#I use a lot of their shaders bc Frames 🫢
candycryptids · 4 months
‘How Does Your Journey End’ [Quiz]
I got tagged by @archaiclumina !!! thank you 🥰‼️✨
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You know where you belong
The adventure involving swords, blood and gold may be over, but the one with your new-found friends has only just begun. Home, once dull and boring is now alight with laughter and joy as you find love in the little things. You love your friends and your friends love you.
Fairly accurate I’d say! After EW I think Ishi settles down for a little bit with Kizuna, for a (somewhat forced by Ishi) vacation from being in the worlds spotlight (they cultivate an Island Sanctuary together with minimal Mammets uwu) but I think they’re both too restless and prone to wanderlust to fully retire from adventuring lmfao. After all, Kizuna is still drawn to helping and saving people, and evil/trouble isn’t going to take a vacation either.
Though they’d both probably love the chance to go back to being no-name nobodies, doing small scale low-stakes quests… something less stressful than the fate of the shard hanging in the balance maybe…
Gonna tag a few people I think would enjoy this! But no stress, pressure, obligation, etc! This is just for fun uvu;! (Also if you’d rather not be tagged in future stuff lemme know I’ll make a note ! OvO) @cindernet-explorer @verysmallcyborg @oneiroy @mythandral
@sjofn-lofnsdottr @cadrenebula
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