#I tried to be as unbiased as possible even with my favs and characters I straight up hate. feel free to disagree with me tho lol
Hi I’m a menace and to remind y’all of that today I’ll be ranking the bnha boys by how likely they are to wash their hands after using the bathroom <3
Midoriya: yes but only bc his mom drilled it into his head that he has to (and because he saw a cheesy video about the importance of washing your hands that all might starred in, but mostly bc his mom told him to). Everyone say thank you to Inko. 9/10
Todoroki: yes. Every time. But mostly because endeavor doesn’t (& probably told him it’s gay to do so or smth which is why he knows this) so Todoroki decided that means he has to. Don’t know whether this one is a win or a loss, but the conclusion is don’t shake hands with the number two hero <3. 10/10
Iida: yes I don’t think he likes the concept of germs. 10/10
Kirishima: you know....I am so torn on this one. I really want to believe that he does but my brain is telling me that he doesn’t. Actually wait I subscribe to the headcanon that he has two moms so surely they would teach him the importance of washing your hands after using the bathroom. 8/10
Kaminari: not until his female friends find out and yell at him for his lack of hygiene (and even then he still doesn’t see the big deal). Gross. 2/10
Aoyama: yes absolutely. “How can I be the most sparkling if my hands don’t sparkle too?” 10/10
Shoji: yes. Takes a long time in the bathroom bc he washes All his hands meticulously. 10/10
Sero: most of the time. 7/10
Sato: ykw my brain’s telling me yes so we’re gonna go with that. He bakes so he probably takes washing his hands seriously. 8/10
Tokoyami: listen I have no earthly idea. Maybe Tokoyami stans have more input on this but to me his mysterious aura extends to his bathroom habits. ???/10
Ojirou: uh. Probably? 7/10
Koda: another brain telling me yes moment. 8/10
Bakugou: yes but only because of his quirk. He also has to wash them before he uses the bathroom for the same reason. 15/10
M*neta: oh you already know there’s no way in hell this bitch washes his hands like ever. He has sticky little child hands. This contributes to yet somehow manages not to be the main reason why nobody will willingly touch him. -17/10
Monoma: I’m gonna say yes and if he ever finds out anyone from 1a doesn’t he will make fun of them for it for months. 9/10
Awase: I think so...he has a touch activated quirk so I hope so. 7/10
Kaibara: ok so he’s one of the 1b students I know less about but I’m going to say yes as well just a slightly less confident yes. 6/10
Kamakiri: yes...? Since his quirk makes blades I’d say that his parents probably taught him it was very important to have clean hands in case he accidentally cut himself or someone else (he doesn’t want to cause infections). 8/10
Kuroiro: I don’t know? Based on vibes I’d say 7/10
Shishida: oh absolutely. He’s said to be intellectual and polite when not in beast form so yes. 10/10
Shoda: yes. He’s the class vice rep and seems responsible so 8/10
Tsuburaba: the vibes he gives off say no, sorry :/ 4/10
Tetsutetsu: he gives off the same “he might not” vibes as Kirishima but I don’t think he was raised by lesbians so 5/10
Fukidashi: I’m gonna say yes. 7/10
Honenuki: ok so yes he does wash his hands after going to the bathroom but I feel like due to the nature of his quirk he’s likely to have little pieces of earth and stuff he softened on him most of the time. However bc this isn’t a ranking of how clean they are, he still gets a 9/10
Bondo: yes. Sweet boy. I feel like he often has sticky hands bc of his quirk, but again that’s not related and I think he actually washes them a lot probably. 9/10
Rin: probably. 7/10
Shinsou: uhhhh I’m gonna say yes? He seems like a pretty reasonable guy. 8/10
Mirio: oh god uh. I’d really like to think so. However I am not sure so 6/10
Tamaki: yeah. 9/10
Shigaraki: yk everyone’s expecting me to say no & yeah that makes sense but because his skin is so dry I think that when he has the chance he over washes and showers so like...6/10??
Dabi: if he does it’s only bc he’s worried about infecting his wounds, but I’m still gonna say no (I’m sorry I swear I actually rlly like dabi but I can’t lie to myself). 3/10
Kurogiri: see based on his personality I’d say yes but based on a certain revelation about uhh. Why he’s Like That (iykyk) I’d say that it really depends (sorry I can’t go into more detail than that without having to tag this post as spoilers and I rlly don’t want to do that so that as many people see my awful takes as possible). 5/10
Mr. Compress: my irrational grudge against him (which literally doesn’t make sense bc he kidnapped bakugou, whom I dislike, and marbled ov*rhaul, whom I dislike, ‘s arm. There is NO reason for me to dislike this man but every time I see him my brain is like “bitch.” Sorry mr compress I literally have no justification for disliking you) says no but realistically I think he probably would. 8/10
Twice: yes. 9/10
Spinner: has a debate with himself on whether stain would wash his hands after using the bathroom and can’t come up with an answer. 5/10
Stain: on the one hand I want to say yes but on the other hand he will literally ingest anyone’s blood without worrying if it will give him diseases (and like maybe that’s part of his quirk but if it is it isn’t explained)...6/10
Gentle Criminal: ok so I hate this bitch too (sorry ik he’s not that bad but I think the British accent made me go rabid) but I think he probably would as part of his gentleman character? 8/10
Overhaul: I hate the bitch but he hates germs so he would. At least his victims can take comfort in the fact that when he kills them he has very clean hands. 10/10
All might: hm. I’m gonna say yes most of the time but only bc I can imagine him doing a cheesy promotion video about hygiene and because David Shield and Sir Nighteye would undoubtedly beat his ass if he didn’t. 7/10
Present mic: yes I think??? He must spend a lot of time on his hair so I’m gonna go out on a limb and say he cares about personal hygiene. 8/10
Eraserhead: at first I was gonna be like “no <3” bc he gives off those vibes but then I thought that there’s a sink in the bathroom so he probably thinks it’s logical to use it. For that reason only aizawa stans are safe. 7/10
Kamui woods: ykw? No. If Mt. Lady ever finds this out she will clown on him for years probably. 3/10
Hawks: piss hands mc gee. 3/10
Gang orca: absolutely. King. He needs the water to hydrate anyways. 10/10
Tiger: yes. 10/10
Best jeanist: ...yes? Idk my brain says it would be funny if he claimed to be a fashion icon but then didn’t practice simple personal hygiene... 6/10
Gran Torino: no and every fact I learn about him makes me marvel at the fact that he isn’t dead yet (yes ik this isn’t an official fact but shhh). 1/10
Sir Nighteye: ok again based on his character I’d say yes, but how funny would it be if he didn’t. 7/10
Manual: yeah. 9/10
Endeavor: no. 0/10
Natsuo: Fuyumi would yell at him if he didn’t plus he’s in med school. 8/10
David Shield: this man is a globally respected scientist, and he has definitely made mistakes but not washing his hands after using the bathroom has never been one of them. 10/10
Can’t’cha-see-kun: yes and he’s DEVASTATED when he finds out that endeavor doesn’t (avsnsvsjwvjdbs yeah I only included this one as a joke) 9/10
Ok that’s not every bnha man but if I listed every bnha man this post would be way too long so I’m done for now <3
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daiseasy · 3 years
sakura’s character development
okay so sakura is one of the most hated anime characters, i went into naruto expecting to hate her but she ended up being one of my favorite characters. it really bothers me when people hate of her without understanding her characterization/character development so here’s why i think sakura is one of the best naruto characters. (although she’s my fav i’ve tried to be as objective and unbiased as possible)
part 1: land of waves arc
so even though i love sakura now, i will be the first person to admit that she was absolutely the worst in the first arc. first of all, she was quite mean to naruto and even made fun of him being an orphan in front of sasuke. additionally, she never helped during an of the fights, and was mostly just standing to the side. the most important thing to keep in mind here is that she is just 12 years old. as children, we all say bad things that we shouldn’t have said. i’m not trying to justify her comments, but i am saying is that it’s ridiculous to judge her entire character til adulthood for a lapse of judgment she made as a child. also, it’s the most natural thing for children to be afraid. no matter how much training you have, it can never fully prepare you for the actual thing. when compared to sasuke and naruto, she looks weak and pathetic. the thing is, sasuke and naruto both are extremely brave and have a huge amount of agency, thanks to their determination to each of there respective goals. if sakura wasn’t with them, she would appear as a normal 12 yo, not just as a useless addition to team 7.
part 2: chunin exam arc
this is the arc where we see sakura go through the most character development. we can see that she actively feels discontented with her performance on the last mission. during the chunin exam arc she tries to not hold back naruto and sasuke by standing up for herself. after they get attacked by orochimaru, sasuke and naruto are unconscious and sakura has to defend against 3 skilled sound ninja, while already exhausted and with limited chakra. she eventually gets help from inoshikacho but this is understandable given the circumstances. even they could only defeat the ninja by working together. in this scene, sakura is held by the enemies and cuts off her hair to get away. she gets a lot of criticism for this scene. her captor explicitly stated that if sakura tired to stab her, she would attack her. furthermore, this scene holds a lot of symbolism. sakura never used to cut her hair because of a rumor that sasuke liked girls with long hair. the act of her cutting her hair symbolizes her letting go of her childish selfishness and putting her team first.
part 3: kazekage rescue (sakura vs sasori)
this mission is where we really got to see how much everyone has improved, especially sakura under the training so tsunade. her main role is working with chiyo to defeat sasori. initially, she acts as as chiyo’s puppet to dodge and destroy sasori’s puppets. although at this point chiyo is doing most of the work, it is explicitly stated that this would not be possible without sakura’s physical abilities. after chiyo’s gets injured she is unable to properly guide sakura and sakura does more of the work. at this point neiji uses byakugan to monitor the fight and states that it is equally matched. let’s say that sakura is doing about 60% of the work, to even be 60% as strong as an extremely skilled and strong akatsuki member is a feat by itself. towards the end of the fight, sakura is doing most of the work because chiyo is extremely injured. she is often criticized for being chiyo’s puppet by people claiming that she isn’t doing anything, i would like to point out that at this point naruto was working with kakashi to defeat deidara, a weaker akatsuki member who ended up getting away.
part 4: her relationship with naruto
at first, sakura doesn’t like naruto, she thinks he’s an annoying no good troublemaker, she is by no means the only one who thinks like this (i believe this is partially because of the konoha’s treatment of him and also because she believes he is getting in the way of her and sasuke). after the go on more missions and she able to get past her preconceptions of him by going through major character development and seeing how determined and hard working he is. they both clearly care for each other, always expressing concern when the other is injured. she does hit him when he is doing something (she thinks) is wrong; this is added for comedic effect, a technique often used in anime. she even defends him when he’s not around, for example when sai said something mean about him when naruto was training to develop the rasen shuriken.
overall, sakura is often hated for because people overlook any and all of her accomplishments and character development. she is an amazingly strong medical ninja without whom many main characters would have died (sasuke, naruto, hinata, etc.) i would also like to point out that medical ninjas have different standards than regular ninjas, they don’t focus on strength or jutsu, their strength lies in healing and chakra. she is a strong loyal friend who is not afraid to back down from a challenge and is able to stay calm in high stress situations. even if you don’t like her character, a least acknowledge her development and strength and the fact that she isn’t useless, she’s merely human. at the very least please leave sakura stans alone and don’t give them shit for liking her just cause you don’t.
sorry that this was really long but anytime i try to talk about this i am immediately shut down. it’s okay if you don’t read this all it was mostly just for me to rant (also i’m only at the pain vs naruto fight so please do not spoil anything)
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