#I think baby II is caprimon
holydramon · 7 months
the reason meicoomon isn’t available in survive was because they knew I’d be too powerful if all three of my favorite digimon were in the game
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randokaizer · 5 years
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The crossover no one (or some people) ever expected... Digimon x Earthbound/Mother. 
(Okay, so the logos don’t look good due to the fact the Digimon logo itself is italicized so it looks awkward together with the “Bound” part from the Earthbound logo. The MOTHER version is fine though. For some reason, Tumblr displays the first image with white pixels so I’ll have to link the original two from Imgur if you bother to see the full resolution.)
Here’s my take on if the Chosen Four had Digimon partners, the Digivices I could imagine they have is the Adventure Digivice (the main heroes of Beginnings, and Earthbound) and the D-3 for the characters of Mother 3.
Bold Text indicates the partner Digimon in their current form they normally stay in.
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Ninten’s Partner Digimon:
Pururumon (Fresh/Baby I) > Chicchimon (In-Training/Baby II) > Penguinmon/Penmon (Rookie/Child) > Kokatorimon/Cockatrimon (Champion/Adult) > Garudamon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Chronomon Holy Mode (Mega/Ultimate)
Ninten’s partner is Penguinmon since it is mentioned in the MOTHER Encyclopedia that he likes penguins so it’s a obvious choice for him. Garudamon and Chronomon “represent” the Flying Men of Penguinmon’s digivolution line.
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Ana's Partner Digimon:
Puttimon (Fresh/Baby I) > Kyupimon/Cupimon (In-Training/Baby II) > Salamon/Plotmon (Rookie/Child) > Gatomon/Tailmon (Champion/Adult) > Luminamon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Cherubimon Good/Virtue (Mega/Ultimate)
Holy Digimon are obvious choices for Ana and Paula, although, while they seem to have the same digimon in their Rookie and Champion forms, their Fresh, In-Training, Ultimate, and Mega forms are entirely different. I imagine Kyupimon just skips Salamon and goes straight into her Champion form; to differentiate the two Gatomons, Ana has one with a Holy Ring, while Paula’s is the ringless variant.
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Lloyd’s Partner Digimon:
MetalKoromon/Choromon (Fresh/Baby I) > Kapurimon/Caprimon (In-Training/Baby II) > Kokuwamon (Rookie/Child) > Thundermon/Thunderballmon (Champion/Adult) > MetalMamemon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Justimon (Mega/Ultimate)
Like most characters who are nerds that people tend to give them machine-based partners, Lloyd is no exception, the idea of I chose for Kokuwamon’s Mega form Justimon is that Lloyd has interest in superheroes so I thought up of including it in the line as Kokuwamon’s Champion form Thundermon also resembles a superhero.
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Teddy’s Partner Digimon:
Punimon (Fresh/Baby I) > Tsunomon/Tunomon (In-Training/Baby II) > Elecmon (Rookie/Child) > Leomon (Champion/Adult) > GrapLeomon/GrappuLeomon (Ultimate/Perfect) > BanchoLeomon (Mega/Ultimate)
Someone told me that BanchoLeomon would fit for Teddy since he’s a delinquent so I chose the Elecmon to Leomon line for him. Similar to Jeri Katou’s Leomon, his partner stays in his Champion form.
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Ness’ Partner Digimon:
Shoutmon > OmniShoutmon/OmegaShoutmon
I chose Shoutmon for Ness, mostly that both carry weapons, and since PSI/PK Rockin is known in Japanese as Kiai (Fighting Spirit) which can be interpreted as a battle cry, so I thought Shoutmon would be perfect for him.
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Paula’s Partner Digimon:
YukimiBotamon (Fresh/Baby I) > Nyaromon (In-Training/Baby II) > Salamon/Plotmon (Rookie/Child) > Gatomon/Tailmon (Champion/Adult) > Angewomon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Ophanimon/Ofanimon (Mega/Ultimate)
As what I stated above, for Ana and Paula, Holy Digimon is the obvious choice. I like to imagine when there’s no trouble, her partner stays in her Rookie form, but if there is any, she goes into her Champion form Gatomon. Her partner’s line is similar to that of Kari Kamiya, except that Ophanimon’s the Mega form rather than Magnadramon.
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Jeff’s Partner Digimon:
MetalKoromon/Choromon (Fresh/Baby I) > Missimon (In-Training/Baby II) > Kamemon (Rookie/Child) > Tankmon (Champion/Adult) > Andromon (Ultimate/Perfect) > HiAndromon (Mega/Ultimate)
I originally intended for Jeff to have the Hagurumon to HiAndromon line, but I realized that’s a line commonly used, so I got creative with his partner to be a Kamemon and since its a Cyborg-type Digimon, it makes sense that it can turn into the three cyborg monsters in its digivolution line.
In a way, I made his partner and its line refer to his weapon of choice based on what they are and their techniques: Missimon, Kamemon’s Armored Arrow, and Andromon’s Gatling Attack/Missiles (Bottle Rockets), Tankmon (Bazooka), HiAndromon (Gun/Ray/Beams, okay I know that HiAndromon doesn’t a blaster or gun whatever but his Atomic Ray counts right?)
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Poo’s Partner Digimon:
Mokumon (Fresh/Baby I) > Upamon (In-Training/Baby II) > Tapirmon/Bakumon (Rookie/Child) > Apemon/Hanumon (Champion/Adult) > Gokuwmon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Shakamon (Mega/Ultimate)
It may look odd why does Tapirmon turn into Apemon then to Gokuwmon, as someone recommended me Shakamon would fit for Poo, I made Tapirmon as Shakamon’s Rookie form, but I needed a Champion and an Ultimate digimon to fill in the missing forms, so then I remember Apemon can digivolve from Tapirmon as it is possible in the three Digimon Pendulum V-Pets and mentioned two times in the card games.
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Lucas’ Partner Digimon:
Dodomon (Fresh/Baby I) > Dorimon (In-Training/Baby II) > Dorumon/DORUmon (Rookie/Child) > Dorugamon/DORUgamon (Champion/Adult) > DoruGreymon/DORUguremon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Dorugoramon/DORUgoramon (Mega/Ultimate)
Don’t think I choose Dorumon just because X-Evolution and Mother 3 were never released in the U.S, I wanted a digimon to fit the “twin dragons” theme so I chose Dorumon for Lucas and the Masked Man, Ryudamon since the two digimon both possess the Digicore Interface on their foreheads.
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Kumatora’s Partner Digimon:
YukimiBotamon (Fresh/Baby I) > Wanyamon (In-Training/Baby II) > Bearmon (Rookie/Child) > Grizzlymon/Gryzmon (Champion/Adult) > Mihiramon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Baihumon (Mega/Ultimate)
Yeah, her partner’s line is a reference to what her name means; her Bearmon’s line is based off of Daigo Nishijima’s Bearmon (with the exception of the Fresh and In-Training forms) with the Ultimate form LoaderLiomon being replaced with Mihiramon instead.
She was the first character that I worked on giving her a partner before anyone else.
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Duster’s Partner Digimon:
Pururumon (Fresh/Baby I) > Poromon (In-Training/Baby II) > Hawkmon (Rookie/Child) > Harpymon (Armor)
Jyarimon (Fresh/Baby I) > Gigimon (In-Training/Baby II) > Guilmon (Rookie/Child) > Quetzalmon/Coatlmon (Armor) > Sandiramon (Ultimate/Perfect)
I couldn’t decide so I choose both for Duster, since Harpymon is a thief like Duster and since it armor digivolves from Hawkmon I had to pick it.
As someone told me that a snake digimon would fit to represent the Rope Snake, I use Guilmon as the base form, since there isn’t any official snake Rookie digimon out there and it makes sense Guilmon’s a lizard, after all lizards and snakes are reptiles.
His partners are required to use the DigiEgg of Light in order to achieve their forms, though, I always thought of the Egg of Light reminded me of the DigiEgg of Light.
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Masked Man’s Partner Digimon:
Fufumon (Fresh/Baby I) > Kyokyomon (In-Training/Baby II) > Ryudamon (Rookie/Child) > DexDorugamon/Death-X-DORUgamon (Champion/Adult) > Gigadramon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Darkdramon (Mega/Ultimate)
We (or some of us) all know that Ryudamon might’ve suffered a similar fate as you can see in his digivolution line of what has become of him throughout the process.
They may not be partners, but I could imagine the Mr. Saturns getting along with the Motimons due to both creatures are great intellects despite of their appearance.
Template created by citramon from the With the Will forums, modified version by me.
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shining-rays-blog · 7 years
AUtober Ideas
Full Moon Madness: In relation to Halloween- Actually a werewolf Zen that transform on and around a full moon into a wolf~ May or may not have control over his transformations during the day as well.
Pokemon AU: Idol Zen wants to battle! His main Pokemon is a Furfrou. Also has an Alolan Ninetails, Gardevoir, and Altaria. Travels around to promote his talent, a fan of Pokemon Contests in Hoenn, and the Pokemon Musicals in Unova.
GenderSwap: A simple gender swap, Zen born as a girl and having to deal with that side of things. Considered Echo Girl’s rival by most as an up and coming star. Pretty much the same as normal, girl!Zen is just a lot shorter and the sexual harassment claim from Echo Girl never happens. Instead she tries to make claims of Zen sleeping around with many guys and pays people to confess to it.
Mint Eye’s Prince: Bad End! Zen where he gets indoctrinated into Mint Eye. He ends up being their public front and brings in swarms of members easily. Off stage he’s very quiet, having to keep up a good facade for the public, is basically a puppet for the organization and will lie and act his way out of situations smoothly, either it be covering the organization's tracks or getting members he’s very efficient.
Mr. Ryu: Role swap with Jumin. Zen comes from a family of rich, talented stars, while Jumin is a struggling businessman trying to start up his own company, based around cats probably.
Fire Emblem AU: Songster, like the dancer and songstress class Zen can reinvigorate other units though the power of song~ Unlike those other classes though he has slightly higher stats, making him a little more handy in a physical battle as well. Has an auto-regenerate ability (Renewal) to heal between turns. Uses swords. (Half Dragon)
Digimon AU: A bunch of children get thrown into the digital world and they’re running around to try and save the world and their own asses- it’s digimon what do you expect? Alternatively: battled hardened adults helping the next generation. Baby: Choromon Baby II: Caprimon Rookie: Kotemon Adult: Yaksamon Champion: Knightmon Mega: Dynasmon
Time Machine: Child Zen, time has been reverted and Zen finds himself at the tender age of seven again. He can only speak Korean though... Oh boy.
Will add more later if I think of them.
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holydramon · 6 years
some bnha digimon lines
I recently got into bnha and I decided to make some Digimon lines for some of the characters, cause I find it fun. So I decided to do Class 1-A and a few teachers! Things to note with this are: I’m currently far from caught up and so for all I know something later in the series will make me rethink a line, I use multiple Virus types despite them being hero characters because I don’t think they should be off the table just cause Virus types are generally “evil”, I admittedly avoided using Digimon I personally don’t like cause I’m kinda biased, and I also like to make somewhat weird lines (some of these will look pretty standard but some others are just gonna be like… Uh, what?).
I will put more pressing notes underneath a characters line if I think it’s needed, but otherwise I won’t really comment on any of the lines. If you’re curious about why I chose a certain line, other Digimon I considered, or even headcanons I have about certain characters and the Digimon I gave them feel free to send me an ask though!
Anyway, I’ll be doing students in Alphabetical Order and then the teachers underneath!
Character Name: Baby I - Baby II - Adult - Perfect - Ultimate
The form the Digimon is usually in when nothing’s going on is italicized (ex: Agumon would be italicized for Taichi’s partner and Tailmon would be italicized for Hikari’s partner). If two levels are italicized, it means that they stay in both of those two levels casually.
Also not formatting related, but please keep in mind some Digimon can be two different Levels, such as Whamon sometimes being an Adult and sometimes being a Perfect
Class 1-A
Aoyama: Puttimon - Cupimon - Pawn Chessmon (white) - Maildramon - Knightmon - Lord Knightmon
Ashido: Leafmon - Minomon - Dokunemon - HoneyBeemon - Dinobeemon - TyrantKabuterimon
Asui: Pitchmon - Otamamon - Gizamon - Frogmon - Mega Seadramon - Plesiomon
(Otamamon is the Baby II level Otamamon, not Child level)
Bakugo: Botamon - Koromon - Vorvomon - Lavorvomon - Lavogaritamon - Volcanicdramon
Hagakure: Mokumon - PetitMeramon - Candmon - Wizarmon - Daomon - Kuzuhamon
Iida: Pururumon - Poromon - Hawkmon - Aquilamon - Garudamon - Crossmon
Jirou: Zurumon - Moonmon - Lunamon - Lekismon - Crescemon - Dianamon
Kaminari: Choromon - Caprimon - Elecmon - Lighdramon - Rapidmon - Raijinmon
Kirishima: Bubbmon - Mochimon - Gottsumon - Golemon - Volcamon - Bancho Golemon
Kouda: Cocomon - Chocomon - Cutemon - Bitmon - Jyagamon - Saint Galgomon
Satou: Poyomon - Torikara Ballmon - Ebi Burgamon - Burgamon - Digitamamon - Holy Digitamamon
(Burgamon is the Adult level Burgamon, not the Child one)
Midoriya: Dodomon - Wanyamon - Gaomon - Gaogamon - Mach Gaogamon - Mirage Gaogamon
Ojiro: Pipimon - Budmon - Koemon - Kangalmon - Caturamon - Dinotigermon
Sero: Yuramon - Tanemon - Alraumon - Woodmon - Algomon - Ultimate Algomon
(Technically both his perfect and ultimate are called just Algomon, but put Ultimate in front of the Ultimate to show that it’s a different level, with a different appearance and attacks)
Shinsou: YukiBotamon - Nyaromon - Plotmon - Mikemon - Pandamon - Pinochimon
Shouji: Zerimon - Gummimon - Shakomon - Gesomon - MarineDevimon - Neptunemon
Todoroki: Punimon - Tunomon - Gabumon - Garurumon - WereGarurumon - MetalGarurumon
Tokoyami: Puwamon - Pinamon - Falcomon (2006) - Peckmon - Yatagaramon - Ravmon
Uraraka: Nyokimon - Pyocomon - Piyomon - Birdramon - Hououmon - Valdurmon
(Hououmon can be a Perfect level. Hence this is the Perfect level Hououmon, not the Ultimate level.)
Yaoyorozu: Fufumon - Kyokomon - Ryudamon - Ginryumon - Hisyaryumon - Ouryumon
Aizawa/Eraserhead: Kuramon - Tsumemon - Offmon - Logamon - Shutmon - Rebootmon
(Appmon exist in this universe as regular Digimon, though they are notably rarer than regular ones. That said, if not counting Appmon, I would give Aizawa the Meicoomon line.)
Yamada/Present Mic: Poyomon - Tokomon - Patamon - Pipismon - Etemon - Metal Etemon
Yagi/All Might: Dodomon - Wanyamon - Gazimon - Leomon - Grappu Leomon - Saber Leomon
(Grappu Leomon while All Might, Gazimon while Yagi)
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holydramon · 7 years
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Finally finished 3 more digifakes! Meet Joltmon, Denkimon, and Kebamon! Btw, Kodramon’s babies are still being worked on. They’re called Baublemon and Drakemon. It’s mostly just that I’m having trouble with Baublemon’s colors.
 For a fun fact, Joltmon is actually based off my very first digifake that I made when I was about 7 or 8. It unfortunately seems like I lost the paper it was on, but if I ever find it I’ll post it. 
The digifake was named Fluffmon (which is now Kebamon’s name since keba means fluff) and was a yellow tiger (I think?) with orange stripes, though as you can see I changed it into a dog. This line is actually based on raijus, something that will be more apparent later in the line.
Long descriptions under the cut!
Kebamon Level: Baby I Type: Slime Attribute: None Field: None
Profile: A Baby digimon covered in fluffy fur. Its large fluffy ears let it have remarkable hearing. It puffs itself up to appear bigger if threatened, running away afterwards to avoid a fight. If its unable to escape, it protects itself by blowing acidic bubbles (Bubble Blow).
Digivolves from: Digitama
Digivolves to: Denkimon Kyaromon Nyaromon Tunomon Wanyamon
Denkimon Level: Baby II Type: Lesser Attribute: None Field: None Profile: A small Digimon with ferret-and-dog-like characteristics. It moves by pulling itself along the ground with it’s front paws. It’s fur is extremely soft, though always is storing static electricity from tugging itself along the ground. It has a somewhat bitter personality, preferring to keep to itself. It’s Special Move is to puff its self up and generate static electricity before tackling the opponent, giving them a small shock (Static Tackle). Digivolves from: Choromon Kebamon Pafumon Punimon
Digivolves to: Bearmon Coronamon Elecmon Elecmon (Violet) Gabumon Gaomon Gazimon Goburimon Joltmon Kunemon Kudamon Renamon
Joltmon Level: Child Type: Mammal Attribute: Data Field: Nature Spirits Profile: A dog-like Mammal Digimon with claws made of copper. Like Denkimon, it usually prefers to keep to itself. It has a relatively calm temperament, but during storms is extremely agitated and quick to fight. Surprisingly, it doesn’t use it’s sharp teeth to attack and opts to use its claws instead. It’s Special Moves are to attack the opponent with it’s electrically charged claws (Conductor Claw), and shooting out a small burst of electricity from it’s mouth (Charged Shot). Digivolves from: Caprimon Kyaromon Nyaromon Denkimon Wanyamon Digivolves to: Cyclomon Dogmon Fangmon Gaogamon Garurumon (Black) Kabuterimon Kyubimon Leomon Lighdramon Mikemon Prairiemon Raijumon Raptordramon Reppamon Sheepmon Tailmon Tobucatmon Thunderballmon Thunderbirmon
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