#I think Fujimoto will solve the problem by killing Denji!
sugar-grigri · 1 year
You all think Denji has grown up but... isn't it really just an evolution of Fujimoto's style? I mean... the thing about hybrids besides the ability to regenerate is that they don't change! We know it by the contrast between Quanxi's appearance (without any scars or signs of age) and Kishibe, who by the way fell in love because she was the only constant thing around him
Denji... will he really grow up?
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sugar-grigri · 11 months
I think this chapter almost confirms that Fakesaw is the Chainsaw Man Devil, and it does it in three ways: the first is that he isn't present here. For his significance, it is quite obvious that he isn't part of the mob (I saw some people make that assumption), which leads me to the second way -- Fakesaw was always a symbol of Denji's identity being taken from him, a Chainsaw Man that he has no control over (the one in people's heads). The third, stemming from that, is that I think Fami's plan will have the unintended (or... unstated?) consequence of empowering her enemy -- Fakesaw has already stood in her way twice by killing Yuko and rescuing Denji and Asa, so it appears that whatever his goal is, it isn't in sync with Fami's. If people fear Chainsaw Man, who is only the fear of chainsaws, then the Chainsaw Man Devil will feed off that fear as well.
If we additionally consider the armageddon angle, wherein the Horsemen are themselves and Denji is the Lamb/Christ, then Fakesaw will be the first Beast of the Sea that people of the Earth were deceived (by the Fire devil, the second beast of the Earth) to worship. He is the Antichrist figure, born directly out of false perceptions and fears of Christ of this comic.
Like the last part, Death is but the prelude that forces Denji into a bad position, and the real resolution will be him confronting what it is he really wants.
The theory of Fake!CSM as a Demon resulting from the fear of Chainsaw Man totally works and for all the reasons you mentioned, I completely agree with you on that.
I don't know if it's mistrust resulting from Fujimoto's tendency to write... but the fact remains that I get the impression that it coincides too easily.
Although he's an author who likes to place clues, he's just as fond of issuing a revelation that would disrupt the whole thing. Which explains why I sometimes turn away from this theory and clumsily try to present alternative theories, because the path taken by the author is not always the most obvious.
Of course, what we're presenting are just theories, but Fake!CSM seems to be a pillar of this part 2 and his future interventions will only be there to confuse us even more
Where I agree with you again, and above all, is on the role of Death. Paradoxically, despite the presentation of the chapter, Nayuta and Fami's fear, I don't think she's the final boss of Part 2.
Once again it would be too simple, I don't see why Fujimoto would reveal all his cards
Obviously, from a narrative point of view, this sets up a sort of stressful countdown, but in all Fujimoto's works, death has been presented in an original way.
Chainsaw Man can't be satisfied with placing death in a purely negative light, just as he solved the problem of the old antagonist through love
At least that's something I'm hoping for, because to be honest, I find death more terrifying when it plays the silent observer
Than queen of terror
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