#I think this series just proves how much I love writing Solomon banter?
devildom-moss · 7 months
Roses for You (15)
This had all started when you noticed a link between a book on the language of flowers you had borrowed from Satan’s room and the current lessons from your Seductive Speechcraft and Magical Potions classes.
In Seductive Speechcraft, you had just reached a section on the effectiveness of spells using non-verbal communication: enchanting glances, dance, and offerings. Meanwhile, in Magical Potions, the professor had been discussing the significance of using specific quantities when concocting potions; they had spent fifteen minutes just providing examples – including adding petals from two different flowers when using them for a love spell.
You couldn’t resist discussing the use of flower language – utilizing the type, color, and quantity of the flowers – to specify the magical intent of an offering as a form of seductive speechcraft. Asmo and Solomon listened intently. The same idea popped into both of their minds, and before you knew it, everyone was looking into color and number meanings, searching for the perfect combination to convey their feelings for you and try to put you under their spell. The only rule for their little competition to charm you? Only roses are allowed.
Will you be charmed by their attempts?
Fifteen Roses - Mephistopheles
Word Count: +1,100
I'm so sorry / Forgive me
You received an unexpected text from Mephisto last night extending an invitation to his home this afternoon. It was rare for him to ask you over – not that you were complaining. The last time he was kind enough to request your presence, you had a wonderful time. You also drank one of the best bottles of Demonus you had ever tried. It was an exciting offer, and you could barely contain your joy as you got ready to leave.
Solomon caught you before you headed out the door. “You’re looking cute. Did we have a date planned that I’m forgetting about?”
“No, sorry Solomon. I’m visiting Mephisto today. He asked me to come over.”
“What for?”
“I don’t know. I’m not going to ruin an invite from Mephisto by asking questions.”
“Do you know when you’ll be back?”
“Afraid not.” You pat Solomon’s cheek playfully. “You’ll be okay until I get back, right? There are leftovers in the fridge if you get hungry. If you try to cook while I’m gone, I won’t come home for two days, got it?”
“Yes, yes. I’ll keep myself entertained outside of the kitchen – all by myself. Maybe I’ll finish up that bottle of bourbon we got the last time we were in the human world.”
“Drink responsibly, please.” You shook your head and double checked that you had your D.D.D., wallet, and house keys.
“Well,” Solomon sighed, “if you’re going to leave me all alone for Mephisto, at least put in a good word for me about forging a pact. He keeps giving me the slip.”
You intentionally ignored him and headed out, offering him a sing-song goodbye as you locked the door behind you.
When you arrived at Mephisto’s home, he was quick to answer the door – almost as if he had been eagerly awaiting your arrival. Mephisto stared at you for a second, appraising you, before he stepped aside and motioned for you to enter.
“Nice of you to make it. Although, I’m surprised you didn’t already have plans.” Mephisto led you through a long, extravagant hallway – one which you knew led to his private sitting room.
“I don’t fill my schedule up with dates, you know? That would be exhausting. Still, even if I had plans, I might have been willing to cancel for you, Mephisto,” you admitted.
Mephisto was grateful that his pace had set him a few steps ahead of you. He would be mortified if you caught the flash of a smile and the blush that painted his cheeks. You had an awful habit of flustering him, and although he had grown more receptive to your flirting, it hurt his pride to be so charmed by you.
Gathering himself and trying to cool his burning face, Mephisto forced out an arrogant huff. “Of course, you would. The invitation itself is an honor.”
“Do you send all of your honorable invites over a text?” You teased, affectionately mocking his attempt to maintain decorum. What was so wrong with wanting to casually spend time with you?  
Mephisto remained silent until he reached the double doors that separated the hall from the sitting room. He cleared his throat and added, “I should mention, I prepared a small gift for you.”
With that, Mephisto opened the doors and ushered you inside. The only noticeable potential present was a vase of roses on the coffee table. You pointed to them wordlessly, and Mephisto responded with a quick nod, causing you to break into a grin. It should have been obvious that Mephisto’s pride and competitive nature would encourage him to join in once he heard what everyone was up to, but he was the last person you expected roses from. His tsundere performance had always been the best.
You got closer, examining the vibrant yellow roses with their deep red tips. The color was mesmerizing – reminiscent of fire, like the one burning in Mephisto’s fireplace, but it lacked the distinctive, overwhelming orange hues. Instinctively, your hand reached out to gently trace the ostentatious display, each soft cluster of petals held firm against your caress. Yellow roses with red tips were the most easily recognizable bi-color combination. He was falling in love with you. Your smile widened.
As you continued to admire the roses, you counted fifteen of them, causing the smile to drop. Fifteen was not a number of roses you wanted to receive – least of all when you weren’t expecting them. You turned to look at Mephisto. The combination of meanings left you confused, and you had all but forgotten the color when you asked him, “Why are you apologizing to me?”
Mephisto brought his knuckles firm against his lips, wondering if he could force himself to say it. He dropped his hand and crossed his arms indignantly. Heat rose in his cheeks. “I’m sorry I was cruel to you before – when we first met and for a while after. You didn’t deserve that. It’s just – you were always hanging out with the brothers. With Lucifer. I was still so hurt and lonely back then – it’s not an excuse, but I thought you were going to make everything worse. But then, you didn’t. I don’t feel so lonely or pushed aside anymore. So, I wanted to apologize for everything I put you through.”
“Oh.” Your eyes softened, and your shoulders slumped. It was written all over Mephisto’s face: none of that had been easy to own up to. You had always understood why he seemed to have thorns, and you never expected an apology for it. His treatment of you had changed so much that you assumed it was all bygone. The fact that Mephisto had been holding onto his guilt for so long carved a deep crack into your heart. To keep it from coming apart that very moment, you walked over to Mephisto and wrapped your arms around him, hugging him so tightly that he let out a small noise – although perhaps it was also from surprise.
Mephisto made no move to hug you back. It was as if he had frozen. The room was still and quiet, save from the low crackling of his fireplace. Maybe the heat from the fire slowly reached him, thawing him out. Maybe your body heat helped, too. With trembling hands, Mephisto raised his arms and wrapped them around your back, pulling you closer until he felt that no one but the future king himself might have the power to pry your bodies apart.
A slow, shaky breath escaped Mephisto. He whispered against your skin, “And I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was falling in love with you sooner.”
You knew he loved you. As everyone else had seemed to do, you pushed him away ever so slightly. That short distance was only maintained long enough for you to stare at the embarrassed, wanting look on Mephisto’s face. You pulled him back to you, crashing your lips against his with a desire you hoped would soothe his need. However, when you parted, panting and flushed, that need had only grown.
Mephisto pressed his forehead to yours and extended another invitation: “Stay the night.”
Lucifer (1) | Mammon (2) | Leviathan (3) | Satan (4) | Asmodeus (5) | Beelzebub (6) | Belphegor (7) | Diavolo (8) | Barbatos (9) | Luke (10) | Simeon (11) | Solomon (12) | Thirteen (13) | Raphael (14)
A/N: And that's a wrap on this mini series. Ending on little taste of resolved angst. I hope you all had fun along the way. If you feel like it, let me know which one(s) were your favorite. Can y'all believe I wrote +13k words this month already? I'm working on the October poll fic now - fingers crossed. Anyway, anticipate that. Requests also open on Halloween (check the request guidelines - found through the pinned masterlist - for more information). Have a good, spooky Halloween~
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