing uncomfortable in the awkward and heavy silence. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked hesitantly, glancing over in Wild’s direction. The person in question shrugged, and kept silent. “I can leave if you want me to, just ask. I wanted to see if there was any way that I could help,”
“What does it mean to you? Being a captain, I mean,” Wild murmured, taking Warriors by surprise. He shrugged.
“To me? It means a lot. After the war and everything, I take pride in continuing to protect my kingdom, just like we’re all trying to do. To others, I’m supposed to be a role model, someone to look up to and ask questions. Calm, collected, patient. It’s a lot of responsibility, but I’m happy to do it,” He answered after a moment of thought. Wild tensed, and for a moment Warriors tried to consider what Wild would say if Warriors had said something wrong. Wild laughed dryly, leaning his head back against the stone wall. 
“I don’t know how to feel about that answer. Didn’t you ever wonder why I was so quiet when I met you all?” He croaked, voice becoming hoarse. Warriors shifted uncomfortably.
“Well, I can’t say I didn’t, but for a time I didn’t talk too much either. My fairy friend did most of the talking for me back then,” He admitted, and Wild furrowed his brows. 
“Why’d you stop?” 
“Stress. The pressure of suddenly becoming a hero was the worst of it. Before that, all I can remember was people expecting more from me then they got. I poured myself into training, becoming the perfect knight I was supposed to be. I didn’t start talking more until I met some of the people from the other eras, especially all the sassy ladies that came through. You should have seen Time’s Zora Princess lecture me out,” He laughed at the memory, getting a small smile from Wild, before it faded, and he continued to speak. 
“I remembered my old captain. And I think- I think that I wanna tell you some things,” He finished, looking at Warriors, suddenly making the Captain feel very small. But nevertheless, Warriors nodded, and Wild started telling the story of his newest memory.
Link coughed, nearly tripping as he did so when he was suddenly forced to dodge away from the knight in front of him. 
“Sloppy! Clean it up! You’ll never beat him like that!” The captain called out from his location in the shade. It was boiling hot, and Link was shaking under the practice armor that he wore. The opposing knight, however, stood tall, having switched out with another only minutes ago. 
The knight swung his sword again, and Link darted under him, making an attempt to strike him in the back, but was instead shut down as the knight turned and slammed the hilt into his side. Link’s twelve-year-old malnourished body didn’t stand a chance against the older knight, and he was knocked to the ground, a sword now pointed at his throat. 
“Worthless. Get up, and do it again,” The captain commanded, and Link tried to push himself up, he really did, but his arms ended up giving out, and he was rendered practically immobile on the ground, breathing so hard that his chest was burning with the effort. 
“I said get up. You’ll never stand a chance against the Calamity at this rate. Not even close. I’ll say it again, get up,” The captain ordered, and Link, out of sheer will, managed to pull himself to his feet, and leaned heavily against his sword, unable to raise it more than a few inches. 
Then, to Link’s surprise, Impa spoke up. 
“Captain, sir, he’s clearly dehydrated. He needs to rest before he gets seriously sick,” She pleaded, and the captain turned to sneer at her. 
“This is not your decision. You may be becoming the Sheikah Chief, but this is not your place to speak,” He retorted, struggling to keep up his half-hearted calm demeanor. At that point, Link was sure that he was delirious, as the Master Sword he was leaning on seemed to be humming in his mind. Wait- that could’ve been his headache. Just thinking about it reminded him of the ache in his skull. 
Before he knew it, his vision swarmed with exhaustion, and Link felt weightless as he found himself with his head in Impa’s arms. Her mouth was moving, but Link couldn’t hear what she was saying as he gave in to the abyss. 
“If I ever see that son of a bitch, I think I might kill him,” Warriors spat out once Wild finished retelling the memory. 
“He’s dead, Wars,” He reminded, and Warriors scoffed. 
“Hylia knows that won’t stop me,” He said, turning to face Wild. The captain’s gaze softened when he realized that that wasn’t what Wild needed at the moment, as tears were beginning to prick at the corners of his eyes. “You know you’re safe here, right?” 
Wild nodded. 
“And you know that I’d never treat you like that, right?” Warriors continued, voice getting softer. Wild nodded again, and Warriors took the opportunity to sit shoulder to shoulder, bringing his knees to his chest. 
“It’s just, sometimes I feel guilty that there are parts of my life now that I like more than my life before. That I could see my house, and Flora and all my friends, and even though I know I had a family then too, I could not want to go back to before,” Wild explained, and Warriors sighed. He knew nothing about this stuff. So why did he think that he was qualified to help Wild? Well, he didn’t think that, he was too eager to try and help.
“Well, I know I’m not Twilight, and I’m usually on the pep talk side of things, not necessarily giving advice, but I think that’s okay this time around. Things happen for a reason, Wild, and whatever happened with the Calamity wasn’t your fault, and yet it changed so much for you. I think it’s amazing that you know that you’re here now, and that you’ve made the most of it,” Warriors assured, nudging playfully at Wild’s shoulder. “And besides, I also think I’d take you now over you before any day,” 
Wild smiled, and sniffed, rubbing at his eyes before bringing up his arms and hugging himself. 
“I think I’m just happy to have a better captain,” He said, half to himself and half to Warriors. The captain in question beamed, and wrapped his scarf around the other’s shoulders, feeling content as the younger hero leaned into the warmth. 
“We should go inside, it’s getting cold,” Warriors suggested as a cool breeze blew by. “We can join Sky on his nap. Hylia help him if he hasn’t gone inside yet, you saw him earlier,” 
Wild giggled, a rare sound, but one that filled Warriors with pride nevertheless. He snorted, and helped his friend up, his scarf still dangling from Wild’s shoulders. He turned the way he came, and Warriors followed, taking one last look at the courtyard for good measure. 
To his surprise, he found Twilight, standing at the other end, smiling at him proudly. A smile that made Warriors feel warm even in the cold evening air. 
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rational-mastermind · 7 years
Apparently I feel very talkative this morning and have really want some character analysis so I guess I might as well start with Discord.
Especially cause I hear there’s a lot of people who say he’s an ass. I simply don’t find that to be the case. From my perspective, Discord doesn’t immediately turn around and start being a good guy or start being any less full of himself because he’s a creature that’s been alive since the dawn of time and is emotionally stunted.
My reason why is under the cut.
As we all know Discord was first introduced as a stone statue, turned to stone by the Elements of Harmony. We all know the reason why Celestia and Luna had to use the Elements on him was because he was causing chaos and RIGHT THERE I’m gonna nitpick.
Discord’s ONLY CRIME that’s worthy of some kinda ultimate banishment is just being himself.
In Discordant Harmony it’s pretty damn obvious Discord’s entire being is nothing but the pure embodiment of chaos. That is to say ever since Chaos first came into existence (as it would have to as natural balance was being first created and Chaos is the balance to Harmony) Discord was already there. Discord’s done nothing more than simply follow his instincts, his very reason for being ALIVE, and when he doesn’t do that he fades away. Without Chaos, there is no Discord.
So he was only sealed up in stone because he was just being HIMSELF. He wasn’t even particularly threatening to harm anyone like Tirek or Nightmare Moon. He was just being his normal goofy self. I guess he would’ve enslaved everyone into his chaotic rule like Nightmare Moon, but really all he wants is to be crazy and weird. He NEEDS to do this. It’d be like arresting a man for breathing!
So why would I say he’s emotionally stunted? Well the guy’s hated for just being himself. No pony (but Pinkie and Fluttershy) likes being anywhere near him! When you’re left with the whole world against you you really only have two options: 1) curl up in a feeble position and cry, or 2) start laughing it off, embrace your weirdness, and come to think you’re better than everyone else because of it. (The AMAZING Celestia couldn’t turn a cloud into cotten candy, now could she?)
The ponies could all throw their horrible insults at him and scream and cry that they hate him, but at this point it’s what Discord expects and believes to be a positive thing. YES, ponies SHOULD hate him. That’s the natural ultimate order of things.
Suddenly you get one pony. One simple, little, unbelievably patient pony. The first time Fluttershy and Discord met and he’s more frustrated with her complacency than anything else. It’s the exact opposite of what his norm should be. Fluttershy should’ve tried to fight, save her dignity, SOMETHING.
Then he gets stuck with this same frustrating pony who suddenly makes him aware that oh. HE HAS FEELINGS. Something he’s never really had to deal with before beyond laughing maniacally at the chaos he creates. He can make an educated guess about how to fix his problems, being (ironically) more rational about the subject. But he doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings. He doesn’t know how to properly express them. Or how to receive other’s feelings.
Pinkie Pie comes bounding in and jumps in his arms and is all super excited to see him and it’s the most startling thing in the world to Discord he tries to get rid of it before it makes him feel any more uncomfortable.
He hates to feel embarrassed around Spike and Big Mac while they were playing their little D&D because it’s a game he doesn’t play and probably wasn’t any good at it.
He becomes SO passive aggressive with Tree Hugger because he’s jealous and quickly becomes hair triggered because he doesn’t know how to deal with it!
And he has to have some kind of proof to show that YES we are indeed friends. Simple hugs and smiles aren’t enough. As he does so with both Twilight (going to the edge of Equestria for a flower), and Tirek (The medallion that belonged to his brother). Which, by the way, he was DEVASTATED when Tirek betrayed him. I would say Discord’s more thinking than feeling, and in this case it shows. If he was more in touch with his feelings, he would’ve better guarded against any sort of betrayal and against the hurt that would’ve brought. (Because yeah, when you’re REALLY in touch with your feelings, ya learn how to guard that shit.)
Ultimately I think Discord’s just scared. Scared he’ll lose any more chances of making friends, losing friends he does make, or losing his closest friend. What if everyone just hates him for being weird again?
Discord can be a bit of a jerk, yes, but really it’s because he doesn’t know how else to be. And suddenly changing your million year-long lifestyle to accommodate for ONE pony (or hopefully more) isn’t easy. He’s had to take it in small steps at a time. He’s had to gradually learn how to interact and deal with social situations.
In comparison, Starlight, Sunset, and Luna, all knew what they were doing was wrong, they did know how to interact with others, or how to face their own emotions. They reformed and tried to be better a little faster than Discord, but each one of them still struggled with the aftermath like he did. Starlight got her chance to feel like she earned her redemption, Luna learned how to reach out to others, Sunset had to learn to live with it and turn that experience into something she can use to empathize with, with someone else. The biggest difference is that Discord is gonna take a little more time to come around fully because he’s stuck in a deep trench (rut/hole) than others.
TLDR: Discord is that really weird kid in the back of the class that no one likes and has learned to just cut off ties with everyone else and his own emotions at a young age. Once he started making a friend though, (someone who’s patient and consistent enough with his weirdness), he’s clung to them like a life line and has had to learn how to emotionally/socially grow up super fast and that’s actually harder to do than just admitting that you fucked up and promising to try to be a better person in the future.
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marvelandponder · 7 years
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My Reason for Doing Anything: Because Cute
Happy Family Day, everybody! In order to celebrate today and the season seven spoilers we just go over the weekend, I thought we could just do something fun.
No real analytical insight here (she says, as if there normally is), I just want to acknowledge how cute the families are in this dang show. I could argue we’re doing this because the characters and their relationships are so central in what makes the show as wonderful as it is but... let’s be honest. It’s just because they’re cute.
Okay, so, before we start with that cuteness, let’s set some ground rules. Honourary/found families are in the running, and a family only has to be two or more characters. Small families are still families. Also, if it’s debatable that the characters themselves see that relationship as family, I’ll use my own judgement on whether they count or not.
Oh, and I should specify since we’re not taking this seriously in the slightest, the order is more a suggestion than anything. I would in fact really love to hear what you think the cutest family really is, but hey, I’ll keep blabbing whether you want to join in or not!
Special Spoiler Warning: Season 7 spoilers will be mentioned or referenced. Once specific episodes air in season 7, this list will be updated.
Honourable Mentions
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Here’s the families that didn’t quite make the cut:
The Dash Family
The Sparkle Family
The Flim-Flam Bros
The Filthy Family
Cranky & Miltilda
Scorpan and Tirek
Sunburst’s Family
Discord and Fluttershy (an upcoming book entitled We Are Family suggests they might be considered familiy in some fashion, as well as a brief implication in the Luna and Discord Friends Forever comic; however, it has yet to be implied in the show proper)
Background/Side-Character Families
If I missed anyone significant, feel free to tell me so I can add it to the list!
#10. The Flutter/Breeze Family
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Let’s start out with something not everyone can agree on: Zephyr Breeze is a fun character, if nothing else.
Like every family in MLP, Fluttershy’s family reveals a lot about her upbringing just by being who they are in the present. There’s no need for a flashback when you can plainly see Fluttershy’s coddling parents, and Zephyr Breeze’s bombastic, thoughtless personality and how he walks all over his family.
To some, this understandably makes Zephyr unlikable, but for others still, the comedy of his character lies in loving to... maybe not hate him, but certainly recognize just how unlikable he is. His silly self-absorption puts him clearly in the wrong in the episode, but to be fair to the guy, even when he’s extremely inconsiderate he’s never really malicious. You can tell he does love his family, he’s just a little focused on himself to show it well.
Between Zephyr’s fear of failure and Fluttershy’s fears of... well, a lot of things, it’s quite endearing to see Fluttershy’s character development pay off, and allow her to take the competent big sister role when coming home for a visit.
#9. The Armour-Amore Family
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Really quick thought: it doesn’t seem like ponies always change their last names when they get married, but if they use Cadance’s name (and they did carry on that name scheme in a way with Flurry Heart), they would be the Amore or “Love” family. Just throwing that out there.
Ah, Shining Armor, Cadance, and Flurry Heart. One of the only families we’ve seen built from the ground up---and in real-time, nonetheless!
Even though the world’s cutest plot device there has garnered a fair bit of controversy, I’d still personally say this new family is pretty dang sweet. They’re currently living out a happily ever after of sorts, although still proving that comes with its fair share of struggles and quirks.
This is definitely a family founded on love. In fact that’s probably why Flurry Heart is so special to begin with. Together, her parents wield the power of love, so who knows what they can achieve working together, as a sweet, loving family.
#8. Rarity’s Family/The Belle Family
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Another Note: Their mom has some kind of cookie-related cutie mark---is that their family theme? Sweets? Because I’ve been struggling to figure out how family names work in Equestria and that’s the best I’ve managed to find for these four
Who says there can’t be any fun in “dysfunctional?”
Now he’s a family with a lot of character, even if we don’t technically really know half of them. Rarity’s parents have only had a speaking role once, in Sisterhooves Social, but wow, did that one appearance pack a punch!
With their unfashionable mid-western designs and hokey Minnesotan accents, you can instantly tell what Rarity’s relationship with them must’ve been like, just because of the contrast between them.
Even better, of course, is one of the three primary sister relationships in the show: Rarity and Sweetie Belle.
I really struggle with not putting this higher because of them. They so expertly capture the subtleties of an argumentative but loving sibling relationship. How Sweetie looks up to Rarity, but that also puts her in her shadow. How Rarity’s responsibilities can even make Sweetie’s well-meaning failures frustrating. They’ve certainly had to grow quite a bit to be as close as they are now, and that relatable struggle is what makes this family all the sweeter.
#7. Celestia and Her Students
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This one was the hardest to justify. Because it would be one thing if the only reason I wanted to include it was based on my own silly headcanons (which I could do but I don’t want this list to just be personal choices), but I feel like there’s been enough evidence to back me up here.
Celestia’s a motherly character by nature, so it doesn’t come as a surprise when that comes through in her role as a mentor. But I think what clinches it is how to some extent, she really did help raise Twilight and Sunset. If nothing else, it’s sort of comparable to a nanny, I guess, but even then that doesn’t seem to cut it. In the comics, Twilight’s been shown to have had other teachers throughout her schooling, but Celestia’s been a constant part of her life ever since she got her cutie mark---and even now that she’s graduated as a full-grown adult.
And don’t get me started on the mother-daughter parallels in Sunset and Celestia’s relationship, or what little we’ve seen of it. The added depth that comes with knowing how meaningful that relationship is to them both only makes the fracture between them more filled with The Feels. I swear, the fandom’s all but made a petition to DHX to show us their reunion.
They both look up to her and want her approval in their own ways, and that... kills me. Slowly.
My gut tells me there will be those who argue that even if it’s a meaningful relationship, it’s not necessarily classified as family, which is true. Outside of fan-works, neither Twilight, Sunset, nor Celestia have explicitly referred to each other family in any real way. But, hey, I did say honorary family counts, and if the subtext is arguably there, that’s close enough for me!
#6. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo
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Pure cute factor winning out!
I was having a hard time with the order of the 8-6. They’re three extremely different types of relationships, so it’s hard to set them next to each other and compare, but I think I made the right call.
Because this one was a relationship that was theorized about/anticipated by fans for the first two and a half seasons---spawning countless “Scootalove” stories and art to combat the “Scootabuse” going on at the time (our fandom has weird phases). So when it finally actually happened?
For even more context, I used to think that if Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo actually were sisters, Rainbow actually wouldn’t be all that kind to her. Lauren Faust originally thought Rainbow would make a bad sister, too (I think because there’s a difference between choosing a sister and having to grow up with one).
But, I think by that point in the series, Rainbow had matured enough to be that role model and big sister Scoots needed, which made it all the more satisfying to see! And ever since, Rainbow’s still managed to surprise us with how tender and genuinely open she’s willing to be with this little squirt of hers.
On the down side, I feel like Scoots has picked up a tiny bit of Dash’s ego since they started hanging out more, but it’s all worth it for the moments they now get to share.
#5. The Cakes and The Pies
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This is such a cheat it’s not even funny. But, the reason I grouped them together is the main reason they’re both so adorable: their relationships with Pinkie Pie.
On the one hand, you’ve got the Cakes, a young couple who adopted this wandering party-planner into their home. Later, they were blessed with two, adorable, trouble-making twins who absolutely love Pinkie.
Technically, you could question whether or not they see Pinkie as family, but come on. Come on.
And on the other hand, there’s the Pies. Wow, they’re delightful! For a family as dull as dishwater, they’re really anything but with their unique personalities and unquestionable love for one and other. I’d love to see more of them! Special shoutout goes to Maud and Pinkie’s relationship, of course, because I don’t know if there’s anything cuter than how much they clearly love each other.
That’s some real cute stuff right there.
#4. Twilight and Spike
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Are they mother and son? Sister and brother?
I don’t know if we’ll ever have their relationship defined beyond “number one assistant,” but dammit if they aren’t an adorable pair. Spike was Twilight’s first friend. Twilight raised Spike ever since he hatched.
Even now that Spike finally has a dragon friend in his homeland, there’s nothing that can erase the meaningful bond these two share. Heck, Spike’s worst fear is Twilight sending him away, not needing him anymore, but as she tells him in season 3 opener, there’s absolutely no chance of that fear coming to pass.
What could be cuter?
#3. The Apple Family
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You knew they’d be pretty far up here, didn’t you? After all, what could be more adorable than a family who (for whatever reason) lost two central members and had to reform even stronger?
Check out Days Gone By for some proper Apple family feels, BECAUSE WOW. I don’t know about you, but finally getting to meet their parents in the upcoming season has me hyped! It’s currently unclear whether the deaths the staff have confirmed and hinted at in the show will be retconned or not, but I can’t help it after waiting for this for so long!
It’s especially cute because we know how important family has always been to the Apple clan, even before the parents left the picture. The Apple family spans all the way across Equestria, from sea to shining sea, and all of them love each other dearly.
Tight-knit is definitely the right word, and the more times we’ve explored the relationships in this family, the more we’ve seen why they value family so much. They’re all apples to the core.
#2. The Royal Sisters/ The Royal Family
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This one’s sort of a catch-all, isn’t it? In fact three of the other families on this nonsensical list can qualify as different offshoots of the royal family. Shout-out to Twilight’s B.B.B.F.F!
If it bothers you, that’s fair, but even if we’re strictly talking about Luna and Celestia, they still easily steal this spot. Their story was the original backbone behind this series, the first redemption arc, and an on-going source of guilt and pain. After a thousand years, their reunion must’ve been so special for them, and I think we’ve found that out more and more in hindsight, getting to know how deeply they love each other and the complex emotions involved in their tragedy (turned comedy, I suppose).
I think that’s part of what makes these characters so enduring. But more on that soon... (in another editorial, and hopefully in season 7 with a Celestia episode!)
For our purposes here, it’s more than enough to see these two ruling together, with their subjects, their friends, and their family around them.
#1. The Mane Family
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Seriously, how could I not?
Yes, yes, you may think this is the biggest cheat of them all, but hey, way back in season 2, Applejack referred to them as honorary family. I don’t see why it shouldn’t count.
The best part of all this is that everyone can define this family differently. Want to keep it just the mane 6 and Spike? Go for it! Think characters like Discord, Starlight, Sci-Twi and/or Sunset should be included? Sure! Who’s gonna stop you?
Sometimes the most important family in your life are the people you’re related to, but as the old saying goes “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”---meaning, sometimes it’s the family you choose that matters most.
And I think that’s what’s so special about this show, you know? The friendships in it can be as deep and meaningful as traditional family. That’s definitely something worth celebrating.
Editorials here, just for you! Here’s the latest three, so you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your dash:
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Rainbow Dash’s, Cadance’s, and Pinkie Pie’s Editorials
Year of the Pony
Only official art used, so no awesome vector artists to credit here! 
Family Appreciation Day x10
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