#I think I was still sorta in hiatus when the first round of khml news dropped with the new emblem symbol
eternal-reverie · 11 months
the thing about it is- and i cannot stress it enough- no new information about the game itself was released today. we have exactly as much content to work with as we did 24 hours ago, yet somehow the hype alone of the re-confirmation that the game is in fact still alive has kicked us back into kh mode and reawakened our brains at full strength
the hold this series has over everyone is insane!!! Just a teaser image barely hinting at anything uploaded after so long has the fandom like this; it hilarious and truly inspiring! Like we were all just hibernating 😆
Haha this whole situation has me reminiscing through similar times in the past where we just get excited for trailer release dates (which I think I would crumble with scheduling that on my calendar if that were to happen again soon) and theorizing to the smallest details of the logos and what not
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