#but romantically? nah chief
kcuf-ad · 1 year
Throwing a reallyyyyy random ship at you for the ask meme, I feel like I know all your opinions on Vrains ships, so I’m goin with a different series again. How do you feel about Jaden and Yubel for the ask meme
There are a few Vrains Ships that you don't know I like, but to answer your question.
I don't ship Yubel and Jaden. For me it is one of the most awkward ships to look at.
I know this is mainly of the dub's fault, but I can't vibe with it. For one, I don't Like the whole Yandere approach here, as she is resposinble for killing most of Jaden's friends and kidnapping Jesse just so he can be hers. Secondly, I find it kind od awkward because I see it Being more of a mother and Son, because of the way she protected him from danger. And the presuamble age gap is too big massive for me too like. I perfer Evilshipping though.
I think I have to watch the sub to understand, but I think it would be better if she wasn't so obssesed over him. Like CHILL.
I still Like them together, but as partners in Season 4 and how close they are in BBT, and one of my favourite scenes in all of anime is when they are both fusing together to finish their amazing Season 3 duel.
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violetscoundrel · 6 months
Also while my brain hasn't forgotten my thoughts on Cortana: Can we talk about the dynamic between Chief and Cortana?? I feel like folks are so prone to see it as a romantic dynamic but when you read the books its less romance and more "Sir, this is my emotional support AI." Because Chief's first person he looks for regulation and stability when he's captured is Dr. Halsey. And then Mendez. And once Mendez is gone, all the Spartans are still thinking like kids wondering if this is another game when the situation gets dire on Reach. We see the 20th cloned brain of Halsey which is Cortana who is cheeky as all hell, calls Halsey out on her pick (and makes her BLUSH at a statement saying John is as attractive in a primitive animal sort of way...like god he's 20 and you're edging on 50-60, Halsey.) Ackerson is ACTIVELY trying to kill them both to which...holy shit the pettiness of Cortana knows no bounds...and it's them working together but like..the way Kelly, Sam, James and John work together as kids. Chief can't live without the support. He can't live without someone telling him he can win.
And we get the paragraph in Fall of Reach where Cortana zips the REDACTED data from Chiefs file, looks at it and goes "Nah, fuck anyone that hurts him, he's been through enough." It's such a powerful dynamic between the two that's not really romantic levels of smoochy flirty. It's a live or die situation and Cortana cares enough to see that she's gotta save him and he's gotta hear that he can win. That he will ALWAYS be king of the hill.
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xsezzie · 1 year
TickleTober Day 7 : Playtime
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The sassy Aether face I found made me laugh so I had to use it here instead of a Fontaine one LOL
Also, Paimon does not exist here 😶
Characters: Neuvillette & Navia & Aether (no shipping here!)
Warnings: Nah
Pairing key: & = platonic, x = romantic!
Time to make Neuvillette the big lee he is :3
“You remember that day I just… really let my heart out in your office, and then we left and it started raining? That was you… wasn’t it?”
Navia questioned the Chief Justice cautiously, partially because it was a sore spot for both of them, and also because she didn’t want to bring about more rain again.
“Mm… yes. Emotions welled up inside me and… I just locked myself in my office for the rest of the evening.”
Neuvillette, Navia and Aether were watching the sunset above Poisson, after the interesting ordeal that just took place and the truths that were uncovered.
Aether decided to lighten up the mood a little, “If it rains when you sad cry, what happens if you happy cry? Or even laughing?”
“Ooh that’s right, hmm I wonder…”
The two blondes stared at Neuvillette curiously, making the dragon feel a little nervous. “Well… it would probably rain just like usual… or perhaps not rain at all?”
“Why don’t we try tickling him?” Aether smirked as he suggested, making Navia’a face light up with excitement.
“Ohoho~ Yes we should! Neuvillette~ Are you ticklish~?”
“T-Tickling? That’s the strange feeling you get when something lightly touches your skin right…?” Neuvillette’s heart rate was beginning to increase, why was he getting so nervous about this idea? “Well I have felt that before… when water drips down my face or an insect is crawling on me…”
“Ohh well that’s a type of tickle… but we mean when someone is grabbing at you… like this~!”
Navia moved behind the Chief Justice and gently squeezed his sides, though he stiffened slightly, his layers of clothing were much too thick for him to feel any real tickling.
“Argh dang it! Aether help!”
“Haha! Neuvillette, take your coat off!”
“I-I don’t think that is necessary…”
Neuvillette could sense the two’s pure intentions, it reminded him of when the Melusines wanted to play with him. And he couldn’t help it when he felt the urge to let his guard down, so he complied, removing his thick coat so that he was just wearing his shirt and pants.
“Alright… let’s see what the two of you combined have got.” Neuvillette was almost teasing them.
“Navia you get him from the right, I’ll go left!”
The two dove at the older man and he swiftly dodged, allowing them to both fall flat on the grass.
“Ugh! It’s still wet, nooo!”
Aether laughed as Navia was distracted with wiping off the wet grass and got up to chase Neuvillette across the field.
“Come back here you old… man! Dragon!! Uhhh… Melusine maybe!?”
“Perhaps it is wiser for you to not use your words and instead focus on your actions…”
As Neuvillette was distracted by Aether, his Geo companion came in from behind, tackling Neuvillette to the ground. “I got him, I got him! Tickle attack!!!!”
Navia cried as she began to softly scribble under his arms.
“Pff- ah!! Ahahaha!!”
The deep, wheezy laughter shocked both the blondes, they weren’t expecting Neuvillette to be ticklish, or to even laugh. This encouraged the two of them to continue tickling him, with Aether sitting on his legs and squeezing the back of his knees.
“Wow, the Chief Justice of Fontaine is ticklish huh… look at him smiling~ Aww this is so adorable Monsieur Neuvillette~”
“Ahahah!! W-What is thihihis… d-don’t you dare tell anyone- EHEHEHE!!”
Neuvillette jerked when Aether moved up to tickling his waist now.
“Oh look, I bet if we keep this up he will be cry laughing in no time~” The Traveller grinned at Navia, who was moving her hands down his ribs now.
“Gaahahaha!!! HAHAHA STAHAHAHAP! Y-You two will b-be heheheheld accountahahahable for this!!”
“Ohh you hear that, Aether? He’s going to put us on trial for tickling!”
“I don’t think he would want all of Fontaine to know how ticklish he is!”
“EHEHEHHAHAH!! Stahahahaap!!! Uuurgh….”
Neuvillette buried his face in the grass at this point, he could definitely feel some tears coming to his eyes. What was this odd sensation causing him to laugh uncontrollably? It wasn’t as unpleasant as the tickling he’s felt before… there was something different about it.
He was certainly reaching his limit though. The breathless feeling and heat reaching his face. He squirmed as much as he could but these two youngsters had him well pinned down.
“Hehe look, his little ears are pink~” Navia teased and softly scritched one of them, causing him to make a squeaking noise and swat her hand away.
As Aether and Navia giggled at his reaction, they began to feel the familiar cold prickling of drizzle from the sky. Looking up, they realised that the clouds were not grey, but in fact a soft hue of oranges and pinks. The water was even causing a rainbow to appear across the sky, over the islands.
Both looked down to see Neuvillette’s red face, some tears streaming from his eyes and he even ended up with a sniffle. He was pouting.
“You… are both… going to face justice…”
Even a flustered Chief Justice was a scary one, and the two knew they were doomed… so they did the only thing they could think of. Run.
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silent-raven13 · 8 months
Pacify Her
*dark AU: Hobie is psychotic and obsessed with Miles. Not fluff-and not for the faint of heart. So yeah, trigger warning!
Tired, blue boy walks my way
Hobie leans against the wall in the hallway in HQ, his dark eyes stares far watching Miles along side with his girlfriend, Gwen. The two were spending time together, it irks the punker so much.
Holding a girl's hand
His eyes glares at the two holding hands, he inhale his cigarette before exhale a long grey smoke. The feeling in his chest is pure jealous, green with envy glint in his narrow eyes.
Each step he made, his heavy boots clicks by the amount of accessories he carries. Following the two from afar without their Spidey Senses warning them. He's their friends, they would never think Hobie would hurt them- well, Hobie's eyes on Gwen.
Boy does he want to bash her brains with his guitar. The little weak insect touching his little prey, his little Miles. The Latino laughs along with Gwen talking about something. He didn't care, he only wants to see Miles' smile. That beautiful wide smile like beaming sunshine all warm, all too perfect. He wants his Sunflower.
The blond Spider-woman giggles as she lay her head onto her seventeen boyfriend. Hobie scowls with disgust at the little cunt touching his Sunflower. Someone so tainted and broken shouldn't touched his Miles, not even Gwen.
The little traitor with her stupid emotional pathetic life. He only took her under his wing so he can use her. Good thing, he did. She was able to paint this perfect picture of Hobie Brown, Spider Punk. The cool Spider-man who does whatever he wants.
To say the least when he heard Miles, he thought he was weak too. A lad coming from a perfect home, middle class family with a dad that's Chief of Police. Massive eye roll the way Gwen talked about him. He assumes he was a white boy like Peter Parker- Oh boy was he so wrong.
Hobie's happy he's wrong to say the least. Seeing Miles being powerful, strong never forgetting who he is- it's enough to get his crotch aching in his skinny jeans. He lick his lips thinking about how he saw Miles in a wave panic was able to fend off all of Spider Society by himself.
Such a golden boy, so much so Hobie wants to break him. Make him his. To keep his Sunflower looking at him and only him.
That basic bitch leaves finally
Black eyes watches Gwen leaving Miles alone in the cafeteria. A wide smirk appeared on his face.
He watches her leaving into the left exit having to put on her Spider-woman mask being in a hurry. Perfect.
Now I can take her man
Leaving Miles all alone. He appeared in front of his Sunflower being laid back. "Peter Pan, what's up, mate?" He asked.
Miles lift his head up from drawing Gwen while eating his lunch, "Hobie, my man. What's up?" A wide bright smile on his face looking so joyful to see him.
Hobie likes Miles- no like is what little sprogs say when they play stupid games like Cooties. Hobie is infatuated with Miles, obsessive to the point he knows Miles' breathing pattern.
Only Miles know how to claw their way through survival. To proven themselves to shitty people that wank themselves the moment they see a poor bum staring down. The amount of power to show and never give up. Hobie wants him.
"Nuthin' much. Where's Gwendy?" Hobie asked taking a french fry from Miles' basket of fries. "Saw you two snogging."
"Oh, she went to the restroom. I'm sure she's fine." Miles happily said. "Hahaha, we weren't snogging, man. We were holding hands."
"You're a virgin, mate. You need to be forward." He knowns Miles is the type to take his time, romantic at heart. The poor lad doesn't know Gwen isn't one to wait.
He should know, Gwen had a crush on him when he took her under his wing. She would casually flirt with her disgusting awkward flaunts or being touchy.
Of course, Gwen had to agree to be with Miles when he asked her out. She's the kind that never wants to hurt her friend's heart. So the poor lad living in this lie.
"Me? Nah, I like to take my time." Miles being bashful.
Hobie grins at him, "Oh yeah?" Hobie turns pinks whenever he sees Miles, that's what people say. At first, he noticed his universe style and learns to use his emotions to his benefit. When he sees Gwen, he thinks of something nice so his true colors aren't show. At first it was hard but he got the hang of it.
Miles shyly nodded.
Just then Gwen appears to kiss Miles on his cheek. "Hey bae, I'm back." Happily sitting next to her boyfriend.
Hobie's eyes carefully side eyes her, his jealousy almost peek through. Then he calms down when he saw Miles' smile. "Hey bae! How was the restroom? Wasn't pack?"
"Nah, it was fine." She noticed Hobie happily said, "Hey Hobs, what's up!"
Someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours
"I'm good, Gwendy. Just talkin' to Peter Pan, here about sex." Hobie casually said.
"Ohhh, wow. Miles, look at you." She said out loud.
"Hobie!" Miles looks a bit flustered, then gave a weak smile when his doe eyes glanced at the punker.
Hobie only winks at him.
But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad?
"Ho-oo-oo-bie!" Miles came crying to his punker.
Pavtri was chilling with the punker on his houseboat. The two were hanging out until Miles came through the portal in full tears.
Hobie stop what he was doing to calm the Spider-man down. Pavtri made chai for Miles to calm his nerves. "Dude, what happened?" Pavtri asked
Miles sniff, "Gwe-Gwe-Gwen broke up with me!" He cries into Hobie's arms, "Sh-Sh-She said she was sorry and couldn't do it anymore!"
"Awe, man. That's terrible." Pavtri said out loud.
"Yeah, bruv. Why would she do that?" Hobie fake gasp, he knew Gwen wouldn't last with Miles. She's too problematic.
"I-I dunno 'no!" He looks up with his puffy eyes and pouty lips, "I think it's because she wanted sex, but..."
Pavtri rubs Miles' back, "But?"
"I'm Asexual!" Miles came out being in full tears. "I-I-I don't want to have sex..."
This caught Hobie off guard. What a beautiful secret! His perfect Sunflower became even more pure to him. Knowing that virgin hole will never be touched, those puffy pouty lips never sucking dick or pussy. To see such lovely supple skin in sweat- Oh no, his Sunflower is so pure.
Hobie's body for the first time turned vibrant pink with hints of red. Pavtri noticed being surprised. Miles didn't noticed being too much in tears about his break up.
The punker is know to be a lad that loves sex. In the beginning, he did it for survival, but he does it for fun. Sex would mean nothing to him from time to time. Flaunting it never impresses him, but this!
Miles being a beautiful virgin, it gets him going. A huge bulge from his skinny jeans formed. "Shh, it's okay, luv." Hobie made Miles sit on his lap almost straddle position.
Miles sniffs so cutely with a pout, "Bu-bu-but Gwen?"
"Sh-sh-sh, you just lay here and calm down. I'll never leave your side." Hobie hums.
Pavtri watches the two feeling very weirded out by Hobie's flirts. He thought it was a low blow to be after Miles after a break up. But the Indian Spider-man stood quiet.
Miles nodded with his arms around the punker's neck, "Okay. Like this." He lays his head on Hobie's chest.
"Yes, luv. Don't worry... just be here with me. I'll protect you." His voice lingers on. His eyes on Pavtri gave an indication for him to leave. The Spider-man rushed out without another sign.
"Okay..." His Miles rest with him, "But Hobie... what's this?" Feeling something poking his bottom.
"Nothing, luv."
Pacify her
Hobie saw Gwen in her Spider-woman swinging from building to building. It's a cold night in her world, she was doing her parol to make sure her city safe. When she got on top of one building she checks on her watch, "Hmm... no drugs here?" She looked confused by the news through a mysterious email she received.
Unaware of the stealthy punker coming behind her, he took hold of his guitar the closer he got to Gwen. His eyes saw red, no one hurt his Miles.
When Gwen's Spider Sense kicked up, she quickly turns around only to say, "Hobie?"
She's getting on my nerves 
"Hey Gwendy!" A sinister smile appear on his face with a sadistic eyes gleaming in bright red. Gwen stood with wide eyes before able to process that her friend slams his guitar against her head.
The Spider-woman fell on the floor feeling her nose bleed, "Wha-Why?" She cries with her blue eyes pleading for help, her jaw broken. Too freaked out from what happens.
Hobie licks his lips, "This for Miles, Gwendy. Don't worry, I'll take good care of him." He lift his guitar one more time with one harsh swing.
The sound of his guitar bashing into Gwen's limp lifeless body over and over again only leaving a mush of meat and organs. Hobie darkly chuckles having some of her blood on him. Finally the pest is gone!
Now it's time to hide the body... where to, where to? He stood smoking his cigarette. Hmmm...
You don't love her
Been weeks since friends of Gwen saw her. Miles been trying to contact her but nothing. No one knows where she went too. Hobie watches as everyone were so confused about her disappearances until Miguel made a comment about Spider-heroes always coming and going.
"But-but she isn't the time to just leave!" Pavtri said to Miguel.
Miles nodded, "Yeah! She was-" Miguel cut him off, "Miles, aren't you two broken up?"
"Then, she's off to be on her own. Many Spider-heroes do that." Miguel looks down at Miles.
"But-" Miguel cut Miles, again which pissed Hobie off. "Morales, don't you think it's better to get away from it all?"
Miles frowns, "Yes, sir."
"Anyway, I'm sure she's fine. Now, can you all leave me alone." Miguel said out loud.
Miles looks down with worried with Pavtri hugging him, "Come on, Miles. We'll go drink a cup of tea."
Hobie was about to follow them until Miguel commented, "Not, you Brown...."
"Hmph?" Hobie saw Miles and Pavtri leaving the room. Then his heavy boots thud every step toward Miguel.
"I did my part in saving you hind. Now, you keep your part." Miguel's red eyes glaring at the punker in front of him.
"Yes, boss-man!" He tosses Miguel the flash drive, "We don't want anyone knowing there's two killers around- two serial killers."
Miguel catch the flash drive, he crushes it with his hand. "Good. Next time, I won't be so kind."
"Heh, next time don't fuck up, mate." Hobie grins darkly, "I saw your eyeing on Earth 9916, looks like your planning to having another sprog?"
"None of your business. Now leave or else," Miguel licks his lips, "I'll take your Sunflower. He looks pretty easy to fuck with." His red eyes gleams with lust.
Oh how he hate that fucker. But a lass, he needs his fellow killer acquaintance, they need each other to maintain this foolish propaganda of being great heroes to get what they want.
Hobie chuckles, "Watch it or I'll bash your lil kid's head- not the first time, I've done it." The two were having a stare down.
Miguel finally said, "Leave, Brown."
"Already doing that." Hobie was already out the door.
Stop lying with those words
Miles took a small bite of his burger as him and Pav went to hang out with Hobie on his houseboat. "So, what did Mr. Grumpy pants say?" Pavtri asked.
Hobie shrugs, "I dunno. I don't listen to shit." He wore his black ripped tank top having a bucket of red chum getting ready to dump it out of his boat.
"Mmm, I'm sorry, Hobie." Miles finally said, "Miguel must've been mad at me and took it out on you. I went to him for help but he seems so annoyed."
"More like too touchy. You saw how he keeps touching our shoulders so much." Pavtri shudders with disgust.
Miles took another bite. "Mmhhmm, I felt his eyes were on me for too long."
"Is that right?" Hobie asked putting on a fake smile as he stir the chum, "Looks like I have to give him a piece of my mind."
"No, Hobie. It's fine. I can handle myself." Miles being proud. "I don't want you to get in trouble."
"Nah, luv. I promise to protect you." Hobie turns to him.
Pavtri eyes on the red chum, "Um... Hobie why is that chum so red? Like it's not from your world?"
"I like to grab other world's crap to feed the fishes here or feed it to my dog." Hobie toss the bucket of red chum in the ocean as the fishes come by to eat. "See!"
Pavtri saw the way the chum looks too meaty red, then again he always thought chum always looks red. He shrugs it off. "Miles, your not hungry?"
"I'm sad Gwen left us. I hope she's okay." Miles pouted, "I hope her dad is fine. I never knew she would runaway, again."
"She's always running. Let her be. It's no use if she doesn't want help." Hobie coldly said then turn to his friends, "Oh, I almost forgot gifts for you two!"
"Gifts! Really? Wow!" Pavtri said out loud.
Miles said, "Wow, Hobie. What's the occasion."
"Nothing big." Hobie gave the two handmade necklaces with a small bottle filled with white dust?
"What's this?" Pavtri asked holding the necklace seeing the tiny bottle.
Miles puts the necklace on, "It's cool. I like it."
"Ohh, it's dirt from when we first met. Thought I made it... Gwen always had that idea." His eyes gleam seeing her bones dust being useful. Then he gave Pavtri a band shirt using Gwen's old Spider-woman's suit, "Try this on. I used old Spider-man patches from all of us..."
"Ohh, so cool!" Pavtri put on the shirt seeing the patches of their Spider-man suits even Gwen's on it. "Sweet! You can see the wear and tear!"
Hobie turns to Miles to hand him a shirt, "Here you go, luv."
"Oh thanks, Hobie. I'll keep this forever and ever." Miles happily puts on the shirt.
"Hey what's that jar?" Pavtri asked.
"Oh this is red paint... I'm going to write Poly's name."
"Oh you finally gonna write your Houseboat's name! Can I help?" Miles asked.
Hobie's lips twisted to an eerie smile, "Sure, luv. I made the paint myself. So I used a dry pigments that smell like iron... so its bit funky."
Pavtri said, "Miles should make some cool designs!"
"Ohh, can I?" Miles doe eyes on the punker.
"Yeah, whatever you want. Make sure you have fun with it." Hobie playfully dip his finger in the jar of red paint, then pull it out to tap on Miles' nose. "Okay, Sunflower?"
Miles giggles, "Okay, Hobie." The punker smirks widely having his Sunflower completely his.
Pacify her
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ink4blotches · 1 year
I've NEVER written on Tumblr b4 :0
It's a new experience BECAUSE...my AO3 has been tweakin lately :/
"So...how's Dev?"
"I dumped him."
So, that was really awkward. "Why? You guys seemed happy." I thought for a second to come up with a lie.
"Uh...just wasn't feeling the Flash. And he always ran out on dates with no explanation. Really weird." That sounds about right.
I mean, it's not like I can tell Pav the truth. 'Oh, I crushed Dev's heart because I have a crush on you! Funny right?' so for now, and the rest of my life, I'll just date other people to get over Pav. That makes the most sense.
"Pft, yeah that is crazy. Now I can say I never liked him. He was too...flashy. Is that weird? It probably is." Pav broke the awkwardness almost immediately with his not so surprising declaration as we both broke into laughter.
It seems like he has a problem with every boy I date.
Before I could reply, Gayatri walked into my room -without knocking- and grabbed something from my desk. "I'm gonna borrow this- also, you've dated everyone at school. At this point you and Pav should just date already."
Gayatri sighs, taking my favorite lipstick into her hands before leaving, shutting the door behind her.
And, the awkward is back.
Pav takes a quiet sip of his chai. If we were at school, I'd pray to be saved by the bell. But we're in my house. So I'm praying for a pigeon to hit the window.
"Soooo...on the subject of relationships, there's this girl I like. I mean, really like."
Bam. Heart shattered. Chances crumpled.
But alas, Pav was rather secretive with his romantic views, so I can't just tell him I don't give a fuck.
"Really? Who's the lucky girl?" Honestly I'm half surprised it's even a girl-
"She's the daughter of a police chief, we're friends, and I've had a crush on her since 7th grade." I stayed quiet while I tried to put together the hints.
Daughter of police chief- wait a damn minute. Crush since 7th grade...who do I know that Pav's known since 7th? I know all of Pav's friends...wait a damn minute.
"Oh my GOD! You have a crush on Gayatri!" Pav's eyes widened at my outburst. I got up off my bed and ran around my room, almost knocking my cup of Adrak Chai off my side table.
His face twisted for a second before he smiled awkwardly. "Yep! Gayatri Singh, daughter of a police chief and friend of mine! Since 7th grade!"
Okay, what the fuck Pav.
"Oh my god that was scary...when I was like, putting together the pieces in my head, I thought it was me more a split second." I admitted with a laugh, playing it off as a joke.
He laughed along with me. "What? Nah. Never in a million years! We're best friends...can you imagine how awkward that would be?" He laughs out, setting his chai down on a coaster.
"I know right! That's crazy, I don't know what I was thinking!" I slapped myself in the face as a joke but not really a joke.
The conversation slowly drifted away and for the rest of the night we played video games and talked shit about Flash. Not on purpose- it just came down to it.
I tried to savor the night, since now that I know he's got a crush on Gaya, he'll probably become her boyfriend. Which is...not ideal, no.
So I guess I'll just spend as much time as I can with him before he gets with my sister. As his best friend.
Because that's all I'll ever be to him.
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jeidafei · 2 years
Komui’s Lounge: Vol. 28 (Part 1/4)
(T/N: Big thanks to @candy-crackpot for the raws! This Lounge contains 20 questions in all. I've divided it into 4 parts for ease of reading and translating!)
Featuring: Reever, Lenalee, Allen, Lavi, Kanda
Lenalee: Good afternoon, everyone! As usual, my brother is nowhere to be found. I’m so, so sorry! Anyway, without further ado, we bring you the Komui’s Lounge corner!  
Allen: YES! I finally get to feature alongside Lenalee~!
Lenalee: Teehee. I’m so happy, too~! (Allen and Lenalee joining hands and squealing giddily in unison.)
Lavi: Yaaay! Me too~! (Reaches out)
*Thwack!!* (The SFX of Allen’s smiling smackdown)
Lavi: OW!!! That’s your left hand, Mr. Allen!! He literally just smacked me with Innocence!!
Reever: Oi, Allen. You can’t go slapping people with your left hand, you know?
(T/N: “Hear, hear!” said Mana.)
Allen: My apologies. I sensed ulterior motives from Lavi directed towards Lenalee and I just…
Kanda: All this noise. Would you shut your yammering already, you danged rabbit?
Reever: Aaah, the nostalgia (heartily). How long has it been since you four were last together like this?
Lavi: It seems we’ve received several requests along the lines of, “We want to see the four teens having fun together,” so Hoshino basically bankrupted herself to put this together as a huge fanservice.
Allen: So, it wasn’t because she couldn’t be bothered thinking up new cast combinations every single time…?
Lavi: That’s also highly possible.
Lenalee: Now that you’ve mentioned it, looks like the comic’s supervisor warned her in no uncertain tones to really, really, have the word count in mind when writing this time. One thing led to another and last time was a big no-no, as well…I guess we’ll have to be more mindful as we speak.
Reever: This is especially the case for you, Allen, Lavi. You two have a rich history of fooling about and wasting precious paper. And Kanda, you don’t fight with Allen, too, get it?
Kanda: What the—That’s up to Beansprout, isn’t it?
Allen: HUH!?
Reever: OI! (sweating) Come on! They’re really at our throats with the word count this time, so work with me, for heaven’s sake!
Q1: How popular is Section Chief Reever with the ladies of the Order, romantically?
Reever: Eh?
Lavi: Don’t “eh” us, Section Chief. Come on, man, get a grip!
Reever: Ah, nah. I was thinking it’s a question for Kanda or something…Huh? Me!? You’re talking to me? (sweating)
Kanda: Aren’t you overreacting?
Allen: Please, allow me! I know the answer! Section Chief Reever does have himself a fanclub!
Reever: WHAT!?!?!? (shock)
Lavi: For many a year, Jeryy was club president, and all was peaceful under his management. Then, everything changed when Bonnaire joined the club and began vying for the seat.
Lenalee: I’ve lost track of the number of times people ask me about Section Chief Reever, too. “Wonder if he has a girlfriend,” and all that jazz.
Allen: Well, I guess it’s to be expected. After all, unlike Lavi, Section Chief Reever is handsome and unmatched when it comes to trustworthiness…Wait. Mr. Reever? You’re spacing out.
Lavi: Oi, back the heck up! Didn’t you just diss me in passing?!
Reever: M-my bad…Never thought I’d have anything to do with this topic, after all. Ah, guess I’m hopeless…Also, Allen! Lavi! Haven’t I warned you to watch the idle chitchat?
Allen and Lavi: Ehehe.
Lenalee: So, now that we’ve breached the subject…Do you have a girlfriend, Section Chief? (smiling)
Reever: Whoa, what’s up, Lenalee? You look so happy all of a sudden (sweating).
Lenalee: Well, we’ve never chatted about your love life like this before. I don’t know, it just makes me happy. Soooo, do you have one? Do you? You wanna know, too, right Kanda?
Kanda: Whatever!
Reever: Ah, nah. Well, now I don’t…but I had a girlfriend, once. Right! And that brings us to the end of this discussion!! Moving on!
Allen and Lavi: Aaaaaaaaaawwww! That’s it!?
Reever: Yeah, yeah. Shut up, the lot of you!
Lenalee: ……
Kanda: What’s up, Lena?
Lenalee: Well, just now, he looked kinda sad for a second. So, I just thought, could it be that it ended tragically? Maybe I shouldn’t have asked in the first place.
Kanda: As if them scientists are the oversensitive type who’d be depressed over such things. Don’t you worry.
Q2: Since when did you develop such a huge appetite, Allen-kun? After all, you didn’t seem to eat all that much back in your circus days.
Allen: In my circus days, it’s more like they didn’t let me eat rather than me not eating of my own volition. Then, later, when I was travelling with Mana, we didn’t have much money, so I had no choice but to put up with it. I’ve only been able to eat my fill after Master took me on, and he wasn’t that surprised by my appetite.
Reever: Well, General Cross probably had known Parasitic type exorcists are voracious eaters, after all. And since you were starved like that at such a young age, it took a toll on your growth, didn’t it, Allen?
Allen: Hmm…Yes, I definitely was tiny back then. Although I did hit this growth spurt when I was around thirteen. What a relief it was. And, someday, I would surpass Kanda and Lavi, as well.
Kanda: Wha—Is that so, Beansprout?
Allen: Mwahahaha! How I look forward to the day I would look down upon you, Kanda.
Reever: Cut it out. You cut it out right there (sweating).
Lavi: Could be that Allen’s past trauma is the reason he’s so strongly fixated on food even before he became active as a Parasitic type.
Lenalee: The General made sure to let you eat as much as you needed, didn’t he?
Allen: Well, it wasn’t exactly Master who let me eat, actually…his lovers, more like. The good misses were all extremely wealthy, you see.
Lavi: Man, I’m jealous. The man was living the dream, he was.
Q3: Does Allen like Lenalee romantically? Or is she simply a dear friend?
(T/N—Aight I know I was screaming at Lenalee and Allen featuring together earlier but now I wish one of them wasn’t here because how would we get an honest reaction out of them both now come friggin’ on gaaaaaaaaaargh gurgle gurgle)
Reever: Oh, there’s also the same question for Lavi and Kanda in the pile as well. Alright, lads. Step right up and take turns enlightening us.
Allen: Y-ye-ye-ye-yes??? (Blushing deep red)
Lavi: Oi, Reever! How come you get to dodge this and we don’t, you cheater!!?
Kanda: What a load of bullsh*t……
Lenalee: I love all of you guys (T/N: Agh, f*** me dead, lass!). Aren’t you guys the same…?
Allen: Of course, I love you, Lenalee! You’re my beloved…family, after all. (T/N: After I’m done with this IMMA GO KILL YOU, HOSHINO!)
Lavi: M-m-me too! I love you, too!
Kanda: Ugh. More bullsh*t.
Reever: So, you guys don’t like her as a potential romantic partner?
Allen, Lavi and Kanda: NEXT!! NEXT QUESTION!!! (sweating)
Q4: What is Tyki’s type in women?
Allen and Lavi: THE HELL WE KNOW!!!
Kanda: Reever, choose decent questions, will you?
Reever: Nah. This isn’t me. Hoshino chose all these!
Allen: Whooooo~caaaaaares! Really...
Lavi: Wait, but isn’t he quite obsessed with Allen? Could it be that Allen’s his ty—(and that is when Allen let him have a whack on the dome)
Reever: Oi, oi. Don’t start fighting!
Lenalee: Huh…so, he considers Allen-kun his type?
Allen: No!!! Really! Screw-you-Lavi-you-arse-what-the-hell-did-you-go-blabbering-all-that-crap-for-Oi! (seething)
Lavi: Mr. Allen! Language! Language!
Allen: Lenalee, please! It’s really not like that! That curlyhead’s just your regular old pervert.
Lenalee: But, Allen-kun, you’re…you must know you’re an androgynous, gorgeous young man. That’s why I’m so, so worried right now. Allen-kun…promise me you’ll be careful, okay…?
Allen: Er...Urgh…Alright…(I’m-gunna-freaking-kill-Lavi…)
Lavi: Eep. I sense murderous intent from Alleeeen~
>> Part 2
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dujour13 · 1 year
☆ waking up to your favourite drink order (they remembered<3)
Thanks Spyri 💕 Last one! I cheated a little (food instead). Prompts here
Miz scratched the cropped hair at the back of her head with her thick, black fingernails. “Tough order.”
“The goods you’re blinkin’ in from Nerosyan, some a’ those are from Absalom, am I right?”
“Yeah but two blinks in the space of a day or two, that takes—”
“Logistics. I know.” What not long ago Councilman Jefto might have called “pullin’ strings” he could now proudly trot out his crusade vocabulary for.
“Whatever.” Miz rolled her eyes. “Tough order. What’ve you got?”
He pulled a bundle of assorted wrinkled, beer-stained papers out of his inner pocket. “IOUs. Mostly from cards, a few for goods and services. Them potions a’ virility sell like cherry rolls.”
“How many of those are fakes?”
His eyes went round with indignation. “I ain’t that stupid.”
“How much total?”
“I’d say you could cash ‘em in for around three hundred.”
“On a good day.”
“Two on a bad.”
Miz sighed and flipped through the papers with her claws as if a cursory look would tell her how much they were really worth.
“Come on, I know how deep a’ shit I’d be in if I tried to pull one over on you, Miz. Honest, two hundred minimum.” More like one, but she wasn’t likely to come after him too hard for the difference.
“And you’re willing to spend that much on—”
“Can you do it or not?”
“I’ll see.”
Strong southern sun warmed Siavash's shoulders and cool Inner Sea waves lapped his feet. He was ready to wade out and plunge, but there were people on the beach calling him back to join them for a picnic in a palm-shaded cove. Among them was his father, who turned into Regill and informed him it was not safe to swim. When he looked again the sea had turned black and frothing.
It was the perfume of fresh fruit that woke him.
He disentangled himself from the furs pulled up to his chin and tucked his feet back under the blankets to warm them.
Woljif was sitting up in bed next to him, concentrated on an accounting sheet in his lap. It seemed like a strange thing to be doing at this time of morning.
“Gotcha breakfast,” he said, not looking up from his figures.
Instead of the usual dense, spongy bread, marmalade and bland Mendevian cheese, the tray on the bedstand bore slices of ripe orange and melon and a bunch of fresh grapes, still misted from washing. No wonder he’d been dreaming of that beach south of Cyremium. He hiked himself up eagerly and pulled the tray into his lap.
“Where did this come from?”
“Hm?” Woljif still didn’t look up.
“Nah, he’s on to me.”
Siavash bent open an orange slice and bit into it, droplets flying. “Mm, thish ish a treat. Feel like I’m back in Almash.”
Woljif went back to his accounting, trying not to smile.
“You know what this reminds me of?”
Woljif turned to him in feigned surprise, trying even harder not to smile. “No, what?”
“That orange you gave me at camp back at Vilareth’s Ford. Remember that?”
“Hm? Oh yeah, that.”
“You were flirting with me.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, I think. You don’t strike me as the sort to hand out valuable fresh fruit to just anyone.”
“Worked, didn’t it?”
Siavash aimed a grape.
He caught it in his mouth. “Didn’t think you’d remember that,” he said through a mouthful.
“I’ll never forget that.”
Woljif had to bite his cheeks not to grin like a fool.
“So where did you get this?”
“That’s need to know only, Knight-Commander. Let’s just say logistics.”
“Flirting again, huh? The accounting was nothing but a cover-up, I knew it.” This time he held a grape between his teeth and made him fish for it with his lips.
“Yeah, right.”
“Woljif. You’re a romantic!”
“Come on chief. I’m the guy who can getcha stuff. That’s all.”
“Your face is the same color as the grapes.”
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askmadcomcrew · 10 months
Deimos of the mostest
The personification of fear
Lovely smooth brained rock man
Conspirator of romantic endeavors
Thief of my heart
Will you be my sussy little baka? 💍
That's gonna be a big fat "nah" from me, chief. Maybe work on your...Everything, next time.
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fictionalreads · 2 years
Fire Country Season 1 Episode 7
Bode Donovan
Bode call for your captain. You really can’t afford to get in anymore trouble.
Rebecca coming through for Freddie!
I like Rebecca. Though not as a forever romantic interest. Just a right now interest.
Bode, a lil pep talk ain’t gonna get y’all out of trouble.
Back up Rebecca. Manny is innocent unless proven guilty.
Awe Charlie.
Bode. Stop. Don’t take on everybody else’s issues.
See Bode? Now you’re down twice with Manny.
You say you’re sorry. That’s how you start your apology.
Way to rub salt in his Gabby shaped wound Manny. Even though you didn’t know.
Oh damn Rebecca. You know about Gabby?
She is bold. I like her character, even if she did accuse Manny and get in Bode’s head about it.
What’s your religious trauma?
Your let’s go let’s go let’s go sounds weak. Take notes from Chief Boden. He’s who you stole it from anyway.
Talking to the priest? Must be feeling low.
She tryna move out?
What’s credit card issue?
Manny’s lying about something.
Why not take the woman and come back for him?
Oh damn I wouldn’t have guessed that.
Oh his mom is in town!
Oop. Manny ain’t the only one lying.
Oh I doubt she’ll be calling you mom one day. Sorry I’m team Gade (Bobby? Babby? Gode? Peronovan? What’s the ship name people?)
Nah I think you exaggerated to your mom.
Jake? Being helpful? Wow. Good for him.
You can’t keep it a secret. I thought we were past that.
I want the high scenes.
Man. Sharon just wanna be high. Lilly just wanted to get her in a place to talk about the next steps.
Sharon. What are you gonna do while you high?
Why do I get the feeling Lilly isn’t high at all?
Damn they fallin’ fast
Oh fuck Wes died.
Manny. What are you doing? Please don’t lose it all. Oh thank God.
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kithalstead · 1 year
Please tell me more about VM and his backstory? He doesn't know how old he is?
Also DM - the concept of a day mistress is quite interesting! I'd like to hear more about that!
Also some general worldbuilding questions-
When did the idea of day mistress/masters come around? Is there a gender neutral/plural term? Maybe day wardens? Lol
How long have vampires existed, and what created the first one?
How do vampires interact with society at large? So far it seems they are somewhat accepted and known about if donation centers are a thing.
Why couldn't the teen vampire drink donated blood? Were they refused or is it something else?
I always feel like I've tricked people into asking about my stories like AHA YOU HAVE SPRUNG MY TRAP CARD!!! But nah, it's just nice to hear from you guys!! I really appreciate the interest in my writing!
Please tell me more about VM and his backstory? He doesn't know how old he is?
VM absolutely has no idea what his birthday is. He knows roughly when he was born and what time period he lived in, because he remembers vaguely when certain historical things happened, but he does not know how old he was at that time or if he was a vampire yet. He's basically got time blindness, because this beloved is a disaster neurospicy boy who just.... he doesn't remember, honestly. Plus, his childhood, like I said, wasn't great, and he just.... blocked it out. He was born to a wealthy man and a prostitute he'd paid for sex with, and VM was born out of wedlock, so he was neglected and abused by the men his mother brought around, and he allover had a bad time. So, he just doesn't remember most of it, and after he became a vampire, he drank and fucked and ignored time passing -- and then the world ended, and everyone who could be saved and sealed away in this base was, and VM had to step up because no one else was going to, and he hasn't really cared how old he is anymore, or when his birthday is, it's a lot less interesting to celebrate your birthday when you're 300+ years old 
Also DM - the concept of a day mistress is quite interesting! I'd like to hear more about that! When did the idea of day mistress/masters come around? Is there a gender neutral/plural term? Maybe day wardens? Lol
Yeah! So, Day Mistress! It's a position that vampires created when their society and human society merged, and it's the most trusted human in that vampire's life. They are entrusted with the entire homestead and the vampire's well-being. It is something like asking that person to take care of your kid when you die or something similar, entrusting your whole life to one person (or people, it isn't uncommon for vampires to have little groups of Day Masters/Mistresses, for polyamorous reasons or platonic, it's always nice to have a found family you know?) Anyway, it's more of an archaic term that some have fallen out of love with, so it has been swapped with newer vampires, to key person or key confidante to be gender neutral, and Day Mistress/Master is used for a romantic partner exclusively.
How long have vampires existed, and what created the first one?
They have been around as long as humans, if not longer, branched from an early common ancestor, vampires developed the ability to sustain themselves only on blood but also an incredible intolerance for UV rays from the sun. Similarly, creatures such as werewolves and the fey (among others which have either gone extinct or could survive outside the base - mermaids being the chief example) are from the same evolutionary line that branched somewhere as they developed strength and abilities that humans lack. 
How do vampires interact with society at large? So far it seems they are somewhat accepted and known about if donation centers are a thing.
So, the world has always had supernatural creatures, even before the end of the world, and they've hung around the fringes of society, interacting but very very singly, until the end happened, and they were forced into proximity with each other - because of this, humans HAD to accept and learn to deal with the supernatural creatures in their presence, especially because those supernatural beings were the reason that most of the humans made it to safety. And they wouldn't back down when the humans were trying to shut them out of decision making processes (VM is absolutely one of those who pushed for acceptance by suggesting blood donation centers specifically for vampires) People will still avoid them or be bigots, but like, you don't fuck with a vampire in close quarters, you know? It's very very rare when someone attacks a vampire, and because they're satiated with donated blood, the vampires don't have to go hunting and attacking humans
Why couldn't the teen vampire drink donated blood? Were they refused or is it something else?
DM's best friend growing up, Aurelia, was a weak, fragile girl, anemic and hemophiliac, was turned by mistake by someone who was not prepared to actually take care of a fledgling vampire, and because her body wasn't strong enough to handle the change, she couldn't pop her fangs out and no one taught her how to feed properly. Vampire siring is supposed to be a very official thing, and there's proper channels to do it through, like a marriage license or a birth certificate - paperwork you need to have in order to access the blood donation network. She didn't have that paperwork, and she couldn't feed directly on a human, so she died. 
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addisonmilfgomery · 3 years
thinking about how we had henry, cristina, tom AND amelia only for teddy to end up with owen hunt of all people
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 20 - The Compass [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking, blood.
Word Count: 4000
Summary: Coming home can be unpleasant.
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After getting a phone call from the FBI, you were now sure of one thing:
Karma really needed another hobby other than messing with you, and this break up was definitely not going the way it was supposed to go.
For starters, people who broke up with each other were not supposed to see each other this much. You had different lives, different social circles, different jobs and somehow universe kept pushing you two in each other’s space.
To make things worse, the last time you talked to Garcia she had offhandedly mentioned Luke dragging Spencer to a nightclub much to his displeasure and introducing him to a friend of his. Naturally, your mind was full of images of Spencer in a happy relationship, eventually moving to a house in the suburbs with her and having kids and all that.  
“I don’t know what Luke is thinking,” Garcia said, “But I’m two seconds away from pulling him aside and giving him a piece of my mind. Reid is obviously still not over you, ambushing him to introduce him to a girl won’t change that.”
Needless to say, you had been in a terrible mood for the last couple of days.
“What’s taking her so long?” you checked your wristwatch and Nolan looked at you over his newspaper.
“Oh she’s talking to the board of the charity auction,” he said, “There are some last minute changes, apparently.”
You heaved a sigh and checked the time again, “I can’t stay for long,” you murmured and Nolan raised his brows.
“Oh? In a hurry?”
“Me and Spencer and…well, some of his team will go by the woods,” you said, “They found some bones near dad’s cabin close to the weekend house and they think it might help me remember where the rest is buried.”
He made a face, “That’s disturbing.”
“Nah, I thought going on a dead body remains hunt with my ex in the woods near one of my childhood trauma places would be romantic,” you deadpanned, “You don’t do that with your exes?”
“Not really?”
“Oh man you’re missing out.”
He let out a chuckle and shook his head, “I take it things haven’t improved on the heartbreak front?”
“I wouldn’t know, apparently his friend is setting him up with someone.”
“Mm, let me guess,” he mused, “Your plan is to do nothing about it?”
“No, I’m actually following your example,” you smiled at him sweetly, “I’ll just wait for decades and hope the girl turns out to be a serial killer.”
He tilted his head. “Touché.”
“Aw thank you,” you pushed at the food in your plate, “No seriously, what can I do? I can’t just go to him and tell him not to date other people. We broke up— I broke up with him.”
“You could explain the reason behind that.”
“I can’t do that.”
He clicked his tongue, “Well then, I suggest you get ready just in case he happens to ask for your help planning his wedding.”
“You’ve been absolutely no help at all Nolan, I appreciate that.”
“I’m offering you my wisdom and you’re not taking it,” he held up his hands, gesturing surrender, “I also suggested to get his superiors to fix a meeting with him to talk to him about certain boundaries and mistakes but…”
“Get his superiors— I’m sorry, what?”
“I play poker with the head of the department he works under.”
“Of course you do.” You sipped your coffee, “When did you suggest that exactly?”
“Oh not to you, to your mother,” he nodded to himself as he saw the look on your face, “Yeah. But then I saw how it could not only damage some professional relationships, but also it’s better to let young people solve their own problems, no matter how easy it is to solve them with an outsider’s influence.”
You pulled your brows together.
“Try again.”
“I asked your mother and she said no.”
“Oh thank God.” You pinched the bridge of your nose, “Yeah no, don’t do that. We’re not in high school, you know?”
“Could’ve fooled me,” he smiled slightly at the scandalized look on your face.
“Whatever,” you waved a hand in the air, “It’s strange that mom said no though. She doesn’t really like him nowadays, and she keeps listing all his….disadvantages whenever I talk about him.”
“Mm hm. The other day she said it was maybe for the best in the long run, because he’s an FBI agent so considering his paychecks, we would eventually fight about our future children’s tuition fees.”
Nolan thought for a moment, “She does have a point, considering what FBI pays their agents…”
You blinked a couple of times, “Right,” you said, “That’s exactly why I broke up with him. Because who would be paying for our hypothetical future children’s future tuition fees, yeah. Deal breaker, that one.”
“It could be a contributing factor though—“ he started but you heard your mother’s heels approaching and soon enough she walked into the living room and pressed a kiss on your cheek.
“Darling, I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting,” she told you before pecking Nolan on the lips, making him smile, “This whole charity auction, honestly…”
“Do I have to come to that thing?” you looked between them, your brows pulled together in an attempt to make them take pity on you but your mother tilted her head.
“Yes you do.”
“It’s just that…” you heaved a dramatic sigh, “You know, I’m going through a break up—“
“You’ve been going through a break up for more than a month now, you’re not allowed to use that as an excuse.”
“My heart is broken!”
“Good, focus on charity then.”
You rolled your eyes and turned to Nolan, “What’s the real reason she’s dragging me to this?”
“Oh no, I’m not getting caught in this crossfire.”
She cleared her throat and sipped her coffee, “The other day when I visited Nolan at work, he happened to introduce me to this very handsome Chief Marketing Officer who’s handling—“
“Oh no.”
“Keep in mind that we pay him more than what FBI pays his agents.” Nolan stated, laughing up his sleeve as if he found it hilarious and you scrunched up your nose.
“Nolan, I know you were born in the eighteenth century but that’s actually not a problem we have these days.”
“He’s single,” your mother said as if she wasn’t even listening and you threw your head back, letting out a whine, “He loves dogs and squash—“
“Jesus Christ.”
“Don’t worry, he’s not sitting at our table,” your mother said, “I fixed another surprise for you at our table, and I figured you’d want to keep your options open.”
“Besides, if your ex boyfriend is moving on…” Nolan trailed off and your mother raised her brows.
“Oh, Spencer has a girlfriend now?”
“No!” you said way too loudly and then cleared your throat, “I mean—I don’t care. But I don’t think so, I would’ve heard it.”
“See? More reason for you to meet other people.”
You pouted, “I hate this so much. I can’t believe I’m being dragged into this nonsense only because you guys are making me, this is seriously bullshit…”
“Y/N, do you want some cookies?” Nolan interrupted your grumbling, “One of my assistants brought them from France the other day.”
You scoffed, “How old do you think I—” you paused for a moment, then shrugged your shoulders, “Actually yeah, I’d love some cookies right now.”
Unfortunately, when you left your mother’s house you had overestimated the traffic and how long it would take you to get there so by the time you had pulled over by the road leading into the woods, you could only see one FBI car. You didn’t have to wonder who was in it when your eyes caught the sight of Spencer leaning against it and your heart skipped a beat.
“Fuck…” you murmured to yourself and considered for a short second to drive away until others got there, but it was too late. Spencer turned his head, saw your car and stopped dead on his tracks so you heaved a sigh and pushed open the door to step outside. You looked around before you pulled yourself up to sit on the hood before you fished your cigarette pack out of your purse.
“You’re early.” Spencer said and you raised your glances to look at him for a second before lighting your cigarette.
“So are you,” you put the lighter back into your purse, “Came by yourself?”
“Luke is talking with the police.”
“Lovely,” you exhaled the smoke and he crossed his arms, looking up at the sky for a moment before stealing a look at you.
You had no idea what to say to him. After that one day of truce, it was like you were back to being enemies and ignoring each other. The fact that he might have been ready to date another person made you feel even worse if it was possible, especially after that phone call between you. He had said that he was a mess just like you were, he had said you had taken a part of him when you left him, and—
You didn’t even know what you hoped for. You knew it wouldn’t change anything, and yet the thought of him being with someone else was more than enough to make you feel like you were falling off a cliff.
Maybe it was just the truce talking. Maybe he didn’t mean any of that.
Your phone vibrating in your purse made you snap out of your thoughts and you looked at the caller I.D., then frowned and answered.
“Hey, I’m a little busy at the moment.”
“On a Sunday?” Lincoln’s voice reached you, “Who’s the workaholic now?”
“Still you Linc,” you said and Spencer’s head shot up, “What’s up?”
“I just called to let you know that they just moved me to your table.”
You pulled your brows, “I’m sorry, what?”
“At the charity auction. My table was 3, they just e-mailed me to say I’ve been moved to 1.”
“Jesus Christ, you’re the surprise?” you asked, pinching the bridge of your nose, “Somebody needs to stop my mother.”
“Nothing,” you said, “I…That’s great, we’ll sit together then. If you like sulking the whole night, we’ll be just fine.”
“Come on, it could be fun.”
“I doubt that.”
“Hey, at least you’re not alone.”
“I’ll drink throughout that night, you sure you can keep up?”
“Do you even know who you’re talking to, you amateur?”
“Oh it’s on.” You smiled slightly and he chuckled.
“I’ll see you at our table then. With drinks.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” you said before you hung up, and put the phone back into your purse before you felt Spencer’s burning gaze on you, so you looked up at him.
“What?” you asked and he scoffed a bitter laugh, shaking his head.
“I didn’t say anything,” he said, his gaze fixed on the woods and you tilted your head.
He sucked a breath through his clenched teeth, as if trying to decide whether to say anything or not before you could ask again, Luke approached you two, another car pulling over by your car.
“Hey there.” You greeted Luke as you jumped off the hood and he tilted his head.
“Why are you shorter?”
You motioned at your sneakers, “I figured since we’re going into the woods, heels would be a bad idea.”
“Is this the first time I’m seeing you without heels?”
“Should we get going?”
JJ stole a look at Spencer and you, then turned to Luke, “Actually, do you mind coming with me to the car for a moment? There’s this file I want to get your opinion on.” She nodded at you, “You guys go ahead if you want.”
You pulled your brows together for a second, trying to understand what was happening but then decided you wouldn’t question it and stepped into the woods, a shiver running down your spine.
It looked way too familiar.
You gritted your teeth and started walking, and it didn’t take long for Spencer to catch up with you.
“So I never got to ask you,” you managed to say after almost ten minutes of complete silence, “That…that blood vial in that petal bowl, whose blood was it?”
“Right,” you murmured as you kept walking, “Was it….was it something my dad did back then?”
“No.” Spencer said curtly and you looked over your shoulder.
“So then what does it—“
“Are you dating other people?” the words left his lips in a hurry as if he didn’t know how to stop them and you stopped dead on your tracks.
“I beg your pardon?”
He opened his mouth for a moment like he was trying to find the right words but then he closed it and shrugged his shoulders.
“Never mind,” he murmured, walking past you and you gawked after him for a while before you rushed after him.
“No, what was that?”
Maybe your whole theory about Spencer being a genius therefore not being able to be jealous wasn’t exactly the truth.
“I’m not— is this about Lincoln?” you held up the phone in your hand before you sped up to catch up with his long strides, “There’s this stupid charity auction bullshit and we’re both attending it, that’s it.”
“Alright,” he murmured, still walking and you let out a breath.
“What?” he turned around to look at you, that fire burning in his eyes again, “I said never mind, okay?”
“I’m not dating Lincoln!” you exclaimed “And I— even if I were, at least he’s not someone I met at a nightclub my friends forced me to go, unlike some of us.”
“What does that-” he started but it hit him in a second, “Garcia told you.”
“It came up.”
He raised his brows, “Yeah? How?”
“It just did.” You managed to say even if your cheeks were burning, “So what? You’re going to stand there and ask me that when you’re moving on already?”
“I’m not moving on!” he said as if you had just insulted him, “Besides, you broke up with me remember?”
“Yeah and you wasted no time Spencer, congratulations.” You murmured as you walked past him but as soon as your eyes caught the sight of the huge cabin by the small hill, your breath got caught in your throat and you took a step back, the memory flashing through your mind so fast that the headache hit you out of nowhere.
Your father tugged you by your hand through the woods as you yawned, rubbing at your eyes.
“Are you sleepy honey?”
You nodded, looking up at him, 
“Daddy I thought we were going to come here tomorrow, with mom and Mina.” you said as you hugged the huge teddy bear you had brought with you when your father had woken you up and told you that you would be taking a small trip to the cabin.
“We are,” he said, “We will go back home after our hunt is done here.”
“Yeah but mom says Mina and I can’t be outside the cabin at night,” you murmured, “The lake is too close, remember? We might fall in, she says.”
“She’s right, no leaving the cabin by yourself when it’s dark outside,” he said, “Or else no chocolate for a week, you know the rules.”
“Okay, okay…” you yawned again, and your father knelt down so that you could look him in the eye.
“Petal honey, I want you to pay attention,” he said, “Look around. Let’s say you’re in the woods by yourself and you’re hunting. You know how we hunt, right?”
You took a deep breath, “Stab the prey, twist the knife, pull it back and watch them bleed.”
“Very good,” he said, “When you’re hunting in the woods, what’s the first thing you do?”
“Look up at the sky,” you said, “That’s how I know where I am.”
“Good start. How about if your prey is running to get away from you? How do you chase them?”
“People aren’t calm when they’re being hunted,” you repeated what he had told you, “They make noises. I follow that, and wait for them to tire themselves out.”
He nodded, then you both climbed the stairs to the front door of the cabin.
“And what’s the one thing you remember?”
“To stay calm and patient.”
He smiled at you and opened the door to the cabin so that you could see the bloodied person tied to a chair, screaming through the gag.
“Good,” he said, “Let’s go over what we do with the prey, shall we?”
“Y/N!” Spencer’s voice cut through the memory, almost grabbing you and pulling you back to the reality and it was only when you realized you weren’t standing anymore, instead you were on the ground on your knees, gasping for breath.
“I can’t—“ you choked out, pressing a hand over your chest “I—I can’t breathe—“
“Yes you can,” he helped you sit and lean your back to the tree trunk, “You just need to focus on me, alright? Can you breathe with me?”
You sniffled, trying to match your breathing with his and he nodded,
“There you go,” he said with a smile, “You’re doing great. Is it okay if I touch you?”
You nodded your head, still desperate to cling to anything that would protect you from that memory and he entwined his fingers with you.
“Keep your focus on me,” he said as he wiped the teardrop off your cheek with his free hand, ��awakening a fire right beneath your cheekbone, “Here’s what we’re going to do, you will inhale when I squeeze your hand, exhale when I stop. Can we do that together?”
You inhaled when you felt his grip tightening around your hand, then exhaled when it became loose again.
You let out a shaky breath, “Hm?”
“Why are public proposals so bad?”
A teary laugh escaped from your lips, “Professor…”
“No, I want you to tell me,” he said as you inhaled again when he squeezed your hand, “Why are they so bad?”
“Because they—“ you exhaled, “They’re not private.”
“They could be romantic.”
“But they’re not,” you protested, “They’re not romantic. They’re pretentious.”
“Pretentious?” he squeezed your hand once more and you took another breath.
“If you need an audience for something like that, you’re pretentious yeah.” You said as the nausea slowly retreated and he pushed your hair behind your ear before his knuckles brushed over your neck, it lasted only a moment but it was enough for you.
“Thanks,” you mumbled and he offered you a small smile.
“Brings back the memories, huh?” you leaned your head back to the tree trunk and he nodded.
“Yeah,” he murmured, “Yeah it really does.”
You pressed your lips together, “Spencer, why are you helping me?” you asked him, taking him by surprise, “With….all this. I thought you hated me.”
He swallowed thickly,
“I can’t hate you,” his voice was almost a murmur, “I wish I could. Trust me, I tried.”
“Guys?” you heard Luke’s voice and you turned your head to see them approaching, “What’re you—what happened?”
“We’ll meet you there in a second,” Spencer said, shooting JJ a look and she nodded.
“Okay,” she said, “Come on Luke.”
They walked past you to the cabin and you looked up at the sky for a couple of seconds before willing yourself to focus on him again.
“You remembered something,” he said and you nodded.
“A memory,” you managed to say, “I…Spencer, there are dead bodies in there.”
“I know, we found bones in the backyard—“
“No,” you cut him off, “You don’t understand. There are dead bodies in the cabin.”
He pulled his brows together and you pulled your hand out of his before standing up on shaky legs, still holding onto the tree for support.
“Y/N, we can wait-” he said but you shook your head and made your way to the cabin until you reached the stairs. Every cell in your body was screaming at you to run away, but you managed to force yourself to climb the stone stairs and stopped for a moment at the door as Spencer stepped to stand next to you. Everything looked exactly the same as you had left them all those years ago right before your father was arrested.
A shudder went down your spine, the same as the one you had gotten when you woke up in your apartment after being drugged. Something in here was way too dangerous for you and it wouldn’t rest until you were at its mercy so you had to get away before it could dig its claws under your skin, but-
You had to do this. You could do this.
You had been through much worse than this before.
You had survived your father, you had survived his copycats, you had survived everything thrown your way so far, you could survive this as well.
You rolled your shoulders back and stepped into the huge living room, the memory pushing at your mind but you shook your head, forcing yourself to focus.
“We can leave if you want,” Spencer murmured and you dug your fingernails into your palms hard enough to hurt.
There was a reason why police couldn’t find anything in this goddamn place when they first checked. You had repressed the memory just like you had repressed the rest, and now that you were here…
The memories about the cabin were swirling in your head, each more terrifying than other.
Luke turned his head, “Yeah?”
“Do you mind stepping aside for a moment?” you asked, “Actually, if no one could—if no one could stand on the rug that’d be ideal. Thanks.”
JJ shot you a look but nodded at the two other agents walking around the living room and you slowly approached the magnetic chess board by the coffee table, holding out your hand over the pieces for a second. Panic roared through you but you gritted your teeth and moved the pawn, then put the bishop where your father taught you to put it way back then.
“It’ll be like a treasure hunt, but you need to keep it a secret,” he had told you, “Pinky swear?”
You turned the queen in hand your for a moment, then put it right next to the bishop and the small basement trapdoor which was impossible to see even if someone was looking for it clicked under the rug. Spencer froze for a moment before he and Luke pulled the rug off the floor and pulled open the hatch but the smell coming from downstairs made you cover your mouth.
“Stay here,” Luke told the agents as he went downstairs and Spencer followed him right before JJ did. You stalled there for a moment, trying to repress the fear pinning you to your spot before you stepped closer to the stairs leading down to the secret basement.
“Miss—“ the agent said but you ignored him and made your way down. JJ and Spencer already had their flashlights on as Luke held his gun, ready to pull the trigger at any unexpected movement.
“You can’t be here.” Spencer told you but you weren’t even mood to snap back at him. You dragged your fingertips on the wall until you found the switch and turned the light on, the smell getting worse and worse.
There were three huge boxes by the wall, all tightly shut and you had a feeling—
No, not a feeling. What you had was a memory and you knew exactly what was in them.
Spencer turned to you, apparently ready to tell you to go upstairs again but as soon as his eyes caught something over your shoulder, he froze, his jaw clenching. You could feel your heartbeat getting faster and faster as Luke stopped dead on his tracks.
“Y/N, go upstairs.” Spencer said, his tone way too controlled until you turned your head, “No wait, don’t look—“
But it was too late. The bloodied message on the wall made you gasp as you took a step back, unable to look away as that familiar dread filled you once more, the simple line causing goosebumps to rise on your skin;
Welcome home Petal.
                                 Chapter 21 
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haitanirindo · 4 years
zukka fics that live in my head rent free! 
1. what did you bury before those hands pulled me from the earth (what were you digging) by draco_sollicitus status: complete (18k words) rating: mature pairing(s): sokka/zuko  summary: Sokka is immortal; it's been tested, he knows that he can't die. He's immortal, but he's not quite a god like his sister, Katara. He's immortal, but he's not quite powerful like his friends Aang and Toph. He's just sort of Sokka: good at fixing things, good at playing pranks, good at helping people. When a bet against Toph goes horribly wrong, and an attempt to save him goes even worse, Sokka finds himself the unwilling guest of the Lord of the Underworld. And, strangely enough, every story Sokka's heard about Lord Zuko seems to be ... completely wrong. (Also, he's really handsome. Why does he have to be handsome?)
mythology nerds come get y’all juice. a very good fic. 10/10
2. Where I Want to Be by through-the-stars-to-the-pavement status: WIP (83k words) rating: explicit pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: "'The fog was where I wanted to be.'" Everything is different. The pitch of his voice, his posture. The auditorium goes silent. No one can take their eyes off of him.… He's amazing.  Zuko had to perfect the art of acting as a child to survive the horrors of his homelife. When he got older, it was only natural to take his talent to the stage for entertainment and escape. Enter Sokka, a craftsman and set designer with a giant heart who is haunted by plenty of ghosts of his own. A tale of trauma, disability, family, creativity, and love. 
this is one of my all time favorite fics. it’s seriously so good and i think about it often
3. Teaching a Heart by @i-write-shakespeare-not-disney status: WIP (114k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: Sokka is asked to go to the Fire Nation to teach the crown prince how to sword fight. When he arrives, he's surprised to learn he has to pose as a companion before he can teach the stubborn prince because he rejects every teacher. Far from home and among new customs, Sokka struggles to gain the prince's trust and friendship despite the uncertainties of the customs and dynamics he sees. As he slowly finds answers to his questions, his bond with the prince grows until it becomes something far more ardent than friendship. Doomed as it may be with the prince's approaching wedding ceremony and coronation, Sokka and Zuko find themselves consumed by what they find in each other.
i have no words, i just love this fic and it makes me weep.
4. The Road Between Action and Inaction by @donvex status: complete (17k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: Sokka does a shitty k turn in the parking lot across from the bus station, pulls up to the curb where the boy is looking determinedly at his phone, and rolls down the passenger window. “Hey! Which way were you going?” He may die, but at least his conscience will be clear. The guy blinks at him. “Don’t.” Oh, he’s prickly. Or: the hitchhiker au, featuring Sokka and Zuko falling in love without even realizing it.
a classic. roadtrip fics own my ass. 
5. purrfect for eachother by lesmiserablol status: complete (3k words) rating: general audiences pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: “Let me teach you how to be a cat person,” Zuko says. “Learning from the master himself,” Sokka grins. “Alright, this can’t be too hard. Show me what you got.” (because sometimes, it takes going to a cat café four times to realize you're in love with your best friend)
this whole series is adorable, reading it is self care
6. Ashes Inside When You Finish Your Song by @muncaster status: complete (47k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko, aang/katara, mai/ty lee summary: Sokka writes lyrics for his sister’s band. Zuko plays piano and is unnecessarily nice. Fellas, is it gay to write love songs about your friend and his golden eyes? (AKA, a modern band AU featuring The Gaang, crappy software equipment, homoerotic lyrics, and the realization that maybe, if you think about a guy every night before you sleep, you just might be in love with him.)
i think this is the longest one-shot i’ve ever read and it’s so worth it
7. a study in matchmaking by @verdanthoney status: complete (12k words) rating: general audiences pairing(s): sokka/zuko, aang/katara, bato/hakoda summary: Zuko and Sokka try to play matchmaker, but things don't go exactly as planned.
this fic makes me want to scream, in the best way. it’s so cute
8. A Predictable Story by mindbending status: complete (7k words) rating: general audiences pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: "On this night, you shall share a kiss with a great love of your life!” That lying, scummy Aunt Wu predicts a grand romance for Sokka. To disprove her "fortunetelling" once and for all, Sokka decides to spend the night with least romantic person he knows. Zuko.
again, i have no words. this fic is cute as hell
9. that’s murder, buddy by @bisexual-atla status: WIP (14k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: Throughout the streets, on quiet nights, it was rumored the screams of those missing could be heard. Some say the sounds were coming from underground. Where were the young girls? And what was happening to them? Was an evil spirit haunting Gaoling, or something more human? More sinister? My name is Zuko, and you’re tuning into another episode of ‘That’s Murder, Buddy’. Or: Sokka has no idea that his crush is the host of his favorite podcast. (But everyone else knows.)
i love the entire concept of this one, we love oblivious sokka
10. We’ll play hide and seek (to turn this around) by @crosspin status: complete (5k words) rating: general audiences pairing(s): sokka/zuko, bato/hakoda summary: Sokka gave him a sheepish smile. “It’s…well, you see, there’s this boy…” Hakoda sighed and set down the sports section. This was going to take a while. “He works at Barnes & Noble. At the big information desk in the middle. Every Saturday. And I really want to ask him for his number, but it’s super awkward because there’s always this other guy working the information desk at the same time. He’s old, like you. But I have a plan." Sokka’s eyes lit up deviously. “You come with me to Barnes & Noble today when they’re working and distract the old man. And while you have him distracted, I’ll swoop in and get the goods!” Sokka has a plan to ask out the cute boy at the bookstore. Hakoda is a begrudging participant until he meets the boy's beautiful older coworker.
this fic!! this fic! adorable, incredible, magnificent
11. feels like we only go backwards by @oldpotatoe status: WIP (88k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: [Time passes oddly. Between one second and the next, Sokka has the Fire Lord pinned to the wall with his hands around the bastard’s throat. Golden eyes (one gold eye, his mind whispers) widen in shock. “Sokka?” he chokes out. And then he smiles. What the fuck? “Sokka, I—” Sokka slams his head against the wall, once, twice, and the smile wipes off his face. Good. “What,” Sokka bites out, “have you done to my sister?”] Or: An injury leaves Sokka with amnesia. His last memory is of the failed invasion, of leaving his father behind in enemy territory on the Day of Black Sun. Of hopelessness. Rage. But then he wakes up, and the war is over. Suddenly, he must come to terms with the fact that years have passed, and that he's somehow the Southern Water Tribe Ambassador to the Fire Nation. He is also supposedly friends with banished-Prince-turned-Fire-Lord Zuko, of all people. Close friends. Yeah, nah.
if you’ve been following me for a while you know this fic fucks me up beyond belief
12. breakable heaven by @fruitysokka status: WIP (43k words) rating: teen and up pairing(s): sokka/zuko summary: With his twenty-first birthday looming just around the corner, the Southern Water Tribe Elders have decided that Sokka, next in line to be Chief, needs to get married. Sokka does not want that, but he does need to get them off his back until he can figure his way out of it. What better way to do that than to pretend to date his best friend (and newly minted Ambassador to the Southern Water Tribe) Zuko? Seriously, this is a foolproof plan. Maybe one of Sokka's best. Absolutely nothing can go wrong.
this just in: sokka and zuko being oblivious makes me want to yell
this turned out a bit longer than i expected but it also doesn’t even cover all my favorites. i had to stop somewhere, or i’d be here forever. maybe i’ll make a part two someday.
anyway, enjoy!
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Sam Winchester: Thoughts
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*Credit to the gif owner* 
Pairing: Sam W. x reader 
Pov: Sam 
Warnings: Fluff, Sam can hear the readers thoughts, Sam falling in love with the reader, Dean is here to help the plot
Summary: Sam gets cursed after the Dean, Y/n, and Sam hunt a witch. The next morning when he wakes up all he can hear is Y/n thoughts, and he’s slowly start to fall in love with her. 
A/N: Using @firefly-graphics Sam Winchester divider for this fic. This fic is sorta based on "What women want" with Mel Gibson. A good ol' Romantic Comedy.
Word Count: 2.3k
Main Masterlist Sams Masterlist 
Taglist: @sweetdetectivequeen​
A witch hunt couldn't possibly go wrong, right? Especially with the Winchester boys.
"Look lady, sit down before I shoot," Dean shouted, causing Y/n to flinch. Just enough of a flinch that I would be having a conversation with Dean later about no yelling so much.
The witch sat down, but what nobody noticed she was casting a spell under her breath. Dean, Y/n, and I had huddled together trying to figure out what we were going to ask this damn witch.
My back facing the witch. Dean looking over my shoulder looking angrily at the lady. Y/n had her game face on. She sometimes followed us around like lost puppies, but damn was she a fucking awesome hunter.
Sometimes better than Dean and I put together.
When I say that she followed us around like lost puppies I mean she never said what she thought. Dean or I would come up with a plan and she never put input in. Just kinda did what she was told. Reminds me of a younger version of Dean and myself.
Working our asses off for John, all for it to be for nothing. A good little soldier and that was all we were to him.
In the end, Dean just ended up letting the witch go since she hadn't any information. We all pilled back into the impala for the drive back to the bunker.
Y/n fell asleep in the back seat curled into a ball and looking rather peaceful. "Y'know I was thinking lover boy that maybe she could stay permanently with us," Dean said referring to Y/n in the backseat.
I just rolled my eyes before turning to look out the window. The drive was shortened by the fact that at one point my eyes were open and scanning the passing environment.
And the next minute I was dreaming a nice dream. I had a family a beautiful wife standing on our front patio, and watching our daughter and I play with our puppy.
It was nice, it was peaceful. But when I was looking around my dream, I noticed that every face was blank. Well, there goes the normal dream.
The shaking of my body woke me up. "Yo, wake up. Get your shit and go the bed." Dean said, pushing me closer to the passenger side door.
Stumbling out, I walked groggily to the back of the impala and grabbed my bags. Slinging them over my shoulder, I saw Dean try to pull Y/n from the back.
"Sweetheart, we made it home." Dean whispering. His hands falling underneath her knees, carefully picking her up out of the impala. "Open the door would Ya, instead of just standing and staring," Dean said still whispering.
I ran over to the door opening it. "Dude get some sleep, I'll get Y/n settled in, kay," Dean said passing me. Shrugging my shoulders and yawning as I walked to my room.
Stripping down to my boxers I collapsed into bed, loving the coolness of my sheets. Within minutes of my head hitting the pillow, I was out like a light.
Dreaming wasn't something that always happened for me, not since I first started hunting with Dean. But those weren't dreams those were more like nightmares, of people that I couldn't save.
I fell back into the same dream as before, still no faces. But the woman I assumed was my wife as a familiar voice, our daughter was what seemed like she was tops five or six.
Cute little thing, long brown hair like my own, wearing a cute sundress that was blue with green flowers printed on it. ' Dear, are you guys ready for dinner?' the woman asked me. I tried to not stare at the fact that she had no face, so I just hummed. Picking up our daughter.
'Tank you for playing with me daddy!' my daughter said to me bringing her small hands and arms and hugging me around my neck. Besides having no faces everything else seemed normal, my wife's voice seemed all too familiar and it was honestly getting at me. Before I was able to ask her something I was pulled from my dreams.
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Waking up was a bitch. My neck was sore, and so were my shoulders. Deciding that today I wouldn't take that mile run, I opted for staying in bed just a bit longer this morning.
Finally getting up when I smelled coffee being made in the kitchen. Grabbing a pair of sweats that were laying around, I slipped my slippers on and went to go get some coffee.
The first thing I saw when I walked in was Dean dancing along to his horrible 70s and 80s rock. Flipping pancakes and sizzling bacon. 'God, why'd he choose no shirt this morning' "Huh? Did you say something Y/n?" I asked her, looking at her for the first time since last night.
She had her hair up in a messy bun, wearing a flannel of Dean, and a baggy pair of shorts. "No, I didn't say anything, Sam," Y/n said pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose, continuing reading her book.
Okay Sam you have to admit that was odd and kinda creepy. Not that I mind being complimented, but still weird. "You gonna get your cup of coffee or just stand there looking like an idiot!" I heard Dean crack.
"No," I answered back grabbing a coffee cup that was next to the machine. 'Jeez Dean way to be an asshole towards Sam.' There it was again Y/n voice.
Turning around rather quickly which only hurt my neck even more. "Did you just say that?" I asked panic starting to overtake my body and instincts. y/n looked over at Dean, causing Dean to look over at me.
"Dude what are you going on about?" He asked me... eyes big I just waved his question off, "Never mind I think I must have hit my head last night." I said just wanting my morning coffee more than anything.
The rest of the morning went by fine. No hearing Y/n voice, but then again, she wasn't around for the rest of the morning. "I'm heading out to the shops; I need a new pair of jeans. If either one of you wanna head out with me that's fine too. If not that's okay too guys." Y/n said mostly talking and looking at me.
'Please come out with me Sammy' I heard. Ignore it, rolling my eyes before speaking again. "No, it's okay. Dean?" I spoke. "Nah, I'm fine dear. But thanks." Dean said using his signature wink.
As Y/n walked away I heard her voice again, 'Jesus Dean, stop with the nicknames, and the winking. Obviously, it's not working.' That was the last I heard the sentence.
Dean wants to be with Y/n. I don't, I can't see that going very well, Dean sees Y/n more as a sister than anything else. What does that mean it's not working?
Hours later Y/n came into the bunker carrying a few bags. "I thought you only needed a pair of jeans, Y/n?" Dean snarked. "I did, but you guys were running out of some things, so I grabbed some other shit." Y/n countered.
Well, I can't deny that Dean and Y/n do have a certain chemistry, one that she and I just don't have. "what did you get?" I asked moving the conversation along. "I umm... I got you guys some t-shirts, some more socks, and just something fun for both of you." She said shyly.
"That's great, thank you. Did you have an okay time?" I asked, 'No, Sam I didn't that's why I wanted you to go with me. So many gross old men hit on me.' I heard Y/n's face was only scrunched up for a few seconds.
"Yeah, I had a perfectly fine time. Really did enjoy the alone time." Y/n said winking at us. Dean just rolled his eyes and jumped up to go through the bags, but Y/n swatted his hands away.
Digging into the bag she pulled out pie for Dean and he took off with it like he was a squirrel. Y/n looked back over to me and then started to look through the other bags. "Here Sam. I didn't know if you already had this book, but I thought why not." She said, shrugging her shoulder in a cute sort of way.
"Here for a gift return, a Winchester hug, yeah?" I said laughing a little bit. "I don't see why not, I heard that they're hard to come by," Y/n said back rounding the table in an effort to get on a very one-sided hug.
I hadn't realized until recently how much shorter Y/n was compared to me. I could fully rest my chin on her head. 'God I could use this more often' I squeezed her in my arms. 'God, he smells so great' I heard again, she nuzzled her face into my chest. 'He gives much better hugs than Dean.' I heard.
Y/n was the one to let go of the hug, not me. I was starting to realize that it was in fact Y/n I was hearing just not the words coming out of her mouth, it was her thoughts.
That night I convinced Dean that I could make dinner. For the time I was at college and dating Jessica I had learned some good enough cooking skills. "Fine whatever you do just don't ruin my pans and pots!" Dean screamed from his bedroom as I walked away.
That night I cooked a shrimp alfredo, and chicken alfredo with noodles. Something simple but it was mostly all the food that we had left in the bunker kitchen.
"Dinners ready you two!" I hollered from the library, Dean running from the garage, and on the other side of me was Y/n walking down the hallway. 'Look at him, damn chiefs' apron' I looked down and saw that the apron said "kiss the cook" Damn Dean.
'I'd definitely kiss that cook.' I heard as she walked past me. I just followed her with my gaze, mouth slightly open. Hoping that it wouldn't fall straight to the floor.
"Well dig in. It won't kill you, Dean." Y/n said. Dean just put his hands up in defense it's not like he had said anything but we all know he was thinking it instead.
Dinner went by quickly, few words from any of us, and not many thoughts passing through Y/n's mind. Besides 'Damn, he's got skills, 'So much better than Dean would ever do' I snorted when I heard that thought. Dean looked over at me, "What's so funny Samuel?" He spoke.
I rolled my eyes, "It's Sam, Samuel sounds like an old fashion name" I said. "Nothing is wrong Dean." I finished. 'If nobody thought you guys were brothers, they should spend at least a few hours with you.' I heard.
"Can we not fight at the dinner table, please Dean," I asked. I was trying to lean into what Y/n was saying, or more thinking. By the end of dinner Dean had eaten another serving and was now on his second piece of apple pie and a glass of hard crown apple whiskey the Y/n had bought earlier that day.
"Good night you two love birds. Tweet tweet. I'm heading to bed." Dean said kissing Y/n's temple, and patting my shoulder he walked out of the library.
"I'm sorry about him, Y/n. He doesn't have a sensor." I said apologizing for my older brother. Y/n got up waving him off and grabbed the leftover dishware.
I followed behind her grabbing what she couldn't. "He's fine. He should know better, but he's okay Sammy." Y/n said. Not many people called me Sammy besides Dean and Y/n, but it always seemed sweeter coming out of her mouth.
Y/n started to wash dishes. "Can I ask you a question Y/n?" She hummed, so I continued on. "Why do you never say anything while we are on a hunt. You don't always have to follow out stupid ideas...." I said noticing that Y/n had now turned around and was facing me.
"Look I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying that I'd like to know what you're thinking for a while. especially when we are on a hunt. Your opinions matter to me. I hope you know that." I said, crossing my arms across my chest.
'Shut up would Ya'. You don't know how much that means to me.' "I know that you can hear what I'm thinking." Well, that went south very quickly and my stupid facial expression doesn't help the situation. "How long have you known?" I asked.... We stood in silence beside the water in the sink running. "Since before dinner when I was thinking about kissing the amazing chef that made dinner. Because I would still kiss the chef." Y/n said. setting the plate down on the kitchen island.
'Do you want me to kiss you, Samuel?' She said in her thought. I hummed. Shaking my head, licking my lips in anticipation. 'Words Sammy Dear.' She thought. "Just come over here. If this is what happens when I can hear your thoughts, I may be okay with being cursed by a witch ever so often." I said before our lips crashed together.
Our kiss was short-lived when Y/n left mine. "What are you talking about the witch from last night's hunt?" I shook my head. "We need to go get that witch, kill her, get her to remove the curse. Whatever, because as much as it's cute somethings a girl wants to keep to herself." Y/n said, coming back up to my lips and pecking them.
"You're gonna be the death of me," I said, before following her over to the sink to help wash dishes. I think I might have fallen in love with you Y/n. I thought.
"Hey... I heard that." Y/n said. I rolled my eyes, "No you didn't." Confusion replaced Y/ns soft features. "Okay, what did I say then, Y/n?" I asked. "I think I might have fallen in love with you Y/n" Y/n answered.
"Damn it. We really gotta find that witch, Samuel." Y/n said.
Completed on: 04/11/2021
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flamehairedwritings · 4 years
Candy Hearts
Characters: Chief Jim Hopper x Female Reader
Words: <1k
Rating: M
A/N: Hello! Welcome to the first day of my 7 Days of Valentine’s Drabbles, the 2021 edition! Let’s warm up with something sweet, shall we.
This story contains swearing, mentions of alcohol, flirty banter, and a realisation.
Please don’t copy or steal my work, and please don’t post it on any other sites; credit does not count.
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Candy Hearts
Phones ring, pencils and pens scribble against paper and low murmurings echo across the Station floor.
The day crew is starting to be replaced by the night crew, but you? Oh, you’re the lone member of the all-day crew.
Accepting the double-shift on one of the most understaffed days of the year was a no-brainer. You had absolutely no plans and didn’t intend on making any, in fact you had been delighted when Flo called the week before, sighing before she’d even started and expecting a ‘no’ like all the previous calls. Your friends had finally ceased their well-meaning pestering about going out to the bar or going over to one of theirs for a movie night or doing any number of things they could come up with at thinking you’d be miserable about being single.
They just can’t believe that you’re actually okay. Sure, sometimes you get a slight pang of longing when you see couples or watch a romantic movie or, let’s be honest, have a few alcoholic beverages, but generally you’re fine.
It’s just that the forcedness of the so-called holiday irks you. Why should one day be dedicated to doing something nice for your partner and showing them how much you love them? There’s pressure on single people, too; everyone asking what you’re up to, how you’re going to spend it, pity in their eyes and a joke on their tongue. Nope, you’d rather just spend the day being alone with peace and quiet.
... Or here surrounded by noise and people you like but who won’t bother you.
“Well, look at this.”
Well, one of them will.
Releasing a faux-exasperated sigh as you sit back, you manage to not smile as you meet Jim Hopper’s gaze.
“Oh, no, look at this. Every woman in town turn you down?”
He snorts as he sits on the edge of your desk, unwrapping a chocolate loveheart and popping it into his mouth. “I haven’t asked every woman.”
“Haa,” you say dryly as he gives you a wink. “What’re you waiting for, then, Casanova?”
“Don’t wanna get my ass kicked in the parkin’ lot later.”
Your smile breaks through, damn it, and he grins, unwrapping another loveheart.
“Yeah, there’s that smile.”
“Shut up and share your chocolate.”
“Nah, I like these too much, can’t believe they only make ‘em once a year, I’m gonna have to write a letter, but before you give me that look, I got you these...”
Pulling a tube-shaped packet out of his ‘Chief’ jacket pocket, he tosses it to you. Catching it, you raise your eyebrows as you read it before looking back up at him.
“... You bought me candy hearts?”
He shrugs, unwrapping another chocolate. “It was all that was left at the store that wasn’t a teddy sayin’ ‘I love you’ or a fake rose.”
“Oh, good choice, then.”
“Yeah, I thought so.” He watches you as you unwrap the packet and take a heart off the top. “Hey, read it out, what’s it say?”
Tilting your head, you exhale a breath as you turn it so you can read the tiny writing. “Uh... ‘Call me’.”
“Okay, what time?”
You just can’t stop your smile from returning as you side-eye him. “I can’t believe no one accepted your offer of a date...”
He chuckles, ripping up the foil wrap between his hands. “Oh, well, that might also be because I didn’t ask anyone.”
Pausing, you blink as you look at him. “What?”
This is unheard of. As is him working on Valentine’s Day for that matter. The bar is hosting its traditional Singles Night which he is practically a guest of honour at, so what the hell is he doing here?
“Yeah,” is all he says, rolling the foil up into a small ball.
“Oh.” Realising you’ve been staring a second or two longer than you should, you raise your eyebrows as you smile. “Couldn’t handle all the rejection?”
Hopper shakes his head as he straightens, a smile pulling at his lips as he looks at you. “Nah. I’d just rather be here.”
He unwraps another chocolate as he moves between the desks towards his office, and your eyes follow him the entire time.
Definitely not.
But what if...
Lips parted, you watch him as he removes his jacket and settles it on the back of his chair before sitting down, a hand running over his hair.
You’re reading into things now, stop it...
Licking your suddenly dry lips, you pull another candy heart off the top and, on instinct, read it.
‘Love Bird’.
You swiftly pop it into your mouth, feeling heat flood your cheeks.
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Tagged: @herb-welch, @punkpascal @davidkharboursex, @jobean12-blog, @warmbeardsandredwine, @mademoiselle-black, @scrunchinn, @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash, @divadinag, @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan, @deepsouth, @neganslittlebae, @ashphoenix105, @alahmorah, @daughterofthebrowncoats, @letsby,  @kiwiphroot, @ashmely, @sistasarah-sallysaidso, @unicornsandgliiitter, @lucifer-in-leather,  @heyjudeinthesky, @sleepylunarwolf, @ambeazyyy, @countryfire22, @sithlordslut, @mondsafari,  @norcula, @earinafae, @beltzboys2015-blog, @jinxiejenna, @justsimplevicky, @hellosupernaturaldoctor, @ginasellsbooks, @dwarvenbunnyears, @vale0413, @mrslydiaholden, @kimberliinabox, @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly, @allylupin, @cant-shake-this-feeling-off, @the-bitch-gotham-deserves, @warriorqueen1991, @thesurestthing, @zuni21798,  @quietlovelovely, @maddieisaboredable, @windinyoursnail, @happy-hopper, @yedi16, @negansdirtygirl22, @slipperywhenwetsstuff, @my-rosegold-soul @madkskillz, @im-not-great-at-making-up-names, @sergeantangel, @bitchinsinclair, @dewy-biitch, @focusonspn, @wearethebrokenones, @sarcasm-is-my-native-tounge, @thatprettymvthafvcka, @pulplorrd, @gifsbysimplysonia, @opalsandlacemain @geordiequeen, @gothackedalready, @ayatimascd, @missaudreyhorney, @chiefharbour, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @saltandroot, @ollypopp @soyuncheez
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whentheynameyoujoy · 3 years
What is it with the amount of “neutrals” bemoaning how they would have been able to deal with sylki if only after the kiss Loki and Sylvie would have realized they mistook their sibling affection and friendship for romantic love due to inexperience? First of, they might be overgrown middle-schoolers but they did canonically have previous partners so I’m pretty sure they can tell the bloody difference between platonic and romantic feelings. And second of, jfc, is this actually how you people go through life? Do you nom on your friends, all confused as to what romantic feelings are, and then go nah, chief, this is not it? Is this how people nom themselves to their first love, through trial and error? Because I wouldn’t expect literal toddlers to have this little knowledge about themselves.
Man, the amount of infantilizing going on in the Loki fandom is fucking unreal.
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