#I think I perfer the anime’s approach here
So interesting how Sarada becomes a chunin in the anime but in the manga, with the time skip, she’s still a genin 🤔
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
Throwing a reallyyyyy random ship at you for the ask meme, I feel like I know all your opinions on Vrains ships, so I’m goin with a different series again. How do you feel about Jaden and Yubel for the ask meme
There are a few Vrains Ships that you don't know I like, but to answer your question.
I don't ship Yubel and Jaden. For me it is one of the most awkward ships to look at.
I know this is mainly of the dub's fault, but I can't vibe with it. For one, I don't Like the whole Yandere approach here, as she is resposinble for killing most of Jaden's friends and kidnapping Jesse just so he can be hers. Secondly, I find it kind od awkward because I see it Being more of a mother and Son, because of the way she protected him from danger. And the presuamble age gap is too big massive for me too like. I perfer Evilshipping though.
I think I have to watch the sub to understand, but I think it would be better if she wasn't so obssesed over him. Like CHILL.
I still Like them together, but as partners in Season 4 and how close they are in BBT, and one of my favourite scenes in all of anime is when they are both fusing together to finish their amazing Season 3 duel.
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Michikatsu x reader x somewhat Muzan Angst (becoming a demon then leaving him for you)
"It's raining outside" (Y/n) said looking through the window of the room as the skies turn a darker shade of grey along with people hurrying to their houses. She doesn't know how to feel with the news of her best friend dying should she be strong or should she be weak.
Her mind turns blank as she turns around to look at the male with long black hair who was currently sleeping "Muzan I'm sorry" she said looking down at her hands tears starting to form on the corner of her eyes "I should have been the one sick, not you."
"If I pray hard enough you'll be out of this right?" She said holding back her sob her face slightly turning pink along with her eyes, that's when she hears a knock at front door of the house she quickly wipes her tears away as she quickly walks towards the main entrance "that must be the doctor I'll be right back okay Muzan?" She says softly turning around to the said male smiling at his direction.
She soon opens the main entrance door stepping aside to let the male in "hello doctor thank you for coming!" She said in a fake cheerful voice hoping that today's results will be different from last week's. As the male makes his way in "well hello to you too (L/n)!" The male said back in a cheerful voice he quickly walks in to go towards the room her best friend is in you quickly following behind.
The doctor soon puts his belongings down and sits down besides the sleeping male taking out an odd looking container as his smile widens. "(L/n) this is what's going to save him from his own death, this is the purest cure I could find this is what I call God's work! Something so rare that no other doctor has this is demon blood!" He said making Muzan groan in his sleeping form turning towards your way as your eyes widen from shock.
"This is a joke correct?" You say as your heartbeat quickened and palms become sweaty 'is this something good, or bad? Should I allow this to happen and save him or should I let him...no.' "Will it really?" You say as you gave the doctor a look of inscurity "Wake him up and watch a miracle happen (L/n)" You quickly put a hand on Muzan's shoulder shaking him softly to wake up as the male soon opens his eyes first annoyed then soft as he sees you.
"(Y/n) you know you don't have to stay I don't have much time left, so please stop wasting your time with me." He says sitting up as he sees the doctor is sitting on his left side. "Ah doctor I'm guessing your here to tell me how much time I have left?" Muzan says bitterly clenching his hands on his sheets "actually it's gonna be a little different today!" "Huh what do you mean Muzan said feeling a bit uncomfortable from the way the doctor is reacting "he's saying he'll cure you Muzan" You said smiling at the male softly as he looked at you then at the doctor.
"Well" the doctor said giving Muzan the container as the male drunk it "how do you feel?" the doctor said as Muzan started screaming feeling as if his skin was burning and mind was about to explode "M-muzan" you whimpered feeling terrible for letting him drink the demons blood. In rage Muzan cut the doctors head off not realizing his actions before you scream "YOU KILLED HIM!?" You screamed scared that your own friend might even kill you.
"We're you in on this too?" Muzan said looking at you with rage "you said this would cure me but you look at me as if I was a monster?" You nod your head at the male "w-well you n-now k-k-kill me too?" You said as tears started falling from your eyes "no, I no longer feel sick but as in to kill you I would never. But since you allowed this to happen I only find it fair that you turn into a demon along with me."
"W-what why, I o-only wanted y-you to be cured!" M uzan then gives you an upset look not satisfied with your answer "(Y/n) What happened on being together forever don't tell me your backing out now?" You quickly shook your head "n-no I would never, i-im just scared" you said wiping your tears away as Muzan soon smiled at you "I'm guessing your gonna have to drink my blood then" he said scratching his skin open letting the blood drip before his would would heal "drink" he demanded as your hands trembled you brought his arm closer drinking the blood that spilled out.
You soon felt immense of pain as you held your head tightly you felt like screaming and crying as the pain worsened making you scream out loud. "AAAAHHHHH IT HURTS IT HURTS SO MUCH MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOOOPPP!!!" Muzan then embraced you tightly against himself "shhhh it will all stop just endure it" and as he finished speaking the pain soon stoped. "Ah I, I don't feel pain anymore I-I feel hungry acyually" you said touching your stomach feeling it rumble.
M uzan looked at the doctors belongings as he picked up a certain paper that caught his attention "this paper, it says that their a a blue spider lily that will make us endure the sun?" Muzan says questioningly he looks out the window seeing that it's still raining "I guess we have to leave but first, we have to eat first" he says calmly scaring you a bit but all of that is forgotten when you smell something mouth watering that you don't know how to explain it but makes you feel as if you haven't eaten in years.
"M-muzan do you smell that?" You say standing up walking towards the main entrance door " that smell it smells so delicious I'm becoming more starved the more I smell, I-I wanna eat it now!!" You soon start sprinting slamming the door open as you run towards the smell you find a young women under shelter she doesn't seem to notice you from a distance too busy trying to be dry. Your mind hesitates wondering if you should commit the crime of eating her aliv or not as your to busy thinking you don't notice Muzan standing behind you "let's eat her together that way you don't feel so bad."
You're moth starts watering your hunger starts to intensify"B-but" "shush forget about being a human we are demons now" Muzan dashed towards the female when she was about to look at him he slaughtered her into two the smell of her blood coming out sting as it finally makes you snap. You quickly start biting into her flesh as you start crunching on her bones leaving nothing left behind.
Muzan quickly finished before you seeing as he's covered in blood made an annoyed sound "(Y/n) let's quickly go back" he said after you finally finished eating the women. As you start walking by his side both of you not missing your bloody form.
"Hey by any chance did you eat the doctor?" You said looking at the male questionably "no and I rather not that man made me so mad I perfer watching his corpse get eaten by wild animals then myself" you quickly nod your head but another question pops up in your head "then how come you didn't eat me when you became a demon?" "I'm guessing i can control my hunger since I wasn't very hungry around you or the doctor at that moment." You stayed silent as you then held his hand.
"Hey Muzan, can I be with you forever? Since you know will live forever" you said side glancing him as the male slightly tightened his hold on you "yeah I don't mind being with you forever" he said the last part more to himself. You smiled to yourself as the thought of you and Muzan together made you feel slightly giddy.
But in the end you don't know if its a good feeling or not as you then start swinging both of your hands together.
Thousands of years pass as you then met him, Michikatsu a small boy who was training to be a samurai you met him once when you saw him setting outside of his house late in a cold night you approached him carefully as not to scare him. "Little boy why are you outside?" You said as you kneel down to his level as he looked at you in the eye "well I'm out here because, I was punished for talking to my little brother he said as he tried keeping himself warm you then rapped you haori around his small body. As he looks up to you surprised as you then picked him up Michikatsu unsure if he really wants to move away from your warmth or not.
"Lady you do know you can get sent to jail for kidnapping right?" He said as he didn't bother to leave your grip as you giggled to his response "well your not moving from my grip so I don't see why you would say that?" You said smiling sweetly towards him he just snuggled closer towards you as strangely enough you provided enough heat. "I font know why lady but you make me feel comfortable he said making you smile softly since that encounter you stopped seeing Muzan.
That was your first encounter with him as later on you would spend your days with Michikatsu he would talk to you all the time and bring you gifts. When he would do something that would please you he would as for his reward that was your affection. He wasn't even hurt when Yoriichi left just as long he can be with you and Yoriichi was angered he didn't feel anger emotions once but he was upset that a strange being like yourself managed to take his brothers attention away he swore he would kill you. Later years passed
"My father he, wants me to get engaged with a women I don't know and I don't want too." Michikatsu said laying his head on your lap as you played with his hair "Michi are you sure you want to disobey your father you have always worked hard to get his attention." You said as you stopped playing with his hair Michikatsu looked up at your eyes with hope as he spoke "let me be with you, I know you are not human but let me, let me be with you please."
He said as you started feeling guilty for making him want to be with you. "Michi-no" he interrupted you looking determined at you "it's my choice so please let me be with you (Y/n) I no longer care what my father thinks of me just as long as I'm with you." You felt happy, guilty, sadness and more as you didn't know how to respond.
Until you agreed "okay" was all you said as Michikatsu grabbed your hand and kissed it saying thank you. One year passesd as you were cooking in your house waiting for what is now your husband Michikatsu he was now a samurai and surprisingly you a demon are pregnant life became amazing as you agreed to be his wife Michikatsu treating you as if you were the queen of the world he eventually became a demon slayer you two later have three more kids as one day.
Muzan showed up "so this is were you've been" he said glaring at you with a hated look as you were put all your children. "Why are you here you responded quietly as to not wake up your children "isn't it obvious?" He said madly as he gripped your wrist and threw you out of the room "How unfucking believable you leave your only friend for a human being after I turned you into a demon.
At that moment your life flashed before your eyes as Muzan himself killed you. He at first loved you but soon turned mad when he found out you left him for a human he left the children alone as he left the house Michikatsu soon found your haori on the floor confused on why you weren't home as he heard a whimpering sound on his left he saw his oldest child holding the youngest closer towards themselves as they spoke "M-mommy she was killed" he said as he bursted out in tears.
Since then Michikatsu worked harder alongside his brother no longer feeling jealousy towards his brother as he swore to kill the one who killed you but little did he know his own little brother was part of it.
"Kill her my brother does not deserve to live with filth besides if you do I will spare you" Yoriichi said letting the demon go from death as he looked at the one in front of him with hatred do was already planning that he said as he quickly left.
(This lowkey feels kinda rushed if not then really)
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