#I think lamb should date all of the bishops actually.
espighty · 5 months
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All of this could have been avoided if Narinder could just say “Morning.” like a normal person.
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decks-writing-blog · 2 years
Summary: Lamb declares a new holiday to replace the Winter Solstice.
Lamb had grown up celebrating the Winter Solstice. It wasn’t specifically a religious holiday but for a long while now folk had been incorporating their worship of their chosen Bishop into their celebrations of it. For that reason it had to go. Not completely; abolishing such a popular holiday entirely would make people unhappy and many would chose to celebrate it regardless, which would encourage defiance. So replacement it was.
So on the first of the month, the day everyone normally started prepping for their Solstice celebration, Lamb gathered everyone in the church first thing in the morning. This not being the usual time, everyone was slightly restless through the usual sermon; Lamb only ever held a sermon at a different time when they had something to announce. And that’s why Lamb did it that way; anticipation often made such announcements more impactful.
But finally, as the sermon wound down to a close, it was time for the announcement. “The twenty-fifth of this month is the anniversary of my date of birth.” A lie but it was the perfect reason to declare a holiday without making what they were actually doing too obvious. “I am declaring it as a new holiday that we shall all celebrate with gifts and decorations. We shall spend it with our families and friends before coming to the temple for a special celebration. We are naming it ‘Lambmas’ after myself of course as it is my birthday. Any questions?” Rarely did they allow for questions but they were hoping for one in particular this time.
“What about the Winter Solstice?” a pink bunny by the name of Lilly in the second row asked. “I’m not opposed to celebrating two holidays so close together or anything but how are we supposed to decorate for both?”
“That’s a very good question.” The exact one Lamb had wanted. “Since they are so close together, I feel it makes sense to incorporate our Winter Solstice traditions into Lambmas. So essentially we shall be celebrating them at the same time.” While ensuring everyone only honored Lamb’s name which was what mattered most.
A thoughtful murmur ran through the crowd but no one protested. They did raise a few more questions though, all easily answered. Once it seemed everyone was satisfied, Lamb dismissed them. As they all filed out, one remained; Narinder, leaning against wall with his arms crossed. Once the church was empty, Lamb stepped down from the podium and walked over to talk to him, see what he wanted.
“The twenty-fifth isn’t actually your birthday, is it?” he said in soft voice as Lamb reached him. Hmm… makes sense he’d know what Lamb was doing.
“It might as well be now, right?” Lamb replied, equally softly. “I’m a god now so why should the exact date matter anyway?”
“True. It’s a smart move; getting rid of the Solstice celebrations without actually changing much.”
“Yep, keeps people happy. So, I know it’s early and I just announced it, but what kind of gift are you thinking of getting me for Lambmas? Because you have to get me something.” They’d have to get everyone something as well to cement that this change was a good thing.
“I don’t know.”
“Fair. It’s probably better as a surprise anyway, huh? I eagerly await whatever it’s going to be. Now, I believe we both have work we got to get back to. I’ll be seeing you later.” They blew him a kiss before turning to leave. Perhaps if they were lucky, his gift would be him finally returning their affections. Probably not but they could hope, right?
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