#I think if a woman isn't directly harming a woman you'll do more to bring her to radical feminism by making general posts
Can I ask when the last time “dick worshipper”, etc. has actually been used by a radblr woman? Not a black-pill orbiter; they’re awful to everyone and don’t tend to last long here. I mean from someone in radblr, claiming to be a radical feminist or supporting radical feminism. I know it used to be fairly common years ago. So did political lesbianism, which pissed everyone off for different reasons. Most of those people either left or just don’t show up in my circles anymore, and those that do again don’t last long. So where is this coming from? I see it referenced but no recent examples. I am seeing a hell of a lot of recent homophobia from women in radblr though. Every woman I’ve seen addressing the homophobia has stated the misogynistic terms aren’t okay, again, even though from what I’ve seen it hasn’t happened for a long time. Whereas I’m seeing a ton of defensiveness and doubling down in regards to the homophobia. And there seems to be this demand of all lesbians and non-lesbian pro-separatist women to denounce the “dick worshipper” type comments, and it’s like, A) they already have and B) if they’re not the ones who said it can you stop conflating pro-separatist arguments with that shit? Again, this is just what I’ve seen. Maybe the “dick-worshipper” comments are all over some areas of radblr, but they’re not from anyone I follow or have seen on my dash for years. I’d say for the last four or five years the only time I’ve seen it is from women asking not to be called that--which, I agree, I don’t want to be called that and I don’t want to see other women called that. It’s just, I haven’t been called it or seen it for a long time, so something’s not adding up.
#I've seen pile-ons and singling out which I thought were ill-timed or unhelpful#which I've addressed in another post#I think if a woman isn't directly harming a woman you'll do more to bring her to radical feminism by making general posts#rather than singling her out and calling her a bad feminist#but that's quite a bit different from dick worshipper etc.#like there was a lot I didn't like from radblr way back when#there were so many political lesbians that you couldn't tell when a thoughtful pro-separatist argument was going to slide into that#you couldn't tell when a heterosexual voluntary celibate post was going to then argue that heterosexuality was socialized#today's radblr that I can see is just not that#but thoughtful arguments are being treated as if they were#people being accused of shit they did not say#all the comparisons to lesbians with incels or men in general like what the fuck#YOU are the ones making things unpleasant here now#not the lesbians#not the pro-separatists#can we address one another's arguments in their own words and not by what you think they mean based on what someone else said please?#you can in fact respectfully disagree on certain points#we can in fact reclaim feminism and let radical feminism stay radical#it's okay#once upon a time I remember a Take Back The Night rally where the radical feminists were identified and welcomed with open arms#and the thing was most of the women there were not radical feminists#and that was completely okay and acknowledged#and we could still all unite for the common cause of women being safe at night#I remember in my early liberal feminist days--and I do mean liberal feminist not the faux-feminists that *libfem* tends to refer to now--#I would occasionally visit Twisty Faster's blog and I thought it was extreme but intriguing and refreshing#something that maybe wasn't for me but that I recognized as an important viewpoint nonetheless#and I was definitely not the only liberal feminist who felt that way#radical and liberal and other feminists often united against MRAs#god I wish we could go back to that.
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm and other triggering stuff.
No one's POV
Year 845: The day when wall Maria fell
"(Y/N)! Thomas! It's time for breakfast!" Gloria shouted from the dining room. Thomas, (Y/N)'s father, was sitting with (Y/N) in the living room. One of them busy with paperwork and the other with an interesting book borrowed from Erwin. (Y/N) didn't have training sessions with Erwin for a while, as he was on an expedition. He was supposed to return by now, but, he would be going to Wall Rose directly. (Y/N) kept her book down and followed her father out of the room to the dining room. "(Y/N), I cooked potato pancakes for you. Aren't they your favourite?" Gloria, (Y/N)'s mother told (Y/N) with a smile.
"Thank you" (Y/N) said softly, with her usual frown etched up on her face. It pained both Gloria and Thomas (L/N) that their adoptive daughter, no, they saw (Y/N) as nothing less than their own child, couldn't show emotions properly. It started after the incident with Jacob, one that they regretted ever since it happened. Only if they had the faintest idea of what that wretched man was doing to their beloved daughter... They consulted doctors from wall Rose to make sure (Y/N) is back to normal but the doctors only told them to be careful and not let (Y/N) get hold sharp objects.
They assumed (Y/N)'s aggression had something to do with her past in the underground, much like her self harming habits. They didn't know, however, that this would only push (Y/N) away from them. It's true that (Y/N) couldn't show emotions properly, but, that didn't mean the (L/N)s would love her any less. The day passed by normally, and just as Gloria was washing their plates for lunch, with the help of (Y/N), there was the sound of a huge explosion. "Gloria, stay with (Y/N) inside the house. I'll go see what that was" Thomas told the two of them before getting out. They waited for about fifteen minutes before a Garrison soldier knocked at their home.
"The wall of Shiganshina is breached! Gloria-san, your husband is helping with the evacuation. We need you to go to the barracks and gear up." the soldier said hastily. "Okay. Cadet Schultz, take (Y/N) to the evacuation boats. I'll catch up later" Gloria told him calmly. (Y/N) was witnessing everything. She knew enough about titans. She read about them in the books of Erwin's library. "Mom, I want to go with you" she told Gloria. Gloria looked at (Y/N)'s eyes, surprised that her eyes showed more emotions than she ever saw her express. There was fear, concern, love... "Honey, it's dangerous. I promise I'll be back before you know it with your dad." Gloria smiled as she felt (Y/N) hug her tightly. She knew that the chances of making through this was low. Very low. "Go now. We will be fine." she told (Y/N) before sending her off to the boats.
(Y/N) was sitting on the boat, hugging her legs. There were too many people here and she couldn't see any of her parents. There were no other soldiers here on this boat. "Maybe the soldiers are coming on a different boat?" (Y/N) thought. When the boat docked in Wall Rose, (Y/N) saw Erwin Smith standing there on the dockyard. She pushed through the crowd to go to him. When she reached him, she asked, "Are my mom and dad okay? Where are they?". "(Y/N), we don't have news about the soldiers fighting there yet. We will know by the next day. Right now, I need you to come with me. You won't be staying with the refugees as it is not safe. I arranged a home for you. You'll get good food, good clothes and a good place to sleep there." Erwin explained with a smile.
(Y/N) held his hand and went to the place he mentioned. It was a government run orphanage. Erwin mentioned that he had to pay money to let them take an extra child at this time. The matron looked like a kind motherly looking woman to (Y/N). "Be nice to everyone. Okay? I'll bring news about your parents as soon as I can." Erwin told (Y/N) with a kind smile before he left. (Y/N) remembered that something like this happened before.
"Don't be scared. You are safe now. No one will hurt you again." the blonde man told (Y/N) as he used a hairpin to unlock her cuffs. (Y/N) was huddled into a corner, scared that these men will take advantage of her like every other time. "It's okay. Everything will be okay. What's your name dear?" he asked with the same kind smile. "(Y/N)" (Y/N) managed to croak out. "Nice to meet you, (Y/N). I'm Erwin. Everything is going to be okay." he said, smiling. Everything didn't become okay.
"Was it happening again?" (Y/N) thought. "No. It can't be happening. They promised me that they will be back" (Y/N) brushed away the thought.
The next day
It was dawn. (Y/N) was sleeping on the bed assigned to her. The other children didn't talk to her yet as she spent most of her time in the matron's office. The matron was an amazing woman. She was nice to (Y/N), tried to give her as mental support as possible and made food almost as tasty as her mother. "(Y/N) dear? Wake up. Erwin Smith is here..." the matron called (Y/N), her face concerned. The whole orphanage was quiet, none of the other children were awake yet. (Y/N) walked towards the matron's office with the matron, a walk that seemed to go on for eternity. When she reached, (Y/N) saw Erwin sitting there, looking tired. "(Y/N)..." he started but (Y/N) interjected by saying, "They are dead, aren't they?".
There was no visible emotions in (Y/N)'s eyes. After all, she felt dead. Just her body was still functioning. It happened again. "Yes. Your parents died heroically, saving many citizens with their lives" Erwin told her, trying to make her proud. "They broke their promise. They left me too. They are no different from other people. They are just as bad as everyone else." (Y/N) stated, as if she was in a daze. "(Y/N), I'm sorry.." Erwin tried to say but (Y/N) stopped him. "It's not your fault, uncle Erwin. It's them." she told him, before walking to the bathroom. "I need something sharp..." she thought as she searched the bathroom for a blade.
A week later
The matron introduced (Y/N) to the other children as she decided that (Y/N) couldn't curl up in her office with a book forever. After all, (Y/N) was a permanent resident. There were twenty other children in the small orphanage. (Y/N) of course, didn't give any heed to their names at first because, of course, it was all pointless. What was the point of being alive anyway? What did she have left? Except her uncle Erwin? She was sure that he was strong enough to deal with her death anyway. He was the one who made her as strong as she is now.
It's because of him, she's still fighting. After the matron went away, telling (Y/N) to talk to the other kids, (Y/N) simply went to a corner of the room and start reading the book in her hand. It was the books and the agony in her body from the cuts she made on herself that kept her mind at bay from the death of her parents. She, of course, stole bandages from the matron's office to keep the bleeding at bay so that she wouldn't die. The cuts weren't too deep, just deep enough to sting for a whole day and heal up. She just had to make more cuts after it healed up.
"Oi brat, you think a newbie like you can just sit and read shit without working?" a young boy, much bigger than (Y/N) walked towards her, with another girl and a boy with him, all of them bigger than her. (Y/N) merely looked up from the book with a vacant expression. "Don't give me this look, you shit! Go do the dishes!" he shouted. "Isn't the matron supposed to assign chores? I remember doing mine this morning." (Y/N) answered to him calmly. "Listen, newbie, we make the rules here. Go do the dishes!" the leader of the group tried to speak in a menacing voice.
"I refuse to do it unless the matron asks me to" (Y/N) simply answered but just as she did, the boy took the book from her hand and tore it in half. "You two, get her" he ordered the other two kids who started kicking (Y/N). (Y/N) could’ve easily beaten them up but she remembered the advice from Erwin. "Be nice to everyone" he said. (Y/N) didn't flinch even when they hit her in the areas with cuts, she was accustomed to pain. After all, she always had these habits and also went through training with Erwin.
These went on for a week. When those kids, Sean (the leader), Lena (the girl) and Paul (the other boy) found out that (Y/N) doesn't react to beatings, they started picking up on her in different ways. One day, they poured horse shit in her drawer full of clothes. The other day, they burnt all her books. (Y/N) still didn't move from her decision to do their chores for them. After a week, Erwin came to visit. Erwin decided to visit (Y/N) every week, to brush up on her training. Her training was complete before the fall of wall Maria, but, he still decided to spar with her sometimes, so that she wouldn't loose her practice.
Erwin also was fond of the small girl, almost as if she was his own daughter. It's true, Pixis asked him to train her in the first place and also got (Y/N) the place in the orphanage using his power in Trost, however, as Erwin trained her, he realized that she was going to be a deadly weapon if she ever joined the military, or the survey corps. Erwin, however, wasn't keen on her joining the survey corps due to the mortality rate. He didn't want (Y/N) to die as she was almost like the daughter he never had. Erwin was a ruthless person but, (Y/N) seemed to be one of the very few soft spots he had. As he sat in the matron's office, he saw a calm but angry looking (Y/N) enter the room. He figured something was wrong. "(Y/N), is everything okay?" was his first question to her.
"I don't like this place." (Y/N) simply replied. "Why is it? Did someone bother you?" Erwin asked, concerned. (Y/N) explained everything that happened in the past week to Erwin. "Why didn't you fight back then?" Erwin asked, quiet surprised that (Y/N) took a few beatings. (Y/N) wasn't the type of person who would take beatings without counterattacking. At least that was how it was during training. "You told me to be nice to everyone" (Y/N) grumbled. "Well, did you complain to the matron?" Erwin asked. "I did. She scolded them but that only increased the problem" (Y/N) explained.
"I see. Well, I know I told you to be nice to everyone but that doesn't mean you won't use self defence when required." Erwin advised. "So, I can beat them up?" (Y/N) asked, with an evil glint in her eyes. "Yes but stay in your limits. Don't make any permanent injury." Erwin said cautiously. (Y/N) was still a kid and kids couldn't be trusted much when they are angry. "Oh don't worry. I'll just scare them a bit." (Y/N) answered with a sly smile that worried Erwin even more. With that, they went to a nearby field to brush up on the training by sparring.
That night, (Y/N) sneaked into the matron's office to find a stack of newspapers. She saw the stack in the matron's shelf before when she took a book from there when she first arrived. After searching for a while, she found the newspaper she was looking for, the one from 6 years back. The one with the news of the murder of Jacob. After taking the newspaper, (Y/N) sneaked into the kitchen to get a knife.
She walked into the boy's dormitory to find Sean sleeping on his bed. "Oi, Sean" (Y/N) called out. "Huh? What?" Sean got up, still sleepy. "What the hell are you doing here. Are you really itching to get beaten?" he growled after seeing it was (Y/N) who called him. "I don't intend to have a single scratch by you on my body, Sean. However, I can't say the same for you" (Y/N) answered, putting in a psychotic smile on her face as she brought her knife out in the open as it glinted in the moonlight coming from the window in the room. The whole room of boys were awake now. (Y/N) suddenly threw the knife backwards, which stuck to a bed post along with the fabric of the night shirt of Paul near his hand, thus keeping his hand in place.
Paul was white with fear as it happened and (Y/N) simply said, "Paul, don't try to move or come at me with the knife. It's going to get in your stomach in that case". She then threw the Newspaper at the now intimidated Sean's face before saying, " Read the headline.". The whole room of boys were watching, scared by (Y/N)'s sudden change in demeanour. "8 year old brutally kills soldier". Sean read before pausing. "(Y/N) (L/N), an 8 year old child from the Shiganshina district, killed Jacob Meyer, a garrison soldier from Thomas (L/N), (Y/N) (L/N)'s adoptive father's squad. Jacob's eyes were gauged out and throat was slit and his head was almost severed by what seemed like at least 20 stabs. About (Y/N) (L/N)'s past, all that is known is that she was rescued from a whorehouse in the upper class pleasure district in the underground..." Sean continued but his voice faded.
(Y/N)'s picture was drawn on the newspaper. They had no idea who they were messing with. "Well, that's enough. Now answer me, who else wants to end up like that piece of garbage?" (Y/N) asked in a cold voice. No one answered. "That's a good choice. Now," (Y/N) started as she moved towards Paul and pulled the knife out of the bedpost, "all of you, don't mention that I was here tonight. And yes, no one will be listening to these two worthless garbage here anymore or their so called friend. No one will do one extra work than what's assigned to them by the matron. Am I clear?" (Y/N) finished. Some kids were crying as they were intimidated but all of them nodded or muttered yes. "Good. Oh, and, don't bother me when I'm reading. Just leave me alone okay?" (Y/N) told before leaving the room with the newspaper and the knife so that she can keep those in place again without anyone realising.
Year 847:
It had been two years since (Y/N) started living in the orphanage. After that day, no one messed with (Y/N) again, and, no one listened to those three bullies ever again either. However, every good thing always came to an end. "Commander Smith, (Y/N) is already 16 years old. She's an adult now and we usually look for a groom for anyone who is of age in our orphanage. If you gave me the permission, I would've looked for someone suitable" the matron told Erwin. Erwin was called to the orphanage after (Y/N)'s so called 16th birthday according to her birth certificate. "Well, I suppose? I just didn't think that she will get married so soon..." Erwin started but (Y/N), who was also sitting in the room and listening to the conversation, stopped him and said, "Exactly. I am not getting married so soon.".
"But (Y/N), you're of age and it's against orphanage policies..." the matron started but was interrupted by (Y/N) as she said, "I understand that. I'm joining the military.". "(Y/N), you are not joining the military." Erwin simply answered. "Why not? Am I not of age? Am I not allowed to make decisions now? If I'm old enough to get married, why am I not allowed to join the military?" (Y/N) asked casually. "(Y/N), it's dangerous unless if you join the military police." Erwin sighed. He knew where it was going. "You really think I will join the military police, Uncle Erwin? I'm joining the Survey Corps. I'll kill those bastards who took my parents away from me." (Y/N) said as the matron shouted, "Language (Y/N)!".
"Very well. I have to ask you though, (Y/N). Could you die if you're asked to?" Erwin asked (Y/N). "Depends on why you are asking me to die. If the reason is valid enough, then I am ready." (Y/N) answered. "Well, (Y/N), on missions, I can't look out after you. I might have to send you to your death if required because on expeditions, I'm your commander, not your uncle." Erwin told (Y/N) coldly. "I understand." (Y/N) answered. She enlisted to the 104th trainee corps the next day. "I won't let myself be hurt again" she thought as she wore her uniform, leaving the orphanage for good. The (Y/N) from four years back didn't know that it will keep happening again (Jacob) and again (death of parents) and again (death of squad Levi) and... Again...
To be continued...
Taglist: @reality-is-often-disappointing, @kingtamakimurder
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coconutshvings · 5 years
ATZ Mafia: You almost Get Hurt [Hyung Line]
✴Group || Ateez
✴ Genre || ??
✴ Warnings || Badly written \\ little violence \\ very light angst \\ some are shorter than others
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He had told you to meet him on the very last floor of a bar that he owned and often did business at the last floor was the basement and he usually requested that you didn't go beyond the main floor of ths bar so this could be a big thing if he wanted you down there.
Once you got to the bar pub the undeniable smells of alcohol, fruits, and baked goods filled your nose but once you set your sight on the door behind the bar you headed that way and since the bartenders knew well who you were there was not much hastle.
It was lit with decorative lights which showed the down the set of stairs , you took in a breath before letting it go and proceeding down the stairs of the bar's basement.
It was quiet but not alarming, until you got to the final step before you were fully in the basement a snap of artillery was heard loudly in your ears and you were froze in fear when a gun was pointed directly at your cheek instinctively bringing your hands up in surrender not saying a word as your eyes showed all you were feeling as well as your heart.
"Oh it's my girl, put those things down we don't harm women anyway you fools." Hongjoong gritted as he forcefully pushed the gun away from you.
Your eyes and muscles relaxed, Hongjoong's eyes focused on you and his intimidating look melted into a smile "You made it finally, angel."
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He insisted that you took some type of protection class to better of your chances of surviving just in case he wasn't around to protect you he had many different things for you to try but you refused to do anything that involved a gun or a knife so his last choice was Boxing.
You knew a little about it however didn't want to risk being knocked out by God knows who though it was you who voluntarily went thinking he'd fight someone and show you some moves but he had other plans which were to have you fight someone else.
Indeed you did your best to back out but Seonghwa really dragged you into the ring "You're so strong trying to resist so I know you'll do fine here Y/n don't worry." Seonghwa grunted as he did his best to keep you in his grip.
Once in the ring he placed you up right and you noticed a female in front of you "She looks like she bench presses cars." You mumbled to him "She's harmless." He insisted as he put your gloves on ,
"Remember to do your best to Dodge and body shots are crucial." You watched him walk away
"Seonghwa I deeply think this is unnecessary in many ways, You could've gotten me a personally Trainor not had me-" Seonghwa's eyes grew 3 times wider as you spoke within seconds he was running past you leaving you confused.
Once you heard a gruff and the mat beneath you Shook was when you realized what had happened, he'd taken a punch for you which ignited aggravation in your veins as you looked at him next to your feet rubbing his cheek in pain.
"Dumb ass! we didn't even tap gloves why the sudden attempt to hit me?" She chuckled "You have to be prepared for anything." Your heart was pumping loudly as you nodded understanding the woman's intention,
you stepped over Seonghwa and Kneed her in her lower stomach before gripping her shoulders making her yell a shrieking yelp bringing her to her knees and delivering a right hook to her cheek causing her to tumble over.
Your breathing could make anyone think you were about to turn into the hulk at any moment, "Maybe all you need is to be provoked before you attack." You heard from behind you knowing it was Seonghwa you just rolled your eyes.
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He was teaching future mafia recruits in a secluded field base Area so that the hopefuls could practice archery and offered to show you something he does that's on the nicer side of his Job so you were happy to come by and see how well he worked with these youngsters.
He had Mingi drive and escort you into the area past the semi wooded maze that sort of made you paranoid but a big green field of people came into view indicating you were in the right spot with Mingi close behind,
"He's out there Somewhere." Mingi announced your eyes darted out for Yunho in the big field but be appeared beside you kissing your cheek stsrtling you giving him clear opportunity to smugly smile at you
"You've gotta get better at being aware of your surroundings, Y/n." You shrugged. "What did you want me to see, mosquitos?"
Yunho simply pointed to the center of the field "I'm teaching Archery." You observed and some of the young men and women practicing looked Stellar while others were shakey but they all were beginners
"How long have you been teaching them?" Yunho took a moment to think about it , "A little over two months." You were majorly impressed "I can admit a lot of them look great out there."
"I can teach you what I'm teaching them and more." Before you could answer a plummet to the ground was what you felt followed by a rough groan from your lips from the impact of something rushing into you soon your head fell onto the grass as
"Sorry about but would you rather been stabbed by that arrow?" you were dizzy from the impact it took a few moments but you opened your eyes to see Mingi rising up from over you
Yunho quickly dropped by your side with remorse and panic in his eyes he examined your body before looking up at Mingi "Thank you, man."
You looked up at Yunho "I suppose I do need to be more aware of my surroundings." You tried to joke though you struggled to speak.
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Here you were storming out of the restaurant you made reservations at to have a loving night of food and his company, sadly you weren't his only company his phone kept going off and he never hesitated to pick up the calls and conduct business or arrange things right there in front of you stopping your own conversation that you started with him.
You'd try try another night but you were not about to sit there and be disrespected obviously He was Hot on your trail calling out to you but you just drowned his calls out, "Y/n I'm not oblivious I know why you're upset but can we at least eat?" He sighed
"Your phone isn't going to get in the way of that?" You cleverly asked still walking looking both ways before stepping into the street "Business doesn't stop and you know it." His tone became more irritated
"You don't have to remind me, honey, trust me I can see that." He rubbed the middle of his forehead "Look get over it I brung my phone you better be glad I didn't bring a weapon."
The streets were empty as you stopped to take off your annoying shoes "We'll talk when we get to the condo." You let out sarcastic shrill "No we won't. My sleep is just as important as your phone on our date."
You turned to him so he knew you meant your words and before he could comeback with his own the screeching of tires were heard making both of your heads snap in the direction of the noise
"MOVE BACK!" you gasped loudly as Yeosang pulled you back making you fall into him painfully with him crashing onto the concrete side walk as the car thrashed down the street as if it was intentionally not going to stop with you there or not You both watched the car and became confused once it almost immediately stopped sideways in the street causing the tires to loudly stop,
"Stay Down." Yeosang's words were whispered in your ear as he unintentionally threw you off of him rising swiftly to his feet reaching in the back of Pants, the clicking sound of his Gun's safety coming off was heard as He quickly aimed it at the unidentified vehicle walking closer to it as he fired off but after a few shots the Car sped off in the opposite direction.
You watched in horror before snapping out of it and running to where your boyfriend stood wrapping your arms around his face seeing the car disappear before looking at Yeosang's unexplainable expression before laying your head on his chest he soon cradled your head with one hand,
"Who could that have been?" You shakingly spoke while Yeosang put his Gun away and replaced it with his phone bringing it up to his ear as he stared at the direction the car zoomed off in
"I have no clue but I'll definitely be looking into it, we need to get you to a safe protected place." You nodded knowing there was no arguing against this, "I thought you said you didn't bring a weapon." Yeosang smiled slightly at your small humor "I lied, sweetie."
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poemmynerdicous · 4 years
So you feel like you found the one; he sends butterflies and dragons in your stomach whenever he's around. He calls you beautiful every single second. But for how long? Will you be able to keep him that way? Yes sister, above all reasons, you are responsible, to make him stay. How to? Here are 16 proven and tested ways on HOW TO KEEP A MAN:
What I mean by this is that make sure you are keeping a "MAN"; someone who's matured enough to have a life-long commitment with you and not just a "BOY" who will have tantrums as much as you also have yours too. So girl, find a man that you'll share your toothpaste in the morning, will dine with you in mid-day, watch movies with you in the night and make wishes with you at 11:11; not someone who's just willing to share bedsheets and bed with you  (y'all know what I mean).
2. MAKE SURE HE'S WILLING TO STAY IN THE FIRST PLACE. Ironic isn't it? As much as the title of this article is concerned, these ways is to help you keep a man. But honey, the old saying goes like this "You can never keep someone who doesn't want to be kept." Make sure that he is very much sincere and inlove with you to make these things work. If this step is not applicable nor not the case with your man, then proceed to number three.
Finding a man who'll stay is a diamond in the rough nowadays. There are even situations that you can't even have just one, even just one man to consider your own or be your "make-believe" right man because instances, looks and money won't allow you to have one. LMAO. So girl, make sure that if you have a man that you want to spend your life with, his actions says that he wants to be kept or even if he doesn't want to, for the time being, he'll eventually want to stay and see your drooling face in the morning when you wake up as husband and wife one day. Actions speaks louder than words dear. Besides, no toothbrush nor mouthwash will ever prevent a man's lips from lying so better yet make him prove it through actions and sincere efforts.
It's has always been one of the first step in a long term relationships, may it be friendly or romantic type of relationship. Knowing what he likes and what he doesn't, assure you that you will never go wrong in you choices and actions when it comes to the man of your life. The food he likes, the colors he prefer, the perfume he uses, and even the music he likes. By then, you'll be able to choose easily what to give him in special days and occasions or whenever you feel like giving something that he'll surely like.
Yeah, I know... I know this sounds cliche but hey, it always works sis. The best way to a man's heart is through his stomach. If a woman cooks good food, she will not only make her man stay, but will morelike to win the hearts of the family of his partner too.
It isn't only us girls who wants to be complimented and to be told we are beautiful; men also want to hear from us about what we think about how they look, how his work and efforts are appreciated and how much you like him near you. Simple words like, "I like your shirt", "You smell good", or even "Thank you, Handsome" will definitely melt the macho man inside him.
It's always given that time is bound to be one of the most important components of long lasting relationships. In men's perspective, they are more likely to stay with a woman who knows how to value time and balance it with work, personal life and of course, time for him. Go out on a date with him, watch movies with him, and do things the two of you enjoys the most.
For women, we are entitled to be too paranoid at times, thinking that every single girls around our Babe is a threat. But honey, jealousy is different in men. When they're jealous, they tend to keep it as much as they could for the sake of they're manliness. If he says never go out with men he doesn't like the vibes of or men who acts weird around you, just listen to him and do it. So always be observant towards his actions so you'll be able to know if he being a "jelly-oh-jealous" baby. Well, he's a man too. He knows when another man has different intentions because he's been there too; before your relationship ever existed.
Men are definitely not showy most of the time. He will never tell you that he likes the shirt you two ran across the department store nor tell you he wants a birthday present on his birthday. But believe me, he's the happiest when you give him gifts or simple tokens of love. It makes him feel loved and important. I mean, after all his efforts and love, he deserves presents too.
Darling, believe me when I say that men feels irritated when their woman act like a "Nagging Mom". You can't go nag all day like a cringey mom that nags at his son 24/7(well that's what most mom's do. LOL). He already have a mom, what he needs is a loving girlfriend.
What were you thinking when you read this one? Well, whatever may it be, what I mean here is that never ever make your man feel suffocated nor being neglected. Allow each other to have a social life, be with their friends and give a "ME" time for each other. A good amount of air to breathe and waves to feel in a relationship keeps the boat sailing properly.
A small hole in a relationship will eventually grow over time if not resolved right away. Usually, a man compromises the argument just for the sake of fixing everything. But it can never be always like that. It doesn't matter who started the fight, it doesn't matter who's wrong and who's right, because what matters is that you guys know how to say sorry and swallow both of your pride to fix everything. Your man may not tell it to you directly whenever you fight, but it hurts him when he see's you cry.
Even though our man tells us that we always look pretty with or without anything in our faces but hey, there's no harm in exerting extra efforts in putting on makeups, spraying perfume and wearing nice dress when you're around him. This is not to actually make you change yourself to someone else or put on heavy, scandalous makeups and clothes just to please him. But the mere fact that he sees that you still try your best to look good for him make him feel that you are still excited to see him and have a good impression from him.
Making plans and picturing yourself together for the next years is one of the sweetest thoughts in relationships. Talking about your future with him like your future house, your future kids and other plans in life, will make him see like you are really into him and that you are really committed to end up being with him for the rest of your lives. But of course, your plans together should also be put into actions. Imagine, you two, looking back to those days when you guys are just sketching your dream home then you eventually have one, with your kids with it and still the unconditional love for each other that makes your house, a HOME.
Remember this girls, never ever bring up exes in the picture especially when you guys are quarrelling. Never compare him to your exes nor tell him to just go back to her peacocks before. Don't compare him to your exes as if they did better than he does. Well, because if they did, you wouldn't call them exes now, would you?
You can never avoid arguments with each other. Knowing that us, women, are usually more sensitive than men, we ought to start arguments; sometimes even the petty things could even up being a huge argument whenever we feel like quarreling with our partner. But beyond any arguments, beyond any doubts and conflicts between the two of you, never ever disrespect each others' feelings. Of course that includes not doing anything that will void your commitment with each other, hurt each others' feelings, tell lies and anything above the sun that can disrespect each others' feelings (in short,don't date nor see another dudes when you're dating a man already, Hun). Respect his personal space if he asks for it. If you want your man to respect you and your feelings, give him it to him too.
Sis, believe me when I say trusting him will make him stay. Just like how you like him to trust you. Trusting him will make him see how mature your relationship is, how strong your foundation became, how much you really love him and remind why he loved you in the first place. Trusting him, is loving him. Sure, he could make you cry or will not buy that bag you really wanted, but honey, no man is perfect. So are you. He'll be wrong, he'll commit mistakes, but when the moment he sees you still believe in him and you still trust him despite of his imperfections, he'll think that he will never ever need another woman rather than you.
Being the woman, gives us privileges in relationships, yes. But let us never forget that in a healthy commitment, it will always be give and take. You guys have to assist each other to grow better together and always think that your love for each other is stronger than all the doubts in the world (stronger that Thanos with all the infinity stones with him). So step up your game and prove him that you too, is a diamond in the rough, worthy to be kept with his arms a lifetime~
pctto: WeHeartIt. com
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