#I thought about doing a gingham dress since its a picnic party but I thought that linings the little squares would be too much work and
thedappleddragon · 3 years
hehehe today I did something exiting >:) BUT IF UR MY IRL FRIEND STOP READING BECAUSE ITS A SURPRISE. 
but first we’re going chronologically. my cat woke me up by clawing at my sheets for the first time in a while. every morning she used to paw at my sheets, snag one claw in them, and detach it with her mouth until I got up to feed her or whatever. so it felt weird and reminded me of when I was waking up at noon everyday for a while. I said goodbye to my mom because she’s taking a trip to see her best friend/boyfriend to help with her mental health. I talked with her a bit and waved her goodbye and went back inside. I had breakfast and lily wanted to keep going outside, but I didnt want to go out because it was cold. I went out the first couple times she asked, but for the rest of the day I just opened the door to let her in and out, keeping an eye on her. I filled out 2 sketchbook pages because my brain was busy with other things. I played a little harvest moon and got to summer and finally looked up some of the mechanics like fertilizer and stuff. but mostly I was thinking about my friend’s birthday party and the formal dress code for the first half, how I dont have many dresses, and how cool it would be to make one myself. so I scoured Etsy and joann’s for dress patterns until I found one with a circle skirt and a sweetheart neckline that I thought looked really cute. ive never make clothes before, so I hope I do a good job. I wanted to go to Joanns but I had to wait for my sister to get home from track practice, so I just kinda sat at home alone. I'm usually more or less alone all day anyway, so I dont know why this felt so different. when she finally did come home dad handed us $40 for Taco Bell and to put gas in his car and we were off. my sister and I talked about what she did at track and my job interview yesterday while I did a mediocre job driving. when we got there I wasn't really sure what I was looking for, so I just kept going around in the clearence section touching everything that I thought could be a cute color/pattern for this dress. there were a lot of interesting fabrics and a lot of ugly ones I could only imagine on a toddlers and tiaras beautypagent dress. we settled on this light blue fabric with a white flower/leaf design and a soft plain blue fabric for the front panel and lining. it was about $33 worth of fabric, which I thought was a little expensive until I realized we would have paid more than double if it was full price. the patterned fabric is thin and flows nicely but isn't see-through which I really like, and the solid blue is very soft and stretchy. I'll probably use scraps from both after I'm done for other stuff. I wasn't sure what measurements I needed so I handed the lady at the fabric cutting booth my phone with a picture of the fabric requirements. she was very sleepy and had to convert between centimeters and yards, and I just watched as she unrolled the fabric and made very small snips. aaaah I love the fabric section of Joanns, even tho im horribly indecisive and I spent way too long just wandering and mulling it over. but im happy with my choice! I didnt want to pick a fabric I wasn't in love with, since it would suck ass if I put hundreds of hours of work into this dress and hated the outcome. OH MY GOD I JUST REMEMBERD THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. THIS DRESS WILL HAVE POCKETS!! :D I can make the pockets as big as I please >:) I'm fitting a small child in these pockets if it kills me. lmao I'll probably just follow the pattern and do the size it tells me. speaking of sizing after we got home with Taco Bell and joking about among us tiktoks in the car, I read through the pdfs and locked myself in the bathroom to take measurements, going through the list 3 times just to make sure I got an average. I kept landing between a 44 and a 46, but I must have taken my front and back waist measurements wrong?? they were way too short and not even on the sizing chart, so I guess I was thinking my waist was higher than it actually is. I decided for simplicity to use the 46 pattern all around. I only landed in 44 with the neck and bust numbers, but I can alwasy pull it in at the seams I need be. ohhhh I hope it turns out good.... I haven't even begin cutting or patterning yet, I still need to cut out the paper pattern I printed off. but first I wanted to use a big paper cutter to cut a centimeter off each page to make lining up and taping things easier. my little paper cutter only fits the short side of printer paper :( so I'll either use and exacto knife and a ruler on all 25 sheets or see if dad's work or the library will let me use a big one. tbh I'll probably do the first thing. I also learned how to do a bunch of seams today, some of which  I might practice and use for my dress. and I called my dad’s boss about job openings, but he didnt answer so I left a message. I ALSO said for gas in cash for the first time today, which was a little weird. it was simple enough but I probably looked like a fool to the booth lady. I would get stared on at least prepping the paper patterns tonight, but its almost 2 am and my cat is asleep on my feet so I guess im trapped here. 
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jmnjmnjmn · 4 years
Eternal Beings | Chapter 16
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Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x Human!Reader
Key words: supernatural, vampire, soulmates.
Word count: around 4,000
Warnings: swearing, drinking
Inspo board
You looked at yourself in the full-length mirror Taehyung had in his bedroom. Having just moved out of the room on the opposite end of the upstairs hallway you didn’t want to go in there to change. Doing it in the bathroom also didn’t seem appealing since the lighting in there was horribly yellow so you opted for… Your ex’s bedroom.
“How did I get myself into this situation?” you asked yourself for the first time since you started ‘seeing’ Taehyung again.
You loved him, at times it felt as if even more than yourself. In your mind, you went back to the time the two of you broke up last year. It seemed like there was no good way out of the situation. If the two of you were to stay together you would be miserable and if you decided to part ways it would be just as painful.
“Yn?” you jumped up at the sound of a faint knock and Jimin’s muffled voice. 
You called for him to come in zipping up the back of your gingham mini dress halfway.
“Nice fit. You’re giving me picnic baddie vibes,” you smirked as he stepped behind you helping you with the zipper. “How’s the work search? Tae said you might have something.”
“I applied to this restaurant downtown,” -you fixed the thin straps of the dress on your shoulders- “Taehyung noticed their flyer and I just decided to go for it,” you explained turning to face him. “Actually one of Yoongi’s roommates runs the place. Maybe you know him,” Jimin raised his eyebrow at you, becoming intrigued as you mentioned his boyfriend’s name. “Namjoon.”
“You’re trying to get hired at Joon’s cafe?” he sounded greatly astonished.
Hearing him use a diminutive version of the man’s name cracked you up inside since you remembered being frightened by him the first time you met.
“Yoongi and I go there all the time. I’ll talk to him, make him talk to Joon,” it seemed as if Jimin had connections wherever he went and would always use them to do his friends right and his enemies dirty if the occasion called for it.
“You don’t have to do that-”
“Nonsense,” you simply smiled, knowing there was no way of talking him out of meddling in your personal affairs.
The two of you walked downstairs to join the small crowd that already started to gather. Taehyung ordered masses of food and earlier you ran by the store with him, ending up buying ridiculous amounts of Absolut Lime and high percentage beer. Within a couple of minutes, you were sipping on a drink composed of the first-mentioned liquor and some Pepsi and chatting to a group of girls from one of the courses you took last semester.
“How’s the night school treating you?” one of them asked.
“I transferred to online classes since then,” -you twirled your cup in your hand making the ice in it crack against the glass- “Have you seen Taehyung?” you asked, looking for a change of subject.
“Since you brought it up,” you glanced at the girl to your left, one you always shared notes with. “Are you, you know, seeing him again?”
You felt yourself sink a little into the floor wondering how it was that you managed to jump from talking about the fact you’re too broke to afford regular day courses to the, more than complicated, relationship between you and your ex.
“He says you’ve been staying here with him.”
“Is he now?” you asked, not hiding the slight annoyance in your tone as the ice in your cup cracked against its walls.
All your friends knew you and Taehyung kept somewhat seeing each other even though you broke up when he was in France. It was a silent agreement among all of you that the topic was not to be brought up, ever. Everyone went along with the rule, it was easier to just pretend it was all normal. Until it wasn’t. Until today.
“Are you back together?” you gritted your teeth hearing one of the girls’ question.
“We’re not,” you shot back with the speed of sound.
“You wouldn’t mind though,” one of them giggled and you glared them all down, gripping onto your slippery glass tightly.
You tilted the cup and downed all the remaining bittersweet liquid, gulping loudly as you did so. You couldn’t comprehend why you suddenly felt so… Enraged. It was all facts. You stayed with Taehyung for the past week. You were with him in some way. Why were you so upset all of a sudden? Maybe because you just noticed a tall handsome man in his backyard. He was wearing a black t-shirt way too big for his lean frame. How you wished to see him without it… 
“I would actually,” you blurted out the words that were supposed to remain a mere thought. “Mind, that is. I would mind,” you added quickly, stumbling over what you actually wanted to say. “I have someone else on my radar right now,” the girls around you gasped, calling out questions, asking you to tell them all about your new love interest. “No, it’s still fresh. I don’t want to jinx it,” you waved them off, glancing towards your prey every other moment because that’s how you saw him right now, as prey and you were going to hunt him down.
The phone call, the polysemous conversation, the burning feeling right beneath your heart. It was all a little too much but at the same time not enough. You wanted more, you needed it, him, and here he was. Near like he said he would be and you realised you didn't mind it because you wanted him around.
It all seemed silly in your head. Your reasonable side should be screaming out for you to stop and think again but it remained quiet and unfazed. You knew there were red flags scattered all over this situation but they weren’t showing up. However, you didn’t care to investigate why.
“You’re such a tease. Just tell us,” the girls pleaded with giggles, poking your arms.
“Maybe some other time. I have to go now,” you quickly stated before walking off without further explanation.
You couldn’t put your finger on what you were feeling. You were no longer angry. The frustration caused by comments regarding Taehyung and you seemed so insignificant, they simply evaporated. All that mattered now was him.
You set down your empty glass on the nearest table as you made your way to Jungkook. You drilled your eyes into his back hoping he felt the heavy weight of your stare. You smiled as he turned your way as if on command. For a moment you thought he didn’t recognize you. His eyes met yours after travelling up your body, tightly hugged by the black and white gingham dress, while you power-walked in his direction. When he finally lifted his eyelids enough so you could see his irises you noticed the flicker of realisation accompanied by the now-familiar golden spark.
“All that matters is here and now,” you thought to yourself as you stopped in front of him. “Him and I.”
Jungkook briefly glanced up and down your body once again before finally speaking up.
“You look beautiful,” a playful smirk made his lips curl.
“Thank you,” you didn’t recognise the sweetness of your voice as you accepted the compliment. “Who did you come with?”
You nodded in understanding as he gestured towards Jimin and Yoongi because who else would invite him here? Not counting Taehyung and you, they were the only people he knew at this entire party. Despite that, he wasn’t standing alone. Since so far you didn’t turn out to be one to open up to him he decided to go around you and quickly befriended some of your old classmates in hopes of learning more about you.
“You know I had some time to think about what Hoseok said,” you opened innocently, choosing and speaking your words out slowly and carefully as you played with a strand of your hair. “I’d like to talk to him again. Could you arrange that for me?”
You batted your eyelashes a couple of extra times when asking the question and it didn’t slip Jungkook’s attention. He loved seeing you like this, so tipsy and cute.
“Sure,” one corner of his lips rose a little higher than the other as he watched you put the strand of hair you’ve been playing with behind your ear. “What is it you want to talk to him about?”
That inquiry you didn’t know how to answer. You wanted to talk to his fortune-telling friend regarding the whole ‘soulmate’ ordeal, you wanted to find out what it meant and what came with it but you didn’t want to say all that to Jungkook. Not yet at least.
“I like your shirt,” the aloofness that coated your tongue surprised you.
You pulled on the hem on the bottom of his dark t-shirt briskly before letting go of the fabric. You moved your gaze slowly from your fingers to his eyes. His pupils widened at the weight of your stare. You seemed determined.
“Thanks,” his tone was casual with a bit of a chuckle in it.
“I have to borrow it sometime.”
Jungkook poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, grinning at the bluntness and shamelessness you acted with.
“Oh yeah?” he asked but you didn’t need his prompting to keep going.
“Yeah, I think I’d look great in it,” you continued.
Both of you enjoyed this weirdly flirtatious conversation and if it wasn’t for a familiar deep voice calling for you repeatedly somewhere nearby it would probably go on for much longer and maybe turn into something more.
Glancing mindlessly to your left you noticed Taehyung, just a couple of steps away from you he was calling your name. You rolled your eyes at his deeply confused expression annoyed with his interruption.
“Can I talk to you real quick?” he asked, putting his hand on the small of your back.
“I’m kind of busy here,” you said, gesturing between Jungkook and you but he didn’t seem to take the hint as he looked into your eyes trying to convey something to you without words. “Fine,” you finally agreed, sighing with deep discontent before ensuring Jungkook you’ll be back in no time.
First with his hand on your back then arm around your shoulders, Taehyung guided you through the loosely crowded back garden and inside the house. Whining and protesting you still walked with him to his office in the back of the house.
“What are you doing?” he asked after shutting the door behind the two of you.
The music and random people’s chattering was still somewhat audible but not as pronounced through the thick walls. You walked through the dark room as neither of you bothered to turn on the lights. You stopped at the foot of the large glass desk by the window where you turned to face him.
“Are you going to answer me?” he repeated, drilling holes into you with the intensity his stare bore.
Unaffected by his emotional state you sighed and shrugged, crossing your arms over your chest as you leaned on the desk behind you.
“I thought you said you two aren’t a thing-”
“We aren’t,” you scoffed, cutting into his sentence.
“Then why are you talking about wearing his shirt?” he sneered at you, every word as if covered with venom.
It seemed so weird and out of place to hear him lecturing you when the two of you were… Exactly what you were you didn’t entirely know and in all honesty, neither did he. To top it off, having your relationship’s history in mind it just seemed silly to hear him get butthurt over you flirting with strangers.
“Because,” you shifted in your place, tightening the knot your arms rested in. “I changed my mind. I’m allowed to do that.”
The bluntness and lack of hesitation in the tone of your voice threw Taehyung off guard. He expected many things from you but not a declaration that you wanted to pursue Jungkook. Nonetheless, he wasn’t blind and he wasn’t stupid. He saw the way you acted around that guy since the moment you met him, to his knowledge for the first time, in this very house. He cursed himself for letting Yoongi invite over the bastard as he called him in his head.
“No, I know,” he reflected quickly as to not anger you any further. “I mean- I- I didn’t expect that.”
Feeling like a teenage boy he stumbled over his words, trying to convey his tangled thoughts to you. Taehyung felt an inkling of a memory awaken in the back of his head and within less than a second he was back in school. When he first fell in love with you he was barely seventeen. He used to stare at you from the back of the class, from the corner of his eye when walking you home from school and so on. Though logically the feeling was completely unfounded he felt intimidated by you. You simply had that effect on him where one look, one bat of a set of eyelashes, one sigh was enough to send him spiralling down a well of nervous thoughts.
“I thought that you and I-” he caught himself overthinking, unsure whether you were something at all, whether you wanted to be something, whether he wanted it. “I don’t know,” he sighed, shaking his head lightly.
“Exactly. I don’t know either,” you shot back right away. “We broke up over a year ago, Taehyung. It’s time we deliver on our words.”
As much as it pained you to see the slight twitch in his expression as he stopped himself from frowning, you still spoke from your heart and you weren’t going to take the words back. No matter how much it hurt it was the right thing to do, the best thing to do for you. You needed to finally do it.
“I guess you’re right.”
Taehyung’s hands travelled to hide inside his jeans’ pockets casually. He rested the weight of his body on his right leg, pursing his lips slightly. He wasn’t looking at you and you were grateful for that fact because you were sure that if he did you’d see something in them that you weren’t going to be able to handle just yet.
“I am.” 
Easily like that the cord connecting the two of you, the cord you clutched onto so desperately was cut and it was done. All that was left to do now is keep going on the path you should have set for yourself a long time ago.
“I’m sorry,” the words escaped your lips in a form of a faint sigh.
You felt a tremendous weight pull on your eyelids so you closed them lazily, frowning your eyebrows slightly. You weren’t sure whether you were apologising to your ex or yourself, nonetheless, he was the one that answered.
“For what?” he purred in his deep voice, hoping you wouldn’t hear any cracks of desperation and sadness in it.
“For dragging it out,” you breathed out.
“You weren’t the only one.”
You opened your eyes tiredly as if the task was the hardest one in the world to fulfil. The sight before you made your heart wilt.
“There you are,” you thought.
Taehyung still had his hands in his pockets. His broad shoulders were covered with a beige blazer, his chest with a white collared shirt. He was leaning backwards a little, standing in this kind of a defiant pose he so often took on in situations of great stress.
“My first love,” the corners of your lips moved a little as you thought of how well you knew him and how well he must know you.
“I love you, you know?” you said, absorbing all his being with your eyes. “I really do still love you.”
Taehyung glanced away briefly with a breathy chuckle. When he turned to look at you again his curly hair fell onto his forehead, masking the frown of his eyebrows.
“Why break up then?”
Now it was your turn to frown. Taken aback by his question you tilted your head to the side.
“What- you were the one that-” you stuttered in disbelief.
“I mean now. Why break up now? Again,” he explained and you straightened up as he took a step towards you. “We have a good thing going, don’t we?”
His voice grew quieter and deeper with every syllable and every step he took to make himself get closer to you. Stopping right at the base of the desk Taehyung surrounded you with his arms. His warm hands slid down your sides, stopping at your hips. Is such proximity there was no space for you to lie anymore.
“For you maybe,” you whispered, unwinding your arms and flattening your palms against his chest. “For me- staying like this is- it hurts more than being apart.” you shakily confessed, keeping your gaze down. “I can’t heal when all I do is pick on the wounds. I can’t- I-” you looked up into his eyes and seeing an unfamiliar glimmer dancing along with his warm brown irises you lost your train of thought. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“No,” he scoffed, shaking his head. “Honestly I don’t, Yn,” seeing that the grin that appeared on his lips was of condescending nature you began to feel your blood boil slowly in your veins. “I don’t get why you don’t want to be with me. We’re-”
“We’re not together,” you blew out, raising your voice as you pushed him away lightly. “We’re far from it,” you continued, walking around him and towards the door. “We sleep with each other and hang out-”
“Isn’t it exactly what we did before?”
You bit your tongue as you turned on your heel to face him again. You were sure he saw the irritation on your face and that he didn’t say anything to calm you down only made you grow more frustrated.
“No,” you shot back. “Before it was- different, better,” you felt so frail while you spoke but you knew you needed to say it both to him and yourself. “Now it’s sad and-” the tiny squint of the boy’s eyes as you spoke badly of your relationship didn’t go unnoticed by you so, even now when you were definitely broken up, you chose to take a different approach. “I’m happy when I’m with you but in the back of my head, I always have the memory of-” you saw him bite onto the inside of his cheek and sighed in defeat knowing there was no way to do this nicely. “What you said really hurt me, Taehyung, the way you ended things.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you-” he yelled out, throwing his hands up helplessly but his voice and expression both struck you as annoyed.
“I know but you did-” you interrupted his sentence only for him to do the same to you within seconds.
“I’m sorry,” he growled without an ounce of sincerity to his words. “What more do you want me to say?”
“Nothing,” you hissed before running your hand through your hair. “I just- I want you to understand” -you put your hands together in somewhat a pleading motion directed towards him- “I can’t be with you anymore,” Taehyung exhaled another breathy chuckle as he jerked his head back in vexation. “Not romantically. I just can’t. I don’t want to.”
“Fuck. Fine,” he snarled at which you shook your head, feeling defeated.
“I’m sorry-” 
“I said it’s fine,” he cut off your apology angrily.
You expected many things from Taehyung but him getting angry at you wasn’t one of the scenarios that went through your head. You were only bringing to life what he decided upon last year. The reasoning behind his anger was nothing but incomprehensible to you.
“I- I’ll talk to you later,” you said with your back facing him as you walked to the door.
“Don’t bother,” he shot right back.
The hate in his voice was so vile you couldn’t bring yourself to leave him in that state simultaneously ending this chapter of your relationship with him on such a bad note. You cursed to yourself, stopping in your tracks and with the shape of his name on your lips, you turned around to say something but the words were long forgotten when you felt his lips crash into yours without any warning. Despite them moving perfectly against your own, despite the comforting warmth that radiated from his whole body and the overwhelmingly pleasant feeling of his hands roaming your body as he pressed you against the frame of the door it all also felt so out of place.
“Stop,” you whispered, pulling away from his addictive taste.
Your hands did not travel to the hem of his shirt to tear it off him as they were used to doing. Instead, they landed flat against his chest once again. Feeling the rushed vibrations of his heartbeat you swallowed loudly, knowing this might be the last time you’re so close to him.
“I can’t do this.”
The sound of your name escaping Taehyung’s mouth in the form of a breathy plea was cut short by you bringing his face down to your level. With one hand on his cheek and another tangled in the hair on the back of his head, you connected your lips in a long tender kiss.
“This was our last kiss, Taehyung,” you said, pressing your forehead against his as you looked into each other’s eyes.
It was time to stop living in the unachievable daydream of Taehyung and you going back to the way things were and loving each other like you used to. It was time to come to terms with the fact there was no way back and holding onto the pieces of the past was only going to keep you grounded in all its pain. It was time to realise the value of having someone to love and to be loved by and to stop constantly holding love itself at arm's length.
Ignoring his calls of your name and having long forgotten about the earlier flirting escapade with Jungkook you walked out of the ground floor office and stomped towards the front door. As much as you appreciated Taehyung’s efforts to cheer you up, you weren’t in much of a party mood anymore.
“Get out of my way,” you growled at a group of people blocking the hallway.
Having swung the front door open with full force once you got your hands on the handle you were met with Jimin’s startled expression. He dropped a half-smoked cigarette onto the ground, putting it out with his shoe quickly. You instantly remembered he told you he quit last month, however nagging him about going back to the disgusting addiction didn’t seem like much of an appealing task to you right now. 
“Yn,” he smiled nervously. “What- where are you going?” he asked, clasping his hands together behind his back.
Preoccupied with being overcome with all kinds of emotions that the conversation with Taehyung provided you with, you didn’t exactly plan on what you were going to do after you walked out of the boy’s home. You scanned your surroundings quickly and noticing all the cars parked on the sidewalk a plan came to your mind. You turned in your place ready to storm back inside the house but were immediately met with a hard surface. Looking up you smiled, seeing just who you were going to go look for.
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